[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-18 Thread Heath
For the record, I don't really have any issue with Andreas making the 
manifesto, I will say that like Verdi and Cheryl stated, for the 
manefisto to come out after soliciting video's etc, put me off.  I 
would have liked to have known that before hand.  The manifesto is to 
a degree trying to define vlogging, which again a lot of people don't 

And I don't see a different standard, people ask for links to be 
removed from blogs, vlogs, etc all the time.  At the time I asked the 
question, Andreas did not make it clear if he would remove links, 
THAT was a big deal to me, because quite frankly I expected more from 
someone like Andreasbe that as it may.. regardless I am done with 

and btw, yes you are right, by putting our work out in the public we 
have to expect and accept certain things, but we should never expect 
or accept to completely give up our wishes and choices all together.  


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On 18/01/2008, at 3:53 PM, Heath wrote:
  Taken in context with what is being said before in the manifesto, 
  is it unreasonable to think that someone may read the manifesto 
  conclude that Andreas and Brittany are in charge of the videos or
  have been given the videos to be taken care of. In both cases that
  can imply consent of the participants. That is why the we along
  with no disclaimer was bothering me.
 I can't answer that for others but for myself simply because when 
 view the video page I see the names of the videomakers and links 
 clearly point to external urls. The issue of consent is more  
 complicated, and what really is interesting here is that we seem 
 want to apply (I'm not saying this is right or wrong) a different  
 standard to these video works than we would to, say, text.
 for example people run lots of reblog sites where content from blog 
 is republished, in its entirety, at blog B (you can download 
 to run such a site yourself, just Google reblog). Blog B contains 
 link back to Blog A and attribution. (Gavin Sade runs an 
 one at http://uber.tv/refeed/out/ ). Similarly we pull stuff out 
 blog posts and quote them (in and out of context) as a matter of 
 This is partly curation and partly the sample remix thing that we 
 understand the web to be (and which we all happily use as we stick  
 soundtracks to our videos that we don't have permission to use). 
 not getting into is it right or wrong here, but when we use artist 
 soundtrack under our video we seem to recognise that this does not  
 mean that artist Y endorses our video (though i guess it does mean 
 endorse artist Y).
 Why are we being so concerned about the video works? (I think the  
 answer is obvious - for as much as we want to use this 
 stuff we are perhaps not so comfortable with it when it happens to  
 something of ours that we think is of value). But quite outside of 
 particular example of the lumiere project I am intrigued how  
 reblogging appears to go unremarked, but try the same thing with 
 and all sorts of dilemmas seem to arise.
 Adrian Miles
 bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
Well, that is the issue, as Andreas has already stated to Cheryl that 
he wouldn't do that, that the only way would be for you to delete 
your video from your site...  

I find that troubling and to be honest, disturbing


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 hi Heath
 fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there. 
 guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that relates 
 the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is done  
 automagically, as it were.
 On the other hand I have no doubt that Andreas and Brittany 
 have a problem with removing links to someone's work if they asked.
 personally I think curating material that relates to a theme is  
 excellent, it is just manual tag clouding really :-) helps promote  
 stuff too!
 On 16/01/2008, at 12:59 AM, Heath wrote:
  But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video if
  someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a Lumiere
  they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't 
  to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto? 
  I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like this, I
  think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already stated
  that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want 
to be
  associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling. How many
  others feel that way? If Andreas were giving people the choice to 
  associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, 
but he
  doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.
 Adrian Miles
 bachelor communication honours coordinator

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread David Meade
On Jan 16, 2008 10:02 PM, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The only
 solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
 it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
 whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to other
 sites or discussions.

Yeah I really couldn't believe that when I read it.  I don't think we
would have accepted such a solution from anyone outside the community
- why should we be expected to here?

This is more than a simple link.  It's our video being actually played
(without the context of our post with it) on another site.  Further,
we're called participants - and We/Our beliefs are listed in a
manifesto we may not agree with.  And the person doing this says if
you don't like it delete your video from your site (and every other
site that may have linked to it).

Besides the fact that it's just simple courtesy to honor the wishes of
members of this community who are asking that their creative works not
be displayed in the context of the manifesto (rather than forcing
their participation in something they don't feel their creative
works are in line with) 

Its just wrong - we never would have accepted that 'solution' from anyone else.

I'm really quite shocked at how its all being handled.

- Dave


[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to not 
wanting to be associated with his site

What I find interesting in this discussion, is that Andreas said he 
wanted to create discussion and yet, for the most part he has not 
participated in this discussionthere are valid questions and 
concerns being raised and he and Brittany are silentI find that 
very telling


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have produced over 30 Lumiere videos that are linked on the site.
 When I started, there was no manifesto, just 6 simple
 rules/guidelines. I create Lumieres with the challenge of those six
 restrictions... 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No
 edit, No effects, and I enjoy it.
 To me, it's a fun vlogging challenge.
 With that said, I have a couple concerns.
 I was never asked about agreeing with the manifesto (that was added
 after I started creating Lumiere videos), but by the way it was
 written, it certainly seems like I've agreed to it with the usage of
 the word we throughout the document. 
 I think it was mid-December when I really sat back and thought about
 the Lumieres that I created and felt that my work was contradictory 
 the Manifesto mainly (Quote from manifesto) We do not believe 
 artificially assembled scenes or scripted action..
 I set up my camera and change a tire...that's scripted.
 I set the tripod up and cut the grass...that's scripted.
 My point is, I read the Manifesto and honestly felt that for me to
 post Lumieres, I had to agree with the manifesto. 
 I was saddened by the manifesto and felt I couldn't continue as I
 wasn't sure I could abide by the added philosophical views of the
 manifesto, even though I was still within the 6 rules initially 
 Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'm not a lawyer, University Professor or
 philosopher that is able to dig deep into the interpretations of the
 document, I just kept seeing we throughout the document and felt I
 was either in or out... no gray area. 
 I'm just Joe vlogger that enjoyed the 6 challenges that were 
 setup and now felt there were more restrictions and beliefs that 
 the fun out of it.
 After reading through this thread, I was pissed at the way Roxie's
 oversight was responded by Andreas. We're all in the same world...
 brothers and sisters of one species. There was no reason for such
 anger and disdain and it certainly could have been responded to with
 better tact.
 To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The 
 solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
 it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
 whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to 
 sites or discussions.
 I don't want to remove my Lumieres. I will just debate within myself
 if I'll do more and if I do create others, will I share with the
 Lumiere site.
 It's too bad really... in my mind it was just suppose to be a 
 video exercise that challenged me, not a viewpoint of video creation
 that I was suppose to agree with.
 Vlogger and Lumiere creator.
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles adrian.miles@
  hi Heath
  fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there. 
  guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that 
relates to  
  the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is 
  automagically, as it were.
  On the other hand I have no doubt that Andreas and Brittany 
  have a problem with removing links to someone's work if they 
  personally I think curating material that relates to a theme is  
  excellent, it is just manual tag clouding really :-) helps 
  stuff too!
  On 16/01/2008, at 12:59 AM, Heath wrote:
   But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video 
   someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a 
   they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't 
   to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto? 
   I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like 
this, I
   think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already 
   that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want 
to be
   associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling. How many
   others feel that way? If Andreas were giving people the choice 
to be
   associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, 
but he
   doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.
  Adrian Miles
  bachelor communication honours coordinator

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Roxanne Darling
I think I might have a few answers to your questions Andreas.
1) is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?
It is a fair request IMO, however it is not an obligation unless I am using
someone's content with the requirement in their copyright license.

I did credit and link to you in my very original post on my site and in this
thread. You pointed out to me that it was your opinion I should have also
credited Brittany. I did not actually discover the lumiere page you and B
created when I did my speedy late night research (I did not have time to
follow all of the embedded links on the post on your personal site.); once I
learned about it on the list, I immediately added a link to the lumiere
page, added a mention of Brittany and a link to her site. Within 2 hours, I
also visited B's site and left a comment with my apology as I could not find
her email address.

2) Neither you nor Brittany have responded to me publicly or privately to
acknowledge that I have addressed your concerns. Perhaps (I'm just sayin')
if you had, this thread would have died a long time ago. In my experience,
it is tricky territory to go making issues on behalf of someone else. B has
chosen to leave the list and that is her choice. I still have NO IDEA what
HER actual feelings and opinions are. And that is somewhat absurd as this
whole thread revolves around my not crediting her in the first place.

3) You have not addressed the manner in which you posted your request, which
many experienced as rude and not in the spirit of collaboration. Many of
your contributions on the list Andreas are very legalistic - in that I mean
you have a great mind for detail and nuance and are quick in many cases to
point out flaws in others' reasoning and site laws of many nations. I think
the situation here is confusing to people because you have built a case on
sand (maybe because this is a Beach Walks issue he he) instead of your
usual granite. Asking people to take down their videos rather than you
removing their links? That is so not like you! And silly me, I thought you
were grabbing them all by a tag or something automated, not linking each one
by hand. That is indeed a labor of love. Thank you for taking the time to
add the link to our episode BTW.

4) The Manifesto v participating in the lumiere collection issue. Again in
light of your adeptness with the language, I am confused that you don't
understand how the use of we extends from the Manifesto to the collection
in many people's minds. This could easily be addressed by adding some
disclaimers to the pages along the lines of:

The Manifesto is authored by us, A  B, and reflects our personal opinions.
We have decided to link to others' work as our way of extending this art
form and building a community of lumiere creators. Each artist has his/her
own reasons for creating lumieres and therefore may or may not also support
the Manifesto. We hope you enjoy these.

Naturally, this is a quick brain dump and you will be able to craft
something elegant yet still on point and in your own voices.

So what do you think?  Can we make some lemonade now out of
these juicy lemons?



On Jan 17, 2008 8:07 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the manifesto in
 thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out that he
 has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for
 discussion. It's just a statement of fact.

 I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either not been

 read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats and I don't

 want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've already
 pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also help if
 you would address the original point of my participation in this thread
 (is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)

 From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome exceptions

 - only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your work. I
 can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous
 interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there are two
 authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated list of
 videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the intentions
 that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I
 repeated myself again.

 - Andreas

 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]heathparks%40msn.com

  Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to not
  wanting to be associated with his site
  What I find interesting in this discussion, is that Andreas said he
  wanted to create discussion and yet, for the most part he has not
  participated in this discussionthere are valid questions and
  concerns being raised and he and Brittany are silentI find that
  very telling
  --- In 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the manifesto in this  
thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out that he  
has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for  
discussion. It's just a statement of fact.

I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either not been  
read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats and I don't  
want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've already  
pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also help if  
you would address the original point of my participation in this thread  
(is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)

 From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome exceptions  
- only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your work. I  
can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous  
interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there are two  
authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated list of  
videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the intentions  
that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I  
repeated myself again.

- Andreas

Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to not
 wanting to be associated with his site

 What I find interesting in this discussion, is that Andreas said he
 wanted to create discussion and yet, for the most part he has not
 participated in this discussionthere are valid questions and
 concerns being raised and he and Brittany are silentI find that
 very telling


 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have produced over 30 Lumiere videos that are linked on the site.
 When I started, there was no manifesto, just 6 simple
 rules/guidelines. I create Lumieres with the challenge of those six
 restrictions... 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No
 edit, No effects, and I enjoy it.
 To me, it's a fun vlogging challenge.

 With that said, I have a couple concerns.

 I was never asked about agreeing with the manifesto (that was added
 after I started creating Lumiere videos), but by the way it was
 written, it certainly seems like I've agreed to it with the usage of
 the word we throughout the document.

 I think it was mid-December when I really sat back and thought about
 the Lumieres that I created and felt that my work was contradictory
 the Manifesto mainly (Quote from manifesto) We do not believe
 artificially assembled scenes or scripted action..
 I set up my camera and change a tire...that's scripted.
 I set the tripod up and cut the grass...that's scripted.
 My point is, I read the Manifesto and honestly felt that for me to
 post Lumieres, I had to agree with the manifesto.
 I was saddened by the manifesto and felt I couldn't continue as I
 wasn't sure I could abide by the added philosophical views of the
 manifesto, even though I was still within the 6 rules initially
 Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'm not a lawyer, University Professor or
 philosopher that is able to dig deep into the interpretations of the
 document, I just kept seeing we throughout the document and felt I
 was either in or out... no gray area.
 I'm just Joe vlogger that enjoyed the 6 challenges that were
 setup and now felt there were more restrictions and beliefs that
 the fun out of it.

 After reading through this thread, I was pissed at the way Roxie's
 oversight was responded by Andreas. We're all in the same world...
 brothers and sisters of one species. There was no reason for such
 anger and disdain and it certainly could have been responded to with
 better tact.

 To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The
 solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
 it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
 whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to
 sites or discussions.

 I don't want to remove my Lumieres. I will just debate within myself
 if I'll do more and if I do create others, will I share with the
 Lumiere site.

 It's too bad really... in my mind it was just suppose to be a
 video exercise that challenged me, not a viewpoint of video creation
 that I was suppose to agree with.

 Vlogger and Lumiere creator.

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles adrian.miles@
  hi Heath
  fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there.
  guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that
 relates to
  the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is
  automagically, as it were.
  On the other hand I 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
So am I


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Jan 16, 2008 10:02 PM, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The 
  solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. 
  it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
  whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to 
  sites or discussions.
 Yeah I really couldn't believe that when I read it.  I don't think 
 would have accepted such a solution from anyone outside the 
 - why should we be expected to here?
 This is more than a simple link.  It's our video being actually 
 (without the context of our post with it) on another site.  Further,
 we're called participants - and We/Our beliefs are listed in a
 manifesto we may not agree with.  And the person doing this says if
 you don't like it delete your video from your site (and every other
 site that may have linked to it).
 Besides the fact that it's just simple courtesy to honor the wishes 
 members of this community who are asking that their creative works 
 be displayed in the context of the manifesto (rather than forcing
 their participation in something they don't feel their creative
 works are in line with) 
 Its just wrong - we never would have accepted that 'solution' from 
anyone else.
 I'm really quite shocked at how its all being handled.
 - Dave

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
David, you can rest assured that people would have to stay on the lumiere  
site for over 3 hours before your video would be played. There is a clear  
link to the blogpost where the video came from right below it (same way  
iTunes handles videos). I have received no complaints from anyone over the  
videos being played on the site - I have however received positive  
feedback from people who think it is a very nice touch. No one has ever  
e-mailed me or Brittany with a request to remove a link from the site. Any  
speculation on whether or not the link would be removed would be just  
that, speculation. Please don't start making up issues that are not there.

Are you are outraged on your own behalf or on the behalf of unknown  
strangers? Apart from the 3-4 very vocal people in this thread we have  
received many positive comments from people who have created lumiere  
videos. They have used the constraints to experiment with the way they  
produce videos. The most common feedback has been that using the lumiere  
rules have helped them see video in a new light and that they have helped  
them break free of the practices they were trapped in (but didn't  
realize). I will encourage anyone to experiment in such a way, either  
using the lumiere rules or a different set of constraints. I am partial to  
the lumiere rules because I think they are formulated in a way that makes  
creating lumiere videos very easy.

I especially hope that Mike Moon who have created many memorable lumiere  
videos (my favourite is this one from November:  
http://moon.blogspot.com/2007/11/lumiere-falling.html ) is able to see  
that Brittany's and my intentions for maintaining the project does not  
need to match with his intentions for creating the videos and that he'll  
be creating more in the future. He and everyone else should get whatever  
out of creating lumiere videos they want, each has their own reasons for  
creating these small, reflective moments.

- Andreas

Den 17.01.2008 kl. 10:24 skrev David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Jan 16, 2008 10:02 PM, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The only
 solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
 it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
 whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to other
 sites or discussions.

 Yeah I really couldn't believe that when I read it.  I don't think we
 would have accepted such a solution from anyone outside the community
 - why should we be expected to here?

 This is more than a simple link.  It's our video being actually played
 (without the context of our post with it) on another site.  Further,
 we're called participants - and We/Our beliefs are listed in a
 manifesto we may not agree with.  And the person doing this says if
 you don't like it delete your video from your site (and every other
 site that may have linked to it).

 Besides the fact that it's just simple courtesy to honor the wishes of
 members of this community who are asking that their creative works not
 be displayed in the context of the manifesto (rather than forcing
 their participation in something they don't feel their creative
 works are in line with) 

 Its just wrong - we never would have accepted that 'solution' from  
 anyone else.

 I'm really quite shocked at how its all being handled.

 - Dave

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Steve Watkins
Well you did answer my concernt about the term 'participants' off-list,t hanks 
for that. I 
made one or two other points about the manifesto itself, which were not 
responded to, 
but they werent particularily good points so I dont mind. 

I will expand on my opniion that not being allowed any sound is a bit limiting. 
I can see 
why this clause would be desirable, the manifesto talks about some of the 
things it wants 
to avoid, and no audio makes it easy for people to avoid things liek 
voiceovers etc. My gripe is that many of the moments I could want to capture, 
would be so 
much nicer experiences if the ambient sound was present. And for xample I 
missed the 
sound of the sea in Rox's video, those waves seemed sort of impotent without 
their voice.

The 'solution' to this is no doubt to come up with another name  set of rules 
something else that is similar but includes such audio. Its not really me to be 
into that sort 
of thing, if I want to make such vids in future I will probably just do it 
without giving them 
a name or trying to get others to make them to, but thats just me.


Steve Elbows
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the manifesto in this  
 thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out that he  
 has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for  
 discussion. It's just a statement of fact.
 I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either not been  
 read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats and I don't  
 want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've already  
 pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also help if  
 you would address the original point of my participation in this thread  
 (is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)
  From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome exceptions  
 - only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your work. I  
 can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous  
 interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there are two  
 authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated list of  
 videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the intentions  
 that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I  
 repeated myself again.
 - Andreas
 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to not
  wanting to be associated with his site
  What I find interesting in this discussion, is that Andreas said he
  wanted to create discussion and yet, for the most part he has not
  participated in this discussionthere are valid questions and
  concerns being raised and he and Brittany are silentI find that
  very telling
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mike Moon mgmoon@ wrote:
  I have produced over 30 Lumiere videos that are linked on the site.
  When I started, there was no manifesto, just 6 simple
  rules/guidelines. I create Lumieres with the challenge of those six
  restrictions... 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No
  edit, No effects, and I enjoy it.
  To me, it's a fun vlogging challenge.
  With that said, I have a couple concerns.
  I was never asked about agreeing with the manifesto (that was added
  after I started creating Lumiere videos), but by the way it was
  written, it certainly seems like I've agreed to it with the usage of
  the word we throughout the document.
  I think it was mid-December when I really sat back and thought about
  the Lumieres that I created and felt that my work was contradictory
  the Manifesto mainly (Quote from manifesto) We do not believe
  artificially assembled scenes or scripted action..
  I set up my camera and change a tire...that's scripted.
  I set the tripod up and cut the grass...that's scripted.
  My point is, I read the Manifesto and honestly felt that for me to
  post Lumieres, I had to agree with the manifesto.
  I was saddened by the manifesto and felt I couldn't continue as I
  wasn't sure I could abide by the added philosophical views of the
  manifesto, even though I was still within the 6 rules initially
  Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'm not a lawyer, University Professor or
  philosopher that is able to dig deep into the interpretations of the
  document, I just kept seeing we throughout the document and felt I
  was either in or out... no gray area.
  I'm just Joe vlogger that enjoyed the 6 challenges that were
  setup and now felt there were more restrictions and beliefs that
  the fun out of it.
  After reading through this thread, I was 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread David Meade
On Jan 17, 2008 1:07 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
 Any speculation on whether or not the link would be removed would be just
 that, speculation. Please don't start making up issues that are not there.

Andreas, I'm not making anything up.  YOU said that if we didnt want
to be included at your site we were free to delete our videos from
blip/our site.
YOU said (and I quote) If you want to have your videos removed simply
delete them from your website.  YOU continued on to expound about the
link-oriented nature of the web and reaffirmed again in a second email
that if we didn't want to be listed we should delete our hosted video.

No one has ever e-mailed me or Brittany with a request to remove a
link from the site.

I never said they did. However there seems to be some concern here in
this thread and YOU HAVE STATED that if they don't like they are free
to delete their video.

My concern is hardly speculative, and I'm certainly not making
anything up.  Please don't start putting word in my mouth.

 David, you can rest assured that people would have to stay on the lumiere
 site for over 3 hours before your video would be played.

That's hardly the point, Andreas - and I suspect you know that.  If it
took 45 years for my video to show up on a site whose premise I
disagreed with, I as the creator of the creative work should be able
to request it not be displayed as participant.

 There is a clear
 link to the blogpost where the video came from right below it (same way
 iTunes handles videos).

Except iTunes doesn't publish a manifesto stating my beliefs /
inspirations as they relate to my creative works.

 Are you are outraged on your own behalf or on the behalf of unknown
 strangers? Apart from the 3-4 very vocal people in this thread we have
 received many positive comments from people who have created lumiere

I'm sure you have gotten good feedback as well.  But what about those
3-4 people expressing concerns here? Are you going to honor their
request to not be included, or are you sticking to your you're free
to delete your video stance?

The only thing I was outraged about was your insistent need to default
to an insulting and combative tone with people who were just trying to
be part of the community.  I said I was shocked about your insistence
that you would not honor requests for removal (see above where I
remind you of what YOU said).

- Dave


 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 10:24 skrev David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  On Jan 16, 2008 10:02 PM, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The only
  solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
  it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
  whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to other
  sites or discussions.
  Yeah I really couldn't believe that when I read it.  I don't think we
  would have accepted such a solution from anyone outside the community
  - why should we be expected to here?
  This is more than a simple link.  It's our video being actually played
  (without the context of our post with it) on another site.  Further,
  we're called participants - and We/Our beliefs are listed in a
  manifesto we may not agree with.  And the person doing this says if
  you don't like it delete your video from your site (and every other
  site that may have linked to it).
  Besides the fact that it's just simple courtesy to honor the wishes of
  members of this community who are asking that their creative works not
  be displayed in the context of the manifesto (rather than forcing
  their participation in something they don't feel their creative
  works are in line with) 
  Its just wrong - we never would have accepted that 'solution' from
  anyone else.
  I'm really quite shocked at how its all being handled.
  - Dave

 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
I can tell you that Aske Dam, who first introduced me to the rules creates  
his lumiere videos with one notable exception - he allows himself to break  
one of the rules. Most often this is the no audio rule for the same  
reasons you outline.

I have found the 1 minute rule to be the one I most often would like to  
break. Like when I put up a video that's almost two minutes, but otherwise  
follows the rules: http://www.solitude.dk/archives/20071018-1325 (I don't  
add that video to the collection). In this case I even put up a 1 minute  
lumiere version (obviously breaking the no editing rule by trimming the  
original footage). Only a small subset of the lumiere videos adhere to the  
strictest interpretations of the rules. Video compression can easily be  
seen as a type of video effect, many people trim footage and almost as  
many add credit rolls or title cards (breaking the no edit rule).

It is curious that you mention the no audio rule since it's my own  
personal favourite. Removing the audio makes the videos more universally  
accessible. There is no spoken language so you can watch and understand a  
person's video even if you do not speak his language. Futhermore the lack  
of audio forces the view to focus on the visuals 100%.

Most importantly though it takes control away from the video creator and  
gives the viewer more control. This is one of the areas the lumiere videos  
excel at. You, the video creator, have less to say about what the video  
means and the viewers have more freedom to create their own meanings  
 from the visual. We feel that these benefits (as far as our goals go  
anyway) outweigh whatever effect the audio has (don't tell me you didn't  
re-create the sound of waves in your head as you watched Rox' video, no  
audio track was needed :p)

Aske has chided me last time we met for insisting on keeping all rules  
intact and as you can see he has not submitted any of his own videos  
(partly because he has no online prescence, partly because his videos all  
break one of the rules). We felt that insisting on all rules worked  
towards the various goals (more room for contemplation and viewer  
interpretations) and also stricter rules makes it easier to get involved  
and create a video (fewer variables means it's easier to record).

- Andreas

Den 17.01.2008 kl. 13:40 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well you did answer my concernt about the term 'participants' off-list,t  
 hanks for that. I
 made one or two other points about the manifesto itself, which were not  
 responded to,
 but they werent particularily good points so I dont mind.

 I will expand on my opniion that not being allowed any sound is a bit  
 limiting. I can see
 why this clause would be desirable, the manifesto talks about some of  
 the things it wants
 to avoid, and no audio makes it easy for people to avoid things liek  
 voiceovers etc. My gripe is that many of the moments I could want to  
 capture, would be so
 much nicer experiences if the ambient sound was present. And for xample  
 I missed the
 sound of the sea in Rox's video, those waves seemed sort of impotent  
 without their voice.

 The 'solution' to this is no doubt to come up with another name  set of  
 rules for
 something else that is similar but includes such audio. Its not really  
 me to be into that sort
 of thing, if I want to make such vids in future I will probably just do  
 it without giving them
 a name or trying to get others to make them to, but thats just me.


 Steve Elbows
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen  

 I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the manifesto in  
 thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out that  
 has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for
 discussion. It's just a statement of fact.

 I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either not  
 read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats and I  
 want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've already
 pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also help if
 you would address the original point of my participation in this thread
 (is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)

  From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome  
 - only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your work.  
 can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous
 interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there are  
 authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated list of
 videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the  
 that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I
 repeated myself again.

 - Andreas

 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Excellent points Mike, espeacially about 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
People are free to delete any video and it won't show up. We have still  
not received any requests from anyone asking for their links to be  
removed. On the other hand we have received many requests to be included.

If you want to contact the maintainers of the videoblogging.info website  
(that'd be Brittany and myself) the e-mail address is right there on the  
page. If anyone wants to discuss the actual content of the manifesto and  
why we think a reflexive process is important, you can also e-mail us  

- Andreas

Den 17.01.2008 kl. 13:29 skrev David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Jan 17, 2008 1:07 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
 Any speculation on whether or not the link would be removed would be  
 that, speculation. Please don't start making up issues that are not  

 Andreas, I'm not making anything up.  YOU said that if we didnt want
 to be included at your site we were free to delete our videos from
 blip/our site.
 YOU said (and I quote) If you want to have your videos removed simply
 delete them from your website.  YOU continued on to expound about the
 link-oriented nature of the web and reaffirmed again in a second email
 that if we didn't want to be listed we should delete our hosted video.

 No one has ever e-mailed me or Brittany with a request to remove a
 link from the site.

 I never said they did. However there seems to be some concern here in
 this thread and YOU HAVE STATED that if they don't like they are free
 to delete their video.

 My concern is hardly speculative, and I'm certainly not making
 anything up.  Please don't start putting word in my mouth.

 David, you can rest assured that people would have to stay on the  
 site for over 3 hours before your video would be played.

 That's hardly the point, Andreas - and I suspect you know that.  If it
 took 45 years for my video to show up on a site whose premise I
 disagreed with, I as the creator of the creative work should be able
 to request it not be displayed as participant.

 There is a clear
 link to the blogpost where the video came from right below it (same way
 iTunes handles videos).

 Except iTunes doesn't publish a manifesto stating my beliefs /
 inspirations as they relate to my creative works.

 Are you are outraged on your own behalf or on the behalf of unknown
 strangers? Apart from the 3-4 very vocal people in this thread we have
 received many positive comments from people who have created lumiere

 I'm sure you have gotten good feedback as well.  But what about those
 3-4 people expressing concerns here? Are you going to honor their
 request to not be included, or are you sticking to your you're free
 to delete your video stance?

 The only thing I was outraged about was your insistent need to default
 to an insulting and combative tone with people who were just trying to
 be part of the community.  I said I was shocked about your insistence
 that you would not honor requests for removal (see above where I
 remind you of what YOU said).

 - Dave

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Patrick Delongchamp
is proper acknowledgment not a fair request?

I'm surprised you think this is the issue.  Of course it's a fair
request.  The problem Andreas is the way in which you requested the
acknowledgment.  An apology in order and you have yet to offer one or
address the issue.  That would have cut this thread short.  It's that

On Jan 17, 2008 12:07 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the manifesto in this
  thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out that he
  has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for
  discussion. It's just a statement of fact.

  I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either not been
  read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats and I don't
  want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've already
  pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also help if
  you would address the original point of my participation in this thread
  (is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)

  From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome exceptions
  - only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your work. I
  can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous
  interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there are two
  authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated list of
  videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the intentions
  that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I
  repeated myself again.

  - Andreas

  Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to not
   wanting to be associated with his site
   What I find interesting in this discussion, is that Andreas said he
   wanted to create discussion and yet, for the most part he has not
   participated in this discussionthere are valid questions and
   concerns being raised and he and Brittany are silentI find that
   very telling
   --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mike Moon [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I have produced over 30 Lumiere videos that are linked on the site.
   When I started, there was no manifesto, just 6 simple
   rules/guidelines. I create Lumieres with the challenge of those six
   restrictions... 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No
   edit, No effects, and I enjoy it.
   To me, it's a fun vlogging challenge.
   With that said, I have a couple concerns.
   I was never asked about agreeing with the manifesto (that was added
   after I started creating Lumiere videos), but by the way it was
   written, it certainly seems like I've agreed to it with the usage of
   the word we throughout the document.
   I think it was mid-December when I really sat back and thought about
   the Lumieres that I created and felt that my work was contradictory
   the Manifesto mainly (Quote from manifesto) We do not believe
   artificially assembled scenes or scripted action..
   I set up my camera and change a tire...that's scripted.
   I set the tripod up and cut the grass...that's scripted.
   My point is, I read the Manifesto and honestly felt that for me to
   post Lumieres, I had to agree with the manifesto.
   I was saddened by the manifesto and felt I couldn't continue as I
   wasn't sure I could abide by the added philosophical views of the
   manifesto, even though I was still within the 6 rules initially
   Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'm not a lawyer, University Professor or
   philosopher that is able to dig deep into the interpretations of the
   document, I just kept seeing we throughout the document and felt I
   was either in or out... no gray area.
   I'm just Joe vlogger that enjoyed the 6 challenges that were
   setup and now felt there were more restrictions and beliefs that
   the fun out of it.
   After reading through this thread, I was pissed at the way Roxie's
   oversight was responded by Andreas. We're all in the same world...
   brothers and sisters of one species. There was no reason for such
   anger and disdain and it certainly could have been responded to with
   better tact.
   To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The
   solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
   it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
   whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to
   sites or discussions.
   I don't want to remove my Lumieres. I will just debate within myself
   if I'll do more and if I do create others, will I share with the
   Lumiere site.
   It's too bad really... in my 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Michael Verdi
Let me be the first then, to request that you (Andreas and Brittany)
remove all links to my Lumiere videos from your site.
Specifically, here are the links I would like you to remove:

- Verdi

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Patrick Delongchamp
Or you could try enjoying video in a whole new way.

at your local gay video dance bar.


On Jan 17, 2008 3:19 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 16:05 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   So how about Lumish... stuff that is inspired by and deeply related to
   Lumiere, but may
   break a rule here or there.

  Go nuts. For something somewhat related that predates my own lumiere
  videos: http://blandlands.com/

  Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
Den 17.01.2008 kl. 16:05 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 So how about Lumish... stuff that is inspired by and deeply related to  
 Lumiere, but may
 break a rule here or there.

Go nuts. For something somewhat related that predates my own lumiere  
videos: http://blandlands.com/

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
In this response, you Rox, show why you Rock!  


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Roxanne Darling [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I think I might have a few answers to your questions Andreas.
 1) is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?
 It is a fair request IMO, however it is not an obligation unless I 
am using
 someone's content with the requirement in their copyright license.
 I did credit and link to you in my very original post on my site 
and in this
 thread. You pointed out to me that it was your opinion I should 
have also
 credited Brittany. I did not actually discover the lumiere page you 
and B
 created when I did my speedy late night research (I did not have 
time to
 follow all of the embedded links on the post on your personal 
site.); once I
 learned about it on the list, I immediately added a link to the 
 page, added a mention of Brittany and a link to her site. Within 2 
hours, I
 also visited B's site and left a comment with my apology as I could 
not find
 her email address.
 2) Neither you nor Brittany have responded to me publicly or 
privately to
 acknowledge that I have addressed your concerns. Perhaps (I'm just 
 if you had, this thread would have died a long time ago. In my 
 it is tricky territory to go making issues on behalf of someone 
else. B has
 chosen to leave the list and that is her choice. I still have NO 
IDEA what
 HER actual feelings and opinions are. And that is somewhat absurd 
as this
 whole thread revolves around my not crediting her in the first 
 3) You have not addressed the manner in which you posted your 
request, which
 many experienced as rude and not in the spirit of collaboration. 
Many of
 your contributions on the list Andreas are very legalistic - in 
that I mean
 you have a great mind for detail and nuance and are quick in many 
cases to
 point out flaws in others' reasoning and site laws of many nations. 
I think
 the situation here is confusing to people because you have built a 
case on
 sand (maybe because this is a Beach Walks issue he he) instead of 
 usual granite. Asking people to take down their videos rather than 
 removing their links? That is so not like you! And silly me, I 
thought you
 were grabbing them all by a tag or something automated, not linking 
each one
 by hand. That is indeed a labor of love. Thank you for taking the 
time to
 add the link to our episode BTW.
 4) The Manifesto v participating in the lumiere collection issue. 
Again in
 light of your adeptness with the language, I am confused that you 
 understand how the use of we extends from the Manifesto to the 
 in many people's minds. This could easily be addressed by adding 
 disclaimers to the pages along the lines of:
 The Manifesto is authored by us, A  B, and reflects our personal 
 We have decided to link to others' work as our way of extending 
this art
 form and building a community of lumiere creators. Each artist has 
 own reasons for creating lumieres and therefore may or may not also 
 the Manifesto. We hope you enjoy these.
 Naturally, this is a quick brain dump and you will be able to craft
 something elegant yet still on point and in your own voices.
 So what do you think?  Can we make some lemonade now out of
 these juicy lemons?
 On Jan 17, 2008 8:07 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am not seeing any wish to discuss the contents of the 
manifesto in
  thread. Mike is the only one who has come close, but pointing out 
that he
  has scripted a lumiere video (we all have) is not an opening for
  discussion. It's just a statement of fact.
  I have written some long e-mails in this thread, that have either 
not been
  read or ignored. Most e-mails in this thread have been repeats 
and I don't
  want to sit and type up the exact same reply again. As I've 
  pointed out Brittany left this list in early 2006. It would also 
help if
  you would address the original point of my participation in this 
  (is proper acknowledgement not a fair request?)
  From the people in this thread I have seen - with a few welcome 
  - only gripes about the manifesto somehow represents you and your 
work. I
  can't take responsibility when you choose such a ridiculous
  interpretation. The manifesto uses the pronoun we because there 
are two
  authors. It describes our reasoning for maintaining a curated 
list of
  videos that follow six simple rules. It says nothing about the 
  that each author has for creating his own lumiere videos. There, I
  repeated myself again.
  - Andreas
  Den 17.01.2008 kl. 08:23 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]heathparks%
   Excellent points Mike, espeacially about Andreas solution to 
   wanting to be associated with his site
   What I find interesting in this discussion, 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Steve Watkins
Thanks for the response.

Yeah I dont like the language barriers that seperate people, so I am a fan of 
no-audio in 
that sense. I guess when confronted with the rule, my brain leaped to all the 
things it 
would miss, the stuff that sounds (rather than human language) can add to art, 
work, play, 
communication, whatever it is. The non-verbal sounds that many humans make are 
broadly universal I guess, a baby screaming, people laughing, crying,  I would 
like that 
sometimes, in a format that would otherwise be Lumiere-like.

But as I said before, Im not actually proposing that this specific rule should 
be changed for 
your manifesto.

Rather I see the downsides as well as the upsides to the rules in general, and 
how tight to 
be with them. Although there appear to be a number of reasons why some people 
wish to 
dissasociate their work from your manifesto, for me it seems a tragedy if any 
of them are 
turned off the concept in general by your specific version of it.

So how about Lumish... stuff that is inspired by and deeply related to Lumiere, 
but may 
break a rule here or there. 

Cheers, I done squawking for today.

Steve Elbows 
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 I can tell you that Aske Dam, who first introduced me to the rules creates  
 his lumiere videos with one notable exception - he allows himself to break  
 one of the rules. Most often this is the no audio rule for the same  
 reasons you outline.
 I have found the 1 minute rule to be the one I most often would like to  
 break. Like when I put up a video that's almost two minutes, but otherwise  
 follows the rules: http://www.solitude.dk/archives/20071018-1325 (I don't  
 add that video to the collection). In this case I even put up a 1 minute  
 lumiere version (obviously breaking the no editing rule by trimming the  
 original footage). Only a small subset of the lumiere videos adhere to the  
 strictest interpretations of the rules. Video compression can easily be  
 seen as a type of video effect, many people trim footage and almost as  
 many add credit rolls or title cards (breaking the no edit rule).
 It is curious that you mention the no audio rule since it's my own  
 personal favourite. Removing the audio makes the videos more universally  
 accessible. There is no spoken language so you can watch and understand a  
 person's video even if you do not speak his language. Futhermore the lack  
 of audio forces the view to focus on the visuals 100%.
 Most importantly though it takes control away from the video creator and  
 gives the viewer more control. This is one of the areas the lumiere videos  
 excel at. You, the video creator, have less to say about what the video  
 means and the viewers have more freedom to create their own meanings  
  from the visual. We feel that these benefits (as far as our goals go  
 anyway) outweigh whatever effect the audio has (don't tell me you didn't  
 re-create the sound of waves in your head as you watched Rox' video, no  
 audio track was needed :p)
 Aske has chided me last time we met for insisting on keeping all rules  
 intact and as you can see he has not submitted any of his own videos  
 (partly because he has no online prescence, partly because his videos all  
 break one of the rules). We felt that insisting on all rules worked  
 towards the various goals (more room for contemplation and viewer  
 interpretations) and also stricter rules makes it easier to get involved  
 and create a video (fewer variables means it's easier to record).
 - Andreas
 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 13:40 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Well you did answer my concernt about the term 'participants' off-list,t  
  hanks for that. I
  made one or two other points about the manifesto itself, which were not  
  responded to,
  but they werent particularily good points so I dont mind.
  I will expand on my opniion that not being allowed any sound is a bit  
  limiting. I can see
  why this clause would be desirable, the manifesto talks about some of  
  the things it wants
  to avoid, and no audio makes it easy for people to avoid things liek  
  voiceovers etc. My gripe is that many of the moments I could want to  
  capture, would be so
  much nicer experiences if the ambient sound was present. And for xample  
  I missed the
  sound of the sea in Rox's video, those waves seemed sort of impotent  
  without their voice.
  The 'solution' to this is no doubt to come up with another name  set of  
  rules for
  something else that is similar but includes such audio. Its not really  
  me to be into that sort
  of thing, if I want to make such vids in future I will probably just do  
  it without giving them
  a name or trying to get others to make them to, but thats just me.
  Steve Elbows
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen  
  I am not seeing 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Sull
Let me be the first to request that this thread ends now and any further
communication concerning Andreas' eitquette or content linked on the Lumiere
site be directed to:



(the soapbox stomper)

On Jan 17, 2008 3:53 PM, Michael Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Let me be the first then, to request that you (Andreas and Brittany)
 remove all links to my Lumiere videos from your site.
 Specifically, here are the links I would like you to remove:


 - Verdi

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert - A Public Request

2008-01-17 Thread Cheryl
Posted: http://www.hummingcrow.com/2008/01/17/a-public-request/

I hereby formally and publicly request that links to my Lumiere videos
be removed from videoblogging.info/lumiere/, where they are listed as
videos by hummingcrow.

I do so for the following reasons:

* I disagree with the Lumiere Manifesto published by Andreas Haugstrup
Pedersen  Brittany Shoot in August 2007 and do not wish to have my
work associated with it by inclusion at videoblogging.info/lumiere/.
While I acknowledge that I could force the exclusion of my work by
deleting it entirely, I prefer to leave the work published as part of
my body of work. I simply wish to disassociate my work from the
videoblogging.info web site. I do not have any interest in engaging in
a conversation or debate about the manifesto.

* While I originally felt no need to request removal of work created
prior to the manifesto's publication, I now wish to assist in removing
any semblance of speculation from the ongoing discussion, as
represented in this message and its quoted posts
(http://tinyurl.com/yopy4s), over whether videos would be removed from
videoblogging.info/lumiere/ if requested.


Cheryl Colan

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 People are free to delete any video and it won't show up. We have
 not received any requests from anyone asking for their links to be  
 removed. On the other hand we have received many requests to be
 If you want to contact the maintainers of the videoblogging.info
 (that'd be Brittany and myself) the e-mail address is right there on
 page. If anyone wants to discuss the actual content of the manifesto
 why we think a reflexive process is important, you can also e-mail us  
 - Andreas
 Den 17.01.2008 kl. 13:29 skrev David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Jan 17, 2008 1:07 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
  Any speculation on whether or not the link would be removed would
  that, speculation. Please don't start making up issues that are not  
  Andreas, I'm not making anything up.  YOU said that if we didnt want
  to be included at your site we were free to delete our videos from
  blip/our site.
  YOU said (and I quote) If you want to have your videos removed simply
  delete them from your website.  YOU continued on to expound about the
  link-oriented nature of the web and reaffirmed again in a second email
  that if we didn't want to be listed we should delete our hosted video.
  No one has ever e-mailed me or Brittany with a request to remove a
  link from the site.
  I never said they did. However there seems to be some concern here in
  this thread and YOU HAVE STATED that if they don't like they are free
  to delete their video.
  My concern is hardly speculative, and I'm certainly not making
  anything up.  Please don't start putting word in my mouth.
  David, you can rest assured that people would have to stay on the  
  site for over 3 hours before your video would be played.
  That's hardly the point, Andreas - and I suspect you know that.  If it
  took 45 years for my video to show up on a site whose premise I
  disagreed with, I as the creator of the creative work should be able
  to request it not be displayed as participant.
  There is a clear
  link to the blogpost where the video came from right below it
(same way
  iTunes handles videos).
  Except iTunes doesn't publish a manifesto stating my beliefs /
  inspirations as they relate to my creative works.
  Are you are outraged on your own behalf or on the behalf of unknown
  strangers? Apart from the 3-4 very vocal people in this thread we
  received many positive comments from people who have created lumiere
  I'm sure you have gotten good feedback as well.  But what about those
  3-4 people expressing concerns here? Are you going to honor their
  request to not be included, or are you sticking to your you're free
  to delete your video stance?
  The only thing I was outraged about was your insistent need to default
  to an insulting and combative tone with people who were just trying to
  be part of the community.  I said I was shocked about your insistence
  that you would not honor requests for removal (see above where I
  remind you of what YOU said).
  - Dave
 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Adrian Miles

On 18/01/2008, at 6:29 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:

 I can tell you that Aske Dam, who first introduced me to the rules  
 his lumiere videos with one notable exception - he allows himself to  
 one of the rules. Most often this is the no audio rule for the same
 reasons you outline.

hey Andreas

pass on my belated hellos to Aske :-)

I think a useful way to think about the 'manifesto' is in two ways.

The first is, as Andreas has explained, it's a manifesto written by  
two people. I think that's pretty clear and straight forward. It  
raises some provocative points about video practice in relation to  
blogging, all of which are worth talking about. It also makes some  
claims about the relationship between technology, aesthetics and  
videoblogging as a practice. These are also worth discussing.

Now there is nothing in that which means you to have to agree with  
them, but they are certainly worth talking about. :-) If you were to  
make a video that uses some or all of these then this does not mean  
allegiance to the manifesto (written by two people). It isn't like  
there's a dogma vow of chastity to be pledged or anything. I don't see  
this as much different to painting something that picks up some  
contemporary aesthetic things and then someone decides my work falls  
within a particular movement. This is what happens, this is the normal  
course of events in study, scholarship and knowledge creation. So the  
manifesto is about making an argument and each of the videos can be  
thought as part of the argument and so an idea. I am free to use your  
material, cited appropriately, to endorse, criticise etc. So for me  
the manifesto is making propositions and finding works that support  
the proposition. If you think that's not your intention in your work  
then I'm sorry, your intention actually doesn't count for a lot (there  
is a lot - and I mean a lot - of theoretical work that demonstrates  
the frailty of intention). This is the cost of putting your work (no  
matter what sort of work it is) out in public.

The second way to think about the manifesto is that it offers people a  
series of formal constraints. This is why they're useful since the  
constraints help make things mean since they provide ready made  
patterns. This is why they're very useful to videoblogging. The  
constraints help give significance to what you're doing since one 1  
minute silent clip of a cloud is, well, banal. But when it is  
contextualised around a whole practice then it reverberates with these  
other works and since there is so much the same (due to the  
constraints) the differences between let each of the works express. It  
is not much different to a musical variation, Oulipean writing or  
deciding to paint a still life.

As constraints they are recipes to creatiing, and so linking to them  
helps because it is by virtue of the series that the individual works  
get more value. Now if I made a webpage that linked to all the  
projects out there that used, for example, the Oblique Strategies, it  
doesn't follow that the creators are Fluxus artists, subscribed to  
Fluxus ideas and so on.

So, are we arguing about a manifesto, the use of some or all of the  
constraints, or someone linking to work on the basis of its use of  
some constraints? And if we are clear that the use of 'we' in the  
manifesto means the authors and not the creators of the videos, can  
someone state simply what remains a concern? (I mean that genuinely,  
at some point we need to recognise that our work, if out there in the  
public, will be reappropriated in varying ways, this is how we invent  
and create, so I'm trying to understand what the boundary issue is  

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Mike Moon
Well, everyone's seemed to have a say when it comes to the Andreas and
Brittany's Lumiere site and the later added Manifesto.

As per my understanding, a Manifesto is a public declaration of
policy and aims. As the manifesto was created after the initial
collection of videos, some people may feel that they have been forced
to agree with it by association with it.

Now... lets move forward with a resolution that could possibly be a
win-win conclusion.

Andreas: Would you be willing to put a disclaimer at the top of the
Manifesto that basically says the manifesto is the view of yours and
Brittany and may not be agreed upon by everyone who's videos are listed?


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, that is the issue, as Andreas has already stated to Cheryl that 
 he wouldn't do that, that the only way would be for you to delete 
 your video from your site...  
 I find that troubling and to be honest, disturbing
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles adrian.miles@ 
  hi Heath
  fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there. 
  guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that relates 
  the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is done  
  automagically, as it were.
  On the other hand I have no doubt that Andreas and Brittany 
  have a problem with removing links to someone's work if they asked.
  personally I think curating material that relates to a theme is  
  excellent, it is just manual tag clouding really :-) helps promote  
  stuff too!
  On 16/01/2008, at 12:59 AM, Heath wrote:
   But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video if
   someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a Lumiere
   they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't 
   to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto? 
   I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like this, I
   think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already stated
   that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want 
 to be
   associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling. How many
   others feel that way? If Andreas were giving people the choice to 
   associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, 
 but he
   doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.
  Adrian Miles
  bachelor communication honours coordinator

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Markus Sandy

On Jan 17, 2008, at 4:06 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

 Sull, please stop telling people to shut up.

he  did not say that.  he made a request and a suggestion

 This is a very annoying habit of
 yours and at this point, it pretty much is your only contribution  
 to this list.

no friggen way charles.  sull contributes in many  ways

 Develop the discipline to avoid threads you don't like.

come on, you know it's like heroin ;)

 Sull wrote:
  Let me be the first to request that this thread ends now and any  
  communication concerning Andreas' eitquette or content linked on  
 the Lumiere
  site be directed to:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Michael Verdi
Hi Adrian,
I understand and agree with what you just wrote and what Andreas wrote
earlier about the manifesto. No arguments there from me. I think (at
least it's the case with me) that what is bothering some of us is that
when we first heard of this project it was simply an artistic exercise
using some restrictions. As is often the case, people find those kinds
of things challenging, fun and freeing. It was when we were later
presented with this manifesto that seemed to wrap all of our videos
(that we had submitted and/or tagged for inclusion on the website) in
a context that many of didn't agree with. And what's more I think
many, like myself, would have chosen to play some other game had we
been presented with that manifesto before hand.

Also what's bothering people is the incredibly rude (to put it
politely) way in which Andreas jumped into this thread. It's something
he seems to be doing a lot these days.

- Verdi

On Jan 17, 2008 5:51 PM, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 18/01/2008, at 6:29 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:

   I can tell you that Aske Dam, who first introduced me to the rules
   his lumiere videos with one notable exception - he allows himself to
   one of the rules. Most often this is the no audio rule for the same
   reasons you outline.

  hey Andreas

  pass on my belated hellos to Aske :-)

  I think a useful way to think about the 'manifesto' is in two ways.

  The first is, as Andreas has explained, it's a manifesto written by
  two people. I think that's pretty clear and straight forward. It
  raises some provocative points about video practice in relation to
  blogging, all of which are worth talking about. It also makes some
  claims about the relationship between technology, aesthetics and
  videoblogging as a practice. These are also worth discussing.

  Now there is nothing in that which means you to have to agree with
  them, but they are certainly worth talking about. :-) If you were to
  make a video that uses some or all of these then this does not mean
  allegiance to the manifesto (written by two people). It isn't like
  there's a dogma vow of chastity to be pledged or anything. I don't see
  this as much different to painting something that picks up some
  contemporary aesthetic things and then someone decides my work falls
  within a particular movement. This is what happens, this is the normal
  course of events in study, scholarship and knowledge creation. So the
  manifesto is about making an argument and each of the videos can be
  thought as part of the argument and so an idea. I am free to use your
  material, cited appropriately, to endorse, criticise etc. So for me
  the manifesto is making propositions and finding works that support
  the proposition. If you think that's not your intention in your work
  then I'm sorry, your intention actually doesn't count for a lot (there
  is a lot - and I mean a lot - of theoretical work that demonstrates
  the frailty of intention). This is the cost of putting your work (no
  matter what sort of work it is) out in public.

  The second way to think about the manifesto is that it offers people a
  series of formal constraints. This is why they're useful since the
  constraints help make things mean since they provide ready made
  patterns. This is why they're very useful to videoblogging. The
  constraints help give significance to what you're doing since one 1
  minute silent clip of a cloud is, well, banal. But when it is
  contextualised around a whole practice then it reverberates with these
  other works and since there is so much the same (due to the
  constraints) the differences between let each of the works express. It
  is not much different to a musical variation, Oulipean writing or
  deciding to paint a still life.

  As constraints they are recipes to creatiing, and so linking to them
  helps because it is by virtue of the series that the individual works
  get more value. Now if I made a webpage that linked to all the
  projects out there that used, for example, the Oblique Strategies, it
  doesn't follow that the creators are Fluxus artists, subscribed to
  Fluxus ideas and so on.

  So, are we arguing about a manifesto, the use of some or all of the
  constraints, or someone linking to work on the basis of its use of
  some constraints? And if we are clear that the use of 'we' in the
  manifesto means the authors and not the creators of the videos, can
  someone state simply what remains a concern? (I mean that genuinely,
  at some point we need to recognise that our work, if out there in the
  public, will be reappropriated in varying ways, this is how we invent
  and create, so I'm trying to understand what the boundary issue is

  Adrian Miles
  bachelor communication honours coordinator



Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Charles HOPE
Sull, please stop telling people to shut up. This is a very annoying habit of 
yours and at this point, it pretty much is your only contribution to this list. 
Develop the discipline to avoid threads you don't like.

Sull wrote:
 Let me be the first to request that this thread ends now and any further
 communication concerning Andreas' eitquette or content linked on the Lumiere
 site be directed to:
 (the soapbox stomper)
 On Jan 17, 2008 3:53 PM, Michael Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Let me be the first then, to request that you (Andreas and Brittany)
 remove all links to my Lumiere videos from your site.
 Specifically, here are the links I would like you to remove:


 - Verdi

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Adrian Miles

On 18/01/2008, at 11:39 AM, Michael Verdi wrote:

 I understand and agree with what you just wrote and what Andreas wrote
 earlier about the manifesto. No arguments there from me. I think (at
 least it's the case with me) that what is bothering some of us is that
 when we first heard of this project it was simply an artistic exercise
 using some restrictions. As is often the case, people find those kinds
 of things challenging, fun and freeing. It was when we were later
 presented with this manifesto that seemed to wrap all of our videos
 (that we had submitted and/or tagged for inclusion on the website) in
 a context that many of didn't agree with. And what's more I think
 many, like myself, would have chosen to play some other game had we
 been presented with that manifesto before hand.

fair enough. I guess if it wasn't called a manifesto, or was otherwise  
labelled as a response to the works (so that the writing and its  
ideas  arose as response to the works) the tension going on might be  
lessened. But that's by the by now. I also guess it is much like your  
work being curated as part of a collection but if you didn't want to  
be included (for whatever reason) then you would expect under existing  
moral rights regimes (not sure if this exists in the US,  a summary of  
the Australian legislation is at URL: 
  ) that as owner of the work you could ask to be not included in the  

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
For me, I did not say anything at all until Andreas responded to 
Cheryl.  That rubbed me the wrong way.  Not that I didn't think he 
was rude to Rox, which I thought he was as well, but I understood at 
least what he was saying, I may not have liked how he said it.  But 
when he told Cheryl this  

PS. If you want to have your videos removed simply delete them from 
your website. We don't host any videos at all. We link to everything 
so you are 100% in control. I'm always sorry to see links go dead of 
course, but it's not my choice.

That is where my issue really started...He never responed to Cheryl 
after she called him on this comment, he did not say, Hey I will 
remove the link, all you have to do is ask  Instead he dissmissed 
everyone's comments and concerns, using very elegant language to 
belittle people.  


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Verdi 

 Hi Adrian,
 I understand and agree with what you just wrote and what Andreas 
 earlier about the manifesto. No arguments there from me. I think (at
 least it's the case with me) that what is bothering some of us is 
 when we first heard of this project it was simply an artistic 
 using some restrictions. As is often the case, people find those 
 of things challenging, fun and freeing. It was when we were later
 presented with this manifesto that seemed to wrap all of our videos
 (that we had submitted and/or tagged for inclusion on the website) 
 a context that many of didn't agree with. And what's more I think
 many, like myself, would have chosen to play some other game had we
 been presented with that manifesto before hand.
 Also what's bothering people is the incredibly rude (to put it
 politely) way in which Andreas jumped into this thread. It's 
 he seems to be doing a lot these days.
 - Verdi
 On Jan 17, 2008 5:51 PM, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 18/01/2008, at 6:29 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:
I can tell you that Aske Dam, who first introduced me to the 
his lumiere videos with one notable exception - he allows 
himself to
one of the rules. Most often this is the no audio rule for 
the same
reasons you outline.
   hey Andreas
   pass on my belated hellos to Aske :-)
   I think a useful way to think about the 'manifesto' is in two 
   The first is, as Andreas has explained, it's a manifesto written 
   two people. I think that's pretty clear and straight forward. It
   raises some provocative points about video practice in relation 
   blogging, all of which are worth talking about. It also makes 
   claims about the relationship between technology, aesthetics and
   videoblogging as a practice. These are also worth discussing.
   Now there is nothing in that which means you to have to agree 
   them, but they are certainly worth talking about. :-) If you 
were to
   make a video that uses some or all of these then this does not 
   allegiance to the manifesto (written by two people). It isn't 
   there's a dogma vow of chastity to be pledged or anything. I 
don't see
   this as much different to painting something that picks up some
   contemporary aesthetic things and then someone decides my work 
   within a particular movement. This is what happens, this is the 
   course of events in study, scholarship and knowledge creation. 
So the
   manifesto is about making an argument and each of the videos can 
   thought as part of the argument and so an idea. I am free to use 
   material, cited appropriately, to endorse, criticise etc. So for 
   the manifesto is making propositions and finding works that 
   the proposition. If you think that's not your intention in your 
   then I'm sorry, your intention actually doesn't count for a lot 
   is a lot - and I mean a lot - of theoretical work that 
   the frailty of intention). This is the cost of putting your work 
   matter what sort of work it is) out in public.
   The second way to think about the manifesto is that it offers 
people a
   series of formal constraints. This is why they're useful since 
   constraints help make things mean since they provide ready made
   patterns. This is why they're very useful to videoblogging. The
   constraints help give significance to what you're doing since 
one 1
   minute silent clip of a cloud is, well, banal. But when it is
   contextualised around a whole practice then it reverberates with 
   other works and since there is so much the same (due to the
   constraints) the differences between let each of the works 
express. It
   is not much different to a musical variation, Oulipean writing or
   deciding to paint a still life.
   As constraints they are recipes to creatiing, and so linking to 
   helps because it is by virtue of 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Heath
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 So, are we arguing about a manifesto, the use of some or all of 
 constraints, or someone linking to work on the basis of its use of  
 some constraints? And if we are clear that the use of 'we' in the  
 manifesto means the authors and not the creators of the videos, 
 someone state simply what remains a concern? (I mean that 
 at some point we need to recognise that our work, if out there in 
 public, will be reappropriated in varying ways, this is how we 
 and create, so I'm trying to understand what the boundary issue is  

I know I may be dissmissed as being rediculous again, butEnglish 
is a funny langauge and how people percieve things is even funnier 
(not funny ha ha)  Let me quote the ending of Andreas and 
Brittany's manifesto 

As such, we propose and curate, as inspired by media evangelist Aske 
Dam and the remoscope collective, a collection of personal videos 
that adhere to the following principles (arguably the natural limits 
of the original Lumieres): 

No zoom 
No edit 
No effects 
60 seconds max. 
Fixed camera 
No audio 

Works that follow these principles—Lumiere videos of today—are not 
intended to exist in competition with other film movements but seek 
to complement perspective film and observer documentary. There is no 
reason to repeat bad history. 

In some definitions curate means From the Latin curatus (compare 
Curator), a curate is a person who is invested with the care, or cure 
(cura), of souls of a parish. In this sense, it technically means a 
parish priest

It can also mean To manage and maintain a collection. A curator is 
the person in charge of a museum, art collection, zoo, etc.

So by definiton a curator is someone in charge or invested with 
the care of

Taken in context with what is being said before in the manifesto, why 
is it unreasonable to think that someone may read the manifesto and 
conclude that Andreas and Brittany are in charge of the videos or 
have been given the videos to be taken care of.  In both cases that 
can imply consent of the participants.  That is why the we along 
with no disclaimer was bothering me.  

Now Andreas has said that he will remove links (which before he only 
suggested deleting the video from YOUR site), but at least he is 
willing to remove links.

I will say that his complete dissmissal at people's concerns, is 
quite frankly counter productive.  Andreas is obviously gifted but 
his people skills could use a lot of work


 Adrian Miles
 bachelor communication honours coordinator

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Adrian Miles

On 18/01/2008, at 3:53 PM, Heath wrote:

 Taken in context with what is being said before in the manifesto, why
 is it unreasonable to think that someone may read the manifesto and
 conclude that Andreas and Brittany are in charge of the videos or
 have been given the videos to be taken care of. In both cases that
 can imply consent of the participants. That is why the we along
 with no disclaimer was bothering me.

I can't answer that for others but for myself simply because when I  
view the video page I see the names of the videomakers and links that  
clearly point to external urls. The issue of consent is more  
complicated, and what really is interesting here is that we seem to  
want to apply (I'm not saying this is right or wrong) a different  
standard to these video works than we would to, say, text.

for example people run lots of reblog sites where content from blog A  
is republished, in its entirety, at blog B (you can download software  
to run such a site yourself, just Google reblog). Blog B contains a  
link back to Blog A and attribution. (Gavin Sade runs an extraordinary  
one at http://uber.tv/refeed/out/ ). Similarly we pull stuff out of  
blog posts and quote them (in and out of context) as a matter of course.

This is partly curation and partly the sample remix thing that we all  
understand the web to be (and which we all happily use as we stick  
soundtracks to our videos that we don't have permission to use). I'm  
not getting into is it right or wrong here, but when we use artist Y's  
soundtrack under our video we seem to recognise that this does not  
mean that artist Y endorses our video (though i guess it does mean we  
endorse artist Y).

Why are we being so concerned about the video works? (I think the  
answer is obvious - for as much as we want to use this sample/remix  
stuff we are perhaps not so comfortable with it when it happens to  
something of ours that we think is of value). But quite outside of the  
particular example of the lumiere project I am intrigued how  
reblogging appears to go unremarked, but try the same thing with video  
and all sorts of dilemmas seem to arise.

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert - A Public Request

2008-01-17 Thread Cheryl
Follow-up: I waited until I returned home from campus tonight to check
whether links to my video had been removed. They have. But I received
no confirmation response from Andreas or Brittany as to whether my
request would be ignored or honored.

I would like to thank both Andreas and Brittany for removing the links.


P.S. It looks as though Verdi's links have also been removed.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Cheryl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Posted: http://www.hummingcrow.com/2008/01/17/a-public-request/
 I hereby formally and publicly request that links to my Lumiere videos
 be removed from videoblogging.info/lumiere/, where they are listed as
 videos by hummingcrow.

[snip - you didn't want to see all that quoted text!]

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-17 Thread Cheryl
Yes. Exactly. It felt like a bait and switch.

I'm personally glad that Andreas and Brittany put so much thought into
the Lumiere project, and chose to do something that would challenge
preconceptions/status quo. And I love that it's not about business
models/advertising/selling/marketing - we hear plenty about that
stuff. But I disagree with the end result, and had I known the
manifesto was coming, I would have chosen to spend my time differently.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Verdi

 I think (at
 least it's the case with me) that what is bothering some of us is that
 when we first heard of this project it was simply an artistic exercise
 using some restrictions. As is often the case, people find those kinds
 of things challenging, fun and freeing. It was when we were later
 presented with this manifesto that seemed to wrap all of our videos
 (that we had submitted and/or tagged for inclusion on the website) in
 a context that many of didn't agree with. And what's more I think
 many, like myself, would have chosen to play some other game had we
 been presented with that manifesto before hand.

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-16 Thread Mike Moon
I have produced over 30 Lumiere videos that are linked on the site.
When I started, there was no manifesto, just 6 simple
rules/guidelines. I create Lumieres with the challenge of those six
restrictions... 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No
edit, No effects, and I enjoy it.
To me, it's a fun vlogging challenge.

With that said, I have a couple concerns.

I was never asked about agreeing with the manifesto (that was added
after I started creating Lumiere videos), but by the way it was
written, it certainly seems like I've agreed to it with the usage of
the word we throughout the document. 

I think it was mid-December when I really sat back and thought about
the Lumieres that I created and felt that my work was contradictory to
the Manifesto mainly (Quote from manifesto) We do not believe in
artificially assembled scenes or scripted action..
I set up my camera and change a tire...that's scripted.
I set the tripod up and cut the grass...that's scripted.
My point is, I read the Manifesto and honestly felt that for me to
post Lumieres, I had to agree with the manifesto. 
I was saddened by the manifesto and felt I couldn't continue as I
wasn't sure I could abide by the added philosophical views of the
manifesto, even though I was still within the 6 rules initially outlines.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'm not a lawyer, University Professor or
philosopher that is able to dig deep into the interpretations of the
document, I just kept seeing we throughout the document and felt I
was either in or out... no gray area. 
I'm just Joe vlogger that enjoyed the 6 challenges that were original
setup and now felt there were more restrictions and beliefs that took
the fun out of it.

After reading through this thread, I was pissed at the way Roxie's
oversight was responded by Andreas. We're all in the same world...
brothers and sisters of one species. There was no reason for such
anger and disdain and it certainly could have been responded to with
better tact.

To your Question about having video's removed from the list. The only
solution Andreas has responded with is to delete the video. Delete
it from it's original posted location... delete it from Blip (or
whatever storage location) and lose all links including those to other
sites or discussions.

I don't want to remove my Lumieres. I will just debate within myself
if I'll do more and if I do create others, will I share with the
Lumiere site.

It's too bad really... in my mind it was just suppose to be a creative
video exercise that challenged me, not a viewpoint of video creation
that I was suppose to agree with.

Vlogger and Lumiere creator.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hi Heath
 fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there. I  
 guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that relates to  
 the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is done  
 automagically, as it were.
 On the other hand I have no doubt that Andreas and Brittany wouldn't  
 have a problem with removing links to someone's work if they asked.
 personally I think curating material that relates to a theme is  
 excellent, it is just manual tag clouding really :-) helps promote  
 stuff too!
 On 16/01/2008, at 12:59 AM, Heath wrote:
  But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video if
  someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a Lumiere
  they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't want
  to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto? Look,
  I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like this, I
  think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already stated
  that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want to be
  associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling. How many
  others feel that way? If Andreas were giving people the choice to be
  associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, but he
  doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.
 Adrian Miles
 bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-15 Thread Heath
I have nothing against the manifesto (mostly), I said as much in an 
eariler message, but I was simply asking questions, looking at it 
from a different perspective.

  What happens when vloggers no longer want to create
  Lumieres because they don't want to be associated with Andreas's 
  Brittany's manifesto?
 Heath I think you've got this the wrong way about. If I make a  
 surrealist work am I also subject to Breton's surrealist 
 Why? How? Aside from that if I make a work that picks up some or 
 of the points of the manifesto then how aren't you associated with 
 Whether positive or negative? I guess for me it is important to  
 recognise that manifestos are intended to be probes and 
 and if they are treated as dogma (that's sort of a double entendre  
 really) then they're not a manifesto.

But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video if 
someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a Lumiere 
they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't want 
to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto?  Look, 
I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like this, I 
think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already stated 
that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want to be 
associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling.  How many 
others feel that way?  If Andreas were giving people the choice to be 
associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, but he 
doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.  

Again, I know people link from all over the web, it's a part of what 
makes the web so great (I do it) and yes I realize that anyone can 
link to anything at any given time...but maybe just because we can 
doesn't mean we should


 Adrian Miles
 bachelor communication honours coordinator

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-15 Thread Adrian Miles
hi Heath

fair enough, I think there are some reasonable concerns in there. I  
guess it is one thing to more or less curate material that relates to  
the lumiere project, but there are issues if the curation is done  
automagically, as it were.

On the other hand I have no doubt that Andreas and Brittany wouldn't  
have a problem with removing links to someone's work if they asked.

personally I think curating material that relates to a theme is  
excellent, it is just manual tag clouding really :-) helps promote  
stuff too!

On 16/01/2008, at 12:59 AM, Heath wrote:

 But Andreas has stated, that in addition to linking to a video if
 someone emails him, that if he or Brittany come accross a Lumiere
 they will then also link to it...But what if the person doesn't want
 to be linked to because they don't believe in this manifesto? Look,
 I know the web is a great big link fest, but in cases like this, I
 think it bears pondering that practice. Cheryl has already stated
 that she will no longer make Lumiere's because she doesn't want to be
 associated with the manifesto, I find that troubling. How many
 others feel that way? If Andreas were giving people the choice to be
 associated with the site he has, I wouldn't feel the way I do, but he
 doesn't always do that, and that is where my concern lies.

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Heath
Andreas - I am curious, did you let everyone know when you put out 
your Lumiere video manifesto?  I know I made my Lumiere video (July 
07) before this manifesto was put onto the site.

I know at that time I learned about Lumiere video's through Verdi and 
I remember checking the site and just seeing links to videos, I 
remember reading the site and to be honest I don't remember 
Brittany's name being on the site, I remember your's.  

The reason I am curious about you letting everyone know about the 
manifesto is this, if you didn't let everyone know and I know I don't 
recall any mention of a manifesto, is that you and Brittany (and 
whomever else may have been involved) decieded to create this AFTER 
already having the site up and running under a defined set of rules.  
Did you give any thought that some may disagree?  Did you give any 
thought that you had a responability to let people know what you were 
doing in case someone had an issue?  Did you feel think that was the 
viewers or creator's responability?  

I view it as a change in a terms of service kind of thing, and I 
think you should have let pepole know, but that's just me.  And yes I 
did read the manifesto and I agree with many things you stated, but I 
would have liked to know that before now, and would have liked the 
opportunity to remove my link if I did not agree.  That simple 
courtesty would have been nice.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen 

 Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the  
 manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to 
reflect on  
 what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off 
 doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started  
 videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have 
 any promotional materials or encouragement from her. I was on 
Twitter back  
 when the lumieres started and I used that to promote the project. 
 has pushed it in other circles. As I held your hand when you 
started she  
 held others. You have read the manifesto: how could you think that 
 would write a manifesto together if we were not both working on 
 project? Is it surprising that I reacted? Would you not like it if 
 you work with make sure that you receive credit for what you do?
 That is my one issue: Give credit where credit is due. It takes no 
 at all to look up a name, but it means everything to that person. 
 would not feel very good if you never received any acknowledgement 
for the  
 work you've done on Show in a Box to grab one example. That is why 
I see a  
 bio page coming on the SIAB website - so others know how to 
 The fact that I'm closely involved in the lumiere videos means that 
it was  
 a no-brainer for me to spot it this time, but it doesn't mean you 
 ignore my request. Is it not a fair request to receive proper  
 acknowledgement for the work you do?
 As for everything else:
 I am happy that Rox made a lumiere, at the same time we can't write 
 to everyone who makes one of those anymore. We had to stop when we 
 a couple of hundred videos because it was taking too much time. You 
 understand that 425 lumiere videos have been made since you posted 
 last one. It was also clear that Rox hadn't seen the website as she 
 to one of my blogposts instead of videoblogging.info (and there is 
a clear  
 link to vb.info from that blogpost). I can't and won't take full 
 for the lumiere project and that's why I had to write back in the 
way I  
 Regarding the manifesto:
 It's a manifesto for crying out loud! It's supposed to be strong 
 without compromise to grab your attention and make you think about 
 you are creating, for whom and with what purpose. The fact that you 
 not removed your videos makes me think we were being too nice in 
 It's written as a reaction to the type of video and behaviour both 
of us  
 were seeing and still are. It's an open disagreement and that's the 
 point of writing a manifesto. To make the obvious comparison the 
 manifesto was a reaction towards filmmaking as it was taking place 
in the  
 90s, the lumiere manifesto is a reaction towards the general state 
 videoblogging. If you feel attacked by the manifesto, that's a good 
 you should. I feel attacked by it and I co-wrote it! It is 
 that you did not go anywhere with your frustrations - the goal was 
to make  
 you reflect on your practices rather than sit with a stiff upper 
lip and  
 not react because you don't agree.
 I personally don't have much patience with constant backpatting. 
 needs to be constant challenge or we can't evolve (that goes in 
 and in regards to videoblogging). Sitting around in a circle  

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Cheryl
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the  
 manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to reflect
 what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off Brittany  
 doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started  
 videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have
 any promotional materials or encouragement from her. I was on
Twitter back  
 when the lumieres started and I used that to promote the project.
 has pushed it in other circles. As I held your hand when you started
 held others. You have read the manifesto: how could you think that we  
 would write a manifesto together if we were not both working on the  
 project? Is it surprising that I reacted? Would you not like it if
 you work with make sure that you receive credit for what you do?

You didn't hold my hand. You were friendly and encouraging. Not at
all how you behaved toward Rox.

 That is my one issue: Give credit where credit is due. It takes no
 at all to look up a name, but it means everything to that person. You  
 would not feel very good if you never received any acknowledgement
for the  
 work you've done on Show in a Box to grab one example. That is why I
see a  
 bio page coming on the SIAB website - so others know how to

Actually, the bio page is there so that people can see who to ask for
help, or who to hire if they need help beyond the scope of the email
list. And, I don't do what I do for credit, and I don't care if
someone mentions Show in a Box without mentioning my name. I work on
it because I want to help people.

 a Is it not a fair request to receive proper  
 acknowledgement for the work you do?

Of course it's fair. But you don't need to do it in a negative way.
You could do it in a way that's positive for everyone involved.

 I can't and won't take full credit  
 for the lumiere project and that's why I had to write back in the
way I  

You didn't have to write back the way you did. You chose to. You
could have chosen to say, hey Rox, it's great you made a lumiere, and
by the way Brittany developed this alongside me, here's the link, when
you mention it in the future we'd appreciate dual credit.

If you feel attacked by the manifesto, that's a good thing,  
 you should. I feel attacked by it and I co-wrote it! It is unfortunate  
 that you did not go anywhere with your frustrations - the goal was
to make  
 you reflect on your practices rather than sit with a stiff upper lip
 not react because you don't agree.

I don't feel attacked by it. I just don't agree with it. I reflect on
my practices all the time. I don't need the false constructs of a
manifesto to get me to be reflective. Go somewhere with my
frustrations? In my assessment, it wasn't even worth my time.

 I personally don't have much patience with constant backpatting. 

Except when it comes to yourself and Brittany apparently.
 is my responsibility and your responsibility to challenge the status

Been there, done that, pissed off EpicFU.

 It is curious to me that the comments stating strong disagreement
with the  
 manifesto (in the I don't want to participate anymore because the  
 manifesto is criticizing things I like kind of way) have all
happened on  
 Twitter. They are spoken into a void using fragmented sentence in a
 where it is impossible to carry a conversation (because all
arguments are  
 limited and each one is forgotten in a microsecond as it moves off the  

I disagree - I've had great conversations on Twitter that lasted an
hour or more and then influenced my thought and actions long afterward.

 Regarding insults:
 I cannot choose not to be insulted when I read Rox's mail, just as you  
 cannot choose not to be insulted when you read the lumiere manifesto. 

Of course you can. Of course I can, and did. I didn't get insulted by
it. You and Brittany have every right to write manifestos. I read
yours and dismissed it as irrelevant to me personally, and I moved on.

 actions have consequences and this time I chose to act on the
 Rox's mail had on me. You chose not to react on the consequence the  
 manifesto has on you (though I wish you had).

I ceased participation. That IS my reaction. Sorry I couldn't
accommodate you by getting more hot and bothered, but that just
doesn't interest me.

 PS. If you want to have your videos removed simply delete them from
 website. We don't host any videos at all. We link to everything so
you are  
 100% in control. I'm always sorry to see links go dead of course,
but it's  
 not my choice.

Delete part of my body of work from my own website? Just because YOU
linked to my videos without asking if I wanted you to? I think not. I
haven't asked my videos be removed and don't intend to. I 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Roxanne Darling
First question, (because I am in a zen state of mind): If a brouhaha happens
on the weekend when I am not reading the list, does it really exist?
OK, so yes, apparently it does. :-)

I have only one lame excuse: we do an episode 5 days a week and since we are
not paid for this it is a labor of love and available time. I typically edit
between 10 pm and later.  Our show is completely unscripted, on purpose. We
have no research department so I link to whatever I can find in about 60
seconds of google searching. Again, lame, but it is what it is. I value link
love and I value sleep.

I would love to collaborate more with people here. If you are interested,
please be in touch. The only requirement I have is that I go to the beach to
de-stress, and that is the promise I make to my audience. So all topics are
to end on a positive note of encouragement or inspiration some how some way.

Thank you Andreas for educating me. I am lover of knowledge and can happily
accept the new information you have provided; I also added an update to the
lumiere post with links to the lumiere collection.

I know and love Brittany and will contact her separately.  I had her on
Beach Walks last year and we did a very fun split screen (done in post)

I guess I am glad I missed the whole thing on Twitter, though I do want to
update my follow list! But I am glad to have this conversation here. Thank
you and mahalo to all of you who noticed the absence of any malicious
intentions on my part and spoke up.  I am very touched.

Love to all of you, even the cranky ones in our midst.


On Jan 14, 2008 6:15 AM, Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I personally don't have much patience with constant backpatting. There
  needs to be constant challenge or we can't evolve (that goes in general
  and in regards to videoblogging). Sitting around in a circle
  congratulating ourselves on how great everything is moves us nowhere. It
  is my responsibility and your responsibility to challenge the status
  This forces us to think about where we are, where we want to be and how
  can get there.

 the atmosphere on this list has been anything but backpatting the past
 month, so you should be happy.
 At this rate, we're either going to keep making better video and more
 ambitious projects (while keeping ourselves honest) or tear ourselves
 apart. there's a strange dynamic among members lately that I find
 interesting to watch.
 Ultimately, we got to remember that we're here to help each other.

 I really like the work that Brittany and Andreas have done at
 I love beefy, nutty manifestos.
 Rox didnt mean to offend Brittany, just pump up the project.
 having worked on many projects, it's always a huge success when
 something i've helped create gets bigger than me.
 sometimes being forgotten just means your meme has really penetrated.

 anyway...ryanne posted this already, but i want to give an example of
 another positive example of this group.
 videos made all over the world played on the southern coast of england.
 Most of the 40 attendees had never seen videoblogs except youtube.
 too many people to give credit toso ill name no one.
 praise god.


 917 371 6790
 Professional: http://ryanishungry.com
 Personal: http://momentshowing.net
 Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
 RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9


Roxanne Darling
o ke kai means of the sea in hawaiian
Join us at the reef! Mermaid videos, geeks talking, and lots more
Video -- http://www.beachwalks.tv
Company --  http://www.barefeetstudios.com
Twitter-- http://www.twitter.com/roxannedarling

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Brook Hinton
1. The manifesto is provocative and useful, Some of this aspect comes
from material that isn't really directly connected to the conditions
of the original Lumiere films, but that's just fine, and the Lumiere
restrictions continue to be useful as well. It has inspired some of
the best work in the videoblogging world so far.

2. Making Lumieres as exercises, finished works or aesthetic
statements is as old as the hills. I've given Lumieres as
assignments to my students for many years. and I'm hardly alone in
this. That said, Andreas and Brittany deserve huge amounts of credit
for calling attention to the practice and its potential in an online

3. The manifesto/project does become problematic in some respects in
that making a Lumiere is now, at least in the videoblogging world,
seen as connected with the Andreas and Brittany's project, even though
the maker may have their own reasons for working in a form that dates
back to the dawn of cinema. Cheryl should be able to make Lumieres if
she chooses without it being seen as an endorsement of a manifesto she
doesn't agree with, and she should be able to CALL them Lumieres, as
the use of the term to denote work that is inspired by and works
within limitations similar to that of the of the original Lumiere
Brothers films predates videoblogging. let alone the manifesto. This
is not, however, the fault of Andreas and Brittany, nor of any
videoblogger at all.

4. It's good that Andreas is making sure Brittany gets her due - it's
the right thing to do.  It's too bad the tone was so needlessly
combative and dismissive - imo, the wrong thing to do,  as it is
obvious no ill will was intended on Roxanne's part - quite the

5. Anyone who has not seen the original Lumiere films- do it! They are
remarkable and inspiring. But try to find versions that have been
transferred at the correct speed, and  for heaven's sake turn down the
sound they are invariably destroyed with.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Heath
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Brook Hinton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 3. The manifesto/project does become problematic in some respects in
 that making a Lumiere is now, at least in the videoblogging world,
 seen as connected with the Andreas and Brittany's project, even 
 the maker may have their own reasons for working in a form that 
 back to the dawn of cinema. Cheryl should be able to make Lumieres 
 she chooses without it being seen as an endorsement of a manifesto 
 doesn't agree with, and she should be able to CALL them Lumieres, as
 the use of the term to denote work that is inspired by and works
 within limitations similar to that of the of the original Lumiere
 Brothers films predates videoblogging. let alone the manifesto. This
 is not, however, the fault of Andreas and Brittany, nor of any
 videoblogger at all.

But Lumieres are already being associated with the manifesto, which 
IMO is extremely problomatic.  What happens if Andreas and Brittany's 
manifesto for Lumieres become the top result in searches for 
Lumieres?  Would the Lumiere brothers or their family members (if any 
are still living) be happy with their work being associated with this 
manifesto?  What happens when vloggers no longer want to create 
Lumieres because they don't want to be associated with Andreas's and 
Brittany's manifesto?  Those are real issues and concerns and it does 
have a reflection upon Andrea's and Brittany, they are using the 
Lumiere vidoe's to further their own version of videoblogging.  So 
they do bear responsability.  

You can say do all the research you want but perception does become 
reality at some point and if the perception is that Lumieres are a 
product or byproduct of someone else manifesto...that is a big deal 
and something that needs to be considered by those involved..

 Brook Hinton
 film/video/audio art
 studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
Heath, you are not understanding what the manifesto is or what the video  
collection is.

We did not tell anyone about the manifesto. Those who found it did so due  
to their own curiosity. This was a conscious choice for us as we would  
rather have people discover it on their own. In time it was picked up by  
boing boing, letting the cat out of the proverbial bag.

This is however irrelevant.

If you read the manifesto you will notice that it does not prescribe a  
defined behaviour people must follow to be included (other than the six  
lumiere rules, naturally). Nor does it say that the videos in the  
collection are made by people who stand behind the manifesto. If you are  
reading that you must be deliberately misunderstanding what it says.

The manifesto is quite clearly Brittany's and my reasoning to creating  
this video collection. We speak for ourselves and not for anyone else. It  
is right there at the bottom just above the six lumiere rules):

As such, we propose and curate, as inspired by media evangelist Aske Dam  
and the remoscope collective, a collection of personal videos that adhere  
to the following principles (arguably the natural limits of the original  

The collection is proposed by us and it is a curated collection, managed  
by us. It is our names below the manifesto, not anyone else's. These are  
our reasons for collecting the lumiere videos that people are creating -  
it says *nothing* about why people are creating these videos. I am sure  
there are as many reasons as there are videos.

As I have already pointed out to Cheryl, we gave it much thought that some  
people may disagree with what we wrote. As I have already pointed out this  
was one of our goals. We had no responsibility to let anyone know about it  
ahead of time as we are only speaking for ourselves, explaining why we are  
curating this collection of videos.

There is no terms of service. We are not service providers for you. We are  
linking to works that we find interesting (namely works that follow the  
six lumiere rules). This is how the internet works. You make a webpage  
that contains inks to other webpages. When I write blog posts I do not ask  
for permission to mention other websites. I did not email Hillary Clinton,  
Jay Dedman or Wordpress.org's maintainer to ask permission to talk about  
them or link to them - just to take 3 examples from my last 4 blog posts.  
The idea that anyone will have to ask permission to link is silly.

It's a curated collection of links, that's all it is. We get submissions  
through the site and we find lumiere videos in the wild that hasn't been  
specifically submitted and we add those too. This is how the internet  
works. The difference between the manifesto and an average blog is perhaps  
that we have stated our reasons clearly and that we use longer sentences.  
That is hardly something you can fault us for.

- Andreas

PS. As I said to Cheryl: If you don't want people to link to your videos,  
delete them.

Den 14.01.2008 kl. 09:20 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Andreas - I am curious, did you let everyone know when you put out
 your Lumiere video manifesto?  I know I made my Lumiere video (July
 07) before this manifesto was put onto the site.

 I know at that time I learned about Lumiere video's through Verdi and
 I remember checking the site and just seeing links to videos, I
 remember reading the site and to be honest I don't remember
 Brittany's name being on the site, I remember your's.

 The reason I am curious about you letting everyone know about the
 manifesto is this, if you didn't let everyone know and I know I don't
 recall any mention of a manifesto, is that you and Brittany (and
 whomever else may have been involved) decieded to create this AFTER
 already having the site up and running under a defined set of rules.
 Did you give any thought that some may disagree?  Did you give any
 thought that you had a responability to let people know what you were
 doing in case someone had an issue?  Did you feel think that was the
 viewers or creator's responability?

 I view it as a change in a terms of service kind of thing, and I
 think you should have let pepole know, but that's just me.  And yes I
 did read the manifesto and I agree with many things you stated, but I
 would have liked to know that before now, and would have liked the
 opportunity to remove my link if I did not agree.  That simple
 courtesty would have been nice.


 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the
 manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to
 reflect on
 what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off
 doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started
 videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have
 any promotional materials or 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Steve Watkins
There are a couple of things that muddy those waters for me.

Firstly there is this sentance at the end of the manifesto:

'Works that follow these principles—Lumiere videos of today—are not intended to 
exist in 
competition with other film movements but seek to complement perspective film 
observer documentary.'

Can you really state the intention of videos you did not make?

Then on the page with the list of videos, the word 'participants' is used, 
there is a link to 
submit videos, and an instruction about what to tag the videos with.

Taken together, these things could be seen as implying that everyone whose 
videos are 
featured in the collection, has pro-actively chosen to participate.

Explicitly stating otherwise is one solution. Believing it is unneccesary is 
another, but you'll 
just have to learn to live with the occasional criticism if thats your stance.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 Heath, you are not understanding what the manifesto is or what the video  
 collection is.
 We did not tell anyone about the manifesto. Those who found it did so due  
 to their own curiosity. This was a conscious choice for us as we would  
 rather have people discover it on their own. In time it was picked up by  
 boing boing, letting the cat out of the proverbial bag.
 This is however irrelevant.
 If you read the manifesto you will notice that it does not prescribe a  
 defined behaviour people must follow to be included (other than the six  
 lumiere rules, naturally). Nor does it say that the videos in the  
 collection are made by people who stand behind the manifesto. If you are  
 reading that you must be deliberately misunderstanding what it says.
 The manifesto is quite clearly Brittany's and my reasoning to creating  
 this video collection. We speak for ourselves and not for anyone else. It  
 is right there at the bottom just above the six lumiere rules):
 As such, we propose and curate, as inspired by media evangelist Aske Dam  
 and the remoscope collective, a collection of personal videos that adhere  
 to the following principles (arguably the natural limits of the original  
 The collection is proposed by us and it is a curated collection, managed  
 by us. It is our names below the manifesto, not anyone else's. These are  
 our reasons for collecting the lumiere videos that people are creating -  
 it says *nothing* about why people are creating these videos. I am sure  
 there are as many reasons as there are videos.
 As I have already pointed out to Cheryl, we gave it much thought that some  
 people may disagree with what we wrote. As I have already pointed out this  
 was one of our goals. We had no responsibility to let anyone know about it  
 ahead of time as we are only speaking for ourselves, explaining why we are  
 curating this collection of videos.
 There is no terms of service. We are not service providers for you. We are  
 linking to works that we find interesting (namely works that follow the  
 six lumiere rules). This is how the internet works. You make a webpage  
 that contains inks to other webpages. When I write blog posts I do not ask  
 for permission to mention other websites. I did not email Hillary Clinton,  
 Jay Dedman or Wordpress.org's maintainer to ask permission to talk about  
 them or link to them - just to take 3 examples from my last 4 blog posts.  
 The idea that anyone will have to ask permission to link is silly.
 It's a curated collection of links, that's all it is. We get submissions  
 through the site and we find lumiere videos in the wild that hasn't been  
 specifically submitted and we add those too. This is how the internet  
 works. The difference between the manifesto and an average blog is perhaps  
 that we have stated our reasons clearly and that we use longer sentences.  
 That is hardly something you can fault us for.
 - Andreas
 PS. As I said to Cheryl: If you don't want people to link to your videos,  
 delete them.
 Den 14.01.2008 kl. 09:20 skrev Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Andreas - I am curious, did you let everyone know when you put out
  your Lumiere video manifesto?  I know I made my Lumiere video (July
  07) before this manifesto was put onto the site.
  I know at that time I learned about Lumiere video's through Verdi and
  I remember checking the site and just seeing links to videos, I
  remember reading the site and to be honest I don't remember
  Brittany's name being on the site, I remember your's.
  The reason I am curious about you letting everyone know about the
  manifesto is this, if you didn't let everyone know and I know I don't
  recall any mention of a manifesto, is that you and Brittany (and
  whomever else may have been involved) decieded to create this AFTER
  already having the site up and running under a defined set of rules.
  Did you give any thought that some may disagree?  Did 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread Steve Watkins
Oh I spelt sentence wrong and it occured to me that you dont need to learn to 
withcriticism, you already seem more than capable of handling it. Bad words of 


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are a couple of things that muddy those waters for me.
 Firstly there is this sentance at the end of the manifesto:
 'Works that follow these principles—Lumiere videos of today—are not intended 
 to exist 
 competition with other film movements but seek to complement perspective film 
 observer documentary.'
 Can you really state the intention of videos you did not make?
 Then on the page with the list of videos, the word 'participants' is used, 
 there is a link to 
 submit videos, and an instruction about what to tag the videos with.
 Taken together, these things could be seen as implying that everyone whose 
 videos are 
 featured in the collection, has pro-actively chosen to participate.
 Explicitly stating otherwise is one solution. Believing it is unneccesary is 
 another, but 
 just have to learn to live with the occasional criticism if thats your stance.
 Steve Elbows
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen 
  Heath, you are not understanding what the manifesto is or what the video  
  collection is.
  We did not tell anyone about the manifesto. Those who found it did so due  
  to their own curiosity. This was a conscious choice for us as we would  
  rather have people discover it on their own. In time it was picked up by  
  boing boing, letting the cat out of the proverbial bag.
  This is however irrelevant.
  If you read the manifesto you will notice that it does not prescribe a  
  defined behaviour people must follow to be included (other than the six  
  lumiere rules, naturally). Nor does it say that the videos in the  
  collection are made by people who stand behind the manifesto. If you are  
  reading that you must be deliberately misunderstanding what it says.
  The manifesto is quite clearly Brittany's and my reasoning to creating  
  this video collection. We speak for ourselves and not for anyone else. It  
  is right there at the bottom just above the six lumiere rules):
  As such, we propose and curate, as inspired by media evangelist Aske Dam  
  and the remoscope collective, a collection of personal videos that adhere  
  to the following principles (arguably the natural limits of the original  
  The collection is proposed by us and it is a curated collection, managed  
  by us. It is our names below the manifesto, not anyone else's. These are  
  our reasons for collecting the lumiere videos that people are creating -  
  it says *nothing* about why people are creating these videos. I am sure  
  there are as many reasons as there are videos.
  As I have already pointed out to Cheryl, we gave it much thought that some  
  people may disagree with what we wrote. As I have already pointed out this  
  was one of our goals. We had no responsibility to let anyone know about it  
  ahead of time as we are only speaking for ourselves, explaining why we are  
  curating this collection of videos.
  There is no terms of service. We are not service providers for you. We are  
  linking to works that we find interesting (namely works that follow the  
  six lumiere rules). This is how the internet works. You make a webpage  
  that contains inks to other webpages. When I write blog posts I do not ask  
  for permission to mention other websites. I did not email Hillary Clinton,  
  Jay Dedman or Wordpress.org's maintainer to ask permission to talk about  
  them or link to them - just to take 3 examples from my last 4 blog posts.  
  The idea that anyone will have to ask permission to link is silly.
  It's a curated collection of links, that's all it is. We get submissions  
  through the site and we find lumiere videos in the wild that hasn't been  
  specifically submitted and we add those too. This is how the internet  
  works. The difference between the manifesto and an average blog is perhaps  
  that we have stated our reasons clearly and that we use longer sentences.  
  That is hardly something you can fault us for.
  - Andreas
  PS. As I said to Cheryl: If you don't want people to link to your videos,  
  delete them.
  Den 14.01.2008 kl. 09:20 skrev Heath heathparks@:
   Andreas - I am curious, did you let everyone know when you put out
   your Lumiere video manifesto?  I know I made my Lumiere video (July
   07) before this manifesto was put onto the site.
   I know at that time I learned about Lumiere video's through Verdi and
   I remember checking the site and just seeing links to videos, I
   remember reading the site and to be honest I don't remember
   Brittany's name being on the site, I remember your's.
   The reason I am curious about you 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-14 Thread David Meade
On Jan 14, 2008 7:04 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
 reading that you must be deliberately misunderstanding what it says.

And you must be deliberately insulting.  What an absurd thing to say
to someone, Andreas!   Supposing for a moment it was a
misunderstanding ... you don't know it was deliberate!   Why would
heath go out of his way to misunderstand something ...

If you're accusing him a liar - of deliberately misrepresenting the
truth - then just say so ...  If you're going to allow for the
possibility of a misunderstanding ... then just do so.

holy crap.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread John Coffey
Hey Heath, what's with all the Scoble taunting? Got a
man crush on him?
--- Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You know what?  Robert Scoble was right...
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas
 Haugstrup Pedersen 
  I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed
 in this group 
  don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up
 involved, I guess), 
  it's still not very nice not to give credit where
 credit is due. 
  videos have been posted since May/June last year.
 Since the 
 beginning it  
  has been a two-person effort where Brittany and I
 have been 
 collecting the  
  videos, encouraging people to create the videos
 and writing our 
  for pushing these types of videos. That's why both
 our names are on 
  front page of the website:
  You may think this is a small mistake and in the
 amount of letters 
   from your email and blogpost it is. At the same
 time not doing 
 this very  
  basic research and thus leaving out the name of
 half the people 
 behind the  
  project is extremely discouraging to those left
 out. Over the past 
  months Brittany and I have put in a large amount
 of work handling 
  lumiere videos and acknowledging my work, but not
 hers, is 
 insulting to  
  both of us.
  The collection of lumiere videos currently
 consists of 548 videos 
 from 78  
  different people. You can jump straight to the
 videos at  
  http://videoblogging.info/lumiere/ If I must say
 so myself it is 
  amazing repository of creativity.
  - Andreas
  Den 11.01.2008 kl. 05:17 skrev Roxanne Darling
   A little public gushing here, I hope you all
 will indulge me. I 
   about Lumiere from Rupert.
   I finally made one today, and I want to thank
 you publicly, 
 Rupert, (and
   Andreas too) for illuminating me about this art

  Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

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[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Steve Watkins
Back in the original emails, you said The
constraints were are following were written down by a japanese art
collective and the goal was to mimic the conditions under which the
Lumiere Brothers created their first films in 1895.

So what about some credit for the unnamed Japanese Art Collective?


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 That was a mention. A discussion takes more than me mentioning it in half  
 a sentence. :o)
 There were a couple of other emails back in the early summer, but yahoo  
 search probably didn't let you go back that far.
 All of that is besides the point.
 - Andreas
 Den 12.01.2008 kl. 19:52 skrev Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Jan 12, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:
  I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed in this group (they
  don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up involved, I guess), but
  it's still not very nice not to give credit where credit is due
  it seems like you have a short memory
  and a short fuse, too :)
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
They are in the manifesto (named, it is the remoscope collective) along  
with Aske Dam's name (who first told me about them). Did you bother to  
read the website at all before commenting on it?

- Andreas

Den 13.01.2008 kl. 09:08 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Back in the original emails, you said The
 constraints were are following were written down by a japanese art
 collective and the goal was to mimic the conditions under which the
 Lumiere Brothers created their first films in 1895.

 So what about some credit for the unnamed Japanese Art Collective?


 Steve Elbows

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen  

 That was a mention. A discussion takes more than me mentioning it in  
 a sentence. :o)
 There were a couple of other emails back in the early summer, but yahoo
 search probably didn't let you go back that far.

 All of that is besides the point.

 - Andreas

 Den 12.01.2008 kl. 19:52 skrev Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  On Jan 12, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:
  I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed in this group (they
  don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up involved, I guess),  
  it's still not very nice not to give credit where credit is due
  it seems like you have a short memory
  and a short fuse, too :)
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Steve Watkins
I thought I had read it all, but I managed to miss that bit, apologies.

Anyways I find the concept  works created to be very interesting, but I 
wouldnt have 
expected such a fine thing to lead to conversations like these.

Now I remember why I am turned off by pompous manifesto's and movements.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 They are in the manifesto (named, it is the remoscope collective) along  
 with Aske Dam's name (who first told me about them). Did you bother to  
 read the website at all before commenting on it?
 - Andreas
 Den 13.01.2008 kl. 09:08 skrev Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Back in the original emails, you said The
  constraints were are following were written down by a japanese art
  collective and the goal was to mimic the conditions under which the
  Lumiere Brothers created their first films in 1895.
  So what about some credit for the unnamed Japanese Art Collective?
  Steve Elbows
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen  
  That was a mention. A discussion takes more than me mentioning it in  
  a sentence. :o)
  There were a couple of other emails back in the early summer, but yahoo
  search probably didn't let you go back that far.
  All of that is besides the point.
  - Andreas
  Den 12.01.2008 kl. 19:52 skrev Markus Sandy markus.sandy@:
   On Jan 12, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:
   I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed in this group (they
   don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up involved, I guess),  
   it's still not very nice not to give credit where credit is due
   it seems like you have a short memory
   and a short fuse, too :)
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Cheryl
You have *got* to be kidding, Andreas. 

When you and Brittany started getting into lumieres, the only person I
saw talk about them or promote them was you. It was you encouraging me
to try doing them. You picked up the ones I made without tagging them
properly, and gently taught me how to tag them if I wanted them to be
picked up for the lumiere showcase site. If I choose to relate those
facts of my personal experience, will I suddenly be a jerk for not
looking up Brittany's involvement and finding some way to mention it,
even though it's not what called my attention to lumiere video?

Rox writes genuinely and lovingly about why she decided to try a
lumiere, and you could have chosen to comment in a positive way to
honor Brittany for her contributions and encourage Rox to continue to
experiment with the form. Instead you choose to be insulted, and tell
us that Brittany does, too (though surely she can speak for herself?).
You choose to answer negatively instead of positively.

I started with lumieres because it was *fun*, and because of your
encouragement, and because some of Brittany's work was inspiring to
me, though I didn't know at the time she was your collaborator. The
second the manifesto appeared, I stopped, because it doesn't represent
my thoughts or feelings and I don't want to be associated with it. I
don't even want my work appearing on the same site with it! I didn't
say so publicly or ask you to remove links to the lumieres I made
because I didn't want to insult you and Brittany. I just decided to
quietly stop producing lumieres and let my actions speak for
themselves. But because you feel it necessary to treat Rox in this
manner, I think it's time to tell you the manifesto *does* put people
off, and suggest it as one possible reason lumiere video isn't getting
a lot of discussion in the group. You manage to suck all the fun out
of making them.

If I've learned anything in the past 30 days, it's that I can't insult
you, Brittany or anyone else. No one can. You have to choose to feel
insulted. I recommend choosing something more fun to feel.

Cheryl Colan

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed in this group (they  
 don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up involved, I guess), but  
 it's still not very nice not to give credit where credit is due.
 videos have been posted since May/June last year. Since the
beginning it  
 has been a two-person effort where Brittany and I have been
collecting the  
 videos, encouraging people to create the videos and writing our
 for pushing these types of videos. That's why both our names are on
 front page of the website: http://videoblogging.info/
 You may think this is a small mistake and in the amount of letters
  from your email and blogpost it is. At the same time not doing this
 basic research and thus leaving out the name of half the people
behind the  
 project is extremely discouraging to those left out. Over the past 8  
 months Brittany and I have put in a large amount of work handling the  
 lumiere videos and acknowledging my work, but not hers, is insulting
 both of us.
 The collection of lumiere videos currently consists of 548 videos
from 78  
 different people. You can jump straight to the videos at  
 http://videoblogging.info/lumiere/ If I must say so myself it is an  
 amazing repository of creativity.
 - Andreas
 Den 11.01.2008 kl. 05:17 skrev Roxanne Darling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  A little public gushing here, I hope you all will indulge me. I
  about Lumiere from Rupert.
  I finally made one today, and I want to thank you publicly,
Rupert, (and
  Andreas too) for illuminating me about this art form.
 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the  
manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to reflect on  
what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off Brittany  
doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started  
videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have received  
any promotional materials or encouragement from her. I was on Twitter back  
when the lumieres started and I used that to promote the project. Brittany  
has pushed it in other circles. As I held your hand when you started she  
held others. You have read the manifesto: how could you think that we  
would write a manifesto together if we were not both working on the  
project? Is it surprising that I reacted? Would you not like it if those  
you work with make sure that you receive credit for what you do?

That is my one issue: Give credit where credit is due. It takes no effort  
at all to look up a name, but it means everything to that person. You  
would not feel very good if you never received any acknowledgement for the  
work you've done on Show in a Box to grab one example. That is why I see a  
bio page coming on the SIAB website - so others know how to acknowledge.  
The fact that I'm closely involved in the lumiere videos means that it was  
a no-brainer for me to spot it this time, but it doesn't mean you can  
ignore my request. Is it not a fair request to receive proper  
acknowledgement for the work you do?

As for everything else:
I am happy that Rox made a lumiere, at the same time we can't write back  
to everyone who makes one of those anymore. We had to stop when we reached  
a couple of hundred videos because it was taking too much time. You must  
understand that 425 lumiere videos have been made since you posted your  
last one. It was also clear that Rox hadn't seen the website as she linked  
to one of my blogposts instead of videoblogging.info (and there is a clear  
link to vb.info from that blogpost). I can't and won't take full credit  
for the lumiere project and that's why I had to write back in the way I  

Regarding the manifesto:
It's a manifesto for crying out loud! It's supposed to be strong and  
without compromise to grab your attention and make you think about what  
you are creating, for whom and with what purpose. The fact that you have  
not removed your videos makes me think we were being too nice in writing  

It's written as a reaction to the type of video and behaviour both of us  
were seeing and still are. It's an open disagreement and that's the whole  
point of writing a manifesto. To make the obvious comparison the dogme95  
manifesto was a reaction towards filmmaking as it was taking place in the  
90s, the lumiere manifesto is a reaction towards the general state of  
videoblogging. If you feel attacked by the manifesto, that's a good thing,  
you should. I feel attacked by it and I co-wrote it! It is unfortunate  
that you did not go anywhere with your frustrations - the goal was to make  
you reflect on your practices rather than sit with a stiff upper lip and  
not react because you don't agree.

I personally don't have much patience with constant backpatting. There  
needs to be constant challenge or we can't evolve (that goes in general  
and in regards to videoblogging). Sitting around in a circle  
congratulating ourselves on how great everything is moves us nowhere. It  
is my responsibility and your responsibility to challenge the status quo.  
This forces us to think about where we are, where we want to be and how we  
can get there.

It is curious to me that the comments stating strong disagreement with the  
manifesto (in the I don't want to participate anymore because the  
manifesto is criticizing things I like kind of way) have all happened on  
Twitter. They are spoken into a void using fragmented sentence in a room  
where it is impossible to carry a conversation (because all arguments are  
limited and each one is forgotten in a microsecond as it moves off the  
page). At the same time those who have taken the manifesto as a manifesto  
and used it to look at themselves in a new way have all written e-mails  
(where it is possible to carry on a conversation). These people do not  
agree with everything we say (just as I don't always agree with everything  
we say), but they are doing something constructive. Sam from patalab is  
one who has been involved in countless conversations and had the following  
to say about the lumiere project just last week:

...the Lumiere project can be regarded as a beacon. It’s actual,  
progressive potential for liberating “sight” might not have been that  
apparent when the project started. It probably was conceived more out of  
conceptual concerns, as an inoffensive game to play. But it seems to be  
one of the very few projects on the net - that I am aware of – that might  
have the inherent potential of actually re-installing a gaze of 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Chris

I think what we have here is a snowballing series of overreactions.

I think a simple hey, you forgot to mention my collaborator Brittany
would've served your purpose a lot better than the you insult me

I think it's time to maybe take a breath and calm down. People here
are not out to piss you off. As most who responded have stated, they
like what you guys are doing.

It's a discussion group. If somebody - through fault of memory, not
malice - omits a credit here and there, someone else is always free to
jump in and correct them.

Without unnecessary vitriol.

Or with, I guess, if that's the way you roll.

I'm just saying it doesn't do anybody any good to make this unintended
slight a bigger deal than it is...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

 Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the  
 manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to reflect
 what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off Brittany  
 doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started  
 videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have
 any promotional materials or encouragement from her. I was on
Twitter back  
 when the lumieres started and I used that to promote the project.
 has pushed it in other circles. As I held your hand when you started
 held others. You have read the manifesto: how could you think that we  
 would write a manifesto together if we were not both working on the  
 project? Is it surprising that I reacted? Would you not like it if
 you work with make sure that you receive credit for what you do?
 That is my one issue: Give credit where credit is due. It takes no
 at all to look up a name, but it means everything to that person. You  
 would not feel very good if you never received any acknowledgement
for the  
 work you've done on Show in a Box to grab one example. That is why I
see a  
 bio page coming on the SIAB website - so others know how to
 The fact that I'm closely involved in the lumiere videos means that
it was  
 a no-brainer for me to spot it this time, but it doesn't mean you can  
 ignore my request. Is it not a fair request to receive proper  
 acknowledgement for the work you do?
 As for everything else:
 I am happy that Rox made a lumiere, at the same time we can't write
 to everyone who makes one of those anymore. We had to stop when we
 a couple of hundred videos because it was taking too much time. You
 understand that 425 lumiere videos have been made since you posted
 last one. It was also clear that Rox hadn't seen the website as she
 to one of my blogposts instead of videoblogging.info (and there is a
 link to vb.info from that blogpost). I can't and won't take full
 for the lumiere project and that's why I had to write back in the
way I  
 Regarding the manifesto:
 It's a manifesto for crying out loud! It's supposed to be strong and  
 without compromise to grab your attention and make you think about
 you are creating, for whom and with what purpose. The fact that you
 not removed your videos makes me think we were being too nice in
 It's written as a reaction to the type of video and behaviour both
of us  
 were seeing and still are. It's an open disagreement and that's the
 point of writing a manifesto. To make the obvious comparison the
 manifesto was a reaction towards filmmaking as it was taking place
in the  
 90s, the lumiere manifesto is a reaction towards the general state of  
 videoblogging. If you feel attacked by the manifesto, that's a good
 you should. I feel attacked by it and I co-wrote it! It is unfortunate  
 that you did not go anywhere with your frustrations - the goal was
to make  
 you reflect on your practices rather than sit with a stiff upper lip
 not react because you don't agree.
 I personally don't have much patience with constant backpatting. There  
 needs to be constant challenge or we can't evolve (that goes in
 and in regards to videoblogging). Sitting around in a circle  
 congratulating ourselves on how great everything is moves us
nowhere. It  
 is my responsibility and your responsibility to challenge the status
 This forces us to think about where we are, where we want to be and
how we  
 can get there.
 It is curious to me that the comments stating strong disagreement
with the  
 manifesto (in the I don't want to participate anymore because the  
 manifesto is criticizing things I like kind of way) have all
happened on  
 Twitter. They are spoken into a void using fragmented sentence in a
 where it is impossible to carry a conversation (because all
arguments are  
 limited and each one is forgotten in a microsecond as it moves off the  
 page). At the same time 

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Steve Watkins
Well that was a pretty all-encompassing justification, defense  explanation. 

I get pretty emotional about people getting the credit they deserve, though Im 
not sure 
how far Id take it. I certainly wouldnt expect everybody involved with SIAB to 
be credited 
every time someone uses it or makes reference to it. Its quite natural for 
someone to 
thank those that turned them on to something, rather than all those behind the 

So can we have a conversation about the manifesto as it doesnt seem to have 
discussed here much in the past, and you seem to welcome debate? Some of my 
urge to 
rip it apart is offset by your explanation that a manifesto is there to 
encourage debate and 
thought, and that you dont agree with all of it, but I'll have a go anyways.

It certainly does seem like an interesting way to approach issues about people 
hopes and 
aspirations for vlogging, their disappointments with previous visual mediums. 
Its a topic 
that gets hot when people attempt to define what videoblogging should be, and 
constitutes legitimate vlogging. I seem to recall accusing you of being elitist 
in the past 
withsome of your academic definitions about what vlogging is, so I suppose I 
shouldnt be 
surprised by new attempts to bring about freedom through rulemaking.

I think lumiere stuff is a very interesting thing, with the potential to 
sometimes do some 
of the stuff the manifesto seeks to promote. Some of the rules may sometimes be 
complete odds with the mission however, for example to blanket ban on audio is 
cutting off an important dimension of observation and 'collective 
conciousness'. Thrown 
baby out with the bathwater.

Arbitrary rules and self-imposed constraints are certainly sometimes a useful 
tool, to enable you to get things done, by eliminating much of the noise and 
filtering the possibilities down to an extent that decisive action is possible. 
I just think it 
goes a bit wrong when mixed with other aims. The manifesto seems to tread an 
ueasy line 
between claiming not to be about competing with alternatives, but at the same 
time not 
missing many opportunities to diss all that has gone before.

I am in conflict with myself because I have such an ambivalent attitude towards 
definitions and rules. I complain that there are not enough different terms for 
shades of vlogging, and that we will argue too much over attempts to constrain 
definition of wider terms like vloging itself, leading to possible elitism or 
illegitimising of 
certain types of vlog. 

So maybe I want a thousand manifesto's that nobody quite believes in with 
enough zeal to 
do any real harm.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL 

 Cheryl, it is fine that you have other issues with me, us or the  
 manifesto, but I would like it if you could take a moment to reflect on  
 what my issue is before jumping on to other things. First off Brittany  
 doesn't participate in this group - she quit it before you started  
 videoblogging. That is most likely the same reason why you have received  
 any promotional materials or encouragement from her. I was on Twitter back  
 when the lumieres started and I used that to promote the project. Brittany  
 has pushed it in other circles. As I held your hand when you started she  
 held others. You have read the manifesto: how could you think that we  
 would write a manifesto together if we were not both working on the  
 project? Is it surprising that I reacted? Would you not like it if those  
 you work with make sure that you receive credit for what you do?
 That is my one issue: Give credit where credit is due. It takes no effort  
 at all to look up a name, but it means everything to that person. You  
 would not feel very good if you never received any acknowledgement for the  
 work you've done on Show in a Box to grab one example. That is why I see a  
 bio page coming on the SIAB website - so others know how to acknowledge.  
 The fact that I'm closely involved in the lumiere videos means that it was  
 a no-brainer for me to spot it this time, but it doesn't mean you can  
 ignore my request. Is it not a fair request to receive proper  
 acknowledgement for the work you do?
 As for everything else:
 I am happy that Rox made a lumiere, at the same time we can't write back  
 to everyone who makes one of those anymore. We had to stop when we reached  
 a couple of hundred videos because it was taking too much time. You must  
 understand that 425 lumiere videos have been made since you posted your  
 last one. It was also clear that Rox hadn't seen the website as she linked  
 to one of my blogposts instead of videoblogging.info (and there is a clear  
 link to vb.info from that blogpost). I can't and won't take full credit  
 for the lumiere project and that's why I had to write back in the way I  

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-13 Thread Heath
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, John Coffey 

 Hey Heath, what's with all the Scoble taunting? Got a
 man crush on him?

I wasn't taunting himand no.


 --- Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You know what?  Robert Scoble was right...
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas
  Haugstrup Pedersen 
  solitude@ wrote:
   I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed
  in this group 
   don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up
  involved, I guess), 
   it's still not very nice not to give credit where
  credit is due. 
   videos have been posted since May/June last year.
  Since the 
  beginning it  
   has been a two-person effort where Brittany and I
  have been 
  collecting the  
   videos, encouraging people to create the videos
  and writing our 
   for pushing these types of videos. That's why both
  our names are on 
   front page of the website:
   You may think this is a small mistake and in the
  amount of letters 
from your email and blogpost it is. At the same
  time not doing 
  this very  
   basic research and thus leaving out the name of
  half the people 
  behind the  
   project is extremely discouraging to those left
  out. Over the past 
   months Brittany and I have put in a large amount
  of work handling 
   lumiere videos and acknowledging my work, but not
  hers, is 
  insulting to  
   both of us.
   The collection of lumiere videos currently
  consists of 548 videos 
  from 78  
   different people. You can jump straight to the
  videos at  
   http://videoblogging.info/lumiere/ If I must say
  so myself it is 
   amazing repository of creativity.
   - Andreas
   Den 11.01.2008 kl. 05:17 skrev Roxanne Darling
A little public gushing here, I hope you all
  will indulge me. I 
about Lumiere from Rupert.
I finally made one today, and I want to thank
  you publicly, 
  Rupert, (and
Andreas too) for illuminating me about this art
   Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
 Jimmy CraicHead TVVideo Podcast about Sailing, Travel, Craic and 
Cocktails www.jchtv.com
 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-12 Thread Paul Knight
Oh Rupert,

You all sound like Stewie from Family Guy. lol

Beardo's rule, lol

[videoblogging] Re: Rox Lumiere for Rupert

2008-01-12 Thread Heath
You know what?  Robert Scoble was right...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen 

 I know the lumiere videos have not been discussed in this group 
 don't have ads and there's no web 2.0 start-up involved, I guess), 
 it's still not very nice not to give credit where credit is due. 
 videos have been posted since May/June last year. Since the 
beginning it  
 has been a two-person effort where Brittany and I have been 
collecting the  
 videos, encouraging people to create the videos and writing our 
 for pushing these types of videos. That's why both our names are on 
 front page of the website: http://videoblogging.info/
 You may think this is a small mistake and in the amount of letters 
  from your email and blogpost it is. At the same time not doing 
this very  
 basic research and thus leaving out the name of half the people 
behind the  
 project is extremely discouraging to those left out. Over the past 
 months Brittany and I have put in a large amount of work handling 
 lumiere videos and acknowledging my work, but not hers, is 
insulting to  
 both of us.
 The collection of lumiere videos currently consists of 548 videos 
from 78  
 different people. You can jump straight to the videos at  
 http://videoblogging.info/lumiere/ If I must say so myself it is 
 amazing repository of creativity.
 - Andreas
 Den 11.01.2008 kl. 05:17 skrev Roxanne Darling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  A little public gushing here, I hope you all will indulge me. I 
  about Lumiere from Rupert.
  I finally made one today, and I want to thank you publicly, 
Rupert, (and
  Andreas too) for illuminating me about this art form.
 Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen