Hi Guys,
Can anyone tell me what is required with regards to CF Lic when it comes to
If I run 4 VPS on a physical server do I need 1 CF Lic or do I need 4 CF Lic
Thanks in advance
Create robust
> >If all your photos will have prices you won't need to left join you
> can
> >just join on them.
> >
> >
> >
> >Joel Watson wrote:
> >>
> That's true, but when I combine it with the LEFT OUTER JOIN on the
> co
>If all your photos will have prices you won't need to left join you can
>just join on them.
>Joel Watson wrote:
That's true, but when I combine it with the LEFT OUTER JOIN on the comments, it
screws up the comments. While it will return the price
>First of all I am not sure if you need LEFT JOIN for both comments and
>prices. My first example was based on the assumption that you could have
>photos without comments and you might want to display those as well.
>It will help if you can paste the entire query and your output code.
>First write your sql as
>SELECT p.photoID, p.photoTitle, c.commentId, c.commentText
>FROMphotos p
> LEFT OUTER JOIN comments c
> ON c.photoid_fk = p.photoid
>ORDER BY p.photoID, c.commentID
>Then output the query using cfoutput and group like this
>First write your sql as
>SELECT p.photoID, p.photoTitle, c.commentId, c.commentText
>FROMphotos p
> LEFT OUTER JOIN comments c
> ON c.photoid_fk = p.photoid
>ORDER BY p.photoID, c.commentID
>Then output the query using cfoutput and group like this
I have two tables, photos and comments. Their structures are as follows:
photos table
comments table
I need to write a query that will allow me to display all the records in photos
while also displaying t
> I am trying to use a CFFORM format="Flash" tag that has multiple tabs.
> I want the user to be able to enter information on the first tab, and
> then by clicking on the second tab, have the data available. I
> thought that this was a relatively simple request, but I cannot seem
> to get the
>i usually debug the AJAX stuff with the Firebug plugin for Firefox.
>Got that loaded up? If not, you should (not just for this... but in
>general, it's a must-have).
>Charlie Griefer
>"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a T
>you'd need the onclick to call a function that triggers tha AJAX call.
>I've found JSMX to be a very nice lightweight library for AJAX, and i
>think it'd work well for you here (you don't need all the bells and
>whistles of a jQuery or YUI or Prototype etc for this specific task).
glorious day, I need some help!
Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 &
Flex 2
Free Trial
> > As an illustration, say that users table has the following entries:
> >
> > userID_fk [1]
> > stationID_fk [4]
> > checked [0]
> >
> > So here, the query will return only the value of the second and
> forth
> > row.
> The forth row isn't checked. I'm assuming that's just a typ
I have a table that contains user and station information, as well as a boolean
field for whether the information is displayed or not.
It looks roughly like this:
I have another very similar table that looks like this
Is there a way to access certain attributes of a cookie, such as the creation
and expiration dates?
Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2.
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial
>Not really used the flash forms myself. But the one thing that is a must is
>that virtual mapping in the IIS for /cfide...
>On 6/10/07, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Would that affect the query display? The forms themselves are compiling fine,
they j
I have a flash form select field that is supposed to populate with the titles
of some blog posts. I have tested the query and it works as expected.
However, when it is used in the flash form select, it does not display.
What is most weird about this is that it works as expected on my local h
riday 08 Jun 2007, Joel Watson wrote:
> > My question is this: is it possible to use cfftp to transfer files
> directly
> > from the client browser to the ftp server
> Where does CFFTP run :-)
> If you could control the client, you could have them run an FTP server
Yeah, I am using that to get to the cffile variables.
>You will need to upload the file to the CF Server,
>not cffile. Remember that cf tags run on the server, clients have no access
>to them.
>-Original Message-
>From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED
rst, but I just wanted to make sure this is the best way to go about
What I am thinking is:
1. Use cffile to write the file to coldfusion-based server
2. Open ftp connection and transfer file
3. Close ftp connection
4. Use cffile to delete recently transferred file.
Any thoughts?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 3:35 PM
>> Subject: Drink Coffee - What's Ray talking about?
>> http://ray.camdenfamily.com/index.cfm/2007/5/29/Drink-Coffee
>I thought it was that he just had a lot of work to do an
Awesome--that worked. I had seen that in the docs before, but I was not
particularly sure what it was referring to. Thanks for the clarification!
> You need to set a domain cookie for mysite.com.
> http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/7/htmldocs/0233.htm
> On 5/28/
I have a site where the user logged in state is managed through a cookie
created from a "remember me" form. It seems to work fine.
The one problem I have, though, is that the cookie is active or acted-upon only
if the user is pointing to the http://www.mysite.com and not the
y tag if the directory-existence check returns true.
Any ideas?
>You can use a nifty UDF for this on CFLIB. Search for MakeDirectory or
>Directory. It is a nifty addition.
>"This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
I have an upload form that writes files to directories which have the same name
as the users uploading the files.
I want to be able to check and see if the directory exists after the upload
form is submitted, and if it does not exist, create it and then upload the file
to it.
Right now, I have
ry rare but it can happen...
>Same as multiple email address in the fields can also be flagged as being
>spam as well.
>On 5/11/07, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Upgrade to Ado
>and get blocked by many ISP's. However thats not to day that you might not
>with a cfloop either, but at least the emails when spooled will not go
>unless the server is idle reducing the time between emails being sent out.
At the moment, I'm on Godaddy shared, so I'm not sure. However, I am going to
be going the dedicated route soon and will be using mx7.
>You don't need to delay the emails anymore... What version of CF are you
>On 5/11/07, Joel Wa
has posted in the forum and a link to the thread.
Thanks again for the response!
>Hi Joel
>This would no doubt cause some delay on your mail spool, I do recall that CF
>used to have a limit of 40 on the cc/bcc fields but I think this was fixed
>in version 5 upwards.
I have a forum in which users can subscribe to particular threads. When other
users make replies, all users who are subscribed to the thread will receive an
email (basic stuff, I know).
My question is regarding what the best practice for handling this mailing
should be.
Currently, I am queryi
e, User:',mx.controls.Alert.OK);
I'm not sure about the order of validation popups...sorry!
>Hi all
>I'm working on Flash Forms for the first time and so far have most things
>worked out.
>A couple of things that I am still struggling with are a
Does that help?
>Ben Nadel
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
>Need ColdFusion Help?
>-Original Message-
>From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, May 04,
>Does that help?
>Ben Nadel
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
>Need ColdFusion Help?
>-Original Message-
>From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a forum that automatically emails topic replies to subscribers.
However, I am having a difficult time getting the text to display properly. I
have tried a number of code cleaning functions, but the end result is all the
same. Is there something special I have to do to get special chara
In your INSERT statement, access the name of the file from your upload
statement using #cffile.Serverfile#.
INSERT INTO products (imagepath)
Obviously, you will want to do all the necessary validation and
cfqueryparams...but that is a quic
I have a form in which several of the fields are generated dynamically based on
the choice of the user.
I would like to be able to somehow grab the entered values of the fields
(client-side) and add them together into another field before the form is
submitted. I realize that technically this
ularly sure how to pull it off.
Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2.
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial
I wouldn't know how to layout a page in tables if I had to...css rocks, with
the obvious and glaring exception of IE 6.
>Looking forward to it!
>I've looked into using CSS for layout, but it seemed to be
>a pain in the rear trying to accommodate all the different
>browsers, so I just stuck wit
Well, it turns out that the casing of the fieldnames was the problem. I didn't
realize that this was an issue for IE (and I don't quite understand why it
would be). Anyway, it works, so that is enough.
Thanks for your help, and yes, I am going to add the on the
final go.
I am doing a very, very simple search on two database columns, "Title" and
For my query, I am also doing the simplistic:
SELECT * FROM my_table
Title LIKE '%#FORM.SearchText#%' OR
Link LIKE '%#FORM.SearchText#%'
On the output, I just do a simple output query of search.
Thanks, this works great!
I really appreciate your help, as well as the responses from everyone else!
>Here you go Joel, I got this code from someone else long ago, and now am
>passing it on to you. =) You may store other data about them, but you
>can go
I have a site (a forum, really) that allows users to login and post messages.
Is there a way that I can display the number of users that are currently logged
Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise
I am getting ready to launch a blog/forum that I have designed and developed.
However, I am having a bit of trouble with the text formatting/output.
What are some best practices for inserting clean code into the database (mySQL
5.0), writing inserted data to XML-compliant formats, etc.? I am c
rapping the
>cfxml tag around it. This results in a string which in my example is
>"oldxml". For example:
>Then you clean the string "oldxml" and then wrap it with the cfxml tag.
>-- Josh
I'm really new to xml---
Where exactly are you doing this "cleaning"?
>> An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1c) was found in the CDATA section.
>Here is a regex I use to "clean" my xml of any funky characters:
>Then you should probably still CDATA newxml to escape the regular bad xml
efer the latter simply because it's native XML and doesn't perform
>any conversion of my data. Either should work perfectly well, though.
>On 4/6/07, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
#LSDateFormat(Post.PostDate, 'ddd, dd mmm ' )#
#TimeFormat(Post.PostDate, 'HH:mm:ss')# GMT
This is probably a stupid question, but I have no pride.
Consider the Adobe Forums. Let's say I login to the forums on my computer at
work. Now, let's say I close my browser, go home, call in sick the next day,
and return to the office a day later. When I return to the Adobe Forums on the
. If Apple would fix
that, it would be a no-brainer.
>Upgrade to OS X
>On 28 Mar 2007, at 17:13, Joel Watson wrote:
Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adob
I recently bought a new computer, including (Duhn, Duhn, Duh...) Windows Vista.
While I had no trouble at all setting up Coldfusion, nor in connecting my
local sites to it and databases, I have noticed some considerable slowdown
between the loading times on my new PC and my XP-PC at work (both
'#ListGetAt(pageIDList, Counter)#',
'#ListGetAt(checkedList, Counter)#'
Anyway, thanks for all of the help. I really do appreciate it!
>If you are returning a POST instead of a GET, I'd name all
hem with something
>similar (ie page_(ID) so, page_23, page_9, etc.). You can loop over the
>formfields list and extract them.
>Sorry if that's not clear, but I'm pretty tired. :-)
>Joel Watson wrote:
arsing out these multiple selections to separate database entries?
Initially, I thought about using a database, but this was something I did not
know how to do. Any suggestions?
(BTW, I am dyanamically naming the checkboxes with the "Page" Id...if that
Thanks again for yo
es to the id's of the items.
>Then you wont need do any looping, you'll just do this:
>FROM sponsors
>WHERE pagename IN ()
>(Or something along those lines)
>> Joel
I am having difficulty with the output--how would I loop over all the entries
in my sponsors table to display only the sponsors where the first list item is
I have tried to craft an cfif statement to catch the criterion, bu
r suggestions solved the problem
Thanks again to everyone, and thanks for the links. I will definitely check
this out, as I can see that this will be a critical peice of knowledge to have
as I move forward.
> I am attempting to modify a flash form that I downlo
the "images" folder? Also, I have not had any experience thus far
(being pretty new to CF) with "expandpath"--if someone could make a short note
of explanation, I would appreciate that also!
any extra processing overheads on IIRF compared to the paid versions ?
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Stroz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk"
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for a good IIS URL rewriting plugi
In your insert statement, reference the "FORM.eqImage" field for your dbase
entry and use '#cffile.serverFile#. This will grab the name of the file (in
this case, the image) that you have uploaded to your server. cffile.clientfile
also works, but this will only get the name of what the user u
I have a two tables, Questions and Answers. I am wanting to create a cfform
that will allow me to easily allow for users to create questions, and then
assign answer options to these questions.
Using the cfgrid "edit" functionality, I have created the question-creation
side no problem. However
its Friday afternoon.. almost beer time.. my brian is not working but...
Update tableName
shouldnt the update statement be
Update tableName
- Original Message -
From: &q
Huh, for some reason I didn't see those when I was looking around cflib before.
They all seem to do the trick--thanks!
>Did you look at ListCompare ( http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?ID=149 ) ?
>ListDiff ( http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?ID=660 ) ? listsAreDistinct (
) />
> "1,2,4",
> "1,2,3,4"
> )#
I have two lists that I want to compare and be able to show the resulting
differences. For example, if my first list has 1,2,3,4 and the second has
1,2,4,4, I want to be able to output that "3" and "4" are different.
What would be the best way of going about this? I applied the "arrayCompare"
Finally! I figured out how to get it to operate properly. Thanks to everyone
for the help!
> Thanks for the response. The "Q#QuestionID#" is the name of the
> answer choice in my test which the user has selected. I added the
> "Results" query becaus
lt, you either need to put that value
>in a local variable or explicitly name the row.
>-Original Message-
>From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:53 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: Ins
sults," it enters all the
values, but duplicates each value per the number of answer options available.
Again, I really appreciate both your guy's help!
>Access the FORM struct using array notation:
>#FORM[ "Q#QuestionID#" ]#
>This should work the way you
(i.e., Q1 - Mexico
City) so that I can place them in a database when the fieldnames are being
dynamically created? I initially tried an insert qualification like
'#FORM.Q#QuestionID##', but obviously this does not work as CF complains about
"Q" being undefined. Any ideas would
stab in the dark here.. but what do you get if you do =>
- Original Message -
From: "John Stottlemire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk"
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: Logging into ASP site via CFHttp (Correction!)
> Obviously, for some r
go through this article and see if it helps you.
we need more info so we can help you.
have you tried reinstalling IIS ?
do you have firewall running on the server ?
- Original Message -
From: <[EM
take a look at xhostsolutions.com, i think you will find what you are
looking for.
- Original Message -
From: "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk"
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Looking for CF7 hosting (with some requirements)
> Okay...
> Just got
Hi Guys,
Quick question..
Do I need CF lic for each VPS instance or do I only need one CF Lic for the
server since the lic is based on physical CPU.
Open for correction. :-)
Thanks in advance
cant remove Guest from.
Russ what side effects have you come across from running the MS script
(hopefully I didn't read your post wrongly)?
If anyone can share any info about 2005, that would be great.
-Original Message-
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tues
Does "getrecords.image_file" only contain the image file name or the path as
well ?
-Original Message-
From: Srinivasa Teja Palla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2006 8:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: html2pdf3 issues again
Everything works fine with that tag, except f
can you run CFMX on "Windows Server 2003, Web Edition"
i was told you cant, that it doesnt support it ?
-Original Message-
From: Emmet McGovern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 12:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Idea for better hosting
The original post i
Hi Jeff,
why dont you create a personal DNS?
just create
and map it to the IP's used for
so it a personal DNS rather than a private DNS...
-Original Message-
From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[
Hi guys,
they is an article from MM about disabling JSP in the shared environment..
-Original Message-
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 May 2005 9:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE
Any exmaples... or tutorials.. in CF <=> Java ?
only been able to find ASP and .Net stuff..:(
-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 4:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: X.509 Certificates and Coldfusion
5. The Vendor uses their Private Key to decrypt the message.
6. The Vendor parses the message to authenticate the user.
7. The user is logged in to the vendors system.
I have no idea how to go about this... can anyone help..
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble
Ticket application
Message: http://
"Web service operation "Book" with parameters
t;@1d143d1},COMM={},PMCODE={XVCD},ARRDATE={06 Aug
;< /T (#VarName#) /V
/F (#VarStruct.PDFURL#)
Joel Blanchette
/F (#VarStruct.PDFURL#)
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impa
Hello All,
Does anyone know of a good shopping cart. Nothing too
elaborate, but something easy to implement. I don't feel like
re-inventing the wheel.
Archives: http://www.houseoffusio
What registry change should i be making? (have no idea)
is they any link on the MM site etc.. you can point me too.
-Original Message-
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: Thursday, 6 February 2003 8:59
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: MX Server
Actually you can view it.
You might be able to copy the info with this also. Never used it
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
I meant what is the exact problem?
Still to early..:-)
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
-Original Message-
From: Joel Blanchette
That is the exact problem?
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
-Original Message-
From: Robert Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Tried that...I get the following error
You have an error in your SQL syntax near '* from stats0301 where
DomainID = '43' and SameDayDate = '20030128'' at line 1
I am using MySQL
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point o
I am trying to do a query as follows
SELECT DISTINCT IPAddress from stats0301
WHERE DomainID = '43'
AND SameDayDate = '20030128'
Now I need the IPAddress to be DISTINCT but I need to return all the
columns. What would I do to accomplish this?
a look at
but no help
i know i can try re-installing the server as the last option..
any suggestions!!
thanks in advance...
Joel Nath
Senior Developer
with a general identifier
of (CFWDDX), occupying document position (25:1) to (25:78) in the
template file C:\CFusion\CustomTags\xmlparser.cfm.
Does anyone know what the problem would be? It seems that it lie in the
cfwddx tag.
For CF 5 Server
Registry Password: #CFusion_Decrypt(AdminPassword, CFKey)#
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
I can help you out with this. I would need to know more info
about your situation. Email me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I
will be able to help u out.
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
-Original Message-
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:mkruger@;cfwebtools.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 2:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
oblem lies when I do the column + 1. Is there an easy way of
doing this without doing a new cfquery?
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
This is possible. I have created a DNS script that does that. Email me
off list and I will explain the procedure of how to do it.
Joel Blanchette
IT and System Specialist
Point of Impact Technologies Inc.
Tel: (204) 989-0013
Hi Peter,
this might help...
-Original Message-
From: Tilbrook, Peter [mailto:Peter.Tilbrook@;abcb.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2002 8:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Verity K2 Server
Does anyone
Hi Srimanta,
try something like...
Select * FROM Products WHERE product id=#Form.productid#
Productid: #Get_Products.productid#
Details: #Get_Products.details#
Model : #Get_Products.modelno#
-Original Message-
101 - 200 of 393 matches
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