I've got another ailment

2007-01-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
While I enjoyed the cases of ployschwamp-maina stories, I held off for a
few days reporting my ailment, not to confuse folks.  I don't have that
one.  I need to report though, that I've got it.  No, I'm not a big
bundle of singing talent (remember I'm the Untrained Voice).  It has
nothing to do with the uvula, or the patella oblingata.  Is nothing that
a hanging sling, or breathin' in a fan will help.  Its not low
sugar-blood content or a weak pulse, nor nothing that Indian Elixir
would solve.

Its not the Beasleys, the German Beasleys, or the Versitis.  It is quite
simply the schwamps  (Andy Griffith version of the mumps).  You see I
have this obsession to watch episodes of our favorite show and look for
those obscure background characters like...well of course Mr. Schwamp,
Nice Dress Nellie, Horn-Rimmed Harry, Tom Jacobs, Joe Hamilton. Etc.
The ailment is named, of course, after  the most famous of these

This affliction, is something that I must attribute to the electronal
marvel of  the DVD Player.  Now that we have TAGS DVDs, its easy to
search, back up zoom in, etc.  It is that marvel that I give credit for
now identifying 22 Schwamp episodes and counting.  He is mentioned in
many of the books on The Andy Griffith Show, but most list only about
6-8 appearances.  This website of ours, is the only place, I believe,
you will find all 22 !!!


The last couple I found are so obscure, I'm a little embarrassed to
admit it.  In Don't Miss a Good Bet he can only be seen from the rear
and side of his face.  In The Statue, he is waaay in the background
with a hat on.  Go ahead, take a look.

After a little more viewing, I hope to work with Allan on pages on the
Gossip website for Nice Dress Nelly, and Tom Jacobs.  That's one thing
that is fun, 40 years after the show was made,  delving deeper into the
mysteries of all the characters...being a true Trained Noticer.

Don't get to close to me...or you might catch a case of   the Schwamp
(symptoms, bleary eyes, and twitchy remote control finger,
uncontrollable grinning and nodding...and possible hair loss)

The Untrained Voice, Sgt. At Arms
Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Pickups and Schwamp From Porch and Pool

2007-01-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well, we completed the investigation on Helen.  She does have a porch,
just like someone mentioned.  In addition to the episode where Barney
and Goober spy, when the Darlings are seeking her as a wife for one of
the boys, we see the Porch again.  What is strange is the Door that Andy
walks Helen to after the big Frank (blamed gradin manual)  blow-up.
There is no porch  at that door.  There is a door bell and a house
number--but no porch.  Back Door?? Possible. But why the house number?
Maybe she was painting and that makes a mess, so she went to a neighbor.
Or maybe her Landlady put in a side door for her to enter after fight
with Andy??  Just one of these inconsistencies us Trained Noticers love
to find.

I'm really glad Ken brought up the Taylor Porch.  There have been nice
stories, as well as good porch sightings.  

Now Laura Lee, about Helen locking herself in jail..The first time she
was being chased in that direction, it just seemed like the place to go.
The second time, I guess she just knew it was safe.   Also, it had been
a long time since anyone had locked themselves in...Maybe she was just
missing Barney.

There is only one Schwamp (no twins Kim), but I noticed something
interesting in the episode that Andy got the check for $1000.  Mr.
Schwamp is right there with the other men in the Courthouse looking at
the check, but who does Goober mention?? Mr. Schlummer!!  Ole Man
Schlummer, you might recall, is the Real Estate guy who smokes cee-gars
and drives a rattle-trap car when somebody comes in and wants to buy a
house.  Why would Goober mention him along with Floyd and George the TV
man??  I think he meant to say SchwampOf course Mr. Schwamp didn't
say anything.  He didn't want to make Goober look bad.  He just smiled. 

Now all them zeroes boys is the key to the whole thing
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Helen's porch

2007-01-10 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Thanks for the porch list.  I'm going to have to fill out a from 2 dash
80 and go back and check on Helen.
She did appear to have a porch when Barney and Goober spied or her and
Andy..but When Andy walked her home after the big blamed gradin'
manual blow up with Frank, he  walked her up to a stoop only.  Hmm,
What about when the Darlings serenaded her?  Porch I think.  
Course she did only rent..remember Andy was supposed to get a picture of
somebody for her Land-lady when he went to Hollywood. 
What about when Opie came over?  Yup, we'll fill out a form 80-2 and
investigate with the boys at the lab.
The Untrained Voice
investigator in training
WBMUTBB mailing list

Picks ups and Splashes from Disposal and Front Porch

2007-01-08 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
A few episodes later Aunt Bee files a claim to her insurance man
(Howard Sprague's alter ego) because she thought she lost Aunt Martha's
pin.  With the insurance money she buys...a disposal!! Did I miss
something or was this one of the inconsistencies with the writing?

Yes that is a serious inconsistency that's is noted in some of the books
about the show.

They must have been really popular to add at that time...as well as ice

It was on the Taylor Porch that Andy taught Opie an important lesson
about parenting and life, when he released his birds after he had cared
for them so lovingly.  Son, they need a much bigger cage and then
stepping off of the porch, but reflecting back on the security of the
cage and the porch but don't the tree seem nice and full  The young
lad Opie would no doubt remember that important lesson from the front
Nice observation Ken.

Who else had a front porch?
Floyd  (seeing Barney on the Horse)
Sam Becker
Mrs. Mendlebright (Barney talked about sitting out there with her)
The Parkers in Raleigh
The Preacher, Reverend Tucker
Thelma Lou

Who else??

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Weather

2007-01-05 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Speaking of Weather

Recall that the courthouse scenes were filmed in a studio...How did they
get it to look like it was raining outside at the end of the Gypsies
episode?  During Dogs Dogs Dogs, we just see lightning and hear thunder,
but when everyone is in the courthouse (in Gypsies episode), you see
rain pouring off the courthouse windows.   Rain machine?   A hose?  2
hoses?  Curious.

Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
Maybe somebody did?
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trained Noticer Discovery

2007-01-01 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
In the episode Aunt Bee learns to drivewe've mentioned before that
Aunt Bee appears to be driving on dirt roads, but I just noticed
something else.  Apologies if someone has mentioned this before.  Aunt
Bee has a stand-in...a Stunt driver.  We all know that  when Barney gets
a new car, the person pushing the car (when it stops running)  that
looks like Aunt Bee--is a man dressed as her.  (The face is hidden and
the legs are those of a man).

When Aunt Bee gets in the car to learn to drive with Goober, she has  on
a gray dress.  When the car is jumping curbs etc.  She (or really he)
has on a blue dress.  Also it explains the scarf (to hide the face from
the side) she wears to hold her hat on, which is a bit strange.  When
the car is coming off the curb, look at the arms working the wheel--a
man's.  Also you get one quick look at the face.  Doesn't look like Aunt
Bee, and the driver is also about Goober's height.  When the car comes
bouncing up to the Taylor house--its Aunt Bee again in her grey dress.
Check it out, and see if I'm right.  Also while you're looking close,
watch the beginning when Goober is telling Aunt Bee about the car, just
look who walks by.

Also now that I have all seasons on DVD I am contemplating what to do
with all my self-recorded VHS tapes.   I would not sell them, but if
someone wanted to pay for shipping and supply some new tapes..I I might
work out an exchange.  Just pondering..let me know if anyone has ideas.
I have about 30 or so.

The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Big News for Schwamp Fans!

2006-12-30 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well I know not everyone out there likes to hear about Mr. Schwamp, but
this news is to big not to share.  This Saturday we had a meeting of the
Scwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support group.  On our agenda was talking
about and modeling our favorite hats, having a Nod-off Grin-off, and of,
course watching a few episodes of the Andy Griffith Show featuring Mr.

We all liked the new Cowboy Hat that Early Gillley wore, but nothing
beat's Joe Hamilton's white wide-brim  (is that called a Panama Hat?)
Goober Beanie's are still the sentimental favorite.  During the Nod-off
Grin-off we watched No Time for Sergeants'  No-one nodded off, but we
all nodded in approval.  We tried to keep things to a grin, but I lost
the Grin-off first, bursting our in full laughter at Andy Griffith
playing Will Stockdale.

Well anyway for the exciting news.  We watched the episode Floyd's
Barbershop because it has one of the best close-up' of Mr. .Schwamp.

Well, we kept the DVD running after that, and the next episode was  The
Statue  (when the statue of Seth Taylor is erected).  Do you know who
we saw in the crowd at the unveiling?   You guessed it.  Our Hero,  the
Schwamp-ster.  He is well concealed in the crowd under a wide-brim grey
hat.  We ran it back and forth several times and used the zoom-in
feature, but its him!  Near the very end when Aunt Bee reveals the truth
about Seth Taylor, he raises his fist.  He is the third person almost
directly behind Floyd.  You can see that unmistakable grin when he
cheers.  Wow! By my count that makes 20 different episodes!!! We still
need to add this one, the Barbershop Quartet, and Sam for Council to the
Website above.Needless to say, we all stayed around for more Root
Beer to celebrate...and our new favorite hat--the Gray Schwamp hat!

The Untrained Voice
Reporting Live
Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Christmas Story

2006-12-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
As we have been discussing there is just one Mayberry Christmas episode,
and it is so perfect.  However we have probably all wondered what could
have happened if they had done other Christmas Episodes.  I am one of
those who used my imagination and took the time to put something on
paper. (I can't take no credit my mind just works that way)  For you
newer members, I would like to direct your attention to Fan Fiction
section of Allan's website for your reading pleasure.  There you will
find my Christmas story, as well as that of another author (an other
stories as well).  Remember, they are unofficial..cause I'm just an
Untrained VoiceLook for An Unforgettable Christmas  It's a long
read, it probably would have been an hour episode, but I think you will
enjoy it.


Warmest Christmas Greetings
The Untrained Voice and the echoes (my family)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Misty for me

2006-12-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

I don't mind if we touch on tender moments in general, but the original
discussion was about tender moments on the Christmas episode.

Nice Dress Nellie is up to 12 episodes now on my list.  I'm sure there
are more to come.  Will she approach the 19 of Mr. Schwamp?

My comment about the Dry County question..is that status kind of comes
and goes with the episode.  Not totally consistent.  Or maybe it just
means that you couldn't make/sell it without a license.

What a fabulous Christmas Card Mr. Newsome!!  You always deliver (just
like the Post Office)

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Christmas Episode--what makes it great

2006-12-17 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
No matter how many times I see it, I still get misty eyed when Ben is
peeping through those bars, singing along with Andy and Ellie. WOW. You 
don't see that on tv anymore. I wish TAGS would have made one Christmas
each season.

You are so right Weenie Man.  Let me call you a Big Man, for this
comment.  It takes a big man to confess his emotional softness, but I
stand right there with you.  As Charlene would say..that one makes me
cry.  Before DVD or tapes, I would always count on watching the episode
on Christmas Eve or a few days before.  Scrooge, It's a Wonderful Life,
and The Andy Griffith Christmas episode are on my must see list each
holiday season.
Lets talk about why.  A few days ago someone suggested that we must have
grow up in very humble means to fully appreciate that episode.  I can't
totally agree with that.  I think it is so good that anyone can relate
to it.  Let's look at it a little more in depth.  I believe these are
the main elements of this timeless classic.

1)  Its all about being with family.  The early plot of the show is
centered around the fact that Andy realizes how important it is that Sam
be with his family.  His moon shining arrest represents the obstacles
that we all face at times being with family.  When Andy figures out a
creative solution, we all share in that triumph.  Its better for them to
be together in jail..than apart anywhere.

2)  Ben Weaver--The story is really about Ben and his Ebenezer Scrooge
type of transformation.  He starts out as a stickler only focused on the
almighty dollar--his liquor profits, but the love that he sees in the
others   seeps into that once cold heart--just like the Grinch, just
like Scrooge.  We all love to see a change heart  and the Change in Ben
Weave is heartwarming.  It is the most compelling part of the story.

3)  The simple things are what really matters  (I think this is what the
other writer was referring to about humble beginnings).  There are not
many gifts and very little decoration.  There is food, fellowship of
loved ones, and a little music.  Those simple things are all that is
required for a proper Christmas celebration.

4)  Tradition--A big part of the Christmas Holiday is Tradition.  They
brought tradition into their celebration.  Egg nog, a Christmas tree, an
appearance by Santa Claus, Christmas Cards.  These all reminded us of
our favorite simple traditions.

5)  Music-OK you've heard the story of how it was done, but what a
perfect (and simple) sound track. It was beautifully simple and totally
appropriate for the occasion.

6)  The characters..Aunt Bee, above all had the gift of hospitality, and
she showed that beautifully in that role.  Ellie, the girl-friend and
co-hostess, beautiful singer and the one who looked out for Be--to a
fault.  Andy and Barney, friends beyond working together.  Opie, the
humble child who was happy just being with his Paw and Aunt Bee.  It was
perfect chemistry with Sam and his family and Ben. Will Wright played
the perfect Scrooge. Can you imagine the Shoplifter show Ben?  Is just
wouldn't have been the same. 

6)  Special Effects--Yes things were pretty low tech in those days, but
a moment of camera brilliance was mentioned by Weenie Man above.  The
slow pan to Ben peeking through the window and hearing him Sing.  It
epitomized a moment of loneliness or jealously  or not fitting in that
we have all probably felt at times.  Here was a man with everything in
some ways--but so wanting in others.  The second moment I get misty is
when you hear Aunt Bee say Ben and hand him a plate.  At that moment,
at last, him dream had been realized.  He was accepted into the family. 

7) And they still found time for a little comedy--Andy Griffith  style.

Is this what you like about the show?  Do you have other thoughts?

Just some philosophical meanderings
The Untrained Voice 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice Dress Nelly and Ernest T

2006-12-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

To respond to a couple of recent posts

I haven't figured out who Nice Dress Nellie is (actress name), but I
have been trying to keep a list of her appearances.  If you have a list
also, let me know.  I'll publish my list after some more viewing.

Horn-Rimmed Harry sure could cut a rug.  Did you see him dancing with
Helen in the Fun Girls episode?

And speaking of Background Actors..I just spotted the 19th Episode of
Mr. Schwamp!!  ( I didn't make that the title 'cause some folks think we
talk about him too much).  In The Barbershop Quartet  (191 filmed, 192
aired) you have to watch real close but he is in the background when the
rival sheriff pulls up to taunt Andy a little bit.  He's really in the
background in this one.
Someone asked whether Ernest T Bass lived in a house or a cave.  I am
going to have to say a house/shack.  When he was looking for a
girlfriend, the only things he needed were a uniform, and an
education...so he must have already had a decent place to live.  Maybe
it needed a new roof (he did stand out in the rain once)  or a new coat
of mud on the floor..but it was a start.  

The Untrained Voice, and semi--trained Noticer
All God's Children got a  a) girl, b) uvula..anymore answers to this
catch phase you remember?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Whats in name? The Untrained Voice responds--and sings with the choir

2006-12-06 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Want to know something?  All these years I figured Untrained Voice
got his name as a kind of inside joke used in describing Barney's
singing voice. then John Masters asked him about his trained voice.
That's how I thought the Untrained Voice came up with his name and I
thought is was very clever.  But it wasn't that way at all. His
Untrained Voice name had nothing at all to do with that episode.
Laura Lee Hobbs (who did you think wrote this) Dime Store Clerk and Gold
Truck Watcher Extraordinaire 

And Laura Lee...all these year's you've been absolutely right!!  The
idea did come from when John Masters said Barney I didn't know you had
a Trained Voice...but I just applied it to writing, and the fact that
I'm an unprofessional writer, and, like I said earlier, Untrained
Voice made more sense than Untrained Writer..but since we talk so
much about singing, and caterwauling, and enunciatin' and breathin' and
everything, it now applies to both!   Untrained as a Writer--Untrained
as a Singer--that's me..The Untrained Voice...so clever or not, that is
still the source!!  Please pass that around at the Dime Store so you
don't confuse folks with your recent misstatement.

Now let me show you what an Untrained Voice is good for...
WE-Theyyy--We---They Wee---they---I O UUU  I OO UUU  (join in now girls)

May-berry sidewalks, Quiet sidewalks 
Dressed in Gold Truck Watching style. 
In the air There's a feeling of some-thing BIG!! 

Children laughing (at Barney) People asking (when's it coming?)
Gold Trucks traveling mile after mile 
And on ev'ry street corner you'll hear, 

Silver bells, Blabbermouth tells 
It's Gold Truck time in May--berry.  (Mr. Schwamp is nodding vigorously)
Everyone Knows, Barney's whistle blows. 
Soon it will be Gold Truck Day. 

Light bulbs popping, Gold Trucks stopping 
It's a cha-o-tic scene 
Gawkers sent home without a look 
 at the treasure. 

Watch the driver's lunch. 
As the crowds bunch. 
This is Lau-ra Lee Hobbs' Big Day! 
And above all this Chaos 
You'll hear..., 

Silver bells, Andy tells 
It's Decoy time in  May-berry 
Shazam-a-ling, A Decoy thing 
When will it be Gold Truck day???

Will it come again?
Lets Ask the T-men
It worth about se-ven million
Above all this wishing you'll hear

Truck of Gold, The decoy thing is getting old
Please come back to May-berry
Tinkl-ling, Dime Store Cash Registers Ring
But when will it be Gold Truck Day?

Hey Thanks for all the insightful answers about what went on at Mrs.
The Untrained Voice
(Untrained Writer and Singer--but sometimes Trained Noticer)

WBMUTBB mailing list

History, that's Allan's subject or Christmas Cards

2006-12-03 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Hey Allan.  We've been enjoying the history of the Digest.  Thanks for
keeping all that.   And how may issues was that ??? Wow, just think if
Opie had printed that many papers?  We'd have enough Paper to pave Main
Street, and Elm, and Willow and Oak, and Woods Way and all the other

And if History ain't your subject, it must be Christmas Card making.
What a wonderful collection of cards, each more dazzling that the
previous year!


Can't wait to see this year's card.  That Adam is getting to be one nice
writer.  I'll bet he's all mannerized and everything too!

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch Phrases

2006-11-29 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
How about compiling a 100 Greatest Mayberry Quotes and Catch
Phrases list (or maybe the 50 greatest).  Any contributions?
Definitely Nip it, Hi Doll, You got time to breathe, you got time
for music, It's me. it's me, it's Ernest T.  I'm sure there are a few

Loren, not a bad idea.  I'm sure its been done before but not for a
while.  May I politely suggest though that you are mixing favorite
quotes with catch phrases.

I believe that a catch phrase has to be spoken more that oncewhile a
favorite quote such as You got time to breathe, you got time for music
is just spoken once.  Ain't you got a jack is another favorite quote.

And while I'm being picky it's Hello Doll not Hi Doll (a common

So here are some more in the spirit of your catch phrase request.

You beat everything you know that
You're a bird in this world
He's a nut
heartaches, nothing but heartaches
citizen's arrest!  Citizen's arrest!

The Untrained Voice
Practicing my catch phrase enunciating with Mrs. Poulice. NIP IT!  NIP
IT!  NIP IT IN the BUD!!!
Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy Ju-dy  (I can't do it)

WBMUTBB mailing list

I saw another one!

2006-11-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
OK here is one to add to the list of Barney's catch phrase; What's a
matter haven't you ever seen--

#3 is added to the list.
When the boys thinking Barney is hanging himself.

.  I don't recall anyone asking.  How many different things does Barney
say  What's a matter Haven't you ever seen___?
1) A man drink a cup of coffee before. (with Lipstick all over his face)
2) A man take off a dress before.  (in front of courthouse in The Bank
3)A Man Stretching himself before  (Episode where he needs to grow a
half an inch)

There's got to be more...what are they?
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

15th anniversary

2006-11-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well my membership goes back to at least 99, and I believe before that a
few years,(95 or 96)  but due to a computer crash back then, I do not
have the official verification.

To steal and modify a line from a movie..Being with all of you makes me
want to be a better Fan (of the Andy Griffith Show). Before I
discovered this Digest, this website, and most importantly, this virtual
community of fans..I was just a guy, with a favorite show, with little
knowledge about it, and no one to really talk to about it.

Now, I've got books, tapes, DVDs Newsletters, and the knowledge that I
have gained at this wonderful place and 1500 or so friends.  The
internet is a scary thing, but its wonderful how it has brought us fans
together across this country and even across the world in a few cases
for a common love of a show that aired over 40 years ago.   I have
become what I am here today, because I've emulated so many of the
friends I've met here.

There are people like Paul, who stretch me to learn more and know more,
and be able to answer, and sometimes even ask good questions.  There are
people like Dapper Dan and Laura Lee, and so  so many others that make
me laugh out loud, and thus I try to do the same for some of you.

Then there are the Tribute Artists.  I count it a privilege to have met
and corresponded with David Browning and Allan...though I never really
met them, I just met The Mayberry Deputy and Floyd.  I actually thought
a lot about being A Tribute Artist...but I found that my gift, like Ken
and so many of you, is writing.   So I became a Writer Tribute Artist
--writing what I called Lost Episodes..which Allan was kind enough to
post some as Fan Fiction.  I've written songs, poems scenes, and even
scripts long enough for  whole episodes perhaps...but the greatest joy
in writing...is sharing some new thought or idea with all of you.

Writing to the Digest is a funny thing.  Sometimes I write something
that is so funny (I think) I laugh as I am typing it upand then
after I post, I don't hear a word...and then other times, I just throw
in a quip...and we talk about it for days..People sure are odd.  I'm
sure some of you have experienced that as well.  Many times I've been
amused or touched by something, and not had time to respond...so thank
you all for the times you responded...and for the times you sent
something great, that I did not respond.  Please know that everything
submitted is appreciated by somebody!!

I also emulate Allan at times.  I appreciate him so much, that I try to
be one of his deputies sometimes, and help keep the peace.  We've had
some real sticky times over the years...but he has always handled it
with class.  I know Allan you've had technological marvel challenges as
well.  Thank you so much sir for not giving up!!.  Thanks for keeping
this little town open!!!  You are a great Sheriff, er Barber, and friend
to all.

I think I learned from Dan, Laura Lee, Neil Bentley and others that its
fun to just go back in time and pretend we are there in Mayberry.

My great memories include:
Hearing from script writer Harvey Bullock when he used to write to the
Digest  every now and then.
Discovering Background Actors, and making a hobby of watching for them
(Mr. Schwamp the foremost of course)
Meeting so many friends here...many of which are no longer here.  God
Bless them where ever they are.
Finding out  about and attending a few Mayberry events.  (never been to
Mayberry Days though)
Finally getting DVDs after we discussed for years how nice it would be
if more that the Columbia House tapes were available
The Digest Archives, and the Cast Database.  I know the Archives are
gone now, but I loved them, and I love the website resources.
Having somebody to grieve with when we have lost our heroes and friends.
Having someone to laugh with about our favorite characters.
Learning things to watch for on our favorite show.
Coming up with trivia questions and sharing them with you.
Meeting some of you in person as well as seeing Betty Lynn, Howard
Morris,  Maggie Peterson, The Dillards and others in person.  

My favorite Digest Exchange was one I was fortunate enough to begin, but
was made great by many of you.  Do you old timers remember the ailment
TAGS-L-versitis...and the scoring system to see how bad you had it?
That was a hoot for about a week. I kept copies of that one.  I also
remember the Johnny Coons/Tom Jacobs thing that Bob mentioned.  I have
to admit that I also liked the Sleep Pants debacle.  (that was one time
I think I was on the wrong side of the law).  

Well I'm getting windy again.  (Allan used to have to limit my space at
times--he said I had a writing compelsion) so I'll wrap it up.

The last 10-15 years have been great, my friends.  Here's to all of
you...and the years to come...cause I ain't done yet, and I hope you're
Just what was going on at Mrs. Wiley's anyway?  Was it a Singles Social
night?...and Where was Mr. Wiley???  I can't believe he left her there
with a 

Its big!!

2006-11-15 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
The picture that is, its Big.

I was walking through a bookstore last night, and there was a big coffee
table book with Andy and Barney of the front.  I was pretty sore with
your guys for a moment, thinking there was a new book that you didn't
tell me about.  But actually the book is called TVLand icons, and there
is just one TAGS page with  the same picture inside.   Lots of other
interesting pictures in there..but I thought it was a need honor for
Andy and Don to be the cover icons of all the icons. 

Well I need to get busy and write my 15th anniversary of the Digest
speech.   Friends, Neighbors, Distinguished guests Uh I'll get back
to you in a few days.

The Untrained Voice
Lots of people Lie at Lunch--What of it

(Hey what the password for Mayberrygossp Allan?)

WBMUTBB mailing list

You're right LLH-DSC-GTWE

2006-11-08 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
but, the one I was talking about was the epilogue showing Andy
coming in on Barney at Thel's house and, yes, they were drinking
coffee but  also doing a little smooching because Barney's face is
covered with Thelma Lou's kisses. To tell the honest truth, I can't be
sure of the show.  I think it's the Melissa one, but I wouldn't bet my
life on it.  So any help I can get on pinpointing which exact show this
epilogue belongs to (Paul, anyone else?) would be appreciated

Hey they Laura Lee,  I'm not Paul, but I am anyone else cause my Paw
told me to Be somebody

You are correct.  I popped in my DVD--Season 2 Barney on the Rebound.
There it was Barney and Thel in the dark at Thelma Lou's house having a
little make-up make-out.  That is a very funny epilog..one I had
forgotten about.  Barney looks like a cross between the other episode
discussed (when his face is in the filing cabinet and Opie thinks he is
bleeding) and the one when his hair is messed up after reciting (ha ha )
the preamble.

So there ya go LLH, do I get one of those bouncy balls free, or do I
have to pay a dime for it?  Save the bag..I'll bounce it home.

That Epilog brought up a good question.  I don't recall anyone asking.
How many different things does Barney say  Haven't you ever
1) A man drink a cup of coffee before.
2) A man take off a dress before.

The Untrained Voice
Not accustomed to hangin around dime stores--more likely at Mrs.
Poultice's doing breathin' exercises
Hey did you hear if Mr. Masters is Looking for a Tenor?   I saw Hazel at
Wally's fillin station and she gave me a knowing wink.
Meee They  Me  They   ME They.  I OO UUU   I OO UU  I OOO UUU

WBMUTBB mailing list

Horn-Rimmed Harry Shows up again

2006-10-19 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
SCHwUMP ALERT! I swore I'd never write in about Mr. Schump - there
has been 
enough of that already!

What do you mean enough of that already??? Can you tell a bird to just
say CHIRP CHIRP?? We love the guy, so we have to sing his praises.
He's a legend!  Please don't tell me you've heard enough about that
tomato--cause I think there's more juice to run. Yes that is one of his
18 appearances we've tallied so far.

If you look real close, he whispers with Nice Dress Nellie.  I think she
those were a couple of nice fair speeches  (he misunderstands and
thanks I got this nice hair piece in Mt. Pilot

Anyway--another trained noticer reported seeing Horn-rimmed Harry in
The Fun Girls--and I just saw him in the Cave Rescue, when Barney
arrested Mr. Meldrum going into work.  He smiles a lot.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Horn-rimmed Harry

2006-10-17 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well I've been watchin the background actors--still on #2 Amber Alert
looking for Schwamp, and also got my eyes open for Nice Dress Nellie.  I
just noticed another guy that seems to show up a lot.   For now I'm
going to call him Horn-rimmed Harry.  He does wear glasses, haven't seen
them close enough to tell of they are really horn-rimmed, but they are
black across the top.

If you'd like to join the search for Horn-rimmed Harry, I'd like to ask
you to pull out your Tape or DVD of Citizen's Arrest. (ep 106)  When
Barney pulls Gomer over, there is a nice collection of regular
background actors.

As Gomer steps out of his truck, look through the window of Gomer's open
door and you can see Horn-rimmed Harry talking to a lady.  Just to the
left of the door you see Nice Dress Nellie.,,and another gentleman with
glasses (its not him).  Then on the right you see Joe Hamilton, who has
some speaking parts here, and Choney another familiar extra.

When Barney makes his U-turn, and Gomer yells his famous Citizen's
arrest a crowd gathers again.  This time  H-R-H has his back to the
camera, but can then later be seen behind Barney.  The heavy set guy
with the thicker glasses is also very prominent.  You can see Tom Jacobs
in the far right hand corner of the crowd as well...as well as Joe
Hamilton and Choney again.

Will you join the search for Horn-rimmed Harry?  Where else does he show

The Untrained Voice
The Schwamp Fan club and Hair Loss Support group--dedicated to honoring
our silent heroes of TAGS.


WBMUTBB mailing list

8th Allen Melvin, football, Beasley

2006-10-08 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

My favorite character actor of all time has to be Allen Melvin. I
started trying to remember just how many episode's he was in, I count
7... That's all I can recall, if
anyone can remember some more,   help me out
He was also in Howard's main event.  When Howard liked Millie, we was
an ex-boyfriend that game her some trouble and threatened Howard.

I zoomed in on the football, but couldn't make out the writing on my DVD
player.  We'll have to send that one to the boys at the lab.

anyway... I was watching a wife for Andy and a woman walks down
the street and Thelma Lou says she's ms. Beasley... then in the episode
where Opie mistakenly gets all A's Andy is in the kitchen talking about
getting a picture of Opie took to send to Mr.. Beasley who is always
bragging about his kids.. and then of course there is Goober Beasley.
you think that's just a last name they use when they cant make up
another one??

Don't forget Lorraine Beasley who was engaged to be married to...was it
Early Gilley??  And of course Juanita Beasley at the diner.

I remember reading somewhere that Beasley was a familiar name to Andy or
one of the writers

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice Dress Nellie

2006-10-05 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Hey I think I found a really obscure sighting of nice dress Nellie.

In Gomer the Houseguest..when all of Gomer's Buddies show up at Andy's
house with their cars.

There is Joe Hamilton, Willy Jack and all these cronies, and the last
one who gets out of a car, in the distance is NDN !  I can't believe she
would be there with all those guys but maybe she hadn't heard the Birdy
Blush story yet, or maybe she was a single lady (since she was one of
Andy's ladies Barney sent over) that had to get to know Gomer well
because she had car trouble.   Look really close.

That episode is loaded with background actors.  In addition to Joe
Hamilton (who Gomer tells the Birdy Blush story to), Ron Jacobs is the
guy who is in line who gets mad and drives off.

Thanks to all of you who supported my idea that Schwamp should remain a
mystery. And to those opposed--how a person votes, brother is his
business..but I'm votin to keep it--the mystery, not the cannon...if you
ruin for everyone, just keep in mind what might happen  R-E-V-E-N-G 
Did anybody catch the yes Carolina, was a play on the old letter  Yes
Virginia there is a Santa Clause?  If so, your education is worth every

Still stuck on 18 Schwamps--up to 7 Nice Dress Nellie's
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Yes Carolina, There is A Schwamp

2006-09-30 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Who was Mr. Schwamp ? Surely someone can find out! If none of the
cast remembers, is there any other way to find out? Would there be a
listing somewhere of  extras who were paid for tv shows?  Let's all put
on our thinking buckets and solve this! It's driving me crazy!
Let us start Googling and see what happens!
If we have to have a summit meeting to do thisso be it!   Anyone
have an idea that hasn't been disussed on how to find out the man's real

OK.  I'm going to tell you the rest of Mr. Schwamp's name It's Ole Sam

Well, its not really Sam Schwamp--that I know of, but he is ole Sam in
this regard.  Now you have to have seen the episode Big Fish in a Small
Town to understand this.  Episode #198 was seemingly about Howard, and
how he shocked everyone by being such a klutzy rookie fisherman, but
hooking the legendary Silver Carp know as Ole Sam that had eluded
everyone else for years.
As the story went on, the townsfolk were really kind of sad that he
caught Ole Sam because at that point, the legend stopped, because no
one could look forward to catching him again.  No one could have future
stories about the inspiration for the very fishing event that led to Ole
Sam's capture.
Howard was a smart man, and he realized that having the pride of
catching the legendary fish, even though he did the humane thing and
kept him in a public aquarium, was not worth taking the legend, the
motivation, away from all his friends in Mayberry.  He realized that Ole
Sam belonged to everyone, and thus belonged in Myers Lake for all to
pursue (so he put him back to the delight of all).

Mr. Schwamp's true identity is our Ole Sam.  He is our legend..not to
be snagged by one person, but to be pondered by all..to continue as a
mystery, a living legend,   For if his mysterious true identity was
captured..what would future fans have to look forward to..what mystery
would live on about Mayberry??

I think I can say without too much argument, that I am as big a fan of
Mr. Schwamp as anyone.
I led the identification of the 18 episodes so far that he is in.
I founded the mythical Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss support group.
I first theorized that he indulged in too much root beer from time to
time, gets a buzz, and thus disappears before episodes are over.
I also started the theory that his job was that of the local funeral
Now all that is not to brag, but to just say I have as much fun with him
as anyone...and I don't want to know his true identity--not now, not
ever!  It would be like unmasking Batman, Spiderman, or the Lone Ranger.
(or the Masked Singer)  It just wouldn't be right.

So Please, for me, for future fans...Lets just leave him as Mr.
Schwamp--the mystery.  Let's not ruin Santa Claus for future fans.
Schwamp is Santa Claus--he brings us all joy.  He's Ole Sam, we all seek
to catch him.

Lets let the Legend Live--Are you with me?

The Untrained Voice
Dedicated Fan of Mr. Schwamp--the only name we should ever know  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice Dress Nellie

2006-09-24 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Well, I'm still on the Schwamp hunt (Number 2 Amber Alert) but in the
process I found a couple appearances of the Mystery lady--(which I like
the name Nice Dress Nellie) we have been discussing.

I believe she is one of the judges..or official in Only a Rose.
Somebody check me on that---you know  for official verification..check
the stage.  (don't miss Schwamp at the back of the room)

Also, I'm sure she is in A Deal is a Deal.  In the beginning Opie and
all his pals run to her with their boxes of Miracle Salve and she has
this terrified look on her face.  So add that one to the Nellie list.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mystery Lady--clearing things up

2006-09-21 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
OK  I watched Andy Saves Barney's Morale and I know who Nellie is.  I
believe she is the third from last bachelorette who enters Andy's house
in  A wife for Andy.  

What confused me was someone's comment that her hair is dark.  I would
say its more like a like a light brunette.  She is the one I mentioned
is in  a picture on page 27 of the coffee table book Mayberry
Memories, where she is shown coming out of a cell.

In an ironic twist, I am excited to tell you that she is in at least two
episodes with Mr. Schwamp.  In Aunt Bee Takes A Job she is the one who
walks up with Mr. Schwamp to investigate the accident after Andy shoots
out the tire.  In Otis the Artist  She is the one that Mr. Schwamp is
shown speaking to!!
Is there a connection there

So our Nellie List so far:
Andy Saves Barney's Morale  #16
A Wife for Andy #92
Aunt Bee Takes a Job #171
Otis the Artist #175
Politics Begins at Home #200 ?? (Aunt Bee  runs for Council)

She is NOT the Lady giggling with the man behind Barney as Andy us
talking about the Microphone in Barney and the Choir.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mystery lady

2006-09-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
OK, when the girls all come to Andy's house the first time In a A wife
for Andy (#92 I think) is she the last lady in the door..or the third
from the last?

They both sit on the coffee table.  They both are in other episodes, but
the last lady had darker hair.  The third from last is in the one where
Barney jails everyone.   There is a picture of her on Page 27 of
Mayberry Memories (overhead shot).

Lets get this straight before we issue the official Number 2 Amber

WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwamp a Meter goes up Another Tick!!

2006-09-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well, I just caught another surprise appearance by Mr. Schwamp.  The
Number 2 Amber Alert is working.  When Sam Jones runs for Town Council,
episode 247, there is a little celebration at Andy's house.  There are
cookies and punch and its kind of a dress-up occasion, so there he was.
Now the way a man votes is his own business brother, but since he was at
Andy's house with the other Sam supporters, I assume he gave Sam the
Nod..and of course he smiled when the news came in that Sam won.   That
make 18!!. We'll update that website soon.

I was going to start a new Amber Alert search for Tom Jacobs, but we've
put that one hold.   Whoa Nellie, lets find that lady...and lets keep
looking for Schwamp..maybe we can hit 20!

The Untrained Voice
PS:  Hope everyone going to Mayberry Days has safe and fun travel.  Wish
we could all go.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwamp there when Andy goes to Hollywood

2006-09-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well there he is again.  In Off to Hollywood our dear Mr. Schwamp is
right there in the Courthouse when Goober is showing off Andy's big
check (from the movie company), and also when the bus arrives to take
them to the airport.  There is a good close-up of his hair, and you know
what? It looks, good, real good!  That makes 17 now.  I miscounted on my
earlier note.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwampish lady

2006-09-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

I know I am probably fishing in the dark here but I have a question.
There is a lady who is a regular cameo who has never had a speaking
part. She is always either in a crowd scene, at a function (such as the
Garden Club), and has probably been in as many episodes as Mr.Schump.
The only time I have ever heard her called anything is once Andy called
her Hazel (not the piano player). She is very unique looking and I am
sure others have recognized her so if anyone knows who I mean please let
me know. Liz aint you got a jackRoberts

Can you give us a little more detail?? An Episode or two she is in?  Is
it the lady that Mr. Schwamp murmurs to in It Otis the Artist, at the
Garden Club meeting?  Does she show up and Andy's house  as one of the
girls Barney wants him to consider?  Is she perty?? Or just nice, real

We gotta have details to put out a number 2  Amber on her

WBMUTBB mailing list

Amber alert reference

2006-09-15 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
i dont mean to be a party pooper... but can we use another term other
than Amber Alert?  it just doesnt seem right (to me anyway) to use such
a serious systems name for Mr. Swump sightings... the Amber Alert is a
very serious thing to help find missing children who are kiddnapped and
in danger of being raped, exploited and murdered.. i really dont think
its appropriate to use the term so loosely and jokingly... sorry if this
post is inappropriate... but this really bothers me.

Dear ladynoogs45744 and anyone else offended by this reference.  Perhaps
you wouldn't have been so bothered if you understood where that
reference came from.  Barney used the term Amber Alert (trained
noticers will help me with the episode) when he was trying to impress
some outsiders.  He said further, referring to himself and Andy One of
us will be awake and alert at all times  So that's the TAGS reference I
was pulling in.   I thin I even mentioned that one of us would be awake
at all times, to help folks remember that episode.  That you think I
would use it in the modern vernacular is a little bothersome to me, but
I understand your false  assumption if you didn't know where the
reference came from.

I guess we do need to be cautious about terms that could be
misunderstood.  Please understand that was not the intent.  This is
Mayberry.   Amber Alert is a Deputy term here.

With best regards 
TH Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Oops actually I can add

2006-09-15 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

I forgot this is the website that Allan created that all of us can add
stuff, so I will add the additional sightings.  To the person that asked
yesterday what Schwamps's real name is--check out the page--Allan
addresses that question very well.

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Schwamp on the loose

2006-09-13 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well I took my Amber Alert shift last night for 2:00 to 3:00 AM, and
guess what, I saw him again!!! Yes Mr. Schwamp is in episode 173 Aunt
Bee takes a Job!!  Near the end when Andy shoots the tire and the
counterfeiters crash.. guess who is right there  on the scene like a
Crime Scene Investigator.  Mr. Schwamp!!   Mayberry's CSI.  He checks
out the front bumper.  He really gets around!  Remember he had the
offending rock at Mrs. Wiley's party as well.

The Untrained Voice
Mayberry has no Donald Trump..but everyone gets Fired up about Mr.

Yes Allan, I will try to get some of these updates to that website

  -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 2:50 PM
 Subject:  Schwamp on the loose
 OK this is getting to be Schwamp-o-rama indeed.   Its BIG!
 I just saw him again in another undocumented episode.  He is in #241
 Mayberry RFD!!!
   Here are the documented Schwamp episodes on our Website
 113 My Fairest Ernest T Bass
 123 The Fun Girls
 133  The Education or Ernest T Bass
 141  Otis Sues the County
 175  Otis the Artist
 203 Only a Rose
 210 Floyd's Barbershop
 240 Barney Hosts Summit
 In addition, to those 9, these 5 have been identified in the last few
 174 The Church Organ ( Mari Ellen aka Bloody Mary)
 192 The Lodge  (Untrained Voice)
 198 Big Fish in a Small Town (Dennis)
 238 The Church Benefactors (Untrained)
 241 Mayberry RFD (Untrained)
 That's 14 appearances
 Some of them are shorter than others..so you really have to watch.
 There may be more .  I say we put out an APSB!!  (All Points Schwamp
 Bulletin).  Maybe even an Amber Alert--where one of us is awake
 watching episodes at all times!!
 You've got to watch closely, because as I've noted before..he does
 sometimes appear in early scenes--and then later he disappears.  I
 still say he gets a Root Beer buzz and then has to sneak home  because
 he gets the shakes.
 Watch him in The Lodge,  Sam For Council and others.  He is there
 early...and then he's not.
 Here are helpful clues to watch for the Schwampster:
 Search the crowd at any party or Social Gathering, Church; lecture
 Look for background scenes including sitting on a bench outside
 Courthouse etc.
 Look for Root Beer bottles (like Fun Girls Episode)
 Look for a Toupee, and fat little smile
 Usually wears a suit ( I still think he took over the funeral parlor)
 The Untrained Voice
 Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Cub and Hair Loss Support group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwamp on the loose

2006-09-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
OK this is getting to be Schwamp-o-rama indeed.   Its BIG!

I just saw him again in another undocumented episode.  He is in #241
Mayberry RFD!!!

Here are the documented Schwamp episodes on our Website

113 My Fairest Ernest T Bass
123 The Fun Girls
133  The Education or Ernest T Bass
141  Otis Sues the County
175  Otis the Artist
203 Only a Rose
210 Floyd's Barbershop
240 Barney Hosts Summit

In addition, to those 9, these 5 have been identified in the last few

174 The Church Organ ( Mari Ellen aka Bloody Mary)
192 The Lodge  (Untrained Voice)
198 Big Fish in a Small Town (Dennis)
238 The Church Benefactors (Untrained)
241 Mayberry RFD (Untrained)

That's 14 appearances

Some of them are shorter than others..so you really have to watch.
There may be more .  I say we put out an APSB!!  (All Points Schwamp
Bulletin).  Maybe even an Amber Alert--where one of us is awake watching
episodes at all times!!

You've got to watch closely, because as I've noted before..he does
sometimes appear in early scenes--and then later he disappears.  I still
say he gets a Root Beer buzz and then has to sneak home  because he gets
the shakes.
Watch him in The Lodge,  Sam For Council and others.  He is there
early...and then he's not.

Here are helpful clues to watch for the Schwampster:
Search the crowd at any party or Social Gathering, Church; lecture etc.
Look for background scenes including sitting on a bench outside
Courthouse etc.
Look for Root Beer bottles (like Fun Girls Episode)
Look for a Toupee, and fat little smile
Usually wears a suit ( I still think he took over the funeral parlor)

The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Cub and Hair Loss Support group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment/Schwamp sighting

2006-09-09 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

I've been trying to help my daughter find a good used car.  Learning
from Barney's mistake, when she found a truck she was interested in, I
took it to my local Wally  to have it checked over.  When  we returned
for the report,  the mechanic started listing all the things that needed
to be replaced.   Brake drums, Brake shoes, Tie rods, transmission,
Radiator coil, Radiator hose, fan belt , serpentine belt  etc. etc. etc.
Needless to say, we took it back to our Little old Lady and said no
thanks.  Having Wally look it over was a great idea.  Andy was right.

I'd like to report another Schwamp sighting.  Our official website
database credits Schwamp will 9 appearances, 
but I think I  have found the second undocumented appearances of our
dear fake-haired friend.  In addition to The Lodge  which I reported
earlier, I also saw that familiar smile and murmur in The Church
Benefactors episode 238.
There he was, right in church with the others when the Reverend
announced the $500 gift.  I'll bet he would have voted for the Pool
Table since he's such a party animal.  Anyway, that's 11 appearances!!.

The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms,  Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Picks-up and Splashes from Floor and Pool.

2006-08-29 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Hey thanks for all the Chicken-Owner answers,

We've got Mr. Frisbee, Flint  Frankie, Frank Myers,  the fighting
couple (you got chickens to throw, you got chickens to sell)
Mr. Hendricks  (surprised nobody argued with me on that one--no
chicken's shown--but eggs had to come from somewhere)
Jubal Foster had chickens, The Wakefield's and Carters (feud)
One of the two men who came in, one was complaining about the other one
building a spite fence--Andy told them to put up chicken wire fence.
Didn't Rafe Hollister have a few chickens?? The Darlings? 
Is a Pheasant a chicken??  (only when its cooked on a real pioneer fire)

No wonder there were a few Chicken thieves and whatnot

Hey I was watching the color episode last night featuring the professor
who wrote the book, I love South America. (Aunt Bee reminded him of his
late wife Ethel)

I wonder why Mr. Schwamp wasn't at the lecture

I know I know, he doesn't speak (or nod) a word of South American..but
it just seems like the type of event he liked to get dressed up for and
Perhaps because there was no root beer served??  Or he didn't like to
being upstaged by an arrogant widower??
Or maybe it was too windy out that night??

Makes ya thank
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mystery actor and Halloween

2006-08-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
That mystery actor sitting on the bull dozer in Aunt Bee the crusader,
was none other than Tom Jacobs..who is actually a brother to Danny
Thomas.  You will see him all over if you keep watching.  He  gets a
long  look when Barney says What's a matter?  Haven't you ever seen a
man take off a dress before? (after breaking out of Bank vault I think)
I think Paul mentioned a while back that he speaks in Goober
takes a car apart How'd they do it Sheriff and one other time when
someone got on a bus...but he is always in the background.

There is not a  Halloween episode, but there are several references to
Trick or Treat..so they must have celebrated it.  (when they all dressed
up for the movie in the  first season).  When Andy put on the fishing
hat and funny tieother occasions

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Gomer knows cars

2006-08-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
When did Gomer know cars?  I am not being obtuse or fa-sish-us, just 
forgot the episode(s) when he did.

Opie's Dad, Martin Simmons

Martin.  In Gomer the Houseguest  episode 97 I believe.  Everyone was
bringing their cars to Andy's house where Gomer was staying..and Wally
lost all his business when he fired Gomer for taking too much and
slowing things down.

Gomer could tell from his second floor window what was wrong just by the

Andy led all the cars and Gomer back to Wally, where he rehired him.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Answering Frank

2006-08-21 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I was watching a TAGS DVD and heard a comment from Aunt Bea. It was
in the episode Aunt Bea the Crusader. She told Andy if you would spend
less time in the Sheriff's office and more time in Church... I
thought Andy was a regular church goer??

Frank Johnson  Centerville,Indiana

Hello Frank,  I just drove through your Mayberry-like town of
Centerville again last week.  I also went though Abbington..just so's
you know I'm not making it up, and got on 27 just past the Widau  barn.
Do you have a farm out there?   You know the Johnson's near Mayberry had
a nice picturesque Barn  (freshly painted) and farm.   

Now for your question.  Yes Andy was a good Church Go-er and leader--but
for that episode they needed something for Aunt Bee to kind of throw at
him so it was ...maybe you should go to church more often.  Its just
one of those inconsistencies like Barney's middle names...Gomer knowing
nothing about cars, and then being a genius mechanic.  We just learn to
note them and love them like Aunt Bee's pickles.

The Untrained Voice 
Westfield Indiana...but I know where historic Centerville is.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Not eggsactly

2006-08-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Boy that's pretty bad when I make a mistake correcting my
mistake--regarding Helen showing Slides to the Sunday School class.

It was the Mr. Frisbee episode, not Fred Goss

I  guess I got my chicken owners mixed up--so please be kind trained
noticers.  It was Orville Hendrix that Aunt Bee had the made-up romance
with not Fred Goss and Not Mr. Frisbee.  

OK lets turn this snafu into a positive.

How many other chicken-owners can you name in and around Mayberry???

Mr. Frisbee, Orville Hendrix (Mt Pilot counts)   

.and Chicken thieves  and fried chicken makers don't count.

The untrained (and sometimes mixed up) Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-08-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Speaking of Basketball, I noticed the lack of basketball in Mayberry a
few year back and wrote a fictional episode of what I thought would have
been fun.  Check it out.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Clearing up answers--Weddings and Church.

2006-08-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Kim  from Wylie TX you did a great job and provided the most complete
answers yet.

First of all, let me acknowledge Ken Anderson for correctly naming the
other wedding shown on TAGS.  That was the wedding of Howard's
mother...in the Episode near the end of the series called the Wedding
(the episode was really about Howard and his bachelor pad).

Also others correctly identified the aborted weddings of Andy and
Charlene, Briscoe and Aunt Bee, Howard and Millie and others.  One that
I had in mind that noone named what the supposed wedding of Andy and
Helen when Andy got in trouble for not having a fishing license and
Barney jumped to the wrong conclusion.   You guys came up with others I
had not  thought off ..great job!!   ...but again its strange that none
of these appeared to planned for the church.

OK here's Kim's answers and my corrections/COMMENTS in ALL CAPS

Regarding weddings:  I remember in the Punch in the nose episode Floyd
read about a couple who were announcing their upcoming nuptials.  Also
when the young doctor comes to town, Andy hastily proposes to Ellie
thinking he might lose her, but that didn't gel.  Also I think Ellen
Brown left her manicurist job in order to get married.  Are any of these
the ones you were thinking of?
  For the quotes, here are some answers and guesses:
White Bible
  Barney about Mrs. Mendlebright when she was going to get married, I
believe she was presented it in Church because of her excellent

  Month of Sundays
  The Preacher when he'd got Opie's paper that quoted Andy as saying
that sometimes his preaching was dry as dust. (YES, HE TOLD ANDY HE

  16 years going to prayer meeting together
  Possibly Clara and her gentleman friend who cut slits in his shoes.

Noticed your new shirt waist
  Barney about Miss Rosemary when she came by the courthouse and he
confessed to Andy that he walked her to Church.  YES

  maybe you should go to church more often
  Barney to Andy at the courthouse when Aunt Bee was upset because they
were evicting Mr. Frisbee from his land. YES-AUNT BEE SAYS IT FIRST AND

Just moving his lips
  Barney about Ben Weaver, but I don't remember what song it was.
Some enchanted evening
  Clara playing the organ that was for sale and singing to the gentleman
What have I to fear, what Have I to dread 
  The Darlings singing at Charlene and Dud's second wedding. YES,

Show some slides
  I think the Preacher (or was he a Missionary) who thought Aunt Bee was
like his first wife showed slides.

Church weddin'
  Either it was when Ernest T insisted that Charlene and Dud weren't
legally married because they weren't married by a Preacher, or the time
Aunt Bee worked at the print shop and asked the customer if they were
having a Church wedding (hey, maybe that's one of the weddings).  (YES,
Hymn books
  Barney about Thelma Lou helping glue the covers back on Hymn books,
but I don't remember who with.

Collection Plate
  Barney to the Preacher when he wore his uniform to Church.  Yes
Guilty stains
  Andy and Barney were humming and singing it as they were going through
paperwork at the courthouse.

Breathe our evening prayer
  Andy, Barney and Otis when Otis was dreaming that he'd wrecked his
Pool Table
Emmit wanted to put a pool table in the Church basement. YES BUT IT WAS
What episodes featured the Taylor's going to church?
What's your hurry episode, When Barney wore his uniform episode, The
Church organ, and they'd been to early service when they saw the Claude
Beamon family going to Church.

The Untrained Voice--but semi-trained noticer

WBMUTBB mailing list

Weddings and back to Church Trivia

2006-08-09 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Well some of you trained noticers have correctly identified that 2
weddings and one interrupted one took place somewhere other that a
church.  Rose and her husband (Sam?)   (Courthouse) Ernest T and
Barney/Charlene, (Darling home with visiting preacher) The young couple
from the feuding families (Andy's house).

There are least 4 other occasions when a wedding was planned that was
not to be in a church.  None of them took place,  Can you name them?

Also there was one more wedding that did take place--and this one may
have actually been in a church--I need to find my tape and check.  The
name of the episode is a dead give-away.  Who got married in that one?

(and yes on RFD Andy and Helen did marry in a church.)

Now back to my church trivia that no one has answered yet.

For each of these quotes can you name:  
a) who said it
b)  about whom (where applicable)  
c)  to whom or on what occasion  

White Bible
Month of Sundays
16 years going to prayer meeting together
noticed your new shirt waist
maybe you should go to church more often
Just moving his lips
Some enchanted evening
What have I to fear, what Have I to dread 
Show some slides
Church weddin'
Hymn books
Noah and the Ark
Collection Plate
Guilty stains
Little Brown Church
Maybe the reverend can help
Breathe our evening prayer
Pool Table

What episodes featured the Taylors going to church?

 The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Apricot Queen case solved

2006-07-28 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Boy my question about the Apricot Queen timing woke up the trained
noticers.  Thank you all very much.  I guess I did forget that a date
was mentioned (or wasn't paying attention as noted) but dates are thrown
around so much, and not always consistent that I didn't really think
about that.

I think what also threw me off is that Barney often told boyhood stories
involving Andy, and he was comparing the situation to Trey and Opie--my
first assumption was they were perhaps teens...but I think you guys
cleared that up well.

So what about Beaver Dam??? Is this the only time it is  mentioned?  Is
it a natural wonder like the Robert E Lee  bridge?? (actually built by
beavers?) Or is it a man-made dam suitable for watching the water spray
out, or skip rocks or fish???  Any why would it be a place to take
visiting fruit royalty?  (apricot queen)

Do you think the Potato Queen (cannon episode) was jealous?  
And who eats all the apricots around here anyway?

More thoughts to ponder

The Untrained Voice

I would probably buy a T-shirt, particularly if it had a picture of Mr.
Schwamp on it and said something like.  
WBMUTBB Digest, 
15-years of exploring the mysteries and fun of the Andy Griffith Show.  
Who is this man?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Helen on Magazine Cover

2006-07-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

For those of you who may occasionally pick up GAMES magazine...the
cover on newsstands now features various school official whom you are
suppose to identify what show they were on (and their character name) .
There in living color, with red hair, is Mayberry's own Helen Crump.
The best teacher of all television time!!  

I'm going to try my question of a few days ago again.  When Barney
passionately recounts the story of escorting the Apricot queen (Andy and
Opie's pal featuring Tre)  and he is still upset about Andy doing the
escorting while he got stiffed.  How long ago  in the past do you think
that happened?  Were they teenagers?? Adults?? Just a year or so prior??
Barney makes reference to Juanita at the Diner..and to who eats all the
apricots around here anyway/

Furniture Factory, Beaver Dam, the Diner... While you were escorting her
around I was standing out in the blazing sun.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry-type Experience

2006-07-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

While traveling the past few weeks, I was sad to be away from my cable
TV broadcasts of TAGS live, and my Tape/DVD collection as well, but I
did enjoy a Mayberry  type experience during our travels.  While out in
the wide open West we visited a place call Rawhide on the  south side
of Phoenix AZ.

This place  set up like a Western Town made me feel like I would see
Clarence Earp and his manager round the corner at just any time.  The
town itself had wide open streets like Mayberry, with businesses such
as a General Store, a Candy store, and of course a Sheriff's Office and
Jail...with the old Sheriff sitting out front.  Now he was like a
sheriff from the old west, but the one-cell Jail in his small building
bore a strange resemblance to Mayberry.Oh and back to Clarence..they
had a real for-sure Wild West Show with fancy gun-slingin',
whip-cracking and other cowboys talents  (don't know about the
arm-wrestling though) .  In one of the shows they even did some
wrastling in a nice soft pile of sand or sawdust  (just like Opie and
his friends and Clarence Earp and Goober) .

The town also prominently featured a nice Cannon.  I'm glad they voted
to keep it.  The restaurant had those nice red and white checkered table
cloths.  Well I had never been to a Wild West Show, but I think this
came pretty close to the legend that was Clarence Earp.  I know a few of
you live out there so you may have been there as well.  I could have
gotten my picture taken in jail, but I was too cheap to part with the
$10 to get arrested and then get my picture took.

Its good to be back in the saddle at home, and seeing this Digest each
day.  I just watched with delight Barney's fit about Andy and the
Apricot Queen.  (this is during Andy and Opie's Pal--the episode about
Tre).  One thing I wondered about is this.  Barney's tells the story
as if he and Andy were young boys  (maybe I just misunderstood that
part) but he goes on with this list of where Andy took the Apricot Queen
...Furniture factory, Beaver Dam, and the Diner...and then he says
something to that affect that Juanita verified that they went to the
Diner. ...so did Juanita start working at the Diner as a teenager??? Or
did I just misunderstand this story?? 

...be interested in someone's thoughts on that..what age were Andy and
Barney during the big Apricot Queen escorting mishap???

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Pickups and splashes from floor and pool

2006-07-02 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Has anyone seen the previews for Monster House?  Its probably the best
line using the work  uvula since Barney Fife's famous  I got a uvula,
you've got a uvula, all God's children got a uvula.
I'm not sure if anyone answered Marie's question below.

Are these episodes complete and with original commercials or were
these just taken off the TV? Do they have certain parts
removed--notably, the Giraffe's are selfish speech B gives in D D D?
Thanks to whoever has 
this info.

Marie there are so many copies of these 16 episodes out there in the
public domain its hard to tell.  They are usually uncut, and if I
remember right there is one epilog that didn't make it in the Paramount
season series that is actually on one of these.

I have been very swamped with my job so the ole Untrained Voice has
been very quietly lately.  I'll be gone on vacation now, so off-the-net
for a few weeks, but I hope to get back into the mix when I return.
We've had some good discussions, some serious, some funny.  I have
enjoyed them all.  Reading this Digest is always a high point in my day.
Thanks to all who have been contributing. I 'preciate it.

The Untrained (and to quiet lately) Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Interim Foley

2006-05-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Someone mentioned the guy who came out of the grocery store when Barney
was putting up campaign signs.

If was a different Foley.  It was in fact Tom Jacobs (a brother or
step-brother to Danny Thomas).  Other the Mr. Schwamp he  was one of the
greatest mysteries for a while.  He shows up on bulldozers,  in cars
waiting for Gomer to pump gas, and generally all over town.   He
usually, but not always wears a white hat.   Years ago, we thought he
was Johnny Coons, because there was a credit listed for a Johnny Coons
who never appeared (but Tom appeared in that episode).  And folks would
report (erroneously) Johnny Coons sightings on this Digest.   I don't
think he was ever credited, thus  the mystery  (or maybe he was--don't
quote me on that)

A couple of his most memorable scenes were  1) When Barney takes off the
dress on the street and says to him What's a matter, haven't you ever
seen a man take off a dress before?  and  2) when Goober build the car
in the Courthouse he speaks his only line How'd they do it Sheriff? as
he is peeking in.

Good ole Tom Jacobs--he was a grocery man...a Phantom Foley--just like
the phantom Floyd in that other episode.

Watch out for Flyin' Lead
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Wet streets

2006-05-16 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
On another note, my wife noticed today that the street appeared wet
when Andy and Helen picked up Opie from the party in Opie's First
Love, which aired today on TV Land.  That would be another rare example
of rain in Mayberry--if only a brief shower.  Kyle in Nashville

What day was that Kyle?  You know they wash the streets down every time
there is a fifth Saturday in the month.  And then in the summer, the
boys at firehouse flush out the hydrants once or twice.  Barney's hates
that cause it makes his shoes squeak..and the back's aint shiny.  (he
has to hold back traffic so's the kids can play in the water)

I'm tellin you all for the last time to disperse and quit congregatin
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moment

2006-05-07 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Yesterday I had to go out and do some hedge trimming.  As I pondered a
couple options as to how to shape them--I remembered the sage wisdom of
Opie Taylor--Paw usually just lops of the top--so that's exactly what
I did..though I thought about going fishin'. 

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwamp additional thoughts

2006-05-01 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Accd to Inside Mayberry, the phantom actor was in nine: 113, My Fair
Ernest T. Bass; 133, the Education of Ernest T. Bass; 123, The Fun
Girls; 141, Otis Sues the County; 175, Otis the Artist; 203, Only a
Rose; 210, Floyd's Barbershop; 240, Barney Hosts a Summit Meeting; and
247, Sam for Town Council  Seems like there were more, but it may be
that Old Man Schwump was just so ubiquitous!   DOUG GIBSON   OGDEN,

Well Doug, you never forget someone at your wedding or Bachelor party,
and good ole Mr. Schwamp was at Andy's bachelor luncheon in a Mayberry
RFD episode.  As I have pointed our before  most of these occasions were
social gatherings and Mr. Schwamp never missed an opportunity to show up
dressed up for root beer and polite murmuring.  If fact on a couple of
occasions (the Lodge and Sam for Council) he is shown early..but not
later in the event.  This is the basis for my theory that he gets a buzz
from root beer and over-imbibes just a bit, and has to leave early.  You
didn't mention the Lodge episode in your official list, but I think he
is there.

He is seem murmuring in two episodes I believe,  In the Fun Girls, he
can be seen seated at a table with root beer in hand in the company of a
La-dy murmuring.  Also..(and this is just my theory) in Otis the Artist,
he is at the big event and a woman says to him  Those were nice fair
speeches  He misunderstands thinking she said hair piece and responds
Thank You, I got it in Mt Pilot

Did Barney say the line, I don't want to be standing in no stag line
with old man Schwump and a bunch of slumped over teenage boys? 
Don't confuse Mr. Schwamp with Ole Man Perkins--They both may go
to parties stag, but only one of them can smile and nod his way into
meeting a Russian diplomat.

The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Check it out for yourself

2006-04-23 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

This Tuesday Night on Cable Channel TCM will be the movie Picnic  Lets
all double check and see if its William Holden and Not Cary Grant who

WBMUTBB mailing list

Oops Library note overdue

2006-04-14 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I just messed an issue.  Sorry the Library issue was already covered

WBMUTBB mailing list

Pickups and Splashes from Floor and Pool

2006-04-14 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
However my question is this: Why did she virtually disappear? Howard
went off to the Caribbean w/nary a mention of Mrs. Sprague. Surely, she
would have been there to see him off.

I remember reading somewhere that Jack Dotson, or the producers, thought
she was confining his character too much.

I was over at the Dime Store buying some buttons and bows for my
Easter dress when the Digest came in and I read where I was accused of
cheating on Goober. Oh, to be falsely accused of immorality!  The pain
of it all!  The suffering.  And I who has suffered so much already!  Why
me, Lord, why, why, why?

Well dear Lydia would you care to explain what the butcher boy was doing
at your house for 3-4 hours??

I think there were other references to the Mayberry Library.  Barney
went over there once to get a book on Mountain folklore,  to come up
with a plan to get Andy out of marrying Charlene due to the Divorce
proceedings.   Perhaps Opie just went to the Mt. Pilot Library because
they had more historical reference material.
I was gone for a couple weeks, so I'm just catchin up.  Got many giggles
out of two weeks of Digest material.  I look forward to checking out
that Gossip website.  I enjoyed the discussion of what Mayberry would be
like today.  Surprised no one mentioned (but I could have missed) that
Sarah would not be needed.   Perhaps she'd have a local office for the
phone company and sign folks up for DSL and Cell Phones???  If they had
Cell Phones Andy would have never missed Peggy, Barney and Floyd would
never went to OMalley's place looking for gas...and like someone said
Mr. Tucker would never have experienced Mayberry.  I'm glad the
technology did not exist then.
I got to experience a Howard Sprague like Fantasy trip.  My wife and I
went to Hawaii for our 25th.  I thought of Howard and his temporary
paradise when we were at some secluded beautiful spots (different ocean
though--not Atlan)..but I didn't see any ships in a bottle.  I think we
got really close to Jim Nabors house, but the tour guide didn't point it
out specifically.  Of course I would have hopped out and had my picture
taken with his newspaper until the maid shewed me off.  The price of
land there is unbelievable.  I think Barney should have combined his
Real Estate and Investment skills and bought land there 40 years ago.

I missed you guys
I still miss ole Bighead in Deetroit

The Untrained Voice rehabilitating with my Mr. Potato Head Set

WBMUTBB mailing list

That 30th Anniv show

2006-03-28 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Was that tall Goober in the audience on the 30th Anniversary show our
own Jim Clark?

I had a tape of that special and I remember seeing Jim in the crowd.
The tape went bad as one of my buddies here tried to copy it for some of
you, but I had seen it a few times.

Speaking of Jim, Thanks for the nice Don Knotts tribute/stories in the
bullet.  We all admire you and at the same time are jealous of all your
TAGS personality interactions.  Many things you've done I've thought I
was just thinking of doing the same thing..but unlike Barney, it didn't
hit me right after you said/did it--I was about 20-years slower.  You
and Allan and others, were on the cutting edge of what it takes to be a
true TAGS fan and do something about it.

I bought some new batteries the other day, and it came with a free
whistle, with a compass and a secret compartment (that a bullet would
fit in.)  I kept it for Barney.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

North Country

2006-03-21 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
One has to understand that up here in the north country, TAGS is not as well 
known as it is in the south.  But I am trying my hardest to spread the good 
news of St. Andrew and St. Bernard.  And it is slowly but surely catching 
on.  Kenneth G. Anderson

Ken, first of all you are to be commended for teaching the good word, and using 
Mayberry to do it.  If I could present you with a white Bible I would do it.

Now I have to good-naturedly poke at you a little for generalizing about the 
north country.  I'm speaking for Indiana which is north of the Mason Dixon 
line, but not as close to Can-Na-Da as good ole O' Clare Wis  (Eau 
Claire)but Mayberry is well-known around here...and we're definitely not 
the South   Perhaps the local channels there have not shown TAGS as much over 
the years.  And before we besmirch the North, don't forget our Friend Marsha 
and her husband have that Andy Taylor home replica up there in Minnesota!!  

Proud to be a Mayberry Hoosier along with Mike Creech, Mike Peacock, Danna from 
Indiana, Frank from Centerville IN, Ted from Indy, and many many more.
Home of Mayberry in The Midwest and The Mayberry Café (Danville IN) and one of 
the few places Jim Nabors leaves Hawaii for (The Indy 500)

Anybody else wanna tell Ken about how strong Mayberry is in your part of North 

The Untrained Voice--Westfield IN

With warmest tribute to another North Country buddy  Bighead in Dee-troit
  (O'Malley says the Motor City mourns the loss one if its own, and  prays for 
the Krentz family)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cartoon link

2006-03-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Sorry that editorial cartoon link expired by the time it got posted.  If
you were very creative you could have selected the date March 18 and it
wood come up.  It was a caricature of Barney Fife, with a UN badge on
and he says I want Iran to Nip it in the bud.

WBMUTBB mailing list

The spirit of Barney lives on

2006-03-18 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)


See editorial cartoon

WBMUTBB mailing list

Jeff Krentz

2006-03-16 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I, like all of you, am stunned by the loss of our friend, Jeff Krentz.
I'd like to thank the family member or frined who was kind enough to let
us know of his passing.  Our thoughts and prayers are certanily with his
wife Sue and his children Bryan and Alison.   What a loss.

I never met Jeff, but he was one of those guys that I think if we met
we'd immediately hit if off, talking about our favorite show.  When I
saw Jeff's name it the header, I always knew he was going to say
smething funny or interesting.  It seemed like I just saw his name a few
days ago, so I had to go im my private archives and look.  Indeed, he
mourned with us over Don Knott's passing. (see below)  With all respect
I wanted to copy the last few things I saw from Jeff.

You will be missed, my friend, say Hello to Don Knotts for us.

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 13:19:51 -0500
From: Jeff Krentz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Not a Nickname
To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:00:04 -0600, you wrote:

 Right off the bat, I can think of Goob for Goober, Nita for 
 Juanita, and Charlie or Chuck for Charles O'Malley.
How about Third Party (It's not dirty)

not exactly a nickname, but I just like sayin' it. 

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says Lots of People Lie at Lunch!)


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 13:28:59 -0500
From: Jeff Krentz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Gomer Singing
To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:00:04 -0600, you wrote:

hen Gomer enters the Sheriff's office singing From the Halls of
Montazuma...to the shores of Tripoli ... he is singing in his Gomer
rather than his deep singing voice he was known to have had in prior

You misspelled Mont-a-zoomer

and you are right about the voice, I never thought about that before.
I'm going over to Reindel Hardware downtown here and get a new
galvanized bucket, just for thinkin' purposes.

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says Do you suppose they'll ask me that!)


I feel the same way. I worked late yesterday and heard about Don's
passing on the radio. I went home and as I was telling my wife about it
I was leaking some tears too. What a great man he was, and what an
influence on my life. I, too, knew this day would come, but I didn't
want it to ever happen. I am sad, very sad.

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says Thank You Don!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cut scenes etc

2006-03-14 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I agree with Shelia on this TV land thing. Before the show is really
you get an ad! And not only that a lot of scene are being deleted from
TVLand shows! Funny scenes! Some  of us should express our views. There
strength in numbers!   Liz Citizens Arrest Roberts

Sorry, but us old timers just have to grin a little.  Here is a little
history lesson, though history is not really my subject.  

If the era of Griffith watching BTL (that's before TVLand) WGN and WTBS
and all those station had most of those scenes included, but they cut
off the epilogs.  We whined and we moaned and we pleaded for years...oh
please let us see what happens in the epilog!!! (the last few minutes
after the plot is really solved) you can cut any thing but let us see
the epilog.There was a nice website Elinor's Epilogs that you
could go read about what happens in the epilogs that we never saw.  Only
the folks lucky enough to have local stations that showed episodes in
their entirety, or the Colombia House VHS tape collection ever saw
Epilogs.  They were about as big a mystery as Mr. Scwhamp to most of us.

Then came TVLand.  In the reality of broadcast/cable TV business today,
they are not going to show as many minutes of a show as they did back in
the 60's, so something had to be cut. The something they have to cut has
to be something  that does not ruin the story line, or cause the
resulting episode to make no sense.  They heard us whining fans and
decided to reinstitute the epilogs.  So they end up cutting scenes that
are not critical to the story, but sadly are some of the funniest, most
memorable moments.  So its our fault (the old fans who used to complain
about the other cable channels cutting the epilog) I guess.

Now, for the uptiumpth time..the DVDs are uncut except for one or two
reported epilogs missing.  There are no missing scenes.

Overheard at TVLand headquarters

You give 'em partial Epilogs, they want the whole epilog
You give 'em the whole epilog, the want deleted scenes
You give 'em deleted scenes, they want to see the credits run
You give 'em credits, they want to see the original commercials
You give'em 5 episodes a week they want 10
You give 'em 10 they want 15

Andy  Now you see son, there's a ratio of people out there, about 3
and half boys per 10 that don't even get cable or Tvland..Now isn't that
really the people that should be sad.

Poor Horatio...lets not forget those half-a-boys with no cable

The Untrained Voice 
spoiled rotten with local station, TVLand, DVDs and VHS tapes.
I hate it when I get obtuse


WBMUTBB mailing list

That awards show--time to laugh

2006-03-06 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Did I miss it? During the Academy Awards program I watched all the
names of the fine talents that left us this past year, and I didn't see
Dennis Weaver, Darren McGavin or Don Knotts. I believe they all had
worked in Hollywood before, and had been in motion pictures. I know it's
a club, and what kind of club would it be if they let everybody in? It's
the kind of club that if they do this to Don Knotts, I don't want
anything to do with it.  Andge in Bethlehem, GA

Andge, I noticed the same apparent slight, but my guess is that video
tribute was put together a few weeks ago, and thus preceded the deaths
of those you mentioned including Don.  I would assume that the hero of
the Apple Dumpling gang will be included next year.

Thanks for the tip that Larry King Live (with Andy et al) was repeated
Sat night.  I hosed up my tape the first time.  I enjoyed the

Well I think we can continue some reverent tributes, but I think what
Don would want before long, is for us all to laugh again...to enjoy
Barney Fife.

So if you're up to laughing again,  give a Barney quote before you close

Andy We could start a history troop--Mayberry minutemen
Barney Will you help us!!!   I mean them?

The Untrained Voice  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Corrected Barney Tribute

2006-02-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Hey I've gotten a couple nice notes about my last post, and I really
feed bad that I had a couple typo's in it, so I wanted to send again
with corrections.   Thanks again Bill of the Desert for the idea. 

Thanks for the Memories 
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

Thank God we've got TV, VHS and DVD, for years to come--generations
won't be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the end,
our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir...We will miss
him so much.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney Fife more tribute

2006-02-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
During our lifetime we travel many roads. Some big roads, some little
roads, rocky roads and smooth roads, dirt highways and improved
highways. - Barney Fife

Barney, this is a rocky road for your admirers.

I want to give a word of encouragement also to Betty Lynn.  She is kind
of the social secretary that keeps all the remaining cast members
connected.  She too has lost a great friend.

Thanks to Sam from Knoxville and others who supplied to word to  the
Vacant Chair.  It seems so appropriate right now.

Here ya go Bill (Bob Hope Song)

Thanks for the Memories 
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

That God we've got TV, VHS and DVD for years to come, generations won't
be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really is a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the
end, our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir...We will
miss him so much.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney Leaving and Sad Sad news

2006-02-25 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I can already tell that I am going to get very depressed watching
the last episodes knowing that they are going to in some way involve
Barney leaving.  It is
stressing me out thinking about it.  I have thought about watching
season 5 in reverse getting the last episodes first so that I could end
on a good funny
note instead of a depressing one.  Any thoughts on this. Joe,
Fredericksburg, TX

My fellow Joe  Not to worry.  There are no references to Barney
leaving at the end of season 5.  He is just absent from the last two
episodes dealing with the carnival (one of them with Jerry Van Dyke).
At the time, they didn't do that much (write characters out), and I'm
not sure of the timing of Andy deciding to go ahead and do the next
season.  (Don Knotts make Movie/contract arrangements thinking season 5
would be the last of the series before Andy changed his mind).

How sad the news I have just seen though that Barney has indeed left in
real life.  Our beloved Don Knotts has passed on to the great Mayberry
in the sky.  Thanks Allan for the tribute photo's on Mayberry.com.
The words just do not come easy to deal with this loss, but I know many
of you will share words of solace and tribute of this late great
character actor.

I can only begin by saying.  I'm thankful for the reunion show that was
done just a year or so ago..and that Don got his much deserved star on
the Hollywood walk of fame.

Right now, all I can see in my mind's eye is The Vacant Chair--the one
just to the left of the desk as you face the sheriff.  We shall miss him

Could someone post the words to The Vacant Chair.  I can't find them at
the moment.

With great sadness
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Current Movie TAGS twist

2006-02-24 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I had the pleasure of viewing 'Curious George' this evening in
MD. Ronny and Co. did an awesome job on the project. There is a parallel
 Desilu Studios and the cargo hold of the H.A. Rey. They probably looked
same  after 1971. I'm picturing a lot of crates, boxes, and a big empty

I also saw a recent movie and thought of our favorite show.  I would
recommend the movie Eight Below  It will give new meaning to Opie's
refrain.  What about those dogs?  You just left them out there all

Boy that last Digest reminded me of that Gypsy song---same words over
and over again.

The Untrained Voice 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Whats in a nick

2006-02-22 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I'm also enjoying the nickname discussion

Did anyone mention Virg for cousin Vigil.

In the color Episode A Visit to Barney Fife he referred to Mrs. Parker
as Ma just like he was one of the family.  In also seems like he
referred to the Police Secretary by some nickname like sweetheart or

Wonder why he didn't nick Vasilly-ovich??  you're a character

The Untrained...

WBMUTBB mailing list

Funny Lines should stand on their own

2006-02-13 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I've been reading with interest the Funny Line discussion

The original poster mentioned Barney's line about  Dogs, nothing but
Dogs, if your flew a quail through here, every one of them would point

What is  really good about that line is it stands on its own..you don't
really have to see the picture, or know the context for it to be funny..

Some of the others mentioned, are what I would Call Favorite Lines
like  Welcome to Checkpoint Chickie
Because they remind us of a funny scene...but they don't stand on their
own without the scene.  

Here is another good funny line from Neal that stands on its own.

Another funny one that I use sometimes -
It's not a whim any more if you put on clean underwear!!!  Brad Neil
Bentley Cunningham

I know some hate it when I get  a little obtuse.   Just trying to focus
on funny lines..not just lines from funny scenes.
Loved the Valentine reminders,  Thanks, it also helps if you can sing on
the phone Ni-ta  Juuu--- Nita!!!
Also, be ready for sweaty palms (from Opie)

MEAT!  now see that's a funny scene, but not a funny line
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Not Howard McNear--Guest Stars--Guest stars

2006-01-12 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
I was watching the episode last night where Andy and Barney catch on 
the brothers robbing Wally's.  In one scene Andy and Barney both talk 
to a gentleman in front of the courthouse sitting on a bench.  He has 
a hat on and is carving a piece of wood.  He shows it to Andy and Andy

replies, good...tell me what it is and I'll give you fifty cents.  
Barney then acknowledges the gentleman and says something to effect of

, nice work.

The man appears to be Howard McNear or Floyd himself.  Once this episode
taped close to his stroke?  Perhaps Howard could not speak at that time.
Does anyone know?

I just saw that scene within the last week, (and I don't think it was in
the Filling Station Robbery Episode --trained noticer help?) and I'm
pretty sure it's not Howard McNear.
Also I don't believe they ever used an established main character as a
background actor. 

I was wondering if anyone knows how many people actually played 2 or
more roles on the show. I am at a loss for this gentleman's name but he
also played Gomer Pyle USMC. He played the man who sold the vegetables
on the side of the road and Barney ran off. And played on a few other
episodes of TAGS.Are there many other people that played duel roles? 
Thanks, Frank Johnson 

Frank, my fellow Hoosier,  

I want you to go to this website.  its actually on the www.Mayberry.com
site on the right hand side where it says Cast member/Episode Database


Type names like Allan Melvin, Bob McQuain and Mary Lansing.  You type
the first name in one blank and the last name in another blank,  hit the
search button and see what you find out?   There are many many dual
roles (triple etc.) but if I gave you all of them you would miss the fun
of discovery.

You too can be a Mayberry detective and discover that Barney's Voice
teacher could also dance!!

The Untrained Voice!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS sighting

2006-01-06 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Has anyone seen the movie Fun with Dick and Jan yet?

For those that have.  Am I correct.  Not only do we see Clint Howard
(Leon), but as an INS officer he utters the name Opie Taylor???

Quite a good connection for us TAGS noticers (if I am correct)

Also one of my favorite childhood book series will soon be linked with a
favorite childhood star.  Ron Howard is producing a movie about Curious
George   Can the Legend of Sleep Hollow be far behind?

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dance with the Mayberry Stars

2006-01-05 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)

Well this week one of those Reality shows comes back.  Dance with the

It reminds me of just how many dance scenes and references were included
in our favorite show.  On that new show they will also feature
celebrities doing different types of dancing, but how many
types/variations did we see in Mayberry??

Ballroom Dancing--Barney and Maude.
The Cha Cha Cha--Nate Bracey and wife
The Gomer High Step--Gomer and Mary Grace
The Dip (also part of Ballroom)--Barney and his Salt and Pepper
The Switch Partner's game--at Mrs. Wiley's  (I'm cuttin' in)
The Switch Partner's Shuffle at the Chamber Dance??--You're the only
one I LOVE!!
The Bachelor Pad Boogey (Howard and friends) --Go man Go (poor Helen)
The Waltz--(Aunt Bee and Opie  1-2-3  1-2-3 1-2-3)
The Modern kid's Dance--Opie and his girl
The goofy Paw trying to do a Modern Kid's Dance  (poor Andy)
The Barney broom shuffle ( in Mayberry tonight-- pa da pa pa pa)  
The Sleep Walkin Warren Tango--Warren and Helen, Warren and Aunt Bee
The Gypsy Rain dance
The Hoochy Koochy Carnival Girl dance (with the one man band)
The Charlene Salty Dog  Square Dance
The 'Sally Dances with Al at the KitKat Club Dance
The Guys night out Dance Club (where Howard made time with his Little
Brother's  older sister)
The Charleston (by the High School group-Color episode)
The Romantic Reunion Dance (Andy and Sharon Despain)

What other Dancers/Dance types, Dance references do you remember?

The Untrained Voice

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