Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-04-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: ricky
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released aaron wrote:Hi,@dark, regarding your ending:spoilerThis must mean the asteroid thing is random, because my hulls got 30 hp and still hasnt broken the atmosphere.You can actually find alien alloy around the map by going to boarholes, which is what

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-04-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,I cant speak for the regular mode, as in accessibility mode you just blast off and if you crash, you just upgrade your hull. I think in the mode for the sighted, you ahve to dodge the asteroids, which Im guessing might be those black circles

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-02-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hello everyone! Just wanted to say that I did a recent interview about A Dark Room. Here is the link to the podcast: … mir-rajan/URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hello everyone. Amir (the creator of A Dark Room iOS) here! Im running a 50% off sale on A Dark Room through Monday. Just thought Id let you know. Cheers.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Spoilage ahoy for thieves.Well Slj, just as a hint try not ckilling them next time, its worth it.Btw, Ive added a miner spoiler warning to your post ust in case Lml hasnt had the thief scene yet.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Thank you Dark. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dan C, I am jealous, the first run is lots of fun, particularly with unlocking different stuff. @lml, the thief situation will sort itself out if you just wait around You shouldnt be losing so much wood that your at a negative value. if youve

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Regarding thiefs, they got away in my game then I chose to kill them in a random event which suddenly pupped up. URL: ___

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @dan_c, Id love to hear your thoughts about the game. Let me know how it goes!URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: dan_c
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released well, Im loving it so far! just got me a few hunters, traps and the compass. Well see what happens next. got 2 huts at the moment. oh wait, 3. only got 5 hunters, 2 trappers and a builder plus a couple to give extra wood at the moment. my

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: lml5280
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released I got this game several days ago, and Im really enjoying it. I do have a question though, because the current game Im in is at a standstill. Im being told that thieves are stealing my supplies, and this has been going on for hours. It says Im

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — New releases room: dan_c
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ive just bought this, cant wait to try it. RPGs are by far my favourite genre, and its sadly one thats lacking. After all Ive heard about this though, Im excited.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-16 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ah, lol, thank you! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi Slj. Yes, the outposts fill up your water, and some houses do as well. Once youve explored a location like a town or a house, itll turn into an outpost, meaning you can always get a refill. This is the reason I couldnt complete the game

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi.I played this game again for at leased 3 hours yesterday.SPOILER:I unlocked the steel and crafted the steel sword and armour and began to explore the area. I unlocked the starship, grenades and batteries, but I couldnt find a way to get a

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi.Nice improvements on the description in the app store. However, if I was sighted, still not much would get me motevated to try the game if I hasnt heard about it before.Im really bad when it comes to writing descriptions, but I think mentioning

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ill check the description. I must admit Ive not played anymore as yet since losing that sword which took me several hours to build was a pest, and leather and steel just dont seem to be appearing, but well see maybe Ill get lucky.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ill check the description. I must admit Ive not played anymore as yet since losing that sword which took me several hours to build was a pest, and leather and steel just dont seem to be appearing even in the towns Im looting, but well see maybe

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark, the solo run can be fairly challenging. Here are some tips that will help.Spoilers lie ahead, read at own risk. Spoilers in 5, 4, 3, 2, 11. You can usually get a lot of leather off of A Gaunt Man encounters. If you travel to barren terrain

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark, the solo run can be fairly challenging. Here are some tips that will help.Spoilers lie ahead, read at own risk. Spoilers in 5, 4, 3, 2, 11. You can usually get a lot of leather off of A Gaunt Man encounters. If you travel to barren terrain

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Spoilage! beware this post contains spoilers! so stop reading lest you want your game spoilt. I didnt know about the gaunt man drops or about the perk unlocks, though that probably explains why I unlocked slow metabolism last game but not the

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark @SLJ @araron Ive made some minor updates to the description in the App Store. Thanks again for the feedback.URL: ___

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ill be interested to see what the description is. annoyingly when I spent half an hour writing my review I was just booted out and told my knickname was already taken, and everything got lost, but Ill give it another go. Beware! here be spoilage!

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Ill be interested to see what the description is. annoyingly when I spent half an hour writing my review I was just booted out and told my knickname was already taken, and everything got lost, but Ill give it another go. Beware! here be spoilage!

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark Ha ha! Your comment about the builder made me chuckle. Check the towns and cities, there is usually some good loot there and the enemies arent as difficult as the sulphur mine. Best of luck!URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @aaron I really like the description you gave. Plan to hash something up soon. Thank!URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi.amirrajan: Welcome to the forum. Nice to see you here.It would be great to have a much better description of the game in the app store. Sorry to say, but the description doesnt really motivate people to buy this, to see whats like, without

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Slj, regarding the history and updates, one thing I have noticed is that you only tend to get a couple of updates spoken if you directly touch the bottom of the screen where history is, however if you swipe to history and then listen you will get

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @SLJ thank you for the warm welcome. Ive really struggled with the description of the game in the App Store. An important part of A Dark Room is the element of surprise when you first start playing. You have no idea what you are getting yourself

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @SLJ thank you for the warm welcome. Ive really struggled with the description of the game in the App Store. An important part of A Dark Room is the element of surprise when you first start playing. You have no idea what you are getting yourself

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Great with the fixes Amir. Regarding hints I am a little surprised that people have hints turned off since your by no means the first person who uses vo hints to provide extra information, indeed some accessible Iphone games would be unplayable

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released I do agree with that Slj, the game could do with at least slightly more information. From the description I wasnt certain what exactly the game was and if Phils announcement hadnt given at least some more information and mentioned exploration and

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hello everyone. Im the developer for this game. Ill keep an eye on this topic and would be happy to discuss anything. Please tell others about the game. And I hope you enjoy.Sincerely,Amir (creator of A Dark Room for iOS, in partnership with

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Mord-Sith
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released I am probably going to get this game. I recently got a bit of money in itunes gift-cards and am getting together a list of other good accessible itunes games to look into How much replayability is there wih this game?URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Mord-Sith the initial play through will take you anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. There is an alternate ending too. MINOR SPOILERS10987654321The alternate ending can be unlocked by beating the game without building any huts. Its significantly harder,

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hello Amir and welcome to the forum, glad your aboard. I will make a database entry for the game, which should help with online presence at least.Regarding replayability, well the map changes layout for a start so your exploration stratogies will

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark thank you for the warm welcome. Im making a list of all these accessibility enhancements and promise to make another release in February after some time off. Ive been working on this game non-stop for the past 5 months. And please ask as

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Mord-Sith
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released I think Ill buy this game today and play around with it I really like the exploration aspect. Makes me think of nethack and fallthrough, which are both great games. cant play either because of my computer and no braille display, but hey I look

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi@amiria: Welcome to the forums! Im jukesy1992 on twitter (that goes for anyone else who wants to follow me too, go ahead)Im going to echo the sentiments again, because I just cant stress how awesome youve been with access. Beat the game with

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Mordsith, the game is very much like fallthru in the need to conserve resources measure food and water while travelling on a very large map. It has a slightly different view to fallthru though, since it doesnt have the standard interactive

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @aaron thank you again for your support. Im glad you found the accessibility enhancements done well. I was worried that my knowledge of the game may have tainted some of the usability. Feel free to drop any suggestions here, Ill be keeping an eye

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: amirrajan
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Dark there is a 1 percent chance of getting a jewel from traps. Youre a lucky person!URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Mord-Sith
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released I played a lot of the Dark Room today and really liked it. I ran into a road-block and need to work on getting more people (for some reason, they all turned into slaves) but, I really like the rpg aspects of the game, going out with weapons and

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @mordsith, yyour people will all be slaves at some point, its just the way the game works, but when youve finished you can come back and look for the alternate mode. You can get more people by building more huts, up to a maximum of 80 people in 20

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @mordsith, yyour people will all be slaves at some point, its just the way the game works, but when youve finished you can come back and look for the alternate mode. You can get more people by building more huts, up to a maximum of 80 people in 20

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Aaron, do locations turn into outposts once cleared? If so that is likely what I need to do to get to where I need to go since while Ive cleared out a fair few locations I havent done them all by any means, but that might be the way to have

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Aaron, do locations turn into outposts once cleared? If so that is likely what I need to do to get to where I need to go since while Ive cleared out a fair few locations I havent done them all by any means, but that might be the way to have

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Aaron, do locations turn into outposts once cleared? If so that is likely what I need to do to get to where I need to go since while Ive cleared out a fair few locations I havent done them all by any means, but that might be the way to have

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released @Aaron, do locations turn into outposts once cleared? If so that is likely what I need to do to get to where I need to go since while Ive cleared out a fair few locations I havent done them all by any means, but that might be the way to have

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,@dark, regarding your ending:spoilerThis must mean the asteroid thing is random, because my hulls got 30 hp and still hasnt broken the atmosphere.You can actually find alien alloy around the map by going to boarholes, which is what I meant.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,@dark, regarding your ending:spoilerThis must mean the asteroid thing is random, because my hulls got 30 hp and still hasnt broken the atmosphere.You can actually find alien alloy around the map by going to boarholes, which is what I meant.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well first for the interesting bit. I E-mailed the developer to say I liked the game and he told me something quite unique which will make the game very different on a replay. there is an alternate ending available. To get it isnt easy however.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well first for the interesting bit. I E-mailed the developer to say I liked the game and he told me something quite unique which will make the game very different on a replay. there is an alternate ending available. To get it isnt easy however.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well first for the interesting bit. I E-mailed the developer to say I liked the game and he told me something quite unique which will make the game very different on a replay. there is an alternate ending available. To get it isnt easy however.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: drg
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hey guys! Well, Ive completed the game with the easier ending(slaves). Im pretty certain the map is randomeverytime you start a new game. My first game took 427 minutes to beat, lol! But Ive started it before the accessibility fixes so thats why

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well Drg, thats a long time but if there was no map mode I can understand why. the random map is good since it means you have to actually work out where your going all over again. the trading post unlocked for me at 15 traps, but for some reason

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well Drg, thats a long time but if there was no map mode I can understand why. the random map is good since it means you have to actually work out where your going all over again. the trading post unlocked for me at 15 traps, but for some reason

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi.Thanks a lot Dark for your answer in post 11.Im so glad you guys are using spoilers, because I see Im not very far in the game.Ill recommend the developer to make a better description of the game in the app store, because when looking at it

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,Remember to keep gatherign wood when you return to the village to unlock story elements.Im now at the endgame, and a few thigns have happened due to me gathering wood.The endgame seems quite interesting, Im really curious to see whats going to

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,Im now at the endgame, and a few things have happened.The endgame seems quite interesting, Im really curious to see whats going to happen.more tips:Keep karting the wood when it says you need to gather wood, it reveals story elements.Explore,

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi.I tried this game for pretty long time yesterday, and got really addicted. Its really great.Would it be a good idea to save up for all 30 traps before I move on? I currently have 22 I think. In Phils post, it says a maximum of 10, but I get a

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — New releases room: Phil
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released A Dark Room Walkthrough This page covers the encounters, items, and Perks of the online game A Dark Room. Random EncountersNoises. Strange sounds in the store room? Better look. Youll usually find Wood stolen… though in exchange, the creatures who

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Thanks for the walkthru phil, though to be honest Ive stayed away from the dark room wiki and other information as I want to find things out for myself. Thus far I really like the game, accept that it seems Im nearing the end of things but Im a

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-05 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Thanks for the walkthru phil, though to be honest stayed away from the dark room wiki and other information as I want to find things out for myself, so Ive not read it and will only consult it if I become absolutely stuck. Thus far I really like

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — New releases room: grryfindore
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,I bought this game when I first heard about it on applevis,although it wasnt as accessible as it is now,but the concept is awesome,and thats what I like the most. Happy to see this one made accessible. will update it after I am done writeing

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — New releases room: Phil
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released A Dark RoomBy Amirali RajanDescription An unforgettable journey that starts small and slowly becomes much, much, more.A minimalist text adventure by Michael Townsend.Developed at doublespeak games and inspired by Candy Box.There are several

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Well I saw Phils announcement and since I wanted to start trying some newly released games after christmas I had to give this one a go. Yes, it meets the db guidleines but nore than that its awsome! its as if someone took my castaways and

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-04 Thread Forum — New releases room: grryfindore
Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi,as for the fire,you dont need to keep stalking it,unless of course,it gos out. Not much is known about the effects a dark room has on the player,but here is what the app description says. fil wrote:If the temperature gets too low, the builder

[Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron
iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released Hi all,Remember a while back, I mentioned that A Dark Room would be getting an update that adds accessibility?Well, its released, and what an update it is!Make sure you turn on voiceover hints, as some of the things rely on it.For those who dont know