Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-20 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

 Joshua wrote:

 “… And a top academic career would be a chair at a university or director
 of a research institute.” 

 ** **

 Well, Josh, by your own definition, Dr. Robert Duncan, Vice Chancellor of
 Research at Univ of Missouri, would then most definitely qualify as “top
 academic career”, and he was skeptical when CBS 60-Minutes asked him to be
 their expert on the Cold Fusion piece done in 2009.  His conclusions are
 reasonable and in-line with the evidence: that something interesting seems
 to be going on and deserves a dedicated effort; which is CONTRARY to your

Sure, but the point was not that anyone at the top of an academic career is
necessarily skeptical of cold fusion. I was only quibbling with Rothwell's
claim that people at the top of an academic career who supported cold
fusion would be relegated to warehouse work. Since Duncan is still VP
research 2 1/2 years after his cold fusion support, and in the process of
setting up a cold fusion lab at Missouri, that kind of contradicts
Rothwell's point too.

 ** **

 Oh, well, he must have all of a sudden lost his objective faculties once
 he was infected with the LENR virus!

No one denies that some prestigious academics support cold fusion research.
Most don't, of course, but that was not the issue, in this instance. No
academic position is immune from making incorrect judgements in either
direction; Blondlot claimed N-rays, Planck rejected light quanta, and so on.


 Josh also wrote:

 “A science writer is a journalist. Not that there's anything wrong with
 that, but it's not usually considered academic. Some people, like Sagan,
 mixed them successfully”

 ** **

 You seem to be unaware of the fact that Mallove was NOT educated as a
 journalist.  He was a graduate of MIT and Harvard with engineering degrees,
 so he was very well educated in technical disciplines;

Most of the better science writers have strong science and technical
backgrounds. That still doesn't make them academics, is all I was saying.

 I think Mallove’s career was very similar to that of Sagan; he just didn’t
 live long enough to enjoy more journalistic successes.

 The following is taken from Wikipedia:

 ** **

 “Eugene Mallove held a BS (1969) and MS degree (1970) in aeronautical and
 astronautical engineering from MIT and a ScD degree (1975) in environmental
 health sciences from Harvard University. He had worked for technology
 engineering firms such as Hughes Research Laboratories, the Analytic
 Science Corporation, and MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, and he consulted in
 research and development of new energies.”

Sagan was a full professor at Cornell, and director of the Laboratory for
Planetary Studies there. That's an academic career. Mallove has an
impressive cv, but it was not a top academic career.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-20 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I didn't invent the name. It was called the Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect for years. Google it. All I'm suggesting is that we should  
honour the effect they discovered with their names, even if we  
don't know how and why it happens. No point in inventing a new name  
for an effect that already has a very definitive name. It is the  
Fleischmann-Pons Effect.


I don't need to check the archives. What do you think I've been doing  
for the last 20 years?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-20 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 Christ man high school students replicated PF with both excess heat and
 transmutations, in a MIT lab and in front of over 100 ICCF 10 attendees?

This reminded me of a Dilbert cartoon (since you seem interested in comic

And don't miss the sequel:

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-20 Thread Charles Hope
Tiresome accusations like this ought to be banned from this list. Have you ever 
once seen a paycheck cut for the job of Internet trolling? Really? Really? 
Because it sounds like an awesome part time job, frankly. 

On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:10, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

 Cude what does this have to do with FP having been replicated in many labs 
 all over the world? You need to accept that the FPE is real and move on to 
 working out why it happens. Oh BTW you just might apologize to FP for the 
 treatment they received by you and your mates.
 Would you please disclose if your income / pay check depends on you not 
 believing the FPE is real and / or working to trash anyone who does? I ask 
 because all you apparently contribute to this list is trashing the FPE.
 On 12/19/2011 11:23 PM, Joshua Cude wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
He sure knew what he was getting into. Fleischmann wrote a
lighthearted account of this, quoted in Beaudette's book. It
starts off with Arrhenius in 1883. He was one of the most
important electrochemists in history, like Faraday. He made a
revolutionary discovery. As any student of history would predict,
this led the academic authorities to kick him out of the
university. He was vilified and ridiculed for years and years.
Finally, long after, he won a Nobel prize.
 You mean like Einstein got kicked out of university? No, because his 
 revolutionary ideas got him kicked *into* university.
 You mean like Planck's ideas got him kicked out of university? No, because 
 they named one after him.
 You can't just make shit up to please your audience.
 I'd like to know of a professor who got kicked out of university for a 
 revolutionary idea. At least one that turned out to be right, and didn't 
 have religious objectors.
 Because, contrary to your claim, Arrhenius does not provide an example. I 
 admit, my source does not go beyond wikipedia, but according to it, his 
 controversial ideas were presented in his doctoral thesis, so he didn't have 
 a position to be kicked out of. And while there were local skeptics, his 
 degree was granted, if only as 3rd class. Nevertheless, when the 
 dissertation was sent to other European scholars, they came to Sweden trying 
 to recruit him. Doesn't really sound much like cold fusion, does it?
 The Swedish Academy then awarded him a grant to study with the likes of 
 Boltzmann and van 't Hoff. That doesn't sound like years and years of 
 vilification does it? A few years after his graduation, he was *given* an 
 appointment at the Stockholm university, and was a full professor/chair 
 (rector) about a decade after his PhD. That doesn't sound much like 
 ridicule, does it?
 It did take almost 20 years to recognize his work with a Nobel prize, but 
 maybe the fact that the prize was not initiated until about 17 years after 
 had something to do with that. He got the 3rd one in chemistry. He was on 
 the Nobel committee from the beginning until his death, and it seems he was 
 not a particularly nice guy himself, arranging awards for his friends, and 
 attempting to deny them to his enemies. He also got involved in racial 
 biology (eugenics) later in his life.
That happens so often I am astounded anyone believes the myth that
scientists welcome new ideas.
 Well, you would not be astounded if you actually paid attention to history, 
 instead of twisting it to rationalize your fervent belief in cold fusion. 
 Right about the same time as the CF announcement, high temperature 
 superconductivity was discovered, and the Nobel prize was awarded -- now get 
 this -- one year later. The discovery had no theory to support it, was 
 unexpected, and yet the discoverers were not dismissed from their positions. 
 Amazing, isn't it. Of course, most Nobel prizes (including Einstein's) take 
 much longer, because it usually takes time for the importance to become 
 manifest, but new discoveries are always celebrated in science, by 
 As I've said before, the most revolutionary ideas in science in centuries, 
 relativity and QM, were accepted almost as quickly as they could be 
 developed. Because they fit the evidence so perfectly.
 Just about every evaluation of merit in science, from granting of degrees, 
 to awarding academic or industrial positions, to granting awards, to giving 
 funding, to accepting manuscripts for publication, to any degree of fame and 
 glory, has as its first criterion:
 *** novelty ***.
 What scientists fear is not new ideas (they crave them), but wrong ideas. 
 Scientists are skeptical; they have to be. Skepticism is a critical filter 
 in guiding research. Without it, they would simply flounder around, like, 
 well, like cold fusion researchers.
 Of course, that sometimes leads to rejecting good ideas, 

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
McKubre believes in the Conservation of Miracles. I agree with him and 
would add my version: Different dog, same leg action. What is at the 
heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For all the early years 
the effect was called the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. Why change it now? 
I say give them the respect and credit they deserve. To hell with 
avoiding their names like they are poison and calling the effect they 
discovered a politically nice title of LENR as if not mentioning FP 
will make that new paper on LENR more politically correct and likely to 
get published. FP did the hard yards and paid with their careers. They 
deserve to be remembered and the effect they discovered named after them 
until the stars burn out and it all goes black.

//On 12/19/2011 6:27 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

The use of the term FPE is misleading and confusing.

The Wright brothers invented the first controlled flight.  It would be 
nonsensical and misleading to call every kind of winged aircraft a 
Wright machine, not distinguishing between a 747 and a piper cub. The 
FP protocol was Pd-D low voltage electrolysis. This differs from 
Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's glow discharge, Mizuno and 
Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or solid state electrolyte 
experiments, Piantelli's gaseous Ni-H, Arata and Zhang's double 
structured spillover cathode using Pd black, Patterson's layered Pd-Ni 
beads, Szpack's codepositon cells, Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst in 
gaseous deuterium, etc. etc.

Not all airplanes are the same, not all LENR devices are the same.  
There are important differences. There is a vocabulary that describes 
those differences, and which is used by people in the field.  Who is 
going to know what you are talking about if you call every LENR device 
an FPE?

On Dec 18, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

On 12/19/2011 5:19 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:
If it were possible to replicate FP and build on it, there are 
thousands of people and companies who would have.
They have been replicated. In many labs all around the world. Try 
searching in Jed's archives. Have you not listened to anything Jed 
has said about the history of the FPE? People lost their jobs and had 
their careers destroyed for reporting successful replications.
Even FP themselves enjoyed new labs and millions of dollars in 
funds from the Japanese and never came up with definitive proof of 
their concepts.
Amazing statement that. Too bad it is not correct. What they failed 
to do, as I understand it, is to produce a commercially ready device.
  Forged or ignored?  I don't think there is any good evidence for 
Did you not see the unedited positive for FPE excess heat MIT results 
versus the edited no FPE excess heat MIT results? Someone in MIT 
forged the data and the Hot Fusion lab guys had a party. As for 
ignored, you must be joking? Right? Like the 24 SPAWAR peer reviewed 
results that were ignored?

BTW Mary we are still testing and developing a FPE device.

I wish you good luck with that-- I really do.

We will get it done.

Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from Rossi 
or Defkalion!
And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a factory 
visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Rich Murray
Hello gang,

As a friend of Abd Lomax, I am keenly interested in his evolving plans
over the last two years to make a cheap do-it-yourself-at-home kit for
replicating the detection of neutron tracks in plastic film adjacent
to a 50 ml thin wall plastic cell with a palladium chloride and
lithium chloride electrolyte and platinum wire anode and cathode --
the prototype SPAWAR experiment, codeposition.

Despite the over 20 reports by SPAWAR for about a decade, there is, as
far as I know, no such simple device that anyone can buy and run.

How about some dedicated collaboration to aid Lomax?

within mutual service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

  Gene went from a top academic career to working in a warehouse at night
 to feed his family.

He was a science writer. Respectable, yes. Top academic career, no.

 Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time.

Too much money? They had better funding after the CF announcement than at
any previous time in their careers.

 I think it traumatized Pons. It did not bother Fleischmann as much because
 he is a tough, cynical person who had nightmare experiences during WWII.
 The Gestapo beat his father to death, and he himself barely escaped.

Your arguments for cold fusion are aiming for the gut, not the mind...

 He told me that he knew calling that press conference would mean the end
 of his career.

It would seem the reports on the sociology of CF are about as reliable as
those on the science. It was not the end of his career. He was already
resigned from his academic position at Southampton, so he had no job to
lose. As it happens, he worked in a well funded lab in France until 1995,
when he retired. France is not Siberia. How is that the end of his career?

 He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.

So he says now, but his self-satisfied grinning during the press
conferences after the announcement tell a different story.

  He went into it knowing what would happen.

Right. That his research would be well funded until retirement. Until the
announcement, PF were funding the experiments themselves.

 That was an act of courage.

It was an act of fear. Fear that someone else would get priority.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 He sure knew what he was getting into. Fleischmann wrote a lighthearted
 account of this, quoted in Beaudette's book. It starts off with Arrhenius
 in 1883. He was one of the most important electrochemists in history, like
 Faraday. He made a revolutionary discovery. As any student of history would
 predict, this led the academic authorities to kick him out of the
 university. He was vilified and ridiculed for years and years. Finally,
 long after, he won a Nobel prize.

You mean like Einstein got kicked out of university? No, because his
revolutionary ideas got him kicked *into* university.

You mean like Planck's ideas got him kicked out of university? No, because
they named one after him.


You can't just make shit up to please your audience.

I'd like to know of a professor who got kicked out of university for a
revolutionary idea. At least one that turned out to be right, and didn't
have religious objectors.

Because, contrary to your claim, Arrhenius does not provide an example. I
admit, my source does not go beyond wikipedia, but according to it, his
controversial ideas were presented in his doctoral thesis, so he didn't
have a position to be kicked out of. And while there were local skeptics,
his degree was granted, if only as 3rd class. Nevertheless, when the
dissertation was sent to other European scholars, they came to Sweden
trying to recruit him. Doesn't really sound much like cold fusion, does it?

The Swedish Academy then awarded him a grant to study with the likes of
Boltzmann and van 't Hoff. That doesn't sound like years and years of
vilification does it? A few years after his graduation, he was *given* an
appointment at the Stockholm university, and was a full professor/chair
(rector) about a decade after his PhD. That doesn't sound much like
ridicule, does it?

It did take almost 20 years to recognize his work with a Nobel prize, but
maybe the fact that the prize was not initiated until about 17 years after
had something to do with that. He got the 3rd one in chemistry. He was on
the Nobel committee from the beginning until his death, and it seems he was
not a particularly nice guy himself, arranging awards for his friends, and
attempting to deny them to his enemies. He also got involved in racial
biology (eugenics) later in his life.

 That happens so often I am astounded anyone believes the myth that
 scientists welcome new ideas.

Well, you would not be astounded if you actually paid attention to history,
instead of twisting it to rationalize your fervent belief in cold fusion.
Right about the same time as the CF announcement, high temperature
superconductivity was discovered, and the Nobel prize was awarded -- now
get this -- one year later. The discovery had no theory to support it, was
unexpected, and yet the discoverers were not dismissed from their
positions. Amazing, isn't it. Of course, most Nobel prizes (including
Einstein's) take much longer, because it usually takes time for the
importance to become manifest, but new discoveries are always celebrated in
science, by scientists.

As I've said before, the most revolutionary ideas in science in centuries,
relativity and QM, were accepted almost as quickly as they could be
developed. Because they fit the evidence so perfectly.

Just about every evaluation of merit in science, from granting of degrees,
to awarding academic or industrial positions, to granting awards, to giving
funding, to accepting manuscripts for publication, to any degree of fame
and glory, has as its first criterion:

*** novelty ***.

What scientists fear is not new ideas (they crave them), but wrong ideas.
Scientists are skeptical; they have to be. Skepticism is a critical filter
in guiding research. Without it, they would simply flounder around, like,
well, like cold fusion researchers.

Of course, that sometimes leads to rejecting good ideas, and finding the
right balance is the most important quality a scientist can strive for.
Linus Pauling was clever enough to win 2 Nobel prizes, and yet he ridiculed
quasi-crystals. At the other end is perhaps Josephson, who got a Nobel
prize for work done as a graduate student, when skeptical guidance was
still provided by others. On his own, his lack of skepticism has led him to
dabble in the paranormal, and to a life's work wholly unworthy of his
brilliant beginning.

 After the press conference, Dr. Caldwell came up to us and said, Well,
 when my grandfather proposed electrolytic disassociation, he was dismissed
 from the University. At least that won’t happen to you. I said to her,
 “But you are entirely mistaken. We shall be dismissed as well.

Their ideas were dismissed, but they were not fired from academic
positions. Fleischmann was already retired, and continued to list his
affiliation with Southampton until at least 1994. Pons was tenured, and
left voluntarily for greener pastures and more money in France. 

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Vorl Bek
 On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
   Gene went from a top academic career to working in a
  warehouse at night to feed his family.
 He was a science writer. Respectable, yes. Top academic career,
  Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time.
 Too much money? They had better funding after the CF
 announcement than at any previous time in their careers.
  I think it traumatized Pons. It did not bother Fleischmann as
  much because he is a tough, cynical person who had nightmare
  experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his father to death,
  and he himself barely escaped.
 Your arguments for cold fusion are aiming for the gut, not the
  He told me that he knew calling that press conference would
  mean the end of his career.
 It would seem the reports on the sociology of CF are about as
 reliable as those on the science. It was not the end of his
 career. He was already resigned from his academic position at
 Southampton, so he had no job to lose. As it happens, he worked
 in a well funded lab in France until 1995, when he retired.
 France is not Siberia. How is that the end of his career?
  He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his
 So he says now, but his self-satisfied grinning during the press
 conferences after the announcement tell a different story.
   He went into it knowing what would happen.
 Right. That his research would be well funded until retirement.
 Until the announcement, PF were funding the experiments
  That was an act of courage.
 It was an act of fear. Fear that someone else would get priority.

It is good some debunking of Rothwell's fantastic history.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can to get
 hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever and shove it up
 some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will never shine on it again. And
 you wonder why I have no time for most university chalk heads.

Ah, yes. Is this how cool, rational minds prevail? Rothwell knows how to
get people's blood to boil. Would that he could do the same for their

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Cude what does this have to do with FP having been replicated in many 
labs all over the world? You need to accept that the FPE is real and 
move on to working out why it happens. Oh BTW you just might apologize 
to FP for the treatment they received by you and your mates.

Would you please disclose if your income / pay check depends on you not 
believing the FPE is real and / or working to trash anyone who does? I 
ask because all you apparently contribute to this list is trashing the FPE.

On 12/19/2011 11:23 PM, Joshua Cude wrote:

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

He sure knew what he was getting into. Fleischmann wrote a
lighthearted account of this, quoted in Beaudette's book. It
starts off with Arrhenius in 1883. He was one of the most
important electrochemists in history, like Faraday. He made a
revolutionary discovery. As any student of history would predict,
this led the academic authorities to kick him out of the
university. He was vilified and ridiculed for years and years.
Finally, long after, he won a Nobel prize.

You mean like Einstein got kicked out of university? No, because his 
revolutionary ideas got him kicked *into* university.

You mean like Planck's ideas got him kicked out of university? No, 
because they named one after him.


You can't just make shit up to please your audience.

I'd like to know of a professor who got kicked out of university for a 
revolutionary idea. At least one that turned out to be right, and 
didn't have religious objectors.

Because, contrary to your claim, Arrhenius does not provide an 
example. I admit, my source does not go beyond wikipedia, but 
according to it, his controversial ideas were presented in his 
doctoral thesis, so he didn't have a position to be kicked out of. And 
while there were local skeptics, his degree was granted, if only as 
3rd class. Nevertheless, when the dissertation was sent to other 
European scholars, they came to Sweden trying to recruit him. Doesn't 
really sound much like cold fusion, does it?

The Swedish Academy then awarded him a grant to study with the likes 
of Boltzmann and van 't Hoff. That doesn't sound like years and years 
of vilification does it? A few years after his graduation, he was 
*given* an appointment at the Stockholm university, and was a full 
professor/chair (rector) about a decade after his PhD. That doesn't 
sound much like ridicule, does it?

It did take almost 20 years to recognize his work with a Nobel prize, 
but maybe the fact that the prize was not initiated until about 17 
years after had something to do with that. He got the 3rd one in 
chemistry. He was on the Nobel committee from the beginning until his 
death, and it seems he was not a particularly nice guy himself, 
arranging awards for his friends, and attempting to deny them to his 
enemies. He also got involved in racial biology (eugenics) later in 
his life.

That happens so often I am astounded anyone believes the myth that
scientists welcome new ideas.

Well, you would not be astounded if you actually paid attention to 
history, instead of twisting it to rationalize your fervent belief in 
cold fusion. Right about the same time as the CF announcement, high 
temperature superconductivity was discovered, and the Nobel prize was 
awarded -- now get this -- one year later. The discovery had no theory 
to support it, was unexpected, and yet the discoverers were not 
dismissed from their positions. Amazing, isn't it. Of course, most 
Nobel prizes (including Einstein's) take much longer, because it 
usually takes time for the importance to become manifest, but new 
discoveries are always celebrated in science, by scientists.

As I've said before, the most revolutionary ideas in science in 
centuries, relativity and QM, were accepted almost as quickly as they 
could be developed. Because they fit the evidence so perfectly.

Just about every evaluation of merit in science, from granting of 
degrees, to awarding academic or industrial positions, to granting 
awards, to giving funding, to accepting manuscripts for publication, 
to any degree of fame and glory, has as its first criterion:

*** novelty ***.

What scientists fear is not new ideas (they crave them), but wrong 
ideas. Scientists are skeptical; they have to be. Skepticism is a 
critical filter in guiding research. Without it, they would simply 
flounder around, like, well, like cold fusion researchers.

Of course, that sometimes leads to rejecting good ideas, and finding 
the right balance is the most important quality a scientist can strive 
for. Linus Pauling was clever enough to win 2 Nobel prizes, and yet he 
ridiculed quasi-crystals. At the other end is perhaps Josephson, who 
got a Nobel prize for work done as a graduate student, when skeptical 
guidance was still provided by others. On his own, his lack of 
skepticism has 

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
I state again. 1 professor, 1 grad and 2 high school students replicated 
FP in a MIT lab in front of over 100 ICCF 10 participants in 2002 and 
2003. The observed excess heat and transmutations. The FPE is real and 
can be easily replicated. Sorry but I have a Royal Flush and you have a 
pair of 2s.

On 12/19/2011 11:22 PM, Vorl Bek wrote:

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

  Gene went from a top academic career to working in a
warehouse at night to feed his family.

He was a science writer. Respectable, yes. Top academic career,

Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time.

Too much money? They had better funding after the CF
announcement than at any previous time in their careers.

I think it traumatized Pons. It did not bother Fleischmann as
much because he is a tough, cynical person who had nightmare
experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his father to death,
and he himself barely escaped.

Your arguments for cold fusion are aiming for the gut, not the

He told me that he knew calling that press conference would
mean the end of his career.

It would seem the reports on the sociology of CF are about as
reliable as those on the science. It was not the end of his
career. He was already resigned from his academic position at
Southampton, so he had no job to lose. As it happens, he worked
in a well funded lab in France until 1995, when he retired.
France is not Siberia. How is that the end of his career?

He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his

So he says now, but his self-satisfied grinning during the press
conferences after the announcement tell a different story.

  He went into it knowing what would happen.

Right. That his research would be well funded until retirement.
Until the announcement, PF were funding the experiments

That was an act of courage.

It was an act of fear. Fear that someone else would get priority.

It is good some debunking of Rothwell's fantastic history.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the Conservation of Miracles. I agree with  
him and would add my version: Different dog, same leg action.  
What is at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For  
all the early years the effect was called the Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect. Why change it now?

The effect initially was the ability of a palladium cathode  
sufficiently loaded with D, by electrolysis, to produce excess  
enthalpy excess heat without the corresponding tritium or neutrons  
expected using hot fusion branching ratios.

It was later discovered, by Bockris and others, that Pd transmutation  
occurred also, as a byproduct of the FP effect, that different  
regimes produced different products.  This might have some  
justification being called part of the FP effect, because it was  
still palladium

Many other discoveries followed which were not by FP, and not in  
their regime of research. Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's  
glow discharge, Mizuno and Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or  
Mizuno's solid state electrolyte experiments, Piantelli's gaseous Ni- 
H, Arata and Zhang's double structured spillover cathode using Pd  
black, Patterson's layered Pd-Ni beads, Szpack's codepositon cells,  
Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst in gaseous deuterium, etc., are not  
called the called FP effect.

Cold fusion itself is not even entirely the domain of FP.  Muon- 
catalyzed fusion was called this also. This muon catalysis effect was  
predicted by Andrei Sakharov, and first observed by Luis Alarez.  
Steve Jones et al. were preparing to make a cold fusion  
announcement regarding achieving 150 d-t fusion per muon, not enough  
for energy break-even. The FP effect, initially called by some  
(mostly Americans) the PF effect, was called that to distinguish it  
from muon catalyzed fusion, the other kind of cold fusion.

Muon catalyzed fusion obeys conventional hot fusion branching ratios.  
The FP effect does not. Other forms of cold fusion can have  
differing branch ratios, especially very different T/n ratios, and  
differing triggering conditions.  However, to call every such  
discovered effect a Fleischmann and Pons effect is to greatly  
diminish the work of others. The general field has been called LENR,  
CANR, LANR, and finally CMNS, for a reason. We owe Fleischmann and  
Pons a great debt for discovering the general field of research, this  
part of cold fusion which shows such great promise, unlike muon  
catalyzed fusion at this time.  Still it is inappropriate to stamp  
their name on every effect discovered by everyone in the field, just  
a it would be inappropriate to include their names on every patent  
that will eventually be issued in the field. This is disrespectful to  
the contributions of those who have followed.  It also brings  
confusion to the terminology that has developed over 20 years.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 Cude what does this have to do with FP having been replicated in many
 labs all over the world?

They haven't been. McKubre himself has said that no one has achieved
quantitative reproducibility. And interlay reproducibility always requires
the interchange of personnel. Doesn't say much for the robustness of the
effect. What cf researchers call replication is not what is considered
replication in the rest of science. Which is why the expert panels in 1989
and 2004 judged the evidence to be inconclusive.

 Would you please disclose if your income / pay check depends on you not
 believing the FPE is real and / or working to trash anyone who does?

No, like just about everyone else on the planet (probably everyone), I
would benefit immensely if cold fusion were real. Like the the industrial
revolution, everyone's standard of living would improve. What's not to like
about that? That's why these arguments about political opposition and
conspiracies are just rationalizations for people who are heavily invested,
emotionally and otherwise, in the cold fusion delusion.

 I ask because all you apparently contribute to this list is trashing the

 On 12/19/2011 11:23 PM, Joshua Cude wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.commailto:** wrote:

He sure knew what he was getting into. Fleischmann wrote a
lighthearted account of this, quoted in Beaudette's book. It
starts off with Arrhenius in 1883. He was one of the most
important electrochemists in history, like Faraday. He made a
revolutionary discovery. As any student of history would predict,
this led the academic authorities to kick him out of the
university. He was vilified and ridiculed for years and years.
Finally, long after, he won a Nobel prize.

 You mean like Einstein got kicked out of university? No, because his
 revolutionary ideas got him kicked *into* university.

 You mean like Planck's ideas got him kicked out of university? No,
 because they named one after him.


 You can't just make shit up to please your audience.

 I'd like to know of a professor who got kicked out of university for a
 revolutionary idea. At least one that turned out to be right, and didn't
 have religious objectors.

 Because, contrary to your claim, Arrhenius does not provide an example. I
 admit, my source does not go beyond wikipedia, but according to it, his
 controversial ideas were presented in his doctoral thesis, so he didn't
 have a position to be kicked out of. And while there were local skeptics,
 his degree was granted, if only as 3rd class. Nevertheless, when the
 dissertation was sent to other European scholars, they came to Sweden
 trying to recruit him. Doesn't really sound much like cold fusion, does it?

 The Swedish Academy then awarded him a grant to study with the likes of
 Boltzmann and van 't Hoff. That doesn't sound like years and years of
 vilification does it? A few years after his graduation, he was *given* an
 appointment at the Stockholm university, and was a full professor/chair
 (rector) about a decade after his PhD. That doesn't sound much like
 ridicule, does it?

 It did take almost 20 years to recognize his work with a Nobel prize, but
 maybe the fact that the prize was not initiated until about 17 years after
 had something to do with that. He got the 3rd one in chemistry. He was on
 the Nobel committee from the beginning until his death, and it seems he was
 not a particularly nice guy himself, arranging awards for his friends, and
 attempting to deny them to his enemies. He also got involved in racial
 biology (eugenics) later in his life.

That happens so often I am astounded anyone believes the myth that
scientists welcome new ideas.

 Well, you would not be astounded if you actually paid attention to
 history, instead of twisting it to rationalize your fervent belief in cold
 fusion. Right about the same time as the CF announcement, high temperature
 superconductivity was discovered, and the Nobel prize was awarded -- now
 get this -- one year later. The discovery had no theory to support it, was
 unexpected, and yet the discoverers were not dismissed from their
 positions. Amazing, isn't it. Of course, most Nobel prizes (including
 Einstein's) take much longer, because it usually takes time for the
 importance to become manifest, but new discoveries are always celebrated in
 science, by scientists.

 As I've said before, the most revolutionary ideas in science in
 centuries, relativity and QM, were accepted almost as quickly as they could
 be developed. Because they fit the evidence so perfectly.

 Just about every evaluation of merit in science, from granting of
 degrees, to awarding academic or industrial positions, to granting awards,
 to giving funding, to accepting manuscripts for publication, to any degree
 of fame and 

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 I state again. 1 professor, 1 grad and 2 high school students replicated
 FP in a MIT lab in front of over 100 ICCF 10 participants in 2002 and
 2003. The observed excess heat and transmutations.

It wasn't enough to convince the DOE in 2004. And why would they suppress
it if they actually believed it? The prospect of other countries --
unfriendly countries -- getting the technology first would surely scare
them shitless.

 The FPE is real and can be easily replicated.

That's not what the researchers say. They always talk about how erratic the
results are, how quantitative results are elusive. And if tens (or hundreds
or thousands) of watts are being produced by nuclear reactions, why can no
one set up an isolated device with no input energy and persistent output
energy? You know, like an RTG.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Horace I suggest that call should be made when we have nailed the exact 
process that caused Effect A and Effect B to have a different pathway. 
Until that time, if it ever occurs, I feel Different Dog, Same Leg 
Action is the road to follow. I have no problem if say WL is proven to 
be the correct pathway. It is still the FPE effect produced by a WL 
pathway. It will never be the WL effect as they did not discover it. 
History always records the initial discover and that is what should 
happen with the FPE effect. If it so happens that the H. Heffner theory 
is the correct pathway, it becomes the FPE effect produced by the HH 
pathway. Then both the effect discover and the pathway discover are 
recorded in history. Each then gets a fair go.

On 12/19/2011 11:45 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the Conservation of Miracles. I agree with him 
and would add my version: Different dog, same leg action. What is 
at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For all the 
early years the effect was called the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. Why 
change it now?

The effect initially was the ability of a palladium cathode 
sufficiently loaded with D, by electrolysis, to produce excess 
enthalpy excess heat without the corresponding tritium or neutrons 
expected using hot fusion branching ratios.

It was later discovered, by Bockris and others, that Pd transmutation 
occurred also, as a byproduct of the FP effect, that different 
regimes produced different products.  This might have some 
justification being called part of the FP effect, because it was 
still palladium

Many other discoveries followed which were not by FP, and not in 
their regime of research. Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's 
glow discharge, Mizuno and Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or 
Mizuno's solid state electrolyte experiments, Piantelli's gaseous 
Ni-H, Arata and Zhang's double structured spillover cathode using Pd 
black, Patterson's layered Pd-Ni beads, Szpack's codepositon cells, 
Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst in gaseous deuterium, etc., are not 
called the called FP effect.

Cold fusion itself is not even entirely the domain of FP.  
Muon-catalyzed fusion was called this also. This muon catalysis effect 
was predicted by Andrei Sakharov, and first observed by Luis Alarez. 
Steve Jones et al. were preparing to make a cold fusion announcement 
regarding achieving 150 d-t fusion per muon, not enough for energy 
break-even. The FP effect, initially called by some (mostly 
Americans) the PF effect, was called that to distinguish it from muon 
catalyzed fusion, the other kind of cold fusion.

Muon catalyzed fusion obeys conventional hot fusion branching ratios. 
The FP effect does not. Other forms of cold fusion can have differing 
branch ratios, especially very different T/n ratios, and differing 
triggering conditions.  However, to call every such discovered effect 
a Fleischmann and Pons effect is to greatly diminish the work of 
others. The general field has been called LENR, CANR, LANR, and 
finally CMNS, for a reason. We owe Fleischmann and Pons a great debt 
for discovering the general field of research, this part of cold 
fusion which shows such great promise, unlike muon catalyzed fusion at 
this time.  Still it is inappropriate to stamp their name on every 
effect discovered by everyone in the field, just a it would be 
inappropriate to include their names on every patent that will 
eventually be issued in the field. This is disrespectful to the 
contributions of those who have followed.  It also brings confusion to 
the terminology that has developed over 20 years.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
I can't believe you really think that is a correct assessment. FP have 
been replicated. Just have a read through Jed's archives. Christ man 
high school students replicated PF with both excess heat and 
transmutations, in a MIT lab and in front of over 100 ICCF 10 attendees? 
Where you there? Have you seen their data? How can you make such 
statements that are just not correct.

On 12/19/2011 11:49 PM, Joshua Cude wrote:
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Cude what does this have to do with FP having been replicated in
many labs all over the world? 

They haven't been. McKubre himself has said that no one has achieved 
quantitative reproducibility. And interlay reproducibility always 
requires the interchange of personnel. Doesn't say much for the 
robustness of the effect. What cf researchers call replication is not 
what is considered replication in the rest of science. Which is why 
the expert panels in 1989 and 2004 judged the evidence to be inconclusive.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the Conservation of Miracles. I agree with  
him and would add my version: Different dog, same leg action.  
What is at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For  
all the early years the effect was called the Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect. Why change it now? I say give them the respect and credit  
they deserve. To hell with avoiding their names like they are  
poison and calling the effect they discovered a politically nice  
title of LENR as if not mentioning FP will make that new paper on  
LENR more politically correct and likely to get published. FP did  
the hard yards and paid with their careers. They deserve to be  
remembered and the effect they discovered named after them until  
the stars burn out and it all goes black.

George Washington is regarded as the father of the United States just  
as Fleischmann and Pons are regarded by many as the fathers of LENR,  
or CMNS.  A single individual deciding after these many years to call  
the entire United States George Washington or Washington would be  
inappropriate on their part, and confusing to others, to say the  
least. It is just as inappropriate now to call the field PFE.  Cold  
fusion, LENR, LANR, CANR, and CMNS, these are all terms that have  
established, distinct, and useful meanings, just as the US, or United  
States, does. It is confusing for someone from Utah to say they are a  
citizen of Washington if they have never even been there.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Did the DOE visit the students results? I suggest not. Did they sit in 
front of a SEM and see the transmutated products? I suggest they did not 
and never left their office. Sorry but real word results trumps DOE 
theory anytime. As far as replicating PF, did you actually read the 
test results the students did? I think the DOE would be severely 
embarrassed by 1 prof, 1 grad student and 2 high school students blowing 
up their negative FPE spin job. We will replicate the students results. 
It should be very low cost and simple to do. Something that any lab 
could do and for less than pocket change. If the students results in 
2002 and 2003 did not convince the DOE, then then the DOE needs to be 
torn apart as it is non functional.

On 12/19/2011 11:56 PM, Joshua Cude wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I state again. 1 professor, 1 grad and 2 high school students
replicated FP in a MIT lab in front of over 100 ICCF 10
participants in 2002 and 2003. The observed excess heat and

It wasn't enough to convince the DOE in 2004. And why would they 
suppress it if they actually believed it? The prospect of other 
countries -- unfriendly countries -- getting the technology first 
would surely scare them shitless.

The FPE is real and can be easily replicated. 

That's not what the researchers say. They always talk about how 
erratic the results are, how quantitative results are elusive. And if 
tens (or hundreds or thousands) of watts are being produced by nuclear 
reactions, why can no one set up an isolated device with no input 
energy and persistent output energy? You know, like an RTG.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:29 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Horace I suggest that call should be made when we have nailed the  
exact process that caused Effect A and Effect B to have a different  
pathway. Until that time, if it ever occurs, I feel Different Dog,  
Same Leg Action is the road to follow. I have no problem if say WL  
is proven to be the correct pathway. It is still the FPE effect  
produced by a WL pathway. It will never be the WL effect as they  
did not discover it. History always records the initial discover  
and that is what should happen with the FPE effect. If it so  
happens that the H. Heffner theory is the correct pathway, it  
becomes the FPE effect produced by the HH pathway. Then both the  
effect discover and the pathway discover are recorded in history.  
Each then gets a fair go.

It is hubris to think you or I or the members of this list combined  
should or could make such a determination.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Jed Rothwell
Vorl Bek wrote:

Gene went from a top academic career to working in a
   warehouse at night to feed his family.
  He was a science writer. Respectable, yes. Top academic career,

In my opinion, being the science writer at MIT puts you at the top of your
career. Gene knew every major science writer in the U.S., many other
writers such as Arthur Clarke, and hundreds of scientists worldwide. This
was before the Internet. He had hundreds of important people in
his Rolodex, and file cabinets full of correspondence from them. I spent a
lot of time in his office wading through old correspondence.

You did not know him. You did not spend weeks at his house, as I did. You
do know what he accomplished, or what difficulties he faced. So I suggest
you stop making ignorant assertions about him.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Vorl Bek
Jed Rothwell wrote:

 You did not know him. You did not spend weeks at his house, as I
 did. You do know what he accomplished, or what difficulties he
 faced. So I suggest you stop making ignorant assertions about

I think you have Cude killfiled, or you would know that he wrote
what you are replying to.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Jed Rothwell
Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

You have seen the high school students doing FPE excess heat experiments at
 MIT during ICCF-10?

I loved those kids! They know more chemistry than I'll ever master. But the
experiment was far from definitive. I would call it suggestive, and worthy
of further attention. I would given them all As. But it was not up the
standard of a professional experiment.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Jed Rothwell
Vorl Bek wrote:

  faced. So I suggest you stop making ignorant assertions about

 I think you have Cude killfiled, or you would know that he wrote
 what you are replying to.

I do have him killfiled. For my peace of mind.

I apologize if I mixed you up with him. I wasn't paying much attention to
the top of the message, or who wrote it. Sorry about that.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Vorl Bek
Jed Rothwell wrote:

 I do have him killfiled. For my peace of mind.
 I apologize if I mixed you up with him. I wasn't paying much
 attention to the top of the message, or who wrote it. Sorry
 about that.

That's OK. To the degree I can follow this, I agree with him
rather than you or the other optimists here.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Vorl Bek wrote:

 That's OK. To the degree I can follow this, I agree with him
 rather than you or the other optimists here.

Then what is the reason for your presence on this list?  To turn
optimism into pessimism?  To fix those optimists?


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Vorl Bek
 On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Vorl Bek wrote:
  That's OK. To the degree I can follow this, I agree with him
  rather than you or the other optimists here.
 Then what is the reason for your presence on this list?  To turn
 optimism into pessimism?  To fix those optimists?

I was being polite by calling Jed and the other 'believers'
optimists; in reality, I think they are believing in something for
which there are no rational grounds to believe.

Although I am fairly ignorant, I can steer by the old saying that
extraordinary claims require solid proof - lots of independent
replications. Rossi hasn't done even one. He acts like a con man.

I don't expect Jed or any of the other believers in this nonsense
to change their minds until Rossi confesses. If he is jailed 
without admitting he is a phony, the believers will add him
to their roll of martyrs in the CF cause.

Even if he confesses they will probably say that he lost his mind
due to the tortures inflicted by the servants of Big Oil.

To answer your question, my presence on the list is to be
entertained, and, if possible, to provide entertainment.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Jed Rothwell

Mary Yugo wrote:

By the way, why don't you contact Jed personally about his experience 
with Defkalion and trying to arrange a visit with them.

There is nothing to be said about that. It was delayed and delayed, and 
it appears to have petered out. Delays, confusion and cancellations are 
not unusual with start-up companies. You cannot draw any conclusions 
from that sort of thing. No doubt they have more pressing matters to 
deal with, and higher priorities than a visit by me.

What is disturbing about Defkalion is their dispute with Stremmenos. I 
do not know what to make of that. It is a public relations disaster.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread noone noone
What the heck is stopping someone from taking private money and doing research 
in their basement?

 From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official 
Mary Yugo wrote:

 By the way, why don't you contact Jed personally about his experience with 
 Defkalion and trying to arrange a visit with them.

There is nothing to be said about that. It was delayed and delayed, and it 
appears to have petered out. Delays, confusion and cancellations are not 
unusual with start-up companies. You cannot draw any conclusions from that sort 
of thing. No doubt they have more pressing matters to deal with, and higher 
priorities than a visit by me.

What is disturbing about Defkalion is their dispute with Stremmenos. I do not 
know what to make of that. It is a public relations disaster.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Horace it was known as the Fleischmann-Pons Effect for years. Check 
Jed's archives.


On 12/20/2011 12:14 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:29 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Horace I suggest that call should be made when we have nailed the 
exact process that caused Effect A and Effect B to have a different 
pathway. Until that time, if it ever occurs, I feel Different Dog, 
Same Leg Action is the road to follow. I have no problem if say WL 
is proven to be the correct pathway. It is still the FPE effect 
produced by a WL pathway. It will never be the WL effect as they did 
not discover it. History always records the initial discover and that 
is what should happen with the FPE effect. If it so happens that the 
H. Heffner theory is the correct pathway, it becomes the FPE effect 
produced by the HH pathway. Then both the effect discover and the 
pathway discover are recorded in history. Each then gets a fair go.

It is hubris to think you or I or the members of this list combined 
should or could make such a determination.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
I didn't invent the name. It was called the Fleischmann-Pons Effect 
for years. Google it. All I'm suggesting is that we should honour the 
effect they discovered with their names, even if we don't know how and 
why it happens. No point in inventing a new name for an effect that 
already has a very definitive name. It is the Fleischmann-Pons Effect.


On 12/20/2011 12:05 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the Conservation of Miracles. I agree with him 
and would add my version: Different dog, same leg action. What is 
at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For all the 
early years the effect was called the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. Why 
change it now? I say give them the respect and credit they deserve. 
To hell with avoiding their names like they are poison and calling 
the effect they discovered a politically nice title of LENR as if not 
mentioning FP will make that new paper on LENR more politically 
correct and likely to get published. FP did the hard yards and paid 
with their careers. They deserve to be remembered and the effect they 
discovered named after them until the stars burn out and it all goes 

George Washington is regarded as the father of the United States just 
as Fleischmann and Pons are regarded by many as the fathers of LENR, 
or CMNS.  A single individual deciding after these many years to call 
the entire United States George Washington or Washington would be 
inappropriate on their part, and confusing to others, to say the 
least. It is just as inappropriate now to call the field PFE.  Cold 
fusion, LENR, LANR, CANR, and CMNS, these are all terms that have 
established, distinct, and useful meanings, just as the US, or United 
States, does. It is confusing for someone from Utah to say they are a 
citizen of Washington if they have never even been there.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

  Christ man high school students replicated PF with both excess heat and
 transmutations, in a MIT lab and in front of over 100 ICCF 10 attendees?

And what did those 100 people see? A power supply pumping 3 A into a cell,
and a mercury thermometer. How is that supposed to be evidence of nuclear
reactions producing heat?

It would be possible to make a visual demo of cold fusion, if it were real.
Rothwell has described it: an isolated device palpably warmer than the
surroundings for a sufficiently long time.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 Did the DOE visit the students results? I suggest not. Did they sit in
 front of a SEM and see the transmutated products? I suggest they did not
 and never left their office.

I suggest you didn't either.

Sorry but real word results trumps DOE theory anytime.

But not the DOE's judgement on real world results as presented by the best
cold fusion could put forward.

 I think the DOE would be severely embarrassed by 1 prof, 1 grad student
 and 2 high school students blowing up their negative FPE spin job.

True. But it'd be much worse if they called it bogus and then Japan
executed a cold fusion Pearl Harbor on them, even if it were a peaceful
equivalent of it. That would be career ending. And they could not have
possibly expected something like cold fusion to remain dormant if it were
real. So, their judgement had to be based on their belief that the field
had no merit, rather than any kind of a desire to suppress it.

 We will replicate the students results. It should be very low cost and
 simple to do. Something that any lab could do and for less than pocket

I wonder why they are always using the lack of funding as an excuse for not
producing definitive evidence.

 If the students results in 2002 and 2003 did not convince the DOE, then
 then the DOE needs to be torn apart as it is non functional.

Well, it's not just the DOE, but the entire scientific establishment that
should be torn apart then. But in the last 20 years, progress in all
branches of science has continued apace. But you're planning to repeat a
10-year old cold fusion experiment, which is a repeat of a 20-year old
experiment, because basically there hasn't been much new to celebrate in
the field. We know from the reaction in 1989 that the establishment would
love nothing more than to see a working cold fusion experiment, so once
again, they can cheer the rebellious chemists on at ACS meetings. But this
time, it'll take more than a dubious electrolysis experiment with
questionable calorimetry. Give us an isolated thing that stays persistently
hot, and the world will beat a path to your door.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
You skipped over the bit about the up and down transmutations they found 
on the cathodes. As for the temperature, you need to read the reports 
and see the photographs. It is not what you said.

On 12/20/2011 10:15 AM, Joshua Cude wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

 Christ man high school students replicated PF with both excess
heat and transmutations, in a MIT lab and in front of over 100
ICCF 10 attendees? 

And what did those 100 people see? A power supply pumping 3 A into a 
cell, and a mercury thermometer. How is that supposed to be evidence 
of nuclear reactions producing heat?

It would be possible to make a visual demo of cold fusion, if it were 
real. Rothwell has described it: an isolated device palpably warmer 
than the surroundings for a sufficiently long time.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Vorl Bek wrote:

Gene went from a top academic career to working in a
   warehouse at night to feed his family.
  He was a science writer. Respectable, yes. Top academic career,

 In my opinion, being the science writer at MIT puts you at the top of your

Maybe I'm quibbling, but it's not an academic career was the point. An
academic career, to me, involves primarily research. And a top academic
career would be a chair at a university or director of a research
institute. A science writer is a journalist. Not that there's anything
wrong with that, but it's not usually considered academic. Some people,
like Sagan, mixed them successfully,

 Gene knew every major science writer in the U.S., many other writers such
 as Arthur Clarke, and hundreds of scientists worldwide. This was before the
 Internet. He had hundreds of important people in his Rolodex, and file
 cabinets full of correspondence from them. I spent a lot of time in his
 office wading through old correspondence.

 You did not know him. You did not spend weeks at his house, as I did. You
 do know what he accomplished, or what difficulties he faced.

Completely irrelevant. I didn't know Feynman, but I know he had a top
academic career. I didn't know Clarke, but I know he didn't. I don't know
Gary Taubes, but I know he doesn't either.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Joshua Cude
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 I do have him killfiled. For my peace of mind.

What a coincidence. Your posts all go to a special file too: my
must-reply-to file. In a way, it's a kill file, too. Unfortunately, I can't
always keep up with your verbosity, and sometimes I have to delete posts
that are crying out for rebuttal. The DOE and oil companies don't pay me
enough, and I have to moonlight at a real job.

RE: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Joshua wrote:

. And a top academic career would be a chair at a university or director of
a research institute. 


Well, Josh, by your own definition, Dr. Robert Duncan, Vice Chancellor of
Research at Univ of Missouri, would then most definitely qualify as top
academic career, and he was skeptical when CBS 60-Minutes asked him to be
their expert on the Cold Fusion piece done in 2009.  His conclusions are
reasonable and in-line with the evidence: that something interesting seems
to be going on and deserves a dedicated effort; which is CONTRARY to your


Oh, well, he must have all of a sudden lost his objective faculties once he
was infected with the LENR virus!  Could be worse. At least he isn't
infected with the pathological skeptics virus which would only keep us in
the dark (or fossil fuel) age.


Josh also wrote:

A science writer is a journalist. Not that there's anything wrong with
that, but it's not usually considered academic. Some people, like Sagan,
mixed them successfully


You seem to be unaware of the fact that Mallove was NOT educated as a
journalist.  He was a graduate of MIT and Harvard with engineering degrees,
so he was very well educated in technical disciplines; enough to know when
raw data was deliberately manipulated.  I think Mallove's career was very
similar to that of Sagan; he just didn't live long enough to enjoy more
journalistic successes.  The following is taken from Wikipedia:


Eugene Mallove held a BS (1969) and MS degree (1970) in aeronautical and
astronautical engineering from MIT and a ScD degree (1975) in environmental
health sciences from Harvard University. He had worked for technology
engineering firms such as Hughes Research Laboratories, the Analytic Science
Corporation, and MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, and he consulted in research and
development of new energies.




[Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Two or three people have contacted me suggesting we raise funds for Miley.
I appreciate the sentiments, and I am sure George would too, but as far as
I know universities only accept money from official sources such as
corporations, philanthropic organizations, government agencies, etc. They
cannot just take money from private individuals. There has to a formal
agreement, which is a complicated multi-page legal document. There is 40%
to 60% overhead for the university itself.

I have been involved in a few of these arrangements. That's how it works as
far as I know.

It is not that big a hurdle. If you know a corporation that has money, I
expect the university would happy to arrange something. But you cannot walk
in off the street as a private individual with a suitcase full of money.
(I'll take it!)

I believe the other problem is that the grad students who were doing this
as an after-hours labor of love have moved on in life. Even grad students
graduate eventually. It may be difficult to find some young person bold
enough to do this. (Reckless enough.) Miley himself is too old, I believe.
He can assist.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 It is not that big a hurdle. If you know a corporation that has money, I
 expect the university would happy to arrange something.

It wouldn't hurt to fill out this form:


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-18 17:18, Terry Blanton wrote:

It wouldn't hurt to fill out this form:

This might actually be a good idea.
By the way, until Krivit leaked that email from the ISCMNS mailing list, 
I've never heard of this GameChanger program by Shell.


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

2011/12/18 Jed Rothwell

 Two or three people have contacted me suggesting we raise funds for Miley.
 I appreciate the sentiments, and I am sure George would too, but as far as
 I know universities only accept money from official sources such as
 corporations, philanthropic organizations, government agencies, etc. They
 cannot just take money from private individuals. There has to a formal
 agreement, which is a complicated multi-page legal document. There is 40%
 to 60% overhead for the university itself.

 I have been involved in a few of these arrangements. That's how it works
 as far as I know.

 It is not that big a hurdle. If you know a corporation that has money, I
 expect the university would happy to arrange something. But you cannot walk
 in off the street as a private individual with a suitcase full of money.
 (I'll take it!)

 I believe the other problem is that the grad students who were doing this
 as an after-hours labor of love have moved on in life. Even grad students
 graduate eventually. It may be difficult to find some young person bold
 enough to do this. (Reckless enough.) Miley himself is too old, I believe.
 He can assist.

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Craig Haynie
On Sun, 2011-12-18 at 11:09 -0500, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Two or three people have contacted me suggesting we raise funds for
 Miley. I appreciate the sentiments, and I am sure George would too,
 but as far as I know universities only accept money from official
 sources such as corporations, philanthropic organizations, government
 agencies, etc. They cannot just take money from private individuals.
 There has to a formal agreement, which is a complicated multi-page
 legal document. There is 40% to 60% overhead for the university

Miley was pushing this company during his Oct talk.

I was under the impression that he was involved in this company and was
trying to develop a commercial product.

If this is true then I'm sure you can deliver money to him through this


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote:

Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

The ones who are dead.

Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion would be
career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired and would never
get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired. Miles -- a distinguished
fellow of the institute -- was reassigned as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was
told he would never be promoted unless he renounced it. He never was.
Nearly every researcher I know has been subjected to harassment, bullying,
threats, sabotage, and so on.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Robert Lynn
Wow that's a pretty bleak and discouraging assessment Jed, you must be
tremendously frustrated.  I am just thankful that I am such a LENR
neophyte.  Fingers crossed it appears the genie is now out of the bottle
and someone (Celani, Miley, Piantelli, Arata, McKubre, Ahern, Rossi,
Brillouin, Dekaflion ) will do an unimpeachable demo in the next few
months (as Rossi could have done if he cared, his fat-cat demos were a step

I think the breakthrough demo is now most likely to come from one of the
older hands as they seem to care more for the science than the pursuit of
financial gain, the only explanation I can see for the other researchers in
the game going into stealth mode of late.  A well executed demo will change
everything, and should then give you license to go around for the rest of
your life wearing an I told you so t-shirt.

On 18 December 2011 17:22, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Daniel Rocha wrote:

 Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

 The ones who are dead.

 Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion would be
 career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired and would never
 get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired. Miles -- a distinguished
 fellow of the institute -- was reassigned as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was
 told he would never be promoted unless he renounced it. He never was.
 Nearly every researcher I know has been subjected to harassment, bullying,
 threats, sabotage, and so on.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

 Even Bockris was nearly fired.


Some outlandish research, but someone's gotta try it:

 Miles -- a distinguished fellow of the institute -- was reassigned as a
 stock room clerk.

p. 19, quote:

With the loss of the ONR funding, management at China Lake dictated that
no further work on the F-P effect was to be done. Dr. Johnson moved on to a
position in Idaho, and Dr. Miles was assigned by the Head of the Chemistry
Department at China Lake (Dr. Robin A. Nissan) to report to the
stockroom clerk for the inventory of chemicals [24]. No further studies of
the F-P effect were made at China Lake after 1995.

There is no conspiracy against cold fusion but there are sure are a lot of
nasty people trying to crush it, aren't there? As Bill Beaty pointed out,
there was no conspiracy against women in the 1950s but sexism was

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Alain Sepeda
I agree with your analysis.
stupidity, selfishness, greed, conformism, is the main result of applying
Occam razor

2011/12/18 Jed Rothwell

 There is no conspiracy against cold fusion but there are sure are a lot of
 nasty people trying to crush it, aren't there? As Bill Beaty pointed out,
 there was no conspiracy against women in the 1950s but sexism was

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Daniel Rocha wrote:

Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

The ones who are dead.

Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion  
would be career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired  
and would never get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired.  
Miles -- a distinguished fellow of the institute -- was reassigned  
as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was told he would never be promoted  
unless he renounced it. He never was. Nearly every researcher I  
know has been subjected to harassment, bullying, threats, sabotage,  
and so on.

- Jed

One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free  
publicity may have been to bring young people into the field.  Once  
it becomes clear in the mind that nuclear reactions triggered by  
chemical potentials, without nuclear waste, is a reality, however  
impractical at this point, and the desperately needed benefit to  
society such a process can have, if successfully optimized and  
engineered, the field has more lure than sirens singing and combing  
their hair sitting on a rock.

The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure  
of Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy  
and scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting out and  
dismantling, unfunding, of any LENR work in the government or  
academia whatsoever.   Perhaps that is already underway.

Despite the lure, if no proven major practical development occurs,  
the field will be once again be left to old retired folks,  self  
funded personal time efforts, wildcat businesses, dilettantes,  
hobbyists, and frauds.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Daniel Rocha wrote:

Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

The ones who are dead.

Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion  
would be career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired  
and would never get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired.  
Miles -- a distinguished fellow of the institute -- was reassigned  
as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was told he would never be promoted  
unless he renounced it. He never was. Nearly every researcher I  
know has been subjected to harassment, bullying, threats, sabotage,  
and so on.

- Jed

One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free  
publicity may have been to bring young people into the field.  Once  
it becomes clear in the mind that nuclear reactions triggered by  
chemical potentials, without nuclear waste, is a reality, however  
impractical at this point, and the desperately needed benefit to  
society such a process can have, if successfully optimized and  
engineered, the field has more lure than sirens singing and combing  
their hair sitting on a rock.

The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure  
of Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy  
and scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting out and  
dismantling, unfunding, of any LENR work in the government or  
academia whatsoever.   Perhaps that is already underway.

Despite the lure, if no proven major practical development occurs,  
the field will be once again be left to old retired folks,  self  
funded personal time efforts, wildcat businesses, dilettantes,  
hobbyists, and frauds.

If LENR research is suppressed in the US then the US will be the  
worse off for it.

The opposite approach is justified.  As I wrote on page 36 of:

There are clearly extensive possibilities for the exploration of  
LENR. The best way to do so is through use of an interdisciplinary  
team, backed by extensive laboratory and computing facilities.  
Expertise in electrochemistry, nanotechnology, materials science,  
particle physics, supercomputer simulation, and a wide variety of  
engineering fields is required. The best lattices and operating  
conditions are not likely to be found by Edisonian search, but  
through a combined computational experimental approach which is team  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Michele Comitini
How about creating a foundation for distributing grants to researchers
in the field of LENR?
Of course the founding would come from private individuals and institutions.
Would that make sense?


2011/12/18 Horace Heffner

 On Dec 18, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Daniel Rocha wrote:

 Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

 The ones who are dead.

 Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion would be
 career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired and would never
 get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired. Miles -- a distinguished
 fellow of the institute -- was reassigned as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was
 told he would never be promoted unless he renounced it. He never was. Nearly
 every researcher I know has been subjected to harassment, bullying,
 threats, sabotage, and so on.

 - Jed

 One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free publicity may
 have been to bring young people into the field.  Once it becomes clear in
 the mind that nuclear reactions triggered by chemical potentials, without
 nuclear waste, is a reality, however impractical at this point, and the
 desperately needed benefit to society such a process can have, if
 successfully optimized and engineered, the field has more lure than sirens
 singing and combing their hair sitting on a rock.

 The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure of
 Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy and scandal,
  that will likely result in the ferreting out and dismantling, unfunding, of
 any LENR work in the government or academia whatsoever.   Perhaps that is
 already underway.

 Despite the lure, if no proven major practical development occurs, the field
 will be once again be left to old retired folks,  self funded personal time
 efforts, wildcat businesses, dilettantes, hobbyists, and frauds.

 If LENR research is suppressed in the US then the US will be the worse off
 for it.

 The opposite approach is justified.  As I wrote on page 36 of:

 There are clearly extensive possibilities for the exploration of LENR. The
 best way to do so is through use of an interdisciplinary team, backed by
 extensive laboratory and computing facilities. Expertise in
 electrochemistry, nanotechnology, materials science, particle physics,
 supercomputer simulation, and a wide variety of engineering fields is
 required. The best lattices and operating conditions are not likely to be
 found by Edisonian search, but through a combined computational
 experimental approach which is team directed.

 Best regards,

 Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote:

 One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free publicity may
 have been to bring young people into the field.

I hope that will be the outcome. It hasn't happened yet.

 The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure of
 Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy and
 scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting out and dismantling,
 unfunding, of any LENR work in the government or academia whatsoever.

In the U.S. LENR work in the government was dismantled and unfunded between
1992 and 1995. The field is dead as a doornail. Things can't get any worse.
I am not kidding. I am not worried about the fallout from Rossi being
revealed as a fake. Even if that happens he has done more good than harm.

Incidentally, as far as I know, the only fake in the history of the field
was from MIT in 1989. It upset Gene. I thought it was silly. It was
unimportant. I doubt the original was a genuine positive, so who cares if
they lied about it? I think Ed Storms concluded the original was just noise.

There may be other fakes, but I have not discovered them. There may be some
fake positives, but I doubt it. Why there would be? Publishing positive
data gets you into a world of trouble. It is like holding up a dead skunk
at a picnic. People do not flock to your side to congratulate you.

I know of about a dozen compelling results such as the ones Beene and
Stolper described at MIT that were never published because -- as one of the
authors said to me -- I want to keep my job. Very reasonable. People who
have families and responsibilities do not wish to martyr themselves to the
cause of academic freedom. Especially when you are sure to lose, and you
will accomplish nothing. I wouldn't do that! I have no great moral courage.
If I were an academic researcher, dependent on the good well of the
establishment, there would be no I can do it because I am
not a member of that congregation.

It is odd that someone wrote to me recently saying I am a leader in
supporting and promoting LENR and I have position of authority. That's
absurd. Imagine a grad student asking for a letter of recommendation from
me! It would be the kiss of death. It would be applying for a job at
Republican National Committee with a letter of recommendation from David
Plouffe (Obama's campaign manager).

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Jed you underestimate the contribution you have made. You have invested 
a lot of time, effort and skin in creating You kept the 
LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked to put out the 
flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would never be found.

On 12/19/2011 9:38 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Horace Heffner wrote:

One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free
publicity may have been to bring young people into the field.

I hope that will be the outcome. It hasn't happened yet.

The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious
failure of Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc.
bankruptcy and scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting
out and dismantling, unfunding, of any LENR work in the government
or academia whatsoever.

In the U.S. LENR work in the government was dismantled and unfunded 
between 1992 and 1995. The field is dead as a doornail. Things can't 
get any worse. I am not kidding. I am not worried about the fallout 
from Rossi being revealed as a fake. Even if that happens he has done 
more good than harm.

Incidentally, as far as I know, the only fake in the history of the 
field was from MIT in 1989. It upset Gene. I thought it was silly. It 
was unimportant. I doubt the original was a genuine positive, so who 
cares if they lied about it? I think Ed Storms concluded the original 
was just noise.

There may be other fakes, but I have not discovered them. There may be 
some fake positives, but I doubt it. Why there would be? Publishing 
positive data gets you into a world of trouble. It is like holding up 
a dead skunk at a picnic. People do not flock to your side 
to congratulate you.

I know of about a dozen compelling results such as the ones Beene and 
Stolper described at MIT that were never published because -- as one 
of the authors said to me -- I want to keep my job. Very reasonable. 
People who have families and responsibilities do not wish to martyr 
themselves to the cause of academic freedom. Especially when you are 
sure to lose, and you will accomplish nothing. I wouldn't do that! I 
have no great moral courage. If I were an academic researcher, 
dependent on the good well of the establishment, there would be no I can do it because I am not a member of that congregation.

It is odd that someone wrote to me recently saying I am a leader in 
supporting and promoting LENR and I have position of authority. 
That's absurd. Imagine a grad student asking for a letter of 
recommendation from me! It would be the kiss of death. It would be 
applying for a job at Republican National Committee with a letter of 
recommendation from David Plouffe (Obama's campaign manager).

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:

How about creating a foundation for distributing grants to researchers
in the field of LENR?
Of course the founding would come from private individuals and  

Would that make sense?


I think this is a good idea.

The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the money.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Jed you underestimate the contribution you have made. You have  
invested a lot of time, effort and skin in creating  
You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked  
to put out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would  
never be found.

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking  
their lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I expect  
the creation and maintenance of will prove to be the  
most important contribution to the field.  If not sufficient for  
success of the field, it certainly is necessary for that success.  I  
think it is worthy of a Preperata medal even now.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote:

 If LENR research is suppressed in the US then the US will be the worse off
 for it.

If?!? What do you mean if? It is already as suppressed as anything can
be! There are not more than a 6 or 8 researchers in the U.S., and they are
all being paid for from private money or DARPA. DARPA does not answer to
the DoE. If it did, there would not be a penny from Uncle Sam.

Okay, there may be a few others keeping a low profile. Don't ask me.

By the way, there has been a discussion here about of CMNS and the
Beardsworth letter. I would like to address that --

I am the polar opposite of Steve Krivit. I *never* upload a paper without
permission. I never discuss a paper without permission. I have edited or
translated many that I never discuss. I never ask nosy questions or try to
dig up information on people who ask to be left alone. I supply
information. I do not want to hear secrets. If someone asks me to delete a
paper or information sent previously, I delete it at once, no questions

Krivit kept the letter from Beardsworth of Royal Dutch Shell, even
though Beardsworth asked him to remove it:

If  Beardsworth had sent me that, I would probably have copied it here
without thinking about it. I would assume he wants me to disseminate it, to
find applicants. Why else would he send it to me? I might put it in the
News section at If Beardsworth were then to contact me and
said that was confidential I would be acutely embarrassed. I would
apologize. I never intend to make things public that the author wants to
keep secret. That is why I am not a member of CMNS.

(Krivit is not a member either. Someone leaks to him, I suppose.)

I have no objection to those people at CMNS carrying on confidential
discussions. None! There was some confusion about that. People thought I
left the place in hissy fit because I oppose secrecy. Secrecy is great.
Ducky. But I personally do not want to hear any technical secrets about
cold fusion. I do not wish to hear anything you would not say at an ICCF
conference. I am happy to hear other secrets: personal, business,
financial, sexual . . . bring it on! *Tell me all you know, dahling.* Just
nothing technical relating to cold fusion. Arthur Clarke told me that was
his policy. I liked it, so I adapted it.

I want no adversarial relationship with anyone in this field. I have never
turned down a submission to LENR-CANR because I disagreed with the content.
It is a library, not a journal. I have turned down ~5 submissions, because
they were off-topic, handwritten, or never published elsewhere.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Michele Comitini

 The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the money.

As many other foundations do.
If someone does not agree with a foundation politics, then he can make
a better one.
The good thing of LENR is that however expensive the research is, it
is to a level that it can avoid state/national funding, and that is
Rossi's lesson.
Having competition on how to manage funding? would happen for sure,
but that would be a positive thing, as always when there is fair
The important thing is to get started at some point, since the
existing public institutions fail to see the benefits and since we
know that it is something that if realized would benefit all, we must
take our responsibilities at some point.


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:

The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the  

As many other foundations do.
If someone does not agree with a foundation politics, then he can make
a better one.
The good thing of LENR is that however expensive the research is, it
is to a level that it can avoid state/national funding, and that is
Rossi's lesson.
Having competition on how to manage funding? would happen for sure,
but that would be a positive thing, as always when there is fair
The important thing is to get started at some point, since the
existing public institutions fail to see the benefits and since we
know that it is something that if realized would benefit all, we must
take our responsibilities at some point.


Still some guidelines are required, and money needs to be  
compartmentalised.  Such an institution should not give all its money  
to one person or group, for example. Grants should not all be in the  
same size range - many should be small, some large.  Larger grants  
should be for follow-on work based on successful work. Considerations  
need to be made for fund investing.

Here is a funding plan I put together for more commercially oriented  
research and development of renewable energy in general:

This is not appropriate for LENR work only, but provides some ideas  
about what kinds of considerations need to be made.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Michele Comitini

Your plan has a much broader scope IMHO, would be nice some politician
were able to understand it and apply it...


2011/12/19 Horace Heffner

 On Dec 18, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:

 The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the money.

 As many other foundations do.
 If someone does not agree with a foundation politics, then he can make
 a better one.
 The good thing of LENR is that however expensive the research is, it
 is to a level that it can avoid state/national funding, and that is
 Rossi's lesson.
 Having competition on how to manage funding? would happen for sure,
 but that would be a positive thing, as always when there is fair
 The important thing is to get started at some point, since the
 existing public institutions fail to see the benefits and since we
 know that it is something that if realized would benefit all, we must
 take our responsibilities at some point.


 Still some guidelines are required, and money needs to be compartmentalised.
  Such an institution should not give all its money to one person or group,
 for example. Grants should not all be in the same size range - many should
 be small, some large.  Larger grants should be for follow-on work based on
 successful work. Considerations need to be made for fund investing.

 Here is a funding plan I put together for more commercially oriented
 research and development of renewable energy in general:

 This is not appropriate for LENR work only, but provides some ideas about
 what kinds of considerations need to be made.

 Best regards,

 Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote:

 You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked to put
 out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would never be found.

 Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking their
 lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I expect the
 creation and maintenance of will prove to be the most
 important contribution to the field.

Perhaps. I hope so. But the point is, it did not call for any moral
courage. I have no standing in academia and nothing to lose. I sacrificed
nothing, other than money. Okay, lots of money. Other than that, it was
tedious work and some rudimentary programming.

People like Mallove and Mizuno made tremendous personal sacrifices. I would
not want to be compared to them. Gene went from a top academic career to
working in a warehouse at night to feed his family. Mizuno spent every yen
he ever earned on equipment. (He has the Japanese equivalent to Social
Security, and they have national health insurance.) He went without a
promotion for 20 years, and was still doing junior professor assignments at
the end.

Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons. It
did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical person
who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his father to
death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he knew calling that
press conference would mean the end of his career. He knew he would
be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life. He went into it knowing
what would happen. That was an act of courage. But as he said, it was
nothing like running for you life at age 13.

Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
hours. Who wouldn't?

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed


 Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons.
 It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical
 person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his
 father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he
 knew calling that press conference would mean the end of his career.
 He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.
 He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of courage.
 But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at age 13.

 Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
 hours. Who wouldn't?

This is one of the most revealing things I've read about Fleishman in a very
long time.

Thanks for posting it, Jed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Daniel Rocha

Can't we start an open source development of CF?

2011/12/18 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

 From Jed


  Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons.
  It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical
  person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his
  father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he
  knew calling that press conference would mean the end of his career.
  He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.
  He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of courage.
  But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at age 13.
  Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
  hours. Who wouldn't?

 This is one of the most revealing things I've read about Fleishman in a
 long time.

 Thanks for posting it, Jed.

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
One way to remember their achievement would be to rename LENR to the 
Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE). ALL FPE devices should include it in 
their name. Leonardo's E-Cat then becomes the Leonardo FPE E-Cat device. 
Defkalion's Hyperion then becomes the Defkalion FPE Hyperion device. 
Jed's web site would become Easy to redirect hits using 
old links.

LENR is not correct as we really don't have a solid theory. However FPE 
does describe the effect and honours the men and their contribution.

So what do you think Jed? Move away from LENR as Cold Fusion was moved 
away from. FPE describes the effect we all know, honours Fleischmann and 
Pons, removes Nuclear (as we know it) and raises the middle finger to 
those who are working to put out the FPE flame. While they may never get 
the Noble they deserve, at least we can ensure the effect they 
discovered, lives on with their name given to the effect.

I like the Fleischmann and Ponds Effect. Anyone else like it?

On 12/19/2011 11:31 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Horace Heffner wrote:

You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others
worked to put out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked
grave that would never be found.

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking
their lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I
expect the creation and maintenance of will prove to
be the most important contribution to the field.

Perhaps. I hope so. But the point is, it did not call for any moral 
courage. I have no standing in academia and nothing to lose. I 
sacrificed nothing, other than money. Okay, lots of money. Other than 
that, it was tedious work and some rudimentary programming.

People like Mallove and Mizuno made tremendous personal sacrifices. I 
would not want to be compared to them. Gene went from a top academic 
career to working in a warehouse at night to feed his family. Mizuno 
spent every yen he ever earned on equipment. (He has the Japanese 
equivalent to Social Security, and they have national health 
insurance.) He went without a promotion for 20 years, and was still 
doing junior professor assignments at the end.

Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons. 
It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical 
person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his 
father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he 
knew calling that press conference would mean the end of his career. 
He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his 
life. He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of 
courage. But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at 
age 13.

Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains 
for hours. Who wouldn't?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:


Your plan has a much broader scope IMHO, would be nice some politician
were able to understand it and apply it...


Yes it would have been nice.  I think Hillary Clinton had some  
similar plans , but was not elected.  She certainly understood the  
issues I think.  It would have worked far better than estimated, due  
to the extremely cheap solar cells now on the market.  The fund would  
have made a lot of money, and would have completely removed itself  
from the political vagaries of annual national budget cycles. This  
could be an advantage to a private fund, provided the fund has a  
mechanism other than donations, to self sustain through partial  
vested financial interest in patents, stock, etc.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

  He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.
  He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of courage.
  But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at age 13.
  Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
  hours. Who wouldn't?

 This is one of the most revealing things I've read about Fleishman in a
 long time.

He sure knew what he was getting into. Fleischmann wrote a lighthearted
account of this, quoted in Beaudette's book. It starts off with Arrhenius
in 1883. He was one of the most important electrochemists in history, like
Faraday. He made a revolutionary discovery. As any student of history would
predict, this led the academic authorities to kick him out of the
university. He was vilified and ridiculed for years and years. Finally,
long after, he won a Nobel prize. That happens so often I am astounded
anyone believes the myth that scientists welcome new ideas. ANYWAY, flash
forward to 1989. Arrhenius' granddaughter, Dr. Karen Caldwell, was director
of the Center for Biopolymers at Interfaces at the University of Utah, and
a friend of FP. Quoting Beaudette, p. 149, Fleischmann recounted:

After the press conference, Dr. Caldwell came up to us and said, Well,
when my grandfather proposed electrolytic disassociation, he was dismissed
from the University. At least that won’t happen to you. I said to her,
“But you are entirely mistaken. We shall be dismissed as well.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can to get 
hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever and shove it 
up some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will never shine on it 
again. And you wonder why I have no time for most university chalk heads.

On 12/19/2011 1:08 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
ANYWAY, flash forward to 1989. Arrhenius' granddaughter, Dr. Karen 
Caldwell, was director of the Center for Biopolymers at Interfaces at 
the University of Utah, and a friend of FP. Quoting Beaudette, p. 
149, Fleischmann recounted:

After the press conference, Dr. Caldwell came up to us and said, 
Well, when my grandfather proposed electrolytic disassociation, 
he was dismissed from the University. At least that won’t happen 
to you. I said to her, “But you are entirely mistaken. We shall be 
dismissed as well.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
Here is a bit of comic relief:

On 12/19/2011 10:13 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Jed you underestimate the contribution you have made. You have 
invested a lot of time, effort and skin in creating You 
kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked to put 
out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would never be 

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking their 
lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I expect the 
creation and maintenance of will prove to be the most 
important contribution to the field.  If not sufficient for success of 
the field, it certainly is necessary for that success.  I think it is 
worthy of a Preperata medal even now.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can to get
 hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever and shove it up
 some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will never shine on it again.

The good news is that revenge is a dish best eaten cold.

I think it is better to focus on the promise of cold fusion. The benefits
it will bring, if someone can make it work. What happened to the
researchers was inevitable. It happens to nearly everyone who tries to
bring something valuable to humanity. That's human nature.

I hope that this history is not forgotten quickly, and that people learn
some caution for a generation. They learn not to jump to conclusions. Not
to let ignorant naysayers dominate society. This lesson has been learned
and forgotten, learned and forgotten, countless times throughout history. I
hope that people wake up, and allow 10 or 20 years of academic freedom and
progress again, before drifting back to sleep . . . back to their old bad

And you wonder why I have no time for most university chalk heads.

I get it. But Fleischmann, Pons, Bockris and most of the others are
professors. You can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Mary Yugo
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can to get
 hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever and shove it up
 some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will never shine on it again. And
 you wonder why I have no time for most university chalk heads.

Get one first and *then* brag obscenely all you want to about what you plan
to do with it.  It seems the most difficult part of your plan is to get
your hands on a device.  Until you do, if you ever can, I find your rants
tiresome and the cartoon from Craig Brown is trite and ridiculous as is his
web site.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
So you don't think the way FP were treated and the fact that 
replication results were either forged or ignored was OK? BTW Mary we 
are still testing and developing a FPE device. Many have given us 
encouragement and assistance. Jed's archives are a Aladdin's Cave of FPE 
wonders. Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

On 12/19/2011 2:07 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

This is so wrong as to make me very upset. I'll do anything I can
to get hold of a FPE device from Leonardo or Defkalion or who ever
and shove it up some FPE deniers back side so far the sun will
never shine on it again. And you wonder why I have no time for
most university chalk heads.

Get one first and *then* brag obscenely all you want to about what you 
plan to do with it.  It seems the most difficult part of your plan is 
to get your hands on a device.  Until you do, if you ever can, I find 
your rants tiresome and the cartoon from Craig Brown is trite and 
ridiculous as is his web site.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Mary Yugo
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

 So you don't think the way FP were treated and the fact that replication
 results were either forged or ignored was OK?

But that makes no sense.  If it were possible to replicate FP and build on
it, there are thousands of people and companies who would have.  Even FP
themselves enjoyed new labs and millions of dollars in funds from the
Japanese and never came up with definitive proof of their concepts.  Forged
or ignored?  I don't think there is any good evidence for that.

BTW Mary we are still testing and developing a FPE device.

I wish you good luck with that-- I really do.

 Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from Rossi or

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked  
to put out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would  
never be found.

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking  
their lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I  
expect the creation and maintenance of will prove to  
be the most important contribution to the field.

Perhaps. I hope so. But the point is, it did not call for any moral  
courage. I have no standing in academia and nothing to lose. I  
sacrificed nothing, other than money. Okay, lots of money. Other  
than that, it was tedious work and some rudimentary programming.

People like Mallove and Mizuno made tremendous personal sacrifices.  
I would not want to be compared to them. Gene went from a top  
academic career to working in a warehouse at night to feed his  
family. Mizuno spent every yen he ever earned on equipment. (He has  
the Japanese equivalent to Social Security, and they have national  
health insurance.) He went without a promotion for 20 years, and  
was still doing junior professor assignments at the end.

Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized  
Pons. It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough,  
cynical person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The  
Gestapo beat his father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He  
told me that he knew calling that press conference would mean the  
end of his career. He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for  
the rest of his life. He went into it knowing what would happen.  
That was an act of courage. But as he said, it was nothing like  
running for you life at age 13.

Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains  
for hours. Who wouldn't?

- Jed

I should have said: However, when all is said and done, I expect the  
creation and maintenance of will prove to be the most  
important contribution to the field, with the exception of those of  
the founding fathers Fleischmann and Pons.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat

On 12/19/2011 5:19 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:
If it were possible to replicate FP and build on it, there are 
thousands of people and companies who would have.
They have been replicated. In many labs all around the world. Try 
searching in Jed's archives. Have you not listened to anything Jed has 
said about the history of the FPE? People lost their jobs and had their 
careers destroyed for reporting successful replications.
Even FP themselves enjoyed new labs and millions of dollars in funds 
from the Japanese and never came up with definitive proof of their 
Amazing statement that. Too bad it is not correct. What they failed to 
do, as I understand it, is to produce a commercially ready device.

  Forged or ignored?  I don't think there is any good evidence for that.
Did you not see the unedited positive for FPE excess heat MIT results 
versus the edited no FPE excess heat MIT results? Someone in MIT forged 
the data and the Hot Fusion lab guys had a party. As for ignored, you 
must be joking? Right? Like the 24 SPAWAR peer reviewed results that 
were ignored?

BTW Mary we are still testing and developing a FPE device.

I wish you good luck with that-- I really do.

We will get it done.

Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from Rossi or 
And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a factory 
visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat

Well said Horace, well said.

On 12/19/2011 5:46 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:
I should have said: However, when all is said and done, I expect the 
creation and maintenance of will prove to be the most 
important contribution to the field, with the exception of those of 
the founding fathers Fleischmann and Pons.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Mary Yugo
 I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from Rossi or

 And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a factory
 visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

I would be delighted to be wrong about Rossi, Defkalion and your plans to
visit them and to buy stuff from them.  If it happens, I will be very
pleased.  Until it happens and is properly documented, I will doubt it to
the extreme.  Neither Rossi nor Defkalion have done the slightest thing
thus far to inspire the most minimal amount of confidence.  You persist in
confusing talk, promises and claims for action.   They're not action.

By the way, why don't you contact Jed personally about his experience with
Defkalion and trying to arrange a visit with them.  Ask him his experiences
in trying to get Rossi to get independent tests or better tests.   It may
be an eye opener ... and then again, for you, it may not.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Aussie Guy E-Cat
You have seen the high school students doing FPE excess heat experiments 
at MIT during ICCF-10? They also found transmutated Silver: (bout 60% of the way down) and 
here: (Picture of our 
Jed is 2nd from the top) If they can do it, so will we.

Maybe you should ask that as excess heat and transmutations were 
observed at MIT in Aug 2003 in very simple to replicate experiments 
conducted by high school students, why did not the scientific world 
shout about their achievements?

On 12/19/2011 6:07 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from
Rossi or Defkalion!

And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a
factory visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

I would be delighted to be wrong about Rossi, Defkalion and your plans 
to visit them and to buy stuff from them.  If it happens, I will be 
very pleased.  Until it happens and is properly documented, I will 
doubt it to the extreme.  Neither Rossi nor Defkalion have done the 
slightest thing thus far to inspire the most minimal amount of 
confidence.  You persist in confusing talk, promises and claims for 
action.   They're not action.

By the way, why don't you contact Jed personally about his experience 
with Defkalion and trying to arrange a visit with them.  Ask him his 
experiences in trying to get Rossi to get independent tests or better 
tests.   It may be an eye opener ... and then again, for you, it may not.

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

The use of the term FPE is misleading and confusing.

The Wright brothers invented the first controlled flight.  It would  
be nonsensical and misleading to call every kind of winged aircraft a  
Wright machine, not distinguishing between a 747 and a piper cub. The  
FP protocol was Pd-D low voltage electrolysis. This differs from  
Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's glow discharge, Mizuno and  
Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or solid state electrolyte  
experiments, Piantelli's gaseous Ni-H, Arata and Zhang's double  
structured spillover cathode using Pd black, Patterson's layered Pd- 
Ni beads, Szpack's codepositon cells, Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst  
in gaseous deuterium, etc. etc.

Not all airplanes are the same, not all LENR devices are the same.   
There are important differences. There is a vocabulary that describes  
those differences, and which is used by people in the field.  Who is  
going to know what you are talking about if you call every LENR  
device an FPE?

On Dec 18, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

On 12/19/2011 5:19 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:
If it were possible to replicate FP and build on it, there are  
thousands of people and companies who would have.
They have been replicated. In many labs all around the world. Try  
searching in Jed's archives. Have you not listened to anything Jed  
has said about the history of the FPE? People lost their jobs and  
had their careers destroyed for reporting successful replications.
Even FP themselves enjoyed new labs and millions of dollars in  
funds from the Japanese and never came up with definitive proof of  
their concepts.
Amazing statement that. Too bad it is not correct. What they failed  
to do, as I understand it, is to produce a commercially ready device.
  Forged or ignored?  I don't think there is any good evidence for  
Did you not see the unedited positive for FPE excess heat MIT  
results versus the edited no FPE excess heat MIT results? Someone  
in MIT forged the data and the Hot Fusion lab guys had a party. As  
for ignored, you must be joking? Right? Like the 24 SPAWAR peer  
reviewed results that were ignored?

BTW Mary we are still testing and developing a FPE device.

I wish you good luck with that-- I really do.

We will get it done.

Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from  
Rossi or Defkalion!
And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a  
factory visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner