Re: DIS: We actually have no Officeholders.

2017-07-09 Thread CuddleBeam
Yes, however the action of Ratifying itself wouldn't have been able to happen because it would've attempted to change the rules, with are preconditions in the rules that already existed for the ratification itself to take place. Imagine we added that: "Ratification can't be performed by

DIS: Heir bugs.

2017-07-02 Thread CuddleBeam
Found a thing while reading the Ruleset for my thesis (ty btw Orjan and Chuck for those recent replies, I appreciate it) So: R2485 has: (...) If the player does not do so within 1 day of deregistration, the > Registrar CAN and SHALL cause that player to pay eir Balance to Agora and > to

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer holds auctions

2017-07-02 Thread CuddleBeam
>Auctions are a regulated action. They're specifically regulated by the >rules Point me those rules then please lol, or say where and how exactly, as I have. >and even if they weren't, no sensical (shut up, it's a word now) >interpretation would allow you to auction things that another

DIS: Thesis: Spivak Culture

2017-07-01 Thread CuddleBeam
Here's my thesis on Spivak culture, check it out! With the info from the latest convos, it seemed pretty straightforwards to write, plus I find it to be a very interesting and useful topic to give information about. Spivak isn't a thing most people are familiar with, so I find it helpful to give

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Complete Shiny Economy Overhaul

2017-06-30 Thread CuddleBeam
>If you increase AP to 5 per week, I will pend it. I agree with that that would be a good change, but given that there would be rewards for making/pending/etc adopted proposals, I'd prefer to keep this good idea for later to reap shinies with it. Seems like a reasonable strategy. Leave bad

DIS: Re: BUS: Complete Shiny Economy Overhaul

2017-06-30 Thread CuddleBeam
>I'd really appreciate having this pended before the next proposal pool >(I don't have any shinies). Pending price was 6 shinies, yeah?.Or something. I pay the amount necessary to get this pended. (I should have 14 shinies). Give me the money back or something lol if the proposal fails lol,

DIS: Win Auctions

2017-06-30 Thread CuddleBeam
I had in mind a scam for the upcoming Estate Auction. I bid some sufficiently large and intimidating amount of shinies (even if I don't have them, the point is to just win the auction because people are hopefully not aware of this scam. And yes, I'm telling the scam out loud here now lol). Then,

Re: Re: DIS: What's the Power of a cultural touchstone?

2017-06-30 Thread CuddleBeam
Issues about why Spivak is better or not aside, I got curious about why BlogNomic favors using layman language (it seems goes in hand with it being a much more casual nomic), versus Agora leaning towards Spivak, so I did a bit of digging. Apparently, there HAS been a time in Blognomic where

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
> Unrelated mostly but does anyone have any idea why Agora's offices > mostly end with "or" instead of "er"? Proto: Rename Herald to Heraldor, ADoP to ADoPor lol

DIS: We actually have no Officeholders.

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
R2162 states that: "A type of switch is a property that the rules define as a switch, and specify the following: (...) 2. One or more possible values for instances of that switch, exactly one of which is designated as the default. " So stating a default is required for a Switch to be a Switch.

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Jump In While The Water's Tepid

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>I primarily meant the pink slip attempt, but pointing your finger is a >CAN not a MUST. Piling on finger points for something not intentionally >bad form seems like needless antagonism. I agree. I was mostly correcting PSS's action of trying to give a Pink Slip when he can't with my own Point

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Jump In While The Water's Tepid

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
> database. Antagonizing another old, respected player who is currently making > up for that deficit seems to me to be the definition of shooting yourself in > the foot. No amount of respect or other positive feelings I have for a person will put them above the word of law. That said, I agree

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Not really "enforcing" it lol, but more like, pushing for it to be dominant/widely assumed by many.

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Spivak is personally important to me. I don't think I've overstated my feelings on this matter in the least. OK. It's alright to have that. I'm just curious how that is compatible with what you've stated here:

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Your argument is that the comfort of one person, you, outweighs >the comfort of any other persons? And that 'needing to think of >pronouns' is an issue singular to you, and not also everyone else? Possibly. I could be a Utility Monster, which could be curious to explore. I don't think that

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>accept that culture and to the best of your ability maintain it I agree with that such an effort should be taken but at this point its starting to become more satisfactory to see how far I can go with this while still being "technically correct".

DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>This, to my mind, is beyond the pale. The fact that you're unwilling >to 'stop and think' for other people's comfort. The fact that you >are either willfully or ignorantly conflating 'technically acceptable' >and 'I can call people whatever I want and not care about eir >feelings'. Of course,

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Language Trophies

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>The issue is that we aren’t broadly language accepting. Wasn't the current consensus that alternate languages (and I assume, variants/dialects/etc as well) was OK?

DIS: Proto: Ais is alright, the law is just insufficient.

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Remove the issued card from Ais because our laws were just insufficient for this case, really. (And we can do arbitrary stuff with proposals lol) Amend "The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all interested players have reasonably equal

Re: Re: DIS: Decoding attempt

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>More generally for everyone, what languages do you speak? In order of fluidity: Spanish (native), English (native), Swedish (native but I haven't practiced in forever so jag minnas inte mycket av det), Japanese (unhealthy amounts of anime lol), German (very basic), French (very basic), Lojban

DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer aka robin hood

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Rule 'categories' aren't a thing with any influence over >rule interpretation. They're arbtirarily decided by the Rulekeepor >for convenience. Ah, OK. Good to know, thank you. >It is a violation of something formal. It's a Cardable Offense. Yes, I agree to that. But it's not an "obligation" in

DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer aka robin hood

2017-06-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Gah Nevermind, I'm stupid and didn't realize that distributing=/=enacting and such. Betterer Pledges actually isn't in the rules yet. But oh well. Maybe what I've pointed out helps.

DIS: Proto: Lets all use [Insert agreed language here] when we can.

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
I think this could be a pretty good ribbon opportunity for me lol. Here we go: Proto: Official Language: Agora has an Official Language, which is a switch that can take values which are languages, tracked by the Registrar/Herald/someone and defaults to English. Public messages are ENCOURAGED

Re: Re: DIS: Aesthetic Theme?

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
>to "execute" traitors and award good (for "good", read "evil") play. Oh, we had that Stocks idea running around, yeah? What about STOCKS for our Good and Bad behavior? Say you can be an Angel or a Demon or something. If you're an Angel, you gain $$$ each time some honor is awarded or

Re: DIS: Proto-pendposal

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
People might just opt to making a proposal per week or try to buy Highlights and pretty much never actually pend stuff with shinies ever again. I think it would hit the economy pretty hard, but it could make the game much more interesting too. I wouldn't be against it. Better than shiny-hoarding

DIS: Aesthetic Theme?

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
The "Adding fun and flavor" ball is rolling and it looks to be promising. For the sake of it (and even if "Adding fun and flavor" eventually doesn't go anywhere, I'm interested in knowing), what themes/aesthetics are you interested in exploring and which would you prefer to have avoided? I

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Adding fun and flavor

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
I support having a weekly/monthly free proposal thing of a sort to still keep the shinies pending system to see if we can still do something about it but become able to propose more freely.

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Adding fun and flavor

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
> 1) Would you hate the fee less if it was accompanied by payout >for successful proposals? I'd still dislike it, because via being able to plan everything with Protos anyways: A- Making successful proposals net a profit, incentivizing to farm shinies via it, not actually propose. We reward

Re: DIS: Proto: Adding fun and flavor

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
Looks good and I'm super enthusiastic about the map. Perhaps somewhere else besides Australia though? Aside from that I'd like "civilian" asymmetry. The Scribes/Acolytes/etc system with the Blots and all seemed super interesting. As for implementing it all, how about something like this so that

DIS: Re: BUS: Because nobody would give me advice on how to use this

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
> "Because nobody would give me advice on how to use this" If it helps, I'm just not motivated to tell you how to use it because the subordinate John Sir Hiss role (A totally charitable "greater good" kind of role can be better done by targeting EVERYONE with a public message, not just trying to

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: 2CFJs

2017-06-28 Thread CuddleBeam
>Before it's assigned. All your CFJs are assigned. For functional purposes, yeah, it's kind of only "regular" gameplay relevant if the barring is done then. But I don't see why I can't bar after years have passed, because the wording is just "E may optionally bar one person from the case.",

DIS: Most Welcome

2017-06-27 Thread CuddleBeam
Could be a bit silly but here I go: We got "AND FURTHERMORE, additions to this Parade are most welcome when Events suiting the honour should occur." We don't have an explicit definition for "Events" (or at least, I haven't found one), so I believe that just making it up as an unregulated action

DIS: Re: BUS: Elections

2017-06-27 Thread CuddleBeam
>Because I am rather bored, I initiate elections for Prime Minister, Herald >and Report or by announcement. Hi rather bored, it's me dad.

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament

2017-06-26 Thread CuddleBeam
>No, it only allows me to limit eir game actions because it only allows internal actions, if you look at the rules. ...I don't see that. Maybe I'm missing something though - in which case, please point out what I'm missing. What I'm finding is: "However, the Herald may remove participants or

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament

2017-06-26 Thread CuddleBeam
"limit eir actions" While I endorse that PSS can do well as a sole Judge for the Tourney, t-that provision is way too much power for a mere mortal imo. Limiting the ability to propose! To comment! To vote! To register! To *do* *anything*. Too much! But the rest looks solid and better,

RE: DIS: on privacy

2017-06-26 Thread CuddleBeam
We could define "privacy" in the tourney's rules. I also find the private/public dichotomy to be weak. I can, instead of posting to the public fora, just get everyone's emails and send them an email straight to them individually but with the same message. It's private! Keeping information secret

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament

2017-06-26 Thread CuddleBeam
Imo the metagame of how I think the tournament is supposed to work will be something like this: You give 3 daily Karma and gain 3 daily Karma due to symmetric trades ("Aiyo I give u a Karma for a Karma" "ok sounds cool, ty") and end up with a huge tie with everyone else who has done the same

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament

2017-06-26 Thread CuddleBeam
For 10 shinies (or a similar favor) I'm up for being someone's meatpuppet for purposes of winning the tournament (You can't publicly post about your actions, but I could publicly post them for you, for example, as well as feed you Karma). Please contact me privately to if

DIS: Automated/Automation-assisted Bureaucracy

2017-06-17 Thread CuddleBeam
With the new Agora site on the horizon, would it be possible to have some bureaucratic matters be handled by a GNDT-like system? (The GNDT is a little web code thing on BlogNomic that very comfortably handles public information) For example, with money transactions, I think they can be more

Re: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Secretary] Weekly Report

2017-06-16 Thread CuddleBeam
>Kerim Aydin 's post To add to that, can non-players perform unregulated actions? Non-players actually being able to "play" the game without needing to be bound to its rules is already pretty big "hocus

DIS: Re: BUS: An apology

2017-06-16 Thread CuddleBeam
I think this is very cool and I laughed a bit lol Agoran Theatre when. (Thesis of Arts?) Proto: - Doctor of Nomic Art (D.N.Art.)

DIS: Proto: Circuit Board

2017-06-16 Thread CuddleBeam
I like my "emulated Agoran Consent" thing a lot (which seems to work pretty OK! I'm thankful for seeing people use it), as well as the series of rules which depend on it which, together, make a useful "thing" floating in formal space. In my case, a lottery. To make it a bit more formal, as well

DIS: Re: OFF: [Secretary] Weekly Report

2017-06-15 Thread CuddleBeam
Isn't PSS and Publius Scrib(...) the same person? (8 and 45 Shinies)

Re: Re: DIS: 1 person playing as many players?

2017-06-15 Thread CuddleBeam
About the perma-banning, I'd prefer it to be encased in "subjectivity" (versus "formality") because the more formal it is, the easier it is to scam, and I really, really don't want to get a legitimate scam involving perma-banning others.

DIS: 1 person playing as many players?

2017-06-13 Thread CuddleBeam
It... seems extremely easy to just make more emails and have a bunch of sockpuppets. Has it been an issue in the past? There doesn't seem to be any direct measures against it.

DIS: Interaction between CFJ 1709 and R869

2017-06-13 Thread CuddleBeam
We have: [CFJ 1709 (called 26 July 2007): The rules are binding on all those who play the game in the broader sense, regardless of whether they have the rule-defined status of "player".] And then in R869: "The Rules CANNOT otherwise bind a person to abide by any agreement without that person's

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: I Point the Finger

2017-06-13 Thread CuddleBeam
>> “o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.” >> >> I bar o from both CFJs. >These are CFJ 3508 and CFJ 3509 respectively. I assign them to >CuddleBeam. 3509 is “o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.” which is the tit fo

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: I Point the Finger

2017-06-13 Thread CuddleBeam
I actually never gave formal judgement. I don't know why people think I've DIMISSED it or broken my pledge. Please link to me where I've explicitly given Judgement. I also agree with that I should be yellow-carded, but for simple negligence of not doing what I was supposed to (give Judgement),

Re: Re: Re: DIS: new player limits and bonuses

2017-06-12 Thread CuddleBeam
>The proposal things Maybe its just me but I'm not particularly motivated to make proposals. Its a bit because of Adam Smith-like economics and personal greed I guess. I know that using my shinies to make proposals myself will likely result in those shinies being used woefully inefficiently (in

Re: Re: DIS: new player limits and bonuses

2017-06-12 Thread CuddleBeam
>vexatious CFJs I think part of the motivation for player to do those CFJs is to get guaranteed, safe information without any risk of would-be social hurdles. Its like going to the government office of information for information which seems that it should be very professional and helpful,

Re: DIS: new player limits and bonuses

2017-06-12 Thread CuddleBeam
I think this would be good. It might help to note that my main motivation for CFJs (and maybe for others) is that while I know I can informally ask for help, CFJing just seems to be a strictly better choice as it's the same thing, except its now totally official too. I feel pretty vulnerable at

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Cuddlebeam = CuddleBeam?

2017-06-12 Thread CuddleBeam
I retracted it, sorry. I looked through the CFJ history and couldn't find anything relevant (maybe I didn't search for the right thing though) but I'm glad to know that its alright.

Re: DIS: Is being required to violate a Rule against the Rules?

2017-06-09 Thread CuddleBeam
I messed up, sorry. Reposting: It's a very interesting point but I don't think there is any conflict How I see it, is that the rules are bugged and if you're Officer A, you're screwed, no matter what you do. Just faulty rules. So I'd go with that if you don't do the thing in time, you get a

DIS: Up for testing Agency minigames

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Agencies are amazing, you can pretty much create switches inside of it and make your own minigames inside of it via threading conditions. If you need a tester for a mechanic for your protosal/proposal, and you'd like to use an Agency for that testing, I'm up for it. I have a few shinies too (you

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Proposal] Judicial Reform

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
The Academia Proposal Contest is there so perhaps have two levels of Judges? Casual and High/Pro/Superior? Make a Judge-Degree? (Can just be a CFJ test) I definitely think newcomers can handle the more mundane CFJs like CFJ: "can I do this?" *Judge points to a rule, sometimes even two.* "Yes

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: This isn't what I thought it would be

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Gah. Oh well. How would you put it? I'm digging a hole for myself, nvm, sorry

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: This isn't what I thought it would be

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Just in case you're not aware, that message _still_ makes you sound like a huge dick. Gah. Oh well. How would you put it?

DIS: Proto/Suggestion: Agoran Provinces

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
In order to break this "critical mass" of activity, I suggest dividing the game into three (simplified) sub-nomics, and have them each develop as their own Province. There has been precedence of Agora having a similar "divide" (the Blots and such), although this would be making the slices in a

Re: Re: DIS: A Solution to the Issue of Philosophy

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Precisely because its gameplay-related is what makes it interesting (to me, personally). It's like finding a lego block and finding that it somehow relates to the beginning of the universe. Also, there seems to be a "Critical Mass" of activity that the Ruleset/game design can handle at any time.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: This isn't what I thought it would be

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
man saying that so stale makes me sound like a huge dick. ok so BASICALLY: -Dude it sucks that you have to leave -I'm not sorry about doing what I'm doing though -I want us both to play *together* in our *own way* and be HAPPY. Hopefully in the future that happens. OK THATS ALL I FEEL AWKWARD

DIS: Re: BUS: This isn't what I thought it would be

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
I find it massively unfortunate that you've felt the need to leave, and I do feel that I'm definitely part of this new music that is sounding across Agora which you dislike. But I enjoy what I enjoy, and I'll pursue my own happiness in Agora, but I'll also try to help everyone else achieve theirs

Re: Re: DIS: Regulating snark

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
Perhaps make a central "Karma" system, linked to both cards and grudges? And holding Office with a "clean-streak" of not doing any offenses and no Tardiness would earn you Karma, for example, because you've done good service. I think it would be good for both anti-negative and pro-positive

Re: Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Please tone down the language a wee bit, we like to pretend to be >genteel. (I'm not saying nichdel wasn't overly snarky emself; this is a >de-escalation request all around). Yeah I re-read my thing and found it to be more intense than it should be lol. Sorry about that.

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>This response makes me think you didn't read or comprehend my response. This is a really intense claim, but I'll restate my response again, but breaking down your exact reply instead of making certain assumptions which I thought were obvious from dialogue. I believe this is the "practical"

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>The rules allow withdrawing ballots and proposals explicitly, and explicitly mention what happens, so under those conditions it's clearly regulated. I disagree. An action is regulated if: * (1) the Rules limit, allow, enable, or permit its performance - There is no limitation, permission or

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-29 Thread CuddleBeam
>Although I do think grok's "If I am still an objector, but my objection >has been withdrawn [by someone else], can I withdraw my objection?" is >a valid question. We don't even have a mechanic to *withdraw* in the first place. If you can pull out of the ether that you can "withdraw", I believe

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
>From rule 2124: > An Objector to > a dependent action is an eligible entity who has publicly posted > (and not withdrawn) an objection to the announcement of intent > to perform the action. Ah, dangit, that verb conjugation. So subtle. I guess it would've worked if it was

Re: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
Cool. I think I'll just tell anyway. I'm not too overly interested in the subterfuge of it all. I just care mostly about confirming that it *would* work, that's good enough trophy for me. "Withdrawing" isn't a regulated action apparently (note that I, as the initiator, am not required to track

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer is a humble agoran farmer

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
How fast do proposals get passed, by average?

Re: RE: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer tries another thing

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
Hehe, nice. Also, I think it's like: ---*--- "Ayo, so here we got this hugeass field my friend. This is the field of All Actions." "Ok." "Now there we got that fence. Its a limitation. Everything within it is known to be "Fenced" because it's surrounded by fence, and limited by it." "Ok. But

RE: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer tries another thing

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
LUCKILY I'm a bum who sometimes doesn't submit their stuff to the right forum. If you think its cool then sure, I can just leave it.

DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer tries another thing

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
Aaah. I think we have two "proscribes" then: -Morally condemn: "Yeah you can do it, but it is punishable" -Mechanically impossible: "You can't be a Player and a non-Player at the same time" I tend to think of everything in sheer mechanics, I didn't realize the "moral" proscribe. I think it would

RE: DIS: Re: BUS: humble Agoran farmer tries a thing

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
I derped there. "Unregulated actions" seem to bizarre to me though, because its nearly like ad hoc anything. I think I've proven that they don't actually exist though, as far the Ruleset is concerned.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Thesis] Actions in Nomic

2017-05-28 Thread CuddleBeam
- The thesis is pretty much about Agora nomic specifically, so please change the title. - "Interestingly, Suber’s ruleset leaves very basic actions such as joining or leaving the game unregulated allowing them to occur in any manner." This is a bizarre point which I wish could be expanded on.

Re: Re: DIS: Issuing a card for the wrong reason generating infinite loop

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
Gotcha, thank you so much for the cool history and reply and all, I appreciate it.

Re: Re: DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
I just realized that if Principle of Explosion could be used at some moment, Agora would become senseless chaotic soup, even if I attempted to use my Explosion powers to remove the contradiction and re-stabilize Agora. Yeah, it can be provable that I can do anything, but: It can also be provable

DIS: Re: BUS: [Thesis] Actions in Nomic

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
YEEESSS but I can't see those boxes properly in the archive. Please upload a copy to pastebin and/or send me a copy directly to please PSS.

DIS: Proto: Rule-Breeders Theme: Build your "Superpowers"

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
ot; theme? I have my little Rule-Pet with this for example: Cuddlebeam's Rule-Pet called "Cakecat": Cuddlebeam may take one Shiny from Agora, one time per week. And then a friend of mine has this Rule-Pet for example: Wilson's Rule Pet called "Bolliboll": Wilson can take two

Re: Re: DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
I personally picture Agora's (or any nomic's) "information-processing" to be a sort of a sea of "axioms" which vary over time and whether you have these axioms or those not depends on "where" you are, for example, who judges your CFJs or who approaches to vote on other certain "truth"-obtaining

Re: DIS: Issuing a card for the wrong reason generating infinite loop

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
I made a comic thing based on this problem of "decentralized Justice" especially when it comes to what is "right" and "wrong" in a more moral/ethical kind of way (what is "abuse" and what isn't for example). In fact, it could be applied to anything of the sort and

DIS: Issuing a card for the wrong reason generating infinite loop

2017-05-27 Thread CuddleBeam
(I know this is related to that CFJ I didn't want to judge but this is more of a generalization which I've thought based on my own would-be Judgement, to better understand if my would-be Judgement would be right or wrong itself or if this is just a funny quirk of the system.) So imagine A-man

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
OK so let me confirm to see if I get it and sorry for my insistence: So if I had: CFJ 1: A is True. CFJ 2: A is False. I can reductio ad absurdum (although a really short one) CFJ 1 by just presenting CFJ 2, and CFJ 2 by presenting CFJ 1. With that, I would be barred from deducing anything

Re: Re: DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
>Moreover, the Principle of Explosion is the quintessence of what Rule 217's >second paragraph is meant to forbid. This, yes? Definitions and prescriptions in the rules are only to be applied using direct, forward reasoning; in particular, an absurdity that can be concluded

Re: Re: DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
I feel a lot less Platonist about Agora's formal space right now. >I also don't think the Principle of Explosion applies because DISMISS is an option. Once two contradictory CFJs are found, why go back to DISMISS it? Either: 1) The Principle of Explosion actually works and its an attempt to

DIS: Find two contradictory CFJs -> Principle of explosion -> Do anything

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
Would this be a valid way to scam? Or are CFJs more like guidelines?

Re: Re: DIS: Wow - Proposal Competitions are crazy powerful.

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
>Typically you need to make the end goal something players already value, like a win. What if we call the token SUPER win

Re: Re: DIS: Wow - Proposal Competitions are crazy powerful.

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
>religion themed rulesystems We already have a "religion" system here. To imagine it, imagine the "Agora ruleset" is now called "Bible", "Quran", or something similar. Replace "bad sport" in our ruleset with "sinner". Now look at all of our conflicts over considering what is cardable or not.

Re: DIS: Wow - Proposal Competitions are crazy powerful.

2017-05-26 Thread CuddleBeam
>Proposal Competitions are crazy powerful. I... don't see how proposal competitions are particularly powerful. I might be missing something though.

DIS: How to make an Agora Virus of a sort

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
So I tried to think of a way to somehow make a "virus" via agencies because they're so computer- like but I couldn't figure out a way to make some entity copy itself into other Agencies by force. I eventually figured that I'd need something that is driven by people themselves. So I thought of the

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
>Great Degree, Super Awesome Degree, Very Very Rad Degree... goddamnit I laughed way harder than I should have lol

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
>Proto: For every thesis beyond a PhD-qualifying thesis that a >player submits, e receives a Degree where is one >more positive adjectives than the last degree e received had. >PhD, Great Degree, Super Awesome Degree, Very Very Rad Degree... goddamnit I laughed way harder than I should have

Re: Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
Ah, ok, sorry. I also wondering about that myself because what would happen if I max out at degrees yet still want to submit more thesis? I just don't go higher I guess. Or I become Magnum Philosopher Quad-PhD Thesispooper Supreme with Capuchino of Nomic or something I dunno.

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
I'm guessing that it likely just made sense to themselves at the time. Why would anyone even *try* to submit more than one thesis? Holy fuck. A *whole* thesis. Based on that suspicion, I think it's just spectacle creep that we consider that now to be a bit silly. Again, just guessing.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Herald] Let us begin the winning

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
>I resolve my intent to grant the Badge of the Great Agoran Revival. I'm not sure you can do that on Discussion.

Re: DIS: Sites Progress

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
This is superb and I love it.

Re: Re: DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
rald, we could just grant both titles to the Herald and if it works, keep it,, possibly just merge it back, if not, change from there. I'd prefer to actually try both options live, since it doesn't seem particularly dangerous to do so. It's just pretty mundane tracking and coordination. On Thu, May 25

DIS: Proto: Agoran Research Funding/Grants/Scholarship/other term

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
AKA: Foster home for deviant topics so that the CFJ system can flow more smoothly for practical purposes. Also, a way to better keep our theses treasures. I'd like to improve the state of our Agoran Library! It's a pity that its been a bit neglected and I'd like to fix that. In light of recent

Re: DIS: Re: Re: BUS: CFJ 3509 Judgement (Dismissed, insufficient information)

2017-05-25 Thread CuddleBeam
@ais523: Super. Thank you! I'll try to make a sufficiently eloquent but also concise and easy-to-use definition of what kind of cases I find myself more suitable for, but it's definitely the more philosophical kind, because I will go above and beyond to give it a better answer than just "it's

DIS: Protosal: Suicide Chess - Agora Style.

2017-05-24 Thread CuddleBeam
I have some shiny so I figured I could suggest a new kind of challenge that doesn't require much rule changes. In fact, the current rules, just as they are right now, are IDEAL for something like this, because the whole idea is to play a game designed to be played "forwards" (current Agora, as I

DIS: humble agoran farmer attempts to invent the noose

2017-05-24 Thread CuddleBeam
Please note that I'm NOT making any pledges here I'm just posting a hypothetical "suicide pledge" because I think its interesting (and funny). ♦️ I hereby pledge (one thousand times) to gain a Red Card. (I think you'd get at *least* a collection of Yellow Cards. I don't think there is actually a

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