Re: [CGUYS] Downloading photos from Samsung mobile phone, Windo

2008-10-01 Thread David K Watson
If your Glyde and your computer have bluetooth, you might try doing a bluetooth pairing between them and see if you can get your photos that way. Strangely, the bluetooth pairing will sometimes give options unavailable from the data cable. There is also free phone data manager software called Bi

Re: [CGUYS] Mathematica [was: Zune]

2008-09-28 Thread David K Watson
I wasn't really trying to correct you, Betty. You were making the case that while Photoshop is available for both WIndows and OS X, the OS still makes a difference. I wanted to make the point that although Mathematica is remarkably similar across platforms, the OS matters even there. An example

Re: [CGUYS] Zune [was: iTunes 8 causing BSOD]

2008-09-27 Thread David K Watson
The OS is not entirely irrelevant for Mathematica, either. Mathematica is a little slower and somewhat more unstable on Windows than it is for OS X and other Unix or Linux OSs. This mostly shows up when doing highly memory-intensive operations. Also, while it is true that a self-contained Mathe

Re: [CGUYS] Diagnosis: Hard Drive Failure

2008-09-20 Thread David K Watson
As Tom says, Newegg is a good place to get a new drive. You can also get a new drive at , which also has very good replacement instructions on the web and as a downloadable PDF. Printed directions are good to have on hand when you are doing the actual work. Subject: Re:

Re: [CGUYS] 2nd MS G&S Ad Out

2008-09-18 Thread David K Watson
On the heels of the second Gates and Seinfeld ad comes the news that Seinfeld is being dumped. Here is a cynical take on the matter from The Register Microso

Re: [CGUYS] Will HP Replace Windows with Its Own OS?

2008-09-16 Thread David K Watson
I have no user experience with them, but there are Virtualizations that allow running of Windows applications under Linux. One of them is known as "Wine" I belive. Not quite. Wine is a system add-on that attempts (with some success) to run windows programs natively in Linux. This is differ

Re: [CGUYS] Will HP Replace Windows with Its Own OS?

2008-09-16 Thread David K Watson
Between the Mac, Windows and Linux OS's, Linux is the most rapidly changing of them all, so your experience several years ago is likely dated. You might want to look again. As for Matlab, I wasn't sure of your meaning. If you were referring to its availability, it does come in Linux, Mac (Intel

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 12 Sep 2008 - Special issue (#2008-600)

2008-09-12 Thread David K Watson
My favorite humorous (or "humorous" if you are a touchy about Windows) take on the second ad came from a recent posting on Slashdot "... Microsoft has introduced a new advertisement in which the aging former CEO and comedian take

Re: [CGUYS] Upgrading Mac Hard Drives

2008-09-07 Thread David K Watson
To transfer the contents of the drive, put the new drive into a drive enclosure, connect it to your machine and use either CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper! to create a bootable copy of your hard drive. Both are free to use, SuperDuper! i

Re: [CGUYS] Google Joins Apple to Develop Webkit

2008-09-02 Thread David K Watson
It _IS_ a big deal. Chrome has a number of amazing features (though some of them are obvious in retrospect). I predict just about every other browser developer will be scrambling to incorporate them into their browsers, followed by Microsoft with IE some years later. (This is not a gratuitous

Re: [CGUYS] iPhoto (Was: Interesting quotes about using a Mac)

2008-08-27 Thread David K Watson
I see some people have already answered some of Constance's problems while I was typing this. I apologize for having some redundant content. It's true--iPhoto has a number of annoying features. Most annoying, it puts all your photos in a single folder such that individual images are not ac

Re: [CGUYS] What we actually get for our money...

2008-08-20 Thread David K Watson
The wikipedia article you quote says about its table, "This is a list of tax rates around the world. ... It is not intended to represent the true tax burden to either the corporation or the individual in the listed country." So it's doesn't really settle the matter. On the contrary side, accord

[CGUYS] VMs (was please help with VISTA)

2008-08-11 Thread David K Watson
Aug 11, 2008 at 9:46 AM, David K Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: If Tom were to use virtualization, he'd be better off doing it on a Mac or Linux machine, because virtualization is notoriously buggy and runs

Re: [CGUYS] please help with VISTA

2008-08-11 Thread David K Watson
If Tom were to use virtualization, he'd be better off doing it on a Mac or Linux machine, because virtualization is notoriously buggy and runs with too much overhead on Vista. However, if he is running the legacy software as one of his primary applications, he would be adding a layer of complexit

Re: [CGUYS] contextual menus => crash

2008-08-01 Thread David K Watson
Betty, I found this which may be applicable. It says that problems like yours are typically caused when you have - installed software that added a bad contextual menu item, or - removed software that left a contextual menu item behind. My ow

[CGUYS] Macs in business...take 4: Price competitiveness

2008-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Speaking of debating ploys, another good one is to change the subject. :-) After Strong Quarter, Apple Signals Changes in Its Prices "...Apple executives hinted during a conference call about Apple’s third-quarter

Re: [CGUYS] Macs in business...take 3: Fear Factor

2008-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Are you really trying to say that you have never, in your vast experience, come across the acronym FUD or any of the many things Microsoft has done that this label has been applied to? I'm not saying you should believe all of those things, though some are quite believable. I am just wondering if

Re: [CGUYS] Process name (null) on OS X

2008-07-15 Thread David K Watson
Have you tried running "top" in Terminal to see if the process names show up there? This will give us a little more information on how deep the problem goes, and it is also a partial substitute for Activity Monitor. You can read about it at

Re: [CGUYS] Where's my computer?

2008-07-11 Thread David K Watson
Man, you are so off base here. You've never noticed: classic car owners emotionally attached to their cars? musicians emotionally attached to their instruments? chefs attached to their knives? craftsmen (woodworkers especially) attached to their tools? Most peopl

Re: [CGUYS] Kernel panic Dx?

2008-07-07 Thread David K Watson
rt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date:Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:39:24 -0400 From:Jennifer Hiebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Kernel panic Dx? On Jul 5, 2008, at 3:46 PM, David K Watson wrote: When you ran the hardware check, did you do the extended memory test? If you don

[CGUYS] Sorry (should have been Re: cancelling Comcast)

2008-07-07 Thread David K Watson
Expletive it! That is the second time in a row that I have forgotten to edit the subject line to reflect the message I was replying to. Even worse, when I tried to correct myself last time, I discovered I'd sent the message to myself! Too much vacation, I guess. I'll try to be more careful

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 7 Jul 2008 - Special issue (#2008-414)

2008-07-07 Thread David K Watson
I am also getting rid of Comcast for Verizon FIOS. I am scheduled for Friday, July 18 for the FIOS install. Verizon told me to wait until I was completely sure that the FIOS install was done properly before canceling Comcast. I figure that the weekend will be long enough for me to see if the

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 4 Jul 2008 (#2008-410)

2008-07-05 Thread David K Watson
Ditto what Tom said. Except for a couple of times in OS X 10.0, I think that every kernel panic I ever had was hardware related, and when my Powerbook failed from what eventually became clear was a hardware failure, the hardware check showed everything OK to the very end. Kernel panics can someti

[CGUYS] The art of letting go

2008-07-01 Thread David K Watson
Here's a NYT article: Windows Could Use a Rush of Fresh Air It argues that Windows is hampered by two decades of accumulated cruft and that Microsoft ought to do a complete rewrite that gets rid of all of the legacy stuff, but

Re: [CGUYS] OMG! Gates Agrees With Tom

2008-07-01 Thread David K Watson
Tom, I don't think you are entirely correct here. The iPod has three distinct UI's on the hardware side (classic, shuffle and touch) and all are doing well. The other side of the UI, iTunes, has evolved considerably as well. Their common feature throughout all their iterations is that Apple make

Re: [CGUYS] OMG! Gates Agrees With Tom

2008-07-01 Thread David K Watson
You are so wrong. First, it was Microsoft and not Gates who purchased the stock, it was not anything near 49% of Apple's stock, and they sold that several years ago to considerable profit. I don't think that there was ever a point where they had anything near the amount of Apple stock Jobs had.

Re: [CGUYS] US is access loser

2008-07-01 Thread David K Watson
Tom's comment had been in reply to a discussion of multiple incompatible phone systems. It is well documented that MS has fostered their incompatible systems in an attempt to gain advantage. This is a frequent subject for analysis in economics texts. It was entirely appropriate for Tom to bring

Re: [CGUYS] US is access loser

2008-06-30 Thread David K Watson
Don't give up hope yet. It hasn't been that long since the NJ legislature opened up the FIOS market by enabling statewide franchises so that the FIOS companies don't have negotiate with every little municipality. The FIOS companies (mostly Verizon) will pick the low-hanging fruit first, the high

Re: [CGUYS] Blackberry on OS X

2008-06-27 Thread David K Watson
I don't have a Blackberry but I do know that there is third party OS X syncing software for Blackberries, The Missing Sync for Blackberry as well as PocketMac, which seems to be what RIM promotes. I seem to recall that bluetooth-enabled Blackberries could do quite a bit (but not everything) witho

Re: [CGUYS] Cable Fights FIOS with Lies

2008-06-26 Thread David K Watson
We have finally decided to move to Verizon FIOS. Verizon has been pushing it hard in my area, even going so far as to send door-to-door salespeople, which ordinarily ups my sales resistance, but inthis case I have finally been persuaded. Verizon is offering to replace our landline, cable and int

Re: [CGUYS] External Terabyte hard drives - recommendations please

2008-06-21 Thread David K Watson
Newer macs (I think all intel macs and possibly also PPC macs with USB 2) WILL boot USB drives. To supplement my earlier post, I've found that the My Book drives I touted come in a fourth flavor, the My Book Studio with USB, Firewire 400 and 800, and eSATA, in 1TB and 2TB versions. Also, they sa

Re: [CGUYS] External Terabyte hard drives - recommendations please

2008-06-21 Thread David K Watson
I don't have a terabyte sized one, but I do have a 500 gigabyte Western Digital My Book drive that I quite like, and I have heard good things in general about the My Book series. They come in three flavors: USB only, USB, Firewire 400, eSATA USB Firewire 400, Firewire 800. Newegg has the 1TB dr

Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista?

2008-06-17 Thread David K Watson
Does anyone have a strategy for avoiding Vista? Yeah. Get a Mac. While this suggestion was offered in jest (and got stomped on by some humorless Windows types), I'd like to point out that it is potentially a real solution to Tom's problem. I occasionally run either Windows 98 or 2000, or o

Re: [CGUYS] a list problem

2008-06-04 Thread David K Watson
I wonder if this had anything to with the list problem: "Customers hosting with ThePlanet, a major Texas hosting provider, are going through some tough times. Yesterday evening at 5:45 pm local time an electrical short caused a fire and

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast bundle feedback

2008-05-12 Thread David K Watson
As the other comments have indicated, Comcast service is very uneven. I have them for Internet and Cable here in NJ, and I have had enough issues with them that I don't like them very much, but not enough to motivate me to change just yet. FIOS is available from Verizon in my area, and I have be

Re: [CGUYS] Is the Apple file system better than Micro$oft's?

2008-04-27 Thread David K Watson
Have to say that "author" was particularly ignorant. Didn't seem to appreciate the difference between a filesystem and the OS that runs on top of it. Didn't know that Unix evolved on a variety of filesystems. Most tellingly, when complaining about "Unix compatibility", didn't know that OS X is a

Re: [CGUYS] The OS that Won't Die!

2008-04-03 Thread David K Watson
On a related note (Microsoft under pressure to reduce OS prices), there is the following story about Vista: "The new Service Pack 1 version of Windows Vista allows end users to purchase the 'upgrade edition' and install it on any PC —

Re: [CGUYS] safari3.1 update

2008-03-25 Thread David K Watson
According to user comments on VersionTracker, adblock 3.2 works just fine with Safari 3.1. I don't know myself, as I use Google's adsubtract css stylesheet, (formerly Good Vibrations) It does a great job clearing out ads without messing up anything else.

[CGUYS] Subject: Re: CGUYS.ORG & Footer Updated

2008-02-16 Thread David K Watson
I also applaud the shorter footer. The old one was particularly bad for those of us who get the digest version of the list. I've always been a little annoyed at having to scroll past the nearly 2 inches of footer in each message, not to mention all the extra ones in quotes and quotes of quotes,

Re: [CGUYS] Sonnet ATA PCI card

2008-01-29 Thread David K Watson
I don't have the Sonnet Tempo ATA100 card in my G4, but I do have one of their SATA cards, so my experience may have some relevance. I have not had any problems with it whatsoever. My boot drive on that computer is now the one connected to the SATA card and it has never had problems recognizing

Re: [CGUYS] Mac OS question

2007-12-13 Thread David K Watson
Actually, you are more like 1.45 x the minimum, which is .867 Ghz. As someone who is even closer to the minimum, I can tell you that you won't see much if any difference in speed doing the same things you are doing now. It has been documented that Leopard is slightly slower than Tiger, but Tiger

Re: [CGUYS] Leopard.1

2007-11-17 Thread David K Watson
I have been using Leopard on a 1 Gz powerbook, which is only a little faster than Apple's minimum requirements, and I haven't been noticing any slowdowns or hanging with iTunes. It does seem to take substantially longer to start up than it did under Tiger, though. As for force quitting, you don

Re: [CGUYS] Short USB "extension cord"

2007-11-16 Thread David K Watson
I got something like that for my son to use with his memory stick. I think I got it at Staples. It was actually less than 2" total length, and had a joint in it so you could rotate the female part up or down out of the plane of the male part. This would make nearby ports more accessible, but

[CGUYS] Leopard.1

2007-11-15 Thread David K Watson
I see in my inbox that Mark has just beat me to the announcement, but here are some extra details: Someone on the list said that they were going to wait until Leopard Mac OS X 10.5.1 came up before making a purchase. Well, it is here, so buy away. I can confirm from my own experience that it fi

Re: [CGUYS] Digest mode

2007-11-09 Thread David K Watson
Jack, I get COMPUTERGUYS-L in digest mode, and it comes to me with short email headers (see my version of your message below). It comes to me as a flat unformatted mail document. My settings are DIGEST NOMIME, so if you are getting it in MIME format, that may be the reason. Which mail app are yo

Re: [CGUYS] mac mini help

2007-11-08 Thread David K Watson
Is it possible that your screen colors are inverted? Try pressing Control Option Command(apple/cloverleaf) 8. Do it again to return to the previous state if this does not fix the problem. Otherwise, try resetting the PRAM by shutting down the computer, then turning on the computer and pressing an

Re: [CGUYS] Fastest vista notebook

2007-10-30 Thread David K. Watson
What I found interesting was that Macs have been fastest since they began testing, as evidenced by the phrase, "The fastest Windows Vista notebook we've tested this year--or for that matter, ever--is a Mac." Apple has absolutely no reason to optimize their hardware for Vista, and

[CGUYS] Fastest vista notebook

2007-10-30 Thread David K. Watson
I am a little bored with the current squabbling in this list over operating systems, so how about we fight over hardware instead? From PC World: "The fastest Windows Vista notebook we've tested this year is a Mac. Try

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Ignorance [Was: The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-25 Thread David K. Watson
Maybe I am overtired, but this struck me as funny: What are you talking about? I've got 3 different Macs in the last 2 years. I'll be it one was a Macbook Pro, but the other two iMacs didn't come with any 5 button mice. I've never even seen a 5 button Apple produced Mac mouse. Do these come with

Re: [CGUYS] MacIgnorance [Was: Grabbing domain names of well-known persons?

2007-10-12 Thread David K. Watson
I finally decided to see what all the hoopla was about, so I did a little Googling myself. The horrendous 40 step process for changing the admin name on a Mac turns out to be an Apple support document with instructions for changing the admin name, and even with this method you could have pro

Re: [CGUYS] Setting Up a Bootable External Drive

2007-09-18 Thread David K. Watson
Here are some articles that came out last year on Mac backup software. This article primarily explores the issues in Mac backup software, but does take a look at basic copying tools, while this art

[CGUYS] CIO: Eight Financial Reasons Why You Should Use Mac OS

2007-08-02 Thread David K. Watson
forestall a certain kind of comment, let me say that it is FINE WITH ME if you like Windows and don't think that Macs are right for you. However, I think that there are many cases where Macs could be used to better advantage, and I also think that more people s

[CGUYS] Parallel-Windows Which OS Question

2007-07-26 Thread David K. Watson
On Thu Jul 26, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Michael Moser wrote: The purpose for going to the dark side is that I have to connect to a Windows XP Pro computer through remote desktop and control a device remotely which it controls. ... Which os would be the least hassle, the safest, and the cheapest to get

Re: [CGUYS] PDF files in a Macintosh environment

2007-06-01 Thread David K. Watson
Display the document properties in your reader. This will tell you what software was used to create the documents. Alas, none of my readers will tell me anything more than the fact that the file is a PDF, the file size and the creation date. I cannot determine what software created the

Re: [CGUYS] Savvy Senator?

2007-04-23 Thread David K. Watson
I'd also like to dispute the snide implication by Jeff that Vint Cerf is a partisan shill and so shouldn't be listened to, as evidenced by Cerf's contributions to various Dems. In the list Jeff gave, the Cerf's contributions to Dems started in the Clinton administration, AFTER Gore was sena

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