Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-18 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach
Since more than 20 years for me its clear that the universe has a kind 
of morphological memory. I personally had experience with telepathy of 
various forms but it can be very mind troubling if you dig in to deep.

Now with the universal model (SO(4) physics) for dense matter physics it 
is clearly understandable that the current accepted "standard model" 
just scratches the surface of the reality.

The basic organization form of matter is the magnetic resonance. This is 
how SO(4) physics can give the exact structure of particles - hence the 
matter we live in/off. In principle all well structured magnetic flux 
can go into resonance with the same flux or a higher/lower harmonic of 
it. The higher/more complex/stable the structure is the narrower the 
energies are defined.

Now the key point: Magnetic resonance forms out over the so called phase 
space. The phase space communication is not limited by the speed of 
light. Only if two distant/synchronized objects start to exchange energy 
the classic limits come into play. Thus two objects can synchronize 
(their structure)- based on locale energy exchange for forming the 
structure - over any distance. This means a structure million light 
years away can be rebuilt on earth given a media that is sensitive enough.

The classic error about the definition of information (= energy 
discrimination) was made around 1950 as a follow up from signal 
processing. But in reality information does not need any energy as a 
carrier. This fact is used in today's quantum computers.

A more profane experiment has been made by Luc Montagnier (Nobel prize 
for AIDS virus) with the "teleportation" of DNA. In fact he shows that a 
morphological memory for structures (DNA) does exist in water, that can 
be encoded in Sound and then the replay of sound induces the memory 
again what forces the DNA structure to be rebuilt with about 98% precision.

It looks like bacteria  are able to use this effect for e.g. the 
transportation of new genetic information needed e.g. for antibiotic 
resistance. There are also some fancy experiments about this.

Here the Luc Montagnier video of a real science story ! (With added 
youtube commercial you can skip!)


On 19.12.2020 01:05, Frank Cook wrote:

Sent from my iPad
Dear done,

Regarding your wording and words about the subluminal mind in the 
uniformity in all directions of the communication, I would note that 
it sounds like you’re talking about in an entangled system from the in 
terms of quantum mechanics language.

Leave nova program on PBS Wednesday had an item on entanglement and 
concluded that there might be entanglement over large distances. They 
described a test that was being conducted by some researchers using 
telescopes on the Canary Islands and filters generated add random 
random by signals from too distant quasars, separated by many many 
light years.

The reason for the quasars signals was to ensure there could be no 
nominal connection between the signals coming in in which were random 
to designate the given filter at a given time in two separate 
experimental devices using a source that was a stance of Lee entangled 
with the devices in there outputs.

 The description of the extensive connections between the the two 
signals that were being monitored and filtered by separate telescopes 
was not at all explained but may be available from the researchers of 
that 2020 experiment.

The description of the protein Nana tubes and potential connection in 
a larger sense in an entangled universe is quite interesting and 
suggests the same entanglement that exists in smaller material 
systems, for example, nano particles commonly used currently by LENR 
I have long concluded that the transfer of energy between parts of the 
nano system that is in tangled happens from the nuclei in the system 
to the atomic it electrons in the same entangled system. And they 
result is of the deadly a phase change of kinetic energy and spin 
energy, the two may be this
Same, and then effect which allows the spin energy in the atomic 
structure of the nano particle to then give up phonic thermal energy 
to surrounding particles in the rest of the environment.
 It is my conjecture that this entangle system has an instantaneous 
phase change once the couple in conditions were residences in this 
case are in tune with each other to allow spin to be conserved as well 
as angular momentum and energy. The spin course is related to the 
angular mobile number. The coupling in the entangled system however is 
in from my perspective magnetic coupling , Accomplished by the 
magnetic field which exists within the entangled nano particle. One of 
the parameters that can be engineered and modified is the magnetic 
field that exists within the nail particle, and it is this magnetic 
field that allows residences to occur within the Nano particle and to 
affect a phase

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-18 Thread Frank Cook

Sent from my iPad
Dear done,

Regarding your wording and words about the subluminal mind in the uniformity in 
all directions of the communication, I would note that it sounds like you’re 
talking about in an entangled system from the in terms of quantum mechanics 

Leave nova program on PBS Wednesday had an item on entanglement and concluded 
that there might be entanglement over large distances. They described a test 
that was being conducted by some researchers using telescopes on the Canary 
Islands and filters generated add random random by signals from too distant 
quasars, separated by many many light years.

The reason for the quasars signals was to ensure there could be no nominal 
connection between the signals coming in in which were random to designate the 
given filter at a given time in two separate experimental devices using a 
source that was a stance of Lee entangled with the devices in there outputs.

 The description of the extensive connections between the the two signals that 
were being monitored and filtered by separate telescopes was not at all 
explained but may be available from the researchers of that 2020 experiment.

The description of the protein Nana tubes and potential connection in a larger 
sense in an entangled universe is quite interesting and suggests the same 
entanglement that exists in smaller material systems, for example, nano 
particles commonly used currently by LENR researchers.
I have long concluded that the transfer of energy between parts of the nano 
system that is in tangled happens from the nuclei in the system to the atomic 
it electrons in the same entangled system. And they result is of the deadly a 
phase change of kinetic energy and spin energy, the two may be this
Same, and then effect which allows the spin energy in the atomic structure of 
the nano particle to then give up phonic thermal energy to surrounding 
particles in the rest of the environment.
 It is my conjecture that this entangle system has an instantaneous phase 
change once the couple in conditions were residences in this case are in tune 
with each other to allow spin to be conserved as well as angular momentum and 
energy. The spin course is related to the angular mobile number. The coupling 
in the entangled system however is in from my perspective magnetic coupling , 
Accomplished by the magnetic field which exists within the entangled nano 
particle. One of the parameters that can be engineered and modified is the 
magnetic field that exists within the nail particle, and it is this magnetic 
field that allows residences to occur within the Nano particle and to affect a 
phase change in that nano particle.

A big conjecture here is that the magnetic field is the coupling agent that 
exists in allows information transfer among the special locations of the 
various parts of the nano particle and includes coupling with the local 
particles that have a magnetic moment and does the mechanism for a coupling 
with the rest of the system.

And analogous system of coupling may occur in peoples minds via protein 
nanotubes that are basically and in tangled system.

However, this conjecture seems to rule out any coupling at a large scale where 
adequate magnetic fields do not exist to land the coupling agent field 
necessary to allow phase changes or transfer of information from one side of 
the couple nano particle to the other side of the political or one particle in 
the nano particle to another primary particle in by this
I mean electrons and or nucleons positron see if they exist in that system and 
neutrinos by the way if they exist in the system as primary particles.

Signing off, but cook
> On Dec 11, 2020, at 3:44 AM, Don Mitchell  wrote:
> [Errata oops: the tubulin 'spiral' term used below is rather a helix on a 
> cylinder, not a spiral on a pineapple.  My bad.]
> Hi Shawn, 
> I'll try to explain a bit... the tubulin protein is an integral part of life. 
>  The DNA is pulled apart by tubulin nanotubes into halves for cell division.
> An amoeba, explains Dr. Hameroff (anaesthesiologist --a consciousness doctor) 
> can be sucked up into a syringe, and it will eventually escape.  But if 
> repeated, a one-celled amoeba somehow remembers how it escaped, and gets out 
> faster.  Each suck-up and escape is quicker.  Splain dat, Lucy.  No brain 
> there.
> OK, so, tubulin forms in cylinders, and tubulinA and tubulinB are 
> interspersed in the cylinder such that the A & B parts form the Fibonacci 
> pineapple spirals down the length of the tubublin nanotube.
> The spiral pattern is also branching off with protein (?) junctions to other 
> nanotubes.  These nanotubes and junctions number in the billions per every 
> cell.
> Lots of images and YouTube videos, and papers, and attempted rebuttals are 
> available on Google.  
> The search term is the name of the Theory --Orchestrated Objective Reduction, 
>  Orch OR Theory.   And image search, too.

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-17 Thread William Beaty

On Mon, 14 Dec 2020, wrote:

Where can I get some of what you smoke😉

When waking up in the morning, remember NOT TO MOVE, don't open your eyes. 
Now try thinking.  Planning.  Having ideas, etc.  Or, try to recall the 
details of one or more dreams.  Early morning wakeup, that's a seriously 
altered state.  Almost better than having ideas during highway driving for 
hours, late at night.

As always, the trouble with pursuing altered mental states resembling a 
drug-addled condition is drugs to wear off!   Not hard to get into 
trouble: achieve drunkenness wo/alcohol, then cannot drive vehicles.  Get 
into permanent insomnia, then be unable to achieve normal sleep patterns 

Or, as Salvador Dali supposedly said...  "What, me take LSD?

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-16 Thread Don Mitchell
Russell, I can't get you any smoke, but thanks for asking.

However, if you are lucky, you can follow the new project build.

Perhaps you will see me smoke some transistors :)

Search the keyword 'hexatron' at

Joy to you and me.  Joy to the all world.  Joy to the fishes in the deep
blue sea.  Joy to you and me.

Jeremia was a bullfrog!

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 8:15 AM Chris Zell  wrote:

> I think you provide a far better explanation for evolution than current
> Darwinist orthodoxy - which sounds too much like a Kipling "just so" story.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 3:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind
> Where can I get some of what you smoke😉

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-14 Thread Chris Zell
I think you provide a far better explanation for evolution than current 
Darwinist orthodoxy - which sounds too much like a Kipling "just so" story.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 3:08 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

Where can I get some of what you smoke😉


RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-14 Thread
Where can I get some of what you smoke😉

-Original Message-
From: William Beaty  
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

On Thu, 10 Dec 2020, Don Mitchell wrote:
> If every neuron is synchopated with the aether, then every neuron is 
> simultaneously aware of the same signal of 0-D mind in the aether.

In a nonlocal world, there is only one object, since every place is the same 
place.  Should we suspect that the vast population of objects (and of minds) is 
illusory? Every mind is actually one mind?  (A very popular concept in 
nonwestern religion eh?)

While I was recovering from a kick-ass dream, and before opening my eyes, I was 
thinking very clearly, and couldn't escape a single question:  HOW DOES THE 
FREAKIN' ADDRESSING SYSTEM WORK?  No answer presented itself.  I think the 
question alone was the important thing.  If we can FIGURE OUT HOW the nonlocal 
world can support "space" or "extension" or "multiple apparent minds," then I 
suspect that we'll have lept forward in understanding everything, basically all 
of physics.  In the underlying nonlocal plenum, where everything experiences 
instantaneous communication, because everything occupies the same location, how 
can there ever be more than one electron, one photon in the universe?

I suspect that the nonlocal world is nonlinear.  If so, then any sort of 
oscillation will not occupy a spot on the frequency spectrum, because two 
oscillations will couple together, producing a complicated dynamic "shape" 
in the spectrum.  I think this would lead to a frequency spectrum with multiple 
dimensions?  Where every oscillation frequency adds a new axis to the graph?  
This is like a radio with many tuning knobs, and each "station" has a separate 
nunber-code in the knob-settings.  If so, I think that would provide sufficient 
"space" for a universe of apparent bosons and leptons (and minds.)

In that case, similar objects would be strongly coupled together, while vastly 
different objects would have weak coupling, and the same rule should apply 
across all scales.  "Telepathy" would be common among each particle class (and 
each animal species, but weaker between disparete species.  Among humans we 
might expect strong telepathy between identical twins?  And if instantaneous 
telepathy is common, we might predict that, while individual amoebae, mice, 
etc., aren't too intelligent, the entire species might exhibit an emergent 
"common mind" with godlike processing power, higher power when the population 
is larger.  Be kind to cockroaches, and the cockroach-goddess will become your 

In any case, this would be an "Everything Is Just Frequency" theory, beloved of 
Nikola Tesla.

Tesla was EXTREMELY involved in nonlinear arrays of coupled oscillators, 
calling it "method of individualization," and using the trick for secure 
military comms, for a sort of FM-radio he called "the static-eliminator," 
as well as being the secret addressing system for his power-broadcast customers.

How could we engineer such a physics?

It suggests that "sympathetic magic" is the fundamental physics behind known 
physics.  To produce physical forces, or to establish communication between two 
distant objects, make them be similar.

Suggestion: in silicon, construct two vast micro-patterns: make some 3D 
pseudo-crystals having precise random (or fractal) checkerboard-like patterns.  
Then, make sudden small changes to one, while looking for identical signals in 
the other.  Or, monitor the noise of each one, looking for a 
coincidence-signal.  Or perhaps do something similar by using these linked 
crystals to build "brains," i.e. noisy RAM storage having hysterisis, where 
writing a pattern to one, causes the same pattern to appear in the other. 
(Imagine a world where, the more Iphone-37s sold, the closer to consciousness 
becomes the "goddess of Iphone-37.)

> Thoughts, please?
> Might there be some hint of simultaneity that may be sensorized within 
> our gray matter?

How about a ring of dead brains kept artifically alive, where we you zap them 
all at the same time, it stuns nearby people?  Or feed them audio suggestions, 
to produce mind-control of any person?  I think there was a bad 1950s movie 
about that.  (Just don't accidentally trigger an aether- tornado in the center 
of your ring of corpses.)

The kick-ass dream, it was the third one listed below, the artificial 
Burning-Man tulpa-goddess:

   Hyper-realistic dreams

 ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) 
William J. Beaty
beat...@gmail.comCTO, Inventor, Research Engineer 
206-762-3818 vm5459 Wilkinson Rd, Langley, WA 98260-8700

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread ROGER ANDERTON


Boscovich force keeps flipping on different size scales between 
attractive and repulsive. There was an article I read where person tried 
to apply it to nucleus to explain cold fusion.

I have put a lot of videos up about Boscovich. Various people working on 
unified field theories combine it with their ideas. It was part of 
Victorian theory of Everything - the vortex atom - Karl Pearson tried to 
combine it with vortex idea- Pearson was what Einstein was working from.

Vortex atom - Victorian theory of Everything

-- Original Message --
From: "H LV" 
Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 18:23
Subject: Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

Thanks for the talk about Boscovich.
Here the presenter quotes Heisenberg as saying that Boscovich's force is 
repulsive at short distances but becomes attractive at larger distances. 
Such a force is sufficient to account for the formation of stable solids 
(condensed matter) from atoms, but the formation of a stable nucleus 
would seem to be precluded. Boscovich theory of force could be 
considered comprehensive for its time when nothing was known about the 
nucleus. However, the formation of a stable nucleus would need to be 
supplemented by a complementary force which is attractive at small 
distances but repulsive at larger distances.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:39 AM ROGER ANDERTON> > 

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich-> 

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread William Beaty

On Thu, 10 Dec 2020, Don Mitchell wrote:

If every neuron is synchopated with the aether, then every neuron is
simultaneously aware of the same signal of 0-D mind in the aether.

In a nonlocal world, there is only one object, since every place is the 
same place.  Should we suspect that the vast population of objects (and 
of minds) is illusory? Every mind is actually one mind?  (A very popular 
concept in nonwestern religion eh?)

While I was recovering from a kick-ass dream, and before opening my eyes, 
I was thinking very clearly, and couldn't escape a single question:  HOW 
DOES THE FREAKIN' ADDRESSING SYSTEM WORK?  No answer presented itself.  I 
think the question alone was the important thing.  If we can FIGURE OUT 
HOW the nonlocal world can support "space" or "extension" or "multiple 
apparent minds," then I suspect that we'll have lept forward in 
understanding everything, basically all of physics.  In the underlying 
nonlocal plenum, where everything experiences instantaneous communication, 
because everything occupies the same location, how can there ever be more 
than one electron, one photon in the universe?

I suspect that the nonlocal world is nonlinear.  If so, then any sort of 
oscillation will not occupy a spot on the frequency spectrum, because two 
oscillations will couple together, producing a complicated dynamic "shape" 
in the spectrum.  I think this would lead to a frequency spectrum with 
multiple dimensions?  Where every oscillation frequency adds a new axis to 
the graph?  This is like a radio with many tuning knobs, and each 
"station" has a separate nunber-code in the knob-settings.  If so, I think 
that would provide sufficient "space" for a universe of apparent bosons 
and leptons (and minds.)

In that case, similar objects would be strongly coupled together, while 
vastly different objects would have weak coupling, and the same rule 
should apply across all scales.  "Telepathy" would be common among each 
particle class (and each animal species, but weaker between disparete 
species.  Among humans we might expect strong telepathy between identical 
twins?  And if instantaneous telepathy is common, we might predict that, 
while individual amoebae, mice, etc., aren't too intelligent, the entire 
species might exhibit an emergent "common mind" with godlike processing 
power, higher power when the population is larger.  Be kind to 
cockroaches, and the cockroach-goddess will become your friend.

In any case, this would be an "Everything Is Just Frequency" theory, 
beloved of Nikola Tesla.

Tesla was EXTREMELY involved in nonlinear arrays of coupled oscillators, 
calling it "method of individualization," and using the trick for secure 
military comms, for a sort of FM-radio he called "the static-eliminator," 
as well as being the secret addressing system for his power-broadcast 

How could we engineer such a physics?

It suggests that "sympathetic magic" is the fundamental physics behind 
known physics.  To produce physical forces, or to establish communication 
between two distant objects, make them be similar.

Suggestion: in silicon, construct two vast micro-patterns: make some 3D 
pseudo-crystals having precise random (or fractal) checkerboard-like 
patterns.  Then, make sudden small changes to one, while looking for 
identical signals in the other.  Or, monitor the noise of each one, 
looking for a coincidence-signal.  Or perhaps do something similar by 
using these linked crystals to build "brains," i.e. noisy RAM storage 
having hysterisis, where writing a pattern to one, causes the same pattern 
to appear in the other. (Imagine a world where, the more Iphone-37s sold, 
the closer to consciousness becomes the "goddess of Iphone-37.)

Thoughts, please?
Might there be some hint of simultaneity that may be sensorized within our
gray matter?

How about a ring of dead brains kept artifically alive, where we you zap 
them all at the same time, it stuns nearby people?  Or feed them audio 
suggestions, to produce mind-control of any person?  I think there was a 
bad 1950s movie about that.  (Just don't accidentally trigger an aether- 
tornado in the center of your ring of corpses.)

The kick-ass dream, it was the third one listed below, the artificial 
Burning-Man tulpa-goddess:

  Hyper-realistic dreams

 ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) 
William J. Beaty
beat...@gmail.comCTO, Inventor, Research Engineer 
206-762-3818 vm5459 Wilkinson Rd, Langley, WA 98260-8700

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread H LV
Thanks for the talk about Boscovich.
Here the presenter quotes Heisenberg as saying that Boscovich's force is
repulsive at short distances but becomes attractive at larger distances.
Such a force is sufficient to account for the formation of stable solids
(condensed matter) from atoms, but the formation of a stable nucleus would
seem to be precluded. Boscovich theory of force could be considered
comprehensive for its time when nothing was known about the nucleus.
However, the formation of a stable nucleus would need to be supplemented by
a complementary force which is attractive at small distances but repulsive
at larger distances.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:39 AM ROGER ANDERTON 

> development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from
> Serbia talk on Boscovich->

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach

This seems to be the original paper!


On 13.12.2020 16:39, ROGER ANDERTON wrote:

>>Slobodan Nedic<<

also deals with Boscovich theory. People like Tesla and Boscovich get 
missed out of Western Science education

Boscovich 18 th century and used to be part of physics education 
before WWII then gets missed out.

Boscovich statute->

Ruggiero Boscovich - Jesuits Ireland

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich->

-- Original Message -- From: "JonesBeene"
 To: ""
 Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 14:13 Subject:
RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

*From: *Sean Logan <>

  * Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"? Can you show me
equations, or point me to papers? Last night, out of the blue,
an engineer started telling me about this same thing. He
showed me a pair of equations from his paper, but asked me not
to publish them because they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many
are bogus. Some are brilliant but speculative - I cannot say I
understand the concept very well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”

Slobodan Nedic


This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly
believable. There are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And /in Infinite Energy/.

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread ROGER ANDERTON

Slobodan Nedic<<

also deals with Boscovich theory. People like Tesla and Boscovich get 
missed out of Western Science education

Boscovich 18 th century and used to be part of physics education before 
WWII then gets missed out.

Boscovich statute->

Ruggiero Boscovich - Jesuits Ireland

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich->

-- Original Message --
From: "JonesBeene" 
To: "" 
Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 14:13
Subject: RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

From: Sean Logan <>

   * Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"?  Can you show me 
equations, or point me to papers?   Last night, out of the blue, an 
engineer started telling me about this same thing.  He showed me a pair 
of equations from his paper, but asked me not to publish them because 
they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many are 
bogus. Some are brilliant but speculative -  I cannot say I understand 
the concept very well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”
Slobodan Nedic 

This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly believable. 
There are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And in Infinite Energy.

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread JonesBeene

From: Sean Logan

➢ Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"?  Can you show me equations, or 
point me to papers?   Last night, out of the blue, an engineer started telling 
me about this same thing.  He showed me a pair of equations from his paper, but 
asked me not to publish them because they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many are bogus. Some 
are brilliant but speculative -  I cannot say I understand the concept very 
well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”
Slobodan Nedic

This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly believable. There 
are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And in Infinite Energy. 


Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-12 Thread Sean Logan
On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:57 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Sean,
> REF:
> ... hope this is not off-topic
> Have you tried setting up a pair of identical nested tubes - one as
> transmitter and one as receiver, separated by significant distance - in
> order to see if there is unusual efficiency in transmitting power?
No, I only have one unit so far.  I will say, you are not the first person
who has suggested this.  And I think it is a worth while experiment to

> The lore of "longitudinal/scalar waves" seems strangely applicable to this
> design. Also - how does the resonant frequency scale with smaller and
> smaller geometry?

Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"?  Can you show me equations, or
point me to papers?   Last night, out of the blue, an engineer started
telling me about this same thing.  He showed me a pair of equations from
his paper, but asked me not to publish them because they are export

The frequencies of resonance I measured are related to the physical
dimensions of the structure.  So a smaller geometry would raise the

> It would be a huge challenge to reduce the structure to micro or nano
> geometry for lithography but maybe not impossible. Heck perhaps the
> operative mechanism can itself be fractalized

In theory you can scale it to any size, as long as you keep the ratios the
same.  Yeah, may be you could make one with photo-lithography.

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-11 Thread Jones Beene
... hope this is not off-topic
Have you tried setting up a pair of identical nested tubes - one as transmitter 
and one as receiver, separated by significant distance - in order to see if 
there is unusual efficiency in transmitting power?
The lore of "longitudinal/scalar waves" seems strangely applicable to this 
design. Also - how does the resonant frequency scale with smaller and smaller 

It would be a huge challenge to reduce the structure to micro or nano geometry 
for lithography but maybe not impossible. Heck perhaps the operative mechanism 
can itself be fractalized

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-11 Thread Don Mitchell
[Errata oops: the tubulin 'spiral' term used below is rather a helix on a
cylinder, not a spiral on a pineapple.  My bad.]

Hi Shawn,

I'll try to explain a bit... the tubulin protein is an integral part of
life.  The DNA is pulled apart by tubulin nanotubes into halves for cell

An amoeba, explains Dr. Hameroff (anaesthesiologist --a consciousness
doctor) can be sucked up into a syringe, and it will eventually escape.
But if repeated, a one-celled amoeba somehow remembers how it escaped, and
gets out faster.  Each suck-up and escape is quicker.  Splain dat, Lucy.
No brain there.

OK, so, tubulin forms in cylinders, and tubulinA and tubulinB are
interspersed in the cylinder such that the A & B parts form the Fibonacci
pineapple spirals down the length of the tubublin nanotube.

The spiral pattern is also branching off with protein (?) junctions to
other nanotubes.  These nanotubes and junctions number in the billions per
every cell.

Lots of images and YouTube videos, and papers, and attempted rebuttals are
available on Google.

The search term is the name of the Theory --Orchestrated Objective
Reduction,  Orch OR Theory.   And image search, too.

Why does resonance decay in a nanotube into the spiral pattern?  Great
question.  Dunno.  Uneducatedly, I'd venture that the resonance setup time
is a few cycles to build, and the impedance of the tubulinA and B molecules
are slower to 'tap into' the resonant envelope.  An impedance mis-match.
But yet, is not some non-linearity needed in first principle to oscillate
on a steady potential?


BTW, the nanotube resonance has been tested independently from Hameroff
with nanoprobes on a nanotube driven with pulses... and they have a
resonant peak at 40 Hz... which is the highest 'clock rate' of human
brains.  That is the rate of the quantum-relaxation, charge/decay/repeat.
There are many many many quantum oscillations per each relaxation --which
wave collapse is called 'objective reduction' by Penrose and
Hameroff, i.e., a quantum wave collapse into a programmed tubulin 'organ
pipe, per se, --and the 'organ pipe' is more a flute, with tuning-holes in
the flute representing the branching protein that taps into the pipe.

Sean, I love your 'wave articulation matrix' image and concept... and want
to do a mind merge with you (but the group-mind-mirror isn't yet ready
<--that is attempted humor, ish).

What other structures? Well... I gots a favorite.  It's a torus knot.  A
three-phase array of knots on the same torus form.  I want to test this and
learn what it has to disclose.  I'm not sure which direction my thoughts
should trail without more tests.

Here is a set of parameters for a 'golden orthogonal torus knot'...
Major radius: Phi^(2)
Minor radius: Phi^(2) - Phi^(-2)

These parameters set the hole radius at the square root of two, curiously

This is the same torus profile algebraically, but scaled up to higher Phi
Maj: Phi^(4)
Min: Phi^(4) - Phi^(0)

So that would notate as
Maj: Phi^(n)
Min: Phi^(n) - Phi^(n-4)

Now!  When the torus major and minor radii above are used to specify a
torus knot profile, then if a knot ratio is selected as a Fibonacci pair an
orthogonal angle will be created between the helical knot windings across
the minor radius (viewed through the plane of the torus).

Almost orthogonal, that is.  The Fibonacci sequence adjacent pair of 13:8
as a torus knot ratio will produce 0.007 normalized error.

13/8 = 1.6250
Phi = 1.61803...

The closer the normalized error is to Phi, the closer the knot loops are to
orthogonal from outer to inner windings through the hole.

Pretty cool.  Integer resonance with a very irrational set of parameters
--except for the Fibonacci integers.

The Fibonacci Phi approximation error can be compensated in a real knot by
a slight elliptical stretch on the minor radius to stretch the torus on the
axis (0.007 part of scale). [Scale morphing should make standing waves on
the torus walk forward or backward, I reckon.]

So then, as the opposing conductors are orthogonal at the equator, and skew
from that toward the poles, then at resonance, there will be an inductive
dead-zone at the equator of the torus knot array (resistive contribution at
the equator due to orthogonality).  This equatorial zone will not
contribute to the harmonic envelope when pushed to resonance.

So then then, I would anticipate a resonance of this orthogonal knot would
tend to form standing charge regions that are bipolar, above and below the
equator. <-- I think it would take a lot of Watts to push a bipolar
resonant voltage pattern.  (With more caveats... the 2013 disclosure
claimed 30,000 watts of random magnetic pulses at around 30 kilohertz to
push an ionized layer of air out at eight feet diameter --a glowing sphere
enveloped it).  Lots of caveats apply.

Opinions?  Experience?

How would one create a macro-tubular Fibonacci spiral resonator that was
also a relaxation oscillator?

Seems to me that voltage field

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-10 Thread Sean Logan
Can you elaborate on how and why a "resonance decays through the Fibonacci
spirals of a protein nanotubel" ?  Would other structures, whose geometry
is related to the Fibonacci sequence, or to a Golden Spiral, also function
like this?  Would this shape, for example?

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:37 AM Don Mitchell  wrote:

> Hello vortex-l,
> *Premise:* Penrose-Hameroff *Orch OR Theory *proposed protein nanotube *is
> proper*ly identified as the interface of spirit with brain.
> By Penrose logic, the brain does not generate mind, but is a transceiver
> interface composed of protein nanotubes that burst into quantum resonance
> about 40 times a second.  You and me are minds in the aether activating
> quantum relaxation oscillators to be you and me, per Sir Penrose and Dr.
> Hameroff.
> In the PH model, quantum resonance decays through the Fibonacci spirals of
> a protein nanotube to ultimaltely afford 'when' a neuron fires.
> The electrons of the nanotubes resonate with energy within the quantum
> noise-floor (my term) between the atoms of the nanotubes.
> Is this a proper grammatical construct for the *Orch OR Theory*?
> Druthers?
> Assume the signal propagation of mind is in the aether plenum and is
> superluminal and scalar (all directions isotropically).
> By that assumption, 'mind' in the aetheric plenum is a zero-dimensional
> oscillation over time, I think.
> Is 'zero-dimensional' the proper notation for a signal that varied in
> quality nearly** everywhere at once?
> **nearly: superluminal is not infinite.
> Let's huddle.
> If every neuron is synchopated with the aether, then every neuron is
> simultaneously aware of the same signal of 0-D mind in the aether.
> If mind is superluminal, then every neuron active in our pulse-field of
> brain-mind is tuned as a whole to one signal, our mind in the aether.
> Thoughts, please?
> Might there be some hint of simultaneity that may be sensorized within our
> gray matter?
> -don