Re: [Geoserver-users] Best GeoServer Features

2014-08-06 Thread cmaul
1. Reliability and that it is largely data format agnostic 2. OGR2OGR 3. Inspire, helps to get around our problem with non-ISO-conforming metadata 4. How do I get the data directory out of the 'Program Files' directory. That was version 1.7.4 with Jetty installer. 5. NetCDF -

Re: [Geoserver-users] Limiting rendering for large resultsets

2014-08-06 Thread cmaul
Laurent, I've got the same problem with our cadastre, i.e. rural and urban properties. My way around was to filter using the 'Local Government' attribute. The result is a bit crude and the SLD is large, but it works well. If you have got a similar attribute in your dataset that would be simplest

Re: [Geoserver-users] Filtering on attributes not in feature_id column

2014-07-15 Thread cmaul
Hi Steve, yes. Look here: and here: and the demos in Geoserver itself (left hand menu quite at the bottom) Cheers Christian -

[Geoserver-users] ogr2ogr

2014-07-08 Thread cmaul
Hello, the answer is probably 'No', but just to make sure: Is there any way to use the ogr2ogr integration in Geoserver to draw from the Geoserver data sources into your own database? I've defined the file formats available (MAP, MIF, GDB, DXF etc.), however I have been asked whether streaming

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver JVM tuning

2014-06-17 Thread cmaul
Dario, you will have to do this for Jetty (or any other container), because that is where the Java process is generated. In response to Jody: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 is fine, I just restarted my geoserver server after 3972 hours (yep, bugger didn't get to 4000, but what do you do if they turn

Re: [Geoserver-users] Very basic question - Geowebcache Geoserver

2014-04-11 Thread cmaul
Well Stefan, it doesn't seem so basic. I think I know what you are after. It seems you want to have both in your geowebcache config. Layers of the geoserver instance and layers defined in the geowebcache.xml. I think you can have that, the key is the geowebcache-core-context.xml The important

Re: [Geoserver-users] org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: No such style

2014-03-19 Thread cmaul
Hello Karsten, this is very likely due to a corrupt xml definition file. In the style directory there are sld and xml files. In order to 'know' a style Geoserver needs and uses the XML file. The XML file looks like that: In the layer definition there is only a reference to the id

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver layers get removed after stopping/starting Geoserver

2014-03-19 Thread cmaul
Hello, are you sure it is connected with the restart? We have a standard operating environment (SOE). Part of which is IE8, which does the definition of layers nicely until it comes to saving them. At this point you hit the submit button and Geoserver (2.4.1) does nothing or more to the point IE.

Re: [Geoserver-users] WMTS Capabilities Customization

2014-02-27 Thread cmaul
Geowebcache would be the geowebcache.xml def line 70 -- xs:element name=serviceInformation type=gwc:ServiceInformationType maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=0 details from line 1594 Cheers Christian - Dr Christian

Re: [Geoserver-users] Problem with ArcSDE datastore

2014-02-27 Thread cmaul
No unfortunately not, all values in the F-Table are within the bounding box and that you are using one grid for all levels, that looks all unsuspicious to me. - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch Department Environment and Primary

Re: [Geoserver-users] problem with configuration

2014-02-26 Thread cmaul
Hi Marco, my commiseration to you as I know from my own experience how it is to have to deal with a 'not collaborative entity...' However, if they have a reverse proxy, so can you. I suppose there is no problem to get to the server where Apache sits from the outside. Also that you can access

Re: [Geoserver-users] problem with configuration

2014-02-26 Thread cmaul
Sorry the two locations where it points to have obviously to be the same ProxyPass /geoserver_pWMS http://server_where_your_geoserver_is:8080/*geoserver_pWMS* ProxyPassReverse /geoserver_pWMS http://server_where_your_geoserver_is:8080/*geoserver_pWMS* Location /geoserver_pWMS Order

Re: [Geoserver-users] Problem with ArcSDE datastore

2014-02-20 Thread cmaul
Any idea? Yes Gianni, what if geoserver is right and there is an error in the SDE.layers table, which provides the connection to the S and F tables of this layer and contains also the minx, miny, maxx and maxy? That your other layers work seems to indicate that there is something particular with

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer 2.4.1 + ArcSDE 10.1

2014-02-20 Thread cmaul
Hi Ismo, I cannot answer the question directly as we have no database yet. However, you will need the ArcSDE SDK for 10.1, which is not on Esris's web site anymore. Esri distributes the SDK now via CD. So you need to call support directly. The reason being - as I have been told by support - that

Re: [Geoserver-users] The fill property does not support function values.

2014-01-29 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, dumb question: Are you sure the requests are your own requests and not sent by somebody else who has his /her own styling without telling you? Is this server open to the public? Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information

[Geoserver-users] strange postgres connection error

2014-01-16 Thread cmaul
Hello List, why is that? Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to obtain connection: Cannot create JDBC driver of class 'org.postgresql.Driver' for connect URL 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres' at

Re: [Geoserver-users] The requested URL /geoserver/web was not found on this server

2013-12-19 Thread cmaul
The scratchDir you specified: C:\Windows\system32\ unusable. Looks rather simple; You are not allowed to create or write into this directory. Quick check: Please start Geoserver as an administrator. I suspect it would work. Please note: There is a difference in Windows7/8 of

Re: [Geoserver-users] JMeter test plans for GeoServer

2013-12-19 Thread cmaul
Hi Jonathan, please download: and fiddle the bits according to your needs. There was a login element as well under the lop controller but I disabled that and took the values out. Unfortunately for you, BBoxes are all Southern Hemisphere.

Re: [Geoserver-users] Point as Graphic

2013-12-16 Thread cmaul
Hi, if you are using Apache anyway you might as well use it to keep your symbols. In my case the 'geoserver_symbols' directory under the htdocs dir. The http link has the added advantage that you can check the display of your symbol simply with a browser. If it displays there, it will in

Re: [Geoserver-users] OWS exception

2013-12-15 Thread cmaul
Sunil, Hmmm, and what about using this class? Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch

Re: [Geoserver-users] Installing ArcGISCache Capabilities to GWC in a GeoServer

2013-12-10 Thread cmaul
Xavier, This is the thread to read first: Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch Department

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rebuild GWC

2013-12-08 Thread cmaul
Hi Hartmut, 3 methods. 1. sledgehammer approach: delete or rename the layers 2. via interface: 'demo' page -- 'Seed this layer' --- 'Type of operation' select 'Reseed - regenerate all tiles' 3. Let the user do it: expire them using the geowebcache.xml Cheers Christian -

Re: [Geoserver-users] Migrating data dir does not work

2013-12-08 Thread cmaul
Hartmut, there is no way of a remote diagnosis without log files. Please make them available (Best via link on a web server) Your start-up (geoserver log) should look something like like that: . GS - 2013-12-09 12:15:17,317 INFO [storage.DefaultStorageFinder] -

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver performance is low but Geoserver doesn't uses even a half of system resources.

2013-12-04 Thread cmaul
Hi Sergey, given that your server doesn't die of what the Japanese call karoshi, I would look at the database and the network. However, please use first something like Jvisualvm (in your Java bin directory) to check what the geoserver Java process does when there are a decent number of concurrent

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver performance is low but Geoserver doesn't uses even a half of system resources.

2013-12-04 Thread cmaul
Hi Sergey, something else. I was thinking myself whether I should deviate from the default with the expiry of the soft references. Your definition is: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=36000 Expiring the softreferences so slowly might not improve the speed of your server. Please have a look here:

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver to geoserver

2013-11-20 Thread cmaul
Hi Julia, yes you can cascade the geoservers. Publish the layer in the first Geoserver and then cascade. In the second Geoserver you can define a WMS (which would be your first Geoserver) enter name of the datasource, a getCapabilities URL to the first Geoserver, an username and password if

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver to geoserver

2013-11-20 Thread cmaul
Hi Julia, yes you can cascade the geoservers. Publish the layer in the first Geoserver and then cascade. In the second Geoserver you can define a WMS (which would be your first Geoserver) as a datastore. At the bottom of the list of all formats (file or database) for stores there is WMS. Please

Re: [Geoserver-users] Oracle Data in Geoserver

2013-11-18 Thread cmaul
Hi, sounds odd, very odd. I guess you have the gt-jdbc-oraclexxx.jar and the ojdbc14.jar in the lib directories. I further assume the tables are indexed, including a spatial index and analysed. I would do two things first before doing anything with Geoserver. Download QGis and try to display it

[Geoserver-users] fonts with IE8 (pixelated) and FireFox25 (fine)

2013-11-18 Thread cmaul
Hello list, I've got a problem with the display of fonts. It is not a Geoserver problem, but as I cannot change IE8 I need to solve it from the Geoserver side. Question is: Is there any way I can spell out to IE don't pixelate the image and the label when overlaying? In a program (client app)

Re: [Geoserver-users] Point symbols for polygons?

2013-11-12 Thread cmaul
Mihail, yes and no. If you display the entire polygon, that is correct. If you display only parts of it Geoserver arranges the label accordingly. Have a look at the cadastre image. At the bottom: The 'X-B\PP5529' parcel labels have been

Re: [Geoserver-users] Point symbols for polygons?

2013-11-12 Thread cmaul
Mihail, Yes. If you display the entire polygon, that is correct. If you display only parts of it Geoserver arranges the label or the point symbol accordingly. Have a look at the cadastre image. Labels are strings in that case but any XLink would be treated the same.

Re: [Geoserver-users] Error when installing oracle plugin in 2.4.1

2013-11-11 Thread cmaul
Pieter, that may actually be the problem, because with an older version I found that I got issues with an ojdbc.jar located in both (Tomcat and Geoserver) directories albeit on the Windows platform. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver demo Requests issues in 2.4.0 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

2013-10-23 Thread cmaul
Hi Srivani, well yes you can 'unpublish', i.e. delete the demo layers and workspaces, which I think is sensible for a production server. for the second point - if I've understood you right - please look at:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Avoiding invalidation of GeoWebCache tiles

2013-10-08 Thread cmaul
Hi Andrea, I think there would be a use case. If you tile a layer you would do it for a number of reasons: it is frequently called, you want to speed up your server and/or want to relieve the database server or - which would be the most common reason - you want to provide a basemap. In that case

Re: [Geoserver-users] Avoiding invalidation of GeoWebCache tiles

2013-10-07 Thread cmaul
Chris, there are a few things you can do using the geowebcache.xml: in the wmsLayer tag usual tags such as name/title/mimeFormats/gridsets/ wmsUrlstringhttp://my_geowebcache_server//string /wmsUrl You cannot leave the wmsURL tag out BUT .. O.k. that is a bit harsh, I admit but

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver, gwc and 900913

2013-09-11 Thread cmaul
Hi John, just an idea which wouldn't work in windows but I would like to know what would happen if you have the other (empty) directory as a symbolic link pointing to the directory that has the tiles. Haven't tried that but it should work in the Unix/Linux world. Cheers Christian -

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver, gwc and 900913

2013-09-10 Thread cmaul
John, a truly academic question. Yes - in theory. However, the widespread use of 900913 is a result of the Cinderella treatment of Google by the spatial fraternity and the past confusion with EPSG:3587 and EPSG:3857. What geowebcache uses as a default is entirely up to you because in the

Re: [Geoserver-users] nice priority for tile seeding (geowebcache part)

2013-09-10 Thread cmaul
Hi Jens, I think you cannot. What about a separate geowebcache instance that tiles while your geoserver serves up the tiles. Then you can do these things on a process level. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver in production

2013-09-09 Thread cmaul
Hi Dmitriy, I think the answer is still 'No' That says: GeoServer in a clustered configuration. Regardless of the mechanism for synchronization, changes to the data directory and the in-memory catalog will

Re: [Geoserver-users] copy styles directory

2013-09-05 Thread cmaul
Hello Jim, have you also copied the stylename.xml? This file has an ID which is essential to reference and register the style with geoserver. This ID turns up with the layer.xml in the workspace: layer nameVMADD.ADDRESS/name idLayerInfoImpl--4c68f0d5:128cd132f0d:-7f8a/id

Re: [Geoserver-users] copy styles directory

2013-09-05 Thread cmaul
Hi Jim, cave you copied the stylename.xml files with the sld files? They look like this: style idStyleInfoImpl-- *2e0631ee:136997f03ca:7037** /id nameADDR_addresspoint_1/name sldVersion...etc This ID is the definition and the reference for geoserver. It turns up in the layer.xml

Re: [Geoserver-users] Seeding Layers

2013-09-03 Thread cmaul
Hi Stephanos, have you under 'caching defaults' the png8 format turned on? Because out of the box it is not, only png and jpeg are as far as I recall. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch Department of

Re: [Geoserver-users] Seeding Layers

2013-09-03 Thread cmaul
Stephanos, add-on if you talk about stand-alone GWC there is the following tag in each wmsLayer tag of the geowebcache.xml: mimeFormats stringimage/jpeg/string stringimage/png/string stringimage/png8/string /mimeFormats whatever format you define in there you may use. Cheers Christian

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to avoid security filter chain file being overwrite during server start ?

2013-09-02 Thread cmaul
Hi Ravi, the war file is just a zip file. You can delete the config.xml and insert your new config.xml (obviously at the same place) and distribute this war file. No need to recompile the entire thing. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager

Re: [Geoserver-users] Alignment problems with ESRI software

2013-08-30 Thread cmaul
Thanks Jody, but it still could be either, because this class has both units: static UnitLengthFOOT_SURVEY_US A unit of length equal to 1200/3937 m (standard name foot_survey_us). and static UnitLengthINCH A unit of length equal to 0.0254 m (standard name in). O.k.

Re: [Geoserver-users] help with SLD

2013-08-29 Thread cmaul
Hi, that is the SLD that works in geoserver 2.3.3. At the bottom. But first please read what was wrong with it, as this may to help you to help yourself next time. The editor complained first about the VendorOption tag. Unfortunately XML error messages in editors or geoserver are not very

[Geoserver-users] Alignment problems with ESRI software

2013-08-29 Thread cmaul
Hello, There is the international inch (25.4 mm) and the US Survey Inch (25.4000508 mm), which one is Geoserver actually internally considering an inch? Our current scales that work correctly with the ESRI JavaScript API are based on the US survey inch, whereas the scales that work correctly

Re: [Geoserver-users] Styling the Admin page of a server

2013-08-08 Thread cmaul
Hi Jonathan, Hi Jonathan, yes, pain in the butt this, noticing suddenly -- ooops I am fiddling around with the production server not the test server as I thought. web-core-2.3.3.jar directory org/geoserver/web/img a good candidate is: page-header-bg.png, which is now pink. Another would be

Re: [Geoserver-users] GetFeatureInfo giving no results - sometimes

2013-08-07 Thread cmaul
Hi Jonathan, Yes there is a brilliant tool for it and it is called Geoserver. But, seriously: Create a new Gridset from EPSG:27700, in which you are entering your bounding box and the image width and height as tile width and height. Then create level0 and voila you will see that it is a tiny

Re: [Geoserver-users] GetFeatureInfo giving no results - sometimes

2013-08-07 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, I noticed I took the wrong values (i.e. the ones that worked). The other values end up with exactly the same scale: 1 : 40,000.022 So from the point of view of Geoserver, both are identical and both are slightly above. However, the principle of how you can use the 'create

Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS behaviour changed

2013-08-06 Thread cmaul
Hello Jukka, strange , hmmm the layer is accessed using the ArcSDE adapter (9.3 on Oracle). This may be the reason for that, I will extract to shape file and have a fresh look comparing both. Cheers christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information

Re: [Geoserver-users] starting geoserver 2.3.4

2013-08-06 Thread cmaul
Hello Georg, Resource must be part of a store Your layers consist of two definition files layer.xml and feature.xml in your DATA_DIR is a directory workspaces under which the workspaces are as directories. The next level down contains the datastores as directories (no idea how many you have)

[Geoserver-users] WFS behaviour changed

2013-08-04 Thread cmaul
Hello, with the update from 2.1.3 to 2.3.3 the WFS behaviour has changed suddenly The following request

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer behind a HTTP-Proxy

2013-07-29 Thread cmaul
Hello Rüdiger, very easy: Admin login --- Global -- 4th input field is: 'Proxy Base URL'. Enter your proxy sever and you're done. It kills your 'Layer Preview' though as the proxy doesn't know about Openlayers. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project

Re: [Geoserver-users] Which data source for geoserver is fastest?

2013-07-24 Thread cmaul
Hi Christian, as Phil, I think the issue is less one of technology. Firstly, what Phil said implicitly: If the speed is that important tile the layer and access the tiles not the database. This eases speed problems that may come with a complicated styling, too. However, prefabricated tiles or

Re: [Geoserver-users] Layer Groups and Labeling issues

2013-06-26 Thread cmaul
Hello Sudheer, this is odd as I cannot reproduce this in my layergroups. The conflict resolution within a layer works well, however, the conflict resolution between the layers does not or I have the feeling it doesn't exist. Cheers Christian - Dr

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to group values in SLD

2013-06-10 Thread cmaul
Hello Pedro, not unfortunately not to my knowledge. You need to do it like this: ogc:Filter ogc:Or ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyNameID/ogc:PropertyName ogc:Literal1/ogc:Literal

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer 2.3.2 Direct Connect to ArcSDE 10.0

2013-06-05 Thread cmaul
Sonya, please set your instance name. esri_sde is the default - I think. Ask your DB-Admin. Other possibility is to define it in the windows services file (...system32/drivers/etc) The line looks like that: esri_sde 5151/tcp #Corporate spatial desk database

Re: [Geoserver-users] GetCapabilities 1.1.1 error

2013-05-20 Thread cmaul
Hello Dmitriy, can you send a bit more of your error message and the install, because I cannot reproduce this error, regardless whether I go in as administrator or not. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch

[Geoserver-users] GEOS-4930 --OpenLayers Map Preview always points to localhost

2013-05-09 Thread cmaul
Hello list, updating our geoserver instance from 2.1.3 to 2.3 I found that the preview stopped working. Looking at the reasons I found the issue GEOS-4930, a bug fix. However, I don't think it is actually a problem that has been fixed, but rather created. The bug that was fixed was that

Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS / WFS-T Dienst auf bereits vorhanden GeoServer einzurichten

2013-05-09 Thread cmaul
Hallo Manuel, Der WFS service ist Teil des normalen Geoserver. Ein Tutorial für WFS-T findest Du hier: Betreffs tuning gibt es eine gute Präsentation von Simone -

Re: [Geoserver-users] Exnteions - What's CAS?

2013-05-09 Thread cmaul
Hi Jonathan, Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch Department of Sustainability and Environment Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000 PO Box 500, East

Re: [Geoserver-users] BBOX Text format

2013-04-09 Thread cmaul
Hello Dominique, something that puzzled me as well. The standard (OGC 06-121rc) to which the WPS standard refers to says: and examples are found in the text: Two examples of XML encoded bounding boxes are: ?xml version=1.0

Re: [Geoserver-users] log4j issues - how to log? small omission

2013-03-27 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, I don't know what log4J does as a default but the definition of a max rollover file-size makes sense. in your case: log4j.appender.geoserverlogfile=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.geoserverlogfile.MaxBackupIndex=3

Re: [Geoserver-users] JVM goes up in smoke

2013-03-19 Thread cmaul
Simone, I am a little bit further now. The ecws that didn't work were actually a layergroup of 11 images. These images were in EPSG:28355 and reprojected to EPSG:990913. I have done a test (4 threads/ 17 images) to tile one image which went fine. Speed was 163 minutes or 17.2 tiles per

[Geoserver-users] when cutting tiles the JVM goes up in smoke

2013-03-18 Thread cmaul
Hello, Geoserver is 2.25 Apache 2.2.21 Tomcat 7.0.27 GDAL 1.9.2 ECW SDK 4.3 Visual C++ 2010 redistributables. Windows2008R2 virtual machine with 32GB RAM. When cutting tiles the Java Vm disappears without a trace after happily working between 4 - 15 minutes. There is nothing suspicious in the

[Geoserver-users] JVM goes up in smoke

2013-03-18 Thread cmaul
Hello, Geoserver is 2.25 Apache 2.2.21 Tomcat 7.0.27 GDAL 1.9.2 ECW SDK 4.3 Visual C++ 2010 redistributables. Windows2008R2 virtual machine with 32GB RAM. When cutting tiles the Java Vm disappears without a trace after happily working between 4 - 15 minutes. There is nothing suspicious in the

Re: [Geoserver-users] KML reflector - Path too long

2013-03-14 Thread cmaul
Wayne, you're right, unlike the GET request the POST request has no such restriction. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager Information Services Branch Department of Sustainability and Environment Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street

Re: [Geoserver-users] Latest JRE update problem

2013-03-14 Thread cmaul
Rob, ... changing JAVA_HOME variable to both directories . I haven't tried this but something like JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 will certainly not work. It is either or. Many of the classes have the same name and what gets loaded at run-time from which

Re: [Geoserver-users] Backing up the data dir

2013-03-04 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, what do people do? That. echo off set currdate=geoserver_data2.1.3_%Date:~10,4%%Date:~7,2%%Date:~4,2% mkdir c:\data_repository\%currdate% xcopy /E /V c:\geoserver_data2.1.3\* c:\data_repository\%currdate%\ scheduled task runs every Sunday 17:00 and every three months I clean out

Re: [Geoserver-users] Backing up the data dir

2013-03-04 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, helps if you read the entire Email. Me in that case... This above mentioned data directory has only database connections. The file-based data are only few and somewhere else because their update cycle differs to the DB and styles. That is done with a similar script that runs

Re: [Geoserver-users] [bulk]: Re: Geoserver fails to start

2013-02-24 Thread cmaul
Pena, Stephan was right, in the war file there are only the properties: after your install you may have also: The rest is created at the first start of geoserver. What you can do is to delete (well,

Re: [Geoserver-users] calculating MBR

2013-02-20 Thread cmaul
Stephen and Mauro, you might want to have a look into this discussion, which Jonathan Moules started (Start of Jan). Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project Manager

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver fails to start

2013-02-20 Thread cmaul
Maybe, I don't know. There has not been any geoserver before and I'm installing it as a root. Directory structure and files are made, when tomcat try to start geoserver. -pk Pena So, it is not what I assumed. Have a look whether this file is there at all. Have a look at what the read write and

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver fails to start

2013-02-19 Thread cmaul
Pena, the startup error message is very clear: /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/geoserver/data/security/config.xml (No such file or directory) Could it be that you're starting your geoserver with your own data directory from a 2.1.x version? Because this file wouldn't be in there. Cheers

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer Will Not Start

2013-02-17 Thread cmaul
1053 is a generic message that will pop up if let's say a database connection could not be made in a timely fashion. Please use the sc tool/command to clean up every geoserver service you have installed so far. Make sure everything is gone in the

Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver

2013-01-24 Thread cmaul
Stephen, What is catalog2 in your installation? That seems to me the crucial line No bean named 'catalog2' is defined For setting the data directory see: my preferred way would be the web.xml Cheers Christian

Re: [Geoserver-users] Same Configuration, Different computer, very slow

2013-01-24 Thread cmaul
Yep, every 64-bit address is twice as long as a 32-bit address. 2Gb address space can be addressed with 32-bit, hence using 64-bit you have a lot of waste just for addressing your objects. I doubt that you have only 2Gb RAM on your Mac. So, 64-bit systems are a complete waste and usually slower,

Re: [Geoserver-users] SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF - Oracle

2013-01-09 Thread cmaul
Hello, I think I found the problem Oracle /Oracle SELECT SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF('VMPROP.POINT', 'SHAPE') FROM DUAL; DB features time Oracle10 19Mio 30mins and no result Oracle11 19Mio 0.375 seconds and guess what? Suddenly

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to upload a shape file in geoserver

2013-01-08 Thread cmaul
Krunal, sorry ...GUI in *my application* which ... I skipped this bit. As Stefano said the Rest interface, but I strongly recommend to copy the local files to some infrastructure beforehand where you control whether the hardware is running or not. Cheers Christian -

Re: [Geoserver-users] SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF - Oracle

2013-01-07 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, I was never able to define large datasets in Oracle letting Geoserver find the bounding box and thought it is a Geoserver problem but it is not. As you said and Andrea confirmed in the background on the oracle level it must be one of these commands: SELECT

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to upload a shape file in geoserver

2013-01-07 Thread cmaul
Krunal, no need to: Add new store --- Shape file Give it a name: Enter or browse for the shape file location: *file://U:\raetest\TR_FERRY_ROUTE.shp* for example Save. And never turn the remote computer off. For that reason rather copy your data to your Geoserver data directory. where

Re: [Geoserver-users] How can I requets multiple Geowebcache or when to tile and when not

2013-01-03 Thread cmaul
Adding a few thoughts to sergeant_york There are three criteria when to tile and when not: the load on the database server when requesting the layer or layer group the frequency of the user requests for that layer the requirements for currency or data changes in the layer That is why Google,

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer Caching question

2013-01-03 Thread cmaul
Ben I cannot help you with all problems but may be with a few: I am not surprised if GWC complains about 'EPSG;4326’. Please note you have SEMIcolon in there. The second: ‘My_EPSG:4326' should be fine if you define it properly in the geowebcache.xml. Google and lat/long are defined by default.

Re: [Geoserver-users] How can I configure user name/password in geowebcache.xml for wmslayers?

2012-12-20 Thread cmaul
I haven't the time to try it but I think the order is relevant. At least that is what I foggily recall and more importantly that is what my XML-editor tells me. So, please see the example below. I think wmsUrl after httpUsername and httpPassword doesn't work. wmsLayer

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver performing Slow

2012-12-16 Thread cmaul
Hello Girish, These is the Tomcat config that works nicely on a slightly smaller (Win2008/8GB RAM/6 cores VM) server: -Dcatalina.home=C:\Tomcat 6.0.35 -Dcatalina.log=C:\logs -Dcatalina.base=C:\Tomcat 6.0.35 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Tomcat 6.0.35\endorsed\Tomcat 6.0.35\temp

Re: [Geoserver-users] Oracle connections

2012-12-13 Thread cmaul
Jonathan, OCI is the Oracle Call Interface is a native C interface to interact with Oracle databases. Haven't used it. The other two are the JDBC connection pool implementations, which can reside on the application level (geoserver), which is the Oracle NG connection pool or on the container

Re: [Geoserver-users] multiple sld files to geoserver layer according to the user sessions

2012-12-12 Thread cmaul
Zelio, No is the short answer. However, you could solve this problem programmatically by catching the request and changing it according to the session_id/user_id or leave it to the user to modify the styles= part of the WMS request, provided you have defined the different styles or you

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver upgrade

2012-12-06 Thread cmaul
David, nononono not everything at once. Not on a production machine. Please do the following: install the war file as is, check WMS/WFS/etc. check log files, then stop. add all the add-ons: database, WPS, raster formats whatever you need, start, read the log files, check the services, then stop

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.1.3 2.2 some problems and questions

2012-12-04 Thread cmaul
Hello, after this Email is lying around for a few days like a hot potato, I'll try to answer a few questions. I do not have any experience with SQL Server I might add, however, somebody else may be able to fill this in. What I can offer is some knowledge, some experience and some opinion. 1 It

Re: [Geoserver-users] OutOfMemoryError for geoserver 2.2.1

2012-12-02 Thread cmaul
Gabriele, the PermGenSpace contains the classes, configurations, data etc.i.e. the program, the heap which you define with -Xmx and -Xmx contains the objects at runtime i.e. the working program and is separate from the permanent space. The classes or templates for the objects are taken from the

Re: [Geoserver-users] Performance question

2012-11-22 Thread cmaul
Paul, as far as I see your data are static. You will not need them once you have created the tiles. My experience is that databases require 4 -10 times more time to render a layer than local shape files. PostGIS is among the faster DBs and would be at the lower end of the 4 - 10, but not that

Re: [Geoserver-users] Problem with strSubstring function in SLD

2012-11-13 Thread cmaul
I am wondering whether it actually is an error. My assumption was that ogc:Literal is always a string. The method, strSubstring (string:String, begin:Integer, end:Integer) clearly wants a string and two integers. So, you must give these types to that method. Hence, the correct form would be:

Re: [Geoserver-users] [bulk]: WARNING Geoserver can damage your computer/server

2012-11-12 Thread cmaul
Hello Nahum, I have put the Oracke JDK 1.7u9, which is the same as yours on (WinXP, geoserver2.2/2.1.3, geowebcache1.3R1, geowebcache1.2.6 Tomcat 7.027/Tomcat6.0.35 all on Oracle 10, Oracle ArcSDE9.2 and PostGIS) and yes you are right it does not work, none of them worked. Start-up fails with

Re: [Geoserver-users] can't start geoserver when GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR is defined

2012-10-28 Thread cmaul
Ryan, there are essentially three ways to define the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR (windows or linux does not matter): - web.xml - as a variable be it system or environment var(with export) - when you start the process java -D.. please have a look whether you have set something (in the

Re: [Geoserver-users] SLD - Decimal Roundup -Labeling

2012-10-25 Thread cmaul
Ravi, the simplest solution: sld:TextSymbolizer sld:Label ogc:Function name=round ogc:PropertyNameALTITUDE/ogc:PropertyName /ogc:Function /sld:Label .. entire sld here: Cheers Christian -

Re: [Geoserver-users] SLD - Decimal Roundup -Labeling

2012-10-25 Thread cmaul
sorry forgot something important: this function expects a float. Another consideration: I would expect mathematical functions to work much faster than String functions. May be Andrea can shed some light on that. Cheers Christian - Dr Christian Maul Project

Re: [Geoserver-users] cross layer filtering problem

2012-10-18 Thread cmaul
Thanks Martin, that was the answer I feared I would get. The filtering by size does not work because there are always little slivers of riparian, wayside or other sections that would not be shown in the rural environment or the odd palazzo with big park in the city that would turn up amongst a

Re: [Geoserver-users] jetty vs tomcat i.e Tomcat instances

2012-10-02 Thread cmaul
There are a lot of resources available how to set up the multiple Tomcat instances Just 2 of the umpteen sources: Cheers Christian - Dr

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to change workspace of existing layers?

2012-09-25 Thread cmaul
Sorry to contradict, but neither will work. The change of the datastore is accepted (tried it in Geoserver 2,1,3) but all layers are not working because the layers underneath are not changed and fail with an error. The second approach will not work full stop. Here is why: You've got a

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