Re: application-level properties not component properties.

2009-06-19 Thread satar

Wow, thanks for such a blazing fast response Igor! 

Actually, I am already using the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer (I think this
is what you are talking about), and using different filter files for my
different environments connected through profiles in my pom.xml file. Knew
none of this stuff 2-3 months ago so I am trying to come to speed fast --
thank you Mystic Coders and WIA. 

I did of course check for the presence of my file
within the tomcat webapp dir:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat

I really resisted posting as I felt a bit of a failure as I usually can comb
through these wonderful user groups and find my answer or a clue to what I
am doing wrong. However, what really caught my interest and I didn't think
about before is making them beans in my applicationContext.xml file with
placeholders that my profile filtering can take care of just as it would
have if I used a .properties file. That seems like a more natural way to do
such a thing -- course, I didn't know what Spring was 6 months ago other
than my favorite time of the year so who am I to say what is natural.
Anyway, I think I will use beans as I am pretty certain that approach would
work in both Jetty and Tomcat.

Thanks again Igor, you ROCK!

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream() has always worked
 fine for me. also did you check your war and make sure the properties
 file was packaged?
 i see you are using spring? (ApplicationContext) if so you might want
 to look at propertyconfigurer - it is easy to setup a bean:
 id=properties class=mypropertiesproperty name=port
 get spring to do replacement based on a properties file or jndi or
 what have you, and then simple pull the bean out and access properties
 via getters
 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Steve wrote:
 I hope I finally figured out how to post to this... I am very knew to
 and web app development but very experience Java client application
 developer (Swing). I read Wicket-in-Action pretty much cover-to-cover and
 would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn Wicket!

 Anyway, getting to the point here, I see TONS of examples all over the
 about how to setup a .properties file for a UI component but none really
 setting some application-level properties. For example, the host path
 changes between different push locations for my app. Even on the same
 I have a Jetty version at 8090 and a tomcat version at 8080. I need to
 how to call back to my homepage with parameters that our
 single-signon-server returns. There are other things like some cgi's add
 some of my pages with the Include class, which I believe you want at the
 very top level of your directory structure as opposed to burried in some
 package path.

 So, I though hey, I would just create a Properties instance and load it
 with a call to the load() method typically so I thought why not try it
 beings I read somewhere that I can get an InputStream of a given class
 the ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(). I thought I was clever
 the following WORKED through Jetty:

 public class MatrixApplication extends WebApplication {

  private ApplicationContext ctx;

  // some global application-level properties
  private Properties applicationProperites;

  private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = http://localhost:8090/;;

   * Constructor
  public MatrixApplication() {

  protected void init() {
     * This instructs Wicket to temporarily redirect an incoming request
     * internal Wicket page that will gather the extended browser info so
 can pull
     * local timezone from client browser.

     * A special component instantiation listener that analyzes components
     * get constructed and injects proxies for all the
     * members it finds.
     * Note: This is required if using @SpringBean annotations.
    addComponentInstantiationListener(new SpringComponentInjector(this));

     * Remove the wicket tags from the final output when rendering the

     * Note: Saw this in the Mystic Coder's example. I think it is a way
     * mount a page to a specific path, which could be kewl
    // mountBookmarkablePage(/home, HomePage.class);
     * Added the following from Mystic Coder's example. Will need to
     * understand at some point.
    // start
    ServletContext servletContext = super.getServletContext();
    ctx =


Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread vineet semwal
lazy initialization exception happens whens you try to initialize a object
(generally collection)
and hibernate session is already closed.
merge is not recommended  ,it attaches a object back to hibernate session +
also cause database update( why will you update a object when you actually
need to read a collection also what are the chances that it won't give you
the same lazy initialized exception again as hibernate session can be closed
before you try to access the collection.)

Simple solutions
1) eager fetch the collection if it's small.
2)For a big collection, write a method in  data access layer  that retrieves
collection/association( initialize the collection this time).
   you can also do  database paging  in this case.

vineet semwal

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Ryan wrote:

 I have been reading Nick Wiedenbrueck's blog, specifically about
 patterns and pitfalls when using wicket with spring and hibernate.

 It seems fairly common for programmers to run into the issue of having
 entities persisted to the database at unexpected times. This happens
 when a transaction is closed and the hibernate session is flushed.
 Certainly this issue is not specific to using Wicket with spring and
 hibernate, but I think it is common enough to warrant some attention.

 There are a few suggestions to solving this problem:

 1) Use DTOs
 2) Make sure validation happens in wicket so the object is not modified
 3) Clear the hibernate session or throw exceptions at just the right

 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.
 Validating entirely in wicket is not always an option (sometimes the
 service tier needs to do some extended business validation). Clearing
 the hibernate session or throwing exceptions will cause Lazy
 Initialization exceptions if not used carefully (which can be hard when
 you do not control all the components on a page)

 I wanted to share one solution I have used and see what others think.

 I mark all of my transactional methods (usually in the service) as read
 only. I then define a set of persist methods (usually on a DAO) that
 are marked as REQUIRES_NEW and are not read only. When I am ready to
 persist an object it is passed to one of these methods and merged into
 the session. This effectively persists the object. Some of these persist
 methods can take a collection of objects so that they can be persisted
 efficiently in one transaction. So far this has worked well for me.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this method or can share some other


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2009-06-19 Thread jpalmer1026

I am trying to use an AjaxSubmitLink to show a panel when a button is clicked. I am receiving the following error when I try to submit the form:Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a was not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are trying to update.My code is as follows:public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage { @SpringBean private IDeclarationService declarationService; public InitiateDeclarationPage() { final Declaration declaration = new Declaration(EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().getAccount(), EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), "", County.COOK, State.ILLINOIS); add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback")); final Form form = new Form("initiateDeclarationForm", new CompoundPropertyModelDeclaration(declaration));  form.add(new Button("submitButton") { @Override public void onSubmit() { Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject(); declaration.setStatus(Status.OPEN); ParcelIdentification pin = declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin()); if (pin == null) { error("No PIN found for PIN " + getFormattedPIN(declaration.getPin())); } else { if (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) { EzdecSession.get().info("Declaration " + declaration.getTxNumber() + " created"); setResponsePage(new DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin)); } else { error("Creating declaration with PIN: " + declaration.getPin()); } } } }); final EzdecRequiredTextField pinText = new EzdecRequiredTextField("pin"); form.add(pinText);  form.add(new DropDownChoice("county", Arrays.asList(County.values())) .setRequired(true) .setEnabled(false)); final WebMarkupContainer parent = new WebMarkupContainer("verifyPanelWmc");// parent.setOutputMarkupId(true); parent.setVisible(false); form.add(parent); AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("verifyPinLink") { @Override public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) { Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject(); ParcelIdentification pid = declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin()); if (pid == null) { error("No PIN found for PIN " + declaration.getPin()); } else {// parent.setOutputMarkupId(true); InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel("verifyPanel", pid); decVerifyPanel.setOutputMarkupId(true); decVerifyPanel.setVisible(true); parent.add(decVerifyPanel); parent.setVisible(true); target.addComponent(decVerifyPanel);// target.addComponent(parent); } } }; form.add(verifyPinLink); add(form); }}Anyone know how I can get around this?

Re: TinyMCE bug:

2009-06-19 Thread Per Lundholm
Possible to use the close-callback of Modalwindow?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Fernando wrote:
 I am trying to run a TinyMCE in a ModalWindow. If the modalWindow is closed
 TinyMCE requires removes some instances through its api:

 tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'idTextArea');
 tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, 'idTextArea');

 But modalWindow close button didn't inform anything to its content. Thus I
 don't find a way to run this two sentences by tinyMCEBehavior.


 Fernando Wermus.

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Re: application-level properties not component properties.

2009-06-19 Thread satar

SWEET, I was able to add it to my application bean directly:

  bean id=wicketApplication
property name=hostURL value=${}/

Of course, I have more properties like this but the first example worked as

Thanks again Igor!!!

satar wrote:
 Wow, thanks for such a blazing fast response Igor! 
 Actually, I am already using the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer (I think
 this is what you are talking about), and using different filter files for
 my different environments connected through profiles in my pom.xml file.
 Knew none of this stuff 2-3 months ago so I am trying to come to speed
 fast -- thank you Mystic Coders and WIA. 
 I did of course check for the presence of my file
 within the tomcat webapp dir:
 C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
 I really resisted posting as I felt a bit of a failure as I usually can
 comb through these wonderful user groups and find my answer or a clue to
 what I am doing wrong. However, what really caught my interest and I
 didn't think about before is making them beans in my
 applicationContext.xml file with placeholders that my profile filtering
 can take care of just as it would have if I used a .properties file. That
 seems like a more natural way to do such a thing -- course, I didn't know
 what Spring was 6 months ago other than my favorite time of the year so
 who am I to say what is natural. Anyway, I think I will use beans as I am
 pretty certain that approach would work in both Jetty and Tomcat.
 Thanks again Igor, you ROCK!
 igor.vaynberg wrote:
 getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream() has always worked
 fine for me. also did you check your war and make sure the properties
 file was packaged?
 i see you are using spring? (ApplicationContext) if so you might want
 to look at propertyconfigurer - it is easy to setup a bean:
 id=properties class=mypropertiesproperty name=port
 get spring to do replacement based on a properties file or jndi or
 what have you, and then simple pull the bean out and access properties
 via getters
 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Steve
 I hope I finally figured out how to post to this... I am very knew to
 and web app development but very experience Java client application
 developer (Swing). I read Wicket-in-Action pretty much cover-to-cover
 would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn Wicket!

 Anyway, getting to the point here, I see TONS of examples all over the
 about how to setup a .properties file for a UI component but none really
 setting some application-level properties. For example, the host path
 changes between different push locations for my app. Even on the same
 I have a Jetty version at 8090 and a tomcat version at 8080. I need to
 how to call back to my homepage with parameters that our
 single-signon-server returns. There are other things like some cgi's add
 some of my pages with the Include class, which I believe you want at the
 very top level of your directory structure as opposed to burried in some
 package path.

 So, I though hey, I would just create a Properties instance and load it
 with a call to the load() method typically so I thought why not try it
 beings I read somewhere that I can get an InputStream of a given class
 the ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(). I thought I was clever
 the following WORKED through Jetty:

 public class MatrixApplication extends WebApplication {

  private ApplicationContext ctx;

  // some global application-level properties
  private Properties applicationProperites;

  private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = http://localhost:8090/;;

   * Constructor
  public MatrixApplication() {

  protected void init() {
     * This instructs Wicket to temporarily redirect an incoming request
     * internal Wicket page that will gather the extended browser info so
 can pull
     * local timezone from client browser.

     * A special component instantiation listener that analyzes
     * get constructed and injects proxies for all the
     * members it finds.
     * Note: This is required if using @SpringBean annotations.
    addComponentInstantiationListener(new SpringComponentInjector(this));

     * Remove the wicket tags from the final output when rendering the

     * Note: Saw this in the Mystic Coder's example. I think it is a way
     * mount a page to a specific path, which could be kewl
    // mountBookmarkablePage(/home, 

Re: Apache Logs, Session IDs, and PageExpiredException

2009-06-19 Thread Johan Compagner
What do you mean with sessionid disappears? From the url? Thats basic
tomcat, the first urls are with session id but if session cookie works
it wont append it to the url, or you really have to tell tomcat that
it has to do that everytime.

On 17/06/2009, Jeremy Levy wrote:
 We see a very similar issue: Between one request to another that happen
 within a matter of seconds / minutes the sessionid disappears.  A lot of our
 traffic is mobile so I assume some of it is crappy browser implementation.
   We have not been able to reproduce it any meaningful way.
 We have been able to mitigate the effect on our
 users by making as many pages as possible bookmarkable as well as
 including cookie based auto-login.

 I have seen other things cause this however, if you are using jvmRoute
 with a node that is down and your don't properly fail over you will
 consistently get this error.

 For what it's worth we are using Wicket 1.3.6 (but been anecdotally having
 the issue since 1.3.0 or earlier) in Tomcat/JBoss 4.2.2.


 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Dane Laverty wrote:

 Thanks for pointing that out. I've tried some other changes, so I'll wait
 and see how they work out. However, if the problem persists I'll look into
 the possibility of it being an HTTPS-related issue. That line of reasoning
 hadn't ever occurred to me.


 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Igor Vaynberg
  good catch Jason.
  We have also ran into this when implementing wicket's @RequireHttps
  annotation, there is a javadoc section in HttpsRequestCycleProtocol
  that talks about this cookie pain.
  On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Jason wrote:
   I notice there are some secure requests there (https)... so I will now
   blindly assume you are having the same problem I had in the past...
   I had a problem with session ids changing when trying to swtich
   secure/insecure pages.
   If your first request to a tomcat server is secure, and a session is
   created, tomcat will create a secure session id cookie that will only
   sent in https requests.  If you request a non-secure (http) page
   will not send the cookie, and a new insecure session cookie is
   One way to fix* this is to use a http request filter that checks for
   session id cookie creation, and writing a new insecure cookie if a
   one has been created.  Something like this:
   *when I say fix, I mean make the system less secure :)
   Igor Vaynberg wrote:
   yes, a changing sessionid will cause a page expired error because the
   client all of a sudden gets a new blank session.
   changing session ids can be caused by either session expiration or a
   manual session invalidation - like during a logout procedure.
   you have to figure out what causes the session to get dumped and a
   one to be created in your application/servlet container.
   On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Dane
   I'm trying to track down the source of frequent
   we're getting on our deployment server. One of the errors occured at
   01:28:06 this morning. In the Apache logs, I discovered that the
   session ID spontaneously changed at that time, (see the change
   4  5 below, and then again between lines 11  12). Is that just a
   coincidence, or would a changing session ID cause the
   And if so, what causes the session ID to change? (I'm using Wicket
   can't replicate the errors in development, which sounds common
   the several PageExpiredException threads. I'm not seeing any sort of
   serialization errors either.) Thanks for your help!
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
   /resources/comp.Comp/Oregon2.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 22145
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
   /resources/comp.Comp/newVGrad.png HTTP/1.1 200 48736
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
   /resources/comp.Comp/navBoxBottom.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 14140
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:05 -0700] GET
   /pay%3bjsessionid=E0381EA98B6C107CD1D4DF8FDE5D88C3 HTTP/1.1 302 -
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:05 -0700] GET
   263 -...
   XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:05 -0700] GET
   /login%3bjsessionid=271042707F280E26F7A08E6FFF108C22 HTTP/1.1 200

Re: AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread sander v F
Like the error says: Make sure you called component.setOutputMarkupId(true)
on the component whose markup you are trying to update.
That would be the component with id: 'verifyPanelWmc'.

Your code:
final WebMarkupContainer parent = new

I think you tried that already, but because the component is not visible,
the component won't be rendered and written to the response. So there
wouldn't be any component to update with ajax. That's why there's the error
Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a was not found while trying to
perform markup update

You should try setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true). This will create a
placeholder so the component can be updated with ajax.


  I am trying to use an AjaxSubmitLink to show a panel when a button is
 clicked. I am receiving the following error when I try to submit the form:

 Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a
 was not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called
 component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are
 trying to update.

 My code is as follows:

 public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
 private IDeclarationService declarationService;

 public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
 final Declaration declaration = new
 EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK,
 add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

 final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new

 form.add(new Button(submitButton) {
 public void onSubmit() {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
 ParcelIdentification pin =
 if (pin == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  +
 } else {
 (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
 EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  +
 declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
 setResponsePage(new DeclarationPage(declaration, 0,
 } else {
 error(Creating declaration with PIN:  +

 final EzdecRequiredTextField pinText = new

 form.add(new DropDownChoice(county,

 final WebMarkupContainer parent = new

 AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink)
 public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
 ParcelIdentification pid =
 if (pid == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
 } else {
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);




 Anyone know how I can get around this?

Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Paul Szulc

 besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)

how long do you think before final release?

RE: AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Thomerson

That's not the correct name for the method, but it's close enough - even 
Googling for your error text will probably give you the answer.

Jeremy Thomerson
-- sent from a wireless device

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:33 PM
Subject: AjaxSubmitLink

I am trying to use an AjaxSubmitLink to show a panel when a button is clicked. 
I am receiving the following error when I try to submit the form:

Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a was 
not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called 
component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are trying 
to update.

My code is as follows:

public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
    private IDeclarationService declarationService;

    public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
    final Declaration declaration = new 
    EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK, State.ILLINOIS);
    add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

    final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new 
    form.add(new Button(submitButton) {
    public void onSubmit() {
    Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject();
    ParcelIdentification pin = 
    if (pin == null) {
    error(No PIN found for PIN  + 
    } else {
    if (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
    EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  + 
declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
    setResponsePage(new DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, 
    } else {
    error(Creating declaration with PIN:  + 

    final EzdecRequiredTextField pinText = new 
    form.add(new DropDownChoice(county, Arrays.asList(County.values()))

    final WebMarkupContainer parent = new 
//    parent.setOutputMarkupId(true);

    AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
    public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
    Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject();
    ParcelIdentification pid = 
    if (pid == null) {
    error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
    } else {
//    parent.setOutputMarkupId(true);
    InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new 
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);
//    target.addComponent(parent);




Anyone know how I can get around this?

RE: AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
That's not the problem.  The problem is that setVisible(false) was called - so 
that element isn't present on the rendered page at all.  He needs to call the 
method that forces a placeholder to be rendered.

Jeremy Thomerson
-- sent from a wireless device

-Original Message-
From: sander v F
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: AjaxSubmitLink

Like the error says: Make sure you called component.setOutputMarkupId(true)
on the component whose markup you are trying to update.
That would be the component with id: 'verifyPanelWmc'.

Your code:
final WebMarkupContainer parent = new

I think you tried that already, but because the component is not visible,
the component won't be rendered and written to the response. So there
wouldn't be any component to update with ajax. That's why there's the error
Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a was not found while trying to
perform markup update

You should try setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true). This will create a
placeholder so the component can be updated with ajax.


  I am trying to use an AjaxSubmitLink to show a panel when a button is
 clicked. I am receiving the following error when I try to submit the form:

 Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[verifyPanelWmc9]] a
 was not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called
 component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are
 trying to update.

 My code is as follows:

 public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
 private IDeclarationService declarationService;

 public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
 final Declaration declaration = new
 EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK,
 add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

 final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new

 form.add(new Button(submitButton) {
 public void onSubmit() {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
 ParcelIdentification pin =
 if (pin == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  +
 } else {
 (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
 EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  +
 declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
 setResponsePage(new DeclarationPage(declaration, 0,
 } else {
 error(Creating declaration with PIN:  +

 final EzdecRequiredTextField pinText = new

 form.add(new DropDownChoice(county,

 final WebMarkupContainer parent = new

 AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink)
 public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
 ParcelIdentification pid =
 if (pid == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
 } else {
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);




 Anyone know how I can get around this?

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RE: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
There's some discussion of the need for an rc6 to include a couple of bug fixes 
that went in this week after rc5 was cut.


Jeremy Thomerson
-- sent from a wireless device

-Original Message-
From: Paul Szulc
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

 besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)

how long do you think before final release?

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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread Martin Makundi
 1) Use DTOs
 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.

I use @Entity objects directly as objects. No overhead.

There was some discussion about Hibernate and wicket in:


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Re: Conversation scope in wicket

2009-06-19 Thread janneru
hi jamesjoe,

which are the issues with clint popetz's current work on the webbeans-wicket
integration (already contained in the webbeans preview) that you would write
your own?

cheers, uwe.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:05 PM, James Carman

 JSR-299 is somewhat of a moving target right now, so it's hard to stay
 up-to-date with it.  I'm mainly working with the OpenWebBeans folks on

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Joe Fawzy wrote:
  Hi all
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:44 AM, James Carman
   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Igor Vaynberg
you are free to implement this as an open source addition to wicket.
there is wicketstuff or googlecode or where you can host it.
wicket is a ui framework and conversational scope management falls
outside wicket's scope. it is our job to provide the hooks to make
such things possible, not to provide an implementation.
   And, those hooks are very nice.  I would only ask for some more
   listener registering opportunities (like for listening to request
   cycle events like begin/end rather than having to implement your own
   request cycle).
  Yes this is a much needed functionality
  i think we may cooperate in that thing
  can u start another mail discussion suggesting ur needs , and make
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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Martin Makundi
[X] Yes, build 1.4-rc6
[  ] No, let's see how rc5 turns out first


2009/6/19 Jeremy Thomerson

 There's some discussion of the need for an rc6 to include a couple of bug
 fixes that went in this week after rc5 was cut.


 Jeremy Thomerson
 -- sent from a wireless device

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Szulc
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

  besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)

 how long do you think before final release?

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Ideas for Handling PageExpired on BookmarkablePages

2009-06-19 Thread Martin Sachs
Hi wicketiers,

Again questions about PageExpired...

I throught a couple of times about PageExpiredException. IMO this is not
a User Exception, i can not tell the user to restart the application. So
what can i do on PageExpired (on sessiontimeout) ?

To my mind there are a lot of ways for handling PageExpiredException on
1) For authorized pages we can simply redirect to the login-page.

2) on public pages we should never show an error page, after the
user has clicked some stateful-ajax link.

   2.1) we should minimal redirect the user to the last bookmarked
page, this is the page, the user found the ajax-link. But this is a problem:
  My idea was to store the last bookmark-request-URL to the
session, if the session was destroyed the last URL was stored to an
Hashmap in the application with the key 'sessionID'
  Yeah, this sessionID was timeout to we get a new Session after
timeout. We have to provide a cookie with the last sessionID or a UUID
or the URL itself.
  With this cookie a can redirect the ajax-reqest to the last
known page.

   2.2) Prevend the PageExpiredException by include a meta refresh
...  HTML fragment on the page and set it to the sessiontimeout+1s, so
each open Browser request the new   Bookmarkable Page and the session
was newly created. The Ajax-call would be executed ever, but the state
is new after timeout.
 - Can an AJAX-Response change the URL of the page so that
the last change through ajax is also encoded in URL ? Brix does
something like this.

   2.3) Prevend the PageExpiredException  by include the
bookmarkablePage URL on each ajax-request. So on Ajax-Request the Page
would simply build again with new state and the AJAX-Call works. I read
this was very tricky and not planned yet.
What do you guess about that? do you know any other fallbacks on
Pageexpired which dont confuse the Enduser ?

By the Way is it a good idea to store the Pagehierarchie not in
HttpSession, but in a EHCache implementation? I would also use a cookie,
that dont expires with the session and i would use this Cookie to know
the old user. the EHCache is fast and in memory with good and proved
Stragegies (LRU,...) and writing back to persistent store and so on. So
a new session should not cause a PageExpiredException on AJAX-Request.
Also the memory outside the HttpSession can be much bigger and EHCache
or whatever Implementation can be distributed.

What is your best practice ?


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Re: Conversation scope in wicket

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
#1, I didn't know about it.  #2, I wanted to get familiar with
JSR-299, so having to write an integration is a pretty good way to get
down and dirty. :)

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:43 AM, wrote:
 hi jamesjoe,

 which are the issues with clint popetz's current work on the webbeans-wicket
 integration (already contained in the webbeans preview) that you would write
 your own?

 cheers, uwe.

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:05 PM, James Carman

 JSR-299 is somewhat of a moving target right now, so it's hard to stay
 up-to-date with it.  I'm mainly working with the OpenWebBeans folks on

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Joe Fawzy wrote:
  Hi all
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:44 AM, James Carman
   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Igor Vaynberg
you are free to implement this as an open source addition to wicket.
there is wicketstuff or googlecode or where you can host it.
wicket is a ui framework and conversational scope management falls
outside wicket's scope. it is our job to provide the hooks to make
such things possible, not to provide an implementation.
   And, those hooks are very nice.  I would only ask for some more
   listener registering opportunities (like for listening to request
   cycle events like begin/end rather than having to implement your own
   request cycle).
  Yes this is a much needed functionality
  i think we may cooperate in that thing
  can u start another mail discussion suggesting ur needs , and make
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
Absolutely not.  I don't know that I've even heard anyone say they're
using it.  It's funny how management thinks they can make these sort
of decisions for developers.  I'd say stick with one of the top three
(in my opinion), in this order:

1.  IntelliJ IDEA
2.  Eclipse
3.  Netbeans

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Dane Laverty wrote:

 Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
 the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
 that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
 know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket

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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
The only changes that will be persisted to the database are ones that
go on within a transaction.  So, do all of your work in transactional
methods (in spring-managed beans), but leave your session open for the
entire request so that you can traverse relationships if necessary.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Ryan wrote:

 I have been reading Nick Wiedenbrueck's blog, specifically about
 patterns and pitfalls when using wicket with spring and hibernate.

 It seems fairly common for programmers to run into the issue of having
 entities persisted to the database at unexpected times. This happens
 when a transaction is closed and the hibernate session is flushed.
 Certainly this issue is not specific to using Wicket with spring and
 hibernate, but I think it is common enough to warrant some attention.

 There are a few suggestions to solving this problem:

 1) Use DTOs
 2) Make sure validation happens in wicket so the object is not modified
 3) Clear the hibernate session or throw exceptions at just the right

 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.
 Validating entirely in wicket is not always an option (sometimes the
 service tier needs to do some extended business validation). Clearing
 the hibernate session or throwing exceptions will cause Lazy
 Initialization exceptions if not used carefully (which can be hard when
 you do not control all the components on a page)

 I wanted to share one solution I have used and see what others think.

 I mark all of my transactional methods (usually in the service) as read
 only. I then define a set of persist methods (usually on a DAO) that
 are marked as REQUIRES_NEW and are not read only. When I am ready to
 persist an object it is passed to one of these methods and merged into
 the session. This effectively persists the object. Some of these persist
 methods can take a collection of objects so that they can be persisted
 efficiently in one transaction. So far this has worked well for me.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this method or can share some other


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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul wrote:

 besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)

 how long do you think before final release?

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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Martijn Reuvers
When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
integration for your application and can really build applications

However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
the job done. =)

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane wrote:
 Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
 the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
 that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
 know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket

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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
+1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:

 When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
 integration for your application and can really build applications

 However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
 off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
 use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
 not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
 the job done. =)

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane wrote:
  Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
  the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
  that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
  know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Getting form component raw value on ajax action

2009-06-19 Thread Andrea Aime

I have a form in which one of the fields represents a server
side path. The field has a validator to make sure the path is
valid and contains certain kind of files inside of it.

I also have a link on the side of it that opens in a modal
window a server side file system browser to be used as a
directory chooser.

The issue is, I would like to know what the user typed in
the field, use it in the chooser, and when I'm done with
the chooser, update the value in the field accordingly.

I've tried out three solutions, none of them seems to work:
- plain ajaxsubmitlink: validation triggers and onSubmit does
  not get called all the time. Not good
- ajajxsubmitlink + disable default form processing + grab
  the field input value - the chooser starts with whatever
  the user typed in, but when the chooser closes it
  would seem the field is not updated even if it's
  part of the ajax request target and its model has
  been updated
- ajaxlink: the opposite, that is the form field value
  cannot be read (it's not posted back to the server)
  but when the chooser closes the field value is updated
  with whatever the user chose (the code that does
  the field update is exactly the same)

Sigh... any way to have this thing work both ways?
I can provide sample code, but first I'd like to check if
there is any general reason why this would not work.


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RE: wicket log4j MDC

2009-06-19 Thread m00kie


I would like to add some MDC information to logs of wicket RequestLogger.
Unfortunatelly these MDC information are missed as RequestLogger invokes
it's logging after invocation of WebRequestCycle.onEndRequest method which
removes MDC entires.

Is it a workaround for doing that?
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Re: Getting form component raw value on ajax action

2009-06-19 Thread Andrea Aime

Andrea Aime ha scritto:

I have a form in which one of the fields represents a server
side path. The field has a validator to make sure the path is
valid and contains certain kind of files inside of it.

I also have a link on the side of it that opens in a modal
window a server side file system browser to be used as a
directory chooser.

The issue is, I would like to know what the user typed in
the field, use it in the chooser, and when I'm done with
the chooser, update the value in the field accordingly.

I've tried out three solutions, none of them seems to work:
- plain ajaxsubmitlink: validation triggers and onSubmit does
  not get called all the time. Not good
- ajajxsubmitlink + disable default form processing + grab
  the field input value - the chooser starts with whatever
  the user typed in, but when the chooser closes it
  would seem the field is not updated even if it's
  part of the ajax request target and its model has
  been updated

Answering myself, the second option works provided that
the code calls field.clearInput() (besides setting the
new model value).


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Re: Getting form component raw value on ajax action

2009-06-19 Thread Martin Makundi
Have a look at autocomplete texxtfield, it should provide a good starting point.


2009/6/19 Andrea Aime
 I have a form in which one of the fields represents a server
 side path. The field has a validator to make sure the path is
 valid and contains certain kind of files inside of it.

 I also have a link on the side of it that opens in a modal
 window a server side file system browser to be used as a
 directory chooser.

 The issue is, I would like to know what the user typed in
 the field, use it in the chooser, and when I'm done with
 the chooser, update the value in the field accordingly.

 I've tried out three solutions, none of them seems to work:
 - plain ajaxsubmitlink: validation triggers and onSubmit does
  not get called all the time. Not good
 - ajajxsubmitlink + disable default form processing + grab
  the field input value - the chooser starts with whatever
  the user typed in, but when the chooser closes it
  would seem the field is not updated even if it's
  part of the ajax request target and its model has
  been updated
 - ajaxlink: the opposite, that is the form field value
  cannot be read (it's not posted back to the server)
  but when the chooser closes the field value is updated
  with whatever the user chose (the code that does
  the field update is exactly the same)

 Sigh... any way to have this thing work both ways?
 I can provide sample code, but first I'd like to check if
 there is any general reason why this would not work.


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Re: Apache Logs, Session IDs, and PageExpiredException

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Levy
I have my apache log configured to include the cookies.  I'm not talking
about the URL.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:51 AM, Johan Compagner jcompag...@gmail.comwrote:

 What do you mean with sessionid disappears? From the url? Thats basic
 tomcat, the first urls are with session id but if session cookie works
 it wont append it to the url, or you really have to tell tomcat that
 it has to do that everytime.

 On 17/06/2009, Jeremy Levy wrote:
  We see a very similar issue: Between one request to another that happen
  within a matter of seconds / minutes the sessionid disappears.  A lot of
  traffic is mobile so I assume some of it is crappy browser
We have not been able to reproduce it any meaningful way.
  We have been able to mitigate the effect on our
  users by making as many pages as possible bookmarkable as well as
  including cookie based auto-login.
  I have seen other things cause this however, if you are using jvmRoute
  with a node that is down and your don't properly fail over you will
  consistently get this error.
  For what it's worth we are using Wicket 1.3.6 (but been anecdotally
  the issue since 1.3.0 or earlier) in Tomcat/JBoss 4.2.2.
  On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Dane Laverty
  Thanks for pointing that out. I've tried some other changes, so I'll
  and see how they work out. However, if the problem persists I'll look
  the possibility of it being an HTTPS-related issue. That line of
  hadn't ever occurred to me.
  On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Igor Vaynberg
   good catch Jason.
   We have also ran into this when implementing wicket's @RequireHttps
   annotation, there is a javadoc section in HttpsRequestCycleProtocol
   that talks about this cookie pain.
   On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Jason
I notice there are some secure requests there (https)... so I will
blindly assume you are having the same problem I had in the past...
I had a problem with session ids changing when trying to swtich
secure/insecure pages.
If your first request to a tomcat server is secure, and a session is
created, tomcat will create a secure session id cookie that will
sent in https requests.  If you request a non-secure (http) page
will not send the cookie, and a new insecure session cookie is
One way to fix* this is to use a http request filter that checks for
session id cookie creation, and writing a new insecure cookie if a
one has been created.  Something like this:
*when I say fix, I mean make the system less secure :)
Igor Vaynberg wrote:
yes, a changing sessionid will cause a page expired error because
client all of a sudden gets a new blank session.
changing session ids can be caused by either session expiration or
manual session invalidation - like during a logout procedure.
you have to figure out what causes the session to get dumped and a
one to be created in your application/servlet container.
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Dane Laverty
I'm trying to track down the source of frequent
we're getting on our deployment server. One of the errors occured
01:28:06 this morning. In the Apache logs, I discovered that the
session ID spontaneously changed at that time, (see the change
4  5 below, and then again between lines 11  12). Is that just a
coincidence, or would a changing session ID cause the
And if so, what causes the session ID to change? (I'm using Wicket
can't replicate the errors in development, which sounds common
the several PageExpiredException threads. I'm not seeing any sort
serialization errors either.) Thanks for your help!
XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
/resources/comp.Comp/Oregon2.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 22145 
XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
/resources/comp.Comp/newVGrad.png HTTP/1.1 200 48736 
XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:03 -0700] GET
/resources/comp.Comp/navBoxBottom.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 14140 
XXX.XXX.29.22 - - [11/Jun/2009:01:28:05 -0700] GET

Re: Mysterious NullPointerException

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Levy
It's happening on line # 1483 of RequestCycle which corresponds to:

 * Called when an unrecoverable runtime exception during request cycle
handling occurred, which
 * will result in displaying a user facing error page. Clients can override
this method in case
 * they want to customize logging. NOT called for {...@link
PageExpiredException page expired
 * exceptions}.
 * @param e
 *the runtime exception
protected void logRuntimeException(RuntimeException e)
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 that is rather strange, there should be the stack trace. why dont you
 change your logger to show the line numbers so we can see where the
 log statement is coming from.


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Jeremy wrote:
  There is no stack dump, that is the entire output.
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Per Lundholm
  No. ;-)
  Are you suggesting that the version of Wicket matters?
  How does the stack dump look in your logs?
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Jeremy wrote:
   I see the following a few times a day, this is with Wicket 1.3.6.  It
   results in a 500 being displayed to the user...
   2009-06-18 00:53:09,485 ERROR Web [RequestCycle] :
   I realize this isn't much to go on, any ideas?
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Re: Conversation scope in wicket

2009-06-19 Thread Joe Fawzy
Hi dearfirst of all, why add another dependency,just for conversation
handling, while we have in wicket a strong ground for it
note: jsr299 is a big spec with a somehow complex lifecycle(which may not be
compatible with that of wicket) and really complicated bean resolution

second: wicket components are not 299 beans, wicket is an unmanaged
framework , u must create the components urself, not by the framework, which
is a requirement for jsr299
what can be done with web beans, is to inject its objects in wicket
components BUT u cannot manage wicket components as web beans , and for
example inject them or handle there lifecycle


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:43 AM, janneru wrote:

 hi jamesjoe,

 which are the issues with clint popetz's current work on the
 integration (already contained in the webbeans preview) that you would
 your own?

 cheers, uwe.

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:05 PM, James Carman

  JSR-299 is somewhat of a moving target right now, so it's hard to stay
  up-to-date with it.  I'm mainly working with the OpenWebBeans folks on
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Joe Fawzy wrote:
   Hi all
   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:44 AM, James Carman
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Igor Vaynberg

 you are free to implement this as an open source addition to
 there is wicketstuff or googlecode or where you can host

 wicket is a ui framework and conversational scope management falls
 outside wicket's scope. it is our job to provide the hooks to make
 such things possible, not to provide an implementation.
And, those hooks are very nice.  I would only ask for some more
listener registering opportunities (like for listening to request
cycle events like begin/end rather than having to implement your own
request cycle).
   Yes this is a much needed functionality
   i think we may cooperate in that thing
   can u start another mail discussion suggesting ur needs , and make
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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Johan Compagner
or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket setting)

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman jcar...@carmanconsulting.comwrote:

 Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
 incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
 stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul wrote:
  besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)
  how long do you think before final release?

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Creating a form dynamically

2009-06-19 Thread Ryan LaHue
I'm trying to build a form dynamically and am having a little problem.
Basically I have a class that takes a ListFormComponent and then passes
them into a ListView for display on screen.  The problem is that they were
created elsewhere and I have no control over two things:
1) The order/type of each FormComponent
2) The wicket:id that was chosen for them when the FormComponents were

I think I've solved 1) by creating wrapper classes for each supported
FormComponent type... for example, I have a DropDownChoicePanel which simply
adds the DropDownChoice it is passed to its html, which is simply a select
wicket:id=component/select.  This way I can simply wrap each
FormComponent in the list with a panel and add all the panels to my listview
rather than the components themselves -- this solves the problem of
homogenizing the listview's HTML.

But 2) is causing me problems, because unless I require all FormComponents
to be given a wicket:id which is prespecified and is the same as that in the
DropDownChoicePanel (wicket:id=component) then it will not work.

Am I going about this all wrong?  Is there any way I can receive a
FormComponent and then change its wicket:id so that it will always be
component in my ListView?  Or is there a solution for this problem

Much thanks for any advice.

Re: Creating a form dynamically

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
You could use Velocity to dynamically build your markup.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Ryan wrote:
 I'm trying to build a form dynamically and am having a little problem.
 Basically I have a class that takes a ListFormComponent and then passes
 them into a ListView for display on screen.  The problem is that they were
 created elsewhere and I have no control over two things:
 1) The order/type of each FormComponent
 2) The wicket:id that was chosen for them when the FormComponents were

 I think I've solved 1) by creating wrapper classes for each supported
 FormComponent type... for example, I have a DropDownChoicePanel which simply
 adds the DropDownChoice it is passed to its html, which is simply a select
 wicket:id=component/select.  This way I can simply wrap each
 FormComponent in the list with a panel and add all the panels to my listview
 rather than the components themselves -- this solves the problem of
 homogenizing the listview's HTML.

 But 2) is causing me problems, because unless I require all FormComponents
 to be given a wicket:id which is prespecified and is the same as that in the
 DropDownChoicePanel (wicket:id=component) then it will not work.

 Am I going about this all wrong?  Is there any way I can receive a
 FormComponent and then change its wicket:id so that it will always be
 component in my ListView?  Or is there a solution for this problem

 Much thanks for any advice.

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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
Is it turned on by default?  I don't think I changed anything with
respect to that setting.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Johan wrote:
 or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket setting)

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman 

 Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
 incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
 stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul wrote:
  besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)
  how long do you think before final release?

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Re: Creating a form dynamically

2009-06-19 Thread John Krasnay
I've had good results creating my child components as panels and adding
them to a RepeatingView (instead of ListView). The child panels should
get their IDs from RepeatingView.newChildId().


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:14:12AM -0400, James Carman wrote:
 You could use Velocity to dynamically build your markup.
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Ryan wrote:
  I'm trying to build a form dynamically and am having a little problem.
  Basically I have a class that takes a ListFormComponent and then passes
  them into a ListView for display on screen.  The problem is that they were
  created elsewhere and I have no control over two things:
  1) The order/type of each FormComponent
  2) The wicket:id that was chosen for them when the FormComponents were
  I think I've solved 1) by creating wrapper classes for each supported
  FormComponent type... for example, I have a DropDownChoicePanel which simply
  adds the DropDownChoice it is passed to its html, which is simply a select
  wicket:id=component/select.  This way I can simply wrap each
  FormComponent in the list with a panel and add all the panels to my listview
  rather than the components themselves -- this solves the problem of
  homogenizing the listview's HTML.
  But 2) is causing me problems, because unless I require all FormComponents
  to be given a wicket:id which is prespecified and is the same as that in the
  DropDownChoicePanel (wicket:id=component) then it will not work.
  Am I going about this all wrong?  Is there any way I can receive a
  FormComponent and then change its wicket:id so that it will always be
  component in my ListView?  Or is there a solution for this problem
  Much thanks for any advice.
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Re: Creating a form dynamically

2009-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten

This might be useful:


Ryan LaHue wrote:

I'm trying to build a form dynamically and am having a little problem.
Basically I have a class that takes a ListFormComponent and then passes
them into a ListView for display on screen.  The problem is that they were
created elsewhere and I have no control over two things:
1) The order/type of each FormComponent
2) The wicket:id that was chosen for them when the FormComponents were

I think I've solved 1) by creating wrapper classes for each supported
FormComponent type... for example, I have a DropDownChoicePanel which simply
adds the DropDownChoice it is passed to its html, which is simply a select
wicket:id=component/select.  This way I can simply wrap each
FormComponent in the list with a panel and add all the panels to my listview
rather than the components themselves -- this solves the problem of
homogenizing the listview's HTML.

But 2) is causing me problems, because unless I require all FormComponents
to be given a wicket:id which is prespecified and is the same as that in the
DropDownChoicePanel (wicket:id=component) then it will not work.

Am I going about this all wrong?  Is there any way I can receive a
FormComponent and then change its wicket:id so that it will always be
component in my ListView?  Or is there a solution for this problem

Much thanks for any advice.


Erik van Oosten

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Re: LinkTree : when using a refreshing model, expanding/collapsing nodes not working anymore

2009-06-19 Thread CrocodileShoes

Did you ever get anywhere with this?  I have the same problem where I refresh
the tree from the source data each time getObject() is called, that is, when
a user selects a node.  It just feels wrong but I can't get it to work any
other way.

I am persisting selected nodes by implementing my own ITreeState then
overriding isNodeSelected(Object node) to check for the node in the source

I think this methodology is what is preventing the expansion and collapsing
of node to fail (I think it's actually working but the tree rebuild is
refreshing it immediately)


LiveNono wrote:
 I didn't manage to sleep this night so I did a quickstart project with my
 issue and then... realised how stupid I've been : when refreshing the tree
 loose the data about what to open/close, hence my issue.
 I don't know yet the solution I'll follow, hesitating between informing
 user and refreshing the whole tree as soon as data behind change or keep
 track of the tree state in some wrappers around my data.
 Time'll tell, and hopefully my brain will be faster next time :)
 Side node : I'm once again amazed by the flexibility of wicket. It's
 able to fit anyone needs.
 The only issue with this tree, in my case, is that I find the code is a
 bit clumsy. First I affect the data to the nodes (using recursion), and
 then, when the linkTree is created, I assign some state to it according to
 some specific nodes I've just added (like which one will be first the
 one, or to expand some nodes in order to have one pre selected), being
 of required to keep track of them in between.
 thanks again
 NB : I hope it doesn't seem like the mailing list is my teddy bear, even
 the fact is that I spend a lot of time before asking trying to figure out
 2009/4/15 Live Nono
 Small extra precision : using
 works fine...

 2009/4/15 Live Nono


 I've another issue with the LinkTree.

 Up to recently, it was working all fine. I was creating the LinkTree
 way :
 new LinkTree(tree, getTreeModel())

 But then I wanted the model to be refreshed at each request.  I tried
 many refreshing models like for example new LinkTree(tree, new
 LoadableTreeModel(rootId)) or new LinkTree(tree, new

 However, each time, the expanding/collapsing behavior doesn't work
 anymore. When I click on the + or - nothing happens.

 Any help regarding what to do/where to look is highly welcomed !

 thanks in advance


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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Johan Compagner
no but you can turn it on.
Then these problems are not an issue.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 16:14, James Carman jcar...@carmanconsulting.comwrote:

 Is it turned on by default?  I don't think I changed anything with
 respect to that setting.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Johan
  or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman 
  Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
  incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
  stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul
   besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)
   how long do you think before final release?
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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
I assume that's

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Johan Compagner jcompag...@gmail.comwrote:

 no but you can turn it on.
 Then these problems are not an issue.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 16:14, James Carman

  Is it turned on by default?  I don't think I changed anything with
  respect to that setting.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Johan
   or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman 
   Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
   incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
   stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul
besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer :-)
how long do you think before final release?
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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread Johan Compagner

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 17:07, James Carman jcar...@carmanconsulting.comwrote:

 I assume that's

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Johan Compagner

  no but you can turn it on.
  Then these problems are not an issue.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 16:14, James Carman
   Is it turned on by default?  I don't think I changed anything with
   respect to that setting.
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Johan
or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman 
Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul

 besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer

 how long do you think before final release?

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Re: [announce] Wicket 1.4-RC5 released

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
So, if this can cause crazy problems like that, why is it off by
default?  I didn't see any justification (or that it was off by
default for that matter) in the javadocs.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Johan Compagner wrote:


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 17:07, James Carman 

  I assume that's
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Johan Compagner
   no but you can turn it on.
   Then these problems are not an issue.
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 16:14, James Carman
Is it turned on by default?  I don't think I changed anything with
respect to that setting.
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Johan
 or add the lastmodifiedtimestamp to your resources (thats a wicket

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:32, James Carman 

 Only problem I'm having with 1.4-rc5 seems to be some JavaScript
 incompatibilities.  I had to clear my cache to get some of my ajax
 stuff working again.  :(  Guess I'll have to make sure I tell my

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Paul
  besides that it's great to see the final release getting closer
  how long do you think before final release?

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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Dane Laverty
I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
success. The main problems so far are:
- How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
issues with JDev 11)
- How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic server?
- Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
project lifecycle management?

I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
 +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
 IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
 free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
 provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:

 When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
 integration for your application and can really build applications

 However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
 off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
 use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
 not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
 the job done. =)

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane wrote:
  Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
  the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
  that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
  know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Igor Vaynberg
dont you mean

1.  Eclipse
2.  IntelliJ IDEA
3.  Netbeans



On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:25 AM, James wrote:
 Absolutely not.  I don't know that I've even heard anyone say they're
 using it.  It's funny how management thinks they can make these sort
 of decisions for developers.  I'd say stick with one of the top three
 (in my opinion), in this order:

 1.  IntelliJ IDEA
 2.  Eclipse
 3.  Netbeans

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Dane Laverty wrote:

 Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
 the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
 that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
 know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket

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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
I've always found that trying to do the UML thing just turns out to be more
of a pain than it's worth.  For me, it's just easier to code the stuff.  You
can generate UML from the code pretty easily (check out the yfiles Javadocs
for an example that's generated using yworks' yDoc product).

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Dane Laverty danelave...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
 Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
 just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
 been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

 There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
 manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
 honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
 while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
 mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
 JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
 JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
 applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

 I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
 success. The main problems so far are:
 - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
 layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
 issues with JDev 11)
 - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic
 - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
 project lifecycle management?

 I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
 I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
 documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
 is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
  +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
  IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
  free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
  provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:
  When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
  integration for your application and can really build applications
  However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
  off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
  use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
  not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
  the job done. =)
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane
   Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
   the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
   that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
   know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: Mysterious NullPointerException

2009-06-19 Thread Igor Vaynberg
right, so where is the stacktrace from the e given to the logger?


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Jeremy wrote:
 It's happening on line # 1483 of RequestCycle which corresponds to:

  * Called when an unrecoverable runtime exception during request cycle
 handling occurred, which
  * will result in displaying a user facing error page. Clients can override
 this method in case
  * they want to customize logging. NOT called for {...@link
 PageExpiredException page expired
  * exceptions}.
  * @param e
  *            the runtime exception
 protected void logRuntimeException(RuntimeException e)
 log.error(e.getMessage(), e);


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Igor Vaynberg 

 that is rather strange, there should be the stack trace. why dont you
 change your logger to show the line numbers so we can see where the
 log statement is coming from.


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Jeremy wrote:
  There is no stack dump, that is the entire output.
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Per Lundholm
  No. ;-)
  Are you suggesting that the version of Wicket matters?
  How does the stack dump look in your logs?
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Jeremy wrote:
   I see the following a few times a day, this is with Wicket 1.3.6.  It
   results in a 500 being displayed to the user...
   2009-06-18 00:53:09,485 ERROR Web [RequestCycle] :
   I realize this isn't much to go on, any ideas?
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Igor Vaynberg
we found uml works great in the beginning of an iteration to represent
high level architecture and processes to get everyone on the same
page. after that we fill in the blanks in code. all this roundtripping
into uml, etc, is insane imho.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:30 AM, James wrote:
 I've always found that trying to do the UML thing just turns out to be more
 of a pain than it's worth.  For me, it's just easier to code the stuff.  You
 can generate UML from the code pretty easily (check out the yfiles Javadocs
 for an example that's generated using yworks' yDoc product).

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Dane Laverty danelave...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
 Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
 just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
 been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

 There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
 manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
 honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
 while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
 mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
 JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
 JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
 applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

 I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
 success. The main problems so far are:
 - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
 layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
 issues with JDev 11)
 - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic
 - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
 project lifecycle management?

 I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
 I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
 documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
 is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
  +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
  IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
  free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
  provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:
  When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
  integration for your application and can really build applications
  However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
  off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
  use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
  not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
  the job done. =)
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane
   Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
   the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
   that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
   know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Scott Swank

I have used JDev and it is not my preference for a Java IDE.  That
said, if you're having trouble with it your best resource is posting
at  As for a PL/SQL IDE, why are you moving away
from TOAD, the price ($600 if I remember right...)?  The product
PL/SQL Developer from All Around Automations is a terrific product
for more like $180.  I have used it extensively and can vouch for it.

Alternately, there is a PL/SQL IDE from Oracle called SQL Developer
(formerly Project Raptor).  It is an entirely usable product and it's
free.  I use this on my Mac at home because it's just Java.

I don't see why you would need to use the same IDE for Java  PL/SQL.
I never have.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:30 AM, James wrote:
 I've always found that trying to do the UML thing just turns out to be more
 of a pain than it's worth.  For me, it's just easier to code the stuff.  You
 can generate UML from the code pretty easily (check out the yfiles Javadocs
 for an example that's generated using yworks' yDoc product).

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Dane Laverty danelave...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
 Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
 just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
 been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

 There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
 manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
 honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
 while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
 mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
 JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
 JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
 applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

 I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
 success. The main problems so far are:
 - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
 layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
 issues with JDev 11)
 - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic
 - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
 project lifecycle management?

 I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
 I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
 documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
 is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
  +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
  IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
  free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
  provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:
  When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
  integration for your application and can really build applications
  However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
  off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
  use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
  not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
  the job done. =)
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane
   Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
   the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
   that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
   know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Martijn Reuvers
You might want to try Netbeans for UML (there is a single plugin,
install it and it works fine). I have not had any problems with it, it
has quite some features (similar to the ones in JDeveloper).

Use SQLDeveloper (of Oracle as well) if you need to replace Toad,
however keep in mind it does not have all the dba features Toad
provides, no free tool has these in fact.

Well Apex is Apex, it cannot be replaced easily as its tied so closely
to the oracle database and its pl/sql.

As soon as you use Maven there is no need anymore for JDeveloper, at
least not for running/building the project. If you really require
specific features for instance for Apex you can still create a single
workspace next to the normal maven one and use that separately.

As for weblogic, just deploy a war manually through its console if you
need to test it. However for faster testing I'd use Jetty with mvn
jetty:run (you can always add a weblogic*.xml to the final war to
override some libraries or so).

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Dane wrote:
 I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
 Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
 just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
 been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

 There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
 manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
 honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
 while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
 mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
 JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
 JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
 applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

 I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
 success. The main problems so far are:
 - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
 layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
 issues with JDev 11)
 - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic server?
 - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
 project lifecycle management?

 I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
 I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
 documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
 is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
 +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
 IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
 free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
 provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:

 When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
 integration for your application and can really build applications

 However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
 off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
 use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
 not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
 the job done. =)

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane wrote:
  Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
  the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
  that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
  know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: Ajax enabled pages are slow to load

2009-06-19 Thread T Ames
Thanks Igor for making me THINK!

This was my issue. I instituted my own ConfigurationType. At the time I did
not realize that the WebApplication.getConfigurationType() was being called
at many points during the rendering phase. So each time this method was
called it was thrashing about in LDAP - which is where I am storing many of
my properties. It makes sense to me NOW :)

All fixed and AJAX is working SUPER FAST.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 seems quiet strange. wicket does not spawn threads - but your ajax
 calls do. so the question is what is spawning the threads before the
 page renders?


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Ames, wrote:
  I have recently converted a project from 1.3.5 to 1.4.rc-4.  The only
 thing that I have changed with it is adding all the generics.
  On pages, panels, etc. that I have ajax classes, the pages are taking a
 great deal of time to load. They were not
  exactly quick to load for me in 1.3.5, but in 1.4.rc-4 they are painfully
  While in debug mode, I check during the database loading phase and all
 that is running very quickly. It seems to be at the rendering phase where
 the problem lies. I notice in the stack that there are many many Daemon
 threads being created before the page will finally display.  I have ran this
 in development and in deployment mode with no appreciable difference (and on
 two different web servers).
  For a test I placed a breakpoint in the onRender() method of the page.
  The breakpoint occurred about halfway through all the Daemon threads that
 were being created.
  I am using Tomcat 6.0.14
  I am noticing this in other projects not just this one. Any suggestions
 on what to look for to speed it up?  I do have logging on with info, so I
 have verified that all the objects are serializable.
  One of the projects has a webpage class with a mix of these ajax
  Timothy Ames
  Developer II
  Promedica Health Systems, North
  Direct phone: 517-265-0281
  Internal extension: 72281
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  This Email message, and any attachments, may contain confidential
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  is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.
  The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from
  this information to any other party unless required to do so by law
  or regulation and is required to destroy the information after its stated
  need has been fulfilled. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
  hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action
  taken in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prohibited.
  If you have received this information in error, please notify
  the sender immediately by replying to this message and delete the
  message from your system.

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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Dane Laverty
James  Igor, It sounds like your experiences with UML are about what
I am expecting it to be like.

Scott, the move to drop other programs in favor of JDeveloper is
partly about cost-cutting, but more so about standardization. As I've
mentioned, I'm the only Java programmer on staff, and I think
JDeveloper and its out-of-the-box-ness will be a little less
intimidating to the rest of the staff as we move towards Java than
Eclipse with its many, many plugins.

Martijn, Apex is Apex is a good way of putting it. I'm hoping that
this will be a move away from Apex and toward application coding that
is more maintainable.

For the most part, I'm keeping a positive attitude about the change. I
love Eclipse, and I expect that I'll find JDeveloper frustrating, but
I'm looking forward to it as a chance to get some experience with
something new. Same with UML. Whether or not it sticks, at least it
will be a learning experience.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Martijn wrote:
 You might want to try Netbeans for UML (there is a single plugin,
 install it and it works fine). I have not had any problems with it, it
 has quite some features (similar to the ones in JDeveloper).

 Use SQLDeveloper (of Oracle as well) if you need to replace Toad,
 however keep in mind it does not have all the dba features Toad
 provides, no free tool has these in fact.

 Well Apex is Apex, it cannot be replaced easily as its tied so closely
 to the oracle database and its pl/sql.

 As soon as you use Maven there is no need anymore for JDeveloper, at
 least not for running/building the project. If you really require
 specific features for instance for Apex you can still create a single
 workspace next to the normal maven one and use that separately.

 As for weblogic, just deploy a war manually through its console if you
 need to test it. However for faster testing I'd use Jetty with mvn
 jetty:run (you can always add a weblogic*.xml to the final war to
 override some libraries or so).

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Dane wrote:
 I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
 Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
 just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
 been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.

 There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
 manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
 honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
 while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
 mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
 JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
 JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
 applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.

 I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
 success. The main problems so far are:
 - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
 layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
 issues with JDev 11)
 - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic server?
 - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
 project lifecycle management?

 I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
 I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
 documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
 is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
 +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
 IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
 free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
 provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:

 When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
 integration for your application and can really build applications

 However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
 off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
 use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
 not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
 the job done. =)

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane wrote:
  Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
  the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
  that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
  know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Nicolas Melendez
god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.

Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Martijn Reuvers

 You might want to try Netbeans for UML (there is a single plugin,
 install it and it works fine). I have not had any problems with it, it
 has quite some features (similar to the ones in JDeveloper).

 Use SQLDeveloper (of Oracle as well) if you need to replace Toad,
 however keep in mind it does not have all the dba features Toad
 provides, no free tool has these in fact.

 Well Apex is Apex, it cannot be replaced easily as its tied so closely
 to the oracle database and its pl/sql.

 As soon as you use Maven there is no need anymore for JDeveloper, at
 least not for running/building the project. If you really require
 specific features for instance for Apex you can still create a single
 workspace next to the normal maven one and use that separately.

 As for weblogic, just deploy a war manually through its console if you
 need to test it. However for faster testing I'd use Jetty with mvn
 jetty:run (you can always add a weblogic*.xml to the final war to
 override some libraries or so).

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Dane
  I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
  Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
  just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
  been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.
  There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
  manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
  honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
  while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
  mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
  JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
  JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
  applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.
  I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
  success. The main problems so far are:
  - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
  layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
  issues with JDev 11)
  - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic
  - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
  project lifecycle management?
  I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
  I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
  documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
  is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
  +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
  IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
  free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
  provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:
  When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
  integration for your application and can really build applications
  However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
  off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
  use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
  not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
  the job done. =)
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane
   Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE for
   the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
   that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested to
   know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: Ajax enabled pages are slow to load

2009-06-19 Thread Igor Vaynberg
great. i added a warning to the javadoc saying the implementations
should be fast.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:13 AM, T wrote:
 Thanks Igor for making me THINK!

 This was my issue. I instituted my own ConfigurationType. At the time I did
 not realize that the WebApplication.getConfigurationType() was being called
 at many points during the rendering phase. So each time this method was
 called it was thrashing about in LDAP - which is where I am storing many of
 my properties. It makes sense to me NOW :)

 All fixed and AJAX is working SUPER FAST.


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Igor Vaynberg 

 seems quiet strange. wicket does not spawn threads - but your ajax
 calls do. so the question is what is spawning the threads before the
 page renders?


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Ames, wrote:
  I have recently converted a project from 1.3.5 to 1.4.rc-4.  The only
 thing that I have changed with it is adding all the generics.
  On pages, panels, etc. that I have ajax classes, the pages are taking a
 great deal of time to load. They were not
  exactly quick to load for me in 1.3.5, but in 1.4.rc-4 they are painfully
  While in debug mode, I check during the database loading phase and all
 that is running very quickly. It seems to be at the rendering phase where
 the problem lies. I notice in the stack that there are many many Daemon
 threads being created before the page will finally display.  I have ran this
 in development and in deployment mode with no appreciable difference (and on
 two different web servers).
  For a test I placed a breakpoint in the onRender() method of the page.
  The breakpoint occurred about halfway through all the Daemon threads that
 were being created.
  I am using Tomcat 6.0.14
  I am noticing this in other projects not just this one. Any suggestions
 on what to look for to speed it up?  I do have logging on with info, so I
 have verified that all the objects are serializable.
  One of the projects has a webpage class with a mix of these ajax
  Timothy Ames
  Developer II
  Promedica Health Systems, North
  Direct phone: 517-265-0281
  Internal extension: 72281
  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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  The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from
  this information to any other party unless required to do so by law
  or regulation and is required to destroy the information after its stated
  need has been fulfilled. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
  hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action
  taken in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prohibited.
  If you have received this information in error, please notify
  the sender immediately by replying to this message and delete the
  message from your system.

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ANN: wicket based demo of stitches release

2009-06-19 Thread Phillip Rhodes
Hi everyone. 

Just wanted to let you know that I released stitches with a cool demo and I 
wouldn't be done yet if it weren't for wicket.  

While stitches (the backend) doesn't need or use any UI component, for 
interfacing with the stitches repo, I wouldn't think of using anything but 

about the project:

The wicket-based demo:  (Please be gentle and understand slowness.  very 
underpowered server, wife needs to increase my hobby budget!)


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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Martijn Reuvers
JDev is not a bad IDE actually. If you want a lot of ready to use
integrated functionality then its by far better than any of the
earlier mentioned IDE's (especially if you use e.g. bc4j, soa, adf
etc) - this is true as long as you need the oracle taste that is.

For pure java programming the other IDE's are a lot more pleasant to
use (especially with non-oracle open-source frameworks like wicket,
spring, seam etc). I've done projects in both JDeveloper and the other
IDE's, and they all get the job done. :) And you're right I guess, for
non-java people JDeveloper is easier to start with I think...

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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread Ryan
I think your misunderstanding the issue. My application is working fine,
no lazy init issues etc. I call merge because I *want* things persisted
to the DB. I mentioned the lazy init exception because that is what
happens if you clear the hibernate session (and spring will do it if it
rolls back a transaction).

Here is the blog post with a concrete example:

I only sent the email as another option for the Session flushing that
happens when a transaction (or nested transaction) is committed. 


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:45:42AM +0530, vineet semwal exclaimed:

lazy initialization exception happens whens you try to initialize a object
(generally collection)
and hibernate session is already closed.
merge is not recommended  ,it attaches a object back to hibernate session +
also cause database update( why will you update a object when you actually
need to read a collection also what are the chances that it won't give you
the same lazy initialized exception again as hibernate session can be closed
before you try to access the collection.)

Simple solutions
1) eager fetch the collection if it's small.
2)For a big collection, write a method in  data access layer  that retrieves
collection/association( initialize the collection this time).
   you can also do  database paging  in this case.

vineet semwal

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Ryan wrote:

 I have been reading Nick Wiedenbrueck's blog, specifically about
 patterns and pitfalls when using wicket with spring and hibernate.

 It seems fairly common for programmers to run into the issue of having
 entities persisted to the database at unexpected times. This happens
 when a transaction is closed and the hibernate session is flushed.
 Certainly this issue is not specific to using Wicket with spring and
 hibernate, but I think it is common enough to warrant some attention.

 There are a few suggestions to solving this problem:

 1) Use DTOs
 2) Make sure validation happens in wicket so the object is not modified
 3) Clear the hibernate session or throw exceptions at just the right

 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.
 Validating entirely in wicket is not always an option (sometimes the
 service tier needs to do some extended business validation). Clearing
 the hibernate session or throwing exceptions will cause Lazy
 Initialization exceptions if not used carefully (which can be hard when
 you do not control all the components on a page)

 I wanted to share one solution I have used and see what others think.

 I mark all of my transactional methods (usually in the service) as read
 only. I then define a set of persist methods (usually on a DAO) that
 are marked as REQUIRES_NEW and are not read only. When I am ready to
 persist an object it is passed to one of these methods and merged into
 the session. This effectively persists the object. Some of these persist
 methods can take a collection of objects so that they can be persisted
 efficiently in one transaction. So far this has worked well for me.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this method or can share some other


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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread Ryan
I use Entity objects directly as well. I read the thread you mentioned
and it sounds like you do not use Spring. In our application we are
using spring and so the solutions are a bit different. I just wanted to
offer up another solution to the problem when using Spring to manage
transactions and the hibernate session.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:42:16AM +0300, Martin Makundi exclaimed:

 1) Use DTOs
 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.

I use @Entity objects directly as objects. No overhead.

There was some discussion about Hibernate and wicket in:


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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread Ryan
Consider this use case:

1) User object is read from hibernate, either in a transaction or not
2) User is modified via wicket, and passed wicket's validation
3) User is sent to service tier for further validation, this service is
marked as propagation required
4) Validation fails, or for some reason the user should not be
persisted. At this point a number of things can happen:
  a. Throw exception, which clears the hibernate session and rolls back
  b. manually call session.clear on the hibernate session
  c. Let the method finish, perhaps returning false. This will auto
  commit the transaction and the user is persisted.

It gets even more tricky if Wicket also read another entity from
hibernate and modified it, but it was not ready to be persisted to the
db. When the transactional service method is called on the user object,
it will commit and flush *any* modified objects loaded in the hibernate

My setup adds another option to the list. Since all the transactions
are readonly, the service tier must call a specific dao method that is
marked as read-write and requires_new. This creates a new hibernate
session which merges *only* the object passed into the method.

It all comes down to handling detached objects or long hibernate
sessions. It is by no means a new issue, but I think it can confuse
first time users of LDMs.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 06:30:14AM -0400, James Carman exclaimed:

The only changes that will be persisted to the database are ones that
go on within a transaction.  So, do all of your work in transactional
methods (in spring-managed beans), but leave your session open for the
entire request so that you can traverse relationships if necessary.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Ryan wrote:

 I have been reading Nick Wiedenbrueck's blog, specifically about
 patterns and pitfalls when using wicket with spring and hibernate.

 It seems fairly common for programmers to run into the issue of having
 entities persisted to the database at unexpected times. This happens
 when a transaction is closed and the hibernate session is flushed.
 Certainly this issue is not specific to using Wicket with spring and
 hibernate, but I think it is common enough to warrant some attention.

 There are a few suggestions to solving this problem:

 1) Use DTOs
 2) Make sure validation happens in wicket so the object is not modified
 3) Clear the hibernate session or throw exceptions at just the right

 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.
 Validating entirely in wicket is not always an option (sometimes the
 service tier needs to do some extended business validation). Clearing
 the hibernate session or throwing exceptions will cause Lazy
 Initialization exceptions if not used carefully (which can be hard when
 you do not control all the components on a page)

 I wanted to share one solution I have used and see what others think.

 I mark all of my transactional methods (usually in the service) as read
 only. I then define a set of persist methods (usually on a DAO) that
 are marked as REQUIRES_NEW and are not read only. When I am ready to
 persist an object it is passed to one of these methods and merged into
 the session. This effectively persists the object. Some of these persist
 methods can take a collection of objects so that they can be persisted
 efficiently in one transaction. So far this has worked well for me.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this method or can share some other


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Re: Hibernate Transactions and Wicket

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
Mark your transactional method that does validation as readOnly=true

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:02 PM, wrote:
 Consider this use case:

 1) User object is read from hibernate, either in a transaction or not
 2) User is modified via wicket, and passed wicket's validation
 3) User is sent to service tier for further validation, this service is
 marked as propagation required
 4) Validation fails, or for some reason the user should not be
 persisted. At this point a number of things can happen:

  a. Throw exception, which clears the hibernate session and rolls back
  b. manually call session.clear on the hibernate session
  c. Let the method finish, perhaps returning false. This will auto
  commit the transaction and the user is persisted.

 It gets even more tricky if Wicket also read another entity from
 hibernate and modified it, but it was not ready to be persisted to the
 db. When the transactional service method is called on the user object,
 it will commit and flush *any* modified objects loaded in the hibernate

 My setup adds another option to the list. Since all the transactions
 are readonly, the service tier must call a specific dao method that is
 marked as read-write and requires_new. This creates a new hibernate
 session which merges *only* the object passed into the method.

 It all comes down to handling detached objects or long hibernate
 sessions. It is by no means a new issue, but I think it can confuse
 first time users of LDMs.


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 06:30:14AM -0400, James Carman exclaimed:

The only changes that will be persisted to the database are ones that
go on within a transaction.  So, do all of your work in transactional
methods (in spring-managed beans), but leave your session open for the
entire request so that you can traverse relationships if necessary.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Ryan wrote:

 I have been reading Nick Wiedenbrueck's blog, specifically about
 patterns and pitfalls when using wicket with spring and hibernate.

 It seems fairly common for programmers to run into the issue of having
 entities persisted to the database at unexpected times. This happens
 when a transaction is closed and the hibernate session is flushed.
 Certainly this issue is not specific to using Wicket with spring and
 hibernate, but I think it is common enough to warrant some attention.

 There are a few suggestions to solving this problem:

 1) Use DTOs
 2) Make sure validation happens in wicket so the object is not modified
 3) Clear the hibernate session or throw exceptions at just the right

 I think all of these have some issues. Using DTOs is code heavy.
 Validating entirely in wicket is not always an option (sometimes the
 service tier needs to do some extended business validation). Clearing
 the hibernate session or throwing exceptions will cause Lazy
 Initialization exceptions if not used carefully (which can be hard when
 you do not control all the components on a page)

 I wanted to share one solution I have used and see what others think.

 I mark all of my transactional methods (usually in the service) as read
 only. I then define a set of persist methods (usually on a DAO) that
 are marked as REQUIRES_NEW and are not read only. When I am ready to
 persist an object it is passed to one of these methods and merged into
 the session. This effectively persists the object. Some of these persist
 methods can take a collection of objects so that they can be persisted
 efficiently in one transaction. So far this has worked well for me.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this method or can share some other


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Re: Mysterious NullPointerException

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Levy
I'll override the method and let you know the results.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 right, so where is the stacktrace from the e given to the logger?


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Jeremy wrote:
  It's happening on line # 1483 of RequestCycle which corresponds to:
   * Called when an unrecoverable runtime exception during request cycle
  handling occurred, which
   * will result in displaying a user facing error page. Clients can
  this method in case
   * they want to customize logging. NOT called for {...@link
  PageExpiredException page expired
   * exceptions}.
   * @param e
   *the runtime exception
  protected void logRuntimeException(RuntimeException e)
  log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Igor Vaynberg
  that is rather strange, there should be the stack trace. why dont you
  change your logger to show the line numbers so we can see where the
  log statement is coming from.
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Jeremy wrote:
   There is no stack dump, that is the entire output.
   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Per Lundholm
   No. ;-)
   Are you suggesting that the version of Wicket matters?
   How does the stack dump look in your logs?
   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Jeremy
I see the following a few times a day, this is with Wicket 1.3.6.
results in a 500 being displayed to the user...
2009-06-18 00:53:09,485 ERROR Web [RequestCycle] :
I realize this isn't much to go on, any ideas?
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Jeremy Levy

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Re: Who went to the GWT vs Wicket presentation in Normandy and wants to share their findings?

2009-06-19 Thread Nicolas Melendez
Interesting. Thank you.
NM - Software Developer - Buenos Aires, Argentina.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Yann PETIT wrote:

 Hi Martjin and all of you Wicket fans,
 I was there ! (as president of Normandy Java User Group)
 It was our first JUG meeting in a small French countryside city (Rouen in
 Normandie) we had around 35 attendees.
 (great success for us, preceding IT meetings organized in our area never
 drove more than 10 attendees )

 I'll try to summarize what was said by our two local but brillant speakers

   - Youen Chene as GWT fighter (
   - Nicolas Giard as Wicket knight (

 Here's a short list of the slides  :

   - A brief history of the two frameworks.
   - The differences in the scope covered by GWT and Wicket (technically
   speaking Ajax, javascript, etc.)
   - How it works ( GWT = coding Java compiled in JS generating HTML /
   Wicket = coding Java + HTML)
   - Differences of projects structures (packages... pictures of  the
   exploded war treeview in eclipse)
   - Server integration with other technologies like (Spring, EJB, Hibernate
   etc. using wicket-stuff in one hand or projects like gwtrpc-spring or
   in the other).
   - Available widgets natively or by sub projects (Google vizualization,
   gears, Ext GWT... vs Wicket stuff, Wiquery ...)
   - CSS or How the design layer is handled comparison.
   - Browsers compatibility (generated code plus handmade code).
   - Localization support (different JS by language for GWT, use of
   properties, xml or database ...)
   - Accessibly (GWT following ARIA since 1.5 versus Best Practice applied
   by the HTML developer for Wicket)
   - Performances (GWT = heavy compilation and long first load, Wicket
   depends mainly on the developer's code quality )
   - Tools (GWT has many plugins for integration with Eclipse, some exist
   for Wicket but aren't really useful since Wicket keeps things simple).
   - Maven integration (difficult for GWT but possible, some latency on
   dependencies. While very easy for Wicket and up to date archetypes).
   - Advantages :
  - GWT (backward compatibility, stability, code
  optimization, keyboard interaction)
   - Wicket (development mad simple again, very enthusiast and
  attractive community)
   - Drawbacks
  - GWT (very long loading the first time, very difficult to reference
  as it's JS based... very strange coming from a Search Engine company
 ^^ )
  - Wicket (lacks of notoriety, documentation is sometimes poor,
  performances strongly tighten to the code quality)
   - Next release / Roadmap
   -  Why use one or the other :
  - GWT for rich applications but not for content websites (blog,
  e-commerce...) due to inability to reference it on search engines.
  - Wicket for content web sites first, but why not for rich
  applications ?
   - Who uses GWT or Wicket (Lombardi, MyERP, Compiere... vs Artifactory,
   JTrac, JAlbum, Alfresco GUI, Hippo CMS...)
   - How to fill the lacks :
  - Use subproject for widgets like SmartGWT, mix GWT with other
  framework (velocity, JSF) for referencement.
  - Use JQuery instead of prototype, more native widgets using Wiquery
   - Wicket + GWT = 3 Love ? (or is it possible to mix both) It seems
   possible but might be long and hard.
   - Some links to go ahead

 Maybe we'll try to translate the presentation slides in English (depends on
 time we'll have for that).
 For french reading ones we will publish the slides on our JUG site : **

 I think the most important thing that should be retained is that GWT and
 Wicket should be chosen depending on what we want.
 A rich application that doesn't need search engine referencement = GWT
 A content website with also some dynamic behaviors and referencement needs
 = Wicket

 This presentation was done by a user of GWT and one of Wicket. They didn't
 know the other one technology by themselves, and even didn't know each
 others a few weeks ago. So congratulation to them because it was a real
 challenge to make this comparison in very few days.
 It' goal was to explain in few minutes what are GWT and Wicket, and to give
 attendees the desire to go ahead with one technology or the other.

 Any comments or feedbacks appreciated .


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

  There's been quite some announcements going across twitter, but no
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Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread jpalmer1026

I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, is preventing feedback messages from being displayed. My code is as follows:public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage { @SpringBean private IDeclarationService declarationService; AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink; public InitiateDeclarationPage() { final Declaration declaration = new Declaration(EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().getAccount(), EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), "", County.COOK, State.ILLINOIS);// final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");// feedback.setOutputMarkupId(true);// add(feedback); add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback")); final Form form = new Form("initiateDeclarationForm", new CompoundPropertyModelDeclaration(declaration));  form.add(new Button("submitButton") { @Override public void onSubmit() { Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject(); declaration.setStatus(Status.OPEN); ParcelIdentification pin = declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin()); if (pin == null) { error("No PIN found for PIN " + getFormattedPIN(declaration.getPin())); } else { if (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) { EzdecSession.get().info("Declaration " + declaration.getTxNumber() + " created"); setResponsePage(new DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin)); } else { error("Creating declaration with PIN: " + declaration.getPin()); } } } }); final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField("pin"); pinText.setRequired(true); pinText.setOutputMarkupId(true); form.add(pinText);  form.add(new DropDownChoice("county", Arrays.asList(County.values())) .setRequired(true) .setEnabled(false)); final WebMarkupContainer parent = new WebMarkupContainer("verifyPanelWmc"); parent.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true); parent.setVisible(false); form.add(parent); final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("verifyPinLink") { @Override public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) { Declaration declaration = (Declaration) form.getModelObject(); ParcelIdentification pid = declarationService.findParcelIdentification(declaration.getPin()); if (pid == null) { error("No PIN found for PIN " + declaration.getPin()); } else { InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel("verifyPanel", pid); parent.addOrReplace(decVerifyPanel); parent.setVisible(true); this.setEnabled(false); reenterPinLink.setVisible(true); target.addComponent(this); target.addComponent(parent); target.addComponent(reenterPinLink); } } }; form.add(verifyPinLink); reenterPinLink = new AjaxFallbackLink("reenterPinLink") { @Override public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) { this.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true); parent.setVisible(false); verifyPinLink.setEnabled(true); target.addComponent(parent); target.addComponent(verifyPinLink); target.addComponent(pinText); target.focusComponent(pinText); this.setVisible(false); target.addComponent(this); } }; form.add(reenterPinLink); add(form); }}Does anyone know how to fix this?

Re: Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten
You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its 

   Erik. schreef:
I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, 
is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.

My code is as follows:

public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
private IDeclarationService declarationService;

AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;

public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
final Declaration declaration = new 
EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK, 

//final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);
add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new 
form.add(new Button(submitButton) {

public void onSubmit() {
Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 

ParcelIdentification pin = 

if (pin == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + 

} else {
(declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  + 
declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin));

} else {
error(Creating declaration with PIN:  + 


final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField(pin);
form.add(new DropDownChoice(county, 


final WebMarkupContainer parent = new 


final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new 
AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {

public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
ParcelIdentification pid = 

if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
} else {
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = 
new InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);



reenterPinLink = new AjaxFallbackLink(reenterPinLink) {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {




Does anyone know how to fix this?

Erik van Oosten

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button-tag submitting a form?

2009-06-19 Thread ralf . eichinger
I try to submit a form using a button-tag (button type=button/button).
deleteButton does not work: as SubmitLink (inside Form), as AjaxButton 
(inside/outside), as Button (inside)... (tried them all)

(I want to use the html-button-tag because of having nice icon and text under 

HTML (AjaxButton should work even when outside form):
button type=button wicket:id=deleteButtonimg 
form wicket:id=inputForm

add(new AjaxButton(deleteButton, inputForm) {
  public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

There is never success!!! printed... ;-(


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Re: button-tag submitting a form?

2009-06-19 Thread Igor Vaynberg
button type=submitdelete/button


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:17 PM, wrote:
 I try to submit a form using a button-tag (button type=button/button).
 deleteButton does not work: as SubmitLink (inside Form), as AjaxButton 
 (inside/outside), as Button (inside)... (tried them all)

 (I want to use the html-button-tag because of having nice icon and text under 

 HTML (AjaxButton should work even when outside form):
 button type=button wicket:id=deleteButtonimg 
 form wicket:id=inputForm

 add(new AjaxButton(deleteButton, inputForm) {
  public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

 There is never success!!! printed... ;-(


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Re: Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread jpalmer1026

I called target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel but still no luck. My
updated code is as follows:

 final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
onError(target, form);

Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
ParcelIdentification pid =
if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
} else {
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);

Erik van Oosten wrote:
 You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its 
 Erik. schreef:
 I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, 
 is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.

 My code is as follows:

 public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
 private IDeclarationService declarationService;

 AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;

 public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
 final Declaration declaration = new 
 EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK, 
 //final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);
 add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

 final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new 

 form.add(new Button(submitButton) {
 public void onSubmit() {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
 ParcelIdentification pin = 
 if (pin == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  + 
 } else {
 (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
 EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  + 
 declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
 DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin));
 } else {
 error(Creating declaration with PIN:  + 

 final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField(pin);

 form.add(new DropDownChoice(county, 

 final WebMarkupContainer parent = new 

 final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new 
 AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
 public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
 ParcelIdentification pid = 
 if (pid == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  +
 } else {
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = 
 new InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);


 reenterPinLink = new AjaxFallbackLink(reenterPinLink) {
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Bruno Ledesma
God tryed Netbeans. And now we have Argentina!
heheheeh just a little brazillian joke!

Someone has posted and i agree. Thas not a manager decision. Developer
should ask the manager why he is taking that decision, and show the benefits
of using another IDE. After all, the developers will use the IDE not the

Bruno Ledesma

2009/6/19 Martijn Reuvers

 JDev is not a bad IDE actually. If you want a lot of ready to use
 integrated functionality then its by far better than any of the
 earlier mentioned IDE's (especially if you use e.g. bc4j, soa, adf
 etc) - this is true as long as you need the oracle taste that is.

 For pure java programming the other IDE's are a lot more pleasant to
 use (especially with non-oracle open-source frameworks like wicket,
 spring, seam etc). I've done projects in both JDeveloper and the other
 IDE's, and they all get the job done. :) And you're right I guess, for
 non-java people JDeveloper is easier to start with I think...

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Re: Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread Jason Lea

I think you need to override

final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {

|*onError,%20wicket.markup.html.form.Form%29*(AjaxRequestTarget target, 
Form form)| 


If you have a validation error, you will get error messages and this 
method is called where you add the feedback panel to the target 
(target.addComponent()).  The onSubmit() method is only called if there 
were no validation errors, onError() is called when there are errors.

jpalmer1026 wrote:

I called target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel but still no luck. My
updated code is as follows:

 final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
onError(target, form);

Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
ParcelIdentification pid =
if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
} else {
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);

Erik van Oosten wrote:
You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its 

Erik. schreef:

I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, 
is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.

My code is as follows:

public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
private IDeclarationService declarationService;

AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;

public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
final Declaration declaration = new 
EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK, 

//final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);
add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new 
form.add(new Button(submitButton) {

public void onSubmit() {
Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 

ParcelIdentification pin = 

if (pin == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + 

} else {
(declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  + 
declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin));

} else {
error(Creating declaration with PIN:  + 


final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField(pin);
form.add(new DropDownChoice(county, 


final WebMarkupContainer parent = new 


final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new 
AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {

public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
ParcelIdentification pid = 

if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  +
} else {

Re: Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread jpalmer1026

Actually, validation messages are now getting displayed for validation
performed on components but I am still unable to get error messages that I
have added to be displayed. For example, in the following code, I need a way
to display the line No PIN found for PIN but I am not sure how to do that.
Any ideas?

final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
//onError(target, form);

Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
ParcelIdentification pid =
if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
} else {
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);

public void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

jpalmer1026 wrote:
 I called target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel but still no luck. My
 updated code is as follows:
  final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink)
 public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 onError(target, form);
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
 ParcelIdentification pid =
 if (pid == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
 } else {
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);
 Erik van Oosten wrote:
 You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its 
 Erik. schreef:
 I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however, 
 is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.

 My code is as follows:

 public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
 private IDeclarationService declarationService;

 AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;

 public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
 final Declaration declaration = new 
 EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK, 
 //final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);
 add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

 final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new 

 form.add(new Button(submitButton) {
 public void onSubmit() {
 Declaration declaration = (Declaration) 
 ParcelIdentification pin = 
 if (pin == null) {
 error(No PIN found for PIN  + 
 } else {
 (declarationService.initiateDeclaration(declaration)) {
 EzdecSession.get().info(Declaration  + 
 declaration.getTxNumber() +  created);
 DeclarationPage(declaration, 0, pin));
 } else {
 error(Creating declaration with PIN:  + 

 final PINTextField pinText = new PINTextField(pin);

Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Juan Carlos Garcia M.

I always thought God used only in LISP :)

Nicolas Melendez wrote:
 god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.

 Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Martijn Reuvers
 You might want to try Netbeans for UML (there is a single plugin,
 install it and it works fine). I have not had any problems with it, it
 has quite some features (similar to the ones in JDeveloper).

 Use SQLDeveloper (of Oracle as well) if you need to replace Toad,
 however keep in mind it does not have all the dba features Toad
 provides, no free tool has these in fact.

 Well Apex is Apex, it cannot be replaced easily as its tied so closely
 to the oracle database and its pl/sql.

 As soon as you use Maven there is no need anymore for JDeveloper, at
 least not for running/building the project. If you really require
 specific features for instance for Apex you can still create a single
 workspace next to the normal maven one and use that separately.

 As for weblogic, just deploy a war manually through its console if you
 need to test it. However for faster testing I'd use Jetty with mvn
 jetty:run (you can always add a weblogic*.xml to the final war to
 override some libraries or so).

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Dane
  I've really enjoyed getting to use Maven on my recent projects. I'm no
  Maven expert, but I'm finding that I don't have to be -- it really
  just does a great job. Getting Maven working with JDeveloper has not
  been going well so far, so that's been one hangup.
  There are a few reasons for the department-wide IDE mandate. Our
  manager has just discovered UML (I don't know anything about it, to be
  honest), and JDeveloper provides UML functionality out of the box,
  while any of the free Eclipse UML plugins I could find required a
  mountain of dependencies and don't appear to work as smoothly as the
  JDev one. Also, we're trying to replace TOAD as our database tool, and
  JDev looks like it can do that. The third reason is that most of our
  applications are Oracle ApEx, and JDev has stuff for that too.
  I'm trying to port my existing apps to JDeveloper, but without much
  success. The main problems so far are:
  - How do I import a Wicket project using the Maven standard directory
  layout? (I am aware of the Maven JDev plugin for JDev 10, but it has
  issues with JDev 11)
  - How do I run a Wicket app in JDeveloper using the internal WebLogic
  - Does JDeveloper have some sort of Maven-like functionality for
  project lifecycle management?
  I imagine (hope) that most of these questions have easy answers, but
  I'm just not finding a lot of relevant online
  documentation/discussion. Most of the JDeveloper web app documentation
  is focused on EJBs or basic Servlet/JSP-based apps.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM, James wrote:
  +1 on using Maven.  Most folks at our job site use eclipse, but I'm an
  IntelliJ junkie (they got me hooked many years ago and I can't break
  free).  For the most part, we don't have issues between environments,
  provided folks have their plugins set up correctly.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:
  When you use ADF, then stick to JDeveloper you'll get a lot of
  integration for your application and can really build applications
  However if you use open-source frameworks like wicket, you're better
  off using one of the other IDE's (Netbeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ). Just
  use maven or so, then your management has nothing to say, as it does
  not really matter what IDE you use. I always say: Use whatever gets
  the job done. =)
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Dane
   Our management has chosen to make JDeveloper 11g the required IDE
   the department. Searching the Wicket mailing list archives, I find
   that there is very little discussion about JDev. I'd be interested
   know, are any of you currently using JDeveloper as your main Wicket
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Re: Testing ModalWindows with Selenium

2009-06-19 Thread amit_vibhuti

Modal window hacked:)

Roberto Fasciolo wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying testing an application using modal windows with selenium but it
 seems I can't find a good way.
 Has someone ever done something like that?
 Basically, my problem is that I can access the ModalWindow using:
 but I can't verify if the window has been fully loaded or not, I've tried
 selenium.waitForPopUp(modal-dialog-pagemap, 3);
 but it fails all the time with exception message Window not found.
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: Feedback Messages Not Getting Displayed When Using AjaxSubmitLink

2009-06-19 Thread Luther Baker
I'm not at a computer to try this ... but I do this all the time so it
definitely works like you're hoping.

You've posted alot of code so its a bit difficult to trace what is commented
out and what is not ... but starting with your original post, uncomment the

final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);

Now, be sure to add this (I think this is the part you're missing - or I
missed in reading your snippets):


And then make sure you add it to the target in the submit handler:


I think you're doing/done all of this at one time with varied components -
but my guess is that you've got to double check and make sure you're doing
all three things specifically for the feedback panel.

Hope this helps,


Its hard to tell what

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:21 PM, jpalmer1026 wrote:

 Actually, validation messages are now getting displayed for validation
 performed on components but I am still unable to get error messages that I
 have added to be displayed. For example, in the following code, I need a
 to display the line No PIN found for PIN but I am not sure how to do
 Any ideas?

 final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 //onError(target, form);

Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
ParcelIdentification pid =
if (pid == null) {
error(No PIN found for PIN  + declaration.getPin());
} else {
InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
 InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);

public void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

 jpalmer1026 wrote:
  I called target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel but still no luck. My
  updated code is as follows:
   final AjaxSubmitLink verifyPinLink = new AjaxSubmitLink(verifyPinLink)
  public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
  onError(target, form);
  Declaration declaration = (Declaration)
  ParcelIdentification pid =
  if (pid == null) {
  error(No PIN found for PIN  +
  } else {
  InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel decVerifyPanel = new
  InitiateDeclarationVerifyPanel(verifyPanel, pid);
  Erik van Oosten wrote:
  You did not call target.addComponent for the feedbackpanel or any of its
  Erik. schreef:
  I am using an AjaxSubmitLink to submit form data. Using this, however,
  is preventing feedback messages from being displayed.
  My code is as follows:
  public class InitiateDeclarationPage extends EzdecBaseWebPage {
  private IDeclarationService declarationService;
  AjaxFallbackLink reenterPinLink;
  public InitiateDeclarationPage() {
  final Declaration declaration = new
  EzdecSession.getCurrentUser(), , County.COOK,
  //final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel(feedback);
  add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));
  final Form form = new Form(initiateDeclarationForm, new
  form.add(new Button(submitButton) {

Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Daniel Toffetti
Juan Carlos Garcia M. jcgarciam at writes:
 I always thought God used only in LISP :)
 Nicolas Melendez wrote:
  god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.
  Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.

No. Sadly, He didn't:


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Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread Vasu Srinivasan
JDeveloper is good to target a narrow Oracle infrastructure. We use it for
Oracle soa suite, and there are no other IDEs / plugins which can match
that, it has good integration for ADF too. And thats pretty much it.

Otherwise, it doesn't come half close to IDEA or Eclipse. The project
structure it generates is pretty un-intuitive. Bad IDE is indirectly
proportional to Productivity. Lack of good plugins is another major reason.

Our team has only a few licenses for TOAD, so I use sql developer (the
windows native version, not the java version).. Pretty happy with it, though
it gets a bit slow at times. Last I used the java version was buggy and

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Daniel Toffetti

 Juan Carlos Garcia M. jcgarciam at writes:
  I always thought God used only in LISP :)
  Nicolas Melendez wrote:
   god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.
   Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.

 No. Sadly, He didn't:


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Vasu Srinivasan

how to split application properties file into several properties files

2009-06-19 Thread Vladimir Kovalyuk
I would like to split the application properties file into several
properties files.
I know that I can share resources of base component and page among their
descendants and at that I can use package propeties files. I just don't want
to go this way because most of messages are organized in different way than
components and pages.
I wanna just split one file into several distinct files.

What is the best way?

Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-06-19 Thread James Carman
+1 to sqldeveloper (java or native).  For developers (not DBAs), it's a very
nice tool and does what you need for the majority of the cases.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Vasu Srinivasan wrote:

 JDeveloper is good to target a narrow Oracle infrastructure. We use it for
 Oracle soa suite, and there are no other IDEs / plugins which can match
 that, it has good integration for ADF too. And thats pretty much it.

 Otherwise, it doesn't come half close to IDEA or Eclipse. The project
 structure it generates is pretty un-intuitive. Bad IDE is indirectly
 proportional to Productivity. Lack of good plugins is another major reason.

 Our team has only a few licenses for TOAD, so I use sql developer (the
 windows native version, not the java version).. Pretty happy with it,
 it gets a bit slow at times. Last I used the java version was buggy and

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Daniel Toffetti

  Juan Carlos Garcia M. jcgarciam at writes:
   I always thought God used only in LISP :)
   Nicolas Melendez wrote:
god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.
Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.
  No. Sadly, He didn't:
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

 Vasu Srinivasan