Reading it now. Most excellent story. I love that he
has short chapters, so you can pick it up when you
have a few minutes and still have a good stopping off
I read all the time, this book is hands down the best
I've read in a long time.
--- Marlon Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Reading it now. Most excellent story. I love that he
has short chapters, so you can pick it up when you
have a few minutes and still have a good stopping off
I read all the time, this book is hands down the best
I've read in a long time.
--- Marlon Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ok ok you know those flying sentinels. THey seem pretty strong. Why dont they use them for drilling for oil or methane ice deposits?!!! more energy than a human being!!!
- Original Message -
From: Jim Davis
To: CF-Community
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: RE:
I think it was both body heat and electricity - the purpose of the matrix
was not specifically to keep us "sedated" but rather to keep our minds
active so that we'd generate more juice.
As to why humans you can just say because electrics eels may not have had
the proclivity to generate a messiah a
Ha! I told you about this months ago! ^_^
-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell
Did I beat Angel to the punch? :)
Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus (
I enjoyed it, don't care what's real and what not, haven't finished the last few pages though (I always do this, typical me).
>Just finished reading it last night. Started on Friday evening and couldn't
>put it down. It was a good thriller. I'd love to know how much is based on
>fact and how mu
I read all his books and I love them all for the entertainment value. His characters are kind of 2D, but somehow I can never put one of his books down when I start one.
Greg Iles has a similar style book out called Footprints of God. Also, a fun ride.
- Original Message -
How was it explained that they got electricity from humans? electrical signals made by their brains right? ok ok, why not breed electric eels?!
more electricty
- Original Message -
From: William H Bowen
To: CF-Community
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: R
Quoting Charlie Griefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
That was exactly the case. There's one scene where it looks like a machine is
harvesting something. That something is babies.
> ok...this made me think of a question I had regarding the Matrix.
> Humans are batteries, kept in little human-
You'd have to go all the way back to the first Matrix to answer this
question. There was a great huge baby farm in the scene when Neo wakes
up. The whole process is explained in a neat little package.
The fetuses (feti? fetuseses?) gestate in a box (symbolic of their
struggle against oppression
Yes, I've just had it confirmed.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Apparently I'm about 50 pages away from getting to read it :-)
Ben Densmore wrote:
> I think the book you are talking about that Dan Brown got a lot of his
> info from is called Holy Grail, Bloody Grail. Or something similar.
> Ben
If you know C++ (or are willing to deal with it) pick up Data Abstraction
and Problem Solving with C++ Carrano, Helman and Veroff,
Deals with Stacks, Queues, Algorithm Sorting and Efficiency, Trees, Graphs.
If you want to find a book search amazon for "Abstract Data Types"
my question is, why didn't they clone humans or impregnate women artificially, that way, giving them more humans! I'm sure they had the technology :P
- Original Message -
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Community
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 4:31 PM
Subject: Matrix Question
I am getting bunches of them too. I blame our contact us page, which (still) has a lot of email addresses in plain text. Need to fix that. But I am almost sure that that is where they are coming from since some of the addresses this mail purports to be from are addresses @ prunebelly that exist but
- Original Message -
From: "Andre Turrettini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: The Da Vinci code
> I could be a human battery?
> > You think that's air you're breathing?
ok...this made me think of a question
>> >I am not going to rock the ship too much here, but the fact of the
>You are assuming that the existance of a degree is not part of the
>evaluation, where expectations are generated. This, I believe, is the
No, because in a Free Market the one who takes the right risks wins. T
I could be a human battery?
> You think that's air you're breathing?
-Original Message-
From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:30 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: The Da Vinci code
I liked it too!
Its fun to mention it to religious types. If
Lizards from outer-space-- obviously your friend has read some David
Most people, like yourself, think the reptilian thing is fiction.
Reality may be stranger than fiction, but most people are strangers to
Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood, Holy Grail both are barely skirting the
tip o
I've got a message out to my friend that is reading it now so mebbie
he'll respond with the title today :-)
I too liked the failsafes and the secret society stuff (very reminiscent
of Eyes Wide Shut) the book was certainly entertaining, but the whole
time I couldn't help thinking, "Zoinks!" and
Spiffy stuff!
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Actually, that sounds remarkably like what I did for my senior prom.
I went with a friend, and neither of us had much spare cash. So my dad
made her a nice bouquet out of wildflowers from the empty lot next to
the house while I cooked a picnic dinner. I put on my $7 KMart
polyester black tie,
I think we spent a total of like $500 on our wedding. Maybe.
Married by the registrar in a lovel little "chapel-like bit of the
office" in Croydon - they even had flowers. We had a few friends, then a
party at the local pub afterwards.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
But then again, I never w
Being raised in a VERY traditional family, even with a preacher as a Dad, when I
got engaged, we looked over just about every option. Her parents were retired
military and living on her Dad's retirement, although they indicated they would
do whatever was needed to fund the wedding of their only da
Can't guide you except to say, that you may be looking for a class on Algorithms. My understanding is that these classes deal with exactly what you requested.
Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
Sorry. Didn't mean to make heads go all 'splodey like that.
--ben "ubergeek" doom
Candace Cottrell wrote:
> *trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
> Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> The Children's Medical Center
> One Children's Plaza
> Dayton, OH 45404
> 937-641-4293
Better than spewing blood, you know.
- Jim
Deanna Schneider wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "Candace Cottrell"
>>*trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
>LOL! You just made me spew water.
>(I'm probably between the two of you, though. I'm psy
We just got our numbers for increases. In addition to the normal pay
increases, etc. this year the world-wide HR department decided to
re-align the entire organization with the same grade numbers (Up until
now each unit was responsible for their own grades). With the grade
re-assignment also c
Yeah, Im getting married on Sept 25th, then on the 29th we get on a plane
to Ireland!
I kinda expected some of the costs to be high, Ive photographed a few
weddings in my day, and did some research on what others charged for similar
services, so I had an idea. What I wasnt prepared for was how
We got a bleeder!!!
-Original Message-
From: Candace Cottrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:44 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: I need a little pick me up
*trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Childr
You know, she was the friend in Felicity.
I hear she looks much more like that in person than she does on Alias.
-Original Message-
From: John Stanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:35 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Bush criticism hypocracy
damn, why d
- Original Message -
From: "Candace Cottrell"
> *trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
LOL! You just made me spew water.
(I'm probably between the two of you, though. I'm psyched to learn about it,
but I'm not thinking, "oh hey, piece o' cake.)
[Todays Threads]
I read that as "tickles" and was really, really confused. And disturbed.
> *trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
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*trickles of blood coming out of Candace's mouth and nose*
Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
"There is no right price for the wrong product, even if it is inexp
> >I am not going to rock the ship too much here, but the fact of the
> matter is
> >that often times a degree is needed, especially as a discriminator
> when two
> >seemingly qualified people are interviewed and one has a degree and
> one does
> >not.
> Not in a Free Market. In a free ma
I know that somewhere in my pile of overpriced texts I've got something
good on the subject. If I can find it tonight, I'll let you know.
Basically, though, there are a few "first principles" that, once
learned, apply to pretty much anything.
For example, once you have a good grasp of the basi
Yes, yes. I have that book. Not what I'm talking about.
- Original Message -
From: "William H Bowen"
> Just go buy Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties, very good book with lots of
> good information on creating/maintaining structures.
> :-)
> will
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I saw one of my co-workers reading it. I later asked her if she liked it
and she offered to let me read it. Then, as I was about to hand it to me
she asked, "How religious are you?" :)
"And Bobby you are right, I am being selfish, but the last time I checked,
we don't have a whole l
Cool, thanks Ray... just trying to follow your rule ;)
Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
"There is no right price for the wrong product, even if it is inexpensi
> > I threw out my budget many months ago.
> > Just grin and bear it.
> Or, if you are needing some extra cash, you could always grin and bare
> it
Reminds me of a comedian's routine, "Why do they always wear white at
weddings? We all know what's going to happen after the ceremony!"
I'd like to know the title of that book your referring to. I definitely see
what your saying about the plot itself. I was usually more interested in
the background story going on. I was somewhat disappointed by the ending.
I felt like he just endowed the villain with some super powers to
I liked it too!
Its fun to mention it to religious types. If theyve heard of it, they start
babbling about fiction and if they havent, you give them a synopsys and they
start babbling about fiction.
I've also mentioned it to some atheists I know and one of them started
babbling about lizards fr
That might be it.
Ben Densmore wrote:
> I think the book you are talking about that Dan Brown got a lot of his
> info from is called Holy Grail, Bloody Grail. Or something similar.
> Ben
> -Original Message-
> From: William H Bowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2
Just go buy Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties, very good book with lots of
good information on creating/maintaining structures.
Deanna Schneider wrote:
> So, all you folks that have done the online college thing, have any of you
> come across an excellent class on data structures? Not data
So, all you folks that have done the online college thing, have any of you
come across an excellent class on data structures? Not data models. Not
databases, but data structures -
An organization of information, usually in memory, for better algorithm
efficiency, such as queue, stack, linked list,
If the values are based on form fields, you would just use
form["name" & thisRow]
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I haven't read that one yet, but I just finished Digital Fortress by the
same author while I was in Colorado last week, and I had already read
Deception Point. Digital Fortress is interesting, but from a technical
standpoint, a bit blown out of proportion. If you are a geek, you may
have a hard
I think the book you are talking about that Dan Brown got a lot of his
info from is called Holy Grail, Bloody Grail. Or something similar.
-Original Message-
From: William H Bowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:00 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: The Da Vinc
>I am not going to rock the ship too much here, but the fact of the matter is
>that often times a degree is needed, especially as a discriminator when two
>seemingly qualified people are interviewed and one has a degree and one does
Not in a Free Market. In a free market there is only deman
only 6? were getting off easy!
I must get around 6 an hour!
-Original Message-
From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
At one point, I was recieving upwards of 6 virus-infected messages a
day. I stopped using Outlook, and my paranoia was reduced to managable
levels posthaste.
At one point, I was recieving upwards of 6 virus-infected messages a
day. I stopped using Outlook, and my paranoia was reduced to managable
levels posthaste.
Harkins, Patrick wrote:
> Thanks Ben. Of course, that makes sense. I am starting to get paranoid here!
> too much coffee... :-)
Or, if you are needing some extra cash, you could always grin and bare
BethF wrote:
> I threw out my budget many months ago.
> Just grin and bear it.
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Thanks Ben. Of course, that makes sense. I am starting to get paranoid here!
too much coffee... :-)
-Original Message-
From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Probably not. It's possible that it has infected your Exchange server,
but it's far more likely that it's infected o
Nice bit of Scooby-Doo mystery.
I thought the book was very predictable, followed the standard plot
machine output to the letter. I picked "bad guy" on the first page his
name was mentioned.
The tying together of all the stuff about Opus Dei and the Priory, the
Knights Templar and the Grail, e
I threw out my budget many months ago.
Just grin and bear it.
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LMAO! I may have to use that as an email signature.
Phillip B.
"...He's got a *huge* conscience"
Ben Doom wrote:
> "...He's got a *huge* conscience"
> --benD
> Phillip B wrote:
> > Part of me wants to go out this way. I just have to much pride in my
> > work. I don't want to let down
Probably not. It's possible that it has infected your Exchange server,
but it's far more likely that it's infected one or more people who
send/recieve mail to/from the same addresses/domains.
Harkins, Patrick wrote:
> Hi all,
> If bagle is sending me messages that uses addres
Darn am I glad I read email from my home account on the Mac.
> -Original Message-
> From: Patrick Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:33 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Strange program popping into my startup menu
> >I'm _really_ glad my f
I am working on a similar interface to this:
She uses Evaluate in the query. Is there a way to do this without using
the dreaded function?
UPDATE MultiUpdate
SET Name='#Evaluate("Name" & ThisRow)#',
Just finished reading it last night. Started on Friday evening and couldn't
put it down. It was a good thriller. I'd love to know how much is based on
fact and how much was fiction. Then again, I've always wondered what
Mason's and the like do also. Anyone else read this book? Outside of
damn, why didnt I think of thatdo you think she swings?
-Original Message-
From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:31 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Bush criticism hypocracy
That would work even better if you swung Jennifer Garner in front of
>I'm _really_ glad my firewall is working!
re random exe names see this article on a bagle variant:,1759,1554954,00.asp
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That would work even better if you swung Jennifer Garner in front of me.
Jerry Johnson
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/29/04 02:26PM >>> least you used tonow all you will think about is Jennifer
Garner.Jennifer Garner.
.Jennifer Garner..
-Original Message-
Jennifer Garner... eating poop...
Wait, no!
Divine... international spy
- Jim
John Stanley wrote:
> least you used tonow all you will think about is Jennifer
>Garner.Jennifer Garner.
>.Jennifer Garner..
>-Original Message-
>From: Jim Campbell [mai
I know. Because without you building such effective tools to protect us from
the big bad terrorists, our streets would be overrun with taliban clerics
telling all of our women how to dress and how to cook our hot dish. Shiat, we'd
probably all be speaking arabic. But no, because of the least you used tonow all you will think about is Jennifer
Garner.Jennifer Garner.
.Jennifer Garner..
-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:24 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Bush criticism hypocracy.
I don't think I was over-generalizing at all. With the advent of his methods of
avoidance of taking personal responsibility but pointing the finger. "Always
someone else's fault"
It starts with removing the "goodies" from the coffee table, instead of teaching
the toddler to leave them alone and
When I think of "hot dish", I think of the end of "Pink Flamingos".
John Stanley wrote:
>See, when I think the phrase "hot dish", I am stuck on Jennifer Garner.
>-Original Message-
>From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:57 PM
>To: CF-Community
Hi all,
If bagle is sending me messages that uses addresses that appear to be valid
domains that I receive mail from, does that mean it has access to a) my
Inbox on the Exchange server, or b) my hard drive?
Outbound email scanned for viruses. (e230)
[Todays Threads]
Personally, I can't say that I am excited about Kerry. However, the Democrats needed someone of independent means to be able to stand up the the Bush campaign's huge advertising budget, and he is that. My take on the whole thing: Kerry is also a good old boy. But he may be a good old boy with more
Mmmm Jennifer Garner
Wow. That works in at *least* two ways.
John Stanley wrote:
> See, when I think the phrase "hot dish", I am stuck on Jennifer Garner.
> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:57 PM
"...He's got a *huge* conscience"
Phillip B wrote:
> Part of me wants to go out this way. I just have to much pride in my
> work. I don't want to let down the other people I work with either. Damn
> my good morals and ethics. To bad girls don't find good morals and
> ethics that sexy.
See, when I think the phrase "hot dish", I am stuck on Jennifer Garner.
-Original Message-
From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:57 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Bush criticism hypocracy
> I know. Because without you building such effective
> I know. Because without you building such effective tools to protect us
from the big bad terrorists, our streets would be overrun with taliban
clerics telling all of our women how to dress and how to cook our hot dish.
Do the Taliban even call it "hot dish"? Maybe we all would have had to start
I know. Because without you building such effective tools to protect us from the big bad terrorists, our streets would be overrun with taliban clerics telling all of our women how to dress and how to cook our hot dish. Shiat, we'd probably all be speaking arabic. But no, because of the effective us
Paul, I didn't see you! Of course, I really wouldn't know who to look for. But I thought it was WELL worth the price of admission :)
Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
Aren't you over generalizing about kids. It had nothing to do with Dr.
Spock. What you are talking about went on well before Dr. Spock got his
medical degree. Moreover, what is commonly thought of as Dr. Spock's
childrearing methods are not his. Having read three of his books on the
topic, its amaz
My fiance does :-)
She definitely isn't marrying me for my bald headed bar bouncer looks. LOL
> To bad girls don't find good morals and ethics that sexy. :-p
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Part of me wants to go out this way. I just have to much pride in my
work. I don't want to let down the other people I work with either. Damn
my good morals and ethics. To bad girls don't find good morals and
ethics that sexy. :-p
Kevin Graeme wrote:
> Since your boss seems to be understanding
Right, but this is the official announcement, effective tomorrow. Not
the pre-official official speculation early-warning announcement :)
- Jim
Ian Skinner wrote:
>Nope, Angel had this out at least a week ago.
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Not a problem Adam! Someone has to do it so that you can continue spending
your hard earned money from Burger King on Old Navy clothes! I'm truly glad
that you can sleep better. That makes me happy!
Jeff Garza
From: a cantrl. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004
I checked them out... They have more ridiculous fees than a pushy salesman
at a car dealership.
> Abraham Lincoln University as well.
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Nope, Angel had this out at least a week ago.
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Abraham Lincoln University as well.
- Matt Small
- Original Message -
From: Haggerty, Mike
To: CF-Community
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: I need a little pick me up
I thought Phoenix was the only university that was this far along.
Did I beat Angel to the punch? :)
- Jim
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It sounds like a good time to ask for tuition reimbursement.
A good company (if they still exist) won't be opposed to helping better
their employees. Especially for a dedicated worker who has saved the
company tens of thousands.
I think Dan had an interesting comment about this being
There are obviously lots of Holocaust novels, movies and such, but another
one that is really excellent in its balance of its approchability while
still conveying a sense of the atrocities is the Maus graphic novel. Despite
being a "comic" it won a Pulitzer and I know it's given as part of the
With the thrust of American society (ever since the publication of the Dr.
Benjamin Spock guide to child rearing) extraordinary means have been put in
place to "protect the children." The result is that it would be the rare child
who could emotionally handle atrocities such as were common place du
Network latency, speed of post traffic, complaints about the HoF system not
processing fast enough, etc. Points on first come will open a larger can of
I'm working on the DBs today in order to start the thread labeling process. I'm
also playing with the interface some to give a universal sit
1. Remember all the monks making money in Fountainhead and Shrugged that
didn't have ability? The looters run this place man.
2. What in a free market would prohibit a company from wanting some sort of
assurances that you have a certain basic knowledge? That's what a degree is
3. The b
You are in luck... Strayer has campuses all over the DC metro area. Also,
you can mix it up: some online and some on campus. Tell your wife to back
off for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday morning while you do the "online"
part of your work. I bring my assignments to work (reading/writing) and do
I am not going to rock the ship too much here, but the fact of the matter is
that often times a degree is needed, especially as a discriminator when two
seemingly qualified people are interviewed and one has a degree and one does
not. Also, if you work for the gvt or a gvt contractor, your bill rat
See I really need to go to a physical class. If it's online I know from
experience I tend to blow it off, or something else comes up. Plus whether
it's school, or work, when at home my wife thinks I am available. It's kind
of a pain.
Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
Overseas Security A
>I am in the same situation.
Tim, why not take Ayn Rand seriously and test your abilities in the true free market system? In the Free Market, the best are the ones who make the most and the worst are the ones who make the least. A "degree" means nothing in the true Free Market, so why limit yourse
Strayer offers all their programs online. I have 5 quarters left (1 class
per quarter) then I will be done. The only time I stepped on the cmapus was
to meet with the Dean about getting excused form some general programming
and Linuz classes which my work experience and undergrad comp sci degree
Since your boss seems to be understanding. Tell the higher-ups that since
you don't have that bachelors degree, you're obviously incapable of doing
the work being asked of you. Whenever they ask you to do something that
wasn't part of the original position description say, "Oooh, I'd love to but
> I'm going to talk to her today about the situation. I won't use any
> threatening language but I'll let her know how I feel. Then I'm going to
> take the next two days off and get my resume together. Any one need a
> job? I see a position coming available real soon. ;-]
I would say that it's not
I thought Phoenix was the only university that was this far along.
-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:52 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: I need a little pick me up
Strayer offers all their programs online, on-
Strayer offers all their programs online, on-campus, or a combo of both.
> Consider University of Phoenix. You can do the whole thing online.
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I just want to thank you for keeping us safe with our tax dollars Jeff. I sleep soundly at night because of the job you do! Keep it up man!
>I have to say, Yes. I am better off under this administration. I work at a
>company that relies heavily on Govt. defense spending. Our indus
I'm going to talk to her today about the situation. I won't use any
threatening language but I'll let her know how I feel. Then I'm going to
take the next two days off and get my resume together. Any one need a
job? I see a position coming available real soon. ;-]
Dan Phillips wrote:
> Yeah I
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