[xwiki-users] using XWQL with additional search criterias by dates

2010-10-21 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hi! Maybe somebody can help me.

I need to select some docs with own class. Together I need 3 filters:
1) by class: only "myclass"
2) by property value: where "myproperty" = "myvalue"
3) by date: where doc date = current date - 5 days
I created xwql script with 2 creterias and it's working well:

select obj.name from Document doc, doc.object(mySpace.myClass) as obj where
obj.myProperty like 'myValue' order by obj.name

How need to add one more criteria by date?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] using XWQL with additional search criterias by dates

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thanks, Ricardo! But for me your example is not enough.

I need to filter not by fixed date, but for dynamic criteria - current date
- 5 days ...
How is it possible?

Maybe I should do it by 2 steps: 1) set target date (current date - 5 days)
as value, 2) use this target date (fixed value) as a filter criteria. Ok,
but for this - how is it possible to define my target date = current date -
5 days?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] using XWQL with additional search criterias by dates

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I checked this example and your script - it is not correct, because you
compare separately year, month and day of document with current date - year,
month and day-100. But if, for example now is 02 january, your script give
uncorrect result, becase I also should change year and month (and year),
then I want to get date BEFORE 100 days of 02 january.

Need to make arithmetical operations with dates and these operations should
consider also possible transitions of month and year when day changed ...
In any case - thanks!

I found the answer - need to use special velocity object $datetool
#set ($d = 5)- days interval which I need
#set ($ms = $d * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)- Calculating internal in

#set ($calendar = $datetool.getCalendar())
#set ($currentTime = $calendar.getTimeInMillis())
#set ($targetTime = $currentTime - $ms)
#set ($void = $calendar.setTimeInMillis($targetTime))
#set ($targetDate = $calendar.getTime())
#set ($targetYear = $datetool.getYear($targetDate)) :get year of
a date = currentdate - 5 days
#set ($targetMonth = $datetool.getMonth($targetDate) + 1)   :get month of a
date = currentdate - 5 days
#set ($targetDay = $datetool.getDay($targetDate))   :get day of
a date = currentdate - 5 days

and after this, in a hql searching, I can compare this year, month, and day
with documents year, month and day ...

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[xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hi colleagues!

I need some help for the Scheduler.
I already have some not small script in a velocity. This script select some
pages with complex conditions (hql),  make some calculations and sending
emails. Now this script is working when I simply open it page (where script
is placed).

I need to make automatic schedule for this script (for example - every day).
Unfortunately, scheduler scripts permit only groovy scripts ... Also,
problem for me - I dont't now groovy at all (velocity - so-so) and I am not
a programmer. For me - groovy learning is difficult (in any case - not

My question - is any possibility to use my velocity script without total
rewriting for groovy? Maybe I can write groovy script with redirection for
my page with velocity script? Maybe is it possible to include code of one
scripting language in another?

If is not (only need to totally rewrite script to grovvy) can somebody can
help me in this operation? I attached my original velocity script (it's
working fine).


Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] using XWQL with additional search criterias by dates

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hi Sergiu!

I played before with jodatime. It have some problems ...
For example, I tried to use example script from plugin home page (it can be
usefull in my situation) and this script doesn't working: 
#set($formatter =
#set($myBirthday = $formatter.parseDateTime('2007.11.25'))
#set($daysLeft = $myBirthday.minus($now.millis))
$daysLeft.getDayOfYear() days left till my birthday!

Also joda time is badly described - for all these reasons I used datetool.

About query ... Better for me - XWQL, but all my tryings to use any dates in
XWQL gives some errors (most of all - java errors in a translation from XWQL
to hql ...). I am not a professional in a XWQL and HQL (I am not sure - this
is my error or bug), and Ricardo gave working example of using HQL - for
this reason I used ready query example.

 If you can give working example of using dates in a XWQL - will be great!
Also I tried examples from here:
(second script) - but give me error.

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[xwiki-users] getRenderedContent issues

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hi colleagues!

I testing some application with standart organization (many of XWiki
applications organized in a same way):
Exists TestAppCode space with all classes, templates, sheets, codes and
exists TestApp space with visualization pages using {{include

When I trying to use getRenderedContent for this document from TestApp (for
example, when I want to send this page by email form another page with my
own code) I get rendered content of TestAppCode.SomeTemplate - not the
content of my data.

I want to clarify - this is because of
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-4274? Looks like my situation ... I
staying in one page and trying to getRenderedContent for the another page.

Maybe exists some ways to overcome this issue?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I tried redirecting in a scheduler script. I wrote:

After this I started to using scheduler. First, I tried to trigger my job
(as I understand - this button starts execution of script immediately). This
give me error:
Error number 90012 in 5: com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin:
Error occured while trying to trigger job ETVCCorrespondenceJob
Wrapped Exception: The job (DEFAULT.xwiki:Scheduler.ETVCCorrespondenceJob_0)
referenced by the trigger does not exist.
Looks like program cannot find job ETVCCorrespondenceJob_0 - but my job
named ETVCCorrespondenceJob without "_0". what is "_0" - I don't know. I
tried to rename my job to ETVCCorrespondenceJob_0 - but also give me error
but with ETVCCorrespondenceJob_0_0 ... 
I cannot understand this error. This error exists also, if I write ANY
script (also empty script field).

Ok ... I tried to schedule my job. I putted small interval (30 seconds) - I
don't see any results (no emails in my mailbox) - but computer processor
gets high CPU (100%). I saw - java process giving this. I restarted my
ApplicationServer (Glassfish) - all is ok for the next time, when I tried to
schedule my job for 30 seconds interval. No any errors or special message in
a logs ...

I am not a professional in these and I cannot understand - this is my
problem (maybe I doing something wrong) or is it bugs?
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thanks Sergiu!

But can I use Paul Libbrecht advise?
>call the web page from groovy 
>new java.net.URL("blablalba").getContent()

Thanks beforehand!
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> On 24 oct. 2010, at 13:54, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>>>> call the web page from groovy
>>>> new java.net.URL("blablalba").getContent()
>>> Thanks beforehand!
>>> Eugen
>> Yes, but note that the URL will be fetched without any session 
>> information, so if the requested page is private (not visible for 
>> guests), it won't work.
> or call http://user:passw...@host:port/xwiki/bin/view/Space/Name

Paul, can you give exactly example? What I should write in a scheduler field
- "Job script"?
Because of I tried different variants - but without results.

Also, I rewrited my original code from velocity to groovy. I tested my
groovy rewrited code in a another xwiki page - all is working fine. But when
I putted this groovy code to the scheduler - no any actions. Looks like,
that scheduler don't work at all, but standart xwiki watchlists - working
... I cannot understand nothing. Maybe somebody can help me. I attached my
groovy code (as I said - from another xwiki page - this code working fine).
Also, my original question (how need to call velocity code from groovy code
in a scheduler) also is interesting for me.

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thomas Höschele wrote:
> Could be not a script problem at all.
> If you test the scheduler via triggering, you need to unschedule, then
> reschedule, then trigger the job. Don't ask me why but it worked for me.

I made like you said - no result. Also I really waiting for scheduled time -
also no result. But another bad thing - after this (manually triggered or
automatically triggered the job) the CPU for the JAVA process goes to 100%.
No any logs in a jvm or application logs ... - all look like as normal.

My config - Windows, Oracle10G, Glassfish 3.01, XWiki Enterprise 2.4.

What it can be?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Eugen Colesnicov wrote:
> ... another bad thing - after this (manually triggered or automatically
> triggered the job) the CPU for the JAVA process goes to 100%. No any logs
> in a jvm or application logs ... - all look like as normal.

I found what is it!!! I am writing groovy code in a job page with {{groovy}}
at the beginning and {{/groovy}} at the end of script. If I do like this -
process JAVA.EXE goes to 100%. I simply deleted {{groovy}} and {{/groovy}}
and my full groovy script, which I rewritted from my original velocity and
pasted in a scheduler job page - started to work.

Also I checked this 100% processor using variant at another machine, with
another configuration - same situation. Very strange, but I think need to
make some notes in a scheduler - that users shouldn't use {{groovy}} at the
beginning and {{/groovy}} at the end of script.

But, calling velocity or groovy script from scheduler script doesn't work
... I think, I wrote something wrong. Can somebody give me exactly example?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using Scheduler issues (groovy questions)

2010-10-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> what I was telling is that you should be able to get its execution from
> groovy with
>   new URL("http://server/xwiki/bin/iview/MyScheduler/Velo";).getContent()
> and, if you needed secure access for that execution you could request
>   new
> URL("http://admin:p...@server/xwiki/bin/iview/MyScheduler/Velo";).getContent()
> provided the user admin has password psps.

Great! All is working! Without pass - is working too.
Big thanks Paul, and thanks for all participants!

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] [myxwiki] new wiki request

2010-10-30 Thread Eugen Colesnicov


I would like to realize activities, informational materials, personal
Also, I assume to share with community materials about xwiki, prepared

username : ecolesnicov 
server name : etvc.myxwiki.org 

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
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[xwiki-users] problem with russian encoding in office import app

2010-11-11 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Russian encodings fails when:
a) use office import
b) use office view for attachments
but when use PASTE function - russian encodings shows normal.
Interest, that Romanian encodings shows normal in any case ...

All XWiki+database utf-8 configuration made.
My config: Win2003, OracleXE, Glassfish, XWiki 2.5.1

I attached testing file.
Can anybody test it? Before writing jira issue need to be sure - maybe it is
not a bug - maybe problem with my configuration ..

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] WYSIWYG editor loading problem after updating to 2.5.1

2010-11-12 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I just updated one instalation of XWiki from 2.4.0 to 2.5.1
(GlassFish+Oracle). And now, when I click on "Edit (wysiwyg)" page opened,
but in a wysiwyg-frame - no anything (no menu, no buttons, no editor-place).

I know, that in a 2.5 exists improvements and changes related to
in my xwiki.cfg is no longer exist WysiwygPlugin and velocity templates
(textarea_wysiwyg.vm, editwysiwygnew.vm, wysiwyginput.vm) are up to date.

What else can be?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG editor loading problem after updating to 2.5.1

2010-11-12 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
> * What browser did you use?
> * Are there any server side (i.e. Java) exceptions logged?
> * If you use Firefox with Firebug enabled, are there any JavaScript 
> exceptions logged in the Firebug console?

Thanks Marius! Your questions gave me direction for the solution!
Originally, I tired only FF & Chome, but now I tried IE and - is working!
After this I suggested, that problem is browser-related I tried to clear
cache for FF & Chrome. After clearing cache - all is working!

Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Watchlist issuie (page links give localhost)

2010-11-14 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

After updating XWiki to 2.5.1 (before was 2.2.6), in watchlist emais, in page
links, instead of network name of a resoure (servername or local domain
synonym) shows "localhost". Is it some bug in 2.5.1 or I can setup this by
some parameters? XWiki uses inside local network as a intranet.

Best Regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Clean History Document

2010-12-20 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

For the clearing attachments history - look here:
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[xwiki-users] 4Developers: Questions about disappointing small bugs and missed conveniences

2010-12-22 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hi Developers!

I am sorry for some inconvenience, but at the ending of XE 2.x cycle, I saw
some discussions about plans for finilazing 2.x and for the 3.x future
development. All features are very interesting, very progressive and will
move XWiki forward.

But unfortunatly for a long time existing some very disappointing small bugs
and disappointing missed conveniences. I read carefully most of yours
discussions, but I don't see, that this problems stay in focus now. For this
reason, I want to ask about these issues.

This is important for me, because without resolving the following issues
maybe I will be forced to migrate to another colaboration adn
app.development platform.

If is it possible, can somebody give some plans about my issues (will be
resolved near future, not in plans, etc...)?

1) What about supporting any symbols (russian, chinese, space simbol and
others) in a attachment filenames?
2) When will be resolving problems with russian symbols when I try to import
document from some file (use openoffice service) or use viewoffice
macro/feature? (but when I copy document content from the clipboard - all is
3) What about idea of separating interface language selection and document
content language selection? I read this idea after was separated document
header and main application header.
4) Need possibilities to create own clases with supporting multilanguage
content (Also, old question). I can now create own applications only with
multilanguage interface (livetable headers, forms captions and etc.).

Each of these issues is not critical, but together its create point of view,
that XWiki ONLY DECLARE multilanguage, not real comprehensive

Same situation with another group of questions.
5) Have you plans (and when) to fully implement XWQL? (possibility to use
XWQL in a own class query (database list property, resolve issues with dates
in XWQL, etc.).
6) What about full implementation of Groovy / Velocity? Witch language will
be main? Because in some situations I haven't possibility to use velocity
(for example in a sheduler script) in others - cannot normal use groovy ...

7) office attachment preview - why "eye" exists only on doc, xls, pdf files?
What about docx, xlsx, odf, ... (all formats OpenOffice and Office2007)?
OpenOffice has suporting all these formats.
8) Main menu (green) "ADD" "Page" - Page creates with parent of current
space (if you didn't indicate space). Why? Normally (for example in a
"Create Page" Panel), if you didn't show special space page will be created
in a current space with parent of a current page. (As a result I cannot use
this feature at all).
9) some restrictions of a WebDAV implementation (issues with authentication,
browsers issues, ...)

As you can see, many of a old and new features (multilanguage, offce
preview, webdav, create pages besed on template provides, query datas,
create own classes, and etc.),  are magnificent in a general, but not
implemented totally in details. As a result - most of these great features
users cannot use at all!

Maybe will be great to stop all future development and concentrate (1-2
month) on issuses like described here in a XWiki 2.x cycle? Many another
large-scale software teams made like this in a some periods. They freeze
development and focused on a past issues, on a clarification and deepening
of a curennt features results and details. What you think about this?

PS. All these issuses appeared before in a xwiki forums or in a jira ... If
need to define more exactly some of my questions - I, with great pleasure,
will give more explanations on each of them.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] 4Developers: Questions about disappointing small bugs and missed conveniences

2010-12-23 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thanks Marius for the answer!

2) problems with russian symbols when I try to import document from some
file (use openoffice service) or use viewoffice macro/feature? (but when I
copy document content from the clipboard - all is ok)


7) office attachment preview - why "eye" exists only on doc, xls, ppt files? 
What about docx, xlsx, odf, ... (all formats OpenOffice and Office2007)?
OpenOffice has suporting all these formats.


Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Livetable + xwiki sql plugin

2011-01-19 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Also have question about possibility of using LiveTable with SQL plugin.

My situation:
Some information exists on external DB and I need to visualize its on XWiki
page with livetable possibilities.

I tried something, and I undrerstand, that technology LiveTable (in a
current realization) based on XWiki clases and cannot work in situation when
all information are from another source (no any special classes). In this
situation need to change something more deeply ...

As a result, I started to think in another way. Need to create classes in
XWiki, same as external source DB table, and realize in XWiki process of
updating data form external source (periodic by job or by refresh). But this
way also have some minuses for me:
1) some external data can be too large.
2) I cannot understand exactly, how heed to write procedure of such update.
Exists 3 possibilities: rows can add, rows can delete, rows can update. Even
if exist primary key - it is not transparently for me ...

Maybe somebody can give some advices according of this topic ...

Thanks beforhand
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Using getTOC function

2011-01-30 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I am trying to use getTOC, but unfortunately, my example always returns zero

#foreach($key in $tree.entrySet())
  * $key.value.text

Can somebody help me with syntax? What's I doing wrong?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Using getTOC function

2011-01-30 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thanks Sergiu!

My task:
I get external data  using SQLPlugin. Information from some fields I using
as s structure levels.

I need - to create panel with these structure levels. This panel should have
additional functionality as a toc macro: a) levels should be with minuses &
pluses, b) levels should collapse and reverse by clicking on pluses and

I can construct these tree on a panel as a separete SQL select from external
data (as a result I will have 2 selects), but my idea was - that I will
select data from external source only on page and tree on a panel will
create automaticaly using getTOC ...

Ok, if use getTOC is not possible in xwiki syntax 2.0 - I will make separate
SQL select for my panel with custom tree.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Dotx file attachments open as zips in IE8

2011-02-15 Thread Eugen Colesnicov


It's enough.

But in any case - in your example you have error. compare with my variant.
You can see, that in a line:
"dotx" you haven't last ">" ...

Also, I attached FULL list of MIME-types for all MSOffice and OpenOffice
Applications. Standart XWiki installation have only some of them ...
http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/file/n6029499/x2scrap2.txt x2scrap2.txt 
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Re: [xwiki-users] Dotx file attachments open as zips in IE8

2011-02-21 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Would be great to create a jira  issue for it with a patch ;)

Sorry for late. Done.
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[xwiki-users] Tutorial: XWiki On Windows - GlassFish - Oracle (Russian)

2011-02-21 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I added on http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Installation
link for my own tutorial about XWiki Installation: XWiki On Windows -
GlassFish - Oracle (Russian).

It is not finished yet at all. I planned also to describe LDAP configuration
and external DB connecting configuration. Also, I will translate it to
English and Romanian languages.

I have a question. If you will open this tutorial - you can see that all
text inside macroses {{code}}, {{info}}, {{warning}} looks not good. On my
personal laptop all is ok. Why? I seen some other installations of XWiki
with same problems, and I cannot find way to resolve this problem.

PS. Also, any comments, questions and suggestions about this tutorial is

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Re: [xwiki-users] Tutorial: XWiki On Windows - GlassFish - Oracle (Russian)

2011-02-22 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) wrote:
> I think the solution for this is to add a paragraph before or after
> calling
> the info macro.

I tried, as you said - but no result ... (I added paragraf lines on a first
info macro).
It is strange for me, because I didn't change anything on my wiki
http://etvc.myxwiki.org. All is standart.

And as I said before, I seen this situation on others xwiki instalations.
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Re: [xwiki-users] Tutorial: XWiki On Windows - GlassFish - Oracle (Russian)

2011-02-22 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thanks everybody!

I found the answer!

First, I tried all Caty & Raluca tips and tricks - no result!!!

Second, as said Thomas, I started to think, how and who can change my css
styles ...
It was difficalt for me, because, as I said, I didn't change standart skin,
and I am not a professional in a web-design. 

Also my wiki was almost clean ... Only one additional application, which I
installed, was Tasks (I tried someting with this application). - I started
to list all pages in a spaces from Tasks application and I found one page
named "Skin" in a TaskCode space. I deleted this page - and great! all my
info, warning and code macroses started to look fine (without any tricks
with paragrafs)!

Can somebody test this application Task Manager
and page Skin at own wikis with info&code macroses? If will be same
situation - need to make some remarks on a Task Manager applcaition page ...

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
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[xwiki-users] Non-english symbols in attachment names

2011-07-27 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Few days ago I tested 3.2-milestone-1 and, as I see, old problem with russian
symbols (or any other non-english) in attachment names - did not resolved
yet (attachement names doesn't support unicode symbols).
Can somebody from developers give an answer - do you have plans for
resolving this problem and aprox. in witch version of xwiki?

Thanks beforehand!

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[xwiki-users] OpenOffice service issue

2011-08-06 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
My environment: Windows2003, Glassfish 3.1, OracleXE, XWiki 3.1.
I have an issue with OpenOffice service in XWiki - autostart give error.
Strange, that if I trying to start OpenOffice service manualy - service
starting and working.
I attached log file with error of autostarting - can somebody can help to
understand me what's the problem.
http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/file/n6659270/server.log server.log 

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] OpenOffice service issue

2011-08-16 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Sorry, I forgot to write.
I am using OpenOffice 3.3 (last release).

Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
> Hi Eugen,
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Eugen Colesnicov
> <ecolesni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My environment: Windows2003, Glassfish 3.1, OracleXE, XWiki 3.1.
> What version of OpenOffice are you using?
> Thanks,
> Marius
>> I have an issue with OpenOffice service in XWiki - autostart give error.
>> Strange, that if I trying to start OpenOffice service manualy - service
>> starting and working.
>> I attached log file with error of autostarting - can somebody can help to
>> understand me what's the problem.
>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/file/n6659270/server.log server.log
>> Thanks beforehand!
>> Eugen Colesnicov
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/OpenOffice-service-issue-tp6659270p6659270.html
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>> users@xwiki.org
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[xwiki-users] Activity macro issues

2011-10-15 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi everybody!

I have strange situation with activity macro (XWiki 3.2). If I add Activity
macro for user personal dashboard - I can see all personal messages &
events, but If I put same macro (inside dashboard or not - doesn't matter)
in simple page - I cannot see mesages for this users ...

For reproducing situation:
1) create some "test" user
2) this user made some changes for page Sandbox.TestPage3
3) from another user (admin) sent some message personaly for "test" user
4) go to personal dashboard with activity gadget with string: {{activity
spaces="Sandbox" authors="test"/}} - you can see page modification made by
"test" and also message from admin.
5) Add same activity macro {{activity spaces="Sandbox" authors="test"/}} in
another page - see result: no message, no info about page modification ...
Why? What's the difference?

My final goal - on some page (not personal dashboard) list all activity
(personal messages stream too) of fixed user and fixed space. Unfortunatly,
result what I want give me only personal dashboard of this user (on page
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/test), and I cannot reproduce it on another pages ...

Maybe I doing something wrong?
Please give me some advice.

Best Regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Activity macro issues

2011-10-15 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I started to understand ...

Problem exists, because for showing messages and for showing other events
you should write filter different:
{{activity authors="xwiki:XWiki.testtest"/}} - show only messages
{{activity authors="XWiki.testtest"/}} - show only events

Why? Is it mistake?
What should I do if I need activity for one space and for one user
(including all messages of this user)?

Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Activity macro issues

2011-10-15 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
> ...
> For a quick fix at the moment, put both values in the authors parameter.

Thanks Sergiu!
Unfortunatly, your advice is not enought for me, because of I need activity
with 2 filters: per space & per user (including all messages of this user).

If I write
{{activity authors="xwiki:XWiki.test,XWiki.test"/}} - I can see events &
messages of user "test", but for ALL spaces ...

I need someting like this 
{{activity authors="xwiki:XWiki.testtest,XWiki.testtest" spaces="Sandbox"/}}
- unfortunatly, no messages ...
This is one more issue - if I use filter per space - macros doesn't show any


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[xwiki-users] XE Upgrade to 3.2 on Oracle failed

2011-10-17 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi Oracle users!

My environment: Windows2003, Glassfish 3.1.1, OracleXE 10.2
Today I tried to upgrade XE from 3.1 to 3.2 and on first-time loading I got
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3
in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3201 in 3: Exception while saving document
Wrapped Exception: $Proxy148 cannot be cast to oracle.sql.CLOB
I created a jira issue: http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1032 with detailed
description and full log.

Maybe somebody tried upgrade on OracleXE? What results you get (maybe its
only my problem)?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Extending XWiki collaboration toolset

2011-10-17 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi! I am not a developer of XWiki, but I am using XWiki 2 years and your
questions are closed to me.

1. Wave is a new project (as a apache open-source project). It is started as
a Google Wave, after Google "forgot it" and Wave migrated to the apache
incubator. As I know for now - Wave as a independent open-source project
didn't realise yet in production - for this reason, developers of other
platforms right now cannot be sure exactly of future API, future
functionality and other things of Wave ... Discuss about integration with it
can be started after Wave will be released in a production.

2. XWiki is not only a final user-product "from the box" - is a "base" of
your possible product (application). And regarding to "collaboration" XWiki
can give to users more and more. For example, as a small comparison with
Google Wave:
- In XWiki you can add "pages" - same in Wave you can add "waves"
- In XWiki you can write any comments to this page and comments to the
comments (tree organized).
- In XWiki you can sent messages inside XWiki
- In XWiki you can attach any files to this page and you can organize view
content of this files using officeviewer macro, also existing pictire
viewing and charts drawing ...
- In XWiki you can add tasks to this page (exist special macro)
- In XWiki you can connect this page to other pages (wiki, documentation,
- In XWiki you can construct personal dashboards and gadgets
- Also existing light calculations. If you need more calculations - you can
write own macro
What else exists in Google Wave and don't exists in XWiki? I don't know ...
(maybe another idea of interface). XWiki give you more - because you can add
additional macros, add additional functionality (for example blogs, forums,
etc). For this reason, I think, that XWiki is enought for colaboration.
Difference from Google Wave - that you need to "construct" in XWiki you own
"application". You can see examples of such applications:

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Extending XWiki collaboration toolset

2011-10-17 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

coldserenity wrote:
>... the UX of the Wave (in this particular case and because Wave is a
> specialized tool) is superior.

I am not agree with you. Good idea - but realisation - terrible!
1. Google used some special interface functions - they thinking, that these
possibilities will be web-standarts - but they got a mistake. For this
reason, Wave working quickly and without problems only on Google Chrome
(only this browser supports all these non-standart functions).
2. Try Wave with Firefox at simple computer (netbook for example) - cannot
work on big waves (hundred messages)!!! I press one button and waiting 3-5
secunds per each symbol. It is not problem of notebook - Windows 7, MS
Office working great and quickly!
3. Too many errors on scripts - every 5 minutes I got error - script
bla-bla-bla stopped!

I have experience with Google Wave with big waves of hundreds waves - for
this reason I known what I said.

   However it's not the Wave I was trying to promote by this thread, it was
just an example of advanced user interaction User-to-User and User-to-Wiki:
advanced documents editing for most popular types of documents (text,
spreadsheet, and presentation). I understand the complexity of this task (it
took 20 years for Microsoft to build their MS Office), but the question is:
I often consider whether to upload a MS Office file as an attachment or
maintain the file's content as an XWiki page - and sooner or later someone
will come up with such solution ( Open-source wiki + Open-Source Google Docs
:) ). So it's not about writing some missing extension - it's about taking
XWiki to the next level in terms of content editing.


-Original Message-
From: users-bounces@ [mailto:users-bounces@] On Behalf Of Eugen Colesnicov
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 20:46 PM
To: users@
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Extending XWiki collaboration toolset

Hi! I am not a developer of XWiki, but I am using XWiki 2 years and your
questions are closed to me.

1. Wave is a new project (as a apache open-source project). It is started as
a Google Wave, after Google "forgot it" and Wave migrated to the apache
incubator. As I know for now - Wave as a independent open-source project
didn't realise yet in production - for this reason, developers of other
platforms right now cannot be sure exactly of future API, future
functionality and other things of Wave ... Discuss about integration with it
can be started after Wave will be released in a production.

2. XWiki is not only a final user-product "from the box" - is a "base" of
your possible product (application). And regarding to "collaboration" XWiki
can give to users more and more. For example, as a small comparison with
Google Wave:
- In XWiki you can add "pages" - same in Wave you can add "waves"
- In XWiki you can write any comments to this page and comments to the
comments (tree organized).
- In XWiki you can sent messages inside XWiki
- In XWiki you can attach any files to this page and you can organize view
content of this files using officeviewer macro, also existing pictire
viewing and charts drawing ...
- In XWiki you can add tasks to this page (exist special macro)
- In XWiki you can connect this page to other pages (wiki, documentation,
- In XWiki you can construct personal dashboards and gadgets
- Also existing light calculations. If you need more calculations - you can
write own macro ...
What else exists in Google Wave and don't exists in XWiki? I don't know ...
(maybe another idea of interface). XWiki give you more - because you can add
additional macros, add additional functionality (for example blogs, forums,
etc). For this reason, I think, that XWiki is enought for colaboration.
Difference from Google Wave - that you need to "construct" in XWiki you own
"application". You can see examples of such applications:

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Extending XWiki collaboration toolset

2011-10-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> ... it seems that the Google experience had shown that the way they mixed
> Inbox + Editing Documents + Chat was not the correct solution (beyond the
> real time technology in it).
> ...

Excuse me Ludovic!
This moment is so interesting for me. Can you give some more explanations:
why "mixed
Inbox + Editing Documents + Chat was not the correct solution"? whats the
problems in this method? How this way corresponding with conception of "web
2.0" or "web 3.0"?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] 4Developers: more important issues regarding to XE 3.3 Roadmap

2011-10-20 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hello developers!

I seen your thread about XE 3.3 Roadmap + Finishing the 3.x cycle. In this
post also described jira-requests, which you planned to resolve in a near

All is great, the general strategy and each step are right, but also exists
some other important issues (I think that its are important) and I want to
put your attention on its. If is it possible, can you analyze possibility to
include these issues in your nearly plans?

1. XE-1032 - XWiki 3.2 totally cannot work on Oracle (upgrade & fresh
install failed). I think, it is important issue, because supporting of
Oracle are declared - but in realty XE 3.2 is not supporting Oracle.

To the future, maybe is good proposal, same as you wrote in a 3.2 release
notes - which browsers are tested & supporting - also will write witch DB
are tested & supporting. I can test new releases on Oracle.

2. XE-324 - allow special (russian and asian) characters in attachment names
- very old issue, but I think is important, because without it - you cannot
declare that XWiki have normal multi-language support. All modern
web-platforms & applications now have this possibility (wikis, web-mails,
social applications, etc.) only XWiki is lagging...

3. XWIKI-2870 - Ability to select query language in Database List property.
This is more for developers, and also very old issue. I think it is
important, because if you did something modern (in this case - XWQL) - need
to support this in all "parts" of platform... If you didn't do this - your
great work for modern features - looks like as "garbage" - I cannot use XWQL
in Database List property - as a result - I am not using XWQL at all,
because I don't want to write queries 2 times.

If is it possible, can you analyze possibility to include these issues in
your nearly plans?

PS. Maybe another users know some more important unresolved issues? I think,
user opinions will be interesting for developers!

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] 4Developers: more important issues regarding to XE 3.3 Roadmap

2011-10-20 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

vmassol wrote:
> ...
> Listing tested DBs in the Release notes is a good idea. Actually what I
> would have liked to do is to go further than this and have various agents
> on jenkins running on various DBs (HSQLDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle)
> to ensure that all our tests run fine on these DBs all the time. I've been
> wanting to have this for a long time now but it's not happened yet :(
> Of course patches (even better: github pull requests!) are more welcome to
> help us fixing these issues.
> ...

Excuse me, but I am totally not a developer or a programmer ... for this
reason, I don't know what is it jenkins and github more, that I can read in
a wikipedia ... I am not understanding process at all.

I have some experience as a admin, also knows Oracle, SQL. If you can give
me some directions - what I should do for helping XWiki project in a testing
process (how I need to use jenkins & github for testing Oracle) - I will do
it. I have possibility to test XWiki with OracleXE 10.2 & Oracle 11G.

In any case, for the future, I am taking responsibility - to test XWiki
BEFORE release. In the past - I didn't have possibility, but now I prepared
some virtual machines and I can easy testing different variants.

Best Regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] LiveTable rows in a different colors

2011-11-13 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Existing possibility to color rows in a LiveTable depends on a some criteria
(for example - value of some class property)?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] get date&time of some class property modification

2011-11-13 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

If I have in some class a boolean property, how I can get date&time of its
last modification (date when ONLY this property was modified last time)
inside my code?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] XE Upgrade to 3.2 on Oracle failed

2011-11-21 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
According to this post


Oracle problem doesn't resolve yet in 3.3 Milestone1 also. Waiting
Milestone2 ...

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Re: [xwiki-users] [Announcement] XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.3 Milestone 2 Released

2011-11-25 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Broken link for xar-file.
- give: "Not Found.
The requested URL /xwiki/xwiki-enterprise-wiki-3.3-milestone-2.xar was not
found on this server."

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Re: [xwiki-users] XE Upgrade to 3.2 on Oracle failed

2011-11-26 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Unfortunatly, XE 3.3 Millestone 2 have same bug with Oracle.

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[xwiki-users] [myxwiki] re-creating wiki

2011-11-26 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
When was executing process of upgrading xar-file in my wiki
(etvc.mtxwiki.org) - my comp was stopped and process not finished. Now I
cannot repeat import of xar-file because of import-page is not accessible
... All other preference pages also.

Is it possible totally to re-create this wiki - etvc.mtxwiki.org? (all
important content are backuped).

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] get last comment of some document

2011-12-03 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
How is possible to get last comment of some document using velocity and XWQL?
As I understand, need to write XWQL query for XWiki.XWikiComments object
using filter by doc name.
I trying to do something but every time I make some mistakes in my code ...

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] get last comment of some document

2011-12-03 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
For example, first I trying to list all comments and I don't understand, why
getting all tags working well:
select distinct obj.tags from Document doc, doc.object(XWiki.TagClass) as

but if I trying to get comments like this:
select distinct obj.comment from Document doc,
doc.object(XWiki.XWikiComments) as obj
I received an error.

I cannot understand difference ...

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] get last comment of some document

2011-12-03 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I did it!

#set($xwlquery="select obj.comment from Document doc, doc.object($class) as
obj where doc.fullName='$doc.fullName' order by obj.date desc")
#foreach($item in $list)

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Re: [xwiki-users] [Announcement] XWiki Enterprise 3.3 and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.3 Released

2011-12-17 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Thanks for great job!
Especially for the Oracle support! Also AppWithinMinutes looks very
interesting - I will start "to feel" it!

Also, regarding to your discussion about 3.4 roadmap and 3.x cycle, I want
one more time to focus you at an older problem - supporting of russian
symbols (or other non-latin characters, spaces and special symbols) in
attachment names.

Interesting moment. If you using office importer and your office-file named
in russian, and your file contains some pictures, when wiki-page creates -
can download them, get link, etc.

According to this I can make a conclusion, that supporting of non-latin
attachment filenames is ALREADY DONE ON A PLATFORM LEVEL. And, right now,

Please, include this issue in your roadmap of 3.x cycle! This is really
important thing - because without this XWiki cannot named as "multilanguage
Only XWiki lagging ...

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Checking programming rights

2011-12-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi everybody!

I have a code with full form XWQL statements (select ...). I want to include
this code in my custom panel. I saved panel as a admin user (with enabled
programming rights).
If I look panel at it own page (opened
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Panels/MyPanel) - all is looking
perfectly - it gave my results.

But If I enable panel in XWiki (put it via Panel Wizard at right-side of a
screen) - I received an error on it:
Caused by: org.xwiki.query.QueryException: Full form XWQL statements
requires programming right. Query statement = ...

What's the difference? Maybe I should re-save some other pages with
programming rights? How is it possible to find needed pages?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Checking programming rights

2011-12-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Marius Dumitru Florea wrote
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Eugen Colesnicov <ecolesnicov@>
> wrote:
> i.e. anything that is rendered after the document content doesn't have
> programming rights. This includes panels. See
> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6823 .

Thanks Marius! As a result - I rewrited my code in a panel page for refusing
Programming Rights.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Interacting between groovy & velocity script

2011-12-19 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi everybody!

I need help to organize interacting beetween groovy and velocity script on a
page. I need to transmit a value of a parameter from groovy script - to
velocity script (both scripts placed on one page).

I know theory, that need to use xcontext:
xcontext.put("variable","value") inside groovy script
and $xcontext.get("variable") inside velocity script

but in my situation - this doesn't work ... I cannot understand, what object
in my groovy script representing xcontext object ...

As a groovy script, I am using "Title Post Processing Using Groovy" based on
event listener technology, originally taken from here
I only made small changes on this script (calculates title according to my
properties). It works perfectly.

Also, I inserted on same page (where event listener script was placed) one
more script - velocity script (below groovy script). My idea - when an event
was happen - should execute 2 scripts. And all is working perfectly! Execute
and "Title Post Processing Using Groovy" and my own velocity-script - this
part working without any problems.

I need to make small next step - to transmit a value of a parameter (page
name where an event was happens) from groovy to velocity. But if I try to
write inside this groovy script:
xcontext.put("eventsource",source.getFullName()) - event listener stops
working ... (looks like some error)

If I trying to use (as a xcontext) - crtContext (variable which defines some
context-related object in this script) - event listener working, but when I
trying inside velocity-script to get:
$xcontext.get("eventsource") - value is empty ...

As a result - my question is - how need to use xcontext.put(... in this
groovy script of event listenter which I am using and how I can get xcontext
variable in a below-placed velocity script (which is also executes)?

If will be small example - will be perfectly, because I am not groovy- or
java-programmer and have some difficulties of understanding object-oreiented
organization of xwiki ...

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Interacting between groovy & velocity script

2011-12-19 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thomas Mortagne wrote
> What change did you make exactly ? Could you paste your new scripts ?
> What error do you get exactly ?

I Attached file with content of my page (contains 2 scripts groovy &
groovy script ia same to

Only small changes in new title definition (according to my own properties)
and CRITICAL line:

If I add this line to this script - event listener stops working ... (no any
changes in a title). I cannot see any error (or I don't know how). I think,
that it is error, because event listener stops working - no any changes in
title of a modified page. I checked java log errors - also not there any
errors ...

Without this line: 
groovy script works perfectly and also works velocity script (cannot get
value from xcontext, but works).

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Interacting between groovy & velocity script

2011-12-19 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Thomas Mortagne wrote
> ... What this script is doing
> is to register a java object created with groovy, your velocity will
> never be called when an event is received.
> Basically what happen:
> * when you view the page: a java listener is created and registered in
> groovy and your velocity is executed but onEvent is not called
> * when an event is received: onEvent of previously registred java
> object is called and nothing else, the script is not executed
> So if you need to do something when an event is received you need to
> do it fully in the onEvent method.

Thanks Thomas!
As I understand, I should include all my planned script actions inside
groovy script (same as groovy script make changes in a title of source
According to this, I have another question. I should include ALL my actions
inside this onEvent object? For example, can I have on another page
something like macros (like velocity macros) and everytime, when I need
(when onEvent is called) - call this macros from onEvent object and execute
this? This is can be helpful if I need to repeat (when onEvent received)
some actions (for example - change title not only for source page, but for
all pages of a some class). If I can - it is possible to call velocity
macros, or all like this procedures should be written on groovy?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov!

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[xwiki-users] copying WebPreferences from space to space

2011-12-22 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hi everybody!
I need to setup preferences of a space (created by my code). I can create
WebPreferences page and after this - add related object, when fill in
properties ... 

But, is it possible to use $xwiki.copy(oldSpace.WebPreferences,
newSpace.WebPreferences)? In fact, I have a "typical" WebPreferences, and I
want to simple make a copy of it.

I tried $xwiki.copy(typicalSpace.WebPreferences, newSpace.WebPreferences),
page created, but unfortunatelly, properties of XWiki.XWikiPreferences
doesn't fill in (object, attached in a page - exists).

Whats may be a problem? Or maybe in this situation (WebPreferences - is a
special page) - I shouldn't use $xwiki.copy method?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] copying WebPreferences from space to space

2011-12-22 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Sorry, it is my mystake!
Should use $xwiki.copyDocument(... instead of $xwiki.copy(... 

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Re: [xwiki-users] Can not filter livetable on doc.title

2012-02-06 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I think only doc.name is filtrable ...

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[xwiki-users] using DateTime Picker from AppWithinMinutes Application

2012-02-11 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hello everybody!

How is it possible to use DateTime Picker from AppWithinMinutes Application
on demand? For example - inside application, created based on old sheet
I checked code AppWithinMinutes - I founded page Date and this page includes
related javasript extention. But I cannon understand how I can use it. I
tried to write jsx.use... and ssx.use... inside my sheet - but without
result - calendar picker didn't show.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] using DateTime Picker from AppWithinMinutes Application

2012-02-11 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Sorry, I found answer.
Need to write {{include document="AppWithinMinutes.Date"/}} in a "custom
display" field of a class property.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Messages and activity stream on space dashboard: confusing

2012-02-24 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

vmassol wrote
> For me it's completely separate and shouldn't be displayed at all by the
> activity macro. It should be displayed by another macro. And I think it
> should also be located in a different gadget.

Agree on 100%! Have many troubles on this! As a result, I totally disabled
messeges - but I am not like this - messages is a great feature - but need
more "cleanable" realisation.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Livetable Filters

2012-02-26 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

acaserop wrote
> Hi all!
> I'm using a Livetable to show information categorized, using TopFilter
> as:#set($options = { 
>  "topFilters":' size="${columnsProperties.size}"
> name="area" value="${area2}" />',  
>  "className":"XWiki.AggregatorURLClass",
>  "translationPrefix" : "",
>  "tagCloud" : true,
>  "rowCount": 10
>   })
> The value field  "area2" is a String to filter the area field. If I write
> a string in this value, the filter works. But, if i'm using a variable,
> the table is empty

I am using with success - value="$value" (without symbols {})

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[xwiki-users] Hibernate query using in a database list property of some class

2012-02-27 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Hello everybody!
I have my class, in my class I have property with type = Database List.
In this property I need to write hibernate query with filter by space, but
not predifined space - I need to setup filter which will be compare space of
a active document (which I will edit) with space of a hibernate query result
document. How I can do it?

Without this filter by space my query look like this and working without
  XWikiDocument doc, 
  BaseObject obj, 
  StringProperty prop, 
  StringProperty otherprop
  doc.fullName=obj.name and obj.className='MySpace.MyClass' and obj.name not
like '%ClassTemplate' and
  prop.id.id=obj.id and prop.id.name='Prop1' and prop.value='MyValue' and
  obj.id=otherprop.id.id and otherprop.id.name='Prop2' 
order by
  prop.value asc,
  otherprop.value asc

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Register an EventListener by Scheduler job

2012-03-14 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I have an event listener as described here:

Now I need to Register it automaticaly. 
I already read in this context previous discusions and jira-issue: 

As a result - I understand that for now don't exist easy method to did it.
But one of the possible temporary solution for now: 
- write an Scheduler job, which will start every 5 minutes, check if
listener already registered, and if not - register it. 

According to this, I trying to write such Scheduler job, but I have some
troubles ... Maybe somebody can help me. 

I trying like this: 
groovyObject = xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("MySpace.MyPage") 
groovyObject.setObjects(xwiki, context) 

but I get an error: 
Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException:
startup failed: 
script1331756758851315922078.groovy: 1: Ambiguous expression could be either
a parameterless closure expression or an isolated open code block; 
   solution: Add an explicit closure parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or
force it to be treated as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...} @
line 1, column 1. 

When I try to find which line give me this error, I found that my first line 
(groovyObject = xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("MySpace.MyPage") 
give me this error. I don't understand why - space name and page name are
correct ... 

Can somebody help me? 

Thanks beforehand! 
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Need help! Attachments doesn't work

2012-03-21 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Please help!

I have a vmware virtual machine with installed, configured and working XWiki
3.5 (Win2003, Glassfish, OracleXE 11.2). Today I copied this vm into another
location. After starting - all working, except for the attachment
functionality (directly from vm also). At any xwiki page, I pressed
"Browse...", select file, push "attach" - after small time page refreshed -
but my new attach-file didn't appear in a attachement list. All older
attachments (attached before copying virtual machine) - working (I can
download them, view using office_viewer ... In Glassfish domain log - no any
specific issues ...

Please help! What can be a problem?

Thanks beforehand!

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Re: [xwiki-users] Need help! Attachments doesn't work

2012-03-27 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Eugen Colesnicov wrote
> I have a vmware virtual machine with installed, configured and working
> XWiki 3.5 (Win2003, Glassfish, OracleXE 11.2). Today I copied this vm into
> another location. After starting - all working, except for the attachment
> functionality (directly from vm also). At any xwiki page, I pressed
> "Browse...", select file, push "attach" - after small time page refreshed
> - but my new attach-file didn't appear in a attachement list. All older
> attachments (attached before copying virtual machine) - working (I can
> download them, view using office_viewer ... In Glassfish domain log - no
> any specific issues ...

Unfortunatly, I wrote incorrectly and didn't said all information. Also
together with copying VM I made some upgrades: XWiki from 3.4 to 3.5,
Glassfish from 3.0.x to 3.1.2, Java from 7.0.1 to 7.0.3.

After situation happens, I started to investigate and found that this
problem is not related with virtual machine - but related to my updates (or
XWiki update or Glassfish update). Unfortunatly I haven't time for now - for
this reason I didn't write to jira and didn't make more investigations. For
me - I simpy revert VM to previos snapshot and continue to work with old
versions of XWiki & glassfish.

For now, I think that problem created in XWiki 3.5 (XWiki 3.4 working with
any problems) and related only with Glassfish (not other application
servers). As some other users wrote
- problem exists also at fresh 3.5 install on glassfish 3.1.2.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Horizontal menu like xwiki.org

2012-03-27 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I want to have in my xwiki horizontal menu looks like xwiki.org home page. I
started to search extentions.xwiki.org and found Navigation Menu Wiki Macro

This menu works but looks not enought .. For example (main problem) - when
using sub-entries - its not shows as a combo. Also stylesheet is different.

As I understand, at xwiki.org home page you are using same macro with some
javascript & stylesheet modifications:

It is possible to download somewhere this extended version of Xwiki.org
MenuMacro? Or have some policy or licence limitations?. 

Thanks befohand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Horizontal menu like xwiki.org

2012-03-28 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
And one more problem with horizontal menu from "Navigation+Menu+Wiki+Macro" -
on IE 8.0 not shows correctly!

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Re: [xwiki-users] Horizontal menu like xwiki.org

2012-03-28 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) wrote
> You can download the menu code used for xwiki.org at
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Extension/Navigation+Menu+Wiki+Macro/XWikiOrgCode.MenuMacro%2Dbranch%2Dxwikiorg.1.xar

Thanks a lot Caty! All working great!

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Re: [xwiki-users] Need help! Attachments doesn't work

2012-03-30 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I wrote an jira issue about attachments problem on last Glassfish version
3.1.2 ... This bug related only with glassfish. For example, if you working
with XWiki 3.4 and old glassfish - attachments works, after updating
Glassfish to 3.1.2 (without any other changes) - stops working.

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[xwiki-users] hide version summary in inline mode on specific page

2012-03-31 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
How is possible to hide "version summary" edit field, checkbox, and labels on
specific page in inline / edit mode?

Thanks in advance!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] script variables inside PlantUML macro

2012-04-15 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Is it possible to use script variables inside PlantUML macro?
I tried:
but this method doezn't work. Maybe existing another solution?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Automatic subpage creation for application items

2012-04-26 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Marius Dumitru Florea wrote
> Hi Moritz,
> (1) Use the observation module. You can write an event listener that
> is called each time a new document is created. See
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/GroovyNotificationTutorial
> for a tutorial on how to do this, and
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Title+Post+Processing+Using+Groovy
> as a simple example.

In a realty existing very big problem with this method. I should manually
start event listener every time after restarting application server ... In a
theory is possible to write a job in a scheduler, which will restart event
listener every 10 minutes - I tried - but without success. In any case - it
is a terrible solution - same as "patching patch" ...

As a result - XWiki haven't easy and transparent possibility to "attach"
additional actions to some internal actions (create, save, delete, etc).
Methods exists, but all have some big minuses.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] XWQL issue

2012-05-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
 where qat.language like 'en'

:) I don't know why

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Apply rights automaticly to child pages

2012-07-03 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hamster wrote
> If we grant rights to a group of users to view a page, we would like to
> grant that right also to all the (sub)children of that page.

In a theory - yes. You should have event listener "on change" for parent
page. In this event listener need to define your type of changes (only page
rights changes), after - should search all child pages and make changes to
its rights same as parent page.

But in realty - mechanism of event listeners cannot work normally in
production - for example, because it is not possible to have enabled event
listeners after restarting application server. Every time after restarting 
need to starting event listeners manually. Of course, existing some
possibilities to resolve this, bu all of them are not normally documented
and looks like "roof on the roof". Existing and another problems with event
listeners ...

For the XWiki platform need to well-organized mechanism of event listeners
For example, same how is organized Scheduler. Some place, where I can create
event, select type of them, enable it, look for logs and etc.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Apply rights automaticly to child pages

2012-07-04 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

vmassol wrote
> ...
> Then we would retrofit wiki macros to use wiki component and we could have
> a specialized version for listeners too if we want but generally speaking
> you'll be able to register any component using a wiki page and objects.
> And they'll registered on startup.
> ...

It will be great!

Nice to see, that Platform XWiki have good developing speed! For example, In
one of latest versions added possibility to reusing variables between
scripts inside wiki page. As I imagining, for administrators and not deep
developers (who programming in XWiki only inside wiki-pages) - this is a
great feature!!!

Thanks for the good news!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Apply rights automaticly to child pages

2012-07-05 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Hamster wrote
> I should have searched the Extensions first...
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Setting+Rights
> I guess we could use this as a starting point to read the $rightsObject of
> the current page and apply that $rightsObject to all the child
> pages...right?

Yes, you are right ... but problem - HOW this portion of code WILL BE
AUTOMATICALLY STARTED after each right changes? Need something like
"trigger" ...

For this need to use another example
This is another portion of code - Event Listener. But as I said, right now,
this methodology have some problems (as explained vmassol, event listeners
technology will be expanded soon).

Temporary resolution - didn't make any special event listener (which will
trigger your event), but include in page something like:
#if ($context.action == "view")
and inside put your code regarding to rights changing of a child pages. 
It means, that updating of all child pages rights will be before each
viewing of a parent page... But it is a bad solution, especially if you have
too much child pages or often simply opens parent. Process of opening parent
page can be extremely slow. But it is possible to run this asynchronously
(using ajax). Look this

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] PlandUML configuration issue

2012-08-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I am trying to configure PlantUML to work with local Graphviz server.
My environment - Linux Mint Debian (last stable), MySQL, Tomcat, XWiki
XWiki installed from standart xwiki deb-packages. No any customization on OS
or XWiki. Empty base (only installed standart wiki-pages).

According to PlantUML macros installation guide, I installed Graphviz, and
deleted path to external graphviz server. Also I added GRAPHVIZ_DOT to
system variable (added export GRAPHVIZ_DOT="/usr/bin/dot" to /etc/profile).

But when I opening test page
I have got an error:
Dot executable is /usr/bin/dot
Dot version: dot - graphviz version ...
java.io.FileNotDoundExeption: testdottmp42.dot (Permission denied)

I checked - dot executable exists in /usr/bin/. Also I checked environment
variables with comand env - all is ok, GRAPHVIZ_DOT variable exists and give
correct path.

Also, I tried to give full permissions for /usr/bin/ and dot executable -
any user/group can read / write / execute it. Also I tried to change tomcat
parameters: TOMCAT6_USER=root and TOMCAT6_GROUP=root for the starting tomcat
as root (it is not good for security reason but for testing is ok).

As a result - same situation, same error.
What is the problem and how I is possible correct it?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Uploading big attachments issue

2012-09-04 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I installed XWiki from deb-package. No any changes, only I switched to the
filesystem attachment store, and also, I changed upload_maxsize for 1GB

All is fine, speed of uploading attachments is great! But when I try to
upload attachment with size more than 200mb (aprox.) - I get an error:
Caused by:
Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. No space left on device
  ... 41 common frames omitted

This problem exists only with one attachment file size is more than 200MB,
but I can attach many and many files with 180MB each of them... 

Also no any problem with disk storage - all mount points have free space
(new machine).
Can somebody help with this problem?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Uploading big attachments issue

2012-09-04 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote
> ...
> Since the error is in commons-fileupload, then XWiki storage isn't 
> involved. commons-fileupload creates temporary files in the directory 
> configured as "java.io.tmpdir", which is usually /tmp. Check that your 
> /tmp partition has enough space, or you can configure the java.io.tmpdir 
> property to point to something else.
> ...

1. enough space for /tmp partition
I have only 2 partitions:
/dev/sda1/ - linux-swapsize 1.49GB
/dev/sda2/ - ext4 - mounted to "/" size  78.51GBused 8.35GB
free 70.16GB
I haven't any special partition for /tmp.

2. tmpdir for java
I founded parameter JVM_TMP in file /etc/default/tomcat6 and tried to
uncomment and change path - no result, same situation.

Also, I forgot to say, that this error, which I wrote above, placed in
tomcat logs, but in xwiki problem looks like, that the user got message:
This request contains an invalid authentication information.
This might happen in the following situations:
Do you want to resend the request? If unsure, say No."

Any other ideas?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Uploading big attachments issue

2012-09-04 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I founded a solution!

I am using Linux Mint Debian Edition. As I said, physically, I have not
separate partition mounted for /tmp. But exists tmpfs. I can check this with
command "df -k". And this command give me:
vm-mintdeb-xwiki user # df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocksUsed
Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs  82190608 9326768 
6874758812% /
udev  512748   0   
512748   0% /dev
/dev/disk/by-uuid/078c2e9b-dfd4-4895-a8d9-9587699f981b  82190608 9326768 
68747588  12% /
tmpfs 103464 740   
102724  1% /var/run
tmpfs   5120   0 
5120  0% /var/run/lock
tmpfs 206924 128   
206796  1% /tmp
tmpfs 206924  72   
206852  1% /var/run/shm

As you can see, /tmp mounted as tmpfs and have only 206924 (this is my
restriction size). I am not a professional in Linux, and I didn't find where
I can change system initialization script and increaze this for the future.

But, as Sergiu said, I created another folder /temp and changed parameter
JVM_TMP in /etc/default/tomcat6 to this folder. Now all working! I can
attach files 1GB! Its great!!!

This article also was helpful for me

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] upgrade from 3.5 to 4.1.1 "LDAP service is not available. Please verify your installation."

2012-09-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

shouldbe q931 wrote
> Any ideas on the "LDAP service is not available. Please verify your
> installation." message ?

I have same situation, when I trying new installation of XWiki 4.1.3 (debian
Have some news for the problem:
"LDAP service is not available. Please verify your installation"?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] upgrade from 3.5 to 4.1.1 "LDAP service is not available. Please verify your installation."

2012-09-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Jerome Velociter-5 wrote
> We've decided not to bundle the LDAP service by default. You need to 
> install it manually via the extension manager. See 
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP+Application.

Of course, I installed LDAP application via extention manager. In extention
manager I written LDAP - get result "LDAP Application 4.0" and installed
this (with all dependences - automatically). Maybe need something else to

Also, I uncommented
in xwiki.org

After this step, opened LDAP inside administration and top of page I see
this message:
"LDAP service is not available. Please verify your installation."

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] upgrade from 3.5 to 4.1.1 "LDAP service is not available. Please verify your installation."

2012-09-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

Jerome Velociter-5 wrote
> I see the dependency is correctly listed in the dependencies section of 
> the extension page, at 
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP+Application#HDependencies
> :
> org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-ldap-api 4.0
> Do you remember if it was listed in the extension UI as a dependency 
> when installing the extension ?

Yes! It was listed!

vmassol wrote
> You import the module once through the extension importer on e.x.o and
> then it's supposed to be done automatically through a scheduler job that
> doesn't exist yet :) 
> So ATM it's manual and we don't do it… We need to fix this. 
> Note that the issue re the scheduler is that we need a way to ensure
> information don't get overwritten. For ex right now if you import/reimport
> the extension name gets overwritten by the name from the pom.xml which
> isn't nice.

Thanks for quickly answers!
Need to waiting some time for fix issue?

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] xwiki as root webapp

2012-09-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I installed xwiki via devian-package. All is working, but I want to configure
xwiki as root webapp. I am not a specialist in this (configuring tomcat) ...

How I can do this especially in situation, when was used debian package
(with not standart path-s). For example, xwiki app didn't placed in
tomcat/webapps ...

I founded file \etc\xwiki\xwiki-tomcat.xml with this content:


I tried to change path="/xwiki" with path="/" or path="/ROOT" - but no any
changes in a realty (of course after restarting tomcat) - xwiki opened with
path localhost://8080/xwiki ...

Maybe need another modifications?

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] xwiki as root webapp

2012-09-10 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I found solution for me. Sorry for stupid questions, but it is new expirience
for me.
- open folder /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost. In this folder exists 2
files: ROOT.xml & xwiki.xml.
- delete ROOT.xml
- rename xwiki.xml to ROOT.xml
- edit ROOT.xml after renaming, change ..path="/xwiki".. to ..path="/"..
- save ROOT.xml 
- restart tomcat

Maybe it will helpful for somebody else.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Understanding XWiki upgrading process, installed as a Debian package

2012-09-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I have XWiki 4.1.3 installed as a debian package, OS - Linux Mint Debian
Edition (fully compatible to original Debian). When I checked system
updates, updates manager give me list of system packages for updates,
including and XWiki debian packages (give me 4.1.4).

I am not a specialist in a linux stategy of updating (simple user) and for
this reason - question:
Is it possible to use standart OS package updates manager to update XWiki?
Maybe need some additional steps or actions?

Before this, I was using Xwiki in a Windows platform and made updates
manually (compare files one by one).

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Understanding XWiki upgrading process, installed as a Debian package

2012-09-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Thomas Mortagne wrote
> Not sure I understand the question actually, XWiki is not updated with
> the rest when you do "apt-get upgrade" ?

I don't known what is "apt-get upgrade". I use standart graphical system
tool "update manager". This tool shows all installed packages with current
versions (including xwiki debian packages) and new version numbers. User can
select or unselect items. At the end - user press "make update" and updating
process begins.

My question - is it possible to select in this list xwiki debian packages
also, same other system packages?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] multi-select property xwql quering

2012-10-08 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I need help with xwql quering.

I have my own class with property tMembers with type="user list" also this
property is a multi-select.
How is possible to query all docs of this class with filter for some user?

If no multiselect - all is easy:
#set($xwlquery="from doc.object($class) as obj where doc.fullName <>
'$template' and obj.tStatus='2' and obj.tMembers='$usedUser' order by
doc.date desc")

If multiselect switched on, but only one user selected - also this query
working. But, when used multiselect (selected 2 users) this query not

Also I tryed - obj.tMembers like '$usedUser' and - obj.tMembers.content like
'$usedUser' - no result.

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] multi-select property xwql quering

2012-10-08 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Thanks! but unfortunatly vairant

jerem wrote
>  '$usedUser' member of obj.tMembers

doesn't work ...

I got an error:
Caused by: org.xwiki.query.QueryException: Exception while execute query.
Query statement = [ select doc.fullName from XWikiDocument as doc ,
BaseObject as obj , com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringProperty as obj_tStatus1,
com.xpn.xwiki.objects.LargeStringProperty as obj_tMembers2 where (
doc.fullName <> 'etvcPlanningsCode.tClassTemplate' and obj_tStatus1.value =
'2' and 'XWiki.Admin' in elements( obj_tMembers2.value ) ) and
doc.fullName=obj.name and obj.className='etvcPlanningsCode.tClass' and
obj_tStatus1.id.id=obj.id and obj_tStatus1.id.name='tStatus' and
obj_tMembers2.id.id=obj.id and obj_tMembers2.id.name='tMembers' order by
doc.date desc ]
Caused by: com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 0 in 3: Exception
while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: null

Full error log in attachment  err.txt

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] multi-select property xwql quering

2012-10-08 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

jerem wrote
> obj.tMembers like '%${usedUser}%'

working great!

Thanks a lot!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Add preview Links to office documents in the attachment list

2012-10-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

In a livetable existing possibility to show attachments of listed documents,
but published extention  Add Preview Links
doesn't work in this situation (no preview links).

Is it possible to extend functionality of this extention? Or maybe it will
be good addition in a livetable functionality ...

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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[xwiki-users] Using custom JSON in a livetable

2012-11-06 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I need help for livetable with custom json page. I did it all, but - no any
visual results (rows with data) in a livetable. Maybe I wrote something
wrong. For the easy example, I only trying to add column 'no' with row

Content of custom JSON page (etvcPlanningsCode.wJSON):
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}

#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')
#set($map = {})
$request.collist.split(',') $map)
#foreach($row in $map.get('rows'))
  #set($discard = $row.put('no', "$foreach.count"))
$json = $jsontool.serialize($map)

This content give me result:
$json =

My livetable code:
#set($columns = [  "no"  ,  "wIndex"  , "wAlias"  , "wName"  ,  "wTeam"  ,
"wActive"  ,  "doc.date"  ,  "_actions" ])
#set($columnsProperties = {
  "no" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wIndex" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wAlias" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view", "size" : 10,
"filterable" : true, "sortable": true  },
  "wName" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view", "size" : 10,
"filterable" : true, "sortable": true  },
  "wTeam" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wActive" : { "type" : "text",  "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "doc.date" : { "type" : "text", "size" : "10", "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true },
  "_actions" : { 'actions' : ['edit', 'delete'] }
#set($options = { 
"resultPage" : "etvcPlanningsCode.wJSON",   
"translationPrefix" : "w2.livetable.",  
"rowCount": 15,  
"maxPages" : 10, 
"selectedColumn" : "wIndex", 
"defaultOrder" : "asc" 
#livetable("w2" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Using custom JSON in a livetable

2012-11-06 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
I found one issue on custom JSON page. My last variant:
Content of custom JSON page (etvcPlanningsCode.wJSON): 
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}} 

#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain') 
#set($map = {}) 
$request.collist.split(',') $map) 
#foreach($row in $map.get('rows')) 
  #set($discard = $row.put('no', "$foreach.count")) 
$json = $jsontool.serialize($map) 

Also I checked JSON result with http://jsonlint.com/ - I got "Valid JSON"
But unfortunatly - no any results in a livetable ...
Can somebody can help me?

Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov


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Re: [xwiki-users] Using custom JSON in a livetable

2012-11-06 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
As a final - I found problem!
When I setting livetable options need to write not only "rezultPage"
parameter - by also and "className" parameter ...

My working variant:

JSON page:
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}

#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')
#set($map = {})
#gridresult_buildJSON("$!request.classname" $request.collist.split(',')
#foreach($row in $map.get('rows'))
  #set($discard = $row.put('no', "$foreach.count"))

Livetable page
#set($columns = [  "no"  ,  "wIndex"  , "wAlias"  , "wName"  ,  "wTeam"  ,
"wActive"  ,  "doc.date"  ,  "_actions" ])
#set($columnsProperties = {
  "no" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wIndex" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wAlias" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view", "size" : 10,
"filterable" : true, "sortable": true  },
  "wName" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view", "size" : 10,
"filterable" : true, "sortable": true  },
  "wTeam" : { "type" : "text", "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "wActive" : { "type" : "text",  "size" : 10, "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true  },
  "doc.date" : { "type" : "text", "size" : "10", "filterable" : true,
"sortable": true },
  "_actions" : { 'actions' : ['edit', 'delete'] }
#set($options = { 
"resultPage" : "etvcPlanningsCode.wJSON",
"translationPrefix" : "w2.livetable.",  
"tagCloud" : true,  
"rowCount": 15,  
"maxPages" : 10, 
"selectedColumn" : "wIndex", 
"defaultOrder" : "asc" 
#livetable("w2" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

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[xwiki-users] Livetable filtering on a column added by custom json

2012-11-07 Thread Eugen Colesnicov

I diving deeper and deeper in a livetables ...

I created custom JSON page with this content:
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}

#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')
#set($map = {})
#gridresult_buildJSON("$!request.classname" $request.collist.split(',')
#foreach($row in $map.get('rows'))
  #set($rowDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($row.get('doc_fullName')))
  #set($parentDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($rowDoc.getParent()))

  #set($discard = $row.put('pNo', "$foreach.count"))
  #set($discard = $row.put('wDesc', " $parentDoc.getDisplayTitle()
<$parentDoc.getExternalURL()>  "))

As you can see, I added column with row number and column with link for the
parent page. JSON working, livetable showing, but I cannot filter by these
added columns ... any filter give empty result inside livetable.
Maybe I wrote something wrong ... 

What need to do for normal working of filtering on a columns added by custom

Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Create Hierarchy Space Template

2012-11-29 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
1) You should understand, that hierarchy in XWiki "based" on parent-child
relations between pages. Each page have property - "parent page". By
default, when you creating a page from XWiki menu "parent page" is current
page (where your process of creation was started), except WebHomes. 

2) You can use technology of space templates, according described here:
As you can see - space template - is a page used when WebHome of new space
will created.

3) For the content of this space template, you can use
This macro doing exactly what you need.

Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov

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Re: [xwiki-users] Changing the XWiki home page

2012-12-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Peter Fishwick wrote
> I want to change the home page that a user sees when they connect to the
> wiki so that it is more relevant to my company. I've tried to edit the
> page
> to remove the Activity list, Messages etc, but I don't seem to be aboe to
> do
> so.

Main.WebHome (this page open as a first start page) contains another page
(xwiki technology - include). You have many possibilities:
1) You should stop to including
2) You can edit included page
3) You can make automatic redirect from Main.WebHome to another page
4) You can define another page as a starting page

1) You should stop to including - this variant is very simple, but it is not
good for the perspective (for example, when you will make an XWiki
upgrading). But in your situation (first looking & studying) its enough.
To do it - edit Main.WebHome. After opening, You can change the type of
editor from the dropdown menu (in a same place where you clicked "edit") -
select wiki (default - WISIWIG). Now you can see the real content of this
page in a wiki syntax. You will see something like {{include
document="Dashboard.WebHome" context="new"/}} - simply delete this text and
save the page.
You can directly open Main.WebHome in a wiki-editor mode if you type
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/edit/Main/WebHome?editor=wiki - as You see -
right part of a link - "?editor=wiki" - defines type of editor. Also you can
change default type of editor in a XWiki preferences.

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[xwiki-users] Using new PDF Viewer Macro

2012-12-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Thanks for XWiki team, especially for Ludovic Dubost for this great new macro
PDF Viewer Macro! All is working great!

A have a related question. In the end of macro description, written:
...It is possible to also install the office.vm in your skin directly or as
an attachment to XWiki.DefaultSkin or your own skin page, to allow the
preview link next to attachments in the attachment footer to launch the PDF
viewer in the same way it currently launches the OpenOffice/LibreOffice
viewer for Office files...

I did it same way (installed PDF+Viewer+Macro and attached office.vm to
XWiki.DefaultSkin). After this - I tried use preview link next to
attachments - some page opened, but with result:
"Error The attachment does not exist."

What else should I do, except attaching office.vm to XWiki.DefaultSkin?
Please, give more details about this possibility.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Changing the XWiki home page

2012-12-18 Thread Eugen Colesnicov
Pete Fishwick wrote
> I like the sound of your last option, changing the page that the wiki
> starts with.
> How do I do that?

for details

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