Re: VM workshop at OSU

2011-07-28 Thread Jim Elliott
Thank you all for your help. Coordinates plugged in. Nav Computer i calculating fastest path and alt. path. The jump to light speed will occur later this afternoon. Steve: Enjoy. Wish I was going, but it is a long weekend here in Canada and I have a lot of people coming to the cottage. Jim

Re: VM workshop at OSU

2011-07-27 Thread Jim Elliott
I'm attending this workshop and I am not familiar with the area where it will be held. The 1739 N. High Street address doesn't make sense when compared to the links provided on the workshop web page. There are no addresses provided for any of the hotels. Googleing wasn't much help. So, if

Re: IBM 2nd Qtr

2011-07-20 Thread Jim Elliott
Any word on processor mix in there (CP vs IFL, etc)? Would be interesting to see how much is new and additional Linux on Z. Jonathan: Check out my System z update deck at Chart 5 shows graphically the last few years (without numbers

IBM Data Center Ops and SysMgmt Technology Update

2011-04-15 Thread Jim Elliott
Note: This event has a z/OS focus but there are presentations on zEnterprise, z/VM and Linux on System z. Attend this free technology update to learn how the latest mainframe technology can help you use an integrated management approach to running a more efficient, cost-effective data center.

Re: Three Films Chronicle IBM's Century of Innovation

2011-03-14 Thread Jim Elliott
Three Films Chronicle IBM's Century of Innovation ARMONK, N.Y. - 10 Mar 2011: IBM is marking its 100th year as a company of innovators and inventions through a series of documentary films that chronicle the ways in which the company has changed the world through scientific and technology


2011-02-13 Thread Jim Elliott
... The source code is not in the CHARLOTT package on the IBM DOWNLOAD site. The package has a note that source code can be obtained by contacting but this address in no longer active. Does anyone know of a newer contact address? Or has someone already

Re: z10 capacity number?

2011-02-02 Thread Jim Elliott
We just moved our remaining LPAR over to a new z10. Now, some of our z/OS people are updating their licenses on their products to reflect the new serial number, etc. However, they are being asked for the new mainframe's capacity number. I've never heard of that before. Martha: Every current

Re: zOS Commands Under Z/VM

2010-11-20 Thread Jim Elliott
We have a ZOS virtual machine running under Z/VM. Our ZOS is V10 and Z/VM is 5.4. We want know if have a program like VSECMD for give ZOS commands under CMS virtual machine. Sergio: You can use my MVSCPCMD program available at: Jim

Re: z/OS 1.4 on a z/10

2010-08-16 Thread Jim Elliott
We brought up z/OS 1.4 under z/VM on our z10 after numerous experts told us it wouldn't work. I've become quite skeptical of authoritative-sounding claims that certain hardware/software combination simply won't work. Too many people are CYA and, if it hasn't been tested, they say it won't

IBM System z - A New Dimension in Computing webcast

2010-07-12 Thread Jim Elliott
Today's IT environments are built using diverse computing technologies such as x86, UNIX and Linux. On a Smarter Planet, these systems can operate as one. On Thursday, July 22nd, IBM will be unveiling a solution designed to integrate enterprise systems, people and processes, so they work together

No subject

2010-07-12 Thread Jim Elliott
Subject:System z Innovations at SHARE in Boston Keeping up with innovative technology requires looking at new capabilities from two perspectives - the value that innovation can bring to your enterprise, and how well it can integrate with, and enhance, your existing systems. Whether you are

System z Innovations at SHARE in Boston

2010-07-12 Thread Jim Elliott
Keeping up with innovative technology requires looking at new capabilities from two perspectives - the value that innovation can bring to your enterprise, and how well it can integrate with, and enhance, your existing systems. Whether you are seeking more knowledge on virtualization and cloud

Re: Issuing VM commands from z/OS...

2010-06-23 Thread Jim Elliott
I know that I can do this easily from z/VSE, but what about z/OS? Frank: Get my MVSCPCMD package from Jim

MVSCPCMD - Issue CP commands from z/OS guests

2010-06-23 Thread Jim Elliott
I have updated the web site with information on how to assemble and link this program with some sample JCL.

Re: Subject: What's the max amount of memory supported in a z/VM lpar?

2010-06-04 Thread Jim Elliott
Marcy: Officially 256GB. However, Bill Bitner in his VM Limits presentation states they have managed 440GB. Jim

Re: ACM award

2010-04-01 Thread Jim Elliott
Correction: *publicizing* the office productivity suite. Amoco (IIRC) gets the invention prize for that little gem. To be correct, PROFS was developed as by IBM Dallas for Amoco, then release as a PRPQ, then as a product. Jim

Re: ACM award

2010-03-30 Thread Jim Elliott
Today the Association for Computing Machinery (of which I have been a member since 1970) made the following award: VMware Workstation 1.0, the Software System Award, for bringing virtualization technology to modern computing environments, spurring a shift to virtual-machine architectures,


2009-12-02 Thread Jim Elliott
I have not been able to download RXWAIT from the University Of Victoria. The UVic mainframe was shut down early this year. Jim


2009-11-27 Thread Jim Elliott
When I did : dirm add tivmon01 RPIMGR031E RESOURCE VMPROD2 SPECIFIED BY TAG COMMAND NOT FOUND How can I fix this? Is it from Racf? Sunny: The TAG command is used to route output. In this case it probably says: TAG DEV PRINTER VMPROD2 You probably have RACF setup to validate the TAG

Re: Where is z/VM CSE

2009-07-29 Thread Jim Elliott, IBM
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 16:51:19 -0600, wrote: I did reseach. But can't figure out where we can get it. q product on z/Vm. I only see 5VMRSC30 disable. Does CSE have to be purchused ? Thanks! Sunny Hu Sunny: As your IBM System z rep, we need to have a discussion on this

Re: z/VM 6.1 and Hercules on Z9

2009-07-29 Thread Jim Elliott, IBM
On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 07:03:59 +1000, Graeme Moss wrote: The company I work for is very tight with money (eg they don't pay me wh at I would like to receive) and the section I work for (Software Factory) onl y gets hand-me-down mainframes. I can see the situation arising

Re: Expanded storage for z/VM 5.4

2009-05-11 Thread Jim Elliott
Ross: The official word from Bill Bitner is at Jim

Re: SHARE attendees - Any Update on the Live Guest Migration?

2009-03-10 Thread Jim Elliott
It was mentioned in a keynote - so I guess it is official now. No dates for it that I know of, except I think Jim Elliot said not this year in one of his presentations. Paul/Lionel: In the Freund/Castano keynote this function was referred to as Virtual Machine Mobility. In one of my sessions

SSL Server on z/VM 5.4 RSU 802

2009-03-10 Thread Jim Elliott
Tyler: Did you check the PSP bucket? Rule no. 1, always check the PSP bucket. Jim

Re: CPU Power

2009-01-27 Thread Jim Elliott
We have some questions about MIPS consumed by VM and Linux from `management. They want numbers based on the cost of the MP effect by operating system, expecting different numbers for VM than for Linux (I haven't yet said anything about considering real MP effect for VM and virtual MP effect

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-10 Thread Jim Elliott
Already virtualized on its own platform, sounds rare and kinky to duplicate that on the 390. Not really. There are a lot of large shops that have significant numbers of small to medium iSeries boxen that they'd give their grandmother's eyeteeth to move to either Intel or z virtual machines

Re: Oldest VM on a System Z?

2008-06-12 Thread Jim Elliott
Hi... Does anyone know/remember the oldest (first) realease of VM that would run on a Z processor? I know z/VM 5.1 required a Z. But what from earlier releases would run on a Z? 4.4? 4.3? 4.2? Lee: According to the z900 announcement letter, the following VM releases were supported at GA.

Re: JAVA and Z/VM

2008-05-28 Thread Jim Elliott
Thank you for the input. z/OS and VSE/ESA (z/VSE) now support JAVA. I just thought z/VM should too. Ed: VSE/ESA and z/VSE do not (and never have) supported JAVA. They both supply JAVA code, but that runs on other platforms such as Linux and talk to applications on VSE. Jim

Re: ESM for SFS

2008-05-22 Thread Jim Elliott
No, VM:Secure is not an ESM for SFS. It can manage SFS enrollment, but that's all. ACF2 and RACF provide ESM support for SFS. Jim

Re: VTAM on an IFL?

2008-04-28 Thread Jim Elliott
With the IBM z10, you can mix standard and IFL engines in the same LPAR. So, if you put all your engines in the same LPAR, what does that do to licensing of 390 software that can also run on an IFL? Note that this is a statement of direction. A not as yet announced release of z/VM will be a

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Jim Elliott
And do the lpr/lpd and UTF functions still work if RSCS is unlicensed? There is no change. The drivers that were no-charge with the RSCS product are still no-charge with the RSCS feature. Jim

Re: HLASM Version

2008-04-26 Thread Jim Elliott
We have recently discovered that HLASM V1R5.0 is now *required* to assemble some of the components of z/VM 5.3 CP ... in particular some that have mods needed by our V/Seg product. I discovered this by inadvertently being accessed to HLASM V1R4.0 while attempting to run my automated

Re: EMC disk storage Flashcopy

2008-04-10 Thread Jim Elliott
... EMC disk storage is being considered as a replacement for our current disk storage. I am told EMC disk storage functions differently for flashcopy. EMC disk storage utilizes BVCs for images... The interface for implementing BVC images does not support z/VM... (I am not sure if this is

Re: SHARE 110 Linux and z/VM related presentations

2008-03-13 Thread Jim Elliott
I just checked it via my browser (Firefox), and using wget. Both looked fine to me. Mark: I can't open s9111rw.pdf either (on Windows) use Acrobat 8 Pro. Browsing the file with WordPad it appears to be incomplete. Jim

Re: SHARE 110 Linux and z/VM related presentations

2008-03-13 Thread Jim Elliott
I just checked it via my browser (Firefox), and using wget. Both looked fine to me. Mark: I can't open s9111rw.pdf either (on Windows) use Acrobat 8 Pro. Browsing the file with WordPad it appears to be incomplete. The version of this file on is 3.69MB while the version on the

Re: z/VM REXX Functions for system information

2008-02-21 Thread Jim Elliott
Thanks - I was looking for an easy way to find the current system name so I could include that in alert messages I send out. I found I could do this: /* rexx */ 'identify (stack' parse pull id parse value id with x y name . This at least gives me the system name and that is all I

Re: Mainframe Announcement Webcast

2008-02-20 Thread Jim Elliott
No. Who do I contact to get invited to the party? Richard: Jim

Re: VM Software Licensing

2008-02-19 Thread Jim Elliott
Let me apologize in advance for asking so many questions related to VM software licensing. I don't get a clear picture sometimes of what is a non-chargeable feature and what is. I'm preparing to install the non-chargeable DFSMS/VM feature. However, the install instructions list ISPF and the C

Re: VM Software Licensing

2008-02-19 Thread Jim Elliott
If it's the complete package, where is the FORTRAN support? :-) z/OS LE supports FORTRAN, why doesn't z/VM? We were not fully able to implement LE on our system because we had CMS apps that were a mixture of FORTRAN and PL/I. Those apps could not run with LE because of this stupid

Re: OpenSolaris on System Z live at SHARE in Orlando

2008-02-19 Thread Jim Elliott
For those of you who have been following the saga of bringing OpenSolaris to System Z, I'm pleased to say that those of you coming to SHARE in Orlando will get a chance to get your hands on it live. IBM has allowed us to put a few copies of the virtual machine on the z9 in their booth, and

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-15 Thread Jim Elliott
... Besides my only complaint concerning the road show discussions that came up earlier is that NYC wasn't selected as a host city for one of the events. ... Actually there is an event in NYC on 2/26, but it by invitation only. There is a webcast on 2/26 for which a separate invite was sent

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-14 Thread Jim Elliott
Google found the following announcement presentations: ... All show a foil with s07 having machine type 2097. Perhaps they all copied the same foil with the same typo? :-) Ron: Yes, they all had the same typo. Jim

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-14 Thread Jim Elliott
2097 is machine type for new Eclipse system, based in p6 chips. Carlos: The z6 mainframe chip-set is NOT based in POWER6 chips. There is some reuse of circuitry, but these will still be very much System z technology. See the presentation at:

Re: Any Rumors?

2008-02-13 Thread Jim Elliott
The IBM System z9 announcement dated April 27th 2006 says a z9 BC model S07 has a processor machine type of 2097. Ron: Huh? The z9 BC (R07 or S07) are both machine type 2096. Jim

Re: Sybase on zSeries Linux

2008-02-08 Thread Jim Elliott
Does anyone know if the Sybase people support it on zSeries Linux?? Their website is fairly antiquated, and I can't find anything on there indicating either way. Paul: Sorry to say, but the answer is no. We have asked Sybase for this in the past with no success. Jim

Re: DB2/VSEVM V7.50 Manuals (PDF format) online

2008-02-06 Thread Jim Elliott, IBM
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 12:58:55 -0600, Tom Duerbusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks. BTW, will there be a Diagnosis Guide for 7.5? Tom Duerbusch THD Consulting Tom: The DB2 Server for VSE VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference is availabl e at 750 level. Unlike other manuals listed in the site

Re: Question about IBM seminar

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So, IBM's Extending your Mainframe for More Business Value is coming to St. Louis on Feb. 12. There look to be some interesting talks; how do I find out who's delivering them? Adam: I sent you the agenda with speakers off-line. Jim

No subject

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Tom Duerbusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: DB2/VSEVM V7.50 Manuals BTW, will there be a Diagnosis Guide for 7.5? Tom: I asked on on However, I think the answer may be no as I don't believe this was updated for 7.3. Jim

Re: DB2/VSEVM V7.50 Manuals

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BTW, will there be a Diagnosis Guide for 7.5? Tom: I asked on on However, I think the answer may be no as I don't believe this was updated for 7.3. Jim

Re: DB2 7.5 manuals

2008-01-28 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I take it, from previous posts, that no one has found the new manuals for DB2 7.5. Tom: The DB2 for VSE VM pubs are now online at: Watch for any line wrap on the URL. Jim


2008-01-25 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
After entering a message number and choosing a platform, nothing happens when I press the Go button. I tried submitting a feedback to report the problem and got a Page cannot be displayed message when I pressed the Submit button. Perhaps someone who is internal o IBM will have better luck.

Undocumented Messages?

2008-01-25 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HCPSWU2843E , HCPSWU2831E and HCPSWU2830I I found them all documented in the z/VM 5.3 CP Messages and Codes. Jim

Re: DB2 7.5 manuals

2008-01-21 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I take it, from previous posts, that no one has found the new manuals for DB2 7.5. I have asked ID development in the Toronto Lab where the 7.5 pubs are online. Jim

Re: need a z890, cheap?

2008-01-18 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not to mention the cost of getting it certified, and the ongoing cost of powering it up. Ouch. And not to mention that the z890 has been withdrawn from marketing (effective Dec 31, 2007) except for LIC (i.e. microcode) updates which are withdrawn effective June 30, 2008. In other words, you

Re: Ordering Service

2007-12-20 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Richard: It has been so long since I had to do it. What is the current method of ordering service for electronic delivery? I just tried to order an upgrade following what seemed a logical path and got the message: The easiest way to order service (assuming you know the PTF number) is at

Re: Ordering Service

2007-12-20 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What I am after is the 2107device bucket for z/VM 5.2.0 at service level 0701. Richard: The buckets are available at Simply enter the bucket (i.e. 2107device) into the search field. For storage, look for Upgrade 2107DEVICE, Subset 2107VM/ESA Jim

Simple pipelines question

2007-12-10 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have been out of using pipes for too long. I need to process a file (parsing the data) but 1st I need to delete all records from the input stream longer than a certain length. How do I do this in pipes? Jim

Re: IBM's Next Generation Mainframe Processor

2007-10-13 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you haven't already seen this, it's worth a look. It's a presentation by Charles Webb of IBM on the next IBM mainframe processor, the z6. (Don't ask me where 6 came from.) The thing that stood out for me was the 4GHz processor speed, but of course there's lots of other very good stuff as

Re: z/VM COBOL compiler

2007-10-12 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Look here: According to this table, it is still supported for VM, but was long ago withdrawn from marketing. Ray: That web page is somewhat misleading. The product has been withdrawn from marketing and service only on OS/390 (z/OS).

Re: ordering z/vm via shopzseries

2007-09-11 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lionel: I just experienced shopzseries for the first time. To say it was interesting is an understatement. If a user has a problem or question related to their ShopzSeries experience, they should use the contact information on the Customer service page to get support. I used it to order z/vm

Re: 2007 Order of the Knights of VM

2007-08-16 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My congratulations as well to all of the new Companions! Jim Elliott Sir Jim the Evangelist

Re: FW: IBM saves $250 million consolidating Linux...

2007-08-01 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well this worked earlier today. Don't know why it's not working now. We are experiencing timeouts on the gateway servers which front-end much of the IBM web sirte. The response to this announcement has been huge and the server includes

Re: IOS3270 Manual or documentation

2007-05-15 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have put the IOS3270 manual up on my web site at Jim

Re: Another interesting article: z on Power 6??

2007-05-10 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It isn't pSeries or iSeries anymore either, IBM still uses zSeries on the older equipment on this page: The old products are still eServer zSeries and the new product is System z9. However, the two together are know as System z. A similar

Re: Security on Linux/VM

2007-04-27 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are planning to make z/VM Linux production with RACF on VM, I would like to know what is best practices for handling security under Linux/VM and how other shops handing security for Linux. Anne: Check out (look for the papers at the bottom of that web

Re: REXX370 4.02 01 Dec 1998 - why is Rexx so old?

2007-04-13 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We just upgraded to Z/VM 5.2 last year, so why is Rexx so old? Because it does everything we want of it? When Mike Cowlishaw wrote REXX he wrote a wonderful and complete language. The only thing that might be nice is to have his later ObjectREXX on z/VM, but for what we use REXX for (scripting)

Re: Multiprise 2000 Ficon

2007-04-10 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think the answer is no, but I would like to know if you can get a Ficon channel card for a Multiprise 2000. We want to connect the Multiprise to external DASD. We were planning on having Escon and Ficon connections to the external DASD at the same time, but it looks like we can only have

Re: DASD cylinders

2007-03-07 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How then do I have actual volumes on my system of 32,760 cyls. That's not divisible by 1113 (ds8000 here). Marcy: Sorry, I was not clear. Allocation is in multiples of 1113 cylinders. You can make a volume whatever size you want, but if it is not a multiple of 1113 cylinders, the remainder up

Re: IFL Pricing

2007-02-20 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Did anyone see this article regarding Nationwide: The specific item I wonder about is: The IFLs don't come cheap. They're listed at $95,000 each on IBM's Web site. But hundreds of small servers didn't come cheaply

Re: Does Xen run on zSeries?

2007-02-08 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I found this on the web (which does not, of course, make it true) at Linux-Watch at Even now, Jaffe continued, insurance giant Nationwise is using Novell SLES and Xen in production IBM zSeries mainframes to improve their system utilization

Re: z/VM 5.2 performance monitors

2007-01-22 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We just found out that our VM performance monitor software (Macro 4 - VPAC) will not be supported on our new 64 bit z/VM 5.2 . Does anyone have an recommendations as a replacement? We don't need anything fancy, just basic monitoring and basic guest performance reporting. Tim: Well a plug

2007-01-12 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The site is not accessible due to problems apparently at ATT. There is a ticket open with them. This is not an IBM problem. Jim

Re: Friday thought

2006-12-08 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You know you've been a VM system programmer for too long when you see a license place of MNT374 and start trying to remember what would go on MAINT's 374 minidisk You Might be a Mainframer If web page Jim

Re: OSA-Express Question

2006-10-30 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If all they're doing is tn3270 traffic to a VTAM application solicitor, convert it to using DIAL VTAM in the VM TELNET connection exit. There will be a slight increase in host CPU utilization (the main point of using the CPA tn3270 server was to offload the IP stack cycles outside the host

No subject

2006-10-04 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Huegel, Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: A mainframe 'windows' Check this out. Is IBM building a mainframe 'windows' for only $100 million what can one expect? Thomas: This is not new news, and the $100 million covers a lot

IBM Announces Five-Year March to Mainframe Simplification

2006-10-04 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is the IBM press release link for this. Note that this is ALL about z/OS (at this time). Jim

Re: Understanding F20 ESS and defining a correct IOCDS

2006-09-20 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I will be installing my first F20 ESS (Shark). It has not arrived but I do know that it is using 36.4 GB drives and has 1.6 Terabytes. I was not able to find a copy of the IBM Total Storage ESS Introduction and Planning Guide GC26-7294 on the web. If any one has this guide or a URL I would

Re: New mainframe redbook

2006-08-01 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yesterday, IBM released an new Redbook entitled: Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics ( ... It would be nice, imho, if IBM was to produce a similar Redbook for z/VM. I would be willing to contribute to it Dave: This

Re: FYI .. I copied this from the VSE-LIST

2006-07-26 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This seemed interesting so I thought I'd pass it along over here. Yesterday, in our NC/VSE Users Group meeting, we were privileged to have a guest from the REXX Language Association. It turns out they are based just down the road from us in Raleigh, NC. The guest is the current Treasurer of

EMC disk on z9 with z/VM

2006-05-26 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a customer looking at a z9 for z/VM, but EMC only qualifies the z9 for z/OS (per their web site at Is anyone on this list using EMC disk on a z9 with z/VM? Were you able to get a statement of support from EMC? Jim

Re: Protection Level 2 RACF on VM/ESA

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Back in the late 80's during the VM/SP or VM/HPO days, we ran RACF for PL2 (then called System High) processing as it was the only government approved software package at the time. Sterling Software didn't want to submit VM:Secure for testing so we were stuck with RACF and DIRMAINT. After we

Re: New z9 models

2006-04-27 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED] And for those of us who are old enough to remember, this does not derive from BC Mode (S/360) or EC Mode (S/370)! IBM System z9 EC Enterprise Class (formerly IBM System z9 109) IBM System z9 BC Business Class You can

Re: New z9 models

2006-04-27 Thread Jim Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I thought the z9-109 was the follow on to the z990 Dave: z9-109 was renamed today to z9 EC. In addition to the new name, there are now subcapacity models of the z9 S08 (4 different speeds on the 1 to 8 way models of the z9 EC) and other enhancements in common with the z9 BC. Jim