Re: Pup's first meaty bone...not a great experience

2003-09-03 Thread Michaela Simmons
I think you handled that sticky situation really well, Alison! Well done! Isn't it confusing, scary and awful when your beloved fur-bundle suddenly decides to challenge you? The good side to this undoubtedly upsetting episode is that she is still so young and you are now prepared. Her growly days

Re: An unbelievable 48 hours

2003-09-02 Thread Michaela Simmons
Gee, Cathi, what a difficult time this must be for you. Big cyber hugs! But whilst we can't make any of it go away, I'm sure we can help out with the bills. If we can raise money for the Berner garde and various other Berner related charities, I'm sure we equally help out a Berner pal of ours

Re: Avocadoes??

2003-06-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Kaethy That's the first I heard that avocados are poisonous to dogs. Any chance you remember WHERE you read this? Neither of my 2 boys are fruit or vegetable lovers ( unless they are sautéed in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt !) and I spend endless hours disguising their raw healthy veg

Re: Roached Back

2003-04-06 Thread Michaela Simmons
Hi Susan Could be something sinister but could be something silly as her climbing/jumping out of the car awkwardly. Or taking a corner to sharply.. A couple of days ago, one of my friend's Berners woke up like that; the night before he had been totally fine. Roached back, didn't want to eat,

Re: fruits and vegetables

2003-04-06 Thread Michaela Simmons
But never, never, NEVER, EVER give a dog cabbage. **Why do you say this? Cabbage is great for dogs. I routinely (and lots of others) grind cabbage and/or romaine lettuce for my dogs. Except for Chocolate and Onions, most any food/veggie is good for dogs. Sandie Okay, I'm curious. What is

What is it about that word?

2003-04-05 Thread Michaela Simmons
Histiocytic sarcoma and malignant histiocytosis (MH).. You know, it doesn't matter how often or how infrequently I read the dreaded MH words. Or even in what context. Every single time I get first teary and then start yelling ** B*d! in unbridled fury at my

Re: joint pain diet

2003-04-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Rose wrote: She found that her condition was highly aggravated when she ate red and green peppers. Well, that is VERY interesting. My husband doesn't suffer from arthritis per se, but I have been feeding him a lot of peppers lately and he has been complaining of achy joints. Harvey refuses to

cracked nose

2003-04-02 Thread Michaela Simmons
I noticed that Rupert has a very badly cracked nose. It looks really sore. Now I'm feeling guilty ( don't mom's always) since I should have noticed sooner but he usually has a thick patina of mud on top of his nose. Gee, I once even found a slug balancing on it! I intended to put some cocoa

Re: attacks on livestock

2003-04-01 Thread Michaela Simmons
Brooke My first Berner was a devil for chasing livestock. Bad news for me living surrounded by 360+ square miles filled with nothing but livestock. But CHASING is different from attacking. Not to the farmer, of course, who would shoot first and answer later. Could you tell us more about the

Re: digging to china--HELP!

2003-03-31 Thread Michaela Simmons
I think some dogs simply enjoy the activity of digging whilst others don't. It has nothing to do with being bored or wanting to be naughty. Of my four dogs, past and present, only my current youngster is an enthusiastic digger. He'll dig anywhere, to bury his treasures, to dig himself a hole, or

And talking of digging....

2003-03-31 Thread Michaela Simmons
Rupert and I are permanently being told off for digging. He for doing so and me for not doing anything about it. Isn't it interesting, how our dog, suddenly becomes YOUR dog is digging again!? But even my digging -aversive husband roared with laughter at Rup's latest endeavour. I had given both

Re: At what age?

2003-03-31 Thread Michaela Simmons
Sherri wrote: While agree wholeheartedly about puppies not having to 'hold it' for long periods of time, I have to disagree with Kay when it comes to adults. While they don't routinely have to, my adults can easily go 9 hours without distress. Matter of fact, my 11 year old girl routinely

Re: At what age . . .?

2003-03-29 Thread Michaela Simmons
Hi Maria Also, at what age . . will the strength of his bladder be enough to keep him from peeing for about 9 full hours. I guess that depends more on the individual dog rather than his specific age. My first berner boy could hold his pee for a long time even as a young puppy. Ditto my

Re: Berners their special cars

2003-03-27 Thread Michaela Simmons
Molly wrote: Santa, too, has a special car that he prefers to ride in. Unfortunately, it is the aforementioned dark green Range Rover belonging to Michaela Simmons! Santa absolutely adores it and becomes fairly uncontrollable in his efforts to throw himself aboard. This is very true. And I

Re: dog food / dog treats

2003-03-19 Thread Michaela Simmons
Food: My dogs get either a homemade BARF diet or Burn's Real food for pets when we are travelling or I'm too busy to make the homemade version. Burn's is the only dried food that Harvey, my fickle boy eats, with gusto. The ingredients are top-notch, it

Berners their special cars

2003-03-19 Thread Michaela Simmons
Am I really the only one whose dog is particular to a certain brand of car? I'm ashamed to say that Harvey appears to be a terrible snob when it comes to travelling. He will either travel in a dark green Range Rover or refuse to set paw in it. Seriously. My friends cars, my husband's car, rental

Re: Flooring for Santa's new kennel

2003-03-17 Thread Michaela Simmons
Molly wrote: Santa's claws have really taken their toll on this floor and it is looking really tatty, in a very short time. Obviously we don't really want a repeat of this scenario at our next house (kennel!) so we'd be very grateful for any wisdom the List can impart. Oh, that's easy! You

Re: Ticks and other nasties was Your Breeder - Your Friend

2003-03-17 Thread Michaela Simmons
Marion I'm the tick queen of the Western world. Sadly. Because of where we live - Moorland, bracken, sheep - my dogs are veritable tick magnets. Plus, this part of England never really gets cold enough to kill off ticks, thus I begrudgingly pull off ticks all year round. I tried a variety of

litter size line breeding

2003-03-17 Thread Michaela Simmons
My breeder and I were chatting on the week-end and, amongst many things, came to the topic line breeding and litter size. I recall someone posting that the closer the line (in)breeding the smaller the size of the litter. I just can't remember who posted it ( Ruth? Rose? Susan?) or when. Could

Re: Fussy Puppy/ breeders diet guidelines

2003-02-08 Thread Michaela Simmons
Rose wrote: I totally disagree with your comments. I would assume that the fussy puppy was fed Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy at the breeders without problems, after all she made it to leaving home time Hi Rose Please let me precede the following by stating that I greatly value both your

Re: Fussy Puppy

2003-02-05 Thread Michaela Simmons
Eileen wrote: I've never met a dog without health problems which would actually starve itself, although I've met ones which would skip a few meals to extort treat food from people. I respectfully beg to differ. I know several dogs, including one of my own, who'd rather go very, VERY hungry

Re: Cookie Cooking

2003-01-15 Thread Michaela Simmons
Beth wrote: I do have a bunch of recipes that my mom, Snowy's treat chef :0), has that she makes for him all of the time. If there is interest I could post them to the list. Oh, yes, please DO! In exchange, I will share the cookie recipe which every dog I have ever met - including the most

Re: eatting poop raw zucchini

2003-01-15 Thread Michaela Simmons
I recall reading that adding raw zucchini to the dog's diet might help with this problem. Here it is: From The Veterinarian's Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs - Safe and Effective alternative treatments and healing techniques from the Nation's Top Holistic Veterinarians (1999) edited by Martin

Success with Melatonin

2003-01-14 Thread Michaela Simmons
Hi and happy New Year to you all! May I say a heartfelt thank you to all of you who recommended Melatonin. It worked SUPERBLY! I did NOT look forward to New Years eve. Harvey gets really spooked by fireworks and there we were in a foreign country, in a hotel room, surrounded by fireworks, tons

Melatonin question

2002-12-17 Thread Michaela Simmons
Could anyone please tell me how to dose and administer Melatonin? We are taking the boys on vacation with us and we'll spend New Year in a hotel with fireworks all around us. Rupert couldn't care less about bangs but Harvey does get really stressed by them and apparently Melatonin takes the

Re: Nails. Is wear a sign of use?

2002-12-05 Thread Michaela Simmons
Ruth Reynold's wrote: I rarely have to trim toenails on my dogs including dewclaw nails. I always figured the dogs wear the regular nails down through their daily exercise. Ruth, I used to think the same, but not any more! My 4 year old Berner gets tons of exercise and I NEVER had to trim

Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Michaela Simmons
I need your input with a seemingly daft question. Here is the thing: I, thanks to our relatively dog friendly laws in cafes and pubs, almost always have my boys in tow when I'm out and about. I enjoy having them with me and they enjoy tagging along. So far, so good. Both my boys are born

Re: the dog on the mountain in Switzerland:becoming rare breed

2002-12-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Lisa How can we possibly expect to improve health in the breed if over 2000 per year are bred in the USA alone, and these are ONLY the Berner pups registered with the AKC! and, more cryptically: With a population of Berners, regardless of source, exploding, perhaps an understatement, and

More dewclaws questions

2002-12-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Mary-Ann wrote I remove rear dewclaws only. Why are rear dewclaws removed? Is it solely to conform to the breed standard? Or is there another reason why rear dewclaw should be removed? My younger Berner has a full set of dewclaws ( front and rear) and the nails of the hind dewclaws are a pain.

Hernia operation - should I?

2002-12-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Rupert, my 16 month old Berner, has an umbilical hernia. In view that it didn't seem to worry his breeder, nor my vet and, most importantly, doesn't appear to worry my dog, I just left it alone. I intended to have it fixed when he was neutered at 10 month - but then promptly forgot all about it

Re: Male problems

2002-11-30 Thread Michaela Simmons
Hi Fran Yep, I can ( unfortunately!) relate completely. Harvey has had a few bouts of watery blood dripping from his penis. The first time this occurred, I was EXTREMELY worried. Vet, antibiotics, the whole caboodle. It cleared up straight away. However, a urine analysis showed, amongst other

Re: chronic ear problems

2002-11-22 Thread Michaela Simmons
Hi Carol I can't speak form personal experience but one of my friend's Berners used to suffer mercilessly from chronic ear problems. For years on end. Like you, she exhausted the whole antibiotic-drops- ear salves- etc- range and although all these things helped for a little while, nothing really

Confidence building according to Ruth Reynold's

2002-10-14 Thread Michaela Simmons
My younger Berner boy is a wuss. Not shy - just VERY cautious when dealing with the unknown. Have you ever watched The wizard of Oz? Well, my Rupert here would be the lion. Who wi-wishes he had cou-cou-courage! Hence, I eagerly read Ruth Reynold's advice on how to build confidence. We already

Travelling tales ( part 1)

2002-10-14 Thread Michaela Simmons
Have you ever been on vacation, felt utterly relaxed and unencumbered, worn sparklingly clean, slobber-free clothes and thought Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to have my dogs here with me?. Have you? Well, I have. My subsequent thought, however, usually was OK, I miss them - but it's quite nice to