Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

No matter how strongly you believe in the phenomenon of LENR, and I’m
 firmly in that camp – bad actors should be weeded out. Rossi is a bad actor
 here ...

This is the same conclusion that Krivit has come to, and that Pomp and Mary
Yugo and many others have come to.  All on the basis of the most
circumstantial of evidence.  My theory -- these folks are not comfortable
with ambiguity and gaps in one's knowledge.  There is a burning desire to
fill in the gaps, even when the information necessary to do so is
incomplete or unavailable.  The temptation to take short cuts to get to
some kind of certainty must be so overwhelming to these people that they do
not realize they're doing it.


Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson
Interesting point Eric.  The materials needed to build an ECAT are in enormous 
quantities within the Earth.  A small reaction here, another there, and so on 
can add up to a tremendous effect when considering the entire world.

To obtain a calibration, I have read that the rate of fusion energy being 
generated within the sun is about the same as the amount of heat generated by 
your body in watts per kilogram.  The ECAT is a far superior source when 
compared to either alternative.





-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 1:46 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:58 PM, H Veeder wrote:

I am not sure what you are asking, but the Earth supposedly generates some heat 

The earth does kind of have the composition of a large, spherical E-Cat.  And 
there is a magnetic field that exists due in part to the rotation of the molten 
core.  I would not be surprised if there is something LENR-driven in the 
internal heat that is observed.  The explanation I have heard for the heat, 
that it goes back to uranium, seems a little wishful.


Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Axil Axil
If a polariton condensate is in place throughout the E-Cat, the 900 watts
of electrical heat pumping from external power would be evenly distributed
throughout the total volume of the reactor. Under the influence of
Polariton condensation, the temperature of the reactor's total volume
 would be the same as the surface temperature, say 1400C for example.

There should be a 200C temperature increase at the central core but that
1600C core temperature is not witnessed by melted nickel powder and heater

This 1400C external temperature is a sure sign that a polariton condensate
is at work throughout the entire volume of the E-Cat

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 1:57 AM, David Roberson wrote:


 If we assume that a high temperature structure is surrounding and
 immediately adjacent to the fuel chamber the materials within that chamber
 should be as a minimum the structure temperature unless heat is flowing
 into the fuel chamber.   I suppose that the fuel could be cooler provided
 you believe some form of heat pump is absorbing the heat flowing into the
 fuel and sending it out in the form of high energy radiation.

 I do not expect for that to happen so my visualization is that the core is
 hotter than anywhere else within the device with the possible exception of
 the resistive wires directly.   The core material can be cooler than the
 heating wires provided a path for heat to bypass the literal wires exists.
 That path should be available in most cases.


  -Original Message-
 From: Bob Cook
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 10:58 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


 I thought it was reported that Rossi cut the end of the reactor with a
 diamond saw.  There would have been no plugged charging hole to contend

 I do not think the temperature in the reactor was high enough to melt the
 Ni or Ni alloy nano particles.  As I suggested the energy of reaction was
 released as radiant energy and did not raise the temperature of the
 reactants significantly.  The Li metal vapor would have acted to remove
 heat to the wall of the reactor, if the nano particles of Ni (alloy) got to
 hot.  It is my assumption that the temperature of the vapor (maybe plasma)
 was fairly uniform within the reactor vessel (alumina containment).

 It may be that the isotopes of Ni below 62 were indeed depleted and not
 seen in the ash.

 Bob Cook

 - Original Message -
 *From:* David Roberson
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:28 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

  Bob, how would we explain the appearance of the ash material that was
 extracted from the tube?   According to the testers the device can operate
 at higher powers than they experienced which would certainly lead to
 complete melting of the nickel.  What are the chances that some of the
 other materials in the fuel mix might result in 'slag' that prevents the
 Nickel crystals from growing very large.

 It would seem likely for the condensing nickel to form a blockage of the
 small interior channel into which the fuel was inserted.  If that happened,
 the amount of material that could be analyzed would be quite limited.
 That might explain the large amount of Ni62 if the sample were constricted
 to the material near the end cap and not an average.

 I asked about the amount of material that was collected as ash from which
 the samples were drawn and do not recall getting an answer.

 One last comment.  If the true temperature of the fuel reached the level
 that the IR measurements suggested then I would be very surprised to find
 that a gram was extracted after the test was completed.  Local melting and
 crystallization would very likely plug up the charging hole in several

 Just my thoughts.


  -Original Message-
 From: Bob Higgins
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 6:29 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

  One thing we can be pretty sure of is that any Ni in this reactor at
 1300-1400C will have no nano-features.  The nano-scale portions melt at
 about half the temperature of the bulk material.  So what would happen is
 that if there was Ni with nano-scale features, these features would melt
 before the bulk and cease to be nano.  Long before you get to 1000C, Ni
 particles (if that is what he used) would sinter themselves together and to
 the wall of the reactor.

  I do suspect that nano-features are still required for the reaction.  In
 order for them to exist at these temperatures, Rossi must have substituted
 a new metal, perhaps zirconium.  Previously he said he had experimented
 with other materials, but they didn't work as well as Ni.  Well, in his
 quest to get the temperature hotter, he may have switched to one of these
 alternate formulations.  This switch 

[Vo]:The Big Banks are Certainly Paying Attention to the E-Cat

2014-10-17 Thread Axil Axil

The Big Banks are Certainly Paying Attention to the E-Cat

While looking in the logs after publishing the E-Cat report I found out
that within minutes it was downloaded by an IP number owned by Blackrock.
Within minutes after that oil futures started to fall and have stayed
volatile since…

[image: lugano]

RE: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

2014-10-17 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hi Bob,

I've been very busy for the last year and have not had the time to partake
in the lively discussions in the Collective, and with the added publicity
that vortex-l has had (thanks to Mark Gibbs and others) the quality of the
discussions has definitely increased significantly. we've also lost some
dear souls since LENR started heating up, and they are missed. L


Thanks for chiming in. 


Yes, I would agree that the size of the coherent system is an important key,
and that that size would also dictate what kind of photons get absorbed vs
which make it outside the bulk matter and into grad-student bulk matter!


When you say, . is not the answer to the cold fusion question., are you
saying that a LENR system doesn't involve coherency across many, many atoms
length???  I did not get the impression that the referenced article was
restricting it's hypothesis to two-body systems.




From: Bob Cook [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption




The size of the coherent system is the key.  Many bodies share the
distribution of energy and total coherent system energy changes.  Two body
systems like that heretofore considered in hot fusion physics (and extended
to all solid state physics by many) are not the answer to the cold fusion
question in most cases IMHOI.


Bob Cook

- Original Message - 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint  


Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:35 PM

Subject: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption


Just some food for Collective thought. as to why no dead grad students.


Perfect energy-feeding into strongly coupled systems and interferometric
control of polariton absorption



The ability to drive a system with an external input is a fundamental aspect
of light-matter interaction. The key concept in many photonic applications
is the 'critical coupling' condition1, 2: at criticality, all the energy fed
to the system is dissipated within the system itself. Although this idea was
crucial to enhance the efficiency of many devices, it was never considered
in the context of systems operating in a non-perturbative regime. In this
so-called strong-coupling regime, the matter and light degrees of freedom
are mixed into dressed states, leading to new eigenstates called
polaritons3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here we demonstrate that the
strong-coupling regime and the critical coupling condition can coexist; 


[emphasis mine]

in such a strong critical coupling situation, all the incoming
energy is converted into polaritons.  


A general semiclassical theory reveals that such a situation corresponds to
a special curve in the phase diagram of the coupled light-matter
oscillators. In the case of a system with two radiating ports, the
phenomenology shown is that of coherent perfect absorption (CPA; refs 11,
12), which is then naturally understood in the framework of critical
coupling. Most importantly, we experimentally verify polaritonic CPA in a
semiconductor-based intersubband-polariton photonic crystal resonator. This
result opens new avenues in polariton physics, making it possible to control
the pumping efficiency of a system independent of the energy exchange rate
between the electromagnetic field and the material transition.


-mark iverson


Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

It seems to me that a major weakness of the new Lockheed Martin skunkworks
reactor design is the fact that the superconducting magnets used to set up
a magnetic confinement field are situated within the plasma being fused.
The superconducting magnets will need to be at cryogenic temperatures.  The
metal toroids housing the magnets will be exposed to corrosion by the
plasma and will serve as a heat sink, reducing the temperature of the

Perhaps I've missed an important detail?


Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 7:49 AM, Robert Dorr wrote:

 I've been thinking of tungsten for a while now. Do they make an alloy with
 tungsten that operates at high temps in an oxygen atmosphere. I ask
 because, although the tungsten that is embedded in the reactor would be
 protected from oxygen by the aluminum oxide coating, you have to connect it
 to power somewhere outside the reactor that would be exposed to air and the
 wire, if pure tungsten, would decompose rapidly.

In the case of some metals, oxygen will react with the surface of the metal
thereby forming a protective layer against further corrosion.  I take it
this would not be possible with tungsten or another refractory?  Does this
imply that heating elements operating above ~ 1400 C must be used in a
low-oxygen environment?

I note that kanthal super, referred to by Bob Higgins elsewhere, appears to
be used in some cases under a normal atmosphere:


Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

I note that kanthal super, referred to by Bob Higgins elsewhere, appears to
 be used in some cases under a normal atmosphere: ...

It now occurs to me why the alumina tubes might have been used in the
Lugano test:

The three alumina tubes on either side of the E-Cat, within which run the
three cables delivering the 3-phase power, might be protecting not the
cables but the surroundings, for the the cables themselves might not be
Inconel at that point; they might be kanthal super or something similar,
e.g., heating elements.

Note that kanthal super looks like it is somewhat ductile in some of its

The word brittle does not come readily to mind when I look at these


Re: [Vo]:Is the beginning of the end of the ECat saga?

2014-10-17 Thread Alain Sepeda
When I read Beaudette key page, I thing that like dinosaurs they did not
evolve since 1989

Unfortunately, *physicists did not generally claim expertise in
calorimetry*, the measurement of calories of heat energy. Nor did they
countenance clever chemists declaring hypotheses about nuclear physics.
Their outspoken commentary largely ignored the heat measurements along with
the offer of an hypothesis about unknown nuclear processes. They did not
acquaint themselves with the laboratory procedures that produced anomalous
heat data. These attitudes held firm throughout the first decade, causing a
sustained controversy.

The upshot of this conflict was that* the scientific community failed to
give anomalous heat the evaluation that was its due*. Scientists of
orthodox views, in the first six years of this episode, produced *only four
critical reviews* of the two chemists’ calorimetry work. The first report
came in 1989 (N. S. Lewis). It dismissed the Utah claim for anomalous power
on grounds of faulty laboratory technique. A second review was produced in
1991 (W. N. Hansen) that strongly supported the claim. It was based on an
independent analysis of cell data that was provided by the two chemists. An
extensive review completed in 1992 (R. H. Wilson)* was highly critical
though not conclusive*. But it* did recognize the existence of anomalous
power*, which carried the implication that the Lewis dismissal was
mistaken. A fourth review was produced in 1994 (D. R. O. Morrison) which
was itself unsatisfactory. It was rebutted strongly to the point of
dismissal and correctly in my view. No defense was offered against the
rebuttal.* During those first six years, the community of orthodox
scientists produced no report of a flaw in the heat measurements that was
subsequently sustained by other reports.*

The *community of scientists at large never saw or knew about this
minimalist critique of the claim*. It was *buried in the avalanche of
skepticism* that issued forth *in the first three months*. This skepticism
was buttressed by the f*ailure of the two chemists’ nuclear measurements*,
the *lack of a theoretical understanding* of how their claim could
work, a *mistaken
concern with the number of failed experiments*, a wholly* unrealistic
expectation of the time and resource the evaluation would need*, and the
substantial ad hominem attacks on them. However, *their original claim of
measurement of the anomalous power remained unscathed during all of this
furor*. A *decade later*, it was not generally realized that *this claim
remained essentially unevaluated* by the scientific community. Confusion
necessarily arose when* the skeptics refused without argument to recognize
the heat measurement* and its corresponding hypothesis of a nuclear source.
As a consequence, the story of the excess heat phenomenon has never been

all said here match well current situation, Pomp cargo cult skepticism...

To bad again that the report is not enough flawless to convince desperately
dishonest priest of the consensus. To understand that E-cat is real
requires still too much computation and reasoning.
you need to make complex reasoning, with game theory to rule out fraud.
with calorimetry, emissivity, transparency, bounding the lever of errors,
to get around the bad calibration...
like it was well done on the electric part, the test should be redone
accounting for the critics on calorimetry...

anyway the important people, the investors, the industrialists, who are
aware of the test know it is real, even if not sure industrial... many
heuristics make them optimistic, and real people know what risk is, and
E-cat today is a normal risk, less than a startup.

but sure academic who still live in another planet where theory rules all,
where experience are predictable, where nothing deserve to be hidden, where
consensus is eternal provided you forget the past, where money is not a
problem nor a hope, will discover it in Wall-Street Journal.

2014-10-17 5:22 GMT+02:00 Foks0904 .

 This is sort of a microcosm of 89' all of again in terms of skepticism.
 The excess heat is almost undoubtedly real, but let's make it about the
 integrity of nuclear product measurements. Pomp is doing the same red
 herring shit that Hueizenga, Close, Parker, etc. engaged in.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:11 PM, John Berry

 The source of the energy is irrelevant to the existence of excess energy.

 The ECAT shouldn't fall based on incorrect and ultimately irrelevant
 beliefs of why it functions.

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:43 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Jones Beene

   *From:* H Veeder

 Doesn't look good for Rossi, but I am not sure I understand Pomp's
 Is Pomp saying Rossi is  rewriting history to make it look like​ Ni62
 was present in the ash of his earlier EC at?

Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Alain Sepeda
yes Eric,
I notice many critics just show that many people cannor manage uncertainty,
unknown, the phi 1/0...
there have to thing with a prediction scenario, not with alternative
stories that they weight as more or less credible.

moreover they cannot backtrack, like a prolog engine can do... they are
greedy like those outdated optimisation methods... they can only go forward.

note that this incapacity to go backward to change one position is what
found the groupthink.
people who starte reasonably, rationally, to believe in an hypothesis,
after they invested too much (as a group) in that hypothesis, cannot accept
the losses and backtrack.

this is an education problem

2014-10-17 8:04 GMT+02:00 Eric Walker

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 No matter how strongly you believe in the phenomenon of LENR, and I’m
 firmly in that camp – bad actors should be weeded out. Rossi is a bad actor
 here ...

 This is the same conclusion that Krivit has come to, and that Pomp and
 Mary Yugo and many others have come to.  All on the basis of the most
 circumstantial of evidence.  My theory -- these folks are not comfortable
 with ambiguity and gaps in one's knowledge.  There is a burning desire to
 fill in the gaps, even when the information necessary to do so is
 incomplete or unavailable.  The temptation to take short cuts to get to
 some kind of certainty must be so overwhelming to these people that they do
 not realize they're doing it.


Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I, like you do not think the design as described is truly a hot fusion reactor 
with attendant fast neutrons.  Where is the neutron shielding and what about 
the shielding for activated stainless steel etc.?

They suggest it is Hot Fusion but I'll bet it is really hot LENR akin to 
Rossi's hot cat. 

If you listen to the PR from Lockheed-Martin they are careful not to say  what 
the reaction is. 

Bob Cook   
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

  It seems to me that a major weakness of the new Lockheed Martin skunkworks 
reactor design is the fact that the superconducting magnets used to set up a 
magnetic confinement field are situated within the plasma being fused.  The 
superconducting magnets will need to be at cryogenic temperatures.  The metal 
toroids housing the magnets will be exposed to corrosion by the plasma and will 
serve as a heat sink, reducing the temperature of the plasma.

  Perhaps I've missed an important detail?


Re: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

My suggestion is that the physics of hot fusion like in the sun is not going to 
be very applicable to the understanding of LENR solid state systems where there 
are more than 2 or 3 particles connected in a coherent QM system.  It is my 
conclusion that with respect to doing detailed calculations of the details of 
LENR, it will be hapless.  The system is too complex.  Only the qualitative 
understanding of the basic parameters that effect QM system energy and angular 
momentum states will be possible.  

Empirical correlations of results of tests will come about and be pretty good 
predictors of the way various parameters (temperature, grain size, magnetic 
fields, resonant frequencies, heat conductivity, magnetic moments, electric 
fields, etc.) that can be measured affect heat production. 

Better theory of spin coupling and other forms of energy sharing in a coherent 
system will evolve and understanding of the empirical data will improve.  

The hot fusion modeling for few body systems will only be a minor player in the 
understanding of LENR.  The acceptance of instantaneous information sharing in 
the coherent system,  via the QM wave function or some other non-material 
construct, without speed of light delays, will become common theory to handle 
the instantaneous changes that occur in the coherent system to produce 
measurable responses or changes therein.

A better relation between the QM parameter of spin for a system, its connection 
to the spin of individual particles and the relation of spin energy to rest 
mass that can be measured will be important.  Dynamic measurements of mass and 
spin in coherent systems are needed to feed the empirical understanding and 
energy coupling mechanisms.   

Maybe the so called quantum computer will be able to do complex system quantum 

Hopefully this better explains my previous comment.

Bob Cook

  - Original Message - 
  From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:50 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

  Hi Bob,

  I've been very busy for the last year and have not had the time to partake in 
the lively discussions in the Collective, and with the added publicity that 
vortex-l has had (thanks to Mark Gibbs and others) the quality of the 
discussions has definitely increased significantly. we've also lost some dear 
souls since LENR started heating up, and they are missed. L


  Thanks for chiming in. 


  Yes, I would agree that the size of the coherent system is an important key, 
and that that size would also dictate what kind of photons get absorbed vs 
which make it outside the bulk matter and into grad-student bulk matter!


  When you say, . is not the answer to the cold fusion question., are you 
saying that a LENR system doesn't involve coherency across many, many atoms 
length???  I did not get the impression that the referenced article was 
restricting it's hypothesis to two-body systems.




  From: Bob Cook [] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:18 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption




  The size of the coherent system is the key.  Many bodies share the 
distribution of energy and total coherent system energy changes.  Two body 
systems like that heretofore considered in hot fusion physics (and extended to 
all solid state physics by many) are not the answer to the cold fusion question 
in most cases IMHOI.


  Bob Cook

- Original Message - 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 


Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:35 PM

Subject: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption


Just some food for Collective thought. as to why no dead grad students.


Perfect energy-feeding into strongly coupled systems and interferometric 
control of polariton absorption



The ability to drive a system with an external input is a fundamental 
aspect of light-matter interaction. The key concept in many photonic 
applications is the 'critical coupling' condition1, 2: at criticality, all the 
energy fed to the system is dissipated within the system itself. Although this 
idea was crucial to enhance the efficiency of many devices, it was never 
considered in the context of systems operating in a non-perturbative regime. In 
this so-called strong-coupling regime, the matter and light degrees of freedom 
are mixed into dressed states, leading to new eigenstates called polaritons3, 
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here we demonstrate that the strong-coupling regime and 
the critical coupling condition can coexist; 


[emphasis mine]

in such a strong critical coupling situation, all the incoming 
energy is converted into polaritons.  


A general semiclassical theory reveals that 

Re: [Vo]:Is the beginning of the end of the ECat saga?

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I agree with your conclusion about the pseudo-skeptics.  

I would only add that Rossi and IH probably hope the pseudo-skeptics keep it up 
and impede the flow of money to competing LENR companies.  

Bob Cook
  - Original Message - 
  From: James Bowery 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the beginning of the end of the ECat saga?

  Why would anyone rational care what what the pseudo-skeptics have to say 

  They used to be relevant but they aren't anymore.  Too much is going on now 
for them to be able to impede progress much.

  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Foks0904 . wrote:

This is sort of a microcosm of 89' all of again in terms of skepticism. The 
excess heat is almost undoubtedly real, but let's make it about the integrity 
of nuclear product measurements. Pomp is doing the same red herring shit that 
Hueizenga, Close, Parker, etc. engaged in.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:11 PM, John Berry wrote:

  The source of the energy is irrelevant to the existence of excess energy.

  The ECAT shouldn't fall based on incorrect and ultimately irrelevant 
beliefs of why it functions.

  On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:43 PM, H Veeder wrote:

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Jones Beene 

  From: H Veeder 

  Doesn't look good for Rossi, but I am not sure I understand Pomp's 
  Is Pomp saying Rossi is  rewriting history to make it look like​ Ni62 
was present in the ash of his earlier EC at?


  No, he is crystal clear that he thinks Rossi is cheating :

  “All this leaves only one conclusion: you were playing tricks then 
(trying to give the impression that copper was produced) and you are playing 
tricks now (trying to have people believe all nickel somehow converted into 

We all know now the copper was not the result of transmutation because 
it came from contamination. This was a mistake which he didn't want to 
acknowledge because *he* felt embarrassed by it. Rossi is someone who 
experiences a lot of shame when he makes even an honest mistake, and this 
causes him to either deny the mistake or react angrily. I am not sure why he is 
so sensitive when it comes to making honest mistakes. Perhaps the mafia 
exploited one of his honest mistakes and this led his erroneous conviction. The 
important thing to remember is that making mistakes is not bad thing in 


RE: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

2014-10-17 Thread Jones Beene
Maybe Rossi cools his Inconel this way :-)



United States Patent Application   20140301517

McGuire; Thomas JohnOctober 9, 2014 



“Active Cooling of Structures Immersed in Plasma”



A fusion reactor includes an enclosure having a first end, a second end, and a 
midpoint substantially equidistant between the first and second ends of the 
enclosure. The fusion reactor includes two internal magnetic coils suspended 
within the enclosure and positioned on opposite sides of the midpoint of the 
enclosure, one or more encapsulating magnetic coils positioned on each side of 
the midpoint of the enclosure, two mirror magnetic coils positioned on opposite 
sides of the midpoint of the enclosure, and one or more cooling lines within 
each of the internal magnetic coils. The cooling lines carry a coolant and are 
operable to remove heat from the internal magnetic coils. The one or more 
encapsulating magnetic coils and the two mirror magnetic coils are coaxial with 
the internal magnetic coils. The magnetic coils are operable, when supplied 
with electric currents, to form magnetic fields for confining plasma within the 



RE: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

2014-10-17 Thread Jones Beene
Other patent applications which are relevant to the LM “breakthrough” are:


20140301518 McGuire, Thomas John  October 9, 2014 


Magnetic Field Plasma Confinement for Compact *Fusion* Power




In one embodiment, a *fusion* reactor includes a plurality of internal

magnetic coils suspended within an enclosure…


20140301519 McGuire, Thomas JohnOctober 9, 2014 


Heating Plasma for *Fusion* Power Using Magnetic Field Oscillation




In one embodiment, a fusion reactor includes two internal magnetic coils 
suspended within an enclosure… The fusion reactor is configured to vary

electrical currents supplied to the magnetic coils to heat the plasma




Maybe Rossi cools his Inconel this way J



United States Patent Application   20140301517

McGuire; Thomas JohnOctober 9, 2014 



“Active Cooling of Structures Immersed in Plasma”



A fusion reactor includes an enclosure having a first end, a second end, and a 
midpoint substantially equidistant between the first and second ends of the 
enclosure. The fusion reactor includes two internal magnetic coils suspended 
within the enclosure and positioned on opposite sides of the midpoint of the 
enclosure, one or more encapsulating magnetic coils positioned on each side of 
the midpoint of the enclosure, two mirror magnetic coils positioned on opposite 
sides of the midpoint of the enclosure, and one or more cooling lines within 
each of the internal magnetic coils. The cooling lines carry a coolant and are 
operable to remove heat from the internal magnetic coils. The one or more 
encapsulating magnetic coils and the two mirror magnetic coils are coaxial with 
the internal magnetic coils. The magnetic coils are operable, when supplied 
with electric currents, to form magnetic fields for confining plasma within the 



Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I just read an item yesterday in Infinite Energy Sept 2014 issue  that the 
Earth is expanding with a  delta r of about 22 mm per year.  The explanations 
did not include the idea that the expansion was due to increasing internal 
temperatures and the thermal expansion associated with the higher temperatures. 
  There were several other explanations provided.  

In general it is not well established what the source(s) of the internal heat 
in the Earth is/are.  They may be increasing as part of a harmonic or random  
characteristic of the energy production.  It would be nice to get some good 
data on the differential temperatures at various distances from the center deep 
within the crust to get a good handle on the total heat transfer through the 
surface.  I have never seen a correlation of total heat changes with volume 
changes for the Earth.  Such a calculation may exist however.To get a good 
idea of the overall heat flux would take good statistics with many data points 
given the known crustal thickness variations and the variable hot spots below 
the crust and within it confines. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: H Veeder 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

  Dave, for some reason when you start a new thread your message appears in my 
spam folder.  

  I am not sure what you are asking, but the Earth supposedly generates some 
heat too. I am not sure how much of this heat contributes to the global 


  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:00 PM, David Roberson wrote:

A thought occurred to me this morning concerning the temperature 
measurements and output power calculations from the latest HotCat testing.  
What if the same general type of effect is working in the CAT test that is 
revealed by the Earth and the greenhouse gas process?

We assume that the Earth is pretty much in equilibrium where the power 
arriving from the sun is matching the power being radiated from our planet.  
The reason that we are not frozen at this time is because the radiation 
spectrum is modified by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which make our 
temperature a lot warmer than would be expected for a black body in open space.

Perhaps something can be learned from this comparison and that is why I 
open it to discussion amount this group of knowlegible and diverse folks.

One might initially ask if the calibration technique used during the 
testing of the HotCat would correct for the potential problems.  Why would a 
calibration of the heat emitted within the IR region not hold to a reasonable 
degree at higher temperatures?  Could the change in the shape of the spectrum 
result in a large error?

Have mercy on the messenger.


RE: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

2014-10-17 Thread Jones Beene
Mark, Bob


You caught my attention with the reference to polaritons.


There is a group at Stanford, previously mentioned, which is at the
forefront of the SPP field


Fran will take notice of the reference to microcavities. Axil thinks this
can happen at 1200C and that may be a stretch, but it is far more likely
than nickel fusion.


Exciton-Polariton Condensation: Microcavity exciton-polaritons are
half-light, half-matter quantum quasi-particles, resulting from the strong
light-matter coupling in a combined structure of quantum wells and cavity
photon cavity . The strong light-matter coupling in the microcavity system
exhibits anti-crossing behavior as a split to two polariton branches: upper
polaritons (UPs) and lower polaritons (LPs)... 


Think about the implications of polaritons alone being gainful. 


This would explain why and how a reaction has positive feedback IR light
gain - with no gamma or radioactive transmutation, and also why one would
not want to calibrate a dummy reactor, if one did not want to reveal
polaritons as the active modality - since the polaritons can only kick in
when the IR becomes intense with incandescence. 


From: Bob Cook 




My suggestion is that the physics of hot fusion like in the sun is not going
to be very applicable to the understanding of LENR solid state systems where
there are more than 2 or 3 particles connected in a coherent QM system.  It
is my conclusion that with respect to doing detailed calculations of the
details of LENR, it will be hapless.  The system is too complex.  Only the
qualitative understanding of the basic parameters that effect QM system
energy and angular momentum states will be possible.  


Empirical correlations of results of tests will come about and be pretty
good predictors of the way various parameters (temperature, grain size,
magnetic fields, resonant frequencies, heat conductivity, magnetic moments,
electric fields, etc.) that can be measured affect heat production. 


Better theory of spin coupling and other forms of energy sharing in a
coherent system will evolve and understanding of the empirical data will


The hot fusion modeling for few body systems will only be a minor player in
the understanding of LENR.  The acceptance of instantaneous information
sharing in the coherent system,  via the QM wave function or some other
non-material construct, without speed of light delays, will become common
theory to handle the instantaneous changes that occur in the coherent system
to produce measurable responses or changes therein.


A better relation between the QM parameter of spin for a system, its
connection to the spin of individual particles and the relation of spin
energy to rest mass that can be measured will be important.  Dynamic
measurements of mass and spin in coherent systems are needed to feed the
empirical understanding and energy coupling mechanisms.   


Maybe the so called quantum computer will be able to do complex system
quantum mechanics. 


Hopefully this better explains my previous comment.


Bob Cook


- Original Message - 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint  


Hi Bob,

I've been very busy for the last year and have not had the time to partake
in the lively discussions in the Collective, and with the added publicity
that vortex-l has had (thanks to Mark Gibbs and others) the quality of the
discussions has definitely increased significantly. we've also lost some
dear souls since LENR started heating up, and they are missed. L


Thanks for chiming in. 


Yes, I would agree that the size of the coherent system is an important key,
and that that size would also dictate what kind of photons get absorbed vs
which make it outside the bulk matter and into grad-student bulk matter!


When you say, . is not the answer to the cold fusion question., are you
saying that a LENR system doesn't involve coherency across many, many atoms
length???  I did not get the impression that the referenced article was
restricting it's hypothesis to two-body systems.




From: Bob Cook 




The size of the coherent system is the key.  Many bodies share the
distribution of energy and total coherent system energy changes.  Two body
systems like that heretofore considered in hot fusion physics (and extended
to all solid state physics by many) are not the answer to the cold fusion
question in most cases IMHOI.


Bob Cook

- Original Message - 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint  


Just some food for Collective thought. as to why no dead grad students.


Perfect energy-feeding into strongly coupled systems and interferometric
control of polariton absorption



The ability to drive a system with an external input is a fundamental aspect

Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

In a month's time I have had about 75 Vortex-l emails sent to Junk mail by my 
hotmail system.  It's  not uncommon.  I check junk mail routinely and have to 
make transfers to my inbox.

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

  Thanks for the heads up Harry.  I wonder if others on the list are seeing my 
new topics being sent to spam.

  The question that I am asking is whether or not there are clues to the 
behavior of the temperature and power output correlation from the latest HotCat 
tests revealed by greenhouse gas behavior of the Earth.  The Earth is warmer 
than it should be according to normal black body radiation effects.  We 
attribute the reason as being due to incoming visible light energy being 
converted into heat at the surface and atmosphere which is partially captured.  
Less radiation power is emitted into space than the temperature suggests for a 
grey body.

  Does the variation in the shape of the spectrum as the temperature increases 
effectively destroy the calibration established by the dummy HotCat run?  Is 
there a simple way to take the error into account?


  -Original Message-
  From: H Veeder
  To: vortex-l
  Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 11:58 pm
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

  Dave, for some reason when you start a new thread your message appears in my 
spam folder.  

  I am not sure what you are asking, but the Earth supposedly generates some 
heat too. I am not sure how much of this heat contributes to the global 


  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:00 PM, David Roberson wrote:

A thought occurred to me this morning concerning the temperature 
measurements and output power calculations from the latest HotCat testing.  
What if the same general type of effect is working in the CAT test that is 
revealed by the Earth and the greenhouse gas process?

We assume that the Earth is pretty much in equilibrium where the power 
arriving from the sun is matching the power being radiated from our planet.  
The reason that we are not frozen at this time is because the radiation 
spectrum is modified by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which make our 
temperature a lot warmer than would be expected for a black body in open space.

Perhaps something can be learned from this comparison and that is why I 
open it to discussion amount this group of knowlegible and diverse folks.

One might initially ask if the calibration technique used during the 
testing of the HotCat would correct for the potential problems.  Why would a 
calibration of the heat emitted within the IR region not hold to a reasonable 
degree at higher temperatures?  Could the change in the shape of the spectrum 
result in a large error?

Have mercy on the messenger.


Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I had the same idea about the heat production of the earth.  See my recent 
comment about 15 minutes ago.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:58 PM, H Veeder wrote:

I am not sure what you are asking, but the Earth supposedly generates some 
heat too.

  The earth does kind of have the composition of a large, spherical E-Cat.  And 
there is a magnetic field that exists due in part to the rotation of the molten 
core.  I would not be surprised if there is something LENR-driven in the 
internal heat that is observed.  The explanation I have heard for the heat, 
that it goes back to uranium, seems a little wishful.


Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

My experience in the design of fission reactors includes the fact that some 
energy produced by the fissioning of U is lost to the outside of the fuel 
element and does not contribute to the internal temperature.  This is true for 
fast neutron energies, and much of the gamma energy produced.  Most however 
goes into thermal energy of the fuel inside the cladding because its source is 
the the thermal excitation of the fuel lattice by distribution of kinetic 
energy of fission fragments, energetic electrons and other particles, not 
including photons and neutrons.  

Until we understand the actual energy production of the LENR reactor, it is 
only speculation as to what the internal temperature could be.  

However, my speculation is that all heat in the Rossi LENR is produced without 
energetic neutrons or photons, but with lattice thermal (vibrational coupling 
to the spin energy changes) of the coherent nano particles of the reactor.   
This thermal heat is effectively transferred to the alumina reactor vessel with 
little differential temperatures within the reactor cavity itself by convection 
of the nano particles themselves and the Li metal vapor forming part of the mix 
of the hot gas interior.  

I consider the resonant conditions involving spin coupling in a magnetic field 
are involved and that Rossi has designed the reactor to maintain a constant 
temperature, critical to allowing the reaction (involving the Li vapor) to take 
place within or on the surface of the Ni nano particles.  The small nano 
particles do not generate a significant internal temperature above the 
effective reactor gas temperature.   Hence they do not melt and change their 
structure to become fused together.  As Bob Higgins has suggested there may be 
a higher temperature substrate  or alloy designed by Rossi to allow the 
temperature of the gas to go higher than would be possible with pure Ni nano 
particles.   If he has not done that change, it could be the basis for reaching 
higher reaction temperatures and more efficient operation in any connected 
electrical production system. 

IMHO NASA should take notice to this discussion to improve their thermoelectric 
space probe energy sources.  

Bob Cook
  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  If we assume that a high temperature structure is surrounding and immediately 
adjacent to the fuel chamber the materials within that chamber should be as a 
minimum the structure temperature unless heat is flowing into the fuel chamber. 
  I suppose that the fuel could be cooler provided you believe some form of 
heat pump is absorbing the heat flowing into the fuel and sending it out in the 
form of high energy radiation.

  I do not expect for that to happen so my visualization is that the core is 
hotter than anywhere else within the device with the possible exception of the 
resistive wires directly.   The core material can be cooler than the heating 
wires provided a path for heat to bypass the literal wires exists.  That path 
should be available in most cases.


  -Original Message-
  From: Bob Cook
  To: vortex-l
  Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 10:58 pm
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  I thought it was reported that Rossi cut the end of the reactor with a 
diamond saw.  There would have been no plugged charging hole to contend with.  

  I do not think the temperature in the reactor was high enough to melt the Ni 
or Ni alloy nano particles.  As I suggested the energy of reaction was released 
as radiant energy and did not raise the temperature of the reactants 
significantly.  The Li metal vapor would have acted to remove heat to the wall 
of the reactor, if the nano particles of Ni (alloy) got to hot.  It is my 
assumption that the temperature of the vapor (maybe plasma) was fairly uniform 
within the reactor vessel (alumina containment).

  It may be that the isotopes of Ni below 62 were indeed depleted and not seen 
in the ash.  

  Bob Cook 
- Original Message - 
From: David Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

Bob, how would we explain the appearance of the ash material that was 
extracted from the tube?   According to the testers the device can operate at 
higher powers than they experienced which would certainly lead to complete 
melting of the nickel.  What are the chances that some of the other materials 
in the fuel mix might result in 'slag' that prevents the Nickel crystals from 
growing very large.

It would seem likely for the condensing nickel to form a blockage of the 
small interior channel into which the fuel was inserted.  If that happened, the 
amount of material that 

Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

Well said.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

No matter how strongly you believe in the phenomenon of LENR, and I’m 
firmly in that camp – bad actors should be weeded out. Rossi is a bad actor 
here ...

  This is the same conclusion that Krivit has come to, and that Pomp and Mary 
Yugo and many others have come to.  All on the basis of the most circumstantial 
of evidence.  My theory -- these folks are not comfortable with ambiguity and 
gaps in one's knowledge.  There is a burning desire to fill in the gaps, even 
when the information necessary to do so is incomplete or unavailable.  The 
temptation to take short cuts to get to some kind of certainty must be so 
overwhelming to these people that they do not realize they're doing it.


Re: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

These comments are good and constructive to understanding LENR. 

Axil's minimum estimate of temperature may be too high.  I do not think it fits 
Rossi's reactor operating conditions by about 100C degrees.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 6:52 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption

  Mark, Bob


  You caught my attention with the reference to polaritons.


  There is a group at Stanford, previously mentioned, which is at the forefront 
of the SPP field


  Fran will take notice of the reference to microcavities. Axil thinks this can 
happen at 1200C and that may be a stretch, but it is far more likely than 
nickel fusion.


  Exciton-Polariton Condensation: Microcavity exciton-polaritons are 
half-light, half-matter quantum quasi-particles, resulting from the strong 
light-matter coupling in a combined structure of quantum wells and cavity 
photon cavity . The strong light-matter coupling in the microcavity system 
exhibits anti-crossing behavior as a split to two polariton branches: upper 
polaritons (UPs) and lower polaritons (LPs)... 


  Think about the implications of polaritons alone being gainful. 


  This would explain why and how a reaction has positive feedback IR light gain 
- with no gamma or radioactive transmutation, and also why one would not want 
to calibrate a dummy reactor, if one did not want to reveal polaritons as the 
active modality - since the polaritons can only kick in when the IR becomes 
intense with incandescence. 


  From: Bob Cook 




  My suggestion is that the physics of hot fusion like in the sun is not going 
to be very applicable to the understanding of LENR solid state systems where 
there are more than 2 or 3 particles connected in a coherent QM system.  It is 
my conclusion that with respect to doing detailed calculations of the details 
of LENR, it will be hapless.  The system is too complex.  Only the qualitative 
understanding of the basic parameters that effect QM system energy and angular 
momentum states will be possible.  


  Empirical correlations of results of tests will come about and be pretty good 
predictors of the way various parameters (temperature, grain size, magnetic 
fields, resonant frequencies, heat conductivity, magnetic moments, electric 
fields, etc.) that can be measured affect heat production. 


  Better theory of spin coupling and other forms of energy sharing in a 
coherent system will evolve and understanding of the empirical data will 


  The hot fusion modeling for few body systems will only be a minor player in 
the understanding of LENR.  The acceptance of instantaneous information sharing 
in the coherent system,  via the QM wave function or some other non-material 
construct, without speed of light delays, will become common theory to handle 
the instantaneous changes that occur in the coherent system to produce 
measurable responses or changes therein.


  A better relation between the QM parameter of spin for a system, its 
connection to the spin of individual particles and the relation of spin energy 
to rest mass that can be measured will be important.  Dynamic measurements of 
mass and spin in coherent systems are needed to feed the empirical 
understanding and energy coupling mechanisms.   


  Maybe the so called quantum computer will be able to do complex system 
quantum mechanics. 


  Hopefully this better explains my previous comment.


  Bob Cook

- Original Message - 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 


Hi Bob,

I've been very busy for the last year and have not had the time to partake 
in the lively discussions in the Collective, and with the added publicity that 
vortex-l has had (thanks to Mark Gibbs and others) the quality of the 
discussions has definitely increased significantly. we've also lost some dear 
souls since LENR started heating up, and they are missed. L


Thanks for chiming in. 


Yes, I would agree that the size of the coherent system is an important 
key, and that that size would also dictate what kind of photons get absorbed vs 
which make it outside the bulk matter and into grad-student bulk matter!


When you say, . is not the answer to the cold fusion question., are you 
saying that a LENR system doesn't involve coherency across many, many atoms 
length???  I did not get the impression that the referenced article was 
restricting it's hypothesis to two-body systems.




From: Bob Cook 




The size of the coherent system is the key.  Many bodies share the 
distribution of energy and total coherent system energy changes.  Two body 
systems like that heretofore considered in hot fusion physics (and extended to 

Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

2014-10-17 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Researchers all borrow from each other and when your competition is a major 
corporation you better hope you did your patent homework properly. Not that I 
would care at this point because Rossi and Mills will just keep playing with 
themselves for years while LM involvement is why oil stocks are falling and 
other big companies are gathering to garnish their share of low hanging IP 
before it is too late. I predict we will soon hear similar announcements from 
LM domestic and international competitors trying to make their claims as well. 
It was inevitable that the big boys would take this across the finish line no 
matter how close the little guys approached. Unlimited funds and man hours at 
their command means Mills and Rossi never had a chance once someone proved the 
effect was real.

From: Bob Cook []
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 8:34 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor


I, like you do not think the design as described is truly a hot fusion reactor 
with attendant fast neutrons.  Where is the neutron shielding and what about 
the shielding for activated stainless steel etc.?

They suggest it is Hot Fusion but I'll bet it is really hot LENR akin to 
Rossi's hot cat.

If you listen to the PR from Lockheed-Martin they are careful not to say  what 
the reaction is.

Bob Cook
- Original Message -
From: Eric
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Aviation Week and the Lockheed Fusion Reactor

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

It seems to me that a major weakness of the new Lockheed Martin skunkworks 
reactor design is the fact that the superconducting magnets used to set up a 
magnetic confinement field are situated within the plasma being fused.  The 
superconducting magnets will need to be at cryogenic temperatures.  The metal 
toroids housing the magnets will be exposed to corrosion by the plasma and will 
serve as a heat sink, reducing the temperature of the plasma.

Perhaps I've missed an important detail?


[Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
Rossi had  now shown that he can get COP3. Why doesn't he use that and
build an ecat out of that? Show it inside a black box with some extra
output, say 500W for several months. It will certainly destroy any doubt
concerning his invention and will not reveal any trade secret he has.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Higgins
It is not clear from the report exactly how much ash was extracted from the
reactor.  In the SEM of the 2 ash particles on page 45 in Appendix 3,
particle 2 is silica - known to be in the grain boundaries of alumina.  In
96% alumina, there are 4% of other oxides and and in 99.8% alumina, there
are still these oxides between the grains, only less of them.  This silica
is almost certainly a particle from an alumina grain boundary.

Note that the Ni particle is really a lump.  It is almost a 0.5mm chunk
of sintered Ni.  The fact that it came out at all (as opposed to being
sintered to the side) probably means it came from a cooler portion of the
reactor.  From working on a replica design of this reactor, the 5 cm ends
of the convection tube are probably not heated with the heater wire.  This
means that there are probably places inside the reaction tube that are
cooler and where sintering may occur between the Ni grains but not
necessarily to the alumina wall.

Sintering is not the same as crystal growth, and I wouldn't consider the
large Ni ash grain as a crystal growth.  It is more like the features of
the individual grains that come in contact melt together slightly
permanently bonding them with a grain boundary of oxides and contaminants
remaining in the boundary.

For all we know, the inside of the reaction tube was first coated with an
isotopically enriched 62Ni powder which was bonded or sintered to the
inside wall.  Then when the reactor was open, a few of the wall particles
became dislodged and became part of the ash.  These were not necessarily
transmuted from the fuel, because I believe we only saw some consumable
powder (probably the hydride) and maybe some obfuscation Ni powder.  The
point is that what was put in was not representative of the active fuel -
it is a clue, but not statistically representative of the active portion of
the fuel.  Obviously this is an opinion.  Given the high temperature, none
of what Rossi originally put in would have come back out, except perhaps
some small amount of the Ni that had collected in a colder spot in the
reaction tube.  What more likely came out were small pieces that had flaked
off of the sides of the reactor tube due to thermal expansion mismatch as
it was heated and cooled, that were in the tube before he put in the ~1g of
consumables taken to be the fuel.

I don't know that he put in enough powder to ever plug up a 4 mm hole.  The
big agglomerate of Ni in the ash was about 0.5mm.


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:28 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 Bob, how would we explain the appearance of the ash material that was
 extracted from the tube?   According to the testers the device can operate
 at higher powers than they experienced which would certainly lead to
 complete melting of the nickel.  What are the chances that some of the
 other materials in the fuel mix might result in 'slag' that prevents the
 Nickel crystals from growing very large.

 It would seem likely for the condensing nickel to form a blockage of the
 small interior channel into which the fuel was inserted.  If that happened,
 the amount of material that could be analyzed would be quite limited.
 That might explain the large amount of Ni62 if the sample were constricted
 to the material near the end cap and not an average.

 I asked about the amount of material that was collected as ash from which
 the samples were drawn and do not recall getting an answer.

 One last comment.  If the true temperature of the fuel reached the level
 that the IR measurements suggested then I would be very surprised to find
 that a gram was extracted after the test was completed.  Local melting and
 crystallization would very likely plug up the charging hole in several

 Just my thoughts.


Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Higgins
I believe a book has been written about this.  It was handed out at
ILENR-12 at William  Mary College.  It may have been written by Bob Pike.
I posited that many of the minerals found at plate boundaries were created
via LENR as I recall.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:07 AM, David Roberson wrote:

 Interesting point Eric.  The materials needed to build an ECAT are in
 enormous quantities within the Earth.  A small reaction here, another
 there, and so on can add up to a tremendous effect when considering the
 entire world.

 To obtain a calibration, I have read that the rate of fusion energy being
 generated within the sun is about the same as the amount of heat generated
 by your body in watts per kilogram.  The ECAT is a far superior source when
 compared to either alternative.


[Vo]:Strange Vortex-l connected email--

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook
Bob Cook here--

I recently received 2 emails dated August 5, 2014 from Jackharbach O'Sullivan 
about vaccines for most anything.  It looks like Vortex-l was involved in their 
distribution.   Does anyone know about this person or received the same email.s?

I have not opened either email which smell fishy to me, however, the properties 
of one is copied below:

Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (sender IP is; 
identity alignment result is fail and alignment mode is relaxed); dkim=fail (identity alignment result 
is pass and alignment mode is relaxed); x-hmca=fail
X-SID-Result: FAIL
X-Message-Status: n:n
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtHRD0xO1NDTD0w
Received: from ([]) by 
over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22712);
  Tue, 5 Aug 2014 12:02:34 -0700
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 36987)
 id BF8A0378A; Tue,  5 Aug 2014 12:02:33 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass ( ... Sender is authorized to use 
'' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 
'' matched)); 
identity=mailfrom;;; client-ip=
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113;
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Received: by with SMTP id bq2mr8864124wjc.96.1407265348790;
 Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:02:28 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 14:02:28 -0500
From: JackHarbach O'Sullivan
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e013d1e6838322d04ffe67f35
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/150154
Precedence: list
Subject: [Vo]:MARKOV? NOT REALLY// QUANTUM-Transition ENTANGLED sequential 
MATRIXs  Principia is NON RANDOM
Resent-Date: Tue,  5 Aug 2014 12:02:33 -0700 (PDT)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Aug 2014 19:02:34.0459 (UTC) 

Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson

I understand your point that there may not be a substantial rise in temperature 
within the active core provided the energy is released in a form other than 
direct thermal energy.  This concept appears quite sound and may in fact be 
operating within the HotCat.

The best case scenario would be for incoming heat energy from the resistor 
wires diffusing into the fuel and then being converted into other forms of 
energy.  If that were possible, the fuel might actually remain at a temperature 
that is slightly lower than the surrounding temperature.  I have a suspicion 
that the laws of thermodynamics would not permit this type of trade off to 
exist, but I am open to be proven in error.

The report mentioned that it was possible to operate the device at a power 
level in excess of the power chosen for the testing.   If this is true, then 
even higher temperatures than those recorded may be possible.  What is the 
limit to operating temperature and what establishes that value?  If melting of 
the fuel does not quench the energy production process then the idea of fixed 
NAE is down the drain.

There are many conflicting observations around.  We need plenty of additional 
data before a clear understanding of exactly how this device operates can be 

I wish the testers had taken time to step up the input power in small steps 
while observing the output temperature.  My simulation model could then be 
adjusted to match those observations and thereby offer much further proof of 
additional core power generation.  The rapid power output/ power input ration 
seen for the one step taken is extremely strong evidence toward proof that the 
device works as advertised.





-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:29 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

My experience in the design of fission reactors includes the fact that some 
energy produced by the fissioning of U is lost to the outside of the fuel 
element and does not contribute to the internal temperature.  This is true for 
fast neutron energies, and much of the gamma energy produced.  Most however 
goes into thermal energy of the fuel inside the cladding because its source is 
the the thermal excitation of the fuel lattice by distribution of kinetic 
energy of fission fragments, energetic electrons and other particles, not 
including photons and neutrons.  
Until we understand the actual energy production of the LENR reactor, it is 
only speculation as to what the internal temperature could be.  
However, my speculation is that all heat in the Rossi LENR is produced without 
energetic neutrons or photons, but with lattice thermal (vibrational coupling 
to the spin energy changes) of the coherent nano particles of the reactor.   
This thermal heat is effectively transferred to the alumina reactor vessel with 
little differential temperatures within the reactor cavity itself by convection 
of the nano particles themselves and the Li metal vapor forming part of the mix 
of the hot gas interior.  
I consider the resonant conditions involving spin coupling in a magnetic field 
are involved and that Rossi has designed the reactor to maintain a constant 
temperature, critical to allowing the reaction (involving the Li vapor) to take 
place within or on the surface of the Ni nano particles.  The small nano 
particles do not generate a significant internal temperature above the 
effective reactor gas temperature.   Hence they do not melt and change their 
structure to become fused together.  As Bob Higgins has suggested there may be 
a higher temperature substrate  or alloy designed by Rossi to allow the 
temperature of the gas to go higher than would be possible with pure Ni nano 
particles.   If he has not done that change, it could be the basis for reaching 
higher reaction temperatures and more efficient operation in any connected 
electrical production system. 
IMHO NASA should take notice to this discussion to improve their thermoelectric 
space probe energy sources.  
Bob Cook
- Original Message - 
From:   David   Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:57   PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the   resistor wire.


If   we assume that a high temperature structure is surrounding and immediately 
  adjacent to the fuel chamber the materials within that chamber should be as a 
  minimum the structure temperature unless heat is flowing into the fuel   
chamber.   I suppose that the fuel could be cooler provided you   believe some 
form of heat pump is absorbing the heat flowing into the fuel and   sending it 
out in the form of high energy radiation.

I do not expect   for that to happen so my visualization is that the core is 
hotter than   anywhere else within the device with the possible exception of 
the resistive   wires directly.   The core 

Re: [Vo]:Strange Vortex-l connected email--

2014-10-17 Thread Peter Gluck
Take care, the antivaccine guys  are the most ferocious
trolls of the Web as dangerous as the crazy honey badgers.
Even no hate groups can be compared with the antivaccine gng.
I have edited 8 years a web search journals  and know the situation.
Delete it at least twice.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Bob Cook wrote:

  Bob Cook here--

 I recently received 2 emails dated August 5, 2014 from Jackharbach
 O'Sullivan about vaccines for most anything.  It looks like Vortex-l was
 involved in their distribution.   Does anyone know about this person or
 received the same email.s?

 I have not opened either email which smell fishy to me, however, the
 properties of one is copied below:

 Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (sender IP is; identity alignment result is fail and alignment mode is
 relaxed); dkim=fail (identity
 alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed);
 X-AUTH-Result: FAIL
 X-SID-Result: FAIL
 X-Message-Status: n:n
 X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtHRD0xO1NDTD0w
 Received: from ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft
   Tue, 5 Aug 2014 12:02:34 -0700
 Received: by (Postfix, from userid 36987)
  id BF8A0378A; Tue,  5 Aug 2014 12:02:33 -0700 (PDT)
 Received-SPF: pass ( ... Sender is authorized
 to use '' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'include:_' matched));
 identity=mailfrom;; helo=; client-ip=
 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113;





 MIME-Version: 1.0
 X-Received: by with SMTP id bq2mr8864124wjc.96.1407265348790;
  Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:02:28 -0700 (PDT)
 Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 14:02:28 -0500
 From: JackHarbach O'Sullivan
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e013d1e6838322d04ffe67f35
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/150154
 Precedence: list
 Subject: [Vo]:MARKOV? NOT REALLY// QUANTUM-Transition ENTANGLED sequential
 MATRIXs  Principia is NON RANDOM
 Resent-Date: Tue,  5 Aug 2014 12:02:33 -0700 (PDT)
 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Aug 2014 19:02:34.0459 (UTC)

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Is the beginning of the end of the ECat saga?

2014-10-17 Thread Alain Sepeda
it is too late.
there are already serious guys, like Elforsk who know that their old
business is dead,already... question is when.

some even sell insurance to be in the game not too late.

2014-10-17 15:18 GMT+02:00 Bob Cook


 I agree with your conclusion about the pseudo-skeptics.

 I would only add that Rossi and IH probably hope the pseudo-skeptics keep
 it up and impede the flow of money to competing LENR companies.

 Bob Cook

 - Original Message -
 *From:* James Bowery
 *To:* vortex-l
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:28 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Is the beginning of the end of the ECat saga?

 Why would anyone rational care what what the pseudo-skeptics have to say

 They used to be relevant but they aren't anymore.  Too much is going on
 now for them to be able to impede progress much.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Foks0904 . wrote:

 This is sort of a microcosm of 89' all of again in terms of skepticism.
 The excess heat is almost undoubtedly real, but let's make it about the
 integrity of nuclear product measurements. Pomp is doing the same red
 herring shit that Hueizenga, Close, Parker, etc. engaged in.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:11 PM, John Berry

 The source of the energy is irrelevant to the existence of excess

 The ECAT shouldn't fall based on incorrect and ultimately irrelevant
 beliefs of why it functions.

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:43 PM, H Veeder wrote:

  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Jones Beene

   *From:* H Veeder

 Doesn't look good for Rossi, but I am not sure I understand Pomp's
 Is Pomp saying Rossi is  rewriting history to make it look like​ Ni62
 was present in the ash of his earlier EC at?


 No, he is crystal clear that he thinks Rossi is cheating :

 “All this leaves only one conclusion: you were playing tricks then
 (trying to give the impression that copper was produced) and you are
 playing tricks now (trying to have people believe all nickel somehow
 converted into Ni-62)”

  We all know now the copper was not the result of transmutation
 because it came from contamination. This was a mistake which he didn't want
 to acknowledge because *he* felt embarrassed by it. Rossi is someone who
 experiences a lot of shame when he makes even an honest mistake, and this
 causes him to either deny the mistake or react angrily. I am not sure why
 he is so sensitive when it comes to making honest mistakes. Perhaps the
 mafia exploited one of his honest mistakes and this led his erroneous
 conviction. The important thing to remember is that making mistakes is not
 bad thing in science.


Re: [Vo]:Mizuno, Rossi copper transmutation

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

You wrote the following some time ago:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 7:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mizuno, Rossi  copper transmutation

  On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 12:17 AM, frobertcook wrote:

I like the idea of excited He as an intermediate.

  I recall reading that 4He does not have a bound excited nuclear state, 
although it may have a resonance for a very brief period of time.


  Do you know if the experiments looked at excited spin energy states that may 
be  possible at higher spin quanta?  It probably would take the form of a 
deformed nucleus with some moment of inertia or dipole arrangement created by 
high magnetic or electric fields at resonant condition, like that associated 
with a tuned high energy laser beam shinning on double ionized 4He nuclei.  


[Vo]:Is the E-Cat reaction a plasmon-driven instance of a metastable innershell molecular state (MIMS) mediated neutron exchange?

2014-10-17 Thread Robert Ellefson
Dear Vortex-l,

I found these papers from Young K. Bae, published recently in Physics
Letters A and Results in Physics, to be of tremendous interest and potential
relevance to the phenomena we are witnessing in the E-Cat and possibly other
LENR reactions.

(I note that these whole papers can be downloaded without charge currently)
MIMS-III, Oct2014:  
MIMS-II, Sept2014:
MIMS, July2008:

Note that he is claiming to prove that innershell molecular states, (a
neo-fusion state, if you will) can exist between *any* two elements!
Although his work is based on high-kinetics shock-induced reactions, I find
the behaviors listed for this class of reactions (MIMS), notably the
anomalous thermal behavior, to be of particular interest in light of
observed cold fusion reactions.

Thanks for the tip-off, Jones Beene.  Your mention of ballotechnic reactions
caught my eye because of the thermal behavior you mentioned, but searches
for that only seemed to land me in conspiracy pages, NSA honeypots, and
spy-fiction references, until I found yet another posting from Jones Beene
on vortex in 2009 that cross-referenced the new name for this class of
reactions (MIMS:ballotechnics::LENR:cold fusion).  Then I found this latest
set of papers, and my buzzword-matching Bayesian filter output pegged at

Although I do (yet) not have any references to indicate that this type of
reaction is known to be capable of occurring in the conditions of the
reactors we are working with, given the scarcely-explored nano-scale nature
of plasmonics interactions, it doesn't seem too far of a stretch that we
could be seeing this type of reaction occurring in cold fusion systems.
The works of Hagelstein, Violante, Vysotskii, and Karabut immediately leap
to mind here, but I have not yet read their works in enough detail to know
what level of correlation their investigations have already uncovered
between MIMS and cold fusion.

While reading Mats Lewan's book, his mention of Rossi's repeated musings on
the hammer-and-anvil theme stood out.  Although the notion of fusion
naturally correlates to a hammer-and-anvil theme, something suggests to me
that perhaps Rossi was musing on shock-induced reactions such as MIMS in
particular.  I'll note that the important 2008 paper was published around
the time that Rossi was first developing the E-Cat technology.

There is a nifty animation of a MIMS reaction recently put out by Bae on

The author's web pages:

I hope this inspires productive thinking!
-Bob Ellefson

Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I agree with your comments.  It occurred to me that the potential for increased 
power may have to due with different resonant frequencies provided by the 
magnetic field to effect better coupling. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:34 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  I understand your point that there may not be a substantial rise in 
temperature within the active core provided the energy is released in a form 
other than direct thermal energy.  This concept appears quite sound and may in 
fact be operating within the HotCat.

  The best case scenario would be for incoming heat energy from the resistor 
wires diffusing into the fuel and then being converted into other forms of 
energy.  If that were possible, the fuel might actually remain at a temperature 
that is slightly lower than the surrounding temperature.  I have a suspicion 
that the laws of thermodynamics would not permit this type of trade off to 
exist, but I am open to be proven in error.

  The report mentioned that it was possible to operate the device at a power 
level in excess of the power chosen for the testing.   If this is true, then 
even higher temperatures than those recorded may be possible.  What is the 
limit to operating temperature and what establishes that value?  If melting of 
the fuel does not quench the energy production process then the idea of fixed 
NAE is down the drain.

  There are many conflicting observations around.  We need plenty of additional 
data before a clear understanding of exactly how this device operates can be 

  I wish the testers had taken time to step up the input power in small steps 
while observing the output temperature.  My simulation model could then be 
adjusted to match those observations and thereby offer much further proof of 
additional core power generation.  The rapid power output/ power input ration 
seen for the one step taken is extremely strong evidence toward proof that the 
device works as advertised.


  -Original Message-
  From: Bob Cook
  To: vortex-l
  Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:29 am
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  My experience in the design of fission reactors includes the fact that some 
energy produced by the fissioning of U is lost to the outside of the fuel 
element and does not contribute to the internal temperature.  This is true for 
fast neutron energies, and much of the gamma energy produced.  Most however 
goes into thermal energy of the fuel inside the cladding because its source is 
the the thermal excitation of the fuel lattice by distribution of kinetic 
energy of fission fragments, energetic electrons and other particles, not 
including photons and neutrons.  

  Until we understand the actual energy production of the LENR reactor, it is 
only speculation as to what the internal temperature could be.  

  However, my speculation is that all heat in the Rossi LENR is produced 
without energetic neutrons or photons, but with lattice thermal (vibrational 
coupling to the spin energy changes) of the coherent nano particles of the 
reactor.   This thermal heat is effectively transferred to the alumina reactor 
vessel with little differential temperatures within the reactor cavity itself 
by convection of the nano particles themselves and the Li metal vapor forming 
part of the mix of the hot gas interior.  

  I consider the resonant conditions involving spin coupling in a magnetic 
field are involved and that Rossi has designed the reactor to maintain a 
constant temperature, critical to allowing the reaction (involving the Li 
vapor) to take place within or on the surface of the Ni nano particles.  The 
small nano particles do not generate a significant internal temperature above 
the effective reactor gas temperature.   Hence they do not melt and change 
their structure to become fused together.  As Bob Higgins has suggested there 
may be a higher temperature substrate  or alloy designed by Rossi to allow the 
temperature of the gas to go higher than would be possible with pure Ni nano 
particles.   If he has not done that change, it could be the basis for reaching 
higher reaction temperatures and more efficient operation in any connected 
electrical production system. 

  IMHO NASA should take notice to this discussion to improve their 
thermoelectric space probe energy sources.  

  Bob Cook
- Original Message - 
From: David Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


If we assume that a high temperature structure is surrounding and 
immediately adjacent to the fuel chamber the materials within that chamber 
should be as a minimum the structure temperature unless heat is flowing 

Re: [Vo]:Is the E-Cat reaction a plasmon-driven instance of a metastable innershell molecular state (MIMS) mediated neutron exchange?

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook
Sonic bubble collapse experiments at Oak Ridge Lab and PNNL have produced 
fusion in a cold condition.  Tritium has been observed.  The research has 
not be supported very well however.  They remind me of the 
MIMS--ballotechnics also.

Bob Cook
- Original Message - 
From: Robert Ellefson

Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Is the E-Cat reaction a plasmon-driven instance of a 
metastable innershell molecular state (MIMS) mediated neutron exchange?

Dear Vortex-l,

I found these papers from Young K. Bae, published recently in Physics
Letters A and Results in Physics, to be of tremendous interest and 
relevance to the phenomena we are witnessing in the E-Cat and possibly 

LENR reactions.

(I note that these whole papers can be downloaded without charge 

MIMS-III, Oct2014:
MIMS-II, Sept2014:
MIMS, July2008:

Note that he is claiming to prove that innershell molecular states, (a
neo-fusion state, if you will) can exist between *any* two elements!
Although his work is based on high-kinetics shock-induced reactions, I 

the behaviors listed for this class of reactions (MIMS), notably the
anomalous thermal behavior, to be of particular interest in light of
observed cold fusion reactions.

Thanks for the tip-off, Jones Beene.  Your mention of ballotechnic 

caught my eye because of the thermal behavior you mentioned, but searches
for that only seemed to land me in conspiracy pages, NSA honeypots, and
spy-fiction references, until I found yet another posting from Jones Beene
on vortex in 2009 that cross-referenced the new name for this class of
reactions (MIMS:ballotechnics::LENR:cold fusion).  Then I found this 

set of papers, and my buzzword-matching Bayesian filter output pegged at

Although I do (yet) not have any references to indicate that this type of
reaction is known to be capable of occurring in the conditions of the
reactors we are working with, given the scarcely-explored nano-scale 

of plasmonics interactions, it doesn't seem too far of a stretch that we
could be seeing this type of reaction occurring in cold fusion systems.
The works of Hagelstein, Violante, Vysotskii, and Karabut immediately leap
to mind here, but I have not yet read their works in enough detail to know
what level of correlation their investigations have already uncovered
between MIMS and cold fusion.

While reading Mats Lewan's book, his mention of Rossi's repeated musings 

the hammer-and-anvil theme stood out.  Although the notion of fusion
naturally correlates to a hammer-and-anvil theme, something suggests to me
that perhaps Rossi was musing on shock-induced reactions such as MIMS in
particular.  I'll note that the important 2008 paper was published around
the time that Rossi was first developing the E-Cat technology.

There is a nifty animation of a MIMS reaction recently put out by Bae on

The author's web pages:

I hope this inspires productive thinking!
-Bob Ellefson

[Vo]:Scientific American coversage of Lockheed ..Fusion..hmmm

2014-10-17 Thread Ron Kita
Greetings Vortex-L,

I see that Scientific American is giving space to Lockheed X-Fusion

A USPTO patent search does not seem to reveal any interesting technology.

Alsopartneringdoes this mean..sharing losses??

Ad Astra,
Ron Kita, Chiralex
Doylestown PA

Re: [Vo]:Engineering and materials issues with high temperature hot-cat Lugano demo

2014-10-17 Thread Bob Cook

I think the test we are talking about is more likely to accept thermoelectric 
couples on the outside of the alumina vessel for direct electrical power 
generation  than a steam generation system.  Steam and water make the 
engineering of a heat to electricity conversion harder.  That's why NASA uses 
Pu-238 with a thermoelectric couple for space probes IMHO.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Engineering and materials issues with high temperature 
hot-cat Lugano demo

  On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Bob Higgins wrote:

I believe the large tubes on the end to be thermally insulating supports 
for the hot central 2 cm tube.

  A question that came to me was whether the alumina endcaps could be replaced 
with metal endcaps of a suitable alloy in the context of a larger array of 
devices, in order to provide a suitable path out for the heat to be used to 
generate steam.  Another question I have is how much thermal load one of these 
devices can handle.


RE: [Vo]:Is the E-Cat reaction a plasmon-driven instance of a metastable innershell molecular state (MIMS) mediated neutron exchange?

2014-10-17 Thread Jones Beene

Because Dr. Bae was aligned with the amazing Winterberg, and has significant
funding, we had hoped that he would have something big to show by now.

But this class of chemical reactions points the way to many unexplainable
phenomena in LENR, where the reaction looks like chemistry except there is
gain above redox chemistry.

The gain seems to max out at about 10x[redox] but the idea of Winterberg/Bae
is (or was) that you use this gain and bootstrap it to hot fusion for much
greater gain. Sounds good on paper but it cannot be aneutronic.

However, the recent LM small footprint reactor would be an ideal way to use
this hybrid. It makes much more sense than tritium. 

I see that you found the website. I will to have a new look at it

-Original Message-
From: Robert Ellefson 

Dear Vortex-l,

I found these papers from Young K. Bae, published recently in Physics
Letters A and Results in Physics, to be of tremendous interest and potential
relevance to the phenomena we are witnessing in the E-Cat and possibly other
LENR reactions.

(I note that these whole papers can be downloaded without charge currently)
MIMS-III, Oct2014:  
MIMS-II, Sept2014:
MIMS, July2008:

Note that he is claiming to prove that innershell molecular states, (a
neo-fusion state, if you will) can exist between *any* two elements!
Although his work is based on high-kinetics shock-induced reactions, I find
the behaviors listed for this class of reactions (MIMS), notably the
anomalous thermal behavior, to be of particular interest in light of
observed cold fusion reactions.

Thanks for the tip-off, Jones Beene.  Your mention of ballotechnic reactions
caught my eye because of the thermal behavior you mentioned, but searches
for that only seemed to land me in conspiracy pages, NSA honeypots, and
spy-fiction references, until I found yet another posting from Jones Beene
on vortex in 2009 that cross-referenced the new name for this class of
reactions (MIMS:ballotechnics::LENR:cold fusion).  Then I found this latest
set of papers, and my buzzword-matching Bayesian filter output pegged at

Although I do (yet) not have any references to indicate that this type of
reaction is known to be capable of occurring in the conditions of the
reactors we are working with, given the scarcely-explored nano-scale nature
of plasmonics interactions, it doesn't seem too far of a stretch that we
could be seeing this type of reaction occurring in cold fusion systems.
The works of Hagelstein, Violante, Vysotskii, and Karabut immediately leap
to mind here, but I have not yet read their works in enough detail to know
what level of correlation their investigations have already uncovered
between MIMS and cold fusion.

While reading Mats Lewan's book, his mention of Rossi's repeated musings on
the hammer-and-anvil theme stood out.  Although the notion of fusion
naturally correlates to a hammer-and-anvil theme, something suggests to me
that perhaps Rossi was musing on shock-induced reactions such as MIMS in
particular.  I'll note that the important 2008 paper was published around
the time that Rossi was first developing the E-Cat technology.

There is a nifty animation of a MIMS reaction recently put out by Bae on

The author's web pages:

I hope this inspires productive thinking!
-Bob Ellefson

RE: [Vo]:Scientific American coversage of Lockheed ..Fusion..hmmm

2014-10-17 Thread Jones Beene


Earlier I post the patent application numbers. They are in the name of the 
inventor, so they do not turn up in a search for LM.


From: Ron Kita 


Greetings Vortex-L,


I see that Scientific American is giving space to Lockheed X-Fusion Reactor.:


A USPTO patent search does not seem to reveal any interesting technology.


Alsopartneringdoes this mean..sharing losses??


Ad Astra,

Ron Kita, Chiralex

Doylestown PA

Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread mixent
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:07:30 -0400:
To obtain a calibration, I have read that the rate of fusion energy being 
generated within the sun is about the same as the amount of heat generated by 
your body in watts per kilogram. 

Sun:- 0.183 milliwatt / kg

Human body:- 400W/80kg = 5000 milliwatt /kg.


Robin van Spaandonk

[Vo]:To Arms

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
/. just posted a story debunking cold fusion

Have at it, men and Ruby!

Re: [Vo]:To Arms

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
Mod this up:

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:37 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 /. just posted a story debunking cold fusion

 Have at it, men and Ruby!

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread Paul Breed
Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
right on the very edge of possible...

You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess energy
you would need to get to 46% of carnot
Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

 Rossi had  now shown that he can get COP3. Why doesn't he use that and
 build an ecat out of that? Show it inside a black box with some extra
 output, say 500W for several months. It will certainly destroy any doubt
 concerning his invention and will not reveal any trade secret he has.

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson
Well...guess your body is a much better generator of heat than the sun.  I 
don't recall where I read that they were close, but your figures suggest that 
the sun is no match.

The ratio that you found may imply that I should have said a dead body!





-Original Message-
From: mixent
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 4:47 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:07:30 -0400:
To obtain a calibration, I have read that the rate of fusion energy being 
generated within the sun is about the same as the amount of heat generated by 
your body in watts per kilogram. 

Sun:- 0.183 milliwatt / kg

Human body:- 400W/80kg = 5000 milliwatt /kg.


Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
So, Rossi would get 700W or so as a minimum for output.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:To Arms

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
Well it got modded up to the max of 5 for enough time -- then the opposing
forces came in and knocked it down to 1.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:46 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 Mod this up:

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:37 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 /. just posted a story debunking cold fusion

 Have at it, men and Ruby!

[Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
Bruce Perens just bet me 10,000 to one odds that no credible commercially
utilized cold fusion by 2024. I of course accepted his generous and
honorable bet. If only the scum responsible for its suppression would put
their money where their mouths were. But then, no amount of fine can make
up for what they've done.

Re: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread mixent
In reply to  James Bowery's message of Fri, 17 Oct 2014 21:03:00 -0500:
Bruce Perens just bet me 10,000 to one odds that no credible commercially
utilized cold fusion by 2024. 

Cold Fusion, or LENR?

I of course accepted his generous and
honorable bet. If only the scum responsible for its suppression would put
their money where their mouths were. But then, no amount of fine can make
up for what they've done.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread jwinter
I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have any 
ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a position to advise 
him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it back to 
input heat would have to be the craziest approach imaginable to use!

To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do is 
insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do is pump 
water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a controlled manner with 
a thermostatically controlled switch (which could even be a passive 
device like the old thermostats used in the cooling systems of 
auto-mobile engines).  The cooling necessary to prevent melt-down 
represents your output energy.

If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old 
resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and could 
easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the energy 
balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is allowed to 
get too hot - even after the excitation has been turned off - proves 
that this excitation is not really required.

On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:
Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, 
is right on the very edge of possible...

You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess 
energy you would need to get to 46% of carnot

Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck) 
 generator would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even

assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
He can try to weasel if he wants, but once a commercial device is on the
market with beyond chemical energy production based on anything resembling
cold fusion, it will be time for people other than me to trumpet Perens's
failure to pay.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:15 PM, wrote:

 In reply to  James Bowery's message of Fri, 17 Oct 2014 21:03:00 -0500:
 Bruce Perens just bet me 10,000 to one odds that no credible commercially
 utilized cold fusion by 2024.

 Cold Fusion, or LENR?

 I of course accepted his generous and
 honorable bet. If only the scum responsible for its suppression would put
 their money where their mouths were. But then, no amount of fine can
 up for what they've done.

 Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread John Berry
Did you read/understand Paul's analysis?

This is impractical and maybe impossible unless he can improve efficiency.

Carnot conversion just isn't great enough to turn the heat into usable

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM, wrote:

 I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have any
 ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a position to advise
 him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

 To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it back to
 input heat would have to be the craziest approach imaginable to use!

 To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do is
 insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

 Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do is pump
 water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a controlled manner with a
 thermostatically controlled switch (which could even be a passive device
 like the old thermostats used in the cooling systems of auto-mobile
 engines).  The cooling necessary to prevent melt-down represents your
 output energy.

 If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old
 resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and could
 easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the energy
 balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is allowed to get
 too hot - even after the excitation has been turned off - proves that
 this excitation is not really required.

 On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

 Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
 right on the very edge of possible...

 You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

 100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

 Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
 Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

 gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess energy
 you would need to get to 46% of carnot
 Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

 Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
 would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
 assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread jwinter

On 18/10/2014 10:30 AM, John Berry wrote:

Did you read/understand Paul's analysis?

I didn't need to!  Did you read/understand mine!?

This is impractical and maybe impossible unless he can improve efficiency.

Carnot conversion just isn't great enough to turn the heat into usable 
You don't need usable electricity to make a self feeding Hot Cat and 
end the controversy!

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM, wrote:

I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly
have any ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a
position to advise him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it
back to input heat would have to be the craziest approach
imaginable to use!

To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do
is insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do
is pump water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a
controlled manner with a thermostatically controlled switch (which
could even be a passive device like the old thermostats used in
the cooling systems of auto-mobile engines).  The cooling
necessary to prevent melt-down represents your output energy.

If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old
resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and
could easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the
energy balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is
allowed to get too hot - even after the excitation has been
turned off - proves that this excitation is not really required.

On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a
COP of 3, is right on the very edge of possible...

You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO
excess energy you would need to get to 46% of carnot
Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck) 
generator would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even

assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread James Bowery
Active cooling would work as well as active heating so you don't need to
worry about carnot efficiency.  Start it up and then keep it just hot
enough by pumping a liquid, under controlled rates, with an appropriately
high boiling point and decent specific heat and conductivity through the
system at 1200C.  Liquid metal of an appropriate amalgam or even some
liquid salts would do.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone has suggested this before.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Paul Breed wrote:

 Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
 right on the very edge of possible...

 You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

 100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

 Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
 Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

 gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess energy
 you would need to get to 46% of carnot
 Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

 Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
 would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
 assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Daniel Rocha

 Rossi had  now shown that he can get COP3. Why doesn't he use that and
 build an ecat out of that? Show it inside a black box with some extra
 output, say 500W for several months. It will certainly destroy any doubt
 concerning his invention and will not reveal any trade secret he has.

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread jwinter

On 18/10/2014 10:51 AM, James Bowery wrote:
Active cooling would work as well as active heating so you don't need 
to worry about carnot efficiency.  Start it up and then keep it just 
hot enough by pumping a liquid, under controlled rates, with an 
appropriately high boiling point and decent specific heat and 
conductivity through the system at 1200C.  Liquid metal of an 
appropriate amalgam or even some liquid salts would do.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone has suggested this before.

I for one have suggested this before (as it really is most obvious!) and 
it has been discussed following that.  Firstly a year ago (6 Oct 2013) 
titled Rossi/Defkalion Calorimetry Nonsense  and a more careful 
analysis (9 Oct 2013) on an ensuing thread titled ECAT Active Cooling 

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
I think vapor alone could do it. Make it pass through a turbine and cool it
down the stream down to 100C and heat it again. It is how it is done in
nuclear power plants.

2014-10-17 23:51 GMT-03:00 James Bowery

 Active cooling would work as well as active heating so you don't need to
 worry about carnot efficiency.  Start it up and then keep it just hot
 enough by pumping a liquid, under controlled rates, with an appropriately
 high boiling point and decent specific heat and conductivity through the
 system at 1200C.  Liquid metal of an appropriate amalgam or even some
 liquid salts would do.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:Rule of Thumb For Stable ECAT Operation

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson

I have run a number of simulations on my ECAT model and have found a simple 
rule of thumb that Rossi or others wanting to replicate his design can use to 
ensure stable operation.  It is possible to violate the rule during a 
fractional time period when a carefully designed PWM drive is utilized, but the 
latest test showed that steady drive can be used effectively and that seems to 
be preferable.  It is certainly far simpler to measure a steady state power 
input system, a point made by the testers.

The core section generates thermal power that is a function of the temperature 
at which it operates.  The actual polynomial series that the ECAT follows for 
core power production versus temperature is not known to me since that 
information is an important trade secret.  I have asked for that information 
but the request is not fulfilled.  Therefore, my model is currently using a 
simple second order function that reveals general system behavior.  When the 
true series is discovered I can modify the model quickly to take it into 

Heat is extracted from the core by means of a linear term that represents the 
convection and conduction pathways. Another term corresponding to radiation is 
modeled by a forth order dependency.  These functions can be modified rapidly 
as well as additional data becomes available.  The relatively high order 
pathway (4th order) is a major key to stability since it can be adjusted to 
dominate over lower order core power production terms.

The rule of thumb for stable operation is that for all temperatures to which 
the core is exposed the thermal power leaving the core by the radiation, 
convection, and conduction paths must always exceed the power generated within 
the core.  This makes sense and seems obvious once you realize that any excess 
core thermal generation above the amount extracted will cause the internal 
temperature to rise as the thermal capacity is charged.  Positive feedback of 
this nature then compounds upon itself until some limitation is reached.  I 
expect the limit to be established by destruction of the device, a quasi stable 
operating point where the radiation finally dominates, or some type of unknown 
behavior.  If destruction does not occur it is likely that the device will 
becomes latched at some intermediate power output level that is out of control.

Radiation is very important for the control since it varies as the forth order 
of temperature and can allow the thermal exit paths to dominate without much of 
a battle.  This is an excellent reason to design the ECAT type devices so that 
they radiate a significant portion of their energy from the core at the nominal 
output power level.  The lower order pathways are also important and must be 
adjusted appropriately to ensure that heat can be extracted rapidly enough 
during operation within the lower power region to prevent latching.

The thermal pathways are most readily adjusted by modifying the geometry of the 
device and that is likely the reason for the latest long, narrow design.   In 
that case the surface area with its surface treatment will be able to remove 
enough thermal energy quickly enough to satisfy the stability criteria.   The 
proper balance between radiation and the other two processes needs to be 
achieved for optimum control and COP.

All indications are that a complete system must be engineered by taking into 
consideration the power functional characteristics of the fuel.  The geometry 
of the device should then be constructed to achieve the power balance discussed 
above.  If either the fuel or the geometry are not correct then stable high COP 
operation can not be expected.   


Re: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson

James, we expect you to share your new wealth with the rest of us.  :-)
-Original Message-
From: James Bowery
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:03 pm
Subject: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

Bruce Perens just bet me 10,000 to one odds that no credible commercially 
utilized cold fusion by 2024. I of course accepted his generous and honorable 
bet. If only the scum responsible for its suppression would put their money 
where their mouths were. But then, no amount of fine can make up for what 
they've done.

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread John Berry
On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:45 PM, wrote:

  On 18/10/2014 10:30 AM, John Berry wrote:

 Did you read/understand Paul's analysis?

 I didn't need to!  Did you read/understand mine!?

No, only the first line. Touche.

Now I have I confess I do not know enough about the details, but isn't it
reasonable to assume a certain degree of intense heat is required near the
reaction and that this temperature is higher than the entire vessel can be
allowed to operate at?

Still I do agree to a degree and also even with conventional attempts of
hot fusion, or Pharnsworth fusor types, can't if the energy is put in that
ultimately becomes heat and the product of the nuclear reaction is heat,
then wouldn't an underunity fusion reaction still really be over-unity if
you desire heat and insulate the whole thing well?

If no fusion occurred it should be a 100% efficient conversion to heat, so
now with the energy of fusion, shouldn't it be overunity as a heater? Well
obviously yes unless energy is vanishing.

Another possibility worth noting is that if it isn't working as a form of
fusion, then we don't know how it is working and there are various
possibilities as to what might be critical, I suspect that the conduction
of heat has an effect that in the right situation can lead to a useful
effect on space (aether, vacuum) or matter, this would stop being a
continuing effect (if useful) in an insulated vessel.

And at any rate, such a device would need input energy initially anyway,
and would have less straight-forward challenges in considering the degree
of heat output in such a variable cooling system.

And since the current device already handsomely proves overunity I am
unsure if this would really be worth it.

  This is impractical and maybe impossible unless he can improve

  Carnot conversion just isn't great enough to turn the heat into usable

 You don't need usable electricity to make a self feeding Hot Cat and end
 the controversy!

  On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM, wrote:

 I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have any
 ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a position to advise
 him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

 To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it back to
 input heat would have to be the craziest approach imaginable to use!

 To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do is
 insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

 Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do is pump
 water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a controlled manner with a
 thermostatically controlled switch (which could even be a passive device
 like the old thermostats used in the cooling systems of auto-mobile
 engines).  The cooling necessary to prevent melt-down represents your
 output energy.

 If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old
 resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and could
 easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the energy
 balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is allowed to get
 too hot - even after the excitation has been turned off - proves that
 this excitation is not really required.

 On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

 Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
 right on the very edge of possible...

 You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

 100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

 Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
 Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

 gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess
 energy you would need to get to 46% of carnot
 Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

 Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
 would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
 assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson

I believe that the record shows that an ECAT went into thermal run away in the 
earlier testing by the scientists.  Is that not adequate to prove the point?
-Original Message-
From: jwinter
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:45 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the 


On 18/10/2014 10:30 AM, John Berry  wrote:

Did you read/understand Paul's analysis?

I didn't need to!  Did you read/understand mine!?


This is impractical and maybe impossible unless he can  improve 

Carnot conversion just isn't great enough to turn the heat  into usable 

You don't need usable electricity to make a self feeding Hot Catand 
end the controversy!

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM,

I don'tknow why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have 
   any ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a
position to advise him!  (Or you could think of moreinsulting 

To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert 
   it back to input heat would have to be the craziest approach
imaginable to use!

To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need  
  to do is insulate the device.  What could be easier thanthat!?

Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need  
  to do is pump water or blow gas through it to cool it downin a 
controlled manner with a thermostatically controlledswitch (which 
could even be a passive device like the oldthermostats used in the 
cooling systems of auto-mobileengines).  The cooling necessary to 
prevent melt-downrepresents your output energy.

If you need some electrical excitation in addition to
plain old resistive heating, then this would be a very small
component and could easily be subtracted from the outputenergy to 
determine the energy balance.  But the fact thatthe system runs 
away if it is allowed to get too hot -even after the excitation 
has been turned off - provesthat this excitation is not really 

On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

  Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C 
 and a COP of 3, is right on the very edge of  
  You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot  
  100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76
  Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) =
  Best possible Work to electricity   0.95
  gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have
  ZERO excess energy you would need to get to 46% of  
  Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46%  
of carnot
  Using something really simple like thermo electric
  (seebeck)  generator would require a COP of  20.2 to  get 
to break even
  assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%





Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread David Roberson

We discussed that earlier as an alternative.  At the time the operating 
temperatures were quite a bit lower.
-Original Message-
From: James Bowery
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the 

Active cooling would work as well as active heating so you don't need to worry 
about carnot efficiency.  Start it up and then keep it just hot enough by 
pumping a liquid, under controlled rates, with an appropriately high boiling 
point and decent specific heat and conductivity through the system at 1200C.  
Liquid metal of an appropriate amalgam or even some liquid salts would do.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone has suggested this before.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Paul Breed wrote:

Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is right 
on the very edge of possible...

You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28  
Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess energy you 
would need to get to 46% of carnot
Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator would 
require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even 

assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Rossi had  now shown that he can get COP3. Why doesn't he use that and build 
an ecat out of that? Show it inside a black box with some extra output, say 
500W for several months. It will certainly destroy any doubt concerning his 
invention and will not reveal any trade secret he has.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread John Berry
Yes, it is.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 5:03 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 I believe that the record shows that an ECAT went into thermal run away in
 the earlier testing by the scientists.  Is that not adequate to prove the


 -Original Message-
 From: jwinter
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:45 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends
 the controversy.

  On 18/10/2014 10:30 AM, John Berry wrote:

 Did you read/understand Paul's analysis?

 I didn't need to!  Did you read/understand mine!?

  This is impractical and maybe impossible unless he can improve

  Carnot conversion just isn't great enough to turn the heat into usable

 You don't need usable electricity to make a self feeding Hot Cat and end
 the controversy!

  On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM, wrote:

 I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have any
 ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a position to advise
 him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

 To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it back to
 input heat would have to be the craziest approach imaginable to use!

 To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do is
 insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

 Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do is pump
 water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a controlled manner with a
 thermostatically controlled switch (which could even be a passive device
 like the old thermostats used in the cooling systems of auto-mobile
 engines).  The cooling necessary to prevent melt-down represents your
 output energy.

 If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old
 resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and could
 easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the energy
 balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is allowed to get
 too hot - even after the excitation has been turned off - proves that
 this excitation is not really required.

 On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

 Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
 right on the very edge of possible...

 You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

 100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

 Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
 Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

 gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess
 energy you would need to get to 46% of carnot
 Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

 Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
 would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
 assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread H Veeder
This assumes insulating it will have no adverse effect on the new fire,
but excessive insulation could extinguish it.
A good test to perform on the Hotcat would be to add the insulation *after*
start up.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:24 PM, wrote:

 I don't know why Rossi doesn't do this.  I think he must hardly have any
 ingenuity - or the scientists/engineers that are in a position to advise
 him!  (Or you could think of more insulting terms).

 To convert the output heat to electricity, and then convert it back to
 input heat would have to be the craziest approach imaginable to use!

 To feed the output heat back in as input heat all you need to do is
 insulate the device.  What could be easier than that!?

 Then to stop it running away and melting down all you need to do is pump
 water or blow gas through it to cool it down in a controlled manner with a
 thermostatically controlled switch (which could even be a passive device
 like the old thermostats used in the cooling systems of auto-mobile
 engines).  The cooling necessary to prevent melt-down represents your
 output energy.

 If you need some electrical excitation in addition to plain old
 resistive heating, then this would be a very small component and could
 easily be subtracted from the output energy to determine the energy
 balance.  But the fact that the system runs away if it is allowed to get
 too hot - even after the excitation has been turned off - proves that
 this excitation is not really required.

 On 18/10/2014 7:32 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

 Closing the loop with a hot side temperature of 1200C and a COP of 3, is
 right on the very edge of possible...

 You need close to 50% of theoretical carnot efficiency...

 100C cold 1200C hot gives carnot of  0.76

 Best possible heat to mechanical work..  (3*.76) = 2.28
 Best possible Work to electricity   0.95

 gives 2.116   so to break even close the loop and have ZERO excess energy
 you would need to get to 46% of carnot
 Commercial large scale power plants don't get to 46% of carnot

 Using something really simple like thermo electric (seebeck)  generator
 would require a COP of  20.2 to get to break even
 assuming that electrical conversion efficency was 99%

Re: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
Inflation adjusted?

2014-10-17 23:03 GMT-03:00 James Bowery

 Bruce Perens just bet me 10,000 to one odds that no credible commercially
 utilized cold fusion by 2024. I of course accepted his generous and
 honorable bet. If only the scum responsible for its suppression would put
 their money where their mouths were. But then, no amount of fine can make
 up for what they've done.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Mizuno, Rossi copper transmutation

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Bob Cook wrote:

Do you know if the experiments looked at excited spin energy states that
 may be  possible at higher spin quanta?

Unfortunately I don't have any other details and don't know of a particular
experiment to refer to.  Here is the quote from a textbook I recently
finished reading:

For nuclear physicists, the deuteron should be what the hydrogen atom is
for atomic physicists.  Just as the measured Balmer series of
electromagnetic transitions between the excited states of hydrogen led to
an understanding of the structure of hydrogen, so should the
electromagnetic transitions between the excited states of the deuteron lead
to an understanding of its structure.  Unfortunately, there are *no excited
states* of the deuteron—it is such a weakly bound system that the only
excited states are unbound systems consisting of a free proton and
neutron. [1]


[1] Kenneth S. Krane, *Introductory Nuclear Physics*, pp. 80-81; author's

Re: [Vo]:Why doesn't Rossi makes a self feeding Hot Cat and ends the controversy.

2014-10-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:00 PM, John Berry wrote:

If no fusion occurred it should be a 100% efficient conversion to heat, so
 now with the energy of fusion, shouldn't it be overunity as a heater? Well
 obviously yes unless energy is vanishing.

In a sense, a cold fusion device would be an overunity device, since
people's expectations are that nothing should be happening after any
putative chemical fuel runs out.  In another sense, it would be no more
overunity than a fission reactor, since the energy would be coming from the
conversion of mass via nuclear reactions.  (Assuming nuclear reactions are
happening -- this assumption is not shared by everyone here.)


RE: [Vo]:$10,000 bet against cold fusion on /.

2014-10-17 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
David sez:

 James, we expect you to share your new wealth with the rest of us.  :-)

Buy me a tea pot.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:To Arms

2014-10-17 Thread CB Sites
Thanks James.  Here is my comment in /.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:52 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 Well it got modded up to the max of 5 for enough time -- then the opposing
 forces came in and knocked it down to 1.

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:46 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 Mod this up:

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:37 PM, James Bowery wrote:

 /. just posted a story debunking cold fusion

 Have at it, men and Ruby!

Re: [Vo]:Greenhouse HotCat

2014-10-17 Thread H Veeder
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 1:31 AM, David Roberson wrote:

 Thanks for the heads up Harry.  I wonder if others on the list are seeing
 my new topics being sent to spam.

 The question that I am asking is whether or not there are clues to the
 behavior of the temperature and power output correlation from the latest
 HotCat tests revealed by greenhouse gas behavior of the Earth.  The Earth
 is warmer than it should be according to normal black body radiation
 effects.  We attribute the reason as being due to incoming visible light
 energy being converted into heat at the surface and atmosphere which is
 partially captured.  Less radiation power is emitted into space than the
 temperature suggests for a grey body.

An inert body is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings and its
temperature is constant. The only way for it's temperature to change is if
it's thermal properties change. This is true if the inert body is black or
grey bodies.

 Does the variation in the shape of the spectrum as the temperature
 increases effectively destroy the calibration established by the dummy
 HotCat run?  Is there a simple way to take the error into account?

​If an error has been made then the error resides in the estimate of the
thermal properties of the HotCat.
If no error has been made, then the HotCat is not an inert body it is an
active body.

As an active body it is able to elevate its temperature by either
generating its own energy or absorbing more energy from its surroundings
then it is emitting.
The latter scenario is considered impossible according to the second law of
