Re: [Wicket-user] complex forms w/ dynamic name/id attributes

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
why are the names not unique?Which names?It should work fine building those forms. Just use setOptimizedRemoval(true) on the listviewso that it doesn't regenerate youre form everytime.johan
On 2/13/06, VGJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I understand simple wicket forms at least a little now...but I'mreally starting to struggle w/ things beyond the trivial when it comesto forms.I'm also having some trouble locating some real solidexamples or documentation...the API reference stops being helpful
really quick.The wicket-examples aren't bad but aren't that I missing some documentation somewhere that might behelping me better?The wiki doesn't appear to be complete just yet.I'm loving wicket but having a hard time taking it too far since the
documentation seems to be so sparse!Anhow...let's say I've got a List of data...I map it to a table rowin wicket using tr wicket:id= ... and the list is displayed on thepage.Now I need to add a radio button list, textbox, and submit
button for each item in the listwhich would submit the form thatthe entire table is wrapped can this be done w/o generatingan error?Obviously, the names aren't unique so an exception isthrown.
Here's an example...a table w/ a dynamic row-set...w/ nested radiobutton list(s)table border=1 width=100% cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0tr wicket:id=mydatalist
span valign=top wicket:id=rclist id=statusrctdinput type=radio //tdtdinput type=radio /
/tdtdinput type=radio //td/span...I'm stumped, can't find a good example of a RadioChoice beyond here's
the control packed w/ a simple array as an example type of stuff.How do I programmatically set one of the controls checked if acertain condition is true?A lot of the stuff I'm doing these days
pertains to dynamically building forms like this.Thanks in advance!-v---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Jesper Preuss
We are starting a Wicket project, we use JDK 1.4 because our old
software can't run on 1.5.

It's a problem, to move to 1.5, but we will eventually do it. But will
take a few years.

So I vote for waiting with Java 1.5 until Wicket version 3.0.

On 2/14/06, wang lei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is my opinions:

  - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
 Absolutely not.
 I support the constructor change ,because it force the programmer to do in a
 right way.
 I don't want wicket support JDK1.5 soon.
 I know generics can bring many benefits.But there is a long time before most
 of us move to JDK1.5.
 Some projects from my clients are stilling run on JDK1.4 even JDK1.3.One
 year ,at least, is necessary for waiting.
 My clients would just move to  JDK1.4 easily,because they need to pay a lot
 of money and not sure the old software can move to the new JDK easily.

  - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
 postponing 1.5 to   Wicket 3?
 No, one version is enough. Wicket2 or wicket3 are not important.
 I think if you move to JDK1.5 too soon.You will lose many users.It's not
 good for wicket.
 Wicket still has a long way to go.

 - how many of you s till require for current or future projects to run on
 JDK 1.4?
 In fact,this question is suitable.Most time,the clients choose the
 platform,instead of us.
 Many clients are running different jdk, I can't predict. But for you,i would
 prefer JDK1.4.

  - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket,
 which   enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?
 I never try to do that.


Re: [Wicket-user] Removal of ISecuritySettings.get/setSignInPage()

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
fine by me but should we make a SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(SignIn.class); to simplify itfor usersthen they can do (libray example:) getSecuritySettings().setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(new SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(
SignIn.class);   // Create a simple authorization strategy, that checks all pages of type  // Authenticated web page.  SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy(
AuthenticatedWebPage.class)  {   protected boolean isAuthorized()   {// check whether the user is logged onreturn (((LibrarySession)Session.get()).isSignedIn());
   }  };Then for all the setSiginPage() users it is jus a matter of relacing it with the above.johanOn 2/14/06, 
Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yeah. Another problem with having an application level signin pagesetting is that there might be multiple instead of just one (e.gdepending of the level of authentication, think of how how manybanking apps work), and that authentication might be done outside of
Wicket, in which case you'd rather redirect to a url.EelcoOn 2/13/06, Jonathan Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Eelco tells me that a couple people are complaining about this change and I
 wanted to explain why it happened and also reassure everyone that the big bunch of changes that just went through is the last of what I wanted to get done for 1.2.From here on out, I'd like to see us just fix bugs and
 improve the examples and documentation for what we've got. The problem with the sign-in page setting is that (a) it's magical in nature and a bunch of stuff happens behind the scenes that is hard to find and
 extend and (b) the setting will not necessarily be respected by Wicket in the future.In fact, if you use the wicket-auth-roles-examples project's authentication package (which I'm hoping will be moved into core in 
2.0 when we adopt Java 5), the setting is totally ignored.This becomes very confusing to users who think that the sign-in page is a contract with wicket for authentication.It isn't and cannot be.Igor complained about this and
 I agreed with his complaint and so it was removed. The big long scary names of those classes reflect exactly what the classes do.However, nobody really needs to use them directly.The intent of
 wicket-auth-roles-examples (we could move this into wicket-auth-roles for 1.2 final if people like that idea) is to make a really simple way to do authentication in Wicket that is (a) not magical and (b) highly extensible
 and (c) does not require that you understand much about how it works. Please check out my blog on JRoller where I very briefly discuss this code. And let us know if this is a better approach to authentication.It's my
 strong feeling that it is a huge improvement over get/setSignInPage. Best,Jonathan---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Per Ejeklint

+1 for the Constructor refactoring to 1.3
+1 for Java 1.5 ASAP! I see more and more momentum for 1.5 out  
amongst our customers and the switch is going on already as more and  
more realise that it's really not such a scary move. And the fringing  
faces of the few bound to 1.4 should be weighted to the awe of all  
not-yet-wicketeers when they discover this extraterrestially  
excellent framework!

Why delay excellency? ;-)


Per Ejeklint
Mobile: +46 (0)70-5090052
Skype: callto://ejeklint

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
are we sure we just one to package that in the wicket.jar?Why not release it as a seperate jar? What is wrong with that? Then people can choose to use it or not.(just like extentions)We just have to sync the release cycle.
On 2/14/06, Jonathan Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
+1 on Java 5 sooner. for one thing, we can't fold the authentication package into the core until we adopt it. for another, the lack of typesafe models is something we ought to remedy as soon as we possibly can. so i like the idea of doing 
1.3 VERY quickly (JUST the constructor change and associated ajax work over a few short weeks) and then immediately have HEAD for 2.0 be Java 5 based. and i'd like us to get 2.0 out pretty quickly too so that WIA can include stuff about typesafe models and so forth.
On 2/13/06, Eelco Hillenius 
Here are mine: The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:- should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?No. The constructor changes first, we can call it 1.3

, and thatversion should be primarily just that change and some minor onesaround it.- should we make different releases for either change, and thus postponing 1.5 toWicket 3?

Yes. If we call the constructor change Wicket 1.3, we can call the JDK1.5 version Wicket 2.0.- how many of you still require for current or future projects to run on JDK 1.4?- how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?I agree with Igor that we should move to 1.5, and don't wait for ayear to do it. Not everyone will be happy with it, but we'll have avery decent version out with 
1.3 which we should support for a longtime (by which I mean bug fixing, not so much back porting newfeatures).Moving to 1.5 will eleminate a few of the weak features we still haveand can't fix. As Wicket is all about Java code and strong typing, it
sucks we can't have that strong typing in one of our major conceptsyet - the model. With generics we can have this. I think that alone isworth the move, and as a lot of other frameworks - either for UI stuff

or other purposes - already moved to 1.5, I don't think it is tooearly. We are already a year further since our first 1.5 discussions.Eelco---

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Wicket-user mailing

[Wicket-user] Re: Post 1.2 roadmap and Java 5

2006-02-14 Thread Stefan Lindner
Dear Wickt people,

here is my choice: Java 5. We ere working with java 5 for more than a
year and with EJB3 coming up we have no plans to start a new project
with java 1.4. And: java 1.6 is coming!

Stefan Lindner

Visionet GmbH, Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
Tel.: (09131)691-230, FAX: (09131)691-111
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Internet:

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
having 1.3 with constructor change and fixes and maybe one or 2 things more (ajax related) looks fine to meand then 2.0 with java 5 support.I will then try to backport most wanted features and bug fixes if possible because i can't use 
1.5 because manymany customers don't run 1.5 on there servers. And i think that will be so for the comming year. So my focus willthen be on 1.3.XjohanOn 2/14/06, 
Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
All,We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hopeto get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take alook beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.There are two very big things ahead of us: - constructor refactorwe have reached a limit to the support we want to providefor Ajax and _javascript_. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Manyhave been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from acomponent tag in the page constructor.We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the componentconstructor, which sets the parent of the component. public MyPage() {WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));c.add(new Label(bar2));c.add(new Label(bar3));add(c); } will become:
 public MyPage() { WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo); new TextField(c, bar1); new Label(c, bar2);
 new Label(c, bar3); }This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for thecore. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
to implement it in order to move Wicket forward. - java 5 supportThis is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand thatmany people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.
There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know howmany users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only supportso many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project willdrain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
make a choice.The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following: - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes? - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to Wicket 3? - how many of you still require for current or future projects to runon JDK 1.4? - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which enables you to run 
1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?Thanks for your answers,Martijn--Living a wicket life...Martijn Dashorst -
Wicket 1.1.1 is out: email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.

Hi Igor,

I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URL 
http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent to 
the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the browser to 
http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). But 
the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at 
http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is this 
correct so far?

Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, when 
the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?


PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper steps 
in webapp development.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:
you should put index.html in your context root and have a metaredirect 
to /foo inside

something like this:

meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=foo


On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I
still have
a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The servlet
mapping in the
web.xml looks like this:


When I open the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the
is shown. In the Index.html (my home page), it is references as
graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when
displaying the
home page with the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely
because it
redirects the request to http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0, which is a
directory change.

Is there a possibility to redirect to
or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected?

Thanks in advance,

PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse
these dumb

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.

Java 5 support would be a really big plus
(esp. with tools like Retrotranslator and Retroweaver) for me as well.

We've tried Retroweaver with our desktop applications and it failed 
completely for non-trivial stuff. A few days ago I've tried 
Retrotranslator (did not know about it before) and so far I'm very happy 
with it and not had any crash.


Jesse Sightler wrote:

I'm completely in favor of jumping to Wicket 2.0 and implementing both
of these changes with it.  Java 5 support would be a really big plus
(esp. with tools like Retrotranslator and Retroweaver) for me as well.

I'm sure that won't be perfect for some people, but I think it is
reasonable to cut over now and keep a 1.2 version as a maintenance


On 2/13/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.

There are two very big things ahead of us:
 - constructor refactor
we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
component tag in the page constructor.
We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

   public MyPage() {
WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));
c.add(new Label(bar2));
c.add(new Label(bar3));

   will become:

   public MyPage() {
   WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo);
   new TextField(c, bar1);
   new Label(c, bar2);
   new Label(c, bar3);

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

 - java 5 support
This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand that
many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,
can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only support
so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
make a choice.

The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
 - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
   Wicket 3?
 - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?
 - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
   enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

Thanks for your answers,


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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Wicket-user mailing 

Re: [Wicket-user] Removal of ISecuritySettings.get/setSignInPage()

2006-02-14 Thread Jonathan Locke
sure. but call it something more like UnauthorizedPageInstantiationRedirector or even just SimpleAuthenticator.On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:fine by me but should we make a SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(
SignIn.class); to simplify itfor usersthen they can do (libray example:) getSecuritySettings().setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(new SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(
SignIn.class);   // Create a simple authorization strategy, that checks all pages of type  // Authenticated web page.  SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy(
AuthenticatedWebPage.class)  {   protected boolean isAuthorized()   {// check whether the user is logged onreturn (((LibrarySession)Session.get()).isSignedIn());
   }  };Then for all the setSiginPage() users it is jus a matter of relacing it with the above.johan
On 2/14/06, 
Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah. Another problem with having an application level signin pagesetting is that there might be multiple instead of just one (e.gdepending of the level of authentication, think of how how manybanking apps work), and that authentication might be done outside of
Wicket, in which case you'd rather redirect to a url.EelcoOn 2/13/06, Jonathan Locke 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Eelco tells me that a couple people are complaining about this change and I
 wanted to explain why it happened and also reassure everyone that the big bunch of changes that just went through is the last of what I wanted to get done for 1.2.From here on out, I'd like to see us just fix bugs and
 improve the examples and documentation for what we've got. The problem with the sign-in page setting is that (a) it's magical in nature and a bunch of stuff happens behind the scenes that is hard to find and
 extend and (b) the setting will not necessarily be respected by Wicket in the future.In fact, if you use the wicket-auth-roles-examples project's authentication package (which I'm hoping will be moved into core in 
2.0 when we adopt Java 5), the setting is totally ignored.This becomes very confusing to users who think that the sign-in page is a contract with wicket for authentication.It isn't and cannot be.Igor complained about this and
 I agreed with his complaint and so it was removed. The big long scary names of those classes reflect exactly what the classes do.However, nobody really needs to use them directly.The intent of
 wicket-auth-roles-examples (we could move this into wicket-auth-roles for 1.2 final if people like that idea) is to make a really simple way to do authentication in Wicket that is (a) not magical and (b) highly extensible
 and (c) does not require that you understand much about how it works. Please check out my blog on JRoller where I very briefly discuss this code. And let us know if this is a better approach to authentication.It's my
 strong feeling that it is a huge improvement over get/setSignInPage. Best,Jonathan---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Removal of ISecuritySettings.get/setSignInPage()

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
then i prefer SimplePageAuthenticator to be in line wit hthe SimplePageAuthroizationStrategy.But then we have a name that is not directly logical to throw into a setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener
But i guess its fine.On 2/14/06, Jonathan Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
sure. but call it something more like UnauthorizedPageInstantiationRedirector or even just SimpleAuthenticator.
On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:fine by me but should we make a SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(
SignIn.class); to simplify itfor usersthen they can do (libray example:) getSecuritySettings().setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(new SimplePageUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(
SignIn.class);   // Create a simple authorization strategy, that checks all pages of type  // Authenticated web page.  SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy(
AuthenticatedWebPage.class)  {   protected boolean isAuthorized()   {// check whether the user is logged onreturn (((LibrarySession)Session.get()).isSignedIn());
   }  };Then for all the setSiginPage() users it is jus a matter of relacing it with the above.johan
On 2/14/06, 
Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah. Another problem with having an application level signin pagesetting is that there might be multiple instead of just one (e.gdepending of the level of authentication, think of how how manybanking apps work), and that authentication might be done outside of
Wicket, in which case you'd rather redirect to a url.EelcoOn 2/13/06, Jonathan Locke 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Eelco tells me that a couple people are complaining about this change and I
 wanted to explain why it happened and also reassure everyone that the big bunch of changes that just went through is the last of what I wanted to get done for 1.2.From here on out, I'd like to see us just fix bugs and
 improve the examples and documentation for what we've got. The problem with the sign-in page setting is that (a) it's magical in nature and a bunch of stuff happens behind the scenes that is hard to find and
 extend and (b) the setting will not necessarily be respected by Wicket in the future.In fact, if you use the wicket-auth-roles-examples project's authentication package (which I'm hoping will be moved into core in 
2.0 when we adopt Java 5), the setting is totally ignored.This becomes very confusing to users who think that the sign-in page is a contract with wicket for authentication.It isn't and cannot be.Igor complained about this and
 I agreed with his complaint and so it was removed. The big long scary names of those classes reflect exactly what the classes do.However, nobody really needs to use them directly.The intent of
 wicket-auth-roles-examples (we could move this into wicket-auth-roles for 1.2 final if people like that idea) is to make a really simple way to do authentication in Wicket that is (a) not magical and (b) highly extensible
 and (c) does not require that you understand much about how it works. Please check out my blog on JRoller where I very briefly discuss this code. And let us know if this is a better approach to authentication.It's my
 strong feeling that it is a huge improvement over get/setSignInPage. Best,Jonathan---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
In the current version of 1.2 the home page shouldn't be redirected if it was justmounted on / if it was mounted to another path then a redirect is done (in 1.1 this was an option what to do with the home page: redirect to bookmarkable varant, redirect to path=x or don't redirect)
johanOn 2/14/06, Tom S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Igor,I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URLhttp://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent tothe web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the browser to
http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). Butthe wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is thiscorrect so far?Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, whenthe servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?
TomPS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper stepsin webapp development.Igor Vaynberg wrote: you should put index.html in your context root and have a metaredirect
 to /foo inside something like this: html head meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=""> /head
 /html -Igor On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I still have a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The servlet mapping in the
 web.xml looks like this:servlet-mappingservlet-nameMyWebApplication/servlet-nameurl-pattern/foo/*/url-pattern
/servlet-mapping When I open the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the graphic is shown. In the 
Index.html (my home page), it is references as graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when displaying the home page with the URL 
http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely because it redirects the request to http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0, which is a directory change.
 Is there a possibility to redirect to http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html 
http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected? -- Thanks in advance, Tom PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse
 these dumb questions. --- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
 log files for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makes searching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
 ___ Wicket-user mailing list mailto:
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Wicket-user mailing listWicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.

Hi Johan,

Do you also remember, where this option can be set?

Thanks in advance,

Johan Compagner wrote:
In the current version of 1.2 the home page shouldn't be redirected if 
it was just

mounted on / if it was mounted to another path then a redirect is done
(in 1.1 this was an option what to do with the home page: redirect to 
bookmarkable varant, redirect to path=x or don't redirect)


On 2/14/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Igor,

I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URL
http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent to
the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the
browser to
http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). But
the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is this
correct so far?

Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, when
the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?


PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper steps
in webapp development.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  you should put index.html in your context root and have a
  to /foo inside
  something like this:
  meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=foo
  On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I
  still have
  a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The servlet
  mapping in the
  web.xml looks like this:
  When I open the URL
http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the
  is shown. In the Index.html (my home page), it is references as
  graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when
  displaying the
  home page with the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely
  because it
  redirects the request to http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0,
which is a
  directory change.
  Is there a possibility to redirect to
  or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected?
  Thanks in advance,
  PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse
  these dumb
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  log files
  for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine
that makes
  searching your log files as easy as surfing
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Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Timo Stamm

Martijn Dashorst schrieb:

 - constructor refactor

Wow, that's a /major/ change and will probably effect every custom 
component and every application written using Wicket.

I see the benefit of having a complete component hierarchy availably 
right at the initialization of a class.

But wouldn't it suffice to just make the new constructors available, and 
put a clear statement in the API docs? Then maybe deprecate the public 
add() in the next major version, and drop it in 2.0 or something like that?

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the

Just get rid of markup, it sucks anyway ;)

 - java 5 support


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Ingram Chen
Here is my opinion:+1 for the Constructor refactoring to 1.3 for JDK5 it's better to split another wicket-jdk5.jar so we can benefit from it *now*.And merging both together when wicket 2.5 or 3 finished.
I hope future wicket can buddle all fundamentals in one single package, say,
download one that contains:wicket.jarwicket-jdk5.jarwicket-spring.jarwicket-spring-annot.jarwicket-auth-roles.jarwicket-auth-roles-anont.jaror even better, pack all into one big 
wicket-all.jar just like Spring does.On 2/14/06, 
Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All,We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hopeto get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take alook beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.There are two very big things ahead of us: - constructor refactorwe have reached a limit to the support we want to providefor Ajax and _javascript_. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Manyhave been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from acomponent tag in the page constructor.We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the componentconstructor, which sets the parent of the component. public MyPage() {WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));c.add(new Label(bar2));c.add(new Label(bar3));add(c); }
 will become:
 public MyPage() { WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo); new TextField(c, bar1); new Label(c, bar2);
 new Label(c, bar3); }This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for thecore. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
to implement it in order to move Wicket forward. - java 5 supportThis is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand thatmany people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.
There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know howmany users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only supportso many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project willdrain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
make a choice.The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following: - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes? - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to Wicket 3? - how many of you still require for current or future projects to runon JDK 1.4? - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which enables you to run 
1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?Thanks for your answers,Martijn--Living a wicket life...Martijn Dashorst -
Wicket 1.1.1 is out:
This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list
-- Ingram ChenJava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwanblog:

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
that would be very hard to maintain.For example if you have a panel that is rewritten by using only the new parent in constructor params.And you add that in youre own webpage/panel that doesn't use that parent in constructor param.
Then you get all kind of errors because the child panel expect to have it all but because of the hierarchy problem that we have then, he doesn't have it.So i do think it is all or nothing.johan
On 2/14/06, Timo Stamm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Martijn Dashorst schrieb:- constructor refactorWow, that's a /major/ change and will probably effect every customcomponent and every application written using Wicket.I see the benefit of having a complete component hierarchy availably
right at the initialization of a class.But wouldn't it suffice to just make the new constructors available, andput a clear statement in the API docs? Then maybe deprecate the publicadd() in the next major version, and drop it in 
2.0 or something like that? This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the core.Just get rid of markup, it sucks anyway ;)- java 5 support
+1---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log filesfor problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
___Wicket-user mailing

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
another java5 jar that is an add on for the normal wicket.jar?If we introduce generics i think it will be ALL over the place throughout the complete code base of wicket.There is no real seperation.johan
On 2/14/06, Ingram Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is my opinion:+1 for the Constructor refactoring to 1.3 for JDK5 it's better to split another wicket-jdk5.jar so we can benefit from it *now*.And merging both together when wicket 
2.5 or 3 finished.
I hope future wicket can buddle all fundamentals in one single package, say,
download one that contains:wicket.jarwicket-jdk5.jarwicket-spring.jarwicket-spring-annot.jarwicket-auth-roles.jarwicket-auth-roles-anont.jaror even better, pack all into one big 
wicket-all.jar just like Spring does.On 2/14/06, 
Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All,We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hopeto get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take alook beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.There are two very big things ahead of us: - constructor refactorwe have reached a limit to the support we want to providefor Ajax and _javascript_. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Manyhave been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from acomponent tag in the page constructor.We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the componentconstructor, which sets the parent of the component. public MyPage() {WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));c.add(new Label(bar2));c.add(new Label(bar3));add(c); }

 will become:
 public MyPage() { WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo); new TextField(c, bar1); new Label(c, bar2);
 new Label(c, bar3); }This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for thecore. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
to implement it in order to move Wicket forward. - java 5 supportThis is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand thatmany people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.
There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know howmany users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only supportso many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project willdrain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
make a choice.The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following: - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes? - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to Wicket 3? - how many of you still require for current or future projects to runon JDK 1.4? - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which enables you to run 
1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?Thanks for your answers,Martijn--Living a wicket life...Martijn Dashorst -
Wicket 1.1.1 is out:
This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list

-- Ingram ChenJava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwanblog:

Re: [Wicket-user] Removal of ISecuritySettings.get/setSignInPage()

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
yes that is for SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy even easier to use. Only one thing to do/create.johanOn 2/14/06, Mark Derricutt 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On 2/14/06, 
Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

then i prefer SimplePageAuthenticator to be in line wit hthe SimplePageAuthroizationStrategy.But then we have a name that is not directly logical to throw into a setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener
But i guess its fine.In my small app I've just made my SimplePageAuthroizationStrategy based class implement IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener and then:myauth = new MyAuth();
setAuthenticationStrategy(myauth);setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(myauth);It keeps the logic in the same place which suites me.-- i like my video games - mamma said they are gonna melt my brains
i like my video games - i don't care what daddy said; they're my reality- henning pauly

[Wicket-user] Example web-applications

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.


Are there any (open source) wicket-examples available (except the small 
tutorials), which would help a newbie (like me) very much in finding a 
lot of answers/solutions for dumb n00b questions?


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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Example web-applications

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
i think the component reference examples (in our examples project) and all the others are pretty good explaining the basicsbesides that we have examples of spring (in the wicket cvs repository)and in the wicket-stuff cvs repository we have a lot of other example projects (ajax examples like dojo and scriptaculous)
and the phonebook example is a good hibernate database example.besides that there is wiki.johanOn 2/14/06, Tom S. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi,Are there any (open source) wicket-examples available (except the small
tutorials), which would help a newbie (like me) very much in finding alot of answers/solutions for dumb n00b questions?--Cheers,Tom---
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Wicket-user mailing listWicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net

[Wicket-user] Simplest way to change Date format

2006-02-14 Thread Steve Knight

I have a Label that displays a java.util.Date, but I'd like to change
the way it is displayed.  What is the simplest way to change the
format for the label?

I tried searching the mailing list but I think it only made me more confused.


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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Timo Stamm

Johan Compagner schrieb:

that would be very hard to maintain.
For example if you have a panel that is rewritten by using only the new
parent in constructor params.
And you add that in youre own webpage/panel that doesn't use that parent in
constructor param.
Then you get all kind of errors because the child panel expect to have it
all but because of the hierarchy problem
that we have then, he doesn't have it.

So i do think it is all or nothing.

I see, thanks for the explanation.

-1 for constructor change.

On 2/14/06, Timo Stamm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Martijn Dashorst schrieb:

 - constructor refactor

Wow, that's a /major/ change and will probably effect every custom
component and every application written using Wicket.

I see the benefit of having a complete component hierarchy availably
right at the initialization of a class.

But wouldn't it suffice to just make the new constructors available, and
put a clear statement in the API docs? Then maybe deprecate the public
add() in the next major version, and drop it in 2.0 or something like

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the

Just get rid of markup, it sucks anyway ;)

 - java 5 support


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Eelco Hillenius
 But wouldn't it suffice to just make the new constructors available, and
 put a clear statement in the API docs? Then maybe deprecate the public
 add() in the next major version, and drop it in 2.0 or something like that?

That's an option we discussed, and as usual is has opponents and
proponents. I am against this as we would end up doing extra work
supporting it, probably resulting in a half baked solution.
Furthermore, it wouldn't be enough incentive for people to make to
move. I am always in favor of clarity and breaking early in these


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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Dorel Vaida
After reading everybody's posts and thinking what I myself would want to 
have in future wicket releases:

JDK 1.5 support is here for too long not to have it in. I know it's 
tough for the people who need to deploy on 1.4 in the future but Os is 
supposed to drive innovation. How to do it if wicket doesn't get all the 
marvels as generics and annotations in 1.5 while JDK 1.6 is almost beta 
? It's gone too far :-), it's just my oppinion, please don't take it as 
a critique, it's not. I just believe that in the end 1.5 will bring a 
lot more good than bad to wicket users. And I suggest for us/others who 
will need 1.4 to use a retrotranslated 
( is alive and kicking, is 
actively developed in contrast to retroweaver, and people report good 
experiences with it) version of a Wicket for JDK 1.5.

Martijn Dashorst wrote:


We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.

There are two very big things ahead of us:
- constructor refactor
   we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
   for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
   we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
   have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
   component tag in the page constructor.
   We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
   and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
   constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

  public MyPage() {
   WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
   c.add(new TextField(bar1));
   c.add(new Label(bar2));
   c.add(new Label(bar3));

  will become:

  public MyPage() {
  WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo);
  new TextField(c, bar1);
  new Label(c, bar2);
  new Label(c, bar3);

   This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
   core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
   to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

- java 5 support
   This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand that
   many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

   There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,
   can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
   many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
   move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only support
   so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
   drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
   make a choice.
The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

- should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?

preferable not

- should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
  Wicket 3?
- how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?

I'm the fortunate one, I can choose the paltform in the majority of my 
company's projects. so go jdk1.5. I'm running 1.4 code on it anyway.

- how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
  enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

If it passes all the tests I believe it's acceptable.

Thanks for your answers,

Thanks a lot wicket team for your efforts. It feels bad not having the 
time and skills to get involved in development.


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Yeah. One of our most important use of generics would be IModel. It's
just not possible to seperate that from core without having to
maintain seperate code bases.


On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 another java5 jar that is an add on for the normal wicket.jar?
 If we introduce generics i think it will be ALL over the place throughout
 the complete code base of wicket.
 There is no real seperation.


 On 2/14/06, Ingram Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is my opinion:
  +1 for the Constructor refactoring to 1.3
  for JDK5 it's better to split another wicket-jdk5.jar so we can benefit
 from it *now*.
  And merging both together when wicket 2.5 or 3 finished.
  I hope future wicket can buddle all fundamentals in one single package,
  download one that contains:
  or even better, pack all into one big wicket-all.jar just like Spring
  On 2/14/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
   to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
   look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
   adjust where appropiate.
   There are two very big things ahead of us:
   - constructor refactor
   we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
   for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
   we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
   have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
   component tag in the page constructor.
   We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
   and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
   constructor, which sets the parent of the component.
  public MyPage() {
   WebMarkupContainer c = new
   c.add(new TextField(bar1));
   c.add(new Label(bar2));
   c.add(new Label(bar3));
  will become:
  public MyPage() {
  WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this,
  new TextField(c, bar1);
  new Label(c, bar2);
  new Label(c, bar3);
   This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
   core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is
   to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.
   - java 5 support
   This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand
   many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.
   There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of
   can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
   many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
   move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only
   so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
   drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have
   make a choice.
   The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:
   - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
   - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
   postponing 1.5 to
  Wicket 3?
   - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
   on JDK 1.4?
   - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket,
  enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?
   Thanks for your answers,
   Living a wicket life...
   Martijn Dashorst -
   Wicket 1.1.1 is out:
   This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log
   for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
   searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
   Wicket-user mailing list
  Ingram Chen
  Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes

Re: [Wicket-user] Example web-applications

2006-02-14 Thread Eelco Hillenius
And there have been several people that have been writing things.
Please see the Wiki for links. For more full features samples from our
side, please see (from CVS) wicket-phonebook and wicket-stuff-examples
(cd app example).


On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i think the component reference examples (in our examples project) and all
 the others are pretty good explaining the basics

 besides that we have examples of spring (in the wicket cvs repository)
 and in the wicket-stuff cvs repository we have a lot of other example
 projects (ajax examples like dojo and scriptaculous)
 and the phonebook example is a good hibernate database example.

 besides that there is wiki.


 On 2/14/06, Tom S.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are there any (open source) wicket-examples available (except the small
  tutorials), which would help a newbie (like me) very much in finding a
  lot of answers/solutions for dumb n00b questions?
  This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log
  for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
  searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
  Wicket-user mailing list

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Simplest way to change Date format

2006-02-14 Thread Eelco Hillenius
If it is a static label, why not just do it in your model? There's
many ways to do that, and here's one:

public class MyPage extends WebPage {

public MyPage() {
  add(new Label(new PropertyModel(this, getDateFormatted(;

private Date getDate() { ... }

private String getDateFormatted() {
   return myDateFormat.format(getDate());

Overriding the converter is another way, but that more work than
necesarry; you'll usually do that either to have uniformity in your
application and do that on a application level, or do it for
components that need to do input and output and override


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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Example web-applications

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.
Thanks for the example links. I'll take a look at it. Are there any 
real-world wicket-driven applications available for investigation? ;)

Maybe using Java 1.4 and not requiring Maven?


Eelco Hillenius wrote:

And there have been several people that have been writing things.
Please see the Wiki for links. For more full features samples from our
side, please see (from CVS) wicket-phonebook and wicket-stuff-examples
(cd app example).


On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i think the component reference examples (in our examples project) and all
the others are pretty good explaining the basics

besides that we have examples of spring (in the wicket cvs repository)
and in the wicket-stuff cvs repository we have a lot of other example
projects (ajax examples like dojo and scriptaculous)
and the phonebook example is a good hibernate database example.

besides that there is wiki.


On 2/14/06, Tom S.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Are there any (open source) wicket-examples available (except the small
tutorials), which would help a newbie (like me) very much in finding a
lot of answers/solutions for dumb n00b questions?


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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will match /foo/index.html fragment of the url.
i am assuming you are deploying the wicket app in the root context, so users should really be starting at http://localhost/index.html.when your users hit 
http://localhost/foo/ it will be processed by the wicket servlet. since no page is specified the homepage will be retrieved.
does this clear things up?On 2/14/06, Tom S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Igor,I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URLhttp://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent tothe web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the browser to
http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). Butthe wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is thiscorrect so far?Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, whenthe servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?
TomPS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper stepsin webapp development.Igor Vaynberg wrote: you should put index.html in your context root and have a metaredirect
 to /foo inside something like this: html head meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=""> /head
 /html -Igor On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I still have a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The servlet mapping in the
 web.xml looks like this:servlet-mappingservlet-nameMyWebApplication/servlet-nameurl-pattern/foo/*/url-pattern
/servlet-mapping When I open the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the graphic is shown. In the 
Index.html (my home page), it is references as graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when displaying the home page with the URL 
http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely because it redirects the request to http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0, which is a directory change.
 Is there a possibility to redirect to http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html 
http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected? -- Thanks in advance, Tom PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse
 these dumb questions. --- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
 log files for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makes searching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
 ___ Wicket-user mailing list mailto:
This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log filesfor problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing listWicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread John Patterson
On Tuesday 14 Feb 2006 11:43, Eelco Hillenius wrote:

 move. I am always in favor of clarity and breaking early in these

I would certainly rather see wicket become a better framework than be held 
back by backwards compatibility.  Those who are not willing to refactor their 
ui code can simply keep using wicket 1.2.  It is a good product now and 
always will be!

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Thomas Singer

does this clear things up?

No, not really.

it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will match /foo/index.html fragment of the url. 

This fully is clear, but why http://localhost/foo?page=0 is processed by 
the /foo/*-mapping? And why does the wicket-servlet redirects to 
http://localhost/foo?page=0 and not to http://localhost/foo/

I'll ask these things, because this might be the problem why my resource 
(graphics) cannot not be found.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:
it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html matches the 
/foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will match 
/foo/index.html fragment of the url.

i am assuming you are deploying the wicket app in the root context, so 
users should really be starting at http://localhost/index.html.

when your users hit http://localhost/foo/ it will be processed by the 
wicket servlet. since no page is specified the homepage will be retrieved.

does this clear things up?

On 2/14/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Igor,

I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URL
http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent to
the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the
browser to
http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). But
the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is this
correct so far?

Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, when
the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?


PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper steps
in webapp development.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  you should put index.html in your context root and have a
  to /foo inside
  something like this:
  meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=foo
  On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I
  still have
  a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The servlet
  mapping in the
  web.xml looks like this:
  When I open the URL
http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the
  is shown. In the Index.html (my home page), it is references as
  graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when
  displaying the
  home page with the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely
  because it
  redirects the request to http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0,
which is a
  directory change.
  Is there a possibility to redirect to
  or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected?
  Thanks in advance,
  PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse
  these dumb
  This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep
  log files
  for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine
that makes
  searching your log files as easy as surfing
  Wicket-user mailing list

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log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your 

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
Why should it redirect to /foo/ can do that if you mount bookmarkable pages i guess.What kind of resource is not found?Can you give an example?johan
On 2/14/06, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 does this clear things up?No, not really. it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will match /foo/index.html fragment of the url.
This fully is clear, but why http://localhost/foo?page=0 is processed bythe /foo/*-mapping? And why does the wicket-servlet redirects to
http://localhost/foo?page=0 and not to http://localhost/foo/'ll ask these things, because this might be the problem why my resource(graphics) cannot not be found.
TomIgor Vaynberg wrote: it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will match
 /foo/index.html fragment of the url. i am assuming you are deploying the wicket app in the root context, so users should really be starting at http://localhost/index.html
. when your users hit http://localhost/foo/ it will be processed by the wicket servlet. since no page is specified the homepage will be retrieved.
 does this clear things up? On 2/14/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Igor, I meant something different. What happens, when the user enters the URL http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address is sent to
 the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the browser to http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the same). But
 the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory). Is this correct so far?
 Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this request, when the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*? Tom PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first deeper steps
 in webapp development. Igor Vaynberg wrote: you should put index.html in your context root and have a metaredirect to /foo inside
 something like this: html head meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=""
 /head /html -Igor On 2/13/06, *Tom S.* 
  wrote: OK, I now can read my html files from a different location. But I still have a serious problem with resources ( 
e.g. graphics). The servlet mapping in the web.xml looks like this:servlet-mappingservlet-nameMyWebApplication/servlet-name
url-pattern/foo/*/url-pattern/servlet-mapping When I open the URL 
http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the graphic is shown. In the Index.html (my home page), it is references as graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found when
 displaying the home page with the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/, most likely because it redirects the request to 
http://localhost:8080/foo?path=0, which is a directory change. Is there a possibility to redirect to
 http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html  http://localhost:8080/foo/index.html
 or something similar, so the relative paths work as expected? -- Thanks in advance, Tom
 PS: I'm not experienced with web applications, so please excuse these dumb questions. ---
 This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
 searching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! ___
 Wicket-user mailing list mailto: mailto: mailto:
 --- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
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 ___ Wicket-user mailing list mailto:
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Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Justin Lee
Hash: RIPEMD160

I'm +1 for the 1.5 change and the constructor change.  I think upgrading
to 1.5 has many advantages and while it sucks for those left on 1.4 (or
god forbid 1.3!) we can't keep dragging our feet for stragglers.

Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 Yeah. One of our most important use of generics would be IModel. It's
 just not possible to seperate that from core without having to
 maintain seperate code bases.
 On 2/14/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 another java5 jar that is an add on for the normal wicket.jar?
 If we introduce generics i think it will be ALL over the place throughout
 the complete code base of wicket.
 There is no real seperation.


 On 2/14/06, Ingram Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is my opinion:

 +1 for the Constructor refactoring to 1.3
 for JDK5 it's better to split another wicket-jdk5.jar so we can benefit
 from it *now*.
 And merging both together when wicket 2.5 or 3 finished.

 I hope future wicket can buddle all fundamentals in one single package,
 download one that contains:


 or even better, pack all into one big wicket-all.jar just like Spring

 On 2/14/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
 to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
 look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
 adjust where appropiate.

 There are two very big things ahead of us:
 - constructor refactor
 we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
 for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
 we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
 have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
 component tag in the page constructor.
 We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
 and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
 constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

public MyPage() {
 WebMarkupContainer c = new
 c.add(new TextField(bar1));
 c.add(new Label(bar2));
 c.add(new Label(bar3));

will become:

public MyPage() {
WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this,
new TextField(c, bar1);
new Label(c, bar2);
new Label(c, bar3);

 This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
 core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is
 to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

 - java 5 support
 This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand
 many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

 There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of
 can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
 many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
 move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only
 so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
 drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have
 make a choice.

 The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
 - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
 postponing 1.5 to
Wicket 3?
 - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
 on JDK 1.4?
 - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket,
enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

 Thanks for your answers,


 Living a wicket life...

 Martijn Dashorst -

 Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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 for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
 searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
 Wicket-user mailing list

 Ingram Chen
 Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan

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Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
i think wicket starting out on 1.4 will need to stabilize properly on 1.4 before leaping to tiger. even though tiger has many tasty features like annotations and generics but since servers are still quite 1.4 friendly than 
1.5, its important to consider that. 

although if it has to change to 1.5, it should quickly make that jump before the user base grows too big so dat users wont have issues then

also if wicket suddenly leverages features in Tiger which many developers may still be learning, it may suddenly affect the learning curve of wicket.

on the overall, i want to vote for wicket staying at 1.4 for a while more
On 2/14/06, John Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tuesday 14 Feb 2006 11:43, Eelco Hillenius wrote: move. I am always in favor of clarity and breaking early in these
 matters.I would certainly rather see wicket become a better framework than be heldback by backwards compatibility.Those who are not willing to refactor theirui code can simply keep using wicket 
1.2.It is a good product now andalways will be!---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log filesfor problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
___Wicket-user mailing The more life's risk you take, the more life's reward you get - MeAladejebi Ayodeji A., Project Leads
PentaSoft Technologies Nigeria LimitedFloor 1, AP Plaza, Ademola Adetokunbo Crescent, Wuse IIAbuja, Nigeria |Tel: 234-09-5233478 | Fax: 234-09-5233470Interested in Java Development?Visit my blog: Ayodeji Aladejebi's JBlog | Visit, Nigeria

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Andrew Lombardi

On Feb 13, 2006, at 4:53 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:


 - constructor refactor
we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support

+1 on the constructor refactor, just means I'll have to convert a few  
things over once its done .. oh well :)

 - java 5 support
This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I  
understand that
many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in  

+1 on java 5 support, I've had this in production for at least a  
year ... and the benefits outweigh any drawbacks.

The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?

no, get that out the door, and do this for 1.3 or future ..

 - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
   Wicket 3?

bundle it all in one, so the pain is localized and controlled.

 - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?
 - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5  
Wicket, which

   enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

Thanks for your answers,


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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log files

for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD  

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Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Essington

On Feb 13, 2006, at 5:53 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?

+1 on the upgrade to 1.5
+1 on adding parent to the constructor

1.2 will serve well for those who can't be bothered to upgrade their  
and it has the added benefit of not having to upgrade their  
framework :-)

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.

Why should it redirect to /foo/

Because I've entered /foo/ and a typical plain-html-webserver redirects 
to /foo/index.html.

You can do that if you mount bookmarkable pages i guess.

I have no clue, how to do that, esp. with the home page.

What kind of resource is not found?
Can you give an example?

I've tried to sketch that in my original posting. Sorry, if it wasn't 
clear enough. I'll try with different wordings:

I enter the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/ in the browser. My Index.html 
(and the page content ariving my browser) contains a graphic reference 
to graphics/logo.png (it is found and displayed correctly when I enter 
the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png). Since the 
wicket-servlet obviously is redirecting to 
http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0, the browser obviously expects the 
graphic to be at http://localhost:8080/graphics/logo.png (note the 
missing /foo after the port!).


Johan Compagner wrote:

Why should it redirect to /foo/
You can do that if you mount bookmarkable pages i guess.

What kind of resource is not found?
Can you give an example?


On 2/14/06, *Thomas Singer* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  does this clear things up?

No, not really.

  it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html
matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/*
mapping will match /foo/index.html fragment of the url.

This fully is clear, but why http://localhost/foo?page=0 is processed by
the /foo/*-mapping? And why does the wicket-servlet redirects to
http://localhost/foo?page=0 and not to http://localhost/foo/

I'll ask these things, because this might be the problem why my resource
(graphics) cannot not be found.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html
matches the
  /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will
  /foo/index.html fragment of the url.
  i am assuming you are deploying the wicket app in the root
context, so
  users should really be starting at http://localhost/index.html
  when your users hit http://localhost/foo/ it will be processed by the
  wicket servlet. since no page is specified the homepage will be
  does this clear things up?
  On 2/14/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Igor,
  I meant something different. What happens, when the user
enters the URL
  http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address
is sent to
  the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the
  browser to
  http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the
same). But
  the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
  http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory).
Is this
  correct so far?
  Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this
request, when
  the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?
  PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first
deeper steps
  in webapp development.
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
you should put index.html in your context root and have a
to /foo inside
something like this:
meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=foo
On 2/13/06, *Tom S.*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
OK, I now can read my html files from a different
location. But I
still have
a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The
mapping in the
web.xml looks like this:
When I open the URL
  http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png, the
is shown. In the Index.html (my home page), it is
references as
graphics/logo.png. Unfortunately it cannot be found
displaying the
home page with the URL 

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Alexandre Bairos
+1 for Jonathan Locke´s statement.

regardsOn 2/14/06, Jonathan Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
+1 on Java 5 sooner. for one thing, we can't fold the
authentication package into the core until we adopt it. for
another, the lack of typesafe models is something we ought to remedy as
soon as we possibly can. so i like the idea of doing 1.3 VERY
quickly (JUST the constructor change and associated ajax work over a
few short weeks) and then immediately have HEAD for 2.0 be Java 5
based. and i'd like us to get 2.0 out pretty quickly too so that
WIA can include stuff about typesafe models and so forth.
On 2/13/06, Eelco Hillenius 
Here are mine: The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:- should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?No. The constructor changes first, we can call it 1.3

, and thatversion should be primarily just that change and some minor onesaround it.- should we make different releases for either change, and thus postponing 1.5 toWicket 3?

Yes. If we call the constructor change Wicket 1.3, we can call the JDK1.5 version Wicket 2.0.- how many of you still require for current or future projects to run on JDK 1.4?- how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?I agree with Igor that we should move to 1.5, and don't wait for ayear to do it. Not everyone will be happy with it, but we'll have avery decent version out with 
1.3 which we should support for a longtime (by which I mean bug fixing, not so much back porting newfeatures).Moving to 1.5 will eleminate a few of the weak features we still haveand can't fix. As Wicket is all about Java code and strong typing, it
sucks we can't have that strong typing in one of our major conceptsyet - the model. With generics we can have this. I think that alone isworth the move, and as a lot of other frameworks - either for UI stuff

or other purposes - already moved to 1.5, I don't think it is tooearly. We are already a year further since our first 1.5 discussions.Eelco---

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Wicket-user mailing

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap (Java {1.}5)

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.
Please ensure, that wicket still can be used on old 1.4 platforms (e.g. 
with retrotranslator). Not every provider has already switched to Java 1.5.


Tom S. wrote:

Java 5 support would be a really big plus
(esp. with tools like Retrotranslator and Retroweaver) for me as well.

We've tried Retroweaver with our desktop applications and it failed 
completely for non-trivial stuff. A few days ago I've tried 
Retrotranslator (did not know about it before) and so far I'm very happy 
with it and not had any crash.


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

[Wicket-user] Re: Simplest way to change Date format

2006-02-14 Thread Nathan Hamblen
This is neither simple nor clever, but it's one way:

public class WicketDateConverter implements IConverter {
private SimpleDateFormat format;

public WicketDateConverter(String formatStr) {
format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr);

public Object convert(Object value, Class c) {
if (value instanceof Calendar) value = ((Calendar)
return value == null || value.equals() ?  :

public Locale getLocale() {
return Locale.getDefault();

public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
// won't be paying attention to this anyway

Then, in a Page or Panel where you need to display a date,

// if you want to use it in several places on a page
private final WicketDateConverter dateAndTime = new
WicketDateConverter(MMM d, h:mm a);

And for the actual Label:

add(new Label(time) {
public IConverter getConverter() {
return dateAndTime;

All of this is certifiably nuts, but it's the only way I've found to
crank out dates in whatever format I want for a certain Label. You could
also subclass Label as SimpleDateLabel to avoid having to override
getConverter all the time. Guess I didn't bother that because I figure
the API develop a better way eventually.


On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 10:27 -0500, Steve Knight wrote:
 I have a Label that displays a java.util.Date, but I'd like to change
 the way it is displayed.  What is the simplest way to change the
 format for the label?
 I tried searching the mailing list but I think it only made me more confused.

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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
 Why should it redirect to /foo/ I've entered /foo/ and a typical plain-html-webserver redirects
to /foo/index.html.Thats not true many serve you the index.html on that dir but in the url you mostly just see /At least for homepages this is mostly the case.
 What kind of resource is not found? Can you give an example?I've tried to sketch that in my original posting. Sorry, if it wasn'tclear enough. I'll try with different wordings:I enter the URL 
http://localhost:8080/foo/ in the browser. My Index.html(and the page content ariving my browser) contains a graphic referenceto graphics/logo.png (it is found and displayed correctly when I enter
the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png). Since thewicket-servlet obviously is redirecting tohttp://localhost:8080/foo?page=0
, the browser obviously expects thegraphic to be at http://localhost:8080/graphics/logo.png (note themissing /foo after the port!).
so you just want to mix wicket pages and resources in the root of youre webapplication?Or are you also serving index.html (a plain resource) in the /foo/ dir what is mapped as the wicket servlet url?
That shouldn't be done. What does that index.html do?? Move it to the real root of youre webapplication./foo is there for dynamic pages.johan

Re: [Wicket-user] Re: Simplest way to change Date format

2006-02-14 Thread Eelco Hillenius
It's an area that might see a bit of improvement. The converter code
is completely generic, but unfortunately that doesn't help users
implement their own converters.

Would you mind opening up an RFE for this?


On 2/14/06, Nathan Hamblen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is neither simple nor clever, but it's one way:

 public class WicketDateConverter implements IConverter {
 private SimpleDateFormat format;

 public WicketDateConverter(String formatStr) {
 format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr);

 public Object convert(Object value, Class c) {
 if (value instanceof Calendar) value = ((Calendar)
 return value == null || value.equals() ?  :

 public Locale getLocale() {
 return Locale.getDefault();

 public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
 // won't be paying attention to this anyway

 Then, in a Page or Panel where you need to display a date,

 // if you want to use it in several places on a page
 private final WicketDateConverter dateAndTime = new
 WicketDateConverter(MMM d, h:mm a);

 And for the actual Label:

 add(new Label(time) {
 public IConverter getConverter() {
 return dateAndTime;

 All of this is certifiably nuts, but it's the only way I've found to
 crank out dates in whatever format I want for a certain Label. You could
 also subclass Label as SimpleDateLabel to avoid having to override
 getConverter all the time. Guess I didn't bother that because I figure
 the API develop a better way eventually.


 On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 10:27 -0500, Steve Knight wrote:
  I have a Label that displays a java.util.Date, but I'd like to change
  the way it is displayed.  What is the simplest way to change the
  format for the label?
  I tried searching the mailing list but I think it only made me more 

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Tom S.

Thats not true many serve you the index.html on that dir but in the url you 
mostly just see /
At least for homepages this is mostly the case.

Visually it does not change to /foo/index.html, but it behaves like this, 
because the resources are fetched relative to this path.

so you just want to mix wicket pages and resources in the root of youre 

First, /foo/ should be the root of our web-application. According to our 
provider, we later can map a domain to such a directory, so 
maps to http://ourserver/foo/. At least, that's how I understood it.

Or are you also serving index.html (a plain resource) in the /foo/ dir what is mapped as the wicket servlet url? 

No, there is no index.html anywhere on our server, I just used it to explain 
my felt difference to a plain html-web-server.


Johan Compagner schrieb:

  Why should it redirect to /foo/

Because I've entered /foo/ and a typical plain-html-webserver redirects
to /foo/index.html.

Thats not true many serve you the index.html on that dir but in the url 
you mostly just see /

At least for homepages this is mostly the case.

  What kind of resource is not found?
  Can you give an example?

I've tried to sketch that in my original posting. Sorry, if it wasn't
clear enough. I'll try with different wordings:

I enter the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/ in the browser. My Index.html
(and the page content ariving my browser) contains a graphic reference
to graphics/logo.png (it is found and displayed correctly when I
the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png). Since the
wicket-servlet obviously is redirecting to
http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0 http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0,
the browser obviously expects the
graphic to be at http://localhost:8080/graphics/logo.png (note the
missing /foo after the port!).

so you just want to mix wicket pages and resources in the root of youre 
Or are you also serving index.html (a plain resource) in the /foo/ dir 
what is mapped as the wicket servlet url?

That shouldn't be done.
What does that index.html do?? Move it to the real root of youre 

/foo is there for dynamic pages.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Alexandru Popescu


The main trunk of TestNG (http:/ is JDK 1.5 source base. Still we are able to release it 
for JDK1.4. The trick is simple: a compiler flag. There is still some small restriction: the code 
should not use JDK1.5-only API. If you can avoid this, than I can definitely pass you the details of 
how you can build/compiler JDK1.5 source code to be compatible on priori JVMs.


.w( the_mindstorm )p.

#: Martijn Dashorst changed the world a bit at a time by saying (astral date: 
2/14/2006 2:53 AM) :#


We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.

There are two very big things ahead of us:
 - constructor refactor
we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
component tag in the page constructor.
We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

   public MyPage() {
WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));
c.add(new Label(bar2));
c.add(new Label(bar3));

   will become:

   public MyPage() {
   WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, foo);
   new TextField(c, bar1);
   new Label(c, bar2);
   new Label(c, bar3);

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

 - java 5 support
This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand that
many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,
can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only support
so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
make a choice.

The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
 - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
   Wicket 3?
 - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?
 - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
   enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

Thanks for your answers,


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

[Wicket-user] recommend HTML editor for Wicket user

2006-02-14 Thread Frank Silbermann

I am not only new to Wicket; I am also new
to web programming. I can read
HTML, but Im not fluent in writing it. Any suggestions for a free HTML editor
that is appropriate for Wicket users?

I presume it should be text-centric rather
than a WYSIWYG editor, because we need to keep things clean, small and readable
at the tag level. But it would
probably be nice if there were a way to view the result at the touch of a
button. Also, it should make it
easy to produce correct XHTML, especially for someone who has trouble
remembering the names of tags.

Re: [Wicket-user] recommend HTML editor for Wicket user

2006-02-14 Thread Martijn Dashorst

There are several options. But by far the best one is use a plugin for
your IDE. NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA both have very decent markup
editors, with tag completion. Eclipse has a couple of plugins of
varying quality. You might want to check out the WTP package.

Eclipse has a built in browser, but I tend not to use that, as it gets
in the way of editing the file. As I am rather fluent in HTML I
usually know what the final result looks like.

A very nice workflow is to start Wicket using Jetty launcher, an
Eclipse plugin, and run your application in development mode (in your
application constructor do: configure(development);
This will instruct Wicket to scan for resource updates and will reload
your markup as you change it and press the save button. If you run in
debug mode, Eclipse will try to hot swap the code as you change it in
your application. So you can update that behavior of the onclick
method of your button and links!

If you don't mind paying a minor fee, you could see if MyEclipse works for you.

I don't have other preferences. For basic editing stuff on a windows
box I use UltraEdit. Probably the best plain text editor around.


On 2/14/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not only new to Wicket; I am also new to web programming.  I can read
 HTML, but I'm not fluent in writing it.  Any suggestions for a free HTML
 editor that is appropriate for Wicket users?

 I presume it should be text-centric rather than a WYSIWYG editor, because we
 need to keep things clean, small and readable at the tag level.  But it
 would probably be nice if there were a way to view the result at the touch
 of a button.  Also, it should make it easy to produce correct XHTML,
 especially for someone who has trouble remembering the names of tags.

Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-02-14 Thread Johan Compagner
wicket just does everything under /foo?xxxSo if you have plain web resources that are not served by wicket through shared resourcesthen just take that path into account in youre html files
On 2/14/06, Tom S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thats not true many serve you the index.html on that dir but in the url you mostly just see / At least for homepages this is mostly the case.Visually it does not change to /foo/index.html, but it behaves like this,
because the resources are fetched relative to this path. so you just want to mix wicket pages and resources in the root of youre webapplication?First, /foo/ should be the root of our web-application. According to our
provider, we later can map a domain to such a directory, so to http://ourserver/foo/. At least, that's how I understood it.
 Or are you also serving index.html (a plain resource) in the /foo/ dir what is mapped as the wicket servlet url?No, there is no index.html anywhere on our server, I just used it to explainmy felt difference to a plain html-web-server.
--Cheers,TomJohan Compagner schrieb: Why should it redirect to /foo/ Because I've entered /foo/ and a typical plain-html-webserver redirects to /foo/index.html.
 Thats not true many serve you the index.html on that dir but in the url you mostly just see / At least for homepages this is mostly the case. What kind of resource is not found?
 Can you give an example? I've tried to sketch that in my original posting. Sorry, if it wasn't clear enough. I'll try with different wordings: I enter the URL 
http://localhost:8080/foo/ in the browser. My Index.html (and the page content ariving my browser) contains a graphic reference to graphics/logo.png (it is found and displayed correctly when I
 enter the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png). Since the wicket-servlet obviously is redirecting to 
http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0 http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0, the browser obviously expects the graphic to be at 
http://localhost:8080/graphics/logo.png (note the missing /foo after the port!). so you just want to mix wicket pages and resources in the root of youre webapplication?
 Or are you also serving index.html (a plain resource) in the /foo/ dir what is mapped as the wicket servlet url? That shouldn't be done. What does that index.html do?? Move it to the real root of youre
 webapplication. /foo is there for dynamic pages. johan---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Jesse Sightler
Actually, the really nice thing about Retrotranslator (as opposed to Retroweaver) is that it does support quite a few of the new Java 1.5 APIs. java.util.concurrent and StringBuilder are both supported.-- Jess 2/14/06, Erik van Oosten 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I have no personal experience with retrowaever. However, there are many
success stories on the internet. I have at least one colleague that usedit without problems.If I understand correctly, there is one slight drawback: you can not usethe new java 5 APIs (like StringBuilder and 
java.util.concurrent).However, you do get all the new language stuff: generics, extended forloops, static imports, autoboxing/unboxing, varargs, enumerations andannotations.But since the move to java 5 is all about generics and not about API's I
would say: go for both!Regards, Erik.JasonB schreef: As Jesse referenced, once we move to Java 1.5 we can still release Java 1.4 versions via tools such as Retroweaver... assuming that the
 tool works as advertised. Has anyone had more experience in these types of tools?- Jason B.---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Derricutt
On 2/15/06, Jesse Sightler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, the really nice thing about Retrotranslator (as opposed to Retroweaver) is that it does support quite a few of the new Java 1.5 APIs. java.util.concurrent and StringBuilder are both supported.
Interesting - does it make use of the concurrent-backport and map the bytecode over?-- i like my video games - mamma said they are gonna melt my brainsi like my video games - i don't care what daddy said; they're my reality
- henning pauly

Re: [Wicket-user] Re: Simplest way to change Date format

2006-02-14 Thread Steve Knight
I tried Nathan's suggestion and it seems to work well.  Not exactly
simple though.

I believe RFE [ 1361336 ] already covers this.

Thank you both.

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Gili

Just curious, can you be more specific about problems with Retroweaver?


Tom S. wrote:

Java 5 support would be a really big plus
(esp. with tools like Retrotranslator and Retroweaver) for me as well.

We've tried Retroweaver with our desktop applications and it failed 
completely for non-trivial stuff. A few days ago I've tried 
Retrotranslator (did not know about it before) and so far I'm very happy 
with it and not had any crash.


Jesse Sightler wrote:

I'm completely in favor of jumping to Wicket 2.0 and implementing both
of these changes with it.  Java 5 support would be a really big plus
(esp. with tools like Retrotranslator and Retroweaver) for me as well.

I'm sure that won't be perfect for some people, but I think it is
reasonable to cut over now and keep a 1.2 version as a maintenance


On 2/13/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.

There are two very big things ahead of us:
 - constructor refactor
we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
component tag in the page constructor.
We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

   public MyPage() {
WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(foo);
c.add(new TextField(bar1));
c.add(new Label(bar2));
c.add(new Label(bar3));

   will become:

   public MyPage() {
   WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, 

   new TextField(c, bar1);
   new Label(c, bar2);
   new Label(c, bar3);

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is 

to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

 - java 5 support
This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I 
understand that

many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of 

can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only 

so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we 
have to

make a choice.

The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

 - should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
 - should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
   Wicket 3?
 - how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?
 - how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 
Wicket, which

   enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?

Thanks for your answers,


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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log files

for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!

Re: [Wicket-user] Post 1.2 roadmap

2006-02-14 Thread Gili

	Instead of introducing extra arguments to the constructor, why not 
simply move all this logic into a new method?

	That is, introduce Component.bind(Component parent). We'd benefit from 
the fact that Wicket components could become JavaBeans and method-based 
binding is more flexible than constructor-based binding.

	From past experience, whenever classes require arguments in their 
constructors there is always some flexibility lost. For example, you 
absolutely cannot invoke any code before super() if you subclass such a 
class so if the value of one of the arguments needs to be calculated or 
modified in any way prior to the super() call you're out of luck.


Timo Stamm wrote:

Johan Compagner schrieb:

that would be very hard to maintain.
For example if you have a panel that is rewritten by using only the new
parent in constructor params.
And you add that in youre own webpage/panel that doesn't use that 
parent in

constructor param.
Then you get all kind of errors because the child panel expect to have it
all but because of the hierarchy problem
that we have then, he doesn't have it.

So i do think it is all or nothing.

I see, thanks for the explanation.

-1 for constructor change.

On 2/14/06, Timo Stamm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Martijn Dashorst schrieb:

 - constructor refactor

Wow, that's a /major/ change and will probably effect every custom
component and every application written using Wicket.

I see the benefit of having a complete component hierarchy availably
right at the initialization of a class.

But wouldn't it suffice to just make the new constructors available, and
put a clear statement in the API docs? Then maybe deprecate the public
add() in the next major version, and drop it in 2.0 or something like

This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the

Just get rid of markup, it sucks anyway ;)

 - java 5 support


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Re: [Wicket-user] recommend HTML editor for Wicket user

2006-02-14 Thread Dirk Markert

2006/2/14, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Frank,There are several options. But by far the best one is use a plugin foryour IDE. NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA both have very decent markup
editors, with tag completion. Eclipse has a couple of plugins ofvarying quality. You might want to check out the WTP package.Eclipse has a built in browser, but I tend not to use that, as it getsin the way of editing the file. As I am rather fluent in HTML I
usually know what the final result looks like.A very nice workflow is to start Wicket using Jetty launcher, anEclipse plugin, and run your application in development mode (in yourapplication constructor do: configure(development);
This will instruct Wicket to scan for resource updates and will reloadyour markup as you change it and press the save button. If you run indebug mode, Eclipse will try to hot swap the code as you change it in
your application. So you can update that behavior of the onclickmethod of your button and links!If you don't mind paying a minor fee, you could see if MyEclipse works for you.I don't have other preferences. For basic editing stuff on a windows
box I use UltraEdit. Probably the best plain text editor around.

If you are looking for a free editoruse PSPad.

On 2/14/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: I am not only new to Wicket; I am also new to web programming.I can read HTML, but I'm not fluent in writing it.Any suggestions for a free HTML editor that is appropriate for Wicket users?
 I presume it should be text-centric rather than a WYSIWYG editor, because we need to keep things clean, small and readable at the tag level.But it would probably be nice if there were a way to view the result at the touch
 of a button.Also, it should make it easy to produce correct XHTML, especially for someone who has trouble remembering the names of tags.--Living a wicket life...Martijn Dashorst - 1.1.1 is out:
---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log filesfor problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing listWicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net

Re: [Wicket-user] recommend HTML editor for Wicket user

2006-02-14 Thread Ali Zaid
Ok, here what I do, I seperate classes and HTML in seperate folders, I use Dreamweaver for HTML, it has the option to add attribute to the tags and new tags, so I did, I added wicket:id and I added the wicket tags (remove, panel,...)
On 2/15/06, Dirk Markert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2006/2/14, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Frank,There are several options. But by far the best one is use a plugin for
your IDE. NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA both have very decent markup
editors, with tag completion. Eclipse has a couple of plugins ofvarying quality. You might want to check out the WTP package.Eclipse has a built in browser, but I tend not to use that, as it getsin the way of editing the file. As I am rather fluent in HTML I
usually know what the final result looks like.A very nice workflow is to start Wicket using Jetty launcher, anEclipse plugin, and run your application in development mode (in yourapplication constructor do: configure(development);
This will instruct Wicket to scan for resource updates and will reloadyour markup as you change it and press the save button. If you run indebug mode, Eclipse will try to hot swap the code as you change it in

your application. So you can update that behavior of the onclickmethod of your button and links!If you don't mind paying a minor fee, you could see if MyEclipse works for you.I don't have other preferences. For basic editing stuff on a windows
box I use UltraEdit. Probably the best plain text editor around.

If you are looking for a free editoruse PSPad.

On 2/14/06, Frank Silbermann 
 wrote: I am not only new to Wicket; I am also new to web programming.I can read HTML, but I'm not fluent in writing it.Any suggestions for a free HTML editor that is appropriate for Wicket users?
 I presume it should be text-centric rather than a WYSIWYG editor, because we need to keep things clean, small and readable at the tag level.But it would probably be nice if there were a way to view the result at the touch
 of a button.Also, it should make it easy to produce correct XHTML, especially for someone who has trouble remembering the names of tags.--Living a wicket life...Martijn Dashorst - 1.1.1 is out:
---This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log filesfor problems?Stop!Download the new AJAX search engine that makessearching your log files as easy as surfing theweb.DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Wicket-user mailing

-- Regards, Ali