Re: Heaven-Hell horse show joke update.

2000-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Merek, very good! Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Various

2000-12-21 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Phantom name Minnie Rouse Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Llama spooks ( and others )

2000-12-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linda, could you explain how you rode to the ocean from Idaho? Or did I miss something? Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Re: Phantoms and good news

2000-12-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> A very blessed holiday for you too Julie. What wonderful news. My niece also has been cancer free for four years now after the treatment. So keep the faith! Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel

Re: Sylvi

2000-12-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Lisa you gest! Do you note a Spanish accent in my emails? The family did sail from England and around the "horn" some 200 years ago in a wood hulled ship. Being a Yacht Club person in my earlier years and

Re: Riding buffalo vs. Fjords

2000-12-19 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No Beth not at all offended. "Retired police officer" in other words you survived to retire. I do not believe we ever respect our police enough to realize that it is a jungle out there on the streets and that death

Re: Riding buffalo vs. Fjords

2000-12-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Beth do I catch a hint of sarcasm there? I held a crazy man who was breaking down my door by aiming my beretti pistol at him until the sheriff got here. No doubt what would have happened if I had been unarmed. The paper r

Re: Fjords in Michigan

2000-12-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Re all that snow!! Wow! You should do like the Bavarians and build on to the house a walk in barn for the critters. Their droppings and body heat help warm the house and vice vs. No drifts to go through! Would smell a

Re: Riding buffalo vs. Fjords

2000-12-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For heaven sakes Merek what is a Glock? I have mausers and, shoot, what is that Austrian rifle? Would have to get it out of the closet. Glad your horses also spook at elephants. Personally I like the big beasts, from a dis


2000-12-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Ann glad to see you back for awhile. Gives me a chance to ask you why you have not videos of your work with Wez? Or have you? That lovely shoulder in canter for instance. My big Charley used to have "lie downs&quo

Re: endurance fjords

2000-12-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tamara, welcome to the very active list!!! I will let the experts address the endurance riding. I can tell you that they are used for fox hunting, hunter jumpers, grand Prix dressage, competitive driving, reining (will

Re: Riding buffalo vs. Fjords

2000-12-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gayle that is hilarious about the buffalo! I remember as a child rushing up to the buffalo pen at the zoo not knowing the calf was dead by the fence. The mother charged me and made it through the first fence but was he

Re: Bjorn-Knutson!

2000-12-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dear Bud, Tillie and Amy, What a terrible and unexpected loss. It must hurt terribly. I too know the feelings and anguish for a beloved horse. Time helps but it takes a long time not to see him out in the field. I had to

Re: Brigid's website...Turkey baster

2000-12-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Article re treating excess smegma or dirty sheath. Buy a large jug of mineral oil through Omaha vaccine or other suppliers. Then get a turkey baster at your grocery or hardware store. That is the plastic tube with the rubbe

Re: Palm Spiders and Tarantulas?

2000-12-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes the PSs are as big as the Ts. A friend was confronted by one when she stepped out of her shower. It was running about the bathroom. She screamed for her husband and he came in and batted at the thing but it alluded

Re: value of time

2000-12-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Very funny Beth, I just hope you mean to use the blow part of the vacuum and not the draw which might bring spontaneous combustion for the operator. Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter

Re: Roman cavalry tack

2000-12-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Brigid, head for your local library! Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: smegma problem

2000-12-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Bonnie, When I groom my boys they usually let down. Then I quickly squirt mineral oil, with a turkey baster. on the you know what and it gets rid of a lot of the smegma. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "T

Re: 4 yr old Gelding for sale

2000-12-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Whew! I do not know who wrote the tribute to Knute but if I get ready to sell something I will let you write it up. I feel like I know Knute and it makes me sad that I have come to the end of my buying horses. Jea

Re: smegma problem

2000-12-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Haha!! Karen the only problem with the turkey baster is the whole thing flies apart when the oil gets under the rubber seal. Not to mention the horses recognize it unless I keep it hidden, or maybe they are just sensing

Re: To Jean G./Baja, long!

2000-12-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Karen really enjoyed your trip and the descriptions of primitive back country Baja. My Dad bought a mile of beach in Baja near the tip, called the ranch Rancho Buena Vista (fishing) and became quite successful as "El

Re: value of time

2000-12-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Har har etc. Beth re vacuuming. Mine does windows but leaves a lot of smudge. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: handling /selling babies

2000-12-10 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Karen, where in Baja? I hear exactly what you are saying and do not forget I bought the love Howdy from you. I might add for $500 off. All those great things you say about hard work, CPA's, heart into it etc are very i

Re: handling babies

2000-12-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Karen I have to stand up for some of the buyers. Some are totally unaware of how much time the owner, breeder, trainer etc. puts into the horse. They may not know the $ value set on this, or any other part of rearing a ho

Re: Libby 2000 videos

2000-12-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ursula, would you tell me if these are well done videos or from a distance etc. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] http://www.techline.

Re: Tank's tail

2000-12-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cynthia I have Gunnar son of Grabb and he has a fantastic tail that needs cutting to keep it off the ground. However his forms ringlets, or what do you call those afro ringlets? Dreadnoughts? Or dreadlocks? I have to take ea

Re: Bye, Bye

2000-12-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You are right about that "Mocktasumas" revenge. I have to laugh remembering when my father first started up the resort and we ate family style in the dining room. In the middle of both tables was a bottle of


2000-12-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Say Mike enjoyed those pictures of the members of the BOD. Makes one feel warmer toward them as they look like really nice people instead of the "enemy" at times. A picture says a thousand words? Is that

Re: Jellyfish Was Re: Bye, Bye

2000-12-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Pam Hahahahahaha!! Only a sister could tell it so well. Jean :) Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Bye, Bye

2000-12-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You are right Pam we had major bad jelly fish in Baja and my Dad who owned the Buena Vista Fishing resort would run down the beach when he heard someone crying out in pain and rub the sting with sand. It usually helped alot

Re: Bye, Bye

2000-12-05 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gosh Peg I want you to be careful on this trip to Mexico. You know they have a new Prez and there may be riots and stuff. Then on the coast where you will be staying they have terrible hurricanes. Plus those ugly hammer

Re: hello

2000-12-02 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Got your message Sue. Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Midwest Fjord Winter Meeting

2000-11-30 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Pat, I wish "Brain" was still on the list to receive this honor, well deserved, that you are bestowing on him. Jean :) Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter&q

Re: Therapeutic

2000-11-30 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> David, young children are like that when you leave them for a period of time away from home. They "reject" you when you come to see them. Does not take long before they are yours again though!!! Jean

Re: Handicapped Award

2000-11-30 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dave you are very humble about your mare, Elska. Sounds like she really did a splendid job and has that innate sense (mostly mares I think) of "caring" for her rider. Congratulations. Jean Jean Gayle Aberd

Re: Christmas Songs

2000-11-27 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Could #26 be "New Years Eve"? Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Horse Show in Heaven

2000-11-27 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike you better start dodging bullets and next time you enter a show do not be too surprised if you end up last. :)) Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #305

2000-11-26 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have had trouble with insurance the moment you say colic. They need to differentiate between gas and tendency toward serious colic. My big horse Charlie has what I call "lie down" spells. He is nineteen so they


2000-11-26 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sorry I needed to include a letter received with the reply and over looked erasing later. Jean you are also leaving the letter in your reply in case you had not noticed. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "T

Re: Adjustable tree saddles

2000-11-25 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Marcy. I had a trainer, a Col. Beale, who was making his own adjustable saddle try it on my Trakehner and the horse ended up with a sore back. I think I would still like to try the treeless saddle that fits all. Je

Re: Santa help needed

2000-11-23 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Lisa, if one of those "Jean" was for me I hate to tell you but I am a Christmas grinch! It is hard enough thinking of gifts for my one family member and friends but.I may not ride much anymore however I do run

Re: New to the Fjord World

2000-11-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linda, welcome to the non lurking list. I like your sense of humor and you will fit in quite nicely with us other humorous types. Hugin even sounds like you want to hug him. You have a vast world of experience with horse

Re: double messages

2000-11-21 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alison, I have had that happen in threes to five duplicates. It is an adjustment in your email, where I can not say. sorry. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occup

Re: Bulky winter boots and stirrups

2000-11-21 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jean that was a nerve racking story. Who could have looked ahead to that stuck boot? I ride with the english stirrups with the rubber band on one side. When I needed to fall off my fjord when he was running all out and I

Re: winter shoes

2000-11-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I am behind in my mail and first go through and erase the #%&^$## ads that come unsolicited!! out of 69 emails 14 ads. Da--! Anyway re chickens if it has not already been said. Roosters will crow in the dark. I l

Re: Finding The Right Dressage Saddle

2000-11-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Has anyone tried the saddles where you have a key and can widen or narrow down the tree? It is 27 degrees and crunchy. Beautiful still and clear night. Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's

Re: Zoooming home...

2000-11-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Pam I agree with you. However there are times when you can not stop a frightened or poorly trained horse. You mention getting off. Believe me at any sign that a horse is going to blow or take off, and you must be paying a

Re: Office Closed

2000-11-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike, actually it is again nice but cold here in rain forest land. But no flowers, hula weather etc. Hope you have a great time! Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"

Re: I'm learning : ) Yay!

2000-11-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Go get em Jack what a thrill. I used to do that but now as I am "older" I leave out the big "C"! Envy you. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occu

Re: this is a keeper!!

2000-11-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> There is a pair of fjord rosettes on ebay. The fjord is pretty husky but sometimes pictures of rosettes are quite difficult to do. This auction is over around four today. These are the new ones being made where you can hav

Re: this is a keeper!!

2000-11-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike I just read the one about heaven and the real heaven where we can take our best friends with us. Very nice and fits my thoughts completely. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daugh

Re: upcoming Pacific Northwest Fjord Promotional Group Meeting

2000-11-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Why in all the years I have been going to shows has no one become a professional show giver? Isn't there money in it? Wouldn't it be great if we could just sign up for professionals to run the show and make their

Re: Ivermectin and Ticks

2000-11-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Wanda, still hoping to hear what the name of that cedar spray is??? Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: things are looking up

2000-11-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Brigid when you are looking forward to where you are going your body follows right along and communicates to your horse before you do. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"

Re: Easy Boot Heart Attack

2000-11-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> A coronet is played in a coronary band. Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: things are looking up

2000-11-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I got rid of a trainer who was always saying, "look at what you are doing." Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Ticks, WNV, and other stuff

2000-11-05 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jean. "no earthworms" how in the dickens do you fish without earthworms??? Half the fun was trying to find where the earthworms were hiding!! Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colon


2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sorry for the repetitious messages, thought I was sending the one to Steve privately. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Re: sarcoid

2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Gail thanks for responding. Yes we talked about the various ways but because of the location and size the Vet thought this was the way to go. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter

Re: sarcoid

2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Karen and Jean Now I am stuck as to whether to try the herbal route as these are big and we want to be sure to get them. When the inflammation subsides we can see if these shots worked. Then make the next decision. Than

Re: Sarcoid

2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Steve, thanks for your interest. This horse of mine is very sensitive and has been through quite a bit recently. Aged 19 and Thoroughbred/trakehner at 17 2+ hands I discovered a sticky bunch of stuff in his groin when

Re: Sarcoid

2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Mary I had Stillion out today and he gave Charley a shot of bute and of cortisone. Hope this helps as the old boy is rally dragging. He had that founder from the trim, then the splint, then all shots and float, now th

Re: Sarcoid

2000-11-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Pam I understand this regressin sp! has been the most successful in getting rid of these ugly things. There seems to always be a reaction and Charley is just a very sensitive creature! There are several sarcoids and big a


2000-11-02 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I thought I would bring you up to date on Charley's sarcoid procedure. Last Thurs the Vet gave him approximately thirty shots in the large sarcoids in his groin. He was sedated but not out. Risky for the Vet but Cha


2000-11-01 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hahaha! Mike, I imagine that trooper was so incensed at the treatment of the horse she went for the "big guns". One time when I was living in Europe, a German friend and I had been visiting over a "few"

Re: saddle for Fjords

2000-10-30 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hooh! Boy! Rena you really go for the big stuff with that Passier saddle. Mine is still out in the garage getting stiff. It is a century dressage and lasts a life time. No matter how I abuse it, it bounces back. Jea


2000-10-28 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Haw haw! Patti, very funny. Jean :) Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: settled dust - A NATIONAL SHOW & Six Days in NYC

2000-10-25 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> A great time Carol and makes me homesick for travel. Hope to get off to Europe again this spring. Charlie my big boy has his first Regressin (sp) shot for the sarcoid tomorrow. They have to knock him out as it is in

Nile sickness

2000-10-23 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I was talking to a friend in Conn. who said a horse had died one block from him. They are taking the illness very seriously there and fear it is spreading. The authorities have sprayed three times for mosquitoes and have b

Re: last note on pellets

2000-10-23 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To you who use dumpsters, why aren't you doing compost piles or spreading on the flowers etc. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] ht

Re: measuring the cannon bone

2000-10-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ruthie, "what is a normal size cannon bone?" Gosh it varies in all horses. Charlie my big boy has a 10 1/2" which is large but not the largest. Our fjords with stubby legs would be about the same as larger hors

measuring the cannon bone

2000-10-19 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ruthie, I have been told to measure where the bone smooths out from the knee. In other words past the joint part. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occup

Re: sleigh,and cart, harness

2000-10-19 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Janet where are you? It helps the sale to know where these things are. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: memories

2000-10-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Lisa what a sweet story about your Gram and the mini. I know a mini stud who is a BIG horse in his thoughts and a gem to drive and know. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #272

2000-10-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jane, thanks so much. I am still waiting for the results of the biopsy which I now read is not a good idea as it may start a spread of the sarcoid. The more I read the more I can understand why these things are so vicious. W

Re: Sarcoids

2000-10-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Pat. this already has "fingers" and is what the vet "broke off." It is in a difficult location next to the abdomen and the inner thigh. The leg is swollen so it must already be crowding the lym

Re: sarcoid

2000-10-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks alot Karen, I will check the archives too. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: sarcoid

2000-10-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Jean and I will check out those herbs and Horse mg, I did hear about a virus called "Nile" and just now reading your mail put it together. Wow. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colon


2000-10-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks Pam for the information about the virus and sarcoid. I am curious as my vet says sarcoids are not cancer, why your vet would treat with chemotherapy. Or am I fixating on the cancer issue? This is a big one and may ha


2000-10-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well the routine shots,sheaths and floating ended up differently than I had hoped. Everybody got tranquilized and when my big horse was "under" the vet checked an area I had just discovered on the inside hind where

bridle rosettes

2000-10-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For those who might be interested there is a business on line that makes bridle rosettes to order. They look pretty neat. Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Would be nice to have a pair with your horse on them. Jean Jean Ga


2000-10-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Carol, re Heidi not liking soft ground or pools of water. I am sure if you have a way to put them between her and food she will soon get over her dislike of them. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "T

Re: FjordHorse List makes the Bigtime!

2000-10-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alison I do feel sorry for you as this invasion of privacy is maddening. Do you use your inbox assistant? Also is at least a way to notify the mailing sources what is going on. We might compare notes to se

Re: Eye opener!!

2000-10-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wow Patty too close for comfort. Amazing how brave we can be at times. I met a bear ten feet away and at least did not panic, well I did scream a bit. A friend saw a bob cat in her back yard with her cat in its mouth. with

Re: This is "special"

2000-10-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> That is a big horse too!!! 11.1 hands Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Oh Dear

2000-10-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Here Here Pam!!!! Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: FjordHorse List makes the Bigtime!

2000-10-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Steve I do not know if this is pertinent to your meeting but I am inundated with spammed advertising. The spammers use fake addresses, pretend they are following procedure with addresses for "remove" and the mai

Re: Update on our mini-horse.

2000-10-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Rondi, you will get over it but it is just such a hard time now. Thank you for the update re the virus. I have notified several of our vets here. Evidently the government is not notifying anyone. Did they think there migh

Re: American vs. European Evaluations

2000-10-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well said Saskia. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores


2000-10-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sometime we should take a study of who is just an owner for pleasure, "backyard owners". horse is a pet, horse is aged, no interest in showing, no interest in breeding, 4Hers, rescued horse, retired, vs breeder

Re: VT Trek

2000-10-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dave, thanks for the trip. I was pretty tired by the time we crossed Vermont. Glad there was a ride home. Re hosts who are not very gracious, a good reminder that if you have company be hospitable not aloof. But some peop

Re: Losing a horse!

2000-10-11 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Rondi what a very frightening and horrible thing. I am so sorry the little horse died. I am glad the fjord and the others made it. Terrible not knowing what you are fighting and it seems quite a virulent disease. For the ho

Re: Old text

2000-10-10 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sue you should write a book about your younger times. Sounds like it was fun and interesting. I wrote about my life and it is doing quite well. Alright, I mean both the book AND my life! Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [A

Re: acorns and pigs

2000-10-10 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Carol I would ask my neighbors how long they have had their horses and it should tell you that the oaks are okay if it is a long time. They should be your best barometer. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress o

Re: Old text

2000-10-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> That was good reading, Anneli. Bit of a history lesson and also tells us we are related to the royalty as we have similar taste!!!! Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occup

Re: acorns

2000-10-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jean if I saw a good sized pig running toward me I would jump out of my pen also and flee!! Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Re: xrays

2000-10-08 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sounds painful Hope. I do not know about backs but two years ago I had a hip replacement after agony for several years. What a great thing it is as I ride now with no pain. Hope you have the same luck with that back. J

Re: Fjord size

2000-10-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tammy re fern. My field was full of fern when I first moved here. I was told they were poisonous but horses rarely ate them unless overly hungry. I did not have fjords then! But after adding two more horses the fern disapp

Re: The PONY Drafts showed with the BIG BOYS !

2000-10-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Congratulations Lisa on a good showing and a fun one too. Jean Jean Gayle Aberdeen, WA [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: not Fjord related.. Pyrs

2000-10-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To you Pyr owners, I am looking for a dog who will keep the possum out, or any other wild critter, exercise my inactive Corgi and Fjord etc, etc. However what about that white coat? How often does that get combed etc? Je

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