Re: T5: select updating in form?

2008-10-08 Thread photos



I have a select dropdown that will determine what is displayed in a
second dropdown.  Both of these are in a form.

Am I correct in thinking that this cannot be done using Zones (I seem
to recall a recent posting that said it was not possible if it's
inside a form).

In that case, how can I do it?  I have looked on the wiki howtos but
can't seem to find any examples.


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Re: T5: select updating in form?

2008-10-08 Thread photos

Further to this, I can see it can be done using two forms, but that  
isn't very nice.

As this is such a common requirement (and one that I used without  
problems in an application using Tapestry 3) I am somewhat surprised  
that there are no examples offered as to how to do this in Tapestry 5.

Further information would be much appreciated.



Quoting Ulrich Stärk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Do a form submit upon selecting something in the first dropdown, then
render the second dropdown according to the selection made. And vote for

Thanks, but I must be doing something wrong as I cannot get this to
work (ignore the fact I have only one select dropdown on here for now):

form t:type=form
Name Space: select 
t:id=tagSelect t:type=select t:model=nsBases t:value=nsBase
t:encoder=nsBases t:blankOption=NEVER/select
input type=submit value=Search/


void onSelectedFromTagSelect()

How can I tell the submit comes from the select?  I thought this would
have worked but...?

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Re: T5: select updating in form?

2008-10-08 Thread photos

Quoting Ulrich Stärk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Come on, you could really invest some mental effort instead of asking us
to do your work... It's not working out of the box, that much is clear.
But you don't have to use two forms either...

Thanks for the example Uli. Contrary to what you may think, I did you  
my brain. However, when I get stuck and a solution doesn't seem  
obvious and there are no examples to be found and I've spent a day on  
the problem then I have to resort to asking on this list (which is one  
of its purposes - or, at least, I thought so).

Your help much appreciated,

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T5: select updating in form?

2008-10-07 Thread photos

I have a select dropdown that will determine what is displayed in a  
second dropdown.  Both of these are in a form.

Am I correct in thinking that this cannot be done using Zones (I seem  
to recall a recent posting that said it was not possible if it's  
inside a form).

In that case, how can I do it?  I have looked on the wiki howtos but  
can't seem to find any examples.


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Re: T5: select list?

2008-10-06 Thread photos


Quoting Ulrich Stärk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Select is what you want. The HTML specs specify a size attribute for the
select HTML element which indicates how many entries should be displayed
at a time. size=1 (default) would be a dropdown list.



Am Mo, 6.10.2008, 11:33, schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is there no such thing as a Select List in T5?

I see pallete and select, but they aren't suitable (I have a long
list of data that I want selectable - only one selection at a time -
in a scrolling list).


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T5: select list?

2008-10-06 Thread photos

Is there no such thing as a Select List in T5?

I see pallete and select, but they aren't suitable (I have a long  
list of data that I want selectable - only one selection at a time -  
in a scrolling list).


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T5: return Index.class problem

2008-09-26 Thread photos


I am implementing an access controller as specified in the Wiki HOW-TOs

On a logout ActionLink I do:

return Index.class;

In the past this has been working fine. Today I tried using the link  
and I get an exception:

[ERROR] TapestryModule.RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request  
failed with uncaught exception: Parameter pageName was null or  
contained only whitespace.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter pageName was null or  
contained only whitespace.

It appears that returning Index.class is now giving the URL / rather  
than /Index and the code in AccessController.checkAccess() effectively  
calls Component page = componentSource.getPage(/);

Any ideas on why this behaviour might have changed (the only thing  
I've been working on has been adding Spring bean injection and changes  
to web.xml as specified in the Wiki HOW-TO.


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Re: T5: return Index.class problem

2008-09-26 Thread photos

Quoting Filip S. Adamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


This was changed between 5.0.14 and 5.0.15 and subsequently reverted in
5.0.16. See


Ok, thanks.  That will be why.


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T5: config problem with move to 5.0.15

2008-09-25 Thread photos
This is probably some silly problem and it isn't really Tapestry  
related (sorry :-(  ), but I'm getting so flummoxed I thought I'd ask  

I deleted my .m2 repository and changed the POM to get Tap 5.0.15 plus  
added a dependency to get tapestry-spring. In Eclipse I then did a  
Maven update, cleaned and rebuilt my project. Now I get lots of errors  
caused by javax.persistance not being available instead of my  
beautifully building system.

Any ideas?  Which jar file is this located in (I know it comes with  
J2EE, but I've been using jdk1.6 and it appears not to be there, so it  
must have d/l'ded with something else via Maven...)

FWIW, here is my dependency section:

- dependencies
- dependency
- !--
 A dependency on either JUnit or TestNG is required, or the surefire  
plugin (which runs the tests)
will fail, preventing Maven from packaging the WAR. Tapestry includes  
a large number
of testing facilities designed for use with TestNG  
(, so it's recommended.

- dependency
- dependency
- dependency
- dependency
- dependency
- dependency
- dependency
- dependency

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Re: T5 : [ANN] The book - (Index Appendices)

2008-09-04 Thread photos
I know this is very early in the piece, but what do you intend to do  
about indexing the book?

The Kolesnikov Tapestry book has one of the worst indexes I've ever  
come across and stands as a good example of how not to do it.

Having a good index is a very important part of any successful  
technical book. Indexing a book well is a non-trivial matter and  
shouldn't just be a last minute thought.

I'd also suggest a good set of Appendices - one, at least, should list  
the components and what parameters they take.

Anyway, something to think about.


Quoting Alex Kotchnev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I've created a new project for the proposed book at , and posted the proposed table of
contents at . Now
that I'm looking at it, it's a little disappointing as the TOC doesn't
really have anything new in it (e.g. some of it is covered in tutorials,
other is in the project docs, etc). However, I guess that the content really
can't be all that different - it's all about building web apps, covering the
same materials as the other documentation. In the end, I think that the book
will be different from the other existing documents based on its style and
breadth of content, and not so much in the topics it covers.

Anyway, I would like to create a mailing list and add everyone who has
expressed an interest in contributing to the book. Unfortunately, Google
Code doesn't have mailng lists, so I'll probably have to look around for
that (Nabble, maybe?). Any suggestions would be welcome here.

In terms of moving the proposed TOC forward, here are some of my next steps
1. Attribute the main sections of the project documentation into possible
chapters in the book.
2. Discuss feedback from this list on the content of the proposed TOC : e.g.
any alternative ideas on how to organize the book, changes to the proposed
chapter titles, order, etc.

It would be great if there are any volunteers to investigate some of the
issues that were discussed previously in the thread below, I'll probably
post the needed tasks somewhere on the wiki as well.

When we get our mailing list set up, I think that individuals or groups of
individuals can claim ownership of each chapter (and thus get voting
rights on the TOC, chapter layout, further modifications, etc.


Alex Kotchnev

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 4:59 AM, Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Alex Kotchnev wrote:

Would there be any value to having a top-level domain for the book (e.g. or something like that), or can we find it a home for
book somewhere under the Tapestry namespace ?

A top-level domain should brink more visibility to the effort. Also, in the
future we could probably spend some of the monetary payback to pay for the
domain and some hosting solution so that we could include the live version
of the book application and other cool stuff.
Still, for now i think we can live with a project on some project hosting
site where we can host the book files and wiki.

A note on the potential mode for governing decisions : I was thinking that
in the next couple of days, I'll post a list of possible chapters to
in the book. Then, we can collect a first set of volunteers for people
ownership of each chapter. After the initial set of volunteers, the
owners will vote on addition of new chapters and giving ownership of
chapters to new contributors (if needed).

Shouldn't the outline be already created in a tapestry-book wiki ?
We could decide on where to host it and then move the discussion to the
dedicated list and use its wiki for the outline.

 On whether the book would cover additional libraries (e.g. chennilekit,

t5components): I think that after we get to a good place where we have
enough content on the core we can probably spend some time on those as
possibly with contributions from the project owners. Conceptually, it
be impossible to include all 3rd party / contrib libraries in the book (or
it will always be incomplete) . I guess my point is that I think we'd want
to describe Tapestry and most essential additions (e.g. t5-hibernate,
t5-spring, etc).

While it's true that if we go down the line of including third party
libraries it will always be incomplete and maybe unfair to some i think it
would be important to cover the ones that we consider the most used. We
could go with a voting process where each one would say the top 2 or 3 third
party libraries in his opinion. The top 2 or 3 would get included in the


Alex Kotchnev

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo 

Em Tue, 26 Aug 2008 23:30:41 -0300, Alex Kotchnev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Here are a couple of the next steps that I think would be useful in

the effort forward:

Nice! I was thinking of posting a similar set of questions here . . . :)


Re: Problem with aso - a further query

2008-09-03 Thread photos

Quoting Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You have two ways of setting the currUser DAO:

1. Copy fields from one object to another.
Just add this to your code:


You don't have to assign the currUser field. That will the done for you
by Tapestry.

2. Declare the ASO like this:

private User currUser;

assign the field like this:

currUser = u;

In which case I am getting confused reading this thread because I have  
not done it that way and it works (unlike that for the OP):

public class Index


private User user;


Object onSubmitFromLoginForm()
Class nextPage = null;
		User authenticatedUser =  
Security.getSecurity().authenticate(userName, password, session);

if (authenticatedUser != null)

if (authenticatedUser.getRole() == User.Role.admin)
nextPage = Administration.class;

nextPage = UserAdministration.class;

user= authenticatedUser;


So why does this work?  Or am I getting myself confused - to me it  
looks like my code and that of the OP work in the same way, and yet I  
can see why it shouldn't work...

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T5: onActivate exception query

2008-08-29 Thread photos

I don't quite understand why the following does not work and produces:

TapestryModule.RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed  
with uncaught exception: Exception in method (at,  
parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to type java.lang.Integer  
(via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed: For input string:  
org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException: Exception in  
method (at, parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to  
type java.lang.Integer (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed:  
For input string: bl_red_hundred.gif


I have a template which containes a reference to a gif used in the  
banner (BLTemplate.tml):

html xmlns:t=;
titleDigital Portal: ${heading}/title
div class=nav-top style=background: #CF; float:left;  
height:125px; width:5%;

img src=bl_red_hundred.gif alt=bl /
div style=background: #CF; float:right; height:125px; width:95%

div style=height:100%;

This template is used for all my pages (in this case EditUser.tml):

html t:type=BLTemplate t:heading=literal:Edit User Details
t:title=literal:Edit User 

ph3Edit user details./h3/p

This page is called from a link produced by the Grid component (in  

	t:grid t:source=allUsers t:reorder=userName  
t:exclude=id,password t:row=listItem

t:parameter t:name=userNameCell
t:PageLink t:page=editUser

and has an onActivate with a parameter:

public void onActivate(int id)
Query query = session.createQuery(from User where id = 
List result = query.list();
user = (User)result.get(0);

Why is the GIF name being passed in initially?  The page still works,  
so the id is being set to that given by the link from ManageUsers.tml.  
The exception is generated but it continues on to display the page.

However, I have a Cancel button on the EditUser page, and when I press  
that the whole lot fails with a coercion error, this time trying to  
take the name of the page from the Cancel button and pass it as a  


input type=button id=cancelButton value=Cancel  

producing exception:

Exception in method (at, parameter #1: Coercion of Administration to type  
java.lang.Integer (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed: For  
input string: Administration

What is going on and why does this happen? It's only happening for  
this page which has an onActivate with a parameter. All my other pages  
work as expected.


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Re: T5: onActivate exception query

2008-08-29 Thread photos

Thanks for the fast reply Martijn; that fixed the GIF asset.

However, I am still having problems with the Cancel button. I can  
reference the Administration page as an asset, but obviously it then  
does not get processed by Tapestry.

Thoughts, anyone?

 input type=button id=cancelButton value=Cancel


Quoting Martijn Brinkers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I think the following happens

The gif is requested by your page because of the IMG so the GET for the
IMG looks something like


Now you page assumes this is your activation context and tries to
convert it to int (which it's not).

I think you can solve this by adding an image Asset. Another option I
think would be to not request the image relative to your page but from
for example the /images subir (make sure the request if relative with
respect to you app root and not absolute).

I guess the other problem is related.

Martijn Brinkers

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 11:23 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't quite understand why the following does not work and produces:

TapestryModule.RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed
with uncaught exception: Exception in method (at,
parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to type java.lang.Integer
(via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed: For input string:
org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException: Exception in
method (at, parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to
type java.lang.Integer (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed:
For input string: bl_red_hundred.gif

I have a template which containes a reference to a gif used in the
banner (BLTemplate.tml):

html xmlns:t=;
 titleDigital Portal: ${heading}/title
 div class=nav-top style=background: #CF; float:left;
height:125px; width:5%;
img src=bl_red_hundred.gif alt=bl /
 	div style=background: #CF; float:right; height:125px;   


div style=height:100%;

This template is used for all my pages (in this case EditUser.tml):

html t:type=BLTemplate t:heading=literal:Edit User Details
t:title=literal:Edit User 

 ph3Edit user details./h3/p

This page is called from a link produced by the Grid component (in

t:grid t:source=allUsers t:reorder=userName
t:exclude=id,password t:row=listItem
t:parameter t:name=userNameCell
t:PageLink t:page=editUser

and has an onActivate with a parameter:

public void onActivate(int id)
Query query = session.createQuery(from User where id = 
List result = query.list();
user = (User)result.get(0);

Why is the GIF name being passed in initially?  The page still works,
so the id is being set to that given by the link from ManageUsers.tml.
The exception is generated but it continues on to display the page.

However, I have a Cancel button on the EditUser page, and when I press
that the whole lot fails with a coercion error, this time trying to
take the name of the page from the Cancel button and pass it as a


input type=button id=cancelButton value=Cancel

producing exception:

Exception in method (at, parameter #1: Coercion of Administration to type
java.lang.Integer (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed: For
input string: Administration

What is going on and why does this happen? It's only happening for
this page which has an onActivate with a parameter. All my other pages
work as expected.


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Re: T5: onActivate exception query

2008-08-29 Thread photos


I was just about to reply and say I solved it.  Missing slash in the  
location.href.  The following works:

input type=button id=cancelButton value=Cancel  

thanks for your help.


Quoting Martijn Brinkers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm not sure but I thinks it's a similar problem. It looks like
Administration is interpreted as the context.

If you want to cancel the page it's easier to use the t5Component Button

Add t5Component jar to you project (see and add this to
the .tml:

button t:type=t5components/Button type=button

And add an event handler in your page:

protected Object onCancel()
  return Administration.class; // The Page to redirect to

Martijn Brinkers

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 12:09 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the fast reply Martijn; that fixed the GIF asset.

However, I am still having problems with the Cancel button. I can
reference the Administration page as an asset, but obviously it then
does not get processed by Tapestry.

Thoughts, anyone?

  input type=button id=cancelButton value=Cancel


Quoting Martijn Brinkers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I think the following happens

 The gif is requested by your page because of the IMG so the GET for the
 IMG looks something like


 Now you page assumes this is your activation context and tries to
 convert it to int (which it's not).

 I think you can solve this by adding an image Asset. Another option I
 think would be to not request the image relative to your page but from
 for example the /images subir (make sure the request if relative with
 respect to you app root and not absolute).

 I guess the other problem is related.

 Martijn Brinkers

 On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 11:23 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't quite understand why the following does not work and produces:

 TapestryModule.RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed
 with uncaught exception: Exception in method (at,
 parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to type java.lang.Integer
 (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed: For input string:
 org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException: Exception in
 method (at, parameter #1: Coercion of bl_red_hundred.gif to
 type java.lang.Integer (via String -- Long, Long -- Integer) failed:
 For input string: bl_red_hundred.gif


 I have a template which containes a reference to a gif used in the
 banner (BLTemplate.tml):

 html xmlns:t=;
  titleDigital Portal: ${heading}/title
  div class=nav-top style=background: #CF; float:left;
 height:125px; width:5%;
img src=bl_red_hundred.gif alt=bl /
div style=background: #CF; float:right; height:125px;

div style=height:100%;

 This template is used for all my pages (in this case EditUser.tml):

 html t:type=BLTemplate t:heading=literal:Edit User Details
t:title=literal:Edit User 

  ph3Edit user details./h3/p

 This page is called from a link produced by the Grid component (in

t:grid t:source=allUsers t:reorder=userName
 t:exclude=id,password t:row=listItem
t:parameter t:name=userNameCell
t:PageLink t:page=editUser

 and has an onActivate with a parameter:

public void onActivate(int id)
Query query = session.createQuery(from User where id = 
List result = query.list();
user = (User)result.get(0);

 Why is the GIF name being passed in initially?  The page still works,
 so the id is being set to that given by the link from ManageUsers.tml.
 The exception is generated but it continues on to display the page.

 However, I have a Cancel button on the EditUser page, and when I press
 that the whole lot fails with a coercion error, this time trying to
 take the name of the page from the Cancel button and pass it as a


Re: T5 : Let's write a book !

2008-08-27 Thread photos

Have the book printed by Lulu. In the Lulu project set the Royalties  
to 0. Then when a copy is bought the customer will be paying for the  
printing only. No royalties will be paid.

As the book is unlikely to sell tens of thousands of copies the amount  
of money generated by royalties would be miniscule per contributor and  
not worth considering.

Dispensing with royalties also keeps the book cost down.

The advantage of Lulu is that you can upload a PDF of the book - you  
don't have to use some silly proprietry book software.


Quoting Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I also agree with the DocBook format.

A have question thought, if the plan is to publish the book in a
printed paid version there's obviously going to be income from this
effort. How will that work being the book a result of community effort
? Where will the money go to ?

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T5: Form cancellation query

2008-08-27 Thread photos

I have a form on a page and I have two buttons: Submit and Cancel. I  
have handlers for both. However, because I need two of the fields to  
be required, the client side checking never allows my handlers to be  
called if no values are inserted in the fields and the user presses  

How do you achieve the Cancel functionality with required fields?


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Re: T5: Query regarding .tml file location

2008-08-26 Thread photos

Thanks Howard.

My environment is that which is provided when Maven pulls in the files  
when doing the tutorial. I'm trying this in a bare bones Tapestry  


Quoting Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

It probably means that your build is not deploying the .tml file with
the rest of the web application. We need more information about your

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 6:58 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Tapestry website says:

Under a typical Maven directory structure, the Java class for a component
might be src/main/java/org/example/myapp/components/ The
corresponding template will be

Likewise, the Java class for a page might be
src/main/java/org/example/myapp/pages/ and the corresponding
template will be src/main/resources/org/example/myapp/pages/MyPage.tml.

However, placing my Index.tml page file in such a location doesn't work; it
only works when it is placed in the webapp directory. Why is that?  Has
something changed since this was written?


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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Form validation question

2008-08-06 Thread photos
From reading the documentation I am under the impression that during  
form submission a VALIDATE_FORM event is emitted once. However, I  
observe onValidate() being called for every component in the form, the  
value from the component not being set until *after* onValidate has  
apparently been called on that component. For instance, I have  
username and password fields (with values typed in of admin,  
admin), and I get during onValidate():

on validate: null / null
on validate: admin / null

I would have thought it was called just once and would have all values  
set. What is going on and what am I not understanding here?


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[T5]: label not being picked up

2008-07-29 Thread photos

Sorry for another newbie question :-)  but why does:

t:label t:for=userNamethe name of the user/t:label
input type=text t:id=userName
t:type=TextField t:value=userName/

print the name of the user rather than User Name like it does in  
the Kolesnikov book?


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[T5]: form submission broken?

2008-07-29 Thread photos
Again, I'm trying to follow what is in the Kolesnikov book and I can't  
get it to work:


t:form t:id=newUserForm

td colspan=2 align=left
		input type=submit t:type=submit t:id=submitButton  




private Class nextPage;

void onSubmitButton()
System.out.println(submit pressed);
nextPage = Administration.class;

Object onSubmitFromNewUserForm()
System.out.println(form submitted);

return nextPage;

onSubmitButton is never called. All I see is the output form submitted.

what's going on? From reading the component Events section on the T5  
website it looks like I have got this right.


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Re: Access control with dispatchers and annotations

2008-07-29 Thread photos

I've been trying to use the same code.

The problem lies apparently in the fact that the class returned by  
getAnnotation is not Private but a proxy...

page anno class=$Proxy40

Quoting Moritz Gmelin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I think there is a bug in the Wiki. Try this instead

Component page = componentSource.getPage(pageName);
Private prvAnnot = page.getClass().getAnnotation(

when your Annotation is called Private of course.
You'll get the annotation if it was present on the page or NULL  otherwise.


Am 29.07.2008 um 13:41 schrieb Carl Crowder:


I'm trying to create an access control system using a dispatcher as
described on the wiki page.

I'm following this:
So that I can use an annotation to declare which pages need a logged- in

It checks the meta-data in the component model for a key called
private but it is not being added in my code. As far as I can tell,
there is no place where annotations on the type get converted into
meta-data. Am I missing something? Or do I need to implement my own
ClassTransformWorker to do this?


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Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - session is null

2008-07-28 Thread photos

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is the hibernate service initialized at all? When Tapestry starts it lists
all known services, is Hibernate in that list?

 - 99

It looks like it:

   FieldValidationSupport: DEFINED
  FieldValidatorDefaultSource: DEFINED
 FieldValidatorSource: DEFINED
  FormSupport: DEFINED
HibernateEntityPackageManager: DEFINED
  HibernateSessionManager: DEFINED
   HibernateSessionSource: DEFINED
HibernateTransactionDecorator: DEFINED
 HiddenFieldLocationRules: DEFINED
   HttpServletRequest: DEFINED
HttpServletRequestHandler: VIRTUAL
   IgnoredPathsFilter: DEFINED
InjectionProvider: DEFINED
   InternalRequestGlobals: VIRTUAL
  LinkFactory: DEFINED

I still haven't figured out what is going on. I see no evidence of  
Hibernate ever being called. Are any Hibernate services missing from  
the above list?


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Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - session is null

2008-07-28 Thread photos


at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(

at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
Caused by: org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException [at  

line 7, column 28]


at org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.Form.onAction(

... 50 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
... 61 more

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

[Hide Quoted Text]

Check also that you have the mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar or similar in
your libraries.

I have the following list:
FieldValidatorSource: DEFINED
  FormSupport: DEFINED
FreeMarkerService: DEFINED
   FulfillmentDAO: DEFINED
 GoogleMapService: DEFINED
HibernateEntityPackageManager: DEFINED
  HibernateSessionManager: DEFINED
   HibernateSessionSource: DEFINED
HibernateTransactionDecorator: DEFINED
 HiddenFieldLocationRules: DEFINED
 HiveMind: DEFINED
   HttpServletRequest: DEFINED
HttpServletRequestHandler: VIRTUAL
   IgnoredPathsFilter: DEFINED

So that one should be ok. Is the page that you are testing with _really_
calling session.something? Tapestry lazy loads everything so Hibernate is
not really initialized without the call. Can we have the stack trace?

- 99

photos-4 wrote:

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is the hibernate service initialized at all

Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - thank you!

2008-07-28 Thread photos
  HttpServletRequest: DEFINED
   HttpServletRequestHandler: VIRTUAL
  IgnoredPathsFilter: DEFINED

So that one should be ok. Is the page that you are testing with _really_
calling session.something? Tapestry lazy loads everything so Hibernate is
not really initialized without the call. Can we have the stack trace?

- 99

photos-4 wrote:

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is the hibernate service initialized at all? When Tapestry starts it
all known services, is Hibernate in that list?

- 99

It looks like it:

   FieldValidationSupport: DEFINED
  FieldValidatorDefaultSource: DEFINED
 FieldValidatorSource: DEFINED
  FormSupport: DEFINED
HibernateEntityPackageManager: DEFINED
  HibernateSessionManager: DEFINED
   HibernateSessionSource: DEFINED
HibernateTransactionDecorator: DEFINED
 HiddenFieldLocationRules: DEFINED
   HttpServletRequest: DEFINED
HttpServletRequestHandler: VIRTUAL
   IgnoredPathsFilter: DEFINED
InjectionProvider: DEFINED
   InternalRequestGlobals: VIRTUAL
  LinkFactory: DEFINED

I still haven't figured out what is going on. I see no evidence of
Hibernate ever being called. Are any Hibernate services missing from
the above list?


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with regards
Sven Homburg

best regards

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Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - session is null

2008-07-25 Thread photos

I'm using Eclipse. The XML config appears in target/classes and  
appears to be in the classpath.

I'm afraid I'm rather new to Tap 5 and also to Hibernate. I'm just  
following what is in the Tutorial. Unfortunately the session is still  
coming out as null.

Is there anywhere I can see that Tapestry is actually using Hibernate  
as a service?  I get the following in the console when I start my  

HibernateEntityPackageManager: DEFINED
  HibernateSessionManager: DEFINED
   HibernateSessionSource: DEFINED
HibernateTransactionDecorator: DEFINED

Quoting Andreas Andreou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Perhaps hibernate.cfg.xml isn't in your runtime classpath?
Are you sure your IDE includes it to the output?

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 6:09 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am following the tutorial at

but I find that the session (supposedly injected) is null. I'm not sure how
to proceed.

Could someone point me to documents/better tutorials on how to use Tapestry
with Hibernate?


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Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting

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Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - session is null

2008-07-25 Thread photos

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Check that the

private Session session;

session is org.hibernate.Session.

- 99

It is.  I notice that when I switch on the mysql log that no attempt  
is ever made to
access the db. Is there any kind of logging I can switch on from  
Tapestry (or maybe
Hibernate) to tell me what is going on?  (I am quite sure the xml file  
is correct and in
the classpath, so I am running out of ideas! Although it must be  
something simple as

these things usually are). session is always null when this code is run.

Code and XML below:


import java.util.List;

import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;


public class Security
private Session session;

private final static Security security = new Security();

public User authenticate(String userName, String password)

List result = session.createCriteria(User.class).list();

return null;

public static Security getSecurity()
return security;

XML hibernate.cfg.xml is in src/main/resources:

!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN;

property name=hibernate.connection.usernameroot/property
property name=hibernate.connection.passwordadmin/property
property name=hbm2ddl.autoupdate/property
property name=hibernate.show_sqltrue/property
property name=hibernate.format_sqltrue/property

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Re: [T5]: Hibernate question - session is null

2008-07-25 Thread photos

Thanks for your help, but so far no joy:

Quoting 9902468 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And of course, check that you have Hibernate and hibernate  
annotation in your libraries, they are NOT included automatically  
by maven if maven is used.

The libraries appear in my repository and appear under sources in  
the Eclipse Run Configuration.

Tapestry should be quite verbose about hibernate if tapestry is configured to
run in debug mode:


I placed -Dtapestry.production-mode=false on the command line, which,  
according to the docs, does the same thing.

I see no output about Hibernate at all. It never gets mentioned...

Also see that your entities are in correct place (same root package as pages
and components, in entities package.)


looks ok to me.

Also perhaps use org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect to support foreign
keys? (Change to hibernate config.)

You should be able to see that Hibernate starts in the logs and maps User
etc. classes.

Remember to configure your Log4J or what ever logging u use to debug.

I added some lines to to turn on hibernate logging  
(debug), but I see no output - just the usual Tapestry debug output  
that I've seen before.

I'm really stumped... :-(  Hibernate never gets called and yet  
everything appears to be in place.


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re [t5]: testing for null number

2008-07-24 Thread photos

Can someone knowledgable please comment on my query from yesterday?

I notice that t:if coerces number objects (Long, Integer, etc) and  
tests for zero or
non-zero.  I want to test for null or not null using a number data  
type. Is there any way

to do this?


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[T5]: Hibernate question

2008-07-24 Thread photos

I am following the tutorial at

but I find that the session (supposedly injected) is null. I'm not  
sure how to proceed.

Could someone point me to documents/better tutorials on how to use  
Tapestry with Hibernate?


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[t5]: testing for null number

2008-07-23 Thread photos

I notice that t:if coerces number objects (Long, Integer, etc) and  
tests for zero or non-zero.  I want to test for null or not null using  
a number data type. Is there any way to do this?

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[t5] remove in grid not working

2008-07-22 Thread photos

remove does not appear to work:

t:grid t:source=allDigitalItems t:reorder=article, issue,title  
t:remove=id t:row=listItem

t:parameter t:name=articleCell
t:PageLink t:page=details

I have looked for previous advice on this and someone said that  
exclude should be used instead (without saying why).  Well,  
exclude is not listed in:

I have tried it and it does work.

Would anyone care to comment on why remove has been removed and  
exclude is not listed.  Is it a direct replacement (or renaming), or  
does it have different functionality?

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T5: to t:page or not to t:page?

2008-07-21 Thread photos
I am using the new book on Tapestry 5 by Alexander Kolesnikov and I  
notice that there is a subtle difference between the Tapestry web  
Tutorial and what is in the book:

t:PageLink t:page=...

t:PageLink page=...

I noticed that when doing

t:form t:id=...

that the t: for id was required or my onSubmitXXX method was not called.

Can someone please explain why t: is required for parameters and, if  
that is the case, why is it missing in examples in the Tutorial?

Also, where is there anywhere I can see what tags are defined for TML  
and what they do.


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Re: new user help required

2008-05-08 Thread photos

Thank you Christian and Jonathan for your quick replies.

I'm not using Jetty Runner - I did install JettyLoader. I'm running  
Jetty from Maven command line because, as I recall, that is what is in  
the Tutorial. Anyway, the observed reloading behaviour is fine - I did  
suspect that perhaps only template changes show up automagically but  
thanks for the confirmation.

Exactly what step in the tutorial did you carry out between working and


Chapter 3 in creating the GameOver page towards the end of the  
chapter. While the other @Property worked fine earlier in the  
tutorial, as soon as I added this page the other bits of code it no  
longer liked @Property. I tried reverting everything back but it still  
doesn't like it. I got the error from the link on the first page of  
HiLo, so I didn't even get as far as executing the new GameOver code.  
I had thought of just using the g/s instead, but that would be giving  
up; especially as @Property was working fine!


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