"Give her a little sugar"

2021-01-12 Thread Michael Eury
In response to JOE from G.I.'s query about the phrase "Give her a little

Yes, "sugar" is "kiss" in Southern slang.

As a child I was told to give my grandma some sugar when we visited.

Also, lecherous men would ask, "Gimme a little sugar" when flirting with

...which reminds me of a story that dates back to the mid-1970s.

Wanda, the secretary of the grocery store my dad worked at, rightfully got
furious at a salesman who had hit on her one too many times, admonishing
him in front of others, "Sex sex sex, women women women, sugar sugar sugar!
That's all you study!"

Wanda was a #MeToo pioneer, as she embarrassed that would-be Don Juan into
avoiding her from then on!

Michael Eury
New Bern, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS CHARACTERS on other shows

2020-12-09 Thread Michael Eury
I always enjoy spotting TAGS actors on other series, and enjoy reading
folks' comments here when they spot them too. It's hard to see, say, Denver
Pyle on PERRY MASON and not think, "Hey, there's Briscoe Darling!"

But we're talking about the actors, not the characters themselves, so that
got me "thankin'" (without a bucket over my head):

How many times did TAGS *characters* (Sheriff Taylor, Deputy Fife, Opie,
etc.) actually appear on other TV shows?

Off the top of my head: We start with Andy and Opie on THE DANNY THOMAS
SHOW (the TAGS pilot). Then Goober, Aunt Bee, and Opie guest-starred on
GOMER PYLE, USMC (did I miss any Mayberry guest?). And it's been a while
since I saw HEE HAW, but didn't George Lindsey play Goober there from time
to time?

Then there were parodies of TAGS characters, like Don Knotts as the lawman
of "Juneberry" when he guest-starred on THE NEW SCOOBY-DOO MOVIES Saturday
morning cartoon.

Just goes to show you the far-reaching influence of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW
and Mayberry's beloved citizens?

Can y'all think of any others?

>From the Mayberry-like New Bern, NC,
Michael Eury

Michael Eury
Editor-in-Chief, *Back Issue *magazine
2019 Eisner Award winner, "Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism"
Editor-in-Chief, *RetroFan *magazine
"The crazy, cool culture we grew up with"
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Dump / inconsistencies

2020-09-21 Thread Michael Eury
After repeated viewings throughout our lifetimes of the beloved episodes of
The Andy Griffith Show, the mistakes (Barney's different middle names and
years of service) and logic lapses (just how did Aunt Bee get out to the
dump anyway?) seem to crash through our TV screens like a rock chucked by
Ernest T. Bass.

But let's not forget that back in the day, the focus of the talented TAGS
writers was the production of a single quality episode, one at a time. If
you laughed and were entertained during that half hour, mission

Today, of course, TV series' entire seasons are mapped out before a single
episode is scripted, with interlocking story arcs and an ongoing continuity
narrative, primed for a culture that binge watches and demands such
attention to detail. Like the idyllic Mayberry itself, times were much
simpler when they were making TAGS. No one involved could have predicted
that a half-century later, we'd still be glued to this show.

Instead of being pestered by these goofs, why don't we forgive the
producers and writers for them and just continue to enjoy their fun in the
spirit in which they were produced?

Mayberry forever,
Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Betty Lynn, Andy Griffith Museum, and TAGS collectibles in new RetroFan magazine

2018-04-05 Thread Michael Eury
The new pop culture magazine I'm editing, *RetroFan* (from TwoMorrows
Publishing of Raleigh, NC -- "the state capital!"), goes on sale June 20th.

My love for *The Andy Griffith Show* is evident in issue #1, as it includes
my "RetroTour" of Mount Airy and the Andy Griffith Museum; an interview
with our beloved Thelma Lou, Betty Lynn; and an article about the scarcity
of original TAGS collectibles.

Issue #1 also includes an interview with TV Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno,
the Phantom in Hollywood, the Star Trek animated cartoon, how a fan's
meeting with Wolf Man Lon Chaney Jr. changed his life, a look back at Mr.
Microphone, a Too Much TV Quiz, and more fun and informative features.

I invite y'all to take a look at the online preview via the link below and
hope you'll add *RetroFan* to your must-read list:


Keeping Mayberry alive,

Michael Eury
Concord, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS articles and Betty Lynn interview in new RetroFan magazine, coming in June

2018-01-31 Thread Michael Eury
I'm editing a new quarterly magazine for TwoMorrows Publications titled
*RetroFan*, a celebration of crazy, cool pop culture, targeting those of us
who grew up in the '60s, '70s, and '80s.

The first issue premieres in June and features THREE *Andy Griffith
articles: a "Retro Travel" visit to Mount Airy, NC, and the newly renovated
Andy Griffith Museum; my interview with the one and only Thelma Lou, the
wonderful Betty Lynn; and a "Retro Collectibles" article about the scarcity
of TAGS collectibles (from the years of the show's production).

There's lots more fun and informative stuff in the first issue, too!

You can learn more, order the issue, or even subscribe to *RetroFan* by

Keeping the spirit of Mayberry alive,
Michael Eury
Concord, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hidden gems in color episodes

2017-07-30 Thread Michael Eury
My favorite lines from color episodes:

"In Mayberry, there are three main forms of communication: telephone,
telegraph, and tell Floyd."

"Somebody blackballed Howard Sprague!"

Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Don

2016-01-19 Thread Michael Eury
I read the *Andy and Don* biography right when it came out and had a hard
time putting it down.

Yes, some of the revelations about their personal lives are surprising, and
a few are shocking. But the author, Daniel de Vise (Don Knotts'
brother-in-law, BTW), presents a fair and balanced, as well as utterly
fascinating, portrait of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts unlike anything I've
ever read about them before (and like many of you, I've read a lot).

Some *TAGS* fans' negative reactions to the book focus on these shocks --
on the revelations of both men's failings -- but de Vise doesn't
sensationalize these shortcomings. He also portrays the positive qualities
and immense talents of both Griffith and Knotts, with a continuing
spotlight on the deep bond and friendship that cemented their relationship
for so many decades.

The book *Andy and Don* didn't change my lifelong affection for Sheriff
Andy Taylor or Deputy Barney Fife one iota -- in fact, it deepened it,
because it made me realize that behind our beloved icons were two men who
could rise above their human flaws to create "real" characters and an
endearing show that outlived them and will outlive us all.

Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

most-used Mayberry phrase?

2013-09-08 Thread Michael Eury
Marie in Cajun country, when mentioned angry Andy telling Aunt Bee to
Call the man! Just call the man!, says she still uses that phrase today.

My wife and I do, too, whenever something needs repair around the house.

Which leads me to this question: What's your most-used TAGS quote or phrase?

Michael Eury
in Concord, North Carolina, just two hours west of the State Capital
WBMUTBB mailing list

the best moments of the color episodes

2013-09-02 Thread Michael Eury
Every few years, the topic of the color episodes resurfaces here and how
they don't quite measure up to the first five BW seasons.

Yes, it's easy to lament the absence of Don Knotts and criticize both the
ill-fated addition of Deputy Warren Ferguson to the cast and the change in
Andy's demeanor to grumpy old Andy.

But Seasons Six through Eight of TAGS do offer some pleasures:

* Howard Sprague: I found Howard to be a delightful character, especially
in his earliest episodes when he was under his mother's thumb (too bad they
married off Mrs. Sprague; still, the episode revealing Howard's bachelor
pad was a hoot).

* Howard the Comedian is a hilarious color episode exposing the pettiness
of small-town grudges and featuring some side-splitting writing (Howard's
joke about Mayberry's three main forms of communication -- telephone,
telegraph, and tell Floyd -- makes me snicker just writing this.)

* Floyd post-stroke: Howard McNear's beloved barber became, in some ways,
funnier once his physical limitations and advancing age shifted Floyd's
characterization from manic barber to senior busybody. (He steals the Mind
Over Matter episode when telling Goober about Johnny Harris' accident.)

* Aunt Bee's character was better developed in the color episodes, as was
her friendship and occasional rivalry with Clara Edwards. (I defy you to
hold back the tears when Clara concedes her rose award to Bee after Bee's
hybrid flower was destroyed.)

* Without Barney as a driving force for many of the episodes, the town of
Mayberry became the focus of or backstory in several shows, and we learned
more about its history.

* Opie's aging: True, Ron Howard was no longer the adorable moppet, but the
color episodes offered viewers the chance to experience growing up,
Mayberry-style, as Opie got his first job, started to date, etc.

Happy Labor Day greetings from Concord, NC,
Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Lessons from Opie

2013-05-15 Thread Michael Eury
Re the recent comments about some of TAGS' best life lessons coming from

I couldn't agree more!

During TAGS' original run I was a child a few years younger than Ronnie
Howard, so back then Opie's life lessons were relatable to my own growing

But having watched an re-watched the series throughout my life, it's the
Opie episodes that still speak most to me.

The adult characters on TAGS all went through stages (case in point: Andy
from hick to voice of reason to angry Andy) and each had their weaknesses
and foibles (such as Barney's ego).

We watched Opie mature, but through those eight years he remained the most
honest and sincere character on the show -- even during the times he was

This is partially due to solid writing, but Ron Howard's acting, even when
he was a wee lad, was among the finest of anyone on the cast.  He wasn't a
stereotypical sitcom kid -- Opie Taylor was a real person.  And Opie will
forever remain my favorite citizen of Mayberry.

Hey from Concord, NC,
Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hidden History of Mayberry free program in Concord, NC, on 11-13-12

2012-10-16 Thread Michael Eury
Those of you living within a commutable distance to Concord, North
Carolina, should mark Tuesday, November 13th on your calendars and try to
attend the free program below.

Dr. Gary Freeze is extremely knowledgeable and is an engaging speaker. I'm
looking forward to this!

The Concord Library is located in downtown Concord, NC 28025, at 27 Union
Street North.

-- Michael Eury


*The Concord Library presents “The Hidden History of Mayberry” with
Dr. Gary Freeze of Catawba College on Tuesday, November 13 at 6pm.
Dr. Freeze is writing a book that shows how The Andy Griffith Show
explains the history of Mayberry in key episodes. He will explore “why
Andy didn’t carry a gun”  will share these insights in an illustrated
talk about the people  places in the show. This program is free 
open to the public. For more information, call the Information Desk @
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Rotary Club minutes of 9-15-65

2012-07-13 Thread Michael Eury
At the Concord (NC) Rotary Club meeting of Wednesday, July 11th, I
presented the Fellowship Report, offering a tribute to the late Andy
Griffith. Part of my presentation was my reading of the minutes from a
September 1965 meeting of the Mayberry Rotary Club, which I wrote in the
spirit of both TAGS and Rotary.  The Mayberry Rotary Club didn't exist but
could very well have, since Rotary International's motto of Service Above
Self certainly fits the kindness displayed by most Mayberrians.

In these minutes, in a couple of cases I fudged the timeline -- by Sept. of
'65 Barney had left Mayberry, and Howard Sprague had yet to be introduced
(although when viewers first met Howard it was established that he'd lived
quietly in Mayberry for years) -- so please enjoy the following not as a
strict testament to continuity but instead as a tribute to the greatest
television show of all time.

One more thing: Are there any other Rotarians out there?

--Michael Eury


*Wednesday, September 15, 1965*

*Mayberry Hotel*

*Recorded by Howard Sprague, Club Secretary*

*Proofread by Howard’s mother*

* *

Meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM by President Andy Taylor.

Lunch was prepared by Miss Bee Taylor, with Juanita Beasley from the
Bluebird Diner waiting on tables. The menu was pot roast, stewed potatoes
and carrots, and green beans. President Andy remarked that Aunt Bee’s lunch
was “Mmmm-mmm-mmm.” However, her side dish of pickles was poorly received,
with one Rotarian muttering under his breath that they were “kerosene

Reverend Tucker delivered the invocation, about the application of Rotary’s
Four-Way Test to everyday life. When he discussed “Will it build goodwill
and better friendships?” he fired a deliberate gaze at Floyd the Barber and
Mr. Foley from the grocery store, since they’d recently been arguing over a
punch in the nose incident that took place nearly 20 years ago.

Barney Fife attempted to lead the club in a recitation of the Pledge of
Allegiance, but couldn’t remember the words. Luckily President Andy was
there to nudge him along.

Goober Pyle presented the Fellowship Report, amusing his fellow Rotarians
by taking off on Cary Grant—“Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy.”

The club was pleased to welcome an unexpected guest, Gomer Pyle, home on
leave from the Marines, who burst into the room shouting, “Soo-prise,
soo-prise, soo-prise!”

Mr. Meldrim the bank president recommended that the Mayberry Rotary Club
take up a special collection to buy old Asa the bank guard a new gun, since
his was all rusty and falling apart. Barney Fife passed around his deputy’s
hat for the collection, at which time Floyd Lawson joked, “Don’t take any
wooden nickels, Barney.” The club collected $12.38.

Discussion was given to this year’s Mayberry Rotary fundraiser. President
Andy suggested a benefit concern by Bobby Fleet and His Band with a Beat
and Barney Fife suggested a Kissing Booth with the Fun Girls from Mount
Pilot, but the club voted to adopt Gomer Pyle’s recommendation to sponsor a
Halloween Haunted House at Old Man Rimshaw’s place.

Today’s guest speaker was one of our own, Mayberry Deputy Barney Fife, with
a program called “The Art of Self Defense,” where he dazzled the club with
his judo moves he learned from his lessons with Mr. Izamoto in Mount Pilot.

However, Barney’s presentation, and the meeting itself, was rudely
interrupted at 12:45 by a rock thrown through the hotel window. Tied to the
rock was a note with a crudely scribbled message:

“You won’t let me join Ro-tar-y

so here’s a rock from Ernest T.”

President Andy quickly adjourned the meeting with a brisk recitation of the
Four-Way Test and he and Deputy Fife darted out in pursuit of the
rock-throwing Ernest T. Bass.

On their way out, Goober Pyle called out to Andy, “Tell Ernest T. that
Goober says hey!”

*Meeting minutes respectfully presented by Howard Sprague,*

*Secretary, Mayberry Rotary Club*
WBMUTBB mailing list

Paying respects -- a busy weekend in Mount Airy

2012-07-09 Thread Michael Eury
My wife and I decided to remember Andy by visiting Mount Airy this weekend.
We weren't alone.

The Andy Griffith Museum's parking lot was full, with many out-of-state
license plates, and the wonderful museum staff seemed a bit harried by the
never-ending crowd. From what I could see, though, visitors remembered the
What's Your Hurry? sermon and were patient. The Andy and Opie statue in
front of the museum was filled with flowers from those paying respects.

Main Street Mount Airy and its shops were crowded with people on Saturday.
I suspect that only during Mayberry Days had the town seen foot traffic
like this.

Instead of sadness permeating Mount Airy over Andy's death, I was pleased
to see everyone sporting bubbling smiles of nostalgia. Since Andy brought
us a lifetime of laughter, that's probably the way he would have wanted to
be remembered.

On this visit, we also went to Pilot Mountain, and while it wasn't the big
city like Mount Pilot (I was hoping to grab a quick judo lesson from Mr.
Izamoto), the mountain is one big rock (not to be confused with Warden
Bee's The Rock)! After hiking, I'm plumb wore out. Beeeat!

Rest in peace, Andy Griffith. You may have left us in body, but your spirit
lives on!

Michael Eury
Concord, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-07-25 Thread Michael Eury
Re Lou Tarnopol's post, yes, indeed, Gomer Pyle's favorite hero was Captain
Marvel, hence his Shazam! catchphrase.

Gomer mentioned The World's Mightiest Mortal on at least one episode of
TAGS, when he said, in praise of one of Barney's ideas, Captain Marvel
wouldn't'a thought of that!

But even though Gomer (and cousin Goober) read comic books, Captain Marvel
had to be Gomer's CHILDHOOD favorite.  During the production of TAGS,
CAPTAIN MARVEL ADVENTURES (and the other Marvel Family comics published by
Fawcett) were no longer in print, having been forced off the stands in the
mid-1950s due to a plagiarism lawsuit with DC Comics, publisher of

Interestingly, for me as a child growing up in the '60s, I learned of
Shazam! and Captain Marvel through Gomer Pyle, even though I was a
voracious comic-book reader.  It wasn't until I read a history of comics in
the early '70s that I learned of the original Captain Marvel -- who was
revived in late 1972 in a comic book titled SHAZAM! which was published,
oddly enough, by DC Comics.

Makes ya want to put a bucket over your head and thank, don't it?

Michael Eury
Concord, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS spinoffs and a Hooterville crossover

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Eury
Re Rick Eastwood's spinoff dialogue:

A Mayberry/Hooterville crossover would've been fun! Since The Beverly
Hillbillies crossed over into the Petticoat Junction/Green Acres
universe, it's surprising CBS didn't attempt a guest-star episode of TAGS
with the Hooterville cast.

I've pondered from time to time the idea of spinoffs from The Andy Griffith
Show. Outside of the ones we got -- Gomer Pyle USMC and the TAGS
continuation, Mayberry RFD -- the only other character I believe could've
carried his own show was Barney. A Barney Fife, Man Undercover (or some
such title) show would've no doubt been a hit, but since Don Knotts was
already spinning off into movies, his own TV show was an impossibility.

A dramatic Mt. Pilot series? That would've been a tough one to pull off as a
spinoff without a carryover character (and none of the TAGS characters
would've fit the drama genre).

For years I've hoped that Andy Griffith and Ron Howard would
executive-produce a new TV series called Mayberry, a contemporary show
featuring small-town life in the 21st century. A TAGS carryover character
would be a nice touch (George Lindsay as Goober?), with Andy and Opie
helping launch the pilot, but the show would feature a new cast (of course,
with a next-generation Taylor, Fife, or Lawson included).  Since that show's
unlikely, I'll just throw a bucket over my head and thank about it for a

Michael Eury
Concord, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Return to Mayberry on DVD

2009-07-27 Thread Michael Eury
While it's true that Return to Mayberry was released on DVD only as
a bonus in the TAGS Complete Series DVD set, occasionally those
Return DVDs are auctioned on eBay.

I bought all 8 seasons of TAGS individually, like most of you, but
last year won an eBay auction for a Return to Mayberry DVD ... and
if memory serves, I paid only $8 or so for it.

Incidentally, I've been on this list for a dozen years but silent for
much of the past few, but this talk of Return to Mayberry has
brought to mind a question:

Does anyone know if there was a conscious decision not to include some
of the actors who came into the TAGS/Mayberry RFD cast late in the
cast of Return to Mayberry?

Granted, Deputy Warren Ferguson might not have the largest fan club,
and Sam and Mike Jones (as well as Millie from the bakery) came on
board to fill the roles of Andy and family,
but their inclusion in this one-time-only reunion film would have been
welcomed (as would a cameo by TAGS' frequent drop-in actor Allan

Gotta go!  Here's comes Otis in his Ice Cream Truck!

Michael Eury
Concord, NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Favorite Season

2008-08-15 Thread Michael Eury
My favorite season of TAGS is Season Five, the last BW one, and the
last to feature Barney as a regular.

By that point the writers were in their prime, and they and the actors
fully understood the characters.

Floyd returned, the Andy/Helen dynamic was strong, Barney was a sheer
riot, Goober emerged as a break-out character, and the season sported
some of the run's best episodes: The Education of Ernest T. Bass,
Barney's Uniform, and my all-time favorite, Three Wishes for Opie,
to name a few.

Michael Eury
from my own private Mayberry, Concord, NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: which Season to buy on DVD

2006-10-31 Thread Michael Eury
Re the TAGS DVD Which Season to buy? dilemma:

While most folks start with Season One, since it's customary to start at the 
beginning, if you want to start with the best season, I suggest Season Five.

That's the last BW season, and the last with Barney as a regular.  It's also 
the point when the cast and the writing had solidified to sheer perfection.  
The actors were comfortable with their characters, and no one seemed to be 
acting -- by this point, Andy, Barney, Opie, et al. were real people.  And 
it's the season with Three Wishes for Opie, my all-time favorite episode!

Michael Eury
living in the Pacific Northwest's own Mayberry, Lake Oswego, Oregon...
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: My Name is Earl

2006-04-30 Thread Michael Eury
Re Clint Howard, James Carroll wrote:

 He was a hoot on My Name Is Earl. He played Crazy Rodney to the hilt. If you 
haven't seen the show, check it out. It is one of the few shows on now that is 
worth watching. I have seen all the shows. It is not TAGS but then what is. 

My Name is Earl is the first new TV show I've watched regularly in years.  It's 
the contemporary equivalent of The Andy Griffith Show in that each episode is a 
morality play, a television show type that, regrettably, died years ago.  Its 
main character, Earl Hickey, is more Ernest T. Bass than Sheriff Taylor, but 
despite his thieving, no account past, he's genuinely trying to become a 
better person ... and through his exploits viewers can subtly learn a lesson.  
NBC Thursday night at 9 pm, if you haven't seen it yet.

--Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list