Re: namespaces error

2008-10-16 Thread Jeff Greif
The problem is form=unqualified in this line of the wsdl: s:element minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 form=unqualified name=Referentienummer type=s:string / That is, that element is supposed to be in the null namespace, not in ns3, but when axis/ADB sets the default namespace to a non-null

Re: wsdl2java bug?

2008-09-06 Thread Jeff Greif
There is no element named boolean in the XML Schema namespace, only a type named boolean. You have to provide an element QName for the message part in a doc/lit web service, so you must define an element that is of type boolean if that's the type you want. It must be in some namespace you

Re: Identified AXIS2 Unexpected Element issue but how do I get this to work with stubs

2008-08-21 Thread Jeff Greif
Note that in this snippet, you haven't declared the ca: prefix used below. It could be declared in the definitions element, though. Perhaps it would help to declare the ca: prefix in the schema element. Jeff On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Andrew Zielinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Here you

Re: wsdl string pattern

2008-07-25 Thread Jeff Greif
You should consult the various Internet RFCs for allowed MIME typenames to get the allowed syntax, but your pattern will need to include hyphens at least, for such MIME types as application/octet-stream or message/external-body or x-application/my-experimental-app. Jeff Shehan Simen wrote:

Re: Configuring SSL on Axis2

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Greif
Just a guess, but it appears that you do not have a JCE provider on your classpath, or that one that is on the classpath is not the one requested in some configuration properties file. Jeff On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:26 AM, prashants b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am configuring SSL on Axis2

Re: How do I learn which Axis2 JARs have which classes?

2008-03-14 Thread Jeff Greif
Use the jar tool that comes with (Sun) java: jar tvf xxx.jar and is documented via a on the main page of the JDK documentation (under Tools). You can combine this with other Unix-style shell tools if you have the cygwin tools on your windows box: jar tvf xxx.jar | grep '*MetaData* to look for

Re: [Axis2] Request from Axis2 client code to remote svc gives error but request from nonAxis client works

2008-01-28 Thread Jeff Greif
The one which fails has a / at the end of the webservicex namespace which is missing from the one that works. If that's the problem, the cause is in the initial assignment String serviceNamespace=;; Jeff On Jan 27, 2008 4:20 AM, Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Process SOAP message containg XHTML

2008-01-14 Thread Jeff Greif
It's not certain that your problem is caused by parsing the XML-encoded string. Perhaps it would be worth testing the hypothesis by using one of the Axis2 samples that echo a string. Invoke it with the several hundred KB string you've been testing with and measure sending and receiving times

Re: Transform WSDL by including XSD's before/during publishing the WSDL.

2007-12-10 Thread Jeff Greif
I've not found any way to customize the ?wsdl processing except by extending AxisServlet and overriding its doGet method. If you do this, you'll need to modiy the servlet mapping in web.xml for the webapp containing axis. In axis1, ?wsdl generation was carried out by a handler specified in the

Re: Dynamic web services

2007-11-15 Thread Jeff Greif
I think you need service name=ARService rest of it /service Jeff On 11/15/07, Iyengar, Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, The issue is getting a bit critical here and I would appreciate any help: I keep getting the error The service cannot be found for the endpoint

method selection for service

2007-11-08 Thread Jeff Greif
1. How are operations in services.xml associated with methods of the service implementation class? 2. Suppose a RawXMLInOutMessageReceiver is used for the service, and the service impl class exposes just one public method with the appropriate OMElement methodName(OMElement) signature. Will all

WSDL-document indirection in ServiceClient

2007-11-06 Thread Jeff Greif
WSDL4J provides the WSDLLocator interface to provide an extensible mechanism for providing WSDL content. This would be helpful for situations in which WSDL content must be provided from some unusual repository such as a database or custom dispatching or generating mechanism. However, when

migrating custom dispatch from Axis 1 to Axis 2

2007-11-02 Thread Jeff Greif
modifying the doGet method of AxisServlet in my extension class. Thanks for any help you can provide. Jeff Greif - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pure dynamic client using DII

2007-10-31 Thread Jeff Greif
invocation?. I've been surfing a lot and found anything. Any reference would be very helpful, as I'm using this at university's project for a course, where the time is finite :-P . 2007/10/30, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: My guess is the problem is in using

Re: Pure dynamic client using DII

2007-10-30 Thread Jeff Greif
My guess is the problem is in using the WRAPPED_STR style. It's convenient for getting your input string wrapped up as the desired soap:body child element, but it causes the response to be unwrapped, and, as a single object is returned, rather than an array, you're losing most of the response.

Re: [Axiom] Using XPAth with namespaces

2007-07-25 Thread Jeff Greif
If the variable requestedSecurityToken does not hold a Document, but rather holds the RequestSecurityTokenResponse element, then the xpath expression should start with wst:AppliesTo/... or ./wst:AppliesTo. In general, the xpath expression should be relative to the context node which is the

Re: Axis 1.3: Need to retrieve HTTP Headers in incoming request, in source code

2007-06-19 Thread Jeff Greif
1. The transport handler can probably be replaced in the client deployment descriptor. You'd be changing a line in a .wsdd file that looked like this: transport name=SimpleHTTP pivot=HTTPSender 2. It looks like you might be able to swap in your own SocketFactory by setting the Axis property

Re: Axis 1.3: Need to retrieve HTTP Headers in incoming request, in source code

2007-06-18 Thread Jeff Greif
I believe that from the MessageContext you can get the HttpServletRequest, and from that, the request headers. Jeff On 6/18/07, Walker, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'm using Axis 1.3. I have a need to see all of the HTTP Headers in the incoming request from the client to the service. I

Re: SOAP calls

2007-06-06 Thread Jeff Greif
All the namespace URIs below are incorrect. They must have slashes, not backslash characters. There must be two slashes after the protocol. Example: Jeff Demetris G wrote: Hey all, I captured the SOAP message that a Client Stub generated and which I

Re: [Axis2] v1.2 - getResourceAsStream error??

2007-05-31 Thread Jeff Greif
I think the path to the resource should begin with / -- /config/dir Jeff On 5/29/07, Javier V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. I'm using JDK 1.5.0_11, and Tomcat 5.5.23. I was using Axis2 1.0 and when I wanted to load a resource at my service implementation class I was doing with:

Re: WSDL retrieval

2007-05-14 Thread Jeff Greif
Use GET, not POST. POST might work but has the wrong semantics with respect to caching, etc. Jeff On 5/14/07, Demetris G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I guess I can try to use the Jakarta HTTP Client API and use the POST to send the '... ?wsdl' command to the remote Axis server. What do you think

Re: nosuchelement exception on well formed message

2007-05-09 Thread Jeff Greif
It looks like the problem is the whitespace in the value of the xmlns=... attribute -- a line break seems to have been inserted into this value. This makes the namespace that is specified not agree with any known to the system. An element in this namespace will not have been specified anywhere

Re: Write temp- ile on tomcat

2007-03-03 Thread Jeff Greif
there is the requestDocument the client sent. If you know about it, and if I don't steal your time, it would be nice, if you could send me some code examples. Else it will not break my neck. Then I have to do a little, a bit ugly, workaround. Thanks though for your answer Christoph Jeff Greif schrieb

Re: Write temp- ile on tomcat

2007-03-02 Thread Jeff Greif
If your service is implemented within axis, then it is running as part of the axis servlet. You can get the servlet context via the MessageContext, and access paths within the webapp containing that servlet. I think you get the HttpServletRequest from the MessageContext, get the ServletContext

Re: [AXIS2-XMLBEAN] URGENT:- Problem when invoking from MS Excel Client

2007-02-21 Thread Jeff Greif
The element SecRequest is in different namespaces in the two soap requests. In the excel version it is in the null namespace. Jeff On 2/21/07, mvkirankumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, Looks like there is an interoperability issue while using AXIS2+XMLBEAN. We have created our

Re: Building SOAP enevlopes aroun a regular XML

2007-02-01 Thread Jeff Greif
Axis incorporates SAAJ and wsdl4j. The first is used to create and manipulate SOAP envelopes and their content. The second is used to read information from WSDLs. If you Google for these APIs you can find descriptions of how to use them; perhaps they are adequate to your purpose. Axis also

Re: Deserializing substitutionGroup and abstract types

2007-01-30 Thread Jeff Greif
I've had some luck using XMLBeans to produce classes corresponding to a schema. It is claimed that this handles all features of XML Schema. There is supposed to be a way (but I haven't read up on it or used it) to integrate those classes into the Axis serialization/deserialization mechanism.

Re: Deserializing substitutionGroup and abstract types

2007-01-29 Thread Jeff Greif
Abstract types and substitution groups seem not to be well supported in most web service machinery. Even if you find a supporting platform, there may be interoperability problems if clients use other platforms. You might have an easier time getting something like this to work: element

Re: Debugging Axis2 in Tomcat

2007-01-25 Thread Jeff Greif
Line numbers are available or not depending on the options given to the java compiler. You can control the appearance of line numbers for your code, but not for the axis2 code or tomcat container code loaded from pre-packaged jars, depending on how those jars were built. If you want line

Re: Debugging Axis2 in Tomcat

2007-01-24 Thread Jeff Greif
Ho, Wen Yue wrote: Hi, Any pointers on how to debug Axis2 WebService Application in Tomcat? In Eclipse, you can launch Tomcat for debugging or attach to a running Tomcat. Then you debug the Axis code in the normal way. Google for eclipse launch tomcat debug Jeff

Re: wsdl2java generates incorrect/incomplete code

2007-01-18 Thread Jeff Greif
. Jeff On 1/18/07, Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: See inline... On 1/17/07, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anne, As usual, you are a fount of useful information. Thanks for all you do to explain the various SOA standards to the world. Questions: 1. What schema

Re: wsdl2java generates incorrect/incomplete code

2007-01-17 Thread Jeff Greif
Anne, So if you want to dynamically consume web services based on the wsdl alone, the WS-Policy constructs have to be embedded there and the client machinery has to know how to process them to determine what headers are required, if any? Is this the way it's supposed to work? Is the

Re: Exception on accesing MessageContext during initalization of ws-service

2006-12-28 Thread Jeff Greif
See java.lang.ThreadLocal javadoc Julian Hagenauer wrote: On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 06:43:41 -0800 Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In Axis 1.x, MessageContext.getCurrentContext() retrieves a value from ThreadLocal storage. The same thing may be done in Axis 2. To make this call available

Re: Reg type declaration in WSDLs

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Greif
While not a guru in this particular area, I'd consider it a bug that the stronger type xsd:base64binary[] is not used. This type gives implicit instructions about how to process it when you receive it (I.e. with a base64 decoder), instructions which are missing in the type byter[][]. However,

Re: Exception on accesing MessageContext during initalization of ws-service

2006-12-18 Thread Jeff Greif
In Axis 1.x, MessageContext.getCurrentContext() retrieves a value from ThreadLocal storage. The same thing may be done in Axis 2. To make this call available in some thread you create, you would have to know its exact implementation and set the ThreadLocal storage of the thread you create

Re: cannot find axis2.xml

2006-10-20 Thread Jeff Greif
It's likely that a shell script inteneded for unix/linux, when used on cygwin, will put the wrong separator character in classpaths it constructs. Jeff On 10/19/06, Thilina Gunarathne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Adam, You seem to be running cygwin.. I have not tested the scripts on cygwin.

Re: FW: Schema question

2006-10-16 Thread Jeff Greif
A complex type is referenced in schemas using type=ns:my-type-name where ns is a prefix bound to the namespace in which the type is designed. A type and an element may have the same name. It is not possible, I think, for an ambiguity to arise within the XML Schema system itself, or in many

Re: [Axis2] Purpose of resource files generated with Xmlbeans databinding

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Greif
I'm using XmlBeans to go back and forth between object and dom representations in a service deployed as a message service (so axis is not used to generate any code) I just use XmlBeans outside axis and embed the generated classes in WEB-INF/lib of the webapp containing axis. Just download the

Re: return type of web service is swing.

2006-09-03 Thread Jeff Greif
Your web service should deliver the medical images. The visuatlization toolkit should be running on the client as a rich web application. This seems like an application very suited for the Ajax technologies (in which java or javascript or something else queries the web services for data behind

Re: Too many sockets being created. Bad architecture?

2006-08-02 Thread Jeff Greif
If there is another box available you could try a scheme like the following:: Use the other box as a proxy. It presents a synchronous web service to clients, which presumably connect via http. It passes the requests and responses to/from the box that implements the service (doing the heavy

Re: axis multiref

2006-07-22 Thread Jeff Greif
You don't need to modify the jar. In the deployment descriptor (.wsdd file), put globalConfiguration parameter name=sendMultiRefs value=false/ ... /globalConfiguration This should work either server- or client-side. Search the archive of this list for programmatic ways of doing it on

Re: CalendarDeserializer and empty dates

2006-07-20 Thread Jeff Greif
The empty string is not a valid xsd:dateTime. To make this a valid response from your service, you would have to specify in the schema that assignedDate was nillable and in the respponse, assignedDate xsi:nil=true ... . I don't know whether the Calendar serializer would have to be able to

Re: No such operation

2006-06-25 Thread Jeff Greif
Wrapped style has to do with client and/or server implementation. The wsdl definition is of a doc/lit operation with request element given as described in the wsdl. The child elements of that request are the parameters that are wrapped by that element, but the wsdl file contains no information

Re: problem with two methods in service

2006-06-21 Thread Jeff Greif
If you have a message service, it is treated as having only one operation. (The Axis user guide or FAQ explains this.) You could make the invoked method dispatch to the various desired operations. If you have you have a service with two ports, it should probably have two distinct address URLs

Re: [axis2] dynamic client invocation w/o intermediate class generation

2006-06-14 Thread Jeff Greif
I use WSIF's dynamic invocation (and the old Axis 1.2 provider). The (de)serialization is (to)from thinly-wrapped DOM Elements or primitive types The code that processes the inputs and outputs of the web-service is XML Schema-aware and associates the data with the appropriate schema components.

Re: tcpmon MalformedURLException problem

2006-06-11 Thread Jeff Greif
See Internet RFC 2616 which is the HTTP 1.1 spec. In general, the start line of a an http request can contain either an absolute URI, and absolute path part of a URI (among other things). In section 5.1.2, however, there is a remark, The absoluteURI form

Re: tcpmon MalformedURLException problem

2006-06-11 Thread Jeff Greif
Sorry for the typo below. It should have read an absolute URI or an absolute path part... Jeff On 6/11/06, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: See Internet RFC 2616 which is the HTTP 1.1 spec. In general, the start line of a an http request can contain

Re: org.w3c.Documnet - SOAPEnvelope

2006-06-10 Thread Jeff Greif
no problem since there is a method getAsDocument. However, converting a Document into a SOAPEnvelope is not trivial (since not all DOM objects are SOAP envelopes). Greets, C. On 6/9/06, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Using saaj.jar that is distributed with all axis versions since (at least

Re: org.w3c.Documnet - SOAPEnvelope

2006-06-09 Thread Jeff Greif
Using saaj.jar that is distributed with all axis versions since (at least) 1.2, the javax.xml.soap.SoapEnvelope class implements SOAPElement which extends org.w3c.dom.Element. It's not clear that any conversion is necessary. I believe older versions of the SAAJ classes (conforming to an older

Re: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Processing instructions are not allowed

2006-06-02 Thread Jeff Greif
The appearance of the crimson parser in your stack trace suggests that the better and more up-to-date xerces parsers are not being found in your classpath. Please review the installation instructions to ensure that you've installed the proper version of xerces. See if the problem reoccurs after

Re: QUESTION: meaning of message - FileProvider - Configuration file read-only so engine configuration changes will not be saved

2006-05-26 Thread Jeff Greif
ANTHONY ZIOLKOWSKI wrote: While running an axis client under in a web browser applet, I get the message - FileProvider - Configuration file read-only so engine configuration changes will not be saved. What does it mean? Applets usually run in a sandbox which prevents them from writing to the

Re: QUESTION: meaning of message - FileProvider - Configuration file read-only so engine configuration changes will not be saved

2006-05-26 Thread Jeff Greif
programmatically. Jeff On 5/26/06, ANTHONY ZIOLKOWSKI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I see. Is there anyway of supressing the message or eliminating entirely? My applet will be polling frequently and the message appears in the console on every poll. - Original Message From: Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED

[axis2] Dispatching model reference

2006-05-17 Thread Jeff Greif
Is there a good reference to the possible dispatching models available in Axis2, or is reading the source the way to find out? This is what I'm trying to achieve: There is a single web service implementation class which implements a dynamic set of web services. Each of these services exposes

[axis2] dispatch model reference doc

2006-05-17 Thread Jeff Greif
Is there a good reference to the possible dispatching models available in Axis2, or is reading the source the way to find out? The api javadoc is too sparse to learn much. This is what I'm trying to achieve: There is a single web service implementation class which implements a dynamic set of

Re: Help with .Net and Axis

2006-05-03 Thread Jeff Greif
The colon in the line below DuplicateSearch makes the XML ill-formed according to the Namespaces spec. You cannot have prefix:local-name where local-name is empty, because the empty string is not an NCName. Jeff On 5/3/06, Briseno, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A SOAP request is built in

Re: Schema Validation

2006-05-02 Thread Jeff Greif
1. I believe the XML of the request s already deserialized and parsed by the time it reaches any handlers, and is in the form of a DOM. To validate in a handler or in your service implementation you must be able either to validate the DOM or, presumably less efficiently, serialize back to a

Re: Axis 1.3 on port 80 (not 8080)

2006-04-23 Thread Jeff Greif
In Apache, you need to direct the urls for the axis services to go to mod_jk. Just see how it's done for your other servlets. The relevant file is /etc/httpd/conf.d/jk.conf (and possibly also in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, and /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf if you're passing https urls to Tomcat

Re: Monitor progress of an AXIS SOAP request and response over http transport

2006-04-08 Thread Jeff Greif
, they do not refer to reality. - Albert Einstein - Original Message - From: Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:; Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 8:22 PM Subject: Re: Monitor progress of an AXIS SOAP request and response over http

Re: Using Axis without Servlets, Containers and other stuff

2006-04-06 Thread Jeff Greif
Try looking in the user guide for Axis standalone server. In the API, look for org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer and org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxis{Server,Worker} Jeff Michael Bauroth wrote: Hi, a second question from a newbie ;) All documents I've read so far describe the use

Re: Axis java2wsdl fails WebSphere validator

2006-03-29 Thread Jeff Greif
It's invalid. The first schema must import the second to make it valid. Jeff Dies Koper wrote: Have you tried running it through a validating parser? Please try and post the result. #I could try if you post the whole WSDL before I go home tonight. Regards, Dies Jarmo Doc wrote: My

Re: Erroneously requiring DOCTYPE?

2006-03-21 Thread Jeff Greif
Just a guess: you might need to set an XML schema feature on the parser, and possibly some namespace feature if it's not the default. Jeff Michael Oltz wrote: Hello, Let me rephrase my question. I am using Axis 1.3 with Xerces 2.7.1. I am writing a SOAP client. I get an error when Axis

Re: Retrieve Web Service name in Axis2

2006-03-18 Thread Jeff Greif
Look up javadoc for java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemResource() or getSystemResourceAsStream(). Using this, you can have the file in your service's classpath, e.g. axis/WEB-INF/classes/ Relative to this directory you can name the file resources/newService/config.xml and get it using

Re: No scheme found in URI.

2006-03-17 Thread Jeff Greif
It appears that UNC names are not legal URIs according to Internet RFC 2396. In particular, the scheme is missing (such as http: or file:) and the \ is not a path separator (but it is not a forbidden character), nor is \\ valid to separate the scheme from the rest. This is probably not a bug in

Re: Return problem

2006-03-08 Thread Jeff Greif
Tcpmon is just a proxy whose traffic is displayed. You can run tcpmon on the local machine of the client. Have it listen on any port of your choice, forward to port 80 on the server, and have the client program use tcpmon's input port. You can't do this so easily with the soap monitor. Jeff

Re: Problem using SAXParser

2006-03-06 Thread Jeff Greif
Use a custom implementation of org.xml.sax.EntityResolver. If you are using Xerces as your parser, you could also use a grammar pool and preparse the schema grammar generated by the previous app, having it cached for use in parsing the instance document. Jeff On 3/6/06, Sandeep Gaikwad [EMAIL

Re: Determining the request path for logging [1.x]

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Greif
If you're using a handler for logging, the handler in the request flow could add a correlation-id or request-id property to the MessageContext with a generated value, and include it in the log message. Similarly, the handler in the response flow could retrieve that property and include it in the

Re: How to not send nillable=true for null elements in a SOAP message

2006-02-14 Thread Jeff Greif
Just to be sure, you're sending xsi:nil=true, not xsd:nillable=true, right? The latter is used only in the schema, and means that the element is allowed to have no content. The former means that this particular use of the element has no content. Jeff On 2/14/06, Tim R J Langford [EMAIL

Re: HTTP/SOAP messages to file

2005-11-11 Thread Jeff Greif
Search in the axis user guide for samples.userguide.example4.LogHandler. Perhaps this would suit your needs. In the deployment file provided, you can also put the same handler into the response flow responseFlow handler type=trace/ /responseFlow to log both request and response messages.

Re: Another issue

2005-09-05 Thread Jeff Greif
Look into message-style services (see the Axis user guide, Service Styles section, and the Wiki). A few signatures are possible, and one of these might be what you're looking for: Element[] your-method-name(Element[] requestBodyElements); Document your-method-name(Document requestBody);

Re: Axis 1.2.1 not calling my class!

2005-08-25 Thread Jeff Greif
I believe, but am not certain, that some Handler must remove any headers marked mustUnderstand=1. This may have to be done before the pivot (that is before the implementation method is called in the server). I am not aware of any way to mark a header element as processed (but such a way

Re: Axis 1.2.1 not calling my class!

2005-08-25 Thread Jeff Greif
scant. Do you know how to put the handler before the axis engine drops my message as not understood? thanks again On 8/25/05, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I believe, but am not certain, that some Handler must remove any headers marked mustUnderstand=1. This may have to be done before

Re: Is there any way to set up the Axis running without depending on any web server?

2005-08-18 Thread Jeff Greif Chen, Donald wrote: Hi, there. This may be a ridiculous question, but I can not help to wonder if Axis has to live with a web server like Tomcat or WebLogic to be functioning? If there is a way for Axis be functioning solely on its own

Re: Using global variables in Axis (HttpSession and ServletContext)

2005-08-17 Thread Jeff Greif
You can get access to the MessageContext in your threads IF you put it there yourself instead of depending on the static method MessageContext.getCurrentContext(). Having invoked that method where it works (the thread handling the web service request), you can place the result in a thread

Re: The static MessageContext.getCurrentContext method doesn'twork

2005-08-16 Thread Jeff Greif
The message context returned from this method is held in a thread-local variable of the thread handling the web service request. This is the way a static method can be used to return a message context correctly for simultaneously-handled web service requests of various kinds. However, it

Re: WSDL2Java and BCEL ?

2005-08-05 Thread Jeff Greif
Sun's standard JRE license allows you to distribute a JRE with your app with tools.jar included. Jeff - Original Message - From: Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 8:03 AM Subject: Re: WSDL2Java and BCEL ? You could always use

Re: Persistence and sessions (beginner)

2005-08-04 Thread Jeff Greif
It depends. Look in the user guide for 'scope'. This has 3 values (something like 'request', 'session' and 'application'). The first indicates that the object carrying out the request has the same lifetime as the request in the server. The second indicates the lifetime extends over the

Re: Persistence and sessions (beginner)

2005-08-04 Thread Jeff Greif
. Jeff John M. Gabriele wrote: --- Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It depends. Look in the user guide for 'scope'. Ah. There we are. Thanks for the reply Jeff. Though, there's only a short paragraph there, and it doesn't say how to tell Axis to start a session, or how to specify

Re: urgent help needed - calling web service

2005-07-14 Thread Jeff Greif
You do not need any access to the web service's java code (and the web service may not be implemented in Java). The wsdl is sufficient for you to produce a client. The concept is that wsdl2java generates from the Amazon .wsdl file all the java code you need to call the amazon services,

Re: IncompatibleClassChangeError

2005-07-07 Thread Jeff Greif
It appears that the application server is loading an older version of saaj.jar. Maybe the SAP app server has some default of preferring the container's classpath to the EAR's classpath, and perhaps that default is changeable. Jeff Anil Arora wrote: I am currently running into getting an

Re: IncompatibleClassChangeError

2005-07-07 Thread Jeff Greif
- From: Jeff Greif [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 7:33 PM To: Subject: Re: IncompatibleClassChangeError It appears that the application server is loading an older version of saaj.jar. Maybe the SAP app server has some default of preferring the container's

Re: Please need some urgent help on java Exception JAXRPCTIE01

2005-06-27 Thread Jeff Greif
You specified a parameter as a number, but then supplied no value. The empty string is not a valid element or attribute value for a numeric type. Jeff Dipty Maybhate wrote: Hi, I have written a client to invoke a few services. I created the stubs using WSDL2Java and called a

Re: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError

2005-06-09 Thread Jeff Greif
You have an inconsistency or incompatibility between the xerces, saaj and axis jars. If all of these come from the normal distribution of axis, the problem will likely go away. Presumably this is a classpath problem -- an old version of one of these jars is being found with new versions of

Re: Minimising thread usage across multiple axis calls

2005-06-08 Thread Jeff Greif
1. If you use JMS transport (or JMS bridging to HTTP for HTTP-based services) you can do async web service invocations using either Axis or WSIF. There used to be a page on using JMS with Axis in the Axis docs. WSIF has some sample programs to examine. The WSIF version has something like

Re: Remove warning: org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils isAttachmentSupported

2005-05-23 Thread Jeff Greif
Title: Remove warning: org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils isAttachmentSupported To avoid the warning by having the classes present, you need activation.jar and mail.jar (for the javax.activation classes and javax.mail classes respectively). The axis documentation points to where you can get

Re: communication between the Handler and the Service

2005-04-25 Thread Jeff Greif
are not the same. the body that was passed to the service() method is the old version of the body in the SOAPEnvelope. And this is what frustrates me beyond reason. I'd appreciate if someone could explain why this is happenning. thanks --- Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This pattern (for one

Re: Wanting xsd:unsignedByte[] as short[] and not UnsignedByte[]

2005-04-14 Thread Jeff Greif
I think there is a workaround which may enable a slightly tweaked client to work on straight JAX-RPC and on Axis. You'd add a piece that looked up the type mappings for the types that are treated different in the two implementations, such as xsd:unsignedByte, xsd:anyURI and override the Axis

Re: General Question about having custom Serializer/Deserializer

2005-04-12 Thread Jeff Greif
I think this is a bug in Axis. By cyclic loops in the schema, the poster probably means recursive types, but there could be implicit loops in an instance document via IDREFs. Recursive (or mutually recursive) types are sometimes desirable. Consider an organization chart, or the descenants or

Re: No namespace for elements in soap message from .NET

2005-04-04 Thread Jeff Greif
These soap messages are both correct. The Axis version uses an extraneous namespace prefix declaration for xmlns:tns1 (extraneous because tns1 is unused in the message). In both cases, in0 is specified to be in the default namespace (the namespace corresponding to the null prefix), which is

Re: possible causes of IncompatibleClassChangeError

2005-03-31 Thread Jeff Greif
Out-of-date saaj.jar. Check your class path to make sure that the saaj.jar found is the one which came with your axis tree. See the archives of this mailing list for more info. Jeff Rory wrote: I am using axis to provide a soap service within another application. It does this by calling an

Re: SOAP message content in the service implementation

2005-03-20 Thread Jeff Greif
It might be best to treat WS A as a message-style service (that receives a SOAPEnvelope as argument and returns a SOAPEnvelope or SOAPElement, see the user guide), but if you can't do this for some reason, you can still use the MessageContext. org.apache.axis.MessageContext.getMessageContext(),

'response' to one-way operation

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Greif
When a one-way operation is invoked via SOAP over HTTP, is there an HTTP response to the client, or is the connection just closed by the server? If there is some sort of response, what is supposed to appear on the wire back to the client? Jeff

Re: 'response' to one-way operation

2005-03-18 Thread Jeff Greif
/response protocol, so a response is always returned to the client -- HTTP 200 OK. No SOAP response is returned, though. On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:36:17 -0800, Jeff Greif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When a one-way operation is invoked via SOAP over HTTP, is there an HTTP response

Re: org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element...

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Greif
The xs:schema in your types section is missing a targetNamespace. Presuming that you mean this namespace to be targetNamespace=http://localhost:8080/poc-axis-server/services/MessageServi ce then you should add the xmls:impl=http://localhost:8080/poc-axis-server/services/MessageService; attribute