[Freedos-devel] About Bret's license

2011-05-04 Thread Christian Masloch
As this is about software licensing issues, I want to state here: I'm not a lawyer and this e-mail does not contain any legal advice. Oh, and if you're easily annoyed by licensing issues then you might prefer not to read this thread. In FreeDOS 1.1 (again), dos386 wrote: Bret's USBDOS

Re: [Freedos-devel] About Bret's license

2011-05-04 Thread Christian Masloch
Don't forget http://www.osor.eu/eupl/european-union-public-licence-eupl-v.1.1 for European developers, because it's compatible with GNU GPL v2 and is available in 22 languages. I think you're allowed to use it even if you're no European citizen, aren't you? Still, isn't it GPL v3

Re: [Freedos-devel] documentation for FreeDOS filesystem or other programming functions/interfaces?

2011-02-14 Thread Christian Masloch
RBIL is pretty much it (right? or some undocumented book, perhaps?), and it doesn't say much that hasn't already been mentioned. http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/rbinter/id/40/32.html For completeness, here's the original site (right?): http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ralf/files.html The book is

Re: [Freedos-devel] documentation for FreeDOS filesystem or other programming functions/interfaces?

2011-02-14 Thread Christian Masloch
1. ax=7300h dl=0 cl=1 int 21h - if it returns ax unchanged, then the kernel is not aware of the 21.73xx FAT32 functions. Why test another function (which is really undocumented at that, so unlikely to be implemented properly in other DOS versions) to determine whether function 7303h is

Re: [Freedos-devel] documentation for FreeDOS filesystem or other programming functions/interfaces?

2011-02-13 Thread Christian Masloch
I am possibly going to rewrite my df utility to work with freeDOS' FAT32 filesystem (DJGPP uses int21h function 36h which is 16-bit FAT16 and 16-bit regs). I cannot find any documentation on the functions that freedos uses for its filesystem functions, like getting filesystem volume

Re: [Freedos-devel] ASCII to unicode table

2010-12-01 Thread Christian Masloch
Combined with, for example, a UTF-8 enabled Super-NANSI to make the step from strings to their display, of course. The problem would be loss of ASCII art block graphics in apps which are not using Unicode. But that happens for some code pages anyway. (For example, CPs 858 and 850 drop some

Re: [Freedos-devel] ASCII to unicode table

2010-12-01 Thread Christian Masloch
You would need an Input Method driver which lets you type complex key sequences or combinations to type in a language which has more than the usual few dozen chars of alphabet. Yes. The (keyboard) input and (screen) output appears to be the most complicated exercise here. DBCS or UTF-8

Re: [Freedos-devel] ASCII to unicode table

2010-11-30 Thread Christian Masloch
I think your attitude is not very constructive. We have to keep this idea as simple as possible or nobody implements it. I think some of that is important, even if you only want to implement a simple translation. Besides, of course it isn't very constructive to *discuss* an idea. Go use

Re: [Freedos-devel] ASCII to unicode table

2010-11-27 Thread Christian Masloch
Now programs do it self by looking into own datafiles with .TBL extension. Look at DOSLFN or Volkov commander 4.99. They have few files like cp852uni.tbl, cp866uni.tbl and so on. It is a very good solution but problem is that here is no way now how to determine which file should be

Re: [Freedos-devel] C/C++ BIOS backup

2010-11-14 Thread Christian Masloch
each bios is going to be different. what is common between the BIOSes is the int21H functions, which are outlined here: http://hdebruijn.soo.dto.tudelft.nl/newpage/interupt/out-0100.htm Interrupt 21h is provided by DOS. The list you link to contains BIOS functions as well as DOS

Re: [Freedos-devel] C/C++ BIOS backup

2010-11-14 Thread Christian Masloch
I read through the boot code and didn't see and specifics written about where the system bios is stored in memory. The boot code uses the software interrupts associated with the BIOS to call BIOS functions. For example, interrupt 16h (BIOS keyboard functions) and interrupt 13h (BIOS disk

Re: [Freedos-devel] [Freedos-user] svn failure

2010-10-10 Thread Christian Masloch
How can I deal with an improper file name? This is probably a question you should rather ask the TortoiseSVN guys, but I found the relevant section of their FAQ: http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/faq.html#cantmove It links to this, which is a workaround for improper file names but requires

Re: [Freedos-devel] [Freedos-user] Regarding dot and dotdot entries

2010-08-30 Thread Christian Masloch
DOS386 (on Freedos-user): [...] the great . and .. AKA dot and dotdot entries are inherently useless and many DOS and non-DOS kernels do ignore them mostly or fully. I think that there are drivers/systems that will just expect both entries to reside in the first two directory entries. This

Re: [Freedos-devel] Standardized development tools

2010-08-23 Thread Christian Masloch
Now, I will have to disclose that I have not tried jwasm. There's no reason behind that except for laziness. Having learned nasm and finding it met my needs, I just didn't try jwasm because I didn't want to learn it. So, I cannot compare nasm to it. I can't really compare NASM to it

Re: [Freedos-devel] Standardized development tools

2010-08-21 Thread Christian Masloch
I'm thinking it would be a good idea to standardize on one C/C++ compiler for the project. [...] I would be interested in your opinions about standardizing one or several assemblers for the project. I think that the kernel and FreeCOM assembler source files currently use NASM, a 2-clause

Re: [Freedos-devel] New Distro: checking everything

2009-11-27 Thread Christian Masloch
Hi Alain, JEMMEX crashes XMSDSK, so it could crash other programs and I did no further test. I often use both together without issues. Maybe you could report the bug that you experience? When did you test JemmEx? Regards, Christian

Re: [Freedos-devel] Pre-presentation of a project

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Masloch
I'm thinking that I can perfectly get an interrupt, without having to reserve one. That is, a function under AMIS could tell the driver to get hooked at a certain interrupt chosen by the caller. This would be more comfortable for the high-level programmer than having to call an

Re: [Freedos-devel] Pre-presentation of a project

2009-11-02 Thread Christian Masloch
The reason why I've been considering a brand new interrupt is because the driver is not supposed to be single-purposed. This does not convince me. What I want to create is a new standard interface where support for new features can be hooked in a very tidy and organised way. I think

Re: [Freedos-devel] Fw: Re: About my driver, HIMEM/EMM386 and interrupts

2009-11-01 Thread Christian Masloch
Is there any site where I can read in very good detail and in a way that is easy to understand, how flat-real mode, VCPI and DPMI work and how they deal with other previously loaded systems to avoid collisions? I don't know about such a site. RBIL however provides much information about

Re: [Freedos-devel] Fw: Re: About my driver, HIMEM/EMM386 and interrupts

2009-10-30 Thread Christian Masloch
but then virtual-86 mode is set and I can no loger use 32bit real-mode pointers! IF you need PM from V86 there is VCPI. Protected mode isn't the same as flat real mode. Yet, there has to be a way, because HIMEM works even though EMM386 is loaded. As said, it uses INT $15 / AH=$87

Re: [Freedos-devel] About my driver, HIMEM/EMM386 and interrupts

2009-10-26 Thread Christian Masloch
I'm building a driver (for DOS) that's supposed to have several functions hooked at an interrupt. When applications call these functions, the driver should load and unload some tables or activate/deactivate them somehow. Because these tables are big, I don't want to keep them in

Re: [Freedos-devel] How to get FreeDOS kernel version?

2009-09-07 Thread Christian Masloch
Int21.33FF returns a pointer to an ASCIZ release string in dx:ax. Try the function in a debugger and look at the string; it's format isn't fixed. There's no call which returns the numbers but you might try to parse the string instead. Regards, Christian

Re: [Freedos-devel] newer motherboards and [U]EFI, large-sectored drives

2009-09-06 Thread Christian Masloch
LARGE SECTOR DRIVES: There is also the issue of large-sectored disks coming after the 2TB drive, if anyone plans on purchasing one of those. by large-sectored I mean drives that have 1024, 2048, 4096 byte sectors. Microsoft has warned of this. large-sectored drives allow you to use

Re: [Freedos-devel] Unable to compile format

2009-08-12 Thread Christian Masloch
The lesson to be drawn today: develop in Pascal, since that's not case-sensitive, and have a nice system for handling modules (units). :p After one year of Pascal introduction in school I still couldn't write code easier to read/understand/maintain than my Assembly programs. Consider that

[Freedos-devel] Specify RDISK letter

2009-06-20 Thread Christian Masloch
I am changing RDISK from a .SYS to a .COM file, which will then allow a user specified drive letter when loaded thru the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. [Not possible in CONFIG.SYS, a long story why!]. Actually, with a bad hack it is possible to do that. RDISK won't install as normal block device driver

Re: [Freedos-devel] Closed: FIXED

2009-06-18 Thread Christian Masloch
1. For AH=$5A, EDR-DOS appends slash, FreeDOS doesn't ... what is more valid ??? Appending is valid. RBIL is wrong. MS-DOS 5+ appends it, not only version 5. And just in case someone suspects evil usage of DEBUG to disassemble MS-DOS: that wasn't even required here. Just test the call on

Re: [Freedos-devel] Closed: FIXED

2009-06-18 Thread Christian Masloch
and leaves both (!!!) files present in the directory and empty ... Which both do you mean? It deletes the original, so only the temp file still exists? YES, but the following rename call apparently recreates the original name, Yes. but without deleting the temp name, No, the rename

[Freedos-devel] New RxDOS memory subsystem source code

2009-06-16 Thread Christian Masloch
Just linking this item for those of you interested: http://www.bttr-software.de/forum/forum_entry.php?id=6772 If you want to comment and prefer the mailing list, feel free to add your comment as reply here. Regards, Christian

Re: [Freedos-devel] New RxDOS memory subsystem source code

2009-06-16 Thread Christian Masloch
not yet a fully working kernel. Am working on RxDOSEXE.ASM right now ;-) Regards, Christian -- Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited

Re: [Freedos-devel] New RxDOS memory subsystem source code

2009-06-16 Thread Christian Masloch
replying here would be somewhat off topic. You're saying development of free DOS software is not on topic in the FreeDOS devel list? -- Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial Check out the new simplified

Re: [Freedos-devel] New RxDOS memory subsystem source code

2009-06-16 Thread Christian Masloch
RxDOS is another DOS clone entirely from FreeDOS. I agree, but *please* send the link to that other list... I would like to subscribe :) This, and that RxDOS isn't so entirely different. First, it's of course free now (thanks to Mike!), and second, RxDOS is effectively just a kernel plus

Re: [Freedos-devel] DEVLOAD handling of EDR-DOS EDPBs

2009-04-26 Thread Christian Masloch
Hi, at the risk of talking too much about EDR DOS... Are you afraid of different DOS versions? ;-) No, you misunderstood that. He's going to expand the current EDR-DOS EDPB (call it the [FAT32] DDSC, that's the DR-DOS term Drive Descriptor) by another 2 bytes, it will be 6 bytes larger

[Freedos-devel] DEVLOAD handling of EDR-DOS EDPBs

2009-04-06 Thread Christian Masloch
Hi, the current DEVLOAD version contains a special check for EDR-DOS, to set the DPB size to a 4 byte larger value if it's found. (It appends new DPBs when loading block devices, and therefore needs to know the size of the DPB.) Now, that's a fine thing, to support other DOS versions and

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-29 Thread Christian Masloch
Hi guys, EA: Thanks for the warning :-)). Luckily most of the FreeDOS kernel is written in C... One of the things that make it complicated is that it sometimes has to follow long chains of things calling each other because it is documented that MS DOS does it the same way, so for

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering - Arachne

2009-03-29 Thread Christian Masloch
- I am not sure whenever Udo Kuhnt's version uses 16 or 32 bit DPMI but it I think it's 16. The difference isn't that big, anyway. Default code operation size changes, but this doesn't require changes to the actual code (even in .ASM source files) if the assembler or compiler supports both

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-28 Thread Christian Masloch
A (or more then one) virtualizer is a good source for initial developing and testing, often an emulator is even more picky about how you implement. DOSBox is good for DOS games but many utilities refuse to work. You can boot a real DOS (f.e. FreeDOS) disk image inside DOSBox which makes

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-28 Thread Christian Masloch
As Eric put it, NASM is considered more free than JWASM. as you probably can see there are also rather questionable sentences to find in this mailing-list. Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Fairness, ... are commonly regarded as positive terms and because of this they are also favorite

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-28 Thread Christian Masloch
If you want to learn about (16-bit) DOS kernel stuff, first get the RBIL (Ralf Brown's Interrupt List) and the source of DOS-C (mostly C) and Udo's Enhanced DR-DOS kernel (Assembly). (You might as well get the old RxDOS 7.1.5 Assembly sources but oh well.) ...and the sources for MS-DOS

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-28 Thread Christian Masloch
fdpkg requires c:\FDOS? how do you maintain a working existing environment along side the beta one even following the existing structure and using c:\FDOSBETA or something acceptable. No, it doesn't require this directory name. The directory name is read from the DOSDIR environment

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-28 Thread Christian Masloch
The question whether Masm or Nasm has a larger community or is more widely used is indeed somewhat interesting, but it's interesting because it's a common propaganda item which nicely shows that people tend to believe what they want to believe. It's also interesting because JWASM and

Re: [Freedos-devel] Volunteering

2009-03-27 Thread Christian Masloch
Hi Adam, My main interest is programming and a challenge. Occasionally play some old games that I miss. Bards Tale etc. Check out Commander Keen ;-) Interested in the Kernel and Assembly programming. If you want to learn something about the DOS kernel and Assembly language I could

Re: [Freedos-devel] building freedos

2009-03-25 Thread Christian Masloch
DOSLFN is probably not free enough for Fedora [...] I wasn't talking especially about Linux license compatibility here, sorry. Is the 4DOS license okay for Fedora? I doubt this. Lucho added some ridiculous crap and limitations to it. Not really written for - Japheth just stopped keeping an

Re: [Freedos-devel] building freedos

2009-03-25 Thread Christian Masloch
Is the 4DOS license okay for Fedora? I doubt this. Lucho added some ridiculous crap and limitations to it. Strong words, do you have examples of changes in 4DOS that are unpleasant for you / others? I'm talking about the license here. Just read what he writes about it on the main 4DOS

Re: [Freedos-devel] building freedos

2009-03-24 Thread Christian Masloch
The FreeDOS Spec says: Our reference C compiler is OpenWatcom C. (Borland C 3.1 was originally chosen as the reference standard because this is the compiler used to build the FreeDOS kernel. However, it is preferable to use entirely free tools to create FreeDOS.) [...] This does not mean

Re: [Freedos-devel] Fwd: [Freedos-kernel] Error compiling ...

2009-02-26 Thread Christian Masloch
You can cast a short to an int, an the conversion in ok, but to cast a short* to an int* will bring in 2 extra bytes and an INVALID POINTER... no short * and int * are the exact same size in 16-bit compilers (try compiling a test program which prints sizeof(int), sizeof(short). For some

Re: [Freedos-devel] Fantom drives

2009-02-07 Thread Christian Masloch
I have a proposal for the 2038 kernel: What about to add possibility to disable creating the fantom drive B: on systems with only one disk drive (A:) installed? This feature already exists and is much older than 2035 ;-) It is called the DJ mechanism: When you try to access drive B: DOS

Re: [Freedos-devel] bug in freedos kernel int 21.1c invalid drive handling?

2009-01-23 Thread Christian Masloch
1) For existing 3,5 floppy disks all give the same (correct) results only MSDOS gives wrong Total number of Sectors and Sectors per Cluster This bug of MS-DOS 7.10 is also documented in RBIL 61. BTW, I think the other registers should not be changed when al is set to FFh regardless of what