Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-25 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: RC Macaulay 

 Thanks for the link on the Cooper River Bridge.. a work of art and 
 engineering.Presume you had a hand in design hopefully.

Being in communications my participation is usually limited to CCTV and other 

My friend said that although the CRB cost two years worth of SCDOT's highway 
funds, it met their criteria that it be better looking than the Savannah River 

  I have been saving every scrap of info on Grimer and Jones post regarding 
 the big B as I name the file. awesome stuff, including the vortex ring 
 that blew my mind.

I must admit, I never could fathom the Hutchison Effect before Grimer's vortex 
ring analogy.  One of my favorite toys as a kid was the Air Blaster, a gun that 
shot vortex rings.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-25 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Terry Blanton 

Sorry for the double posts.  Itchy trigger finger.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-25 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..

I've been puzzling over how Hutchison manages to
get such spectacular effects from his claimed
relatively small energy input.

It occurs to me that a vortex ring (VR) is a
combination of a B-atm. expansion strain energy
(negative energy)and a B-atm. contraction strain
energy (positive energy).

Come to think of it, the formation of a vortex
ring is very reminiscent of what's going on in
the Hilsch Tube (HT).

The HT separates the Quick and the Dead  8-)

The VR separates the Linear and the Transverse.


   On a grander scale the tidal action of the seas and the four winds 
of earth describe the available energy for use should we be fortunate in 
devising a harness for applying the  differential  as Hutchinson so 
described his  spectacular results.
Surely forces at work are so in order to maintain a  balance and a 
harmony in our know universe. Attempts to  unbalance these forces are 
met with  resistance. Scripture states [ all things are held together 
by the power of His word]. To me, this means that order has been 
established. However, it does not mean we cannot put the wind energy to 
practical use to  sail rather than  row, Surely or Maker has made 
everything in His creation for our use.

Please continue to expand on the big B theme.


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-25 Thread Harry Veeder
Frank Grimer wrote:

 The same criticism could apply to your notions of
 negative and positive mass.
 Absolutely  8-). You are so right.   8-)
 I am using a conventional datum cos there is only so much
 cognitive dissonance that people can cope with at one sitting.
 As I have pointed out in a previous post, both Ing.Saviour and
 I have independently realised that mass has the dimensions of
 an inverse velocity so when mass goes to infinity the mass
 temperature drops to zero. The velocity of light it the correct
 datum for measuring the inverse of mass (which is an internal
 velocity just like temperature but on a finer scale).
 I am in the process of copying the internal BRS note which deals
 with this aspect from Saviour's blazelabs Yahoo site to the
 Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site where you will soon be able to
 read it.

So far Yahoo has only allowed me to download a few pages from your paper.

This is just a suggestion, but it seems to me the focus of your theory
should be the nature of charge instead of mass. In other words
charge is an inverse velocity and not mass.

I say this for two reasons. First you are concerned with the strength of
materials which is an electromagnetic phenomena and secondly by choosing the
velocity of light as a datum you have chosen another electromagnetic


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-25 Thread Grimer
At 01:50 pm 25/08/2005 -0500, Harry wrote:

 So far Yahoo has only allowed me to download a few pages from your paper.

I must confess I never had any problems downloading stuff from Yahoo sites.
Perhaps someone was downloading stuff at the same time. If you keep having
problems let me know and I will send you the relevant stuff as attachments
to e-mails. This is what I did for Beene and though my line is only a 56 
Jones has a fast one so it downloaded at his end like lightning.

 This is just a suggestion, but it seems to me the focus of your theory
 should be the nature of charge instead of mass. In other words
 charge is an inverse velocity and not mass.

Maybe they are both functions of velocity at different scales, eh! 8-)

 I say this for two reasons. First you are concerned with the strength of
 materials which is an electromagnetic phenomena and secondly by choosing the
 velocity of light as a datum you have chosen another electromagnetic

Fair point.


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
The following excerpt suggest that the Vort member, 
George Hathaway, personally witnessed some of the 
Hutchison Effect phenomena. It will be interesting 
to see precisely what it was that he witnessed and 
what he believes the underlying cause to be - if he 
is willing to testify, that is -  and doesn't plead 
the fifth amendment. g

   John Kenneth Hutchison of Vancouver, Canada, 
   tinkered with an array of simultaneously 
   interactive fields; a combination of electrostatic, 
   magnetic, microwave and Tesla Coil fields. 
   Without predictable warning and with some randomness, 
   these fields interacted with objects. Levitations, 
   thrusted weights, glowing, apparent softening and
   bending of hard metal alloys, and strange alloy 
   separations were some of the phenomena reported. 
   Some events were witnessed and reported by 
   George Hathaway. Additional details of the 
   experiments are related in the Electric Spacecraft 
   journal. One series of experiments was performed 
   while observers from Los Alamos Laboratory, U. S. 
   aircraft firms, and military personnel observed 
   and made video camera recordings. There is no 
   doubt that things happened which were dffficult 
   to explain. However, the experimental procedures 
   were such that John Kenneth Hutchison would try 
   various combinations of pulsed power, microwaves, 
   etc., without records to correlate what caused 
   what. The best that could be done at the time was 
   to observe. There is no claim of electrogravitic 
   forces here, but massive objects were said to have 
   moved, presumably as a result of the externally 
   applied fields. Mr. Hutchison claimed that the 
   presence of heavy masses was important in his 
   levitation experiments. The phenomenon generated 
   by Mr. Hutchison requires more investigation. 

That last sentence is the understatement of the century.


Frank Grimer

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Harry Veeder
Michael Huffman wrote:

 Grimer wrote:
 You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
 My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
 with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
 one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
 together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
 sands (pF  15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
 of clays, say. (pF  15 psi).
 Moin Frank,
 So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
 you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
 all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
 no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.

Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
At 12:47 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
Michael Huffman wrote:

 Grimer wrote:
 You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
 My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
 with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
 one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
 together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
 sands (pF  15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
 of clays, say. (pF  15 psi).
 Moin Frank,
 So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
 you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
 all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
 no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.

Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?


It would imply you are working from the wrong datum for zero 
pressure - something analogous to working from the wrong 
datum for the motion of the sun and planets or the wrong datum 
for temperature. 

Historically, people have always started from an anthropomorphic 
datum. It is the natural thing to do. For example, they set the 
datum for temperature at O degrees Centigrade. Eventually the 
maths of the relation between temperature and volume for gases 
showed them what datum they should start from. This is exactly 
what happened to Hewitt and I in relation to stress on concrete,
water, etc., as you will see if you care to read

GRIMER, F.J. and R.E.HEWITT. The form of the 
stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted 
with a di-phase concept of material behaviour. 
Structure, Solid Mechanics and Engineering Design. 
Proceedings of the Southampton 1969 Civil 
Engineering Conference. (M.Te'eni, Ed.), 
Wiley Interscience, pp 681 - 691, 1972.

 ..which you will find in the Files section at
the following location.

Frank Grimer

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Harry Veeder
Frank Grimer,

Last week I tried a new setting on my spam filter
which had the undesirable effect of blocking email from the vortex list.
I have now read your Aug. 19 post in the vortex archives on the meaning of
neutral mass. 

Grimer wrote:

 At 12:47 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
 Michael Huffman wrote:
 Grimer wrote:
 You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
 My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
 with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
 one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
 together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
 sands (pF  15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
 of clays, say. (pF  15 psi).
 Moin Frank,
 So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
 you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
 all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
 no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.
 Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?
 It would imply you are working from the wrong datum for zero
 pressure - something analogous to working from the wrong
 datum for the motion of the sun and planets or the wrong datum
 for temperature. 

The same criticism could apply to your notions of
negative and positive mass.

 Historically, people have always started from an anthropomorphic
 datum. It is the natural thing to do. For example, they set the
 datum for temperature at O degrees Centigrade. Eventually the
 maths of the relation between temperature and volume for gases
 showed them what datum they should start from. This is exactly
 what happened to Hewitt and I in relation to stress on concrete,
 water, etc., as you will see if you care to read
 GRIMER, F.J. and R.E.HEWITT. The form of the
 stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted
 with a di-phase concept of material behaviour.
 Structure, Solid Mechanics and Engineering Design.
 Proceedings of the Southampton 1969 Civil
 Engineering Conference. (M.Te'eni, Ed.),
 Wiley Interscience, pp 681 - 691, 1972.
 ..which you will find in the Files section at
 the following location.
 Frank Grimer

Ok, I will have a look.


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer

 GRIMER, F.J. and R.E.HEWITT. The form of the 
 stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted 
 with a di-phase concept of material behaviour. 

My Civil Engineer coworker said that the formulas for post stress concrete 
changed around this time.  Did you have something to do with that?

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
At 02:39 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
Frank Grimer,

Last week I tried a new setting on my spam filter
which had the undesirable effect of blocking email from the vortex list.
I have now read your Aug. 19 post in the vortex archives on the meaning of
neutral mass. 

Grimer wrote:

 At 12:47 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
 Michael Huffman wrote:
 Grimer wrote:
 You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
 My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
 with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
 one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
 together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
 sands (pF  15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
 of clays, say. (pF  15 psi).
 Moin Frank,
 So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
 you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
 all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
 no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.
 Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?
 It would imply you are working from the wrong datum for zero
 pressure - something analogous to working from the wrong
 datum for the motion of the sun and planets or the wrong datum
 for temperature. 

The same criticism could apply to your notions of
negative and positive mass.

Absolutely  8-). You are so right.   8-)

I am using a conventional datum cos there is only so much
cognitive dissonance that people can cope with at one sitting.

As I have pointed out in a previous post, both Ing.Saviour and 
I have independently realised that mass has the dimensions of
an inverse velocity so when mass goes to infinity the mass 
temperature drops to zero. The velocity of light it the correct
datum for measuring the inverse of mass (which is an internal 
velocity just like temperature but on a finer scale).

I am in the process of copying the internal BRS note which deals 
with this aspect from Saviour's blazelabs Yahoo site to the 
Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site where you will soon be able to 
read it.



Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer 

 I would be the last person they would tell as you will
 understand if you real the Files section on the 
 Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site.

Yes, I am doing so.  280 kBytes per page is a bit big.  You should convert them 
to .pdf files.

And you're exactly right about the safety factor.  That is the formulae which 
were altered.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
At 03:42 pm 24/08/2005 -0400, you wrote:
 From: Grimer

 GRIMER, F.J. and R.E.HEWITT. The form of the 
 stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted 
 with a di-phase concept of material behaviour. 

 My Civil Engineer coworker said that the formulas for 
 post stress concrete changed around this time.  
 Did you have something to do with that?

Who knows. Perhaps my later warnings about the AGRs put 
the wind up someone somewhere and they thought they had 
better screw the safety factors up a notch or two.

I would be the last person they would tell as you will
understand if you real the Files section on the 
Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site.


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
At 05:25 pm 24/08/2005 -0400, Terry wrote:

 From: Grimer 

 I would be the last person they would tell as you will
 understand if you read the Files section on the 
 Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site.

 Yes, I am doing so.  280 kBytes per page is a bit big.  
 You should convert them to .pdf files.

I intend to OCR them as a simple text file or .pdf at some point - 
but in view of the very controversial nature of the arguments a 
scan of the original documents has the advantage of showing that 
they were actually accepted for publication and that I'm not 
trying to perpetrate some elaborate troll. grin

 And you're exactly right about the safety factor.  
 That is the formulae which were altered.

It's nice to guess exactly right.  8-)


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer

 I intend to OCR them as a simple text file or .pdf at some point - 
 but in view of the very controversial nature of the arguments a 
 scan of the original documents has the advantage of showing that 
 they were actually accepted for publication and that I'm not 
 trying to perpetrate some elaborate troll. grin

Well, I didn't quite get all the pages downloaded before I peaked the group's 
bandwidth limit.  What *is* a group's limit on Yahoo?

I'll finish tomorrow because I want the CE department head to give me his 
comments.  The comment regarding the 1968 safety factor change on post stressed 
concrete came from one of his employees.  It led us to a discussion on how 
concrete is treated as a liquid.  I introduced him to the B-atm concept and we 
wound up wasting two hours of company time on the discussion (4 man hours  :-). 
 He loved the vortex ring idea and overloaded on the images of the Hutchison 

He worked on the Cooper River Bridge project.  If ever a bridge was beautiful:

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Thanks for the link on the Cooper River Bridge.. a work of art and 
engineering.Presume you had a hand in design hopefully.
I have been saving every scrap of info on Grimer and Jones post regarding 
the big B as I name the file. awesome stuff, including the vortex ring 
that blew my mind.

- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

From: Grimer

I intend to OCR them as a simple text file or .pdf at some point -
but in view of the very controversial nature of the arguments a
scan of the original documents has the advantage of showing that
they were actually accepted for publication and that I'm not
trying to perpetrate some elaborate troll. grin

Well, I didn't quite get all the pages downloaded before I peaked the 
group's bandwidth limit.  What *is* a group's limit on Yahoo?

I'll finish tomorrow because I want the CE department head to give me his 
comments.  The comment regarding the 1968 safety factor change on post 
stressed concrete came from one of his employees.  It led us to a 
discussion on how concrete is treated as a liquid.  I introduced him to 
the B-atm concept and we wound up wasting two hours of company time on the 
discussion (4 man hours  :-).  He loved the vortex ring idea and 
overloaded on the images of the Hutchison Effect.

He worked on the Cooper River Bridge project.  If ever a bridge was 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-24 Thread Grimer
At 08:13 pm 24/08/2005 -0400, you wrote:

 Well, I didn't quite get all the pages downloaded before I 
 peaked the group's bandwidth limit.  What *is* a group's 
 limit on Yahoo?

Dunno - It's never worried me - I'm a patient man. 
One has to be when one pioneers new concepts. grin

 I'll finish tomorrow because I want the CE department head 
 to give me his comments.  The comment regarding the 1968 
 safety factor change on post stressed concrete came from 
 one of his employees.  It led us to a discussion on how 
 concrete is treated as a liquid.  I introduced him to the 
 B-atm concept and we wound up wasting two hours of company 
 time on the discussion (4 man hours  :-).  He loved the 
 vortex ring idea and overloaded on the images of the 
 Hutchison Effect.

 He worked on the Cooper River Bridge project.  

 If ever a bridge was beautiful.

I agree. I like the shear leg diamond design. More sensible 
from an engineering point of view, than the twin towers 
cable stay bridge over the Thames.

The Thames QE2 bridge is reminiscent of the spindly Tay bridge - 
the original one that fell down.

 Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silv'ry Tay!
 Alas! I am very sorry to say
 That ninety lives have been taken away
 On the last Sabbath day of 1879,
 Which will be remember'd for a very long time.

'Twas about seven o'clock at night, etc.,



Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-23 Thread Grimer
Well, Vorts, I have been revisiting the Hutchinson
Effect and have been very chuffed over what I have

The phenomena described below - the lift - the
lateral propulsion -  twisting spiral movement
the looping arc are all exactly the motions one
might expect from objects hit by a Beta-atmosphere
vortex ring.

And the fact that they are so obviously consistent
is evidence the phenomena are real. 

If Hutchison had be faking the results he would 
not have been so stupid as to fake such a weird 
collection since he obviously hasn't got a clue
as to the cause. 

In fact, if I had wanted to fake experimental 
results to demonstrate the generation of Beta-
atmosphere Vortex ring, I couldn't have done 
better than organise the results Hutchison 
actually obtained.


   The original way that Hutchison set out his range 
   of apparatus was, by industrial standards, 
   primitive and crowded, with poor connections and 
   hand-wound coils. But it was with this layout 
   with its erratic standards that he obtained most 
   of the best examples of objects levitating, 
   despite the fact that the maximum power drawn 
   was 1.5 kilowatts, and this from the ordinary 
   power sockets of the house mains. 

   The Hutchison device produces effects which can 
   basically be divided into two categories, 
   propulsive and energetic. It can induce lift in 
   objects made of any material and also propel them 
   laterally. It has been noted that there are four 
   types of trajectory that affect objects weighing 
   a few pounds, and all of these upward movements 
   begin with a twisting spiral movement. 

   Also, there has to be a particular geometry in 
   relation to the direction of gravity, 
   i.e., downwards of these objects, for them to be 
   affected in this way. Some objects will not take 
   off if you turn them on their sides, but will if 
   you stand them on their ends. It is evident, 
   therefore, that the relationship of their 
   physical forms to the fields which swirl 
   invisibly around them is important. 

   Returning to the four modes of trajectory, first, 
   there is the looping arc, where objects take off 
   relatively slowly over a period of seconds, loop 
   in the air and fall back to earth; then there is 
   the ballistic take-off where objects shoot 
   upwards suddenly, hit the ceiling and fall back 
   down. A third type of trajectory is a powered one 
   where there appears to be a continuous lifting 
   force; and the fourth is where an object moves 
   upwards and just hovers for some time. As 
   mentioned, these objects can be of any material 
   whatsoever, wood, plastics, copper, zinc, 
   Styrofoam, etc. 

Funnily enough, when I first read accounts of 
Hutchison's work some years ago I could see that
the material phenomena were consistent with 
disturbances in Beta-atmosphere pressure but the
weird dynamic effects seemed more like the 
operations of poltergeists than the results of
kosher scientific experimentation.

And no doubt that is why it attracted the interest of
poltergeist hunters as you can see from the following

   Liar Liar, Pants on Fire
   Brian Allan 2001 


   This article began as an investigation into a 
   possible mechanism behind poltergeist activity 
   and related phenomena, but as the investigation 
   proceeded, it became inexorably enmeshed within 
   a completely unexpected area, namely the covert 
   world of military intelligence, 'black' projects 
   and superscience. While there may indeed be a 
   separate, discarnate, spiritual explanation for 
   the creation of anomalous sounds and the 
   spontaneous, random movement of objects, there 
   are other equally bizarre and worrying causes.

Since the military authorities seemed to be involved
one might have thought they would have got to the 
bottom of things. Evidently not. They must have 
assumed that it was trickery or something and they
would have plenty of Dr.Porks to assure them that
such things were completely impossible and that they
must be weak minded to be taken in by such conjuring
tricks. Cold Fusion is a doddle by comparison.

Mind you I haven't got a very high opinion of people
involved with military research. I always remember 
the time I went down to the Military Experimental 
Establishment at Christchurch to observer the final
experiments in a large soil-stabilization trial.
I asked the officer in charge if I could have copy
of the previous 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
At 05:13 am 22/08/2005 +0100, Frank wrote:

Once one realises that one is dealing with a real 
atmosphere then all sorts of interesting possibilities 
arise - like creating closed vortices - 
Beta-atmosphere smoke rings in other words.

There is a wonderful Royal Institution demonstration 
of a smoke ring blowing generated at one end of the 
lecturers bench blowing out a candle at the other. 
The smoke ring box is first filled with smoke so that 
the ring is visible as it travels slowly the dozen or 
so feet towards the candle. Then the demonstration is 
repeated without smoke and the lectures starts a 
countdown. When he reaches zero the candle is blown 
out as though by magic.

Before WWII there was a lot of interest in the 
possibility of a death ray knocking down enemy aircraft. 
The idea was researched and considered a non starter. 
But the investigation did give rise to something only 
a little less valuable, viz. radio location and radar.

Had the authorities recognised the possibility of firing 
Beta-atmosphere closed vortices the death ray might 
have come to fruition.

Who was it who made a great hoo-ha about something like 
this? I think it was Shoulders with his EVOs. I'll have 
to google it.


Frank Grimer

Ain't Google wonderful  8-). I put - Shoulders EVO - in and 
straight away the article I was thinking of came up as the 
first of 18,500. The URL is,

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY is dated last August so 
it's pretty up to date as regards Shoulder's view of things.

Interestingly enough, his first paragraph of The Bad 
section of his article could well be applied to Cold 
Fusion research.

 In the experimental world there is a truism: 
 If it has not happened, it probably will not happen. 
 The thrust here is that it is very dangerous to 
 predict too far into the future. Doing so usually 
 brings bad news. Still, it is the life of the 
 experimenter to go on into such darkness moving as 
 deftly as possible but with caution. In the business 
 of containing such eager particles, capable of 
 fantastic energetic feats in the micro world, 
 scaling to progressively larger samples is 
 necessarily accompanied with caution. Many things 
 can be learned using micro samples, but eventually, 
 there comes a time when large samples are necessary. 
 That time has arrived.

The first sentence of The Ugly section reads,

 I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch 
 of electrons suddenly unleashed.

Could an Alpha-atmosphere smoke ring (closed vortex) be seen
as furious; more furious that is than simply blowing out a

Very definitely if the vortex is big enough. There have been 
instances where vortices shed by large airliners, such as 
the 747 have tipped over smaller airliners following in their

To be continued

Frank Grimer

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
At 06:58 am 22/08/2005 +0100, Frank wrote:
At 05:13 am 22/08/2005 +0100, Frank wrote:

Ain't Google wonderful  8-). I put - Shoulders EVO - in and 
straight away the article I was thinking of came up as the 
first of 18,500. The URL is,

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY is dated last August so 
it's pretty up to date as regards Shoulder's view of things.

Interestingly enough, his first paragraph of The Bad 
section of his article could well be applied to Cold 
Fusion research.

 In the experimental world there is a truism: 
 If it has not happened, it probably will not happen. 
 The thrust here is that it is very dangerous to 
 predict too far into the future. Doing so usually 
 brings bad news. Still, it is the life of the 
 experimenter to go on into such darkness moving as 
 deftly as possible but with caution. In the business 
 of containing such eager particles, capable of 
 fantastic energetic feats in the micro world, 
 scaling to progressively larger samples is 
 necessarily accompanied with caution. Many things 
 can be learned using micro samples, but eventually, 
 there comes a time when large samples are necessary. 
 That time has arrived.

The first sentence of The Ugly section reads,

 I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch 
 of electrons suddenly unleashed.

Could an Alpha-atmosphere smoke ring (closed vortex) be seen
as furious; more furious that is than simply blowing out a

Very definitely if the vortex is big enough. There have been 
instances where vortices shed by large airliners, such as 
the 747 have tipped over smaller airliners following in their

To be continued

Frank Grimer

Well I've had a good look at Shoulders's stuff but there's not really
enough detail to make a judgment on the possibility of his EVOs being
closed vortices or not. There are one or two tempting hints, like the
fact that EVOs move around slowly, cf. smoke rings. Also, the fact
he seems to collect them from the surface of glass plates is suggestive
since surfaces are involved with virtual particles which are presumably
some kind of *materon* polarization. Surfaces are the region where there
must be interaction between neutral mass, neutral charge particles and 

One could easily build up a speculative mountain out of an experimental 
molehill but I think it is best to file the idea away in the useful 
junk box until some better piece of the jigsaw turns up.   8-)

I was interested to note that Shoulders co-authored a paper with 
Jack Sarfatti.

Mmm.A way out thinker if ever there was one, if my google search
on him is anything to go by.  grin

Frank Grimer

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Nick Palmer
Frank, are you working towards saying that the active areas in good 
samples of cold fusion cathodes may be beta atmosphere cavities in the 
lattice that use ambient heat or sound vibration to generate colossal beta 
pressure and thereby fuse the entrained deuterium? I hadn't understood much 
what you were on about before but this organ pipe/magnetron/perfume spray 
analogy has just opened my eyes a little (I think)... 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer 

 I was interested to note that Shoulders co-authored a paper with 
 Jack Sarfatti.
 Mmm.A way out thinker if ever there was one, if my google search
 on him is anything to go by.  grin

He was normal until he got the phone call from Valis:

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
At 06:58 am 22/08/2005 +0100, Frank wrote:


The first sentence of Shoulders The Ugly section reads,

 I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch 
 of electrons suddenly unleashed.

Could an Alpha-atmosphere smoke ring (closed vortex) be seen
as furious; more furious that is than simply blowing out a

Very definitely if the vortex is big enough. There have been 
instances where vortices shed by large airliners, such as 
the 747 have tipped over smaller airliners following in their

To be continued

Frank Grimer

Having mentioned Hutchison previously in this thread I 
thought I had better revisit his stuff though not with 
any great enthusiasm since when I first investigated it 
I was appalled by his hopelessly disorganised approach. 
Fortunately, the first reference I came across was a 
concise summary of the work - NOT written by Hutchison.  8-)

The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
by Mark A. Solis 

 People often ask, What exactly is the Hutchison Effect?
This brief essay is an attempt to answer that question to the
satisfaction of the majority.
 First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of
phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison
during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back
in 1979.  In other words, the Hutchison Effect is not simply a
singular effect.  It is many.
 The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave
interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high
voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or
more Tesla coils.
 The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects,
fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood (exactly
as portrayed in the movie, The Philadelphia Experiment), the
anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material,
spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in
a sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent changes
in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals.
 The levitation of heavy objects by the Hutchison Effect
is not---repeat not---the result of simple electrostatic or
electromagnetic levitation.  Claims that these forces alone
can explain the phenomenon are patently ridiculous, and easily
disproved by merely trying to use such methods to duplicate
what the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which has been well
documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed
many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers.
Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited
to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as
that is all that is used by Hutchison's apparatus to levitate
a 60-pound cannon ball.
 The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly
remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a
powerful influence on Van der Waals forces.  In a striking and
baffling contradiction, dissimilar substances can simply come
together, yet the individual substances do not dissociate.  A
block of wood can simply sink into a metal bar, yet neither
the metal bar nor the block of wood come apart.  Also, there
is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for
example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water.
 The anomalous heating of metal without any evidence of
burning or scorching of the adjacent materials (usually wood)
is a clear indication that possibly the nature of heat may not
be completely understood.  This has far-reaching implications
for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption
of such knowledge.  It should be noted that the entirety of
thermodynamics is represented by the infrared portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum, which is insignificant in a context
of 0 Hz to infinite Hz.  The anomalous heating exhibited by
the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn,
especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet.
 The spontaneous fracturing of metals, as occurs with the
Hutchison Effect, is unique for two reasons: (1) there is no
evidence of an external force causing the fracturing, and
(2) the method by which the metal separates involves a sliding
motion in a sideways direction, horizontally.  The metal simply
comes apart.
 Some temporary changes in the crystalline structure and
physical properties of metals are somewhat reminiscent of the
spoon bending of Uri Geller, except that there is no one near
the metal samples when the changes take place.  One video shows
a spoon flapping up and down like a limp rag in a stiff breeze.
In the case of permanent changes, a metal bar will be hard at
one end, like steel, and soft at the other end, like powdered
lead.  Again, this is evidence of strong influence on Van der
Waals forces.
 The radio wave 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread John Harris
Hi Frank
Back in the 70's I used to fly Gliders (sailplanes) out of Gawler in South
Australia under the flightpath of the Edinborough Airforce Base. It used to
get quite exciting when one was at the 1900ft ceiling and the caribou's came
through with supposedly a 2000 ft floor but felt more like a beat up.
I think its a fairly long stretch though to compare what can happen when a
vortice destroys the lift over one wing of an aircraft and flips it to
suggesting the same can happen to a 60 lb round cannonball.
Even the vortice off the tips of the small tow plane (usually a Piper Cub in
those days) could give you a hard time when going from low tow below the
tug to High tow above the tug if one was careless.
I am not suggesting the effect is not real - but I would suggest caution in
using this analogy.
One suprising thing was how long the vortices lasted after they where
generated - I have flown into them at least 10Km behind the generating
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

 At 06:58 am 22/08/2005 +0100, Frank wrote:

 The first sentence of Shoulders The Ugly section reads,
  I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch
  of electrons suddenly unleashed.
 Could an Alpha-atmosphere smoke ring (closed vortex) be seen
 as furious; more furious that is than simply blowing out a
 Very definitely if the vortex is big enough. There have been
 instances where vortices shed by large airliners, such as
 the 747 have tipped over smaller airliners following in their
 To be continued
 Frank Grimer

 Having mentioned Hutchison previously in this thread I
 thought I had better revisit his stuff though not with
 any great enthusiasm since when I first investigated it
 I was appalled by his hopelessly disorganised approach.
 Fortunately, the first reference I came across was a
 concise summary of the work - NOT written by Hutchison.  8-)

 The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
 by Mark A. Solis

  People often ask, What exactly is the Hutchison Effect?
 This brief essay is an attempt to answer that question to the
 satisfaction of the majority.
  First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of
 phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison
 during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back
 in 1979.  In other words, the Hutchison Effect is not simply a
 singular effect.  It is many.
  The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave
 interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high
 voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or
 more Tesla coils.
  The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects,
 fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood (exactly
 as portrayed in the movie, The Philadelphia Experiment), the
 anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material,
 spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in
 a sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent changes
 in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals.
  The levitation of heavy objects by the Hutchison Effect
 is not---repeat not---the result of simple electrostatic or
 electromagnetic levitation.  Claims that these forces alone
 can explain the phenomenon are patently ridiculous, and easily
 disproved by merely trying to use such methods to duplicate
 what the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which has been well
 documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed
 many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers.
 Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited
 to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as
 that is all that is used by Hutchison's apparatus to levitate
 a 60-pound cannon ball.
  The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly
 remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a
 powerful influence on Van der Waals forces.  In a striking and
 baffling contradiction, dissimilar substances can simply come
 together, yet the individual substances do not dissociate.  A
 block of wood can simply sink into a metal bar, yet neither
 the metal bar nor the block of wood come apart.  Also, there
 is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for
 example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water.
  The anomalous heating of metal without any evidence of
 burning or scorching of the adjacent materials (usually wood)
 is a clear indication that possibly the nature of heat may not
 be completely understood.  This has far-reaching implications
 for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
At 08:49 am 22/08/2005 -0400, you wrote:
 From: Grimer 

 I was interested to note that Shoulders co-authored a paper with 
 Jack Sarfatti.
 Mmm.A way out thinker if ever there was one, if my google search
 on him is anything to go by.  grin

He was normal until he got the phone call from Valis:

 by Dr. Jack Sarfatti

 ... the universe is created by intelligent design 
 but the Designer lives in our far future and has 
 evolved from us. 

Yes - I see what you mean. grin

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
At 07:31:44 on 22 Aug 2005 07:31:44 John Harris wrote:-

 Hi Frank,

 Back in the 70's I used to fly Gliders (sailplanes) out of Gawler in South
 Australia under the flightpath of the Edinborough Airforce Base. It used to
 get quite exciting when one was at the 1900ft ceiling and the caribou's came
 through with supposedly a 2000 ft floor but felt more like a beat up.
 I think its a fairly long stretch though to compare what can happen when a
 vortice destroys the lift over one wing of an aircraft and flips it to
 suggesting the same can happen to a 60 lb round cannonball.
 Even the vortice off the tips of the small tow plane (usually a Piper Cub in
 those days) could give you a hard time when going from low tow below the
 tug to High tow above the tug if one was careless.
 I am not suggesting the effect is not real - but I would suggest caution in
 using this analogy.
 One sup rising thing was how long the vortices lasted after they where
 generated - I have flown into them at least 10Km behind the generating

Many thanks for your most interesting first hand account, of the 
effect of vortex rings on small aircraft. There is nothing like 
hearing these things from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I only 
wish we had one of the Hutchison Effect witnesses on the list

With regard to the cannon ball, I think you are extremely 
restrained in your comment that it is a fairly long stretch. 
It is an enormously long stretch because the forces involved 
in the Beta-atmosphere (that which transmits light) are an 
enormously long way from the forces involved in the 
Alpha-atmosphere (that which transmits sound).

Believe you me, I completely sympathise with your shock horror 
just as much as I would sympathise with a man who had never 
heard of meteorites and returned home to find that one had 
demolished his house. The cognitive dissonance must be awful.

As for caution, I am long past the age when I need to worry 
about the effect of my words on teachers/professors/division 
heads/directors/editors/peer reviewers. 

That, dear boy, is the beauty of our little Vortex discussion group. 
We can say it as it is. (excluding libel, pornography, sarcasm, 
religion and politics - and anything else our esteemed moderator 
might deem unfitting). 



Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Grimer
I've found a rather spectacular example of a vortex crash.

USAir 427:
One Accident, Three Views

On September 8, 1994, USAir Flight 427, a Boeing 737-300 
on a scheduled flight from Chicago to Pittsburgh, crashed 
while maneuvering to land at Pittsburgh International 
Airport. The airplane was destroyed by impact forces and 
all 132 persons on board were fatally injured. Three years 
of investigation has failed to yield conclusive proof of 
why the aircraft crashed. What is known is that the aircraft 
encountered wake turbulence from a preceding aircraft while 
at 6,000 feet and 190 knots. The effects of the wake should 
have been easily recoverable.  However, a few seconds after 
encountering the wake vortex, the 737's rudder deflected 
full-left and remained in that position for 23 seconds until 
the aircraft impacted the ground in a near-vertical position.

I seem to remember there was a case where the plane flipped
upside down but I haven't been able to find that one.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer 

 I seem to remember there was a case where the plane flipped
 upside down but I haven't been able to find that one.

There was one in Chicago.  But it wasn't a vortex - the engine fell off on one 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-22 Thread John Harris
Didn't used to have that problem in a sailplane ;-)

- Original Message -
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron
 There was one in Chicago.  But it wasn't a vortex - the engine fell off on
one side.

Re: Beta- atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
Since the Beta-atmosphere is a doppelganger of the Alpha-atmosphere 
there is no reason why one should not construct a cavity magnetron 
equivalent for the Alpha-atmosphere using air - or even a cavity 
magnetron equivalent for the Alpha-Beta overlap using water. 
Immediately one thinks along these lines it becomes bloody obvious 
what the real secret of the cavity magnetron is. Do you remember the 
water based vacuum pumps one used in chemistry class - the ones where a 
constrained jet of water passes though and sucks air out of the connected 
vacuum apparatus.

Obvious Frank has been examining his wife's perfume atomizer 
grin. Actually one needs to look no further than the pipe organ at 
church. Should one have an inclination toward the mischevious, one could " 
re-arrange" the pipes to produce the correct resonance to shatter the faux pax 
diamond broache worn by Mz Fine. sitting on the 18th pew. Frank mentions an 
analogy to the pressure that " develops" inside the cavity. A pipe organ fits 
that analogy.
On the subject of socalled " absolute" vacuum. Absolute vacuum is 
easily demonstrated by the use of a differential pressure gauge disregarding 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-21 Thread Grimer
At 05:22 pm 21/08/2005 -0500, Richard wrote:

 Grimer wrote..

 Do you remember the water based vacuum pumps one used 
 in chemistry class - the ones where a constrained jet 
 of water passes though and sucks air out of the connected 
 vacuum apparatus.

 Obviously  Frank has been examining his wife's perfume atomizer grin. 

Thanks for that example, Richard. That is a much better 
device than the one I suggested since it is the essence 
of simplicity from what I remember of my mother's scent 
spray. In the case of the old fashioned ones the two 
tubes are naked and their mutual geometry is obvious.

I had looked up the well known Pitot tube as an 
alternative example but found the explanations 
confusing and contradictory in the sense that they 
seemed to adopt different datum pressures. The scent 
spray is excellent by comparison.

What I find very interesting is that when I first 
encountered the cavity magnetron many years ago its 
working was a complete mystery to me and I could not 
see the significance of the cavities at all. Once one 
looks at it in terms of the Beta-atmosphere being a 
real atmosphere, just like the Alpha-atmosphere then 
it's like throwing the switch on a bright lamp. 
Things become very clear. 

As regards the Beta-atmosphere pressure drop, I 
rather jumped the gun there cos the cavities are in 
resonance which means that the dominant aspect is 
the oscillating pressure. This takes place so fast 
that the inertia of the magnetron walls will prevent 
significant deformations.

If one could rectify the sine wave so as to get an 
RMS pressure drop then it would be a very different 
ball game. I suspect this is at the root of the 
Hutchison Effect. Unwittingly he has stumbled upon 
a way of doing this. A case of an uninhibited amateur 
rushing in where angels fear to tread. 

Once one realises that one is dealing with a real 
atmosphere then all sorts of interesting possibilities 
arise - like creating closed vortices - 
Beta-atmosphere smoke rings in other words.

There is a wonderful Royal Institution demonstration 
of a smoke ring blowing generated at one end of the 
lecturers bench blowing out a candle at the other. 
The smoke ring box is first filled with smoke so that 
the ring is visible as it travels slowly the dozen or 
so feet towards the candle. Then the demonstration is 
repeated without smoke and the lectures starts a 
countdown. When he reaches zero the candle is blown 
out as though by magic.

Before WWII there was a lot of interest in the 
possibility of a death ray knocking down enemy aircraft. 
The idea was researched and considered a non starter. 
But the investigation did give rise to something only 
a little less valuable, viz. radio location and radar.

Had the authorities recognised the possibility of firing 
Beta-atmosphere closed vortices the death ray might 
have come to fruition.

Who was it who made a great hoo-ha about something like 
this? I think it was Shoulders with his EVOs. I'll have 
to google it.


Frank Grimer

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer

 Interestingly enough the other night I was watching a 
 programme on Michael Faraday (whose house I pass by 
 every Sunday morning).

How inspiring that must be!

 It will be interesting to find out if anyone else can 
 see what I have seen.

Bien sûr!  But, do you distinguish among the terms:

Beta atm
Dirac Sea

BTW, here's a nice cutaway of a magnetron:

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Grimer

  In February of 1940, the English researchers tested 
  their first working cavity magnetron. They were amazed 
  to find that it produced over 400 watts of power at 
  the extremely short wavelength of 9.8 cm (about 4 inches). 
  This was nearly a hundred times more power than anyone 
  else had ever produced at that wavelength.

A cursory google does not return the COP of a magnetron.  Has anyone seen it 

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Terry Blanton

 A cursory google does not return the COP of a magnetron.  Has anyone seen it 

I have found several webpages which say that the microwave conversion 
efficiency is up to 78%.  There's no mention of the heat given off.  

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Jones Beene
--- Terry Blanton wrote from Fran Grimers interesting
thoughts on the cavity magnetron

 A cursory google does not return the COP of a
 magnetron.  Has anyone seen it measured?

I have seen the figure of 70% eff for the oven-type
units, but do not have a handy reference. The main
losses are cathode heating and tube heating. Many
tubes are heavily finned to dissipate heat. The
magnetron was definitely amazing in comparison to
radio tubes (valves to the Brits), because normal
tubes in the 1940s were around 20-40% eff. while the
magnetron was nearly double that. Some of the higher
eff. is due to higher power - as all RF tubes get more
eff. in general, as they get larger, since the cathode
heating losses are less, percentagewise.

I suppose that an electric -- electric COP of .8 is
possible with a cold cathode magnetron of a kilowatt
RF output. Maybe higher for certain uses - as they
have been proposed as a way to get solar energy back
to earth from orbiting satellites. The ground antenna
would be 95% so the net would be ~75% which doesn't
sound that good untill you realize that even if copper
wires would stretch that far (~22,000 miles), they
would likely not do much better.


Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Jones Beene

 I have seen the figure of 70% eff for the oven-type
 units, but do not have a handy reference. 

Never mind, I found plenty.  Sure seems to be a lot of heat coming from my 
microwave oven magnetron.  I gues no one has really done the calorimetry.

BTW, I am struck by the graphic similarity of these two cross sections:

a nonsensical relationship; but, somehow jungian.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Grimer
At 06:12 pm 20/08/2005 +0200, you wrote:
Grimer wrote:

 You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
 My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy 
 with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if 
 one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held 
 together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse 
 sands (pF  15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case 
 of clays, say. (pF  15 psi). 

 Moin Frank,

 So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but 
 you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that 
 all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is 
 no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.


No, no, no, noo! 

My fault  - I'm afraid I expressed things badly.
pF is a log scale of suction, of negative pressure taking 
atmospheric pressure as datum. 

Normally people think of -15psi as zero pressure (stress) and 
anything lower than that they think of in terms of tension. 
I am saying that tension is only the absence of some unappreciated 
pressure (the Beta-atmosphere pressure in the case of macro 
material). Since for me, tension - action at a distance - is a 
negation the words pressure and stress are interchangeable. 

In the case of steel for example, tension is a reduction in the 
EXTERNAL Beta-atmosphere pressure which holds the steel together 
in an analogous way to air pressure holds an evacuated plastic 
bag of table-tennis balls together.

If you really want to get things straightened out you need to 
read the three key publications listed below. which are all 
available as .jpeg page scans on various Yahoo sites. 
The ideas are very easy to follow, albeit difficult to accept
because of their obvious far reaching implications. 

The ideas are certainly not in danger of straining *your* brain. g
Jones and Horace seemed to manage OK.


GRIMER, F.J. and R.E.HEWITT. The form of the 
stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted 
with a di-phase concept of material behaviour. 
Structure, Solid Mechanics and Engineering Design. 
Proceedings of the Southampton 1969 Civil 
Engineering Conference. (M.Te'eni, Ed.), 
Wiley Interscience, pp 681 - 691, 1972.

CLAYTON, N and F.J.GRIMER. A General Approach 
to the Strength of Materials. Speculations in 
Science and Technology, Vol.1, No.1, pp5 - 13, 

CLAYTON, N and F.J.GRIMER. The di-phase concept 
with particular reference to concrete. Developments 
in Concrete Technology, Vol.1, F.D.Lydon, ed, 
Applied Science Publishers, England pp.283-318. 



Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Michael Huffman

Grimer wrote:

The ideas are certainly not in danger of straining *your* brain. g
Jones and Horace seemed to manage OK.

Yeah Ok, I usually strain my noodle about a minute after it comes to a 
boil, then I recall the exhortations of my parents to use it, and I 
reluctantly attempt to do so.  I think that even though we are both 
quite fluent in English, we are talking two different languages, but 
that is OK.  I never understood what my parents were telling me either.

My background in vacuum technologies comes from my work on large 
refrigeration systems and desalinization gear.  The gauges go down to 
zero (1 atm), and then start reading in Inches of Mercury.  As far as I 
know, no one has ever achieved a perfect vacuum, nor has anyone managed 
to suck beyond that point (although Halliburton and the legal department 
of Microsoft are competing intensely for that honor).

I have had some training and practical experience in structural 
engineering, but not that much.  I have done very little work with 
concrete, but I have done more than a bit with steel.  I will root 
around for your papers, try and shift into your language set, and see if 
they make any sense to me.  Hopefully, visualizing concepts that I have 
always applied to gas technologies to solid material will not require 
the use of psychedelics.

PS  Jones and Horace are geniuses.  So are Fred and Bill.  I have to 
stop several times and start over when counting my toes.  Ask anybody.

Re: Beta-atmosphere and the Cavity Magnetron

2005-08-20 Thread Grimer
Since the Beta-atmosphere is a doppelganger of the 
Alpha-atmosphere there is no reason why one should 
not construct a cavity magnetron equivalent for the 
Alpha-atmosphere using air - or even a cavity 
magnetron equivalent for the Alpha-Beta overlap using 

Immediately one thinks along these lines it becomes 
bloody obvious what the real secret of the cavity 
magnetron is. 

Do you remember the water based vacuum pumps one used 
in chemistry class - the ones where a constrained jet 
of water passes though and sucks air out of the connected 
vacuum apparatus. Well, the Beta-atmosphere stream as 
manifested by the electron swirl passing over the magnetron 
cavity openings is acting just like that jet of water. 
The Beta-atmosphere is being sucked out of the cavities 
which are consequently at a sustained reduced Beta-aether 
pressure. No wonder Randall  Hopkirk (Deceased) got such 
a shock at the 100fold increase in power. Increasing 
differential B-a pressure must be analogous, say, to 
increasing differential temperature in the Carnot Cycle.

My goodness me! It's so obvious when you can see it.  
What a laugh! 8-)

Presumably that's why the walls of the cavity have to 
be so chunky. If they were thin the cavities would be 
crushed by the difference in Beta-atmosphere pressure.

Mmm... And I thought I was going to have to persuade 
people to investigate the mild steel cup and cone cavity 
as described in the Infinite Energy paper (Issue 46, pp. 28-33). 
The cavity magnetron is a much sexier option, eh!

Now the interesting question is, what happens if you 
introduce deuterium into the reduced Beta-atmosphere 
pressure cavities?

Be careful lads - I don't want you blowing yourselves up. g


Frank Grimer

[I wonder if the MIB look at these posts. 
Nah! they are far too stupid. Mind you, if 
they do read 'em, they'll soon be coming 
for you, boys, so make sure all your affairs 
are in order. 8-) ]