RE: problem with data input

2008-01-10 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:18 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > If you have the time to walk me through this could you
> > direct me on where and how I turn on debugging for the
> > webapp and/or the database?
> Sorry, all that depends on the actual webapp and the DB 
> you're using. Might be time to hire a consultant...

When you refer to "webapp" are you talking about Tomcat or Java or
something else?  The database is a MySQL database.  MySQL, Java, Tomcat
are all running on the same server.

If there is a consultant that could look at this I would welcome the
opportunity to talk with them.

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-10 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:00 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > I have checked the WEB-INF/lib for other duplicated .jar
> > files.  I have not seen any.
> Good.
> > What is the next step for troubleshooting the problem?
> You'll need to trace what's going on in the webapp and the 
> database when attempts are made to update the area in 
> question.  Your DB most likely has some form of debugging 
> capability that you can enable, hopefully with some filtering 
> capability that will avoid generating tons of irrelevant 
> traces.  Also, if there's any debugging or logging built into 
> the webapp of interest, turn that on.  If all else fails, put 
> logging (or print) statements in the webapp to see what's 
> really going on when this particular kind of data is being 
> entered.  The webapp could be generating ill-formed SQL, 
> sending it to the DB, and eating any exceptions generated; 
> many other failure modes are also possible, but you'll need 
> information from within the webapp and DB to find out what.
Ok, I understand about getting more information on this.  However, I
lack the knowledge to go about doing so without some assistance.  This
is a system that I have inherited and that I just marginally understand.
I can work through the steps necessary to do what you are talking about
but I do not know what those steps are, where to go to do them or how to
go about doing them without some guidance.  If you have the time to walk
me through this could you direct me on where and how I turn on debugging
for the webapp and/or the database?

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-10 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:30 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 5:02 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > So I can look in
> > /usr/local/tomcat/common/lib and any duplicates of those in 
> > /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/lib I will remove.
> > 
> > Am I thinking about this correctly?
> Yes.  Just remember this is getting rid of the noise so we 
> can better find the cause of the real problem, since I doubt 
> this is it.
> Thought I would log on from home and check the mail list.  I 
> will look at this first thing when I get in.  Once I clear 
> those up what should be the next thing to do?

I have checked the WEB-INF/lib for other duplicated .jar files.  I have
not seen any.  What is the next step for troubleshooting the problem?

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 5:02 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: problem with data input
> From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> So I can look in
> /usr/local/tomcat/common/lib and any duplicates of those in
> /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/lib I will remove.  
> Am I thinking about this correctly? 

Yes.  Just remember this is getting rid of the noise so we can better
find the cause of the real problem, since I doubt this is it.

Thought I would log on from home and check the mail list.  I will look at this 
first thing when I get in.  Once I clear those up what should be the next thing 
to do?

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:21 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > So If there is a jar not loaded where should it be?
> No one said there was a jar not being loaded - just that you 
> have at least one jar in WEB-INF/lib that should be removed.  
> Tomcat usually figures out that it should ignore such 
> duplications, but in the interests of getting things as clean 
> as possible so the real problem can be uncovered, get rid of 
> it.

Ok, I understand now.  I have removed "servlet-api-2.3.jar" from

>  If you find any others in WEB-INF/lib that appear to be 
> duplicates of ones in Tomcat's common/lib or server/lib 
> directories, the extra ones in WEB-INF/lib should be 
> discarded as well (ask first if you're not comfortable doing 
> so on your own).
There are a tub load of "jar" files in that directory.  So I can look in
/usr/local/tomcat/common/lib and any duplicates of those in
/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/lib I will remove.  However, I do
not want to remove anything without knowing which ones first so I will
ask: Am I thinking about this correctly? 

I appreciate your time and efforts assisting me.  I am at the end of my
shift so I will not be able to reply until tomorrow to any other posts
on this but would appreciate the opportunity to continue with this
tomorrow.  I will look for any new posts first thing.


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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 3:37 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > > > running in Apache Tomcat
> > > 
> > > No such level; what are you really running?  Also, what OS
> > > and what JVM?
> > 
> > I am not sure then what version of Tomcat.  How can I find this 
> > information?
> You just did, in your message below.  Note that 5.5.15 !=
> > Using CATALINA_BASE:   /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15
> > Using CATALINA_HOME:   /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15
> > Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/temp
> > Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_04
> > What is JVM?
> Java Virtual Machine.  You have level 1.5.0_04 installed.
> > How can I check to see if they are making it to the database server?
> Usually by turning on traces on the db server or using 
> something like Wireshark to watch the network traffic between 
> your Tomcat and db server boxes.
Ok, the MySQL database resides on the same server as Java and Tomcat.  I
ran netstat -an about two hours ago and saw this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# netstat -an
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
tcp0  0*
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tcp0  0*
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
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tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0
tcp0  0

RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 3:33 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > validateJarFile(/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/lib/
> > servlet-api-2.3.jar) - jar not loaded.
> No servlet-api jar should be part of a webapp.  The servlet 
> API classes are provided by Tomcat (and every other app 
> server on the market).  Take it out of WEB-INF/lib; also 
> remove any other jars from WEB-INF/lib that are versions of 
> ones Tomcat provides.
> > Jan 7, 2008 7:48:09 AM org.keel.clients.KeelClientUtil getLogger
> > WARNING: Unable to locate file - using default 
> > settings
> Who provides org.keel.clients?  You may need to be talking to them.
All of the Tomcat, Java, org.keel., etc. was developed in house by a guy
who is no longer here.  He created everything that is currently in
place.  I do not have access to him in order to address these issues so
that leaves me trying to explore this without really knowing what the
heck I am doing.  I know enough about this stuff to tell you things that
are probably not necessarily so (i.e. the version of Tomcat we are
running).  So basically you are talking to a novice in terms of all of
this.  Prior to Monday things were working without any glitches.  I do
not know what might have occurred Monday to change things but something
happened.  I do not have enough knowledge to know what I am seeing let
alone where to see it.

Ughhh.  So If there is a jar not loaded where should it be?  How do I
see it and/or go fix what may be broken in order to have it load
properly?   Why would it have not loaded on Monday when it appears it
was properly functioning prior to Monday?  Perhaps I am delving into
things I can only make worse with my inexperience.

I really do not know where to start. 

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
r85.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy4.addErrors(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor93.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy7.execute(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor91.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy1.execute(Unknown Source)
at org.keel.models.util.Sequence.runModel(
at org.keel.models.util.Sequence.runSequence(
at org.keel.models.util.Sequence.execute(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor93.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy2.execute(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor91.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy1.execute(Unknown Source)

Jan 7, 2008 12:17:47 PM org.keel.clients.DefaultClientConnector logInfo
Jan 7, 2008 12:17:47 PM org.keel.util.i18n.DynamicMessageSupport
WARNING: [DynamicMessageSupport] Model name with prefixe 'oscn', and a
bundle was found under that key.
Jan 7, 2008 12:17:48 PM org.keel.util.i18n.DynamicMessageSupport
WARNING: [DynamicMessageSupport] Model name with prefixe 'oscn', and a
bundle was found under that key.

This last line above goes on throughout the 01-08-2008 log as well.

Any ideas that might help would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Systems
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343 

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 1:28 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 12:59 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > 
> > 
> > > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: problem with data input
> > > 
> > > running in Apache Tomcat
> > 
> > No such level; what are you really running?  Also, what OS
> > and what JVM?
> > 
> > > However, if I try to alter that data from the web application 
> > > nothing happens.
> > 
> > Are the requests even making it to the database server?
> > 
> I have some logs from Monday and Tuesday that may be helpful 
> but I am not sure how to get them on here for review.  When I 
> originally sent my request to the forum I attached them to my 
> email but that email never showed up on the forum.  So I am 
> assuming that email was blocked.  If these logs would be 
> useful for someone to review please let me know how I can 
> send them so you could look at them.
> -
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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham

> -Original Message-
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 12:59 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with data input
> > From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: problem with data input
> > 
> > running in Apache Tomcat
> No such level; what are you really running?  Also, what OS 
> and what JVM?
> > However, if I try to alter that data from the web
> > application nothing happens.
> Are the requests even making it to the database server?

I have some logs from Monday and Tuesday that may be helpful but I am
not sure how to get them on here for review.  When I originally sent my
request to the forum I attached them to my email but that email never
showed up on the forum.  So I am assuming that email was blocked.  If
these logs would be useful for someone to review please let me know how
I can send them so you could look at them.

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RE: problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> > 
> > running in Apache Tomcat
> No such level; what are you really running?  Also, what OS 
> and what JVM?

I am not sure then what version of Tomcat.  How can I find this

When I startup the service I get this return:
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/movedfromusr/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/temp
Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_04

OS is RedHat AS 3

What is JVM?  Like I said, I am not too knowledgeable about these things
so forgive my ignorance.

> > However, if I try to alter that data from the web
> > application nothing happens.
> Are the requests even making it to the database server?

How can I check to see if they are making it to the database server?
All of our users are still inputting data into the database using the
web application so I think that other information being entered is
making it to the database server.

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problem with data input

2008-01-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
I hope I am able to explain this problem adequately.  If I have gaps in
my explanation let me know and I will attempt to clarify further.  I
know enough about Tomcat to be dangerous, as they say.  I hope you guys
might be able to help me so here goes.
We have a MySQL database that we input case information into using a web
based application written in Java and running in Apache Tomcat
On Monday one of our users was attempting to input some data into a
specific section of the database but the data was not stored.  This is,
so far, only happening in this one specific area of data entry that
inputs data into a specific table in the database.  We receive well over
100 new court filings that occur every day.  We have multiple users
inputting data into the new cases and existing cases every day
throughout the day.  So most of the data input is operating normally.
It is just input into this one area that I am seeing problems.  It could
be there are other areas with problems but we just haven't seen them
yet.  Whatever the case may be though, at present it is this one area
where I am seeing the problem.
I have been able to log into the database using MySQL Query Browser
1.1.6 and insert the data into the appropriate field for that record in
the table.  When I input that data I can then log into the web
application, navigate to that case and see the entry showing up as I
just entered it.  However, if I try to alter that data from the web
application nothing happens.
I had attempted to send this to the thread earlier with attached copies
of two logs for Monday and for Tuesday.  I never was able to see my post
on the thread so I am resending in the belief that my attachments may
have been cause for the forum to block my post.  If I need to post logs
please let me know what is the best way to send my logs.
Can someone assist me with finding out what may be causing this problem
and give some idea of how to resolve it?

RE: assistance with logon error

2007-04-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Rashmi Rubdi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 3:04 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: assistance with logon error
> But wait, the error you have is referring to this package:
>* which doesn't seem to 
> exist on their API site anymore.
> You could also check with Keel's mailing list, may be they 
> can help you locate the configuration information:

Ok, I have subscribed to that mail-list.  That makes, lets see, the
Tomcat, Struts, Netbeans and now the Keel mail-list for web
applications.  Not to mention the qmail, qmailtoaster, spamassassin,
BIND DNS, SPF and YUM lists.  I wonder what other list I will end up
subscribing to next.

Thanks for the information everyone has provided here.  Anyone please
feel free to add anything further that you might think of.  In the
meantime I will see if I can find any further insight from the Keel


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RE: assistance with logon error

2007-04-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 2:01 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: assistance with logon error
> On 4/9/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, that is true.  I am looking in every file I can find 
> for the name 
> > (it is 'occadb' by the way) for that server.
> > find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F 'occadb'
> Given the case-insensitive nature of Windows, you might make 
> that grep -iF in case it's in some file as OCCADB. :-)

The '-iF' change returned nothing either.
> Worst case, you'll have to dig into the source...

I have been looking through file after file all day now for any content
that would refer the authentication to any server.  I am finding
nothing.  Can you tell me what the lines of code might be written like
for authentication of user logons?  I am getting cross eyed looking at
code that I really don't understand very well and am seeing nothing that
would make me believe there is something in it that is using the Windows
authentication for logon.

Any help is greatly appreciated.  This error has really shut down our
office work today and I am striking out big time on getting it


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RE: assistance with logon error

2007-04-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 1:23 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: assistance with logon error
> On 4/9/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There are at least 4 or 5 different "web.xml" files in various 
> > locations on this server.  I have looked through most all 
> of them to 
> > this point. Is there something specific in the content of 
> the file I 
> > should be looking for that would be directing the 
> application to use 
> > the specific server DC for authentication?
> See below --
> > But if I do not know what I am looking for to 'find' or 
> 'grep' how can 
> > I use these?
> I know zero about Windows Domain Controllers, but surely 
> there's a way to uniquely identify one -- name, IP, 
> something. So you'd think that that would have to be in the 
> config file, eh? :-)

Yes, that is true.  I am looking in every file I can find for the name
(it is 'occadb' by the way) for that server.  Another administrator
advised me to use this command on the Linux server where the webapps

find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F 'occadb'

It returned nothing.

I am still searching with no success.


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RE: assistance with logon error

2007-04-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
> -Original Message-
> From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 12:02 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: assistance with logon error
> On 4/9/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been searching for any configuration files in our web 
> > application that would have the specific line directing to the "now 
> > incorrect" DC. Can anyone provide me with information on where this 
> > configuration file may reside?  What its name, location, path could 
> > be?  Is there a standard location in a Tomcat environment 
> where this 
> > type of configuration file may be?
> Chances are it's either in an XML file -- /WEB-INF/web.xml 
> would be the first place to look -- or in a "properties" 
> file, typically found under /WEB-INF/classes/ as e.g.,

There are at least 4 or 5 different "web.xml" files in various locations
on this server.  I have looked through most all of them to this point.
Is there something specific in the content of the file I should be
looking for that would be directing the application to use the specific
server DC for authentication?

> But I would think `find` and `grep` would be your friends here :-)

But if I do not know what I am looking for to 'find' or 'grep' how can I
use these?

Thanks for your help on this.

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assistance with logon error

2007-04-09 Thread Steve Ingraham
We have a MySQL database backend that is accessed through our website
using Apache Tomcat that was set up before I came on board here.  I am
just familiar enough with this setup to be dangerous.
Our problem is that whenever our users attempt to logon to the database
this morning they get this error message: singraham:Unable to
access LDAP server at occadb Reason: occadb:389
I am sure that my actions last Friday have contributed to this problem
but I need some help on tracking down where I can fix this problem.  On
Friday I demoted an old Windows 2000 Advanced Server from serving as a
Domain Controller for our domain.  I have a Windows 2003 server that was
also serving as DC along with the now demoted server.  I have been
informed by the web application developer that this has caused this
failure as he believes there was a line of code that was pointing to
this old DC to acquire the logon information.  However, he cannot recall
where this file is or what it was called.  I have been informed that
there is a line in one of the configuration files for our website that
needs to direct to the new DC for our domain and that once that line is
changed to redirect to the new DC we will be able to logon.
I have been searching for any configuration files in our web application
that would have the specific line directing to the "now incorrect" DC.
Can anyone provide me with information on where this configuration file
may reside?  What its name, location, path could be?  Is there a
standard location in a Tomcat environment where this type of
configuration file may be?
The web application is running on Apache Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Redhat AS 3
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-14 Thread Steve Ingraham
> > Lest I find myself being chastised for asking my questions on the 
> > "wrong" list should I be subscribing to the User, 
> Developer, Commits 
> > or the Issues list?
> Ask on the Users list.  (The dev list is for discussion about 
> developing the Struts framework itself.  Commits and Issues 
> are read-only, for Subversion and JIRA notifications.)
> Fair warning, a lot of the discussion is about Struts 2 now, 
> so make sure to mention what version you're using.
> (If you're not sure, and there is no version number in the 
> filename, (i.e., struts-1.2.9.jar,) then look inside 
> WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar (or possibly struts-core.jar) and 
> examine the contents of the MANIFEST.MF file.  You can open 
> .jar files with WinZip or the command line
> equivalent.)
> -- 
> Wendy

Ok, thanks I will subscribe to the users list.  And thank you for the
info on finding the version.  That is information that I would have been
struggling to locate.  I have actually come across that MANIFEST.MF file
but did not look inside it.


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RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-14 Thread Steve Ingraham
> Well, at least you'll come out of this with some resume material. :)
> Do come join us on the Struts Users list, where your 
> questions are more on-topic and there should be more people 
> around who know the framework.
>  *
> -- 
> Wendy

Lest I find myself being chastised for asking my questions on the
"wrong" list should I be subscribing to the User, Developer, Commits or
the Issues list?

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RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-14 Thread Steve Ingraham
>Haroon Rafique wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I thought you said you had access to the source. You won't find the 
> sources inside the tomcat webapps directory. You are likely 
> to only find 
> the .war file and an expanded ware file directory (but no 
> sources). Find 
> out in which directory the real sources are and then look for a "src" 
> folder (or a src/main/java folder in case maven is being 
> used). Inside the 
> "src" folder you should be able to find a directory structure which 
> corresponds to the package you quoted eariler:
>   org.keel.clients.struts.ModelAction
> The above package would correspond to the following directory:
>   org/keel/clients/struts
> Inside that directory, you should look for a file 
> Look 
> either for an excute() method or in case of a DispatchAction 
> flavor, you 
> might have method names which correspond to verbs like 
> edit(), save(), 
> etc.
> In any case, you have to find Try using:
>   locate
> That's assuming that your "locate" database is up-to-date 
> (typically the 
> command updatedb is used in a nightly cron job to update the "locate" 
> database).
> Later,
> --
> Haroon Rafique

David, P, Hassan and Haroon thanks for the information.  I am looking at
the now.  The programmer had created the application on
a development machine and then transferred the working application to
the production server.  I have gone into that development machine and
ran the locate command.  It returned several versions
of that file in various locations.  I am not sure exactly which one is
the one that was ultimately used but I am able to see in that code.
Regrettably I am not seeing anything in that code that I understand to
be showing me where the specific input is passing to the database.  I
can provide information on the source code if anyone would be willing to
look it over and educate me on it.  Or, if there is a generic version of
this code would anyone be familiar with what the code would be doing.
Looking at this code it does seem to be generic in nature.  Neither
Michael Nash nor Shash Chatterjee was the programmer for this
application so I am assuming this was a generic java file that was used
by this programmer.  This is in the comments section at the beginning of
the script:

 * An Action that provides the glue between Struts and Keel. 
 * @author Michael Nash
 * @author Shash Chatterjee
 * @version $Revision: 1.24 $ $Date: 2005/05/26 10:16:39 $

If anyone has some further input on what would be the best way to
examine the script I would appreciate any additional direction.

> Tracy Nelson wrote:
>Have you considered having a consultant come in and document the
system? This isn't unusual (at least, I was hired to do 
>it a couple of times back when I was consulting), and will probably get
you better and quicker answers than trying to 
>figure it all out yourself.  Plus, if things come up later, you may
well be able to just call this person up and ask them >questions or run
ideas by them.  At least there would be someone else who knows how your
system works.

This is something I have tried to talk to my bosses about.  I would do
this in a heartbeat but I do not hold the purse strings.  My bosses have
the belief (not because of anything I have told them mind you) that
whoever manages their Network systems should be able to do anything they
need done in the computer world.  This includes fully understanding how
the previous programmer coded this Java/ant/struts/Tomcat application
front end to their database.

I am hoping that if I ask enough questions on this and other mail lists
your expert advice can lead me to the information.  It is a very
frustrating way to get this done but it is all I have available for me
to do at this time.  Because of this I am eternally grateful for all of
you guys and your willingness to educate me.


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RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-14 Thread Steve Ingraham
> David Smith wrote:
> Looking at the source code for the class 
> my.package.action.ModelAction 
> will get you to the entry point for handling the request.  
> Depending on 
> the size of the app and how well versed your predecessor was, 
> this could 
> be the whole back-end or it could call other classes to handle the 
> database back-end.  Either way, this class is where to start looking 
> when tracing back what's happening.
> --David

Ok, I have been trying to locate the class file but am striking out.
Can someone tell me where this "my.package.action.ModelAction" class
would be located in a Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.9 build on a Redhat AS 3
machine?  I have run the command "locate *.ModelAction*" with no return.


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RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-13 Thread Steve Ingraham
> Hi Steve,
> Since you are using a struts application, you would be better 
> off asking 
> this question on the struts user mailing list. In any case, 
> you can look 
> inside the /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml file and there should 
> be a mapping 
> between the  and the invoked class:
> e.g., something like:
>   type="my.package.action.ModelAction"
> Good luck,
> Cheers,
> --
> Haroon Rafique

Thanks for that information.  So here is what I found in the
/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml file.  Is this what you were referring to
above?  Can you tell me what I am reading here?




Will this direct me to the script that is used to pass the input data to
the database fields?  If not, am I even looking in the location to find
out this information?


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RE: [OT] RE: insight into

2007-02-13 Thread Steve Ingraham
Yes all the code is here but I do not really know what I am looking at
when I see it.  In fact the source code for individual web pages and the
associated commands in the code is what I am trying to track down.  I
feel that if I can find the location of the web page code, the struts,
Java servlets, Java classes or whatever else was used in the creation of
this application I can decipher how, where and why each part of the web
page is doing whatever it is doing to the database.

I agree with your statement below but asking you guys about Tomcat is
currently my only real resource for assistance in learning what was done
here.  What I mean is, I have been reading everything I can online, I
have a "Learning Java" book that I am trying to read and understand, I
have enrolled in a Java class that is teaching me some basics of Java
coding.  But there is no one that I have any personal one on one contact
with that knows Java or Tomcat enough to give me any input or
explanation as to how things were created with this application.  I am
having to reverse engineer the code that was written, the Tomcat
application and how it works, the database schema that it all ties to
all while doing so without a good grasp of what I am seeing when I see

I appreciate all of you guys and your input as it serves to slowly allow
me to piece together how this all works.

> BTW, when you said your predecessor wrote this application do 
> you have the 
> source for this application? IMO, having the source and basic 
> understanding of struts are prerequisites if you want to be 
> able to make 
> any headway.
> Good luck,
> Cheers,
> --
> Haroon Rafique

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RE: insight into

2007-02-13 Thread Steve Ingraham
I have found that section in the /occa/webapps/web.xml file.  It is


Could you help me understand what I am reading?

> -Original Message-
> From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:58 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: insight into
> Actually, is really just an abstract path that can 
> map to a file or a servlet.  Take a look in the 
> WEB-INF/web.xml file of the occa webapp for the servlet 
> mappings.  There should be a servlet there mapped to *.do or 
>  The class in that mapping is responsible for 
> handling the request.
> --David
> Steve Ingraham wrote:
> >;jsessionid=9212C2FF4
> 620210C92B
> >6
> >2443EE97760A
> > 
> >I am looking for some information on how I can track down 
> and read the 
> >particular code on a web page.  Above is an address to an 
> intranet web 
> >page that our users use to input information into a database.  I 
> >understand that /occa is a directory on the server 
> but I 
> >cannot find where the specific script for this page is and 
> how the data 
> >is passed onto the database.  In my limited understanding I thought 
> >there would be a file in the /occa directory named 
> but there 
> >is not.  So, is this a call up to run some other file or script?  My 
> >reason for asking about this is that I am basically trying to track 
> >down which field and table a particular field's data is 
> passed to when 
> >a user inputs data on the web page.
> > 
> >I have talked with several of you guys in the past and you have been 
> >very helpful.  Although I have mentioned it before, I will say again 
> >that I am trying to manage a system that was developed by my 
> >predecessor and I have little to no information on how he developed 
> >this application or where it resides.  I am pretty much left with 
> >trying to reverse engineer what was done.  Is there a way I 
> can track 
> >down how the user's data is captured and stored in the database?
> > 
> >Thanks in advance for your help,
> >Steve
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> -
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insight into

2007-02-13 Thread Steve Ingraham;jsessionid=9212C2FF4620210C92B6
I am looking for some information on how I can track down and read the
particular code on a web page.  Above is an address to an intranet web
page that our users use to input information into a database.  I
understand that /occa is a directory on the server but I
cannot find where the specific script for this page is and how the data
is passed onto the database.  In my limited understanding I thought
there would be a file in the /occa directory named but there is
not.  So, is this a call up to run some other file or script?  My reason
for asking about this is that I am basically trying to track down which
field and table a particular field's data is passed to when a user
inputs data on the web page.
I have talked with several of you guys in the past and you have been
very helpful.  Although I have mentioned it before, I will say again
that I am trying to manage a system that was developed by my predecessor
and I have little to no information on how he developed this application
or where it resides.  I am pretty much left with trying to reverse
engineer what was done.  Is there a way I can track down how the user's
data is captured and stored in the database?
Thanks in advance for your help,

RE: [OT] Need help finding a Java class

2007-02-06 Thread Steve Ingraham
> Steve,
> This might be off-topic, but there's really not a good forum 
> for "general webapp what-the-heck-is-going-on discussion". 
> But hey, we're nice folks ;)
> Steve Ingraham wrote:
> > If no person is assigned to the case the phrase "NO 
> ASSIGNMENT" shows  
> > up on the front page of the application where the person's 
> name should 
> > have been and there is no record created in the ASSIGN table in the 
> > MySQL database for the case and subsequently no ASSIGN.ID 
> that  shows 
> > up in the web browser for that case.
> Okay.
> > I am attempting to create a report that will return all instances
> > where a person has not been assigned to a case.  There is nothing in
> >  the database in any fields that the NO ASSIGNMENT phrase is related
> >  to
> This is not surprising. I'll bet that the code looks for an 
> assignment and, finding none, displays this message.
> > I have been trying to track down within the code for the web page
> > where this NO ASSIGNMENT phrase is coming from in hopes of 
> > understanding how the application knows to return this 
> statement.  My
> >  theory is that if I can see how the application is 
> returning this I 
> > can figure out how to query the database to show me all instances 
> > where this has occurred.
> This sounds reasonable. Unfortunately, web application can 
> grow to significant complexity, and sometimes things like 
> strings displayed in a page can come from unlikely sources. 
> Are you familiar with Java at all? That might be helpful for 
> your forensic reconstruction, here.
> > Can someone give me some direction on where I can search for this
> > type of code?
> Well, it's unlikely that the phrase "NO ASSIGNMENT" will 
> appear in any of your Java source code (that is, files with 
> the ".java" extension). You're more likely to find it in 
> either a JSP file (ending in ".jsp") or in a properties file 
> (ending in ".properties").
> You can search everything on a UNIX system using something 
> similar to the following:
> $ grep -l "NO ASSIGNMENT" `find /path/to/application -type f`
> (Note the use of back ticks).
> This will display a list of files that contain that phrase.
> >  > 
> href="/occa/
> gnType=1&a
> >  mp;data=95972&caseMasterId=95972"> NO ASSIGNMENT
> Can you determine which file generated this output? Usually 
> Java web applications will use JSP or some other technology 
> to generate the actual HTML that the user sees. By locating 
> the file that generates this output, you can probably figure 
> out how the decision is made that there is no judicial assignment.
> Otherwise, you'll have to start searching through code and 
> basically backtrack through the process.
> I can probably take a stab at a query that might work. You 
> mentioned that you have tables like this (well, I'm guessing 
> for most of this)
> - 
> id
> - --
> case_id  (points to
> id   (points to
> If an assigned case has a record in the ASSIGN table, then an 
> unassigned case would probably have /no/ records in the ASSIGN table.
> You could find those cases using a query like this:
> FROM case
> This should pull all CASE records who have no matching ASSIGN 
> records in the database.
> Just a thought, but I have /no/ idea how your database is 
> laid out or if there's a better way to do this.
> > If this question is better answered outside the Tomcat community 
> > please let me know and I will not waste your time any 
> further.  Thank 
> > you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
> This list typically deals with Tomcat-specific issues, but, 
> as I said, there's no really good forum for asking for this 
> type of thing. Just leave "OT" in the subject line and you'll 
> generally be forgiven ;)
> - -chris

I appreciate your detailed help with this off topic issue.  You have
been very helpful.  To answer your question about my Java experience, I
do not know much at all.  I have started a Java for beginners class this
January that I am taking online and I am attempting to work through the
O'Reilley book "Learning Java" on my own.  I am a little overwhelmed but
trying to understand it all.

RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

2007-01-12 Thread Steve Ingraham

I can use but the instance stays open.  I then have to run
the kill -9 command on the instance to clear it out.  Since it has been
a while since I have seen the error I cannot quote the exact error
message.  It states something about "not enough components. . .".

Hash: SHA1


Steve Ingraham wrote:
> I have a similar problem.  I would be interested to know what is said 
> about this.
> In our case we have a web based application that calls up a MySQL 
> database. It is running in Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Red Hat AS 3 machine. 
> Every morning I have to manually stop and restart Tomcat.  If I do not

> do so and let it run, over the course of a day or two, definitely no 
> more than the third day, Tomcat will lock up and the web application 
> will display access errors to the users.

This sounds more like a JDBC connection leak to me. What error message
to your users get when Tomcat stops responding?

Are you able to use to stop Tomcat, or is a kill -9

- -chris

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New Tomcat shuts down thread

2007-01-12 Thread Steve Ingraham
I have started a new thread concerning my shutdown problems as they were
addressed in the previous "tomcat shuts down" thread.  Below is the
latest reply to that thread.

Is anything flooding my server?  I don't think so.  That server only
houses our MySQL database.  Multiple users input data into it using a
web interface.  The web interface is the reason for the Tomcat set up on
this server.  I would guess that at any given time there could be a
dozen users inputting at the same time but not much more than that.  It
is possible that it is hanging due to memory usage.  The loop issue is
interesting.  What was the resolution for that?

As I stated previously I manually stop and start Tomcat every morning.
It is not that big of an inconvenience to do that in general but at the
same time I would like to know why it is doing this and resolve it.
There is something wrong with the application and fixing it would make
things run smoother.



Andre Prasetya wrote:

Hi Steve,

Is there anything that flood your server with requests or trigger an
infinite loop within the application ? I have similar experiences in 2
scenarios 1. A tomcat died every morning, Then we foundout that its
flooded by requests at a certain time and there is a flaw at our design
that permits only 1 connection for the flooded application. 2. An
application causing the tomcat server to hang, exhausting our cpu
resources to 100%, trigerred by Stop command from manager. Even after
shutting down the tomcat, the process is still running and we have to
manually kill the java thread. Thenwe found out that our application got
an infinite loop bug when we force it to close.


On 1/12/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I have a similar problem. I would be interested to know what is said 

> about this.


> In our case we have a web based application that calls up a MySQL 

> database. It is running in Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Red Hat AS 3 machine. 

> Every morning I have to manually stop and restart Tomcat. If I do not 

> do so and let it run, over the course of a day or two, definitely no 

> more than the third day, Tomcat will lock up and the web application 

> will display access errors to the users.


> I then have to run the script on Tomcat. Then because the 

> instance will not clear out I have to run ps aux, find the instance of

> java that is running. I then have to run the kill -9  command 

> and then to restart Tomcat. If I do this first thing in 

> the morning Tomcat will function without locking up. If I do not do 

> it first thing in the morning, sometime during that day, or if I am 

> lucky the next day, Tomcat will lockup.


> If anyone has ideas on what can be done to correct this problem I will

> be anxious to read any replies.


> Thanks,

> Steve


> -Original Message-

> From: Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]

> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:06 PM

> To: Tomcat Users List

> Subject: RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down



> I'd find out what other major processes are running on those two UNIX 

> boxes, as it sounds like something there's clashing terribly, and 

> killing off the Tomcat process.


> -Original Message-

> From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]

> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:01 PM

> To:

> Subject: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down



> Hello,


> My Tomcat instance is unexpectedly shutting itself down every 8 to 72

> hours. Can someone give me some advice on this? By all appearances

> this is a graceful shutdown. I do not see any interesting exceptions 

> in the logs (I have looked in catalina.out and the various localhost*

> files). Perhaps I am looking for the wrong thing.


> This happens on Tomcat 4.1.31 and 5.028 on Redhat Linux and Solaris 

> 10. JSP apps running on the server are about 3 different instances of 

> Anthill


> Thanks in advance,

> Carlton


> *


> The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity 

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> is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the 

> sender and delete the material from all computers. GA623




> -

> To start a new topic, e-mail:

RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

2007-01-11 Thread Steve Ingraham

I appreciate the prompt information everyone is providing on my inquiry
to this thread.  I truly do need advice from you on what I can do.  I
most definitely would like to hear replies to my query but I believe I
am on the verge of highjacking Carlton's original thread and do not wish
to do that.  I apologize for highjacking Carlton's thread as he is the
one with the original problem.  I merely recognized that our system had
a similar problem and wanted to ask the experts about my similar
problem.  I would like to follow the posts for resolving Mr. Brown's
problem first.  If, after Mr. Brown's problems are addressed my issue
can be addressed I would be very grateful to all.



This box has no other purpose than to run Anthill in Tomcat to build
java apps.   There would be no other major processes. 

-Original Message-
From: Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 5:06 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

I'd find out what other major processes are running on those two UNIX
boxes, as it sounds like something there's clashing terribly, and
killing off the Tomcat process.

-Original Message-
From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down


My Tomcat instance is unexpectedly shutting itself down every 8 to 72
hours.   Can someone give me some advice on this?   By all appearances
this is a graceful shutdown.  I do not see any interesting exceptions in
the logs (I have looked in catalina.out and the various localhost*
files).   Perhaps I am looking for the wrong thing.

This happens on Tomcat 4.1.31 and 5.028 on Redhat Linux and Solaris 10.
JSP apps running on the server are about 3 different instances of

Thanks in advance,


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use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by
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you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the
material from all computers. GA623

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The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or
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use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by
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RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

2007-01-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
I am not the creator of this application.  In fact I have to be honest
and say I am trying to learn what I can about Java and Tomcat but know
so little I could be considered dangerous.  I have already caused a
crash of this system because I accidentally moved a .war file that was
needed by the application to function.  I was lucky enough to be able to
get the .war file back into its appropriate location but that incident
has seriously scared me into submission on this Tomcat stuff.  I do
believe I recall the developer stating a long time ago that he thought
there was something going on with the memory that could be causing this
problem but he was not sure exactly what was causing it.  Is there
anything that a "knows enough to be dangerous" administrator like me can
do to find out the cause of this problem?  Or am I destined to stop and
restart this application every day from here on out?


From: Propes, Barry L 

sounds like you've got some thread hanging in there somewhere, but the
logs don't indicate which one might be hanging?

Also sounds like a memory issue; is it possible someone created some
kind of servlet or app that manually controls Java's garbage collection?

-Original Message-
From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:24 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

I have a similar problem.  I would be interested to know what is said
about this.

In our case we have a web based application that calls up a MySQL
database. It is running in Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Red Hat AS 3 machine.
Every morning I have to manually stop and restart Tomcat.  If I do not
do so and let it run, over the course of a day or two, definitely no
more than the third day, Tomcat will lock up and the web application
will display access errors to the users.

I then have to run the script on Tomcat.  Then because the
instance will not clear out I have to run ps aux, find the instance of
java that is running.  I then have to run the kill -9  command
and then to restart Tomcat.  If I do this first thing in the
morning Tomcat will function without locking up.  If I do not do it
first thing in the morning, sometime during that day, or if I am lucky
the next day, Tomcat will lockup.

If anyone has ideas on what can be done to correct this problem I will
be anxious to read any replies.


-Original Message-
From: Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:06 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

I'd find out what other major processes are running on those two UNIX
boxes, as it sounds like something there's clashing terribly, and
killing off the Tomcat process.

-Original Message-
From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down


My Tomcat instance is unexpectedly shutting itself down every 8 to 72
hours.   Can someone give me some advice on this?   By all appearances
this is a graceful shutdown.  I do not see any interesting exceptions in
the logs (I have looked in catalina.out and the various localhost*
files).   Perhaps I am looking for the wrong thing.

This happens on Tomcat 4.1.31 and 5.028 on Redhat Linux and Solaris 10.
JSP apps running on the server are about 3 different instances of

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

2007-01-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
I have a similar problem.  I would be interested to know what is said
about this.

In our case we have a web based application that calls up a MySQL
database. It is running in Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Red Hat AS 3 machine.
Every morning I have to manually stop and restart Tomcat.  If I do not
do so and let it run, over the course of a day or two, definitely no
more than the third day, Tomcat will lock up and the web application
will display access errors to the users.

I then have to run the script on Tomcat.  Then because the
instance will not clear out I have to run ps aux, find the instance of
java that is running.  I then have to run the kill -9  command
and then to restart Tomcat.  If I do this first thing in the
morning Tomcat will function without locking up.  If I do not do it
first thing in the morning, sometime during that day, or if I am lucky
the next day, Tomcat will lockup.

If anyone has ideas on what can be done to correct this problem I will
be anxious to read any replies.


-Original Message-
From: Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:06 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down

I'd find out what other major processes are running on those two UNIX
boxes, as it sounds like something there's clashing terribly, and
killing off the Tomcat process.

-Original Message-
From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: Tomcat unexpectedly shuts down


My Tomcat instance is unexpectedly shutting itself down every 8 to 72
hours.   Can someone give me some advice on this?   By all appearances
this is a graceful shutdown.  I do not see any interesting exceptions in
the logs (I have looked in catalina.out and the various localhost*
files).   Perhaps I am looking for the wrong thing.

This happens on Tomcat 4.1.31 and 5.028 on Redhat Linux and Solaris 10.
JSP apps running on the server are about 3 different instances of

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-04 Thread Steve Ingraham

Thanks Chuck for the info.  I appreciate your and everyone else's
replies.  I will be continuing on with resolving this problem and may
have some other questions but you guys have answered a lot for me


> From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Moving Tomcat
> Here is a list of the .jar files in
> /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/common/lib:

The noted jars are all part of the standard Tomcat distribution.

> There is one file in
> /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/common/classes/:

The above is not part of the standard distribution (at least not the
current one).  It would be there to define a standard logging
configuration for all of your webapps.  You will need it in the new
server installation.

> Here are the files in /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/server/lib/:

Again, these are all part of the standard distribution.

> There are no files in the
> /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/server/classes directory.

That's normal.  That directory is typically used only to override a
class in a server/lib jar with a patched version.

> can I then assume everything needed is going to be
> found in the /usr/local/src/ directory under the
> various appropriate directories?

Assumptions are always suspect, but in this case the app environment
seems to be relatively straightforward, so that's probably safe.

> Other questions, could I download tomcat and java fresh onto
> the new server that I am moving the web site onto?

I would, but it does open up the potential for introducing
incompatibilities that you may not have the experience to deal with
handily.  You could try it, test everything you can, and fall back to
the older Tomcat and JRE versions if something breaks and it's not
readily fixable.

> If I download updated versions of these programs would the web
> site function normally if I just copy the content files from 
> /webapps/online on the old server into the same directories 
> on the new server?  Or, would I have some additional 
> configuring to do?

You would need to compare all the .xml files in the conf directory tree
to look for differences and apply them when appropriate.  Tomcat comes
in a rather development-oriented configuration, and several properties
should be changed in a production environment.  This may or may not have
been done on the current server.

 - Chuck

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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-04 Thread Steve Ingraham
ps folder over and see what happens. Once you start 
> getting errors from the new server then you can troubleshoot until 
> everything is fixed. It will be difficult to know if everything will 
> work without testing. So I'll suggest to build the new server first, 
> unless of course you'll be using the same hardware then you can't do 
> that.
> On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Here is the website in question:
>> >You can't tell where things are by looking from the outside; the 
>> >URLs
>> used to access the web site can be easily mapped to >various 
>> locations in the file system by servlet-mappings, appBase and docBase 
>> attributes, filters, symbolic links, etc.  A >well-designed and 
>> well-managed web site will have such things documented, but 
>> unfortunately many just seem to evolve.
>> Ok, I understand what you are saying about not seeing the location 
>> from the outside.  However, am I wrong in thinking that I can track 
>> down the location if I know where everything is residing?  For 
>> example, if I click on the "judges for retention" link on the left 
>> side of the main webpage the browser is directed to an address of: 
>> I know that the "online" directory resides in the 
>> /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/ directory and therefore 
>> the "JudgeVote.2006.jsp" file should be in that online directory.  
>> When I navigate to that directory on the server I can see that file. 
>> Therefore, I have been looking at each page/link in this manner.  I 
>> look at the address location in the web browser and then navigating 
>> to the appropriate directory in the /usr/local/src/. . . directory I 
>> believe it is on the server to verify that the file in question is 
>> there.  So far this has worked in showing me the exact directory 
>> location for each page/link I have looked at.  Is this a legitimate 
>> way to go about this or am I going to overlook something in using 
>> this method?
>> As far as your comment about documentation, I am afraid I have not 
>> come across any documentation detailing any of the website design.
>> -
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> --
> "talk trash and carry a small stick."

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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread Steve Ingraham
>> Here is the website in question:

>You can't tell where things are by looking from the outside; the URLs
used to access the web site can be easily mapped to >various locations
in the file system by servlet-mappings, appBase and docBase attributes,
filters, symbolic links, etc.  A >well-designed and well-managed web
site will have such things documented, but unfortunately many just seem
to evolve.

Ok, I understand what you are saying about not seeing the location from
the outside.  However, am I wrong in thinking that I can track down the
location if I know where everything is residing?  For example, if I
click on the "judges for retention" link on the left side of the main
webpage the browser is directed to an address of:

I know that the "online" directory resides in the
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/ directory and therefore the
"JudgeVote.2006.jsp" file should be in that online directory.  When I
navigate to that directory on the server I can see that file.
Therefore, I have been looking at each page/link in this manner.  I look
at the address location in the web browser and then navigating to the
appropriate directory in the /usr/local/src/. . . directory I believe it
is on the server to verify that the file in question is there.  So far
this has worked in showing me the exact directory location for each
page/link I have looked at.  Is this a legitimate way to go about this
or am I going to overlook something in using this method?

As far as your comment about documentation, I am afraid I have not come
across any documentation detailing any of the website design.

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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread Steve Ingraham
>> Chuck mentioned the .xml files.  From everything I can
>> determine the catalina directory resides in 
>> /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf.

>Yes, but the [appName].xml files may have docBase attributes in
 entries that point to app locations outside of
>/usr/local/src; those must be individually checked and the targets
copied if they reside elsewhere.  It's also possible 
>that you might have  elements inside conf/server.xml as well;
these are strongly discouraged in 5.5, but not 

Well now I am indeed thoroughly confused.  Here is the website in
I have been looking at the various pages and links on this site and so
far I believe that they all are linking to the
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps directory.

>And now you have the confusion of /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9
>vs. /usr/local/tomcat; will the real Tomcat please stand up?

I do believe the "real" tomcat resides in the
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 directory and the /usr/local/tomcat
is a link to that directory.  FYI, there also is a link in /usr/local/
titled "java" that redirects to the /usr/java/jdk-1.5.0 directory.

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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread Steve Ingraham
>> . I am looking to copy everything in the /usr/local/src
>> So far I have not been able to see where anything associated with our

>> website resides outside the /src directory.  So, if that turns out to

>> be the case could I be confident that everything for the website 
>> resides inside the /usr/local/src directory?

>The running instance of Tomcat indicates that it's in
/usr/local/tomcat, not /usr/local/src/...

> -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomcat

There is a link in /usr/local for "tomcat" that directs to
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  Is it important to have the
"tomcat" link set up this same way on the new server?  Is there a
specific reason why it would have been set up this way?

>> Mikolaj also mentioned JRE/JDK.  Hassan mentioned that there could be

>> a startup script in /etc/init.d that may nave information on where
>> JRE/JDK is.  There is not a startup script.  I have to manually 
>> startup tomcat whenever this server is rebooted.

>That's, mmm, wierd. And awkward. :-) Is that a policy thing, or just
something no one's ever fixed?

It is not a policy issue.  I believe it is something no one setup.
Since I am the local tomcat "novice" I have not done anything about it
either.  I just have to remember to manually start tomcat when I reboot
the server (which I have had occasion to forget to do before).

>> What is the "/usr/local/java/. . ." referring to?  Is this needed for

>> the website?

>Absolutely; that's the JDK referred to above. `java -version` will tell
you which one; if it's 1.5.something you may want >to just download and
install the latest 1.5.x, rather than just copy.

Ok, well that resides in /usr/java/jdk-1.5.0.  Where can I download a
new version?  Is the download straightforward for a novice like me?  Or
do I need to read up on a thing or two before downloading?  The machine
I am attempting to move this to is running CentOS 4.0.


Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread Steve Ingraham
I believe you are talking about my post.  I still have my job thank you.
That particular issue was with another server and dealt with a .war file
that was moved.  I was successful in getting the file in question back
onto the server.  I do have a backup of this server.

In reference to my posted question, I appreciate everyone's quick input.
You all are responding in the manner that I thought you would in that
there seems to be a myriad of files to worry about with this move.  As I
posted, I am looking to copy everything in the /usr/local/src directory.
So far I have not been able to see where anything associated with our
website resides outside the /src directory.  So, if that turns out to be
the case could I be confident that everything for the website resides
inside the /usr/local/src directory?

Chuck mentioned the .xml files.  From everything I can determine the
catalina directory resides in /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf.

Mikolaj also mentioned JRE/JDK.  Hassan mentioned that there could be a
startup script in /etc/init.d that may nave information on where the
JRE/JDK is.  There is not a startup script.  I have to manually startup
tomcat whenever this server is rebooted.  What and where is the JRE/JDK?

Hassan mentioned running ps -auxww | grep tomcat.  Below is the return
from that command.  Is there anything anyone can see that I should be
copying that would not get copied when I copy /usr/local/src?  What is
the "/usr/local/java/. . ." referring to?  Is this needed for the

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]# ps -auxww | grep tomcat
root 13104  0.0  3.6 293716 37904 pts/2  S 2006   8:45
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath
ng-api.jar -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/tomcat
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
root 18753  0.0  0.1 26836 1756 ?S 2006   0:11 gedit
root 10820  1.0  0.0  3700  668 pts/2S09:43   0:00 grep

Thanks for all the input.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:27 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Moving Tomcat

Hmm Interesting, the person was from Oklahoma Court, is that you again?

> First I'll suggest you backup your entire server, it is possible for 
> instance if your server is running Linux that the webapps folder only 
> contain the links to the actual webapp folders residing somewhere else

> on the filesystem..So again BACKUP before doing anything. About a 
> month ago someone on this mailing list in your position deleted stuff 
> on a server they were managing, I have the feeling they don't have a 
> job anymore.
> On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have a website running with jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  The server this

> > website resides on is going to have to be rebuilt so I am needing to

> > move everything off of it onto another server.  I know very little 
> > about tomcat, ok, I really know nothing about tomcat.  This website 
> > was created before I started managing this network so I was not 
> > involved in its construction.  My question is this.  I believe that 
> > all of the content for the webpage(s) reside in 
> > /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 /webapps.  If I copy everything 
> > from /usr/local/src from the old server onto the new server will 
> > this capture everything needed for the website?  Is there anything 
> > else I need to know about or that needs moved in order for the 
> > website to be accessible
> >
> > from the new server?
> >
> > Any information would be appreciated.
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> "talk trash and carry a small stick."

"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread Steve Ingraham
I have a website running with jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  The server this
website resides on is going to have to be rebuilt so I am needing to
move everything off of it onto another server.  I know very little about
tomcat, ok, I really know nothing about tomcat.  This website was
created before I started managing this network so I was not involved in
its construction.  My question is this.  I believe that all of the
content for the webpage(s) reside in
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps.  If I copy everything from
/usr/local/src from the old server onto the new server will this capture
everything needed for the website?  Is there anything else I need to
know about or that needs moved in order for the website to be accessible
from the new server?
Any information would be appreciated.



RE: Tomcat errors

2006-12-13 Thread Steve Ingraham
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for their recent replies
on Monday to my queries on what you guys stated was a Java problem not a
Tomcat issue.  I appreciate your generosity in the manner in which you
discussed my problem.  I am not a programmer and know very little about
how Tomcat, Java, etc. are written.  I have the task of managing these
systems but not the knowledge of the code they are all written in.
Being able to discuss this type of problem with individuals like
everyone on this list is very beneficial for my understanding of how
these systems are operating.

I have been able to successfully resolve my problem.  To briefly explain
the issue, It turns out that the /usr directory had reached 100%
capacity on the server in question.  This stopped Java from processing
any requests made to the database.  The problem was further compounded
when, in attempts to free up space, I inadvertently moved from
/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps a vital file that was used to
create the appropriate directories whenever Tomcat is started.  Once I
discovered my mistake I attempted to move that file back to the /usr/. .
./webapps location but in my attempts to do so that file was in some
manner corrupted and did not allow proper access to the database backend
that resulted in errors.  Many had mentioned to me that if I had a
backup I could restore from the backup.  It turns out I was able to
restore the original file from the development machine where the
application was initially built.  Once I restored the original file
everything functioned normally again.

Again, I just wanted to send my thanks out to all of you.  I read many
lists on various topics and find that some who answer questions can be
at times very curt and rude to novices like me.  I did not get that from
any one who responded to me here.  I am very grateful to you all for
your assistance.

Steve Ingraham

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 5:11 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

You may want to offer something (PAY)  for such help, I am sure you'll
get someone soon.

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sadly, I just checked my backup system.  It is set up to backup the 
> data but not the application.
> I am afraid I am in deep dodo as I know enough about Tomcat, Java and 
> Linux to be the cause of this type of a problem but not enough to fix 
> it.  If anyone out there can talk to me and look at what I have I 
> would love to hear from you.  I will be interested to hear back from 
> anyone that is intrigued by my problem tomorrow morning.
> I want to thank everyone for your time and efforts,
> Steve Ingraham
> Director of Information Services
> Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
> 405 522-5343
> -Original Message-
> From: Nelson, Tracy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 4:34 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Tomcat errors
> Any chance you can restore the system from a backup?  You'll be back 
> to square one (100% usage on /usr), but at least you'll know what not 
> to touch!  Once your restore is complete, copy the log files to 
> somewhere that has space, then truncate them ("cat > logfile").  Then 
> restart Tomcat and your database (if necessary) and you should be in 
> business.
> If you can't restore from a backup, maybe you can at least view the 
> directory structure, to make sure you put everything back where it's 
> supposed to be.
> ---
> Tracy Nelson / Nelnet Business Solutions
> 402 / 617-9449
> | -Original Message-
> | From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | Sent: Monday, 11 December, 2006 16:09
> | To: Tomcat Users List
> | Subject: RE: Tomcat errors
> |
> | Thank you for your reply.  I am afraid I am not familiar with 
> | JSP/Java/Servlet's at all.  I was "playing" with it only in the
> context
> | that I have a Linux RedHat server that had a /usr/ directory that 
> | was full.  This caused a failure when our users attempted to access 
> | our database via their web browsers.  In my exploration of the 
> | problem I discovered /usr at 100% on the server.  So I attempted to 
> | free up
> space
> | by moving some log files from the apache-tomcat/logs directory.  I
> also
> | attempted to move some files from /usr/src and from 
> | /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps.  One of those files
> appears
> | to have caused a separate failure of our web access to certain 
> | aspects
> | of the database.  My appologies if I am asking the wrong group about

> | this problem.  If there is any information anyone has 

RE: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
Sadly, I just checked my backup system.  It is set up to backup the data
but not the application.

I am afraid I am in deep dodo as I know enough about Tomcat, Java and
Linux to be the cause of this type of a problem but not enough to fix
it.  If anyone out there can talk to me and look at what I have I would
love to hear from you.  I will be interested to hear back from anyone
that is intrigued by my problem tomorrow morning.

I want to thank everyone for your time and efforts,

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
From: Nelson, Tracy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 4:34 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat errors

Any chance you can restore the system from a backup?  You'll be back to
square one (100% usage on /usr), but at least you'll know what not to
touch!  Once your restore is complete, copy the log files to somewhere
that has space, then truncate them ("cat > logfile").  Then restart
Tomcat and your database (if necessary) and you should be in business.

If you can't restore from a backup, maybe you can at least view the
directory structure, to make sure you put everything back where it's
supposed to be.

Tracy Nelson / Nelnet Business Solutions
402 / 617-9449

| -----Original Message-
| From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, 11 December, 2006 16:09
| To: Tomcat Users List
| Subject: RE: Tomcat errors
| Thank you for your reply.  I am afraid I am not familiar with 
| JSP/Java/Servlet's at all.  I was "playing" with it only in the
| that I have a Linux RedHat server that had a /usr/ directory that was 
| full.  This caused a failure when our users attempted to access our 
| database via their web browsers.  In my exploration of the problem I 
| discovered /usr at 100% on the server.  So I attempted to free up
| by moving some log files from the apache-tomcat/logs directory.  I
| attempted to move some files from /usr/src and from 
| /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps.  One of those files
| to have caused a separate failure of our web access to certain aspects

| of the database.  My appologies if I am asking the wrong group about 
| this problem.  If there is any information anyone has concerning java
| would welcome your input.  If you can direct me to a java list I will 
| ask there as well.
| Steve Ingraham
| Director of Information Services
| Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
| 405 522-5343
| -Original Message-
| Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:54 PM
| To: Tomcat Users List
| Subject: Re: Tomcat errors
| For one, you playing with tomcat so I'll presume you're familiar with 
| JSP/Java/Servlet, your problem isn't tomcat, you Veiw.jsp is using an 
| object
| (oneCol) which is missing a getta method that is used for
| Maybe there is a tag in the page that implicitly refereces the
| property, you need to find that reference and either find the right 
| class/jar file or recompile the oneCol bean class. Again this is a 
| java/jsp/servlet/struts programming issue, not tomcat.
| On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >
| > This error was not occurring before.  I am afraid I am not familiar 
| > with Tomcat enough to know the answers to your questions.  How do I 
| > check View.jsp?  I have been trying to revert the changes back by 
| > placing the files I moved back to where I thought they belonged. 
| > Whatever I am attempting to move back it is having no effect as I 
| > still am receiving the errors I mentioned before.  I may have these 
| > files in the wrong locations.  Is there a way that I can know which 
| > files should go where? As I know very little about Tomcat my fear is

| > that I may be causing more damage if I make any other attempts to 
| > "fix" my mistakes.  I am not sure now how I caused the damage
| > done nor how to correct it.
| >
| > Steve Ingraham
| > Director of Information Services
| > Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
| > 405 522-5343
| >
| >
| >
| > -Original Message-
| > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:30 PM
| > To: Tomcat Users List
| > Subject: Re: Tomcat errors
| >
| >
| > javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
| > '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property 
| > attributes.datefield of bean oneCol
| >
| >
| > The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method.
| > have to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem

| > was not occurring before you made you

RE: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
Thank you for your reply.  I am afraid I am not familiar with
JSP/Java/Servlet's at all.  I was "playing" with it only in the context
that I have a Linux RedHat server that had a /usr/ directory that was
full.  This caused a failure when our users attempted to access our
database via their web browsers.  In my exploration of the problem I
discovered /usr at 100% on the server.  So I attempted to free up space
by moving some log files from the apache-tomcat/logs directory.  I also
attempted to move some files from /usr/src and from
/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps.  One of those files appears
to have caused a separate failure of our web access to certain aspects
of the database.  My appologies if I am asking the wrong group about
this problem.  If there is any information anyone has concerning java I
would welcome your input.  If you can direct me to a java list I will
ask there as well.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

For one, you playing with tomcat so I'll presume you're familiar with
JSP/Java/Servlet, your problem isn't tomcat, you Veiw.jsp is using an
(oneCol) which is missing a getta method that is used for introspection.
Maybe there is a tag in the page that implicitly refereces the datefield
property, you need to find that reference and either find the right
class/jar file or recompile the oneCol bean class. Again this is a
java/jsp/servlet/struts programming issue, not tomcat.

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This error was not occurring before.  I am afraid I am not familiar 
> with Tomcat enough to know the answers to your questions.  How do I 
> check View.jsp?  I have been trying to revert the changes back by 
> placing the files I moved back to where I thought they belonged.  
> Whatever I am attempting to move back it is having no effect as I 
> still am receiving the errors I mentioned before.  I may have these 
> files in the wrong locations.  Is there a way that I can know which 
> files should go where? As I know very little about Tomcat my fear is 
> that I may be causing more damage if I make any other attempts to 
> "fix" my mistakes.  I am not sure now how I caused the damage already 
> done nor how to correct it.
> Steve Ingraham
> Director of Information Services
> Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
> 405 522-5343
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:30 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat errors
> javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
> '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property 
> attributes.datefield of bean oneCol
> The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method. you

> have to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem 
> was not occurring before you made your move, then most likely you have

> mixed up the versions of jar files or class filesUnfortunately it 
> looks like you have moved al ot of stuff so it is probably to possible

> to revert the changes. Are you using struts? check View.jsp and make 
> the bean oneCol has the appropriate getDatefield...
> On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a 
> > MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using 
> > Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented 
> > specific to our court by a person who is no longer working here.
> >
> > Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the 
> > database
> > to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I 
> > discovered that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at 
> > ways
> > I can move files off of /usr and did move several logs from 
> > /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I 
> > also
> > moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There

> > was a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled "occa.war" 
> > that I also moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I 
> > believe my problems started.  After I moved that file no one could 
> > access any data on the website even though we could access the 
> > database pages when we tried to view a case an error message 
> > returned stating "file not found".  I then moved "occa.war" back t

RE: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
This error was not occurring before.  I am afraid I am not familiar with
Tomcat enough to know the answers to your questions.  How do I check
View.jsp?  I have been trying to revert the changes back by placing the
files I moved back to where I thought they belonged.  Whatever I am
attempting to move back it is having no effect as I still am receiving
the errors I mentioned before.  I may have these files in the wrong
locations.  Is there a way that I can know which files should go where?
As I know very little about Tomcat my fear is that I may be causing more
damage if I make any other attempts to "fix" my mistakes.  I am not sure
now how I caused the damage already done nor how to correct it.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
'/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
attributes.datefield of bean oneCol

The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method. you
have to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem was
not occurring before you made your move, then most likely you have mixed
up the versions of jar files or class filesUnfortunately it looks
like you have moved al ot of stuff so it is probably to possible to
revert the changes. Are you using struts? check View.jsp and make the
bean oneCol has the appropriate getDatefield...

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a 
> MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using 
> Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented 
> specific to our court by a person who is no longer working here.
> Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the database

> to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I 
> discovered that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at ways

> I can move files off of /usr and did move several logs from 
> /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I also

> moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There 
> was a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled "occa.war" that 
> I also moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I believe my 
> problems started.  After I moved that file no one could access any 
> data on the website even though we could access the database pages 
> when we tried to view a case an error message returned stating "file 
> not found".  I then moved "occa.war" back to the /usr/local/src 
> directory and we could access the data again.  However, now there are 
> several different types of errors showing up when user try to view or 
> input data.  There are multiple error messages that are showing up 
> depending on what the individual user was attempting to do.  I know I 
> am probably being much too vague in my explanations but I don't know 
> enough about Tomcat to detail everything.  I would like to ask that if

> anyone can offer help I would welcome any offers for assistance.  If I

> can explain in more detail please let me know what information I need 
> to provide.
> Below is one of the messages that is displayed when a user attempts to

> view one of the web pages.
> HTTP Status 500 -
> type Exception report
> message
> description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented

> it from fulfilling this request.
> exception
> javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
> '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property 
> attributes.datefield of bean oneCol
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(PageCo
> nt
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageCont
> ex
> org.apache.jsp.caser.common.templates.docketLayout_jsp._jspService(org
> .a
> pache.jsp.caser.common.templates.docketLayout_jsp:77)
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.
> ja
> va:322)
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
> 1)
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Htt

RE: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread Steve Ingraham
Yes, I have restarted Tomcat several times now.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
From: Nelson, Tracy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:34 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat errors

Did you restart Tomcat after removing and replacing the occa.war file?
If not, you may want to do so, just to restore everything to a known

Tracy Nelson / Nelnet Business Solutions
402 / 617-9449

| -Original Message-
| From: Steve Ingraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, 11 December, 2006 15:26
| To:
| Subject: Tomcat errors
| I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a 
| MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using 
| Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented
| to our court by a person who is no longer working here.
| Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the database

| to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I
| that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at ways I can move

| files off of /usr and did move several logs from 
| /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I also

| moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There
| a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled "occa.war" that I
| moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I believe my problems 
| started.  After I moved that file no one could access any data on the 
| website even though we could access the database pages when we tried
| view a case an error message returned stating "file not found".  I
| moved "occa.war" back to the /usr/local/src directory and we could 
| access the data again.  However, now there are several different types

| of errors showing up when user try to view or input data.  There are 
| multiple error messages that are showing up depending on what the 
| individual user was attempting to do.  I know I am probably being much

| too vague in my explanations but I don't know enough about Tomcat to 
| detail everything.  I would like to ask that if anyone can offer help
| would welcome any offers for assistance.  If I can explain in more 
| detail please let me know what information I need to provide.
| Below is one of the messages that is displayed when a user attempts to

| view one of the web pages.
| HTTP Status 500 -
| type Exception report
| message
| description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented

| it from fulfilling this request.
| exception
| javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
| '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property 
| attributes.datefield of bean oneCol
| pache.jsp.caser.common.templates.docketLayout_jsp:77)
| org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
|   javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
| va:322)
| org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
|   javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
| ava:39)
| a:1063)
| 229)
| org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
|   javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
|   javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
| ava:122)
| java:118)
| ava:52)
| root cause
| javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: ServletException in
| '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter met

Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread Steve Ingraham















note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.

Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

If anyone can offer assistance I would appreciate it,

Steve Ingraham

Director of Information Services

Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals


405 522-5343