Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: AlexN94
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone Aprone wrote:Sadly I think youre right Musicman. (That sort of sounded like I was putting you down Musicman, so I might as well keep going to have some fun) I wake up each morning, fall to my knees, stretch my hands to the heavens, and cry out to the universe

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader thanks for your wonderfull program aprone. I am using subtitles because English is not my native language and all English movies have them. this is very usefull to me. thanks..until now I was using v player which could read subtitles with jaws.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas
Re: braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players hi rachelwelcome to the forum. i have tried your tech releases since this topic was posted by grryfindore. very cool game and i am looking forward how this project will evolve.greetz mikeURL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal
Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13 If it can be played with gamepad, not sure. Probably Keyboard / wiimote.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Solara

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: diziet
Re: Solara Moving buildings doesnt cost gold.There are 18 classes total. The Sentinel is like a super strong footman -- he has more armor, more hp and he can sometimes take hits for your heroes by rushing in front of the attack. You can beat the sentinel with classes that do magic damage.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] login issues

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark
Re: login issues Hmmm, that doesnt sound like a site problem, and the fact that Ive never seen this myself makes it a little hard to replicate. Either he is! indeed taking too long to log in, or perhaps there is a problem with his net connection, (that would obviously affect multiple

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Links for Interview and Videos of Dark Room Sex Broken

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark
Re: Links for Interview and Videos of Dark Room Sex Broken I suspect its just that the developer took those links down, obviously the site doesnt host such things oursellves. Whether you play or not is up to you, but can you download the game itselff? and have you tried going to the developers

[Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Just started on we're alive While I know we obviously have a very big topic on this, I dont want spoilage, so starting another seemed like a good idea.I started last night, and after spending a lot of time being up, am currently half way through chapter eight. I must admit I like thus far. The

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: paddy
Re: future of Bavisoft games Well my first ever audiogame in 2005 was Der Tag wird zur Nacht.I heard of Bavisoft in 2007, but since I was in the 4th grade and I could only play games like time adventures cuz I could understand everything. When I listened to the bank and salon preview, I thought

[Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Just started on we're alive While I know we obviously have a very big topic on this, I dont want spoilage, so starting another seemed like a good idea.I started last night, and after spending a lot of time being up, am currently half way through chapter eight. I must admit I like thus far. The

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A problem with mushclient and NVDA

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Re: A problem with mushclient and NVDA Moderation!Mushclient is game related enough to ask this in general game discussion so I am moving the topic.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A problem with mushclient and NVDA

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: A problem with mushclient and NVDA Moderation!Mushclient is game related enough to ask this in general game discussion so I am moving the topic.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing

[Audiogames-reflector] A problem with mushclient and NVDA

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Mord-Sith
A problem with mushclient and NVDA Hello, allRecently my NVDA hasnt been working well with mushclient. In the normal version of mushclient, it wont even read the text in the window with the flat review. In the mushZ client, used for alter-aeon, it will read the text, but it cuts off at about

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players Hi Rachel and welcome to the forum. I personally look forward to playing the full game when the xp thing is fixed. I remember watching a lot of the pokemon cartoon and being irritated at not having access to many of the earlier games.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: future of Bavisoft games These days I play for the cute atmospheres, but there Grizzly Gulch is somewhat better.Ive always wondered: what happens if you complete the very last scene in Grizzly Gulch (those damned annoying rattlesnakes) but then fail to catch the card dealer? Does anybody

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] login issues

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby
Re: login issues What type of connection is he on? Has he recently changed any of his network equipment since when this was an issue?The only thing I know of which causes these types of symptoms are MTU issues, which dont show up unless the site just happens to deliver a very large page. Try

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: future of Bavisoft games I did try that once for kicks, and because I wanted to hear his taunts. unfortunately you go right back to the martials office and have to go and get murderin sam again, rattlers and all. Im not sure myself, Ggs lack of actual plot was sort of annoying, I also would

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: future of Bavisoft games Yeah. Perhaps the town isnt a very ideal place, or perhaps Bavisoft just did weird things with their loops, which was particularly noticeable in Chillingham. I take your point about the variation in Chillingham, but there was definitely something very cosy and cool

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94
Re: Just started on we're alive Oh, its going to be much cooler! Regarding the zombie evolution dont worry. Muhahaha!I definitely hope youll like the rest of it too, personally I love the series! So far season 3 is my favorite though, but... No spoilers. Hehe.URL:

[Audiogames-reflector] bluescreen, a stage for aac.

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: burak
bluescreen, a stage for aac. Hey, heres a stage. finish it if you can! … screen.stgURL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kool_turk
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader You could probably take this a step further, if this thing is reading subtitles, why not make subtitles that have things described instead of translate.Just something to throw out there.I brought this up on another forum ages ago, and a majority

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp
Re: mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3 um? set the configured line to true, and add in the resolution of 1366x768 if your comp can support that, if that doesnt work, then i can give you my options fileURL:

[Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Chris
Some questions about Dimensions Hi.Well, I downloaded Dimensions but am kind of confused. First of all, what is the point of this game? I opened it and got all this weird sound. Then apparently I have to go on some kind of training and I got to a beam thing but cant figure out how to continue.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] desert-operations finally playable.

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: pelantas
Re: desert-operations finally playable. hi@giovaniwhen you go to the adress:http://www.desert-operations.usyoull get the website in english. at least it is at my systems.thhe adress:http://www.desert-operations.deis in german and the adress:http://www.desert-operations.nlis in i said

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas
Re: Some questions about Dimensions hi@chrisi also tried the dimensions game a long time ago. and what i did was listen the sounds and when it finished playing i had unlocked a new level. a pretty pointless game in my oppinion. i also cant figure out what the sounds are representing.about het

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: future of Bavisoft games I did try that once for kicks, and because I wanted to hear his taunts. unfortunately you go right back to the martials office and have to go and get murderin sam again, rattlers and all. Im not sure myself, Ggs lack of actual plot was sort of annoying, I also would

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: future of Bavisoft games Yep I noticed the looping issue, but at the same time I liked the idea that there were swamps, forests as well as buildings like the church, library etc, it gave a little more in way of diversity than just a saloon and some gun fightts interspursed with some rather

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: Sapi Whoa, wait a minute. Thats a massive infodump.You say DECTalk and Eloquence are available, yes? Eloquence I can agree with; I have Window-Eyes and hence the SAPI 4 synthesisers, but not SAPI5.The AGRIP project provides working SAPI4 synthesisers for XP and up of all the old Microsoft

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus
Re: Some questions about Dimensions Dimencions is a game that takes the sound straight from your ambience and background and tweeks it to fit the particular dimencion you are in. Everything in the ghost dimencion sounds ghostly, everything in the tranquil dimencion sounds tranquil, and

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: future of Bavisoft games Yes, absolutely. Silver Dollar was also very cosy. Perhaps we should have an audiogame dedicated to risk game simulations. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: Some questions about Dimensions Id like the idea of Dimensions a lot more if it were accessible. Sadly there are some puzzles which are completely visual. This kind of gets to me, since the whole idea is audio immersion. And yes, the whole spam the world for points thing was very annoying

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: paddy
Re: future of Bavisoft games Yeah, GGs getting boring after playing it for the third time in a week. I only play it a few times in a year, but not more than once in a month.In my opinion, Chillingham is indeed better than grizzly, but both games are different. In GG you just need to fight

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Chris
Re: Sapi Hi.keynote gold? Yuck, keynote gold is terrible. Its worse than ESpeak or eloquence. As for SAPI voices, you can use sapi 4, though it will only work with screen readers really now.I wonder if the SAPI voices for Windows 8 can be downloaded for older windows? I actually want David,

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: daigonite
Re: braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players Im thinking about modelling the copyright thing off of how the Pokemon MMO does it - basically, they have donations that give you a number of credits that can buy you perks.But in order to use online functions, they cost tokens. You

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: Sapi @Chris: each to his own, I guess. eSpeak irritates me way more than Keynote; I can actually play IF with the latter, whereas the former is just never in character no matter what you do with it. The other great thing about Keynote is that it helps you avoid many typos; I think this is

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: Sapi @Chris: each to his own, I guess. eSpeak irritates me way more than Keynote; I can actually play IF with the latter, whereas the former is just never in character no matter what you do with it. The other great thing about Keynote is that it helps you avoid many typos; I think this is

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Chris
Re: Sapi Hi.keynote gold? Yuck, keynote gold is terrible. Its worse than ESpeak or eloquence. As for SAPI voices, you can use sapi 4, though it will only work with screen readers really now.I wonder if the SAPI voices for Windows 8 can be downloaded for older windows? I actually want David,

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Sebby
Re: Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS! If we could contact them, encouraging them to support Twitter as well is only marginally less insulting to me, and thats only because I have a Twitter account, whose value to me is greater than Facebook will ever be. But as

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Unsub Multiple Topics

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby
Re: Unsub Multiple Topics This is just an observation, but it would appear that PunBB isnt too popular with the plebs, and the software is updated fairly infrequently. Personally I say thats a vote of confidence, and thanks to this forum I now know there exist forums that dont require heaps of

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby
Re: What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth? Ah, gotcha. Yes, if the device came with a separate dongle then its generally not Bluetooth; itll be some proprietary pairing and these are sometimes (confusingly, IMO) called Wireless (which, of course, they are, but no

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward
Re: Sapi @Sebby, a while back I created a 64-bit setup-installer which allows you to install the Realspeak voices from your Jaws 8 CD on a newer Windows 7 and Windows 8 64-bit machine. I created the new setup, because I purchased those voices as part of a Jaws and Openbook upgrade, but their

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: majoz
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone pay... pay is not good idea, because I already have got a program, which can be updated by paying. pay is not good idea, because I am only 13 years old... when you are as small as me, you can not pay even your mother must know about it :d and I want to play swamp

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: arqmeister
Re: Sapi One question, how do you get espeak to work with sapi 5? Im thinking of using it for reading my textbooks which can only be done with sapi at this point.URL: ___

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone Um... why do you not want your mother to know you play Swamp? As I and others have said, paying for premium features will always be disliked by those unwilling to pay anything, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Okay, so make Tide free, then introduce the

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark
Re: Sapi You can grab the latest stable from: read the read me inside the archive.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123
Re: Just started on we're alive awe, give it a chance. it is kind of sad, but it is still happy. why do you think its really sad?you havent really gotten to the good parts. you still have a full season to listen to. and season 4 just started. gladd you really like it dark. the acting only getts

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA freezes!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: border1
Re: NVDA freezes! I have updated to version 2013.2 and there it began to start with the problem. Then I downgraded to version 2013_1.1. and it freezed. What can I do now that I can use it?URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas
Re: braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players hi@rachelglad to hear that it motivates you so much to get this game completed. we had a developer on this forum, who had thrown a idea called audio pokemon. but due to real life issues (correct me if this is wrong) the project didnt

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer
Re: What the? Hi there.First of all I apologize for the way I responded. I wasnt being clear enough.Firstly, I didnt want to lash out. I have stopped gaming, it seems, which would mean Miriani as well.Secondly, the reason I was posting this topic in the first place was because I got confused.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas
Re: Some questions about Dimensions hiwas the description i gave one simular to inception? that was their previous game and i am not sure right now if i played inception or dimension.greetz mikeURL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about Dimensions

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby
Re: Some questions about Dimensions They are very similar. Inception isnt really a game, in that you just experience the changes. I suppose Dimension was their attempt to capitalise on their audio-warping technology. URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: mary roy
Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this Hi... nice story.. Thanks for making this game URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA freezes!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: border1
Re: NVDA freezes! When I am installing NVDA, it asks me which braille display i would like to use. Then I click on my braille display and press enter. NVDA starts and my braille display isnt there. The setting is on no braille display (it is the same setting as before). That means it hasnt

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Weird sound issue with DSpeech, can anyone help?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak
Re: Weird sound issue with DSpeech, can anyone help? Hi,I think you should try goldwave. its not free but a ton times better than dspeech. use the TTSApp of ESpeak to turn your speech into wav, then just mix those together with goldwave.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: jsymes
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone Im not a big fan of subscriptions either. Id rather pay $40 up front once for the game, than be forced to pay a monthly subscription fee. What if circumstances make it that I dont get much chance to play during that month, then theres money down the tubes for

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: flame_elchemist
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone scroo payingURL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lucasradaelli
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader The good part is, we can get audio described movies now in mp3 files, and open the subtitle with it. Then, it is perfect \o/Aprone, just let me suggest one little thing:Would be it possible to create a command and to shift the subttitle in

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader Yeah Aprone!!!Cool thing. Cant test it out ...Still sounds like a good start.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: flame_elchemist
Re: Death Match I like all those ideas. What kinds of information would the computers have?URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Re: What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth? Well that would explain the reason why, if bluetooth is the specific capacity and wireless is the functionality. as I said most wireless keyboards Ive used for my pc have had their own dongle, indeed the one Im writing on

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Re: Just started on we're alive Well I am now up to chapter 13, and it does continue good, I love the realistic levels of incompetance, though it does seem the main characters are amazingly lucky :d. Ill likely go and start grabbing season four when I get there, indeed it was partly the fact

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tomi
Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP! Hello everyone,Ok, could someone please please give me the technical background to this?1. To my knowledge, the Echo 2 is a card, not a software synth. Is Jayson here responsible for all the hacking of the circuitry to get this to run in the

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS! Id rather not have to do that, it seems something of a waste, and I dont really see why social networkinng should be necessary for this sort of game, heck, even the mmorpgs like solara or the storm8 games make it an

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark
Re: braillemone a pokemon port for visually impaired players @Rachel, nice thinking on the legal point. though myself Id not particularly count pokemon games as accessible, not just because of missing out story and exploration, but because of time and effort needed for a blind player using faqs

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird
Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP! Hi,Wo, wo, wo! Slow down a moment there! I didnt do any of the work to get the Echo II emulated. But heres a very brief overview of how it works.The Echo cards use a particular speech chip from Texas Instruments, the TMS5220, to actually

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Unsub Multiple Topics

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark
Re: Unsub Multiple Topics Indeed Sebby. having seen lots of bbs I have to say punbb is my favourite and I can see why Sander and Richard decided to use it back in 2005, albeit I dont know too many other boards who do (though there are still some, project.aon does for a start).I suspect if there

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman
Re: Just started on we're alive Hi,@Victorious of course its going to be a little depressing its the appocalypse and thats not exactly a happy thing Lol. @Dark good for you. The series just gets better as it progresses. Season 3 is definitly epic and your kept in suspense about a lot of things.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Aprone
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader Ive updated it so now you can use the and keys to shift the subtitles. Hopefully that works for you lucas. Good suggestion!URL: ___

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader Thats actually an amazing idea, but the problem with that is the descriptions would have to be written out first, assuming you want more than just location names. I do like the idea though.lucasradaelli, you have a point as well. Just remember

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris
Re: What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth? Hi. Yes, that was the kind of wireless stuff I was asking about. So, do these have the exact same properties as bluetooth including the exact same range etc? then I wonder why they make these plug and play devices if

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lucasradaelli
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader @assault_freakThats what happens in my case. The movie is in English, but I do not understand everything, so using the subtitle is a huge help for me.@aproneThank you very much, Aprone!just to know, the feature of disabling automatic speech is

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny
Re: Death Match Possibly information that was communicated to the vessel at the start of their mining operation, and mayby some logs from the survivers who got infected during the layter stages of the infection.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby
Re: What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth? No, no, I was confused by your original question. It never occurred to me that you were talking about proprietary wireless systems that used a dongle that came with the device. However, as with Wi-Fi, the range of the

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp
Re: mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3 here you go, this should work, if not tell me what your graphics card is. … ptions.iniURL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal
Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13 Standard ones. Arrow keys works like analog in nun-chuk I guess. Z, X and C, mouse and 2 are like wiimote for a and b buttons. You have Q and e like start, select.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak
Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13 Okay. will give this a go when I can... once I figure out muramasas controls. Might post recordings too when I get started.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Aprone
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader Oops, I forgot about a quick way to disable the subtitles.Im also uploading again because the latest update has a typo that can cause it to crash as it loads MP3s.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Re: What are differences between devices that are wireless or bluetooth? On a range front, I know the wireless dongle keyboard for my pc has much greater range than the bluetooth one I have for my iphone, heck, I can even go into another room and have it work if I want, though I am not sure if

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark
Re: Just started on we're alive @truegamer, I suspected as much, both regarding rereads and regarding character deaths, but actually I enjoy series where characters are not safe. That isnt to say I like characters being killed, but the fact that characters could! die in any situation makes the

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: firence
Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone hiAprone, I have a suggestion for you. I know you said you would not add more content to the game, but I had an idea for at least one of the weapons that have been missed can be added to the game.I wonder if you could make a poll to see that people preferred

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal
Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/08/13 Oh yeah, recording is welcome. I love the atmosphere of this game and maybe you can play it fully or well, fin d a way to do that. Actually hate vanilla ware for dragons crown is only for PS3 and PS vita.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal
Re: mortal kombat 9 (complete edition) pc version released. jul 3 [[wow]], with that low parameters you can forget about playing this most tragic MK port on PC.Sadly or not, its really BAD port with too high requirements.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chandu
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader [[wow]]! !gonna tryout rightaway!URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Weird sound issue with DSpeech, can anyone help?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chandu
Re: Weird sound issue with DSpeech, can anyone help? what is d speech?URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] loquendo tts is the company gone under?

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chandu
Re: loquendo tts is the company gone under? since loquendos merged with nuance, technicly speaking, I suppose the old loquendo voicesre indeed abandonware?if it is so, it shouldnt be a problem to distribute them ,right?URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: darkabomination
Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader Holy crap I hope something like this could work. Maybe just maybe, a software with some updates like this could read english subtitled anime.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA freezes!

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: border1
Re: NVDA freezes! It is Handytech.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant
Re: Just started on we're alive I think were alive is one of the best podcasts Ive listened to thus far. The acting is amazing. Season 1 was a little slow, but the other seasons are much more action packed. I think by the time you get through season 2, youll love it. I think my favorite

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant
Re: Just started on we're alive oh, and I assure you, there will be deaths.URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list