Re: [Vo]:JL-naudin replicates current Steorn Orbo (Dec) demo

2009-12-28 Thread William Beaty

On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, Esa Ruoho wrote:

a friend helped translate this, off we go

Excellent, many thanks for the xlation

Recall that the magnetic field on the outside of a toroidal coil is null and
simulates that of a coil of infinite length.*

Wrong.  wrongwrongwrong.  The bfield outside an AIR CORE toroid is null. 
If you use a ferrous core, then that rule no longer holds.

However, if you use very low hysterisis material (not steel,) and keep the 
core well below saturation, then the core might approach the behavior of 
an air-core toroid.   But it's not guaranteed.

There is no direct interaction between the magnetic field of the torus with
the magnetic field of the rotor's magnets.

Of course there is.  The torus is attracting the magnets.  That's a very 
strong interaction.  If they could keep the core far away from saturation, 
then the core might self-shield, so the coil would not couple to the 
moving magnets.  But that doesn't appear to be what they're doing.

The magnetic field of the
toroidal coil serves only to temporarily depolarize  the magnetization of
the ferrite core.*

All in all, this sounds like yet another FE machine which supposedly works 
IN THEORY, and so everyone gets excited.  To find the error, build a 
working closed-loop version (by working I mean closed-loop self-acting, 
no batteries added to confuse the issue.)

When they replace the lithium battery with a relatively small 
supercapacitor, THAT's the time to get excited.  Or not ...since first 
we'd have to trust that the whole thing isn't just a simple hoax.

*Continuing: we have a non-reciprocating and asymmetric system. There is
no counter electromotive force (Back-EMF) on the toroidal coils of the
stator produced by the rotation of the rotor.

If the magnets bring the core anywhere near saturation, then there will be 
a strong mechanical interaction between cores and moving magnets.

Possibly the changing fields will average to a zero induced voltage in the 
toroid coil, but that doesn't remove the need for the battery to do 
magnetic work on the core by cycling its operating point along the BH 

Add a big mechanical load to the rotor, then measure the average power 
supply wattage (or just power it with a supercapacitor to make things 

The Newman Fallacy:  a big spinning rotor to impress everyone, and a 
chemical battery having unknown lifetime in that particular application.

SO SIMPLE to add a water pump or whatever known load, and use a supercap.

The current necessary for the
temporary depolarization of the magnetic domains of the ferrite is
independent of the mechanical coupling produced on the shaft of the motor.

Ah, that might be the source of the mistake.

If normally the core is being slightly heated by hysterisis (by moving 
it's operating point around the BH curve,) and if the moving magnets end 
up reducing this heating yet also simultaneously being mechanically driven 
forward would look like a relative violation of energy conservation. 
In reality some of the usual energy lost as core heat is getting diverted 
to run the motor.  But this illusion would be broken if anyone bothered to 
try designing a closed-loop system.  The battery would gradually run down. 
(To fool yourself just use a lithium cell which takes months to run down. 
Or to cut through your self-delusion, use a supercapacitor and watch the 
voltage slowly drop.)

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. Beaty
beaty chem washington edu   Research Engineer
billbamascicom  UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
206-543-6195Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Re: [Vo]:JL-naudin replicates current Steorn Orbo (Dec) demo

2009-12-28 Thread William Beaty

On Sat, 26 Dec 2009, Harry Veeder wrote:


Look at test 3 at the bottom of this page

No induction and no back emf if the motor is turned by hand

faulty metering or is it truly new physics?

Perhaps this was their initial discovery?  If so, it explains a lot. 
Suppose some odd but conventional physics makes it look like a FE device 
for some measurements.Rather than trying to debunk their own ideas,
some people might go forward with taking investors, even though everything 
was based on a weird artifact.

Rather than focusing on some perhaps-unexpected measurement, just close 
the loop.   Ditch the battery.   Make a perpetual wheel.  Close the loop.

If it's real, then closing the loop should be easy.   If it's an artifact
which misleads FE-enthusiasts, then closing the loop will be impossible.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

RE: [Vo]:JL-naudin replicates current Steorn Orbo (Dec) demo

2009-12-28 Thread William Beaty

On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

The current necessary for the temporary depolarization of
the magnetic domains of the ferrite is independent of the
mechanical coupling produced on the shaft of the motor.

I wonder how much energy is consumed manifesting the temporary
depolarization cycle.

Bingo.What if that consumption is significant even when the rotor is 
not present?   How circular is the BH curve for that material?

I could imagine a situation where the core's nonlinearity is just right to 
create a weird artifact: the VI drive waveform remains about the same 
whether the moving magnets are present or not, and the magnets get driven 
forward, and if magnets are being moved, then the core doesn't suffer as 
much heat loss as it normally would.   Remove the rotor, and drive VI 
curves don't change.   But with the rotor gone, the wattage goes into core 
heating rather than doing work upon magnets.

If true, then the rotor would APPEAR to extract zero energy from the drive 
circuit.  The result might be to drive some FE enthusiasts crazy with

dollar signs dancing before their eyes.

Remember the Butterfly circuit on Keelynet, back around 1992?  It 
demonstrated a vaguely similar phenomenon (adding a load did not result in 
increased drive wattage.)  It was based on transistor switching and 
decaying RF standing waves trapped in long coax.  But drive and load were 
completely decoupled, so if the load was removed, the drive wattage stayed 
the same, even though it all went into wire heating.  Not FE, just a weird 

To cut through the illusion, just try to close the loop. The excess energy 
APPEARS enormous, so if it's impossible to close the loop, then something 
is bad wrong with your theory.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
It is very difficult to understand this experiment.  There is so much
left unsaid.  As I understand it, the first phase loading with zero
change in pressure and the second phase loading is marked when
pressure begins to increase presuming that all DH flow is being
absorbed in the first phase.  I also assume they determined the
loading ratios by the flow rates instead of weighing the loaded

Are we to assume that multiple runs were with new Pd?  In other words,
the six PZ runs used six PZ samples.  Or were they progressive runs
with two samples.

sigh  I guess you had to be there.


[Vo]:U.S. wind power increases 7 GW nameplate in 2009

2009-12-28 Thread Jed Rothwell


The wind industry had a good year in 2009, adding at least 7,000 MW 
of capacity, despite the poor economy. It followed a spectacular 2008 
(8,500 MW) and terrific 2007(5,200 MW).  . . .

Assuming 30% capacity factor that's 2.1 GW actual. Converting 
capacity factors and so on that comes to about 2.4 nukes. That's very 
substantial. The U.S. has ~100 nukes, most built between 1965 and 1975.

The IAEA says there are 53 nukes under construction worldwide, with 
47 GB capacity. Mainly in China. 

This source says nuke capacity factors worldwide are 83%. That's a 
lot lower than the U.S., which was around 90% to 95% last I checked. 
It varies a lot because some plants go 100% off line for months or 
years when they discover a big problem, or in response to the 
earthquake in Japan. That never happens with wind farms.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Essentially that is what happens in a piston or Stirling engine, no?

With the size of those error bars, it's difficult to say what is going
on in some instances.  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?
Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)


Re: [Vo]:Kitamura paper uploaded

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
I'm not sure I understand the conclusions of this paper.

It appears that they found a very large heat of absorption of *either* H
or D into Pd and Pd-Zr powders, but that by itself, while interesting,
doesn't seem to lead anywhere, as you presumably have to give that heat
back in order to get the H or D back out of the lattice.  Right?  Isn't
that exactly analogous to the heat gain when dissolving certain salts? 
It's borrowed, not bought.  Or did I misunderstand that?

On the other hand, the last line of the conclusion seems like the payoff:

 The sample charged with D2 also showed significantly positive
output energy in the second phase after the deuteride formation.

That's in a discussion of the Pd-Zr results, and it presumably relates
to the last two lines of table 1, in which we see that average output
energy of the second phase of the experiments with PZ as being:

  (D)  4.8 +/- 3.0  kJ
  (H) -1.1 +/- 3.6 kJ

That seems to imply that, if we assume the energy output is actually
positive or zero, then for H they saw something between 0 and 2.6 kJ,
and for D they saw something between 1.8 and 7.8 kJ.  So, if there
really was no difference between D and H (which is apparently not ruled
out by the results), then the output must have been between 1.8 and 2.6 kJ.

That's a bit less than half the energy produced in the first phase.

On 12/19/2009 05:28 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Kitamura, A., et al., /Anomalous effects in charging of Pd powders
 with high density hydrogen isotopes./ Phys. Lett. A, 2009. *273*(35):
 p. 3109-3112.

 Prof. Kitamura went to a lot of trouble to get permission from the
 publisher to allow a manuscript version of the paper at
 So let's give it up for the professor and everyone should read this
 paper. It's important. This plus Kidwell and Arata's own recent
 experiments make what I consider and iron-clad case that the Arata
 effect is real. This could well be the most important breakthrough
 since 1989 because it can be controlled and scaled up, so it may lead
 to practical devices.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:U.S. wind power increases 7 GW nameplate in 2009

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 This source says nuke capacity factors worldwide are 83%. That's a lot lower
 than the U.S., which was around 90% to 95% last I checked.

Most US plants are answerable to investors who can be a lot more
vicious than the government.


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

...  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?

It is obviously non-nuclear in phase one. And since it is so rapidly
energetic, why wait for phase two? Doh !

 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Since it cannot be reconciled with A-Z or with other findings, it is either
an error ... or else it is the discovery of the decade (if it is not related
to fractional hydrogen, since that would be an arguable explanation, were it
not for the reversibility).

 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)

Speaking of logical skepticism, the Dufour hypothesis would be the one to
jump on. Or not.

Others here on Vo - have mentioned or debated the fact that the gravity
force must grow exponentially at close dimensions - IF - grand unification
is accurate. I think it is accurate. Dufour puts some numbers to that
hypothesis. He may be onto something.

But here is an irony. We have often asked the rhetorical question: if the
Casimir'force' is essentially negative, then how can it produce a net energy
gain?  And now, with pico-gravity in the picture, we seems to have a
tantalizing clue, in a reversed solution, so to speak. 

That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.

Get it?


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner
I hope the Kitamura et al. run powders and some of each of the  
original materials are retained.  The samples, especially the PZ  
samples, should be analyzed by someone (preferably multiple  
organizations)  in a mass spectrometer for heavy transmutations.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 11:59 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Essentially that is what happens in a piston or Stirling engine, no?
 With the size of those error bars, it's difficult to say what is going
 on in some instances.  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
 in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?
 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Speaking of error bars, I see what may be a nit and I have a question
about it...

In table 1, they give the average loading of D into PdZr as 1.1 +/-
0.0.  That appears to mean 1.1 D per Pd with a zero sized error bar --
the result is exact.

Is that a correct reading?

I find that puzzling because the process they describe for measuring
loading doesn't seem likely to lead to an exact value.  They say (p. 4,
first paragraph):

 After the gas is introduced, pressure does not begin to
rise for a while. During this phase (the first phase) the Pd powder
absorbs almost all of the D2
(H2) gas atoms as they flow in, and heat is released as a result of
adsorption and formation of
deuterides (hydrides). After about 30 minutes, the powder almost stops
absorbing gas; the gas
pressure begins to rise, and the heat release from deuteride (hydride)
formation subsides. This
is the beginning of the 2nd phase, and the gas flow rate in the 1st
phase is evaluated from the
rate of the pressure increase. From the flow rate multiplied by the
duration of the 1st phase,
loading is estimated ... 

This description was for loading determination during the runs using Pd
powder; they don't repeat the description for the other runs but one
would tend to assume it would be about the same.

So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

Is that how other folks understood this?

How can this approach lead to a zero sized error bar?  Surely there is a
good bit of wiggle room in a number of the steps in forming the
estimate, or so it appears to me.

 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)



RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

From: Terry Blanton 


...  But the phase one energy output of the H sample

in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?


It is obviously non-nuclear in phase one. And since it is so rapidly
energetic, as a practical matter, why wait for phase two? Doh !


 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?


Since it cannot be reconciled with A-Z or with other findings, it is either
an error ... or else it is the discovery of the decade (if it is not related
to fractional hydrogen, since that would be an arguable explanation, were it
not for the reversibility).


 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)


Speaking of logical skepticism, the Dufour hypothesis would be the one to
jump on. Or not.


Others here on Vo - have mentioned or debated the fact that the gravity
force must grow exponentially at close dimensions - IF - grand unification
is accurate. I think it is accurate. Dufour puts some numbers to that
hypothesis. He may be onto something.


But here is an irony. We have often asked the rhetorical question: if the
Casimir 'force' is essentially negative, then how can it produce a net
energy gain?  And now, with pico-gravity in the picture, we seems to
have a tantalizing clue, in a reversed solution, so to speak. 


That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.


Get it?




Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

 Is that how other folks understood this?

Roger that.

I think maybe for all the non-zero error bars, they were out of the
room and had to estimate when the pressure started rising.  ;-)


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
 instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.

 Get it?

Yeah, like, There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks.


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

 Is that how other folks understood this?

Yes and no. It is in seeming conflict with the charts at the end. BTW - and
this is jumping ahead, since the results are in doubt and need to be
carefully replicated ... but ... If there were some kind of useable loading
gain that could be exploited; then apparently it would need to be
engineered in a way that the cycling of active material is in a narrow range
... one which goes from almost completely loaded to fully loaded - and
this happened at a rapid rate.

Let's say you could go from a H/Pd ratio of 1.1 down to 1.05 and back, ad
infinitum - and furthermore that there would be continuous excess heat in
that small gap - due to some force like Casimir or picogravity. In general,
we would still label this as ZPE pumping since we can probably define the
zero point field in such a way that all of these putative forces and sources
are covered.

And a major point of the recent A-Z results is that there is that order of
magnitude gain (10x) in moving from the Pd-zirconia material to the Nickel

Catch-22 Arata does not show the gain with hydrogen like Kitamura does.


[Vo]:Steorn/Sean McCarthy comment on JLN Labs replication

2009-12-28 Thread Esa Ruoho
(from - from peswiki)

The following is from Peswiki about the JLN replication:

Feedback from Steorn
On December 28, 2009 1:39 AM Mountain, Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn wrote:

Thanks for that - however I must urge some caution here, what Jean-Louis
will find is that all of his electrical input is being output as heat and
that the work done by the rotor is free. However this does not mean that
simply putting in a generator will enable him to close the loop.

The reason is that the design of the 'active' coils is very important so
that the input uses minimum current to cause the effect in question - the
production of heat is a current^2 relationship. Unless this fact is
considered in the design of the input, then while the system may be more
than 100% efficient, the work done by the rotor will be less than the energy
input into the system, and so a closed loop system will not be possible.

Our next sequence of experiments will address these issues.

We are quite happy to discuss this in more detail with Jean if he has
further interest in replication (two of our engineers are French, so they
should be able to communicate well).

[Vo]:Dark-Energy Einstein-Rosen/Cern-NDR path ID.prjct-

2009-12-28 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan


* The latest Project's update *


*The Cern/International NDR-Pathway-Identification project plots 'naturally 
occuring' Einstein-Rosen transtemporal/transdimensional pathways though 
Dark-Energy Trans-Space*
This is the Holy Grail of contemporary String/Membrane theorists.  The NDR-ID. 
project is the cutting edge medium for the diverse theories to find their 
legitimate expression in by consolidating their efforts in this hard technology 
From Cern-Hadron, with global collaboration is emerging the 'International 
NDR-pathway Identification Project.  'NDR' is acronymistic for Navigation of 
Dimesional-Rift Einstein-Rosen pathways that the 'String/Membrane' theory 
indicates are common and naturally occurring throughout the multi-spectrum 
levels of DarkEnergy Trans-Space.
The NDR accessing technology is centering upon the super-conductive capacity of 
Hyper-Cold-Superconductors to access the Navigatable DR-Einstein-Rosen pathways 
through transdimensional-transtemporal DarkEnergy Trans-Space.
The Trans-Spacial DarkEnergy Super-Membrane cross permeates and acts as the 
very 'All-Conjoining Super-Carrier-Wave' through all possible 
spectrum-variations and Energy Plateau Whole-Dimensions ubiquitously.  And thus 
Trans-Space naturally occuring Einstein-Rosen pathways will allow us to chart  
access vectors through where-ever/when-ever DarkEnergy Trans-Space accesses 
with is 'Virtually-Limitless.'  Thusly we can hard-copy/chart the 'real' 
vector-pathways which will thereby give us a clearer picture as to the 
String-Membrane DarkEnergy Aexo-Trans-Space structure(s).
This burgeoning new approach to Einstein-Rosen opens the doors to connecting 
trans-resonant adjacent Universii so that we may ascertain whether there is 
truly extant said 'parallel universes' /or 'adjacent-bubble universii.'  The 
theory that we are neighbors to various  quasi-parallel multi-variational 
universes that actually directly mirror to some degree our own will is the 
grand quest for us to prove or disprove.  It makes great Sci-Fi movies but we 
will be able to find out if it is indeed a fact; at least more-or-less.
Intitial Einstein-Rosen NDR pathway forays have been focused on Trans-Space 
access to our own immediate planetary transtemporal venue(our own history). The 
early indicators are that the energy-fabric of historic occurrance is indeed 
of such a 'super-tenacious weave/energy-harmonic-matrix' that historic events 
are all but impossible to effect in any significant way.  The analogy is that 
you may throw even a large stone into a large river; but the ripples of that 
stone within a strongly-established 'current-flow-pathway' change virtually 
'nothing' relative to the ultimate course of the river itself.  
Historic-temporal-event-flow is just such a river that are ultimately governed 
by the 'super-currents' of DarkEnergy Aexo-Trans-Space that likely act as a the 
Ultimate-Carrier-Wave that ties all Spectrums  Dimensions  Universii together 
as on contiguous 'Whole-Cloth' Super-Membrane.  And thusly the various 'String' 
within the 'Whole-Cloth' act like the 'connective-tissue' such as the 
contiguous membrane that connects the internal-organelle(s)-bio-symbiotic 
system with a cell; or also like unto the contiguous connective-support tissue 
with the body of any organic creature.
When we open the NDR-Einstein-Rosen data-port-pathway-tunnel we are making a 
true high-energy connection to another position at specific space-time 
vector-coordinates(initially to our 'past').  We are utilizing Trans-Space 
accessing super-conductive Hyper-Cold technology which is forming the 
NDR-ER-path as a High-Density focused Electro-Gravitational tunnel.  At the 
other end this has a tendency to have a profound 'real' energetic effect which 
can be dangerous to molecular integrity in the target connection zone.  
Allegorically, this is akin being in the pathway of such as high-density 
micro-waves, for instance, and can also be physically disruptive  therefore 
dangerous, /or be marginally deliterious.  The ideal is to 'fine-tune' the 
technology so that this effect is minimalized to the 'recoverable' level from 
the experience.  Again; this would be like making such adjustments which would 
tend to minimalize the deliterious effects of 'weightlessness' on our 
space-exploration craft etc.
The NDR-ER-pathway project is actually joining the esoteric-science of 
'EM-Field of Living-Consciousness Psi-Projection' to establish the 
Data-Port-Connection to the other end of the energetic 
Electro-Mag-Grav-NDR-ER-bridge once established.  The initial-field connection 
actually establishes living individuals initially as the 'bridging/navigational 
mechanism. Remote-viewing research has established the their very bio-organic 
physical-energy-psyche energy matrix maintains a residual transtemporal energy 
connection to the 'past' which can be 

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 02:11 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
 doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
 gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
 along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
 the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
 weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

 Is that how other folks understood this?
 Yes and no. It is in seeming conflict with the charts at the end. BTW - and
 this is jumping ahead, since the results are in doubt and need to be
 carefully replicated ... but ... If there were some kind of useable loading
 gain that could be exploited; then apparently it would need to be
 engineered in a way that the cycling of active material is in a narrow range
 ... one which goes from almost completely loaded to fully loaded - and
 this happened at a rapid rate.

 Let's say you could go from a H/Pd ratio of 1.1 down to 1.05 and back, ad
 infinitum - and furthermore that there would be continuous excess heat in
 that small gap - due to some force like Casimir or picogravity.

But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd
than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.

Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a
conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return
to your starting conditions.

Casimir is going to behave conservatively too in situations where all
you're doing is letting things smash together and then yanking them
apart again.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn/Sean McCarthy comment on JLN Labs replication

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 02:25 PM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
 (from - from peswiki)

 The following is from Peswiki about the JLN replication:

 Feedback from Steorn
 On December 28, 2009 1:39 AM Mountain, Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn

 Thanks for that - however I must urge some caution here, what
 Jean-Louis will find is that all of his electrical input is being
 output as heat and that the work done by the rotor is free. However
 this does not mean that simply putting in a generator will enable him
 to close the loop.

 The reason is that the design of the 'active' coils is very important
 so that the input uses minimum current to cause the effect in question
 - the production of heat is a current^2 relationship. Unless this fact
 is considered in the design of the input, then while the system may be
 more than 100% efficient, the work done by the rotor will be less than
 the energy input into the system, and so a closed loop system will not
 be possible.

IOW if you're putting in 100 watts of energy, getting out 100 watts of
heat, and doing 10 watts of mechanical work, you are at 110% of unity
but you sure can't close the loop.

The trouble is, Sean has claimed that the system is actually at 300% of
unity, which implies that for 100 watts in, he's getting out 100 watts
of heat *and* 200 watts of mechanical energy (i.e., twice as much
mechanical energy out as total energy in).  The above statement doesn't
seem to jibe with this.

In fact this sounds a lot like their claims that a very very low
friction bearing is needed in order to show the effect, which also
doesn't fit with the claim that they're getting out 300% of what they're
putting in.

Does anyone have any idea where their 3x unity claim came from?  (I
mean, it comes from Sean on video, of course; the question is, rather,
where that number was before Sean said it.)  From where I'm sitting it
looks like Sean just pulled it out of the air, since there are no
measurements to back it up and some of his other statements seem to
contradict it.

 Our next sequence of experiments will address these issues.

 We are quite happy to discuss this in more detail with Jean if he has
 further interest in replication (two of our engineers are French, so
 they should be able to communicate well).

[Vo]:OT: Change Metal Surface to Reflct any Color (Not plating or Paint)

2009-12-28 Thread Ron Wormus

Not energy related but very cool physics.

RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd
than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.

First off - the level of heat released itself is anomalous. 2 eV is clearly
much higher than expected. That fact (if accurate) gives hope that the
underlying process for providing it, is asymmetrical. 

Actually, I see a glimmer of that non-conservative suggestion in the other
data as well, but obviously it is only an interpretation. Look again at
Table I with an appreciation that the unloading itself could provide
excess energy via gas expansion, instead of requiring it. 

The negative energy data - going from phase 1 to phase 2 with hydrogen, are
clearly ambiguous in the details. But the fact it exists at all could be
an implication that manipulation of pressure (and heat via Boyles' Law) is
providing a reversible trigger for the anomalous gain, as Arata suggests.
Going beyond that: to a reversible and asymmetrical trigger, is a stretch
for you, but to me it is not ruled out.

 Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a
conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return
to your starting conditions.

That would depend on such details as to whether the Casimir negative energy
gap could provide a proper 'sink' or energy dump, and whether in the
process, a range of distance near the critical Casimir dimensions (around 2
nm) could be cycled by the sink, so that we get the fabled ZPE pump with
energy from another dimension being harnessed. 

Check out the Dufour paper. I am not saying it is right. In fact it is new
to me. It might have merit, especially if all of the natural forces are
indeed becoming unified at a smaller geometry. We are starting to see this
in many nano phenomena and we are knocking on the door of pico.

Basically, it goes back to this - if the heat from loading is indeed
anomalous - that fact alone may indicate an asymmetry, since excess heat in
and of itself implies new physics. New physics will not necessarily conform
to old laws in the way you are assuming. Yes, this would be grasping at
straws without Kitamura's published results. Let's hope they can be
confirmed by others.


Re: [Vo]:Steorn/Sean McCarthy comment on JLN Labs replication

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

 From where I'm sitting it
 looks like Sean just pulled it out of the air, since there are no
 measurements to back it up and some of his other statements seem to
 contradict it.

IMO, a darker, smellier place.


[Vo]:Little help with UFO sighting?

2009-12-28 Thread Rick Monteverde
Saw an orange fire colored UFO last night just after nightfall. The path was
that of an object flying in a curved path at high altitude (a u-turn,
basically), definitely not a satellite, and a bit brighter than a good space
station sighting. Even through 8x binoculars it appeared as a point source.
The time of day, the sighting angle, and the variable characteristics of the
light over the two minutes or so the object was visible suggests it was
reflected light from the setting sun on the lower surface of a solid object,
but given that the sky was almost completely dark at my location at that
point, my guess is that its altitude could have been above the atmosphere.
I've seen conventional aircraft reflecting sunset's light after local
sunset, and though the appearance was similar, in those cases it was much
closer to sunset and sky was still quite light. Once it gets dark, I think
such reflections tend to be in satellite territory.


Anyway, since I can find the sight angle because of its passage near
identifiable stars, the time, and my location on that date, it should be
possible to calculate the earth's shadow line from the setting sun and see
where my sight line crosses it. That would tell me if it was just an
airplane at very high altitude, or something maneuvering up a bit higher
than conventional aircraft can reach. Anybody have an idea how I would go
about that (umbra?) line?  




-  Rick

RE: [Vo]:OT: Change Metal Surface to Reflct any Color (Not plating or Paint)

2009-12-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 From: Ron Wormus

 Not energy related but very cool physics.

Kewel! Thanks Ron,

It would not surprise me in the slightest if a variation of this developing
form of laser nanotechnology ends up being exploited in a manner that
enhances some form of cold fusion process. 

Stated more turgidly: It remains my suspicion that future research into the
construction of nano-topology surfaces of various metals may eventually end
up playing a crucial role in the commercial development of viable energy
extraction techniques.


I use the term cold fusion loosely here. 


Steven Vincent Johnson 

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Frank Roarty
on Mon, 28 Dec 2009 13:17:23 -0800 Stephen A. Lawrence  very correctly said


But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd

than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.


Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a

conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return

to your starting conditions.


Casimir is going to behave conservatively too in situations where all

you're doing is letting things smash together and then yanking them apart


[end snip]


Yes! The force is conservative unless you perform a chemical reaction while
the atoms are in the depleted zone.  Without taking sides about whether the
orbitals are fractional , pancaked, relativistic or whatever I think we will
all agree they are in some way different than atoms outside of a Casimir
cavity. If these orbitals form into a compound or molecule their orbitals
become locked into a specific mode or orientation that is NOT appropriate
for the isotropic field outside the cavity. As the bonded atoms diffuse away
from the specific depletion level where they bonded the gradient of the
depletion field changes in opposition to the molecular bond - I suspect that
the bond is broken by this opposition and that a hydrino will never be seen
outside of the cavity but it may be strong enough to maintain a weak hydrino
or FH outside the cavity.  See animation   the atoms once decelerated by the
cavity can oscillate between monatomic and diatomic until they escape the
depletion field - the normally chaotic vacuum fluctuations are able to
donate energy in a non chaotic manner thanks to the energy sink of the
cavity. The favored molecular bond becomes our rectifier when formed by
altered atoms that find themselves no longer able to unaltered because
the bond is holding them in the altered state despite the restoration of the
ZPF when the molecule diffuse away from the particular gradient of depletion
(1/(2-137) at which it formed.

Re: [Vo]:Little help with UFO sighting?

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 06:09 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:

 Saw an orange fire colored UFO last night just after nightfall. The
 path was that of an object flying in a curved path at high altitude (a
 u-turn, basically), definitely not a satellite, and a bit brighter
 than a good space station sighting. Even through 8x binoculars it
 appeared as a point source. The time of day, the sighting angle, and
 the variable characteristics of the light over the two minutes or so
 the object was visible suggests it was reflected light from the
 setting sun on the lower surface of a solid object, but given that the
 sky was almost completely dark at my location at that point, my guess
 is that its altitude could have been above the atmosphere. I’ve seen
 conventional aircraft reflecting sunset’s light after local sunset,
 and though the appearance was similar, in those cases it was much
 closer to sunset and sky was still quite light. Once it gets dark, I
 think such reflections tend to be in satellite territory.

 Anyway, since I can find the sight angle because of its passage near
 identifiable stars, the time, and my location on that date, it should
 be possible to calculate the earth’s shadow line from the setting sun
 and see where my sight line crosses it. That would tell me if it was
 just an airplane at very high altitude, or something maneuvering up a
 bit higher than conventional aircraft can reach. Anybody have an idea
 how I would go about that (umbra?) line?

Finding the exact time of sunset at your location should be possible by
using Google or an astronomy program, such as Starry Night (or you may
already know it).

What you need, of course, is the elapsed time from sunset to the time of
the sighting; I assume you know the time of the sighting so knowing
sunset time gives you this. Call that elapsed time Ts.

Now at this point it starts to get messy. To start, you need the
distance from the sunset line in radians, which we'll call Ds (for
Distance from Sunset).

On a world without seasons, or at the equinox, you could find that
distance just by taking

Ds = 2 pi Ts/24 (assuming Ts is in hours)

Now this is *NOT* the great circle angular distance from the terminator;
rather, it's the angle along a parallel (a latitude line). Note,
however, that the parallels intersect the terminator at a right angle
(at the equinox).

Unfortunately we're not at the equinox, we're at the solstice, and you
need to throw in a correction. I *think* the correction term for any
date near 21 December is going to be very close to cos(23.5 degrees),
and we'll actually have

Ds = cos(23.5 deg) * 2 pi Ts/24

This is probably not exact but it should be pretty close.

With that in hand, you can find the surface distance from the shadow
line by taking the radius of the latitude circle at your location and
multiplying by Ds. If Re is the radius of the Earth, then the radius of
the latitude circle at your location should be something like

Rl = Re * cos(Latitude)

and so the surface distance from the shadow line, which we'll call Df
(for Flat Distance), should have been

Df = Re * cos(Latitude) * cos(23.5 deg) * 2 pi Ts/24

That should be pretty close unless you're very far north.

Now what we want isn't actually the flat distance, nor is it the angular
distance along a parallel; it's the great circle angular distance, and
that should be

Dc = Df/Re

Finally, what you want is the altitude of a sunbeam at your location. If
the Sun's light traveled in a straight line, then that would be

Altitude = (Re / cos(Dc)) - Re

= Re * (1/cos(Dc) - 1)

Last, there is one more correction which I haven't any idea how to make,
which is for the fact that sunlight bends traveling through the air. It
bends down as it hits the atmosphere, and it bends down again as it
streams up from its point of contact at the terminator. The former
affects the time of sunset, and the latter results in the sunlight going
over at a /lower/ altitude than you might expect just after the sun has set.

What I wrote *may* give you enough to go on to get some approximate
numbers out, if you plug in the appropriate times and locations for the
sighting. But you'd want to check them, or get someone who knows what
they're talking about to look over what I said and see if it really
makes sense.


 - Rick