2011-09-23 Thread Scott Peden
Click on this link for several graphics and charts which help to visualize and clarify the economy. http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] What does Koch + Exxon + WalMart + ATT equal?

2011-09-13 Thread Scott Peden
Common Cause - Holding Power Accountable Dear Scott, What do ATT, Koch Industries, WalMart, Altria, Pfizer and Exxon Mobil have in common? They're all members of the *A*merican *L*egislative *E*xchange *C*ouncil (ALEC), a shadowy organization made up of big business leaders and state


2011-09-05 Thread Scott Peden
*Information Clearing House Newsletter* *News You Wont Find On CNN* *September 05, 2011* ** When people ask me, 'Why can't labor organize the way it did in the thirties?' the answer is simple:

[LAAMN] Re: Islamophobia

2011-09-05 Thread Scott Peden
On 9/5/2011 3:24 PM, Scott Peden wrote: The full article is at the link, I received this clipped out of the article as it cuts to the meat of the matter. Scott Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has

[LAAMN] Happy Labor Day Goodbye to All That by Mike Lofgren/Truth-Out.org 9/3/11

2011-09-05 Thread Scott Peden
Goodbye to all that: Reflections of a GOP operative who left the cult by Mike Lofgren Truth-out.org 9/3/11 Barbara Stanwyck: We're both rotten! Fred MacMurray: Yeah - only you're a little more rotten. -Double Indemnity (1944) Those lines of dialogue from a classic film noir sum up the state

[LAAMN] Happy Labor Day! Here's what UnAmerican really is!

2011-09-05 Thread Scott Peden
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Hartmann-Here-s-what-UnAm-by-Thom-Hartmann-110903-655.html /By Thom Hartmann //(about the author) http://www.opednews.com/populum/authorspage.php?sid=1486entry=o=y/ Become a Fan javascript:void(0); Become a Fan javascript:void(0); (67 fans) -- Page 1 of 1

[LAAMN] You Don't Know the Official 9/11 Story

2011-09-02 Thread Scott Peden
Here it is, 9/1/11 and I feel like I've been waiting for the other shoe to fall all day long. On 9/11/01 I got a phone call from my ex, our daughter was safe, she had been entering the building as glass from the first 'plane' hitting it, fell to the ground. From 8 minutes after the first

[LAAMN] Cheney

2011-08-31 Thread Scott Peden
Seems this also missed Cheney's 'service' to Tricky Dick, as the man responsible for cleaning up Watergate. He and Rummy never let Ford do a dammed thing, if Ford was for something and CR was against it, Ford had to go along with them. It was Cheney that stated 'The Freedom of Information Act

[LAAMN] Colin Powell's presentation

2011-08-31 Thread Scott Peden
We've lived in a country for some time that glorifies those who commit unhumanitarian actions, and jail peace protestors and whistle blowers of crimes committed by our Government, in our name. If it was our press talking about China or Russia r any place that had energy that could be use to

[LAAMN] To the Victor Go the SpOILs

2011-08-26 Thread Scott Peden
Ya know, this is the way it seems to work. Someone has Oil, and the Western Imperialist nations attack, or at the very least interfere with them getting their oil to market. The Oil companies then reinvest their profits (as these wars cost them nothing, in fact they rape and pillage the

[LAAMN] Re: Thank you

2011-08-25 Thread Scott Peden
Yes, I signed something at Change dot Org. It was AN ACCOUNTABILITY ISSUE, much like I have with the Feral DLC Mongrel Curs. It wasn't a Get on a Rah Rah party line list, vote blind deaf and dumb issue. Actually, considering the Patriot Act, and the ENDLESS Bank Bail outs after We the Voters,

[LAAMN] What I Learned in 2 Years at the Tea Party

2011-08-19 Thread Scott Peden
Generally I don't pass along this kind of stuff BUT, the writer summed up in the first three quarters of the first paragraph, why the tea party came into existence, and what they have in common with most of the American People: They're just mad. In many meaningful ways, today's Tea Party

[LAAMN] Congress person missing ?

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Peden
Looking for your Congress person ? Try Jerusalem ! http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/16/us/politics/16congress.html?_r=1 I've known for decades that they weren't my Congressperson/Senator, and who they worked for, AIPAC being only one of the largest money and power flows that

[LAAMN] One Light Bulb at a Time (not a joke)

2011-08-17 Thread Scott Peden
I received the below story just as it is. I have no links to prove anything BUT, I have had several instances where looking for something in a store, found the USA brands were cheaper. On the other hand I stopped purchasing at the Big Box Stores long before they wiped out all of our local

[LAAMN] Former Salt Lake mayor Rocky Anderson divorces himself from 'gutless' Democratic Party

2011-08-14 Thread Scott Peden
Excellent. This is the same thing ANY voter should do to ANY Political party that REFUSES to represent them, for ANY reason. Scott Former S.L. mayor Rocky Anderson_divorces himself from 'gutless' Democratic Party_ by Dennis Romboy The Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah) 8/12/11 SALT

[LAAMN] Congress

2011-08-13 Thread Scott Peden
/The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.* - Patrick Henry -*/ *I have totally cleaned this e-mail from all other names, sending it to

Re: [LAAMN] President Obama - His Actual Voting Record on ALL Issues

2011-08-09 Thread Scott Peden
Yes Mike, all ACTUAL VOTES are on Vote Smart, under the VOTING RECORD link. You keep sending how the SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (Corporate representatives mostly) RATE the Politician on how they voted. The _Special Interest rating_ /is NOT/ THE Politicians _VOTING RECORD. _You do this for a

[LAAMN] 300,000 Protest in Israel...

2011-08-09 Thread Scott Peden
.still isn't a story large enough for the worlds media to carry it, but one psycho mass murdering gunman and we'll get drowned in his anti Palestinian crap. Since the US media won't carry it, and this Israeli URL isn't as of _yet blocked,_ for US computers, read it while you can.

Re: [LAAMN] Justin Raimondo: Why Is America Committing Suicide?

2011-08-08 Thread Scott Peden
Follow the money. It is simply good business. Follow history. If you look for it you can find those that became ultra rich and then moved onto other nations, after the death of Greece and Rome's operating for the profits of the few so that the general public 'could live in the manner they'd

[LAAMN] Protests Grow in Israel, With 250,000 Marching

2011-08-08 Thread Scott Peden
As usual, the most dangerous thing the war mongers can imagine, are Peaceful people Protesting inhumanities to other humans. Generally we are met with violence. But do take into account, that the largest Anti War protest that ever occurred in recorded history, happened world wide just before

[LAAMN] Target/Walmart/Macy's rape factory

2011-08-08 Thread Scott Peden
The only person the International Corporations listen to, is their accountant. Vote with your dollars. Scott Change.org *Tell Target: End the abuse at rape factory in Jordan

[LAAMN] More Bank of America Deathwatch: AIG to Seek $10+ Billion for Dud Mortgages naked capitalism

2011-08-08 Thread Scott Peden
http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/08/more-bank-of-america-deathwatch-aig-t o-seeks-10-billion-for-dud-mortgages.html (For some reason the link will not remain together, follow the money? cut and paste pelase) http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/08/more-bank-of-america-deathwatch-aig-t


2011-08-08 Thread Scott Peden
http://video.designworldonline.com/bugbots.html Those who already see our Country as One Nation under Surveillance, and not far behind England, who has cameras all over the streets in their major cities, may not find this advertisement Form General Dynamics, to be the kind of Progress, they

Re: [LAAMN] President Obama - Interest Group Ratings of His Voting Record

2011-08-06 Thread Scott Peden
I'm still waiting for you to explain how he is more liberal then Dennis Kucinich. You have a * by your comment of such, is it in a minor area, or some special interest group rating? No this only covers SPECIAL INTERESTS VOTES for Obama, not HOW HE VOTED. Again, this does NOT Cover his voting

Re: [LAAMN] President Obama- Interest Group Ratings of His Voting Record

2011-08-05 Thread Scott Peden
Interest group ratings. This is NOT his voting record, which is here: Didn't Obama just sign off on major cuts for Planned Parenthood, given the Tea baggers once again, more then they asked for? I have no idea what cherry picked data is used to say he's more Liberal the Dennis Kucinich, who

[LAAMN] Syria Hama Siege: 'People Are Being Slaughtered Like Sheep'

2011-08-05 Thread Scott Peden
BEIRUT -- The flashpoint Syrian city of Hama endured a fifth day under military siege Thursday, with a resident saying people were being slaughtered like sheep in the streets and families were burying their dead in home gardens or roadsides rather than risk a trip to a cemetery -- George

Re: [LAAMN] President Obama- Interest Group Ratings of His Voting Record

2011-08-05 Thread Scott Peden
as it is delivered to us. Scott On 8/4/2011 10:27 PM, Scott Peden wrote: Interest group ratings. This is NOT his voting record, which is here: Didn't Obama just sign off on major cuts for Planned Parenthood, given the Tea baggers once again, more then they asked for? I have no idea what cherry picked

[LAAMN] FToday's LUV News: 4 August, 2011

2011-08-05 Thread Scott Peden
*AT WAR IN 120 NATIONS? * ** *Nick Turse says http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175426/tomgram%3A_nick_turse%2C_uncovering_the_military%27s_secret_military/ by the end of this year we will likely have secret special ops people in 120 nations committing acts of war such as assassinations. If

[LAAMN] Re: Barack Obama and the debt crisis: A successful con game explained by Bruce A. Dixon

2011-08-04 Thread Scott Peden
/voting_category.php?can_id=9490 Scott On 8/3/2011 8:44 PM, Scott Peden wrote: Barack Obama and the debt crisis: A successful con game explained by Bruce A. Dixon Black Agenda Report August 3, 2011 The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate

[LAAMN] Barack Obama and the debt crisis: A successful con game explained by Bruce A. Dixon

2011-08-04 Thread Scott Peden
Barack Obama and the debt crisis: A successful con game explained by Bruce A. Dixon Black Agenda Report August 3, 2011 The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate and successful hoax in which the nation's first black president, the Democratic and

[LAAMN] 9/11 Commissioners Themselves Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

2011-08-02 Thread Scott Peden
Boy they'll avoid this with the same fever they went after our Social Security, as 911 profited, still profits the MIC/Police State/International Bankers like nothing else ever could, to find that it was a false flag event would endanger everything they've worked for over the last 50 years. I

Re: [LAAMN] Re: Cynthia McKinney in LA August 7th to tell Us the TRUTH

2011-08-01 Thread Scott Peden
The draft had been going on for some time by the time I had to report to the induction office. Nixon cancelled it the day before the point of no return, for me. What was big news then was the media was showing coffins coming home, which was made illegal by the last 2 WH Administrations. The

Re: [LAAMN] GOOD READ: The Corporate Education Act Becomes Law

2011-07-28 Thread Scott Peden
At first I thought this had something to do with the Liberal Arts, but i see instead it has more to do with the Orwellian 'Conservative' Arts. On 7/28/2011 2:53 PM, Romi Elnagar wrote: The Corporate Education Act Becomes Law by Luke Hiken / July 28th, 2011 Republican lawmakers were

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 24 July, 2011

2011-07-24 Thread Scott Peden
*NORWAY MASSACRE: RIGHT WING TERRORISTS, NOT MUSLIMS, PART 2 * ** *Following up on our lead story yesterday about the Norwegian massacre alleged to have been committed by a right wing Christian fundamentalist, we would like to respond to criticisms that our facts were wrong-- they were not.

[LAAMN] We Are The Whirled | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

2011-07-21 Thread Scott Peden
http://www.markfiore.com/political-cartoons/watch-somalia-famine-al-shabab-obama-un-hunger-relief-animated-video-mark-fiore-animation MUST-SEE! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] foreclosures

2011-07-21 Thread Scott Peden
Sorry about the large file, but this isn't the kind of thing that is clearly told to you by the self elected investigative and information services of America, the main Stream media, in fact they seem to go past this kinda stuff in a real rush. Las Vegas of today reminds me if Central Western

[LAAMN] Ray and Bubba

2011-07-21 Thread Scott Peden
Ray and Bubba http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RUFF/message/71235;_ylc=X3oDMTJzc29hYXNlBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzEwNDk0NjQxBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA4Mzc2NARtc2dJZAM3MTIzNQRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMzExMTczMjk0 Ray and Bubba were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A woman

[LAAMN] whiskey

2011-07-21 Thread Scott Peden
In 1952, Armon M. Sweat, Jr., a member of the Texas House of Representatives, was asked about his position on whiskey. What follows is his exact answer (taken from the Political Archives of Texas): If you mean whiskey, the devil's brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles

[LAAMN] Hey CRAP! We just bailed...

2011-07-19 Thread Scott Peden
These SOB's out, under the insistence of Bush II, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid and McCain Maybe it is time for them to return the favor, in exactly the manner they got it from you and I, loans that have NO END, and NO INTEREST. Those sons' a robber barons Scott (take a

[LAAMN] Ironic Times...............

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Peden
http://www.ironictimes.com/ *TSA TOLD TO CHECK FOR SUICIDE BOMBERS WITH * *SURGICALLY IMPLANTED BOMBS* [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles

[LAAMN] The DA stole his life, justices took his money

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Peden
Prosecutors are not responsible to train their staff that they MUST turn over evidence that is favorable to the defendant? Huh? This explains the great many cases where we have heard time and again that the prosecutors knowingly prosecuted innocent people. Let's look at this from a different

[LAAMN] Cartoon Du Jour - By Khalil

2011-07-12 Thread Scott Peden
Well, we've all heard of DINO and RINO's, who are most of those holding office in Congress and the Senate, now we have a shining example of SINO. Wicked cartoons by America's Most Wanted Political Cartoonist. Enjoy! If the cartoons doesn't load automatically, please visit the following URL to

[LAAMN] The wench Michelle Malkin - and an old 'toon that I found funny

2011-07-10 Thread Scott Peden
MichelleMalkin-555.jpg // // [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 6 July, 2011

2011-07-09 Thread Scott Peden
Now I understand why some paid Democrat Operatives have been going nuts the last few weeks about Nader.. and he isn't even running. The last Article, Debating Taboo's. OMG, they're afraid people will TALK amongst themselves! Subscription link at the bottom if you want this newsletter every

[LAAMN] The Evil of Two Lessers :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

2011-07-09 Thread Scott Peden
*The Evil of Two Lessers* Margaret Kimberley 7obama_blk_unemployed.jpg http://www.uruknet.de/pic.php?f=7obama_blk_unemployed.jpg BAR http://www.blackagendareport.com/content/freedom-rider-evil-two-lessers, July 7, 2011 /Not only is Obama keeping the country in a perpetual state of war,

Re: [LAAMN] This October

2011-07-09 Thread Scott Peden
Another group has also sent a lot across my desk, stating they are headed for DC in September. http://october2011.org/node/387 I think I've sent articles from both groups. The LUV News site had the first articles about it, Kevin Zeese published through there to announce Oct2011 campaign. If

[LAAMN] Your have a right to.....

2011-07-07 Thread Scott Peden
You have a right to Life. You have a right to Prosper. All people have a Responsibility to ensure the Prosperity for Future Generations. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [LAAMN] Military conflicts between nations increasing steadily since 1870

2011-07-06 Thread Scott Peden
Interesting date. That is just a few years after the US would have gone bankrupt from having to pay off the Northern Soldiers, since the Corporations that hired them said they couldn't, it would bankrupt them and then who was going to put all of those out of work soldiers to work, so the US

[LAAMN] Is the United States a Representative Democracy or a Mirage Democracy

2011-07-06 Thread Scott Peden
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-zeese/a-question-for-reflection_b_889544.html?view=print Posted: 07/ 5/11 03:04 PM ET It is a shame to have to ask whether democracy is a mirage in the United States, no doubt most Americans would rather be celebrating U.S. democracy than questioning

[LAAMN] Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider by Peter Odintsov/noviden.info

2011-07-06 Thread Scott Peden
Follow the money, in all things. Scott Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider by Peter Odintsov noviden.info Moscow May 30th, 2011 Interview with a Swiss banker done in Moscow 30.05.2011 Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business? A: I

Re: [LAAMN] Military conflicts between nations increasing steadily since 1870

2011-07-05 Thread Scott Peden
It's a good thing we control the printing presses or what we call civilization, would be called barbarism. On 7/4/2011 10:51 PM, Michael Novick wrote: The researchers found that nations with the largest economies have tended to make more frequent military interventions

[LAAMN] Drowning Fish?

2011-07-01 Thread Scott Peden
**Drowning Fish?** /by Greg Palast June 30th, 2011/ // July 3 would have been my parents' 67th Anniversary. 67 years. Maybe it was the triumph of Hope over Reality (still have that Obama 2008 poster?). Or maybe something else, something that those of us who haven't walked that far down the

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 1 July, 2011

2011-07-01 Thread Scott Peden
*OBAMA'S WAR ON WHISTLEBLOWERS * ** *President Obama has gone after more whistleblowers than any previous president. This is chilling to anyone who cares about government corruption, now rampant. Linda Greene has a piece going inside it http://www.counterpunch.org/greene06302011.html this

[LAAMN] Capitalism Vs: Democracy/Socialism etc.

2011-06-29 Thread Scott Peden
In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy. - Fran Lebowitz It would have been nice, in my particular perfect world, for me to have known and understood this quote a few years ago. In one group I'm in we've had a long drawn

Re: [LAAMN] Inside Nader's Stock Portfolio

2011-06-29 Thread Scott Peden
otherwise. Begin forwarded message: From: Scott Peden scotpe...@cruzio.com mailto:scotpeden%40cruzio.com Date: June 27, 2011 9:30:50 PM PDT Cc: laamn@yahoogroups.com mailto:laamn%40yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [LAAMN] Inside Nader's Stock Portfolio Mike, I think your almost 11 years late

Re: [LAAMN] Inside Nader's Stock Portfolio

2011-06-28 Thread Scott Peden
Mike, I think your almost 11 years late on sending this one out. For starters, it was attacking Gore for his Corporate STANCE, and Naders investment of his PERSONAL wealth. Two different things. Nader has an anti Corporate Control of government stance, which he and his supporters were


2011-06-28 Thread Scott Peden
/never kill the golden goose./ Is the answer to a question inside - Scott Original Message Subject:IRONIC TIMES - 06/27/11 Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 00:51:37 -0700 From: Ironic Times ironicti...@earthlink.net To: Dear Subscriber, GINGRICH HOCKS WIFE'S EARRINGS

[LAAMN] SHELL GAMES: A Reuters Investigation

2011-06-28 Thread Scott Peden
Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains http://news.yahoo.com/special-report-little-house-secrets-great-plains-113759191.html Articles in this series are exploring the extent and impact of corporate secrecy in the United States. CHEYENNE/ATLANTA (Reuters) - The

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 26 June, 2011

2011-06-26 Thread Scott Peden
*WAR LIES * ** *Glenn Greenwald's piece yesterday http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/25/libya/index.html quotes President Obama, a week into his Libya bombing campaign three months ago, ***Broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a

[LAAMN] Questions for todays Progressive News Network PEACE SHOW Guests

2011-06-26 Thread Scott Peden
This is a new source I've just barely seen. Unfortunately I may be sending it to late for today's show. I'd love some feed back from those of you who are already all over a lot of Progressive sites. Scott *Questions for todays Progressive News Network PEACE SHOW Guests* *Tune In Live


2011-06-26 Thread Scott Peden
Well, That explains a lot! Thank you Holycstngs for doing the Follow the Money for us as to why Nader is under attack from the Dems, WHEN HE ISN'T RUNNING FOR OFFICE. Scott WHY SOME PEOPLE, LIKE BARRON'S, WANT TO TALK DOWN NADER! *Show Ralph Nader the MONEY *** Barrons June 27, 2011 From:

[LAAMN] Cost of Bush Tax Cuts $5.5 Trillion

2011-06-25 Thread Scott Peden
Amazing. Now who would support someone that backed these Bush Tax cuts which have reduced the tax base from federal to local levels about 40%? Would you re-elect someone that was driving you into bankruptcy or debt, while making sure their moneyed buddies at the top got richer? Go ahead, can

[LAAMN] Tell your Senators: We need the facts!

2011-06-24 Thread Scott Peden
TORTURE IS A MORAL ISSUE Join us and people of faith across the country in marking the *International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (June 26)* by asking your Senators to support the public release of the findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into CIA

[LAAMN] Does Senator Kerry want to hear from you?

2011-06-24 Thread Scott Peden
Mobilizing the Progressive Vote From Senator John F Kerry http://www.pdamerica.org/blog/view/from-senator-john-f-kerry/ Wow. Read the reader comments. Maybe he doesn't want to hear what we are saying, it certainly isn't a mess of back patting happening there. I wasn't happy with Kerry when he

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 24 June, 2011

2011-06-24 Thread Scott Peden
This article fits in with this issue too http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/06/05-1 Second string psaychopaths Scott *OUR LAWLESS GOVERNMENT * ** *Washington has signed 96 agreements with different countries to avoid having its troops, involved in conflicts, being brought to trial at the

[LAAMN] Re: The Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths

2011-06-24 Thread Scott Peden
with torches, the rapacious elite need politicians who will carry out the work of re-directing anger at teachers, or labor unions, or the poor. On 6/24/2011 7:18 PM, Scott Peden wrote: Ahh, It's sElection Season again, and it is time to meet some of those running for office again. can

[LAAMN] The Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths

2011-06-24 Thread Scott Peden
Ahh, It's sElection Season again, and it is time to meet some of those running for office again. can you spot your Representative after reading this article? It's what they do, not the Sweet Nothings the tell us during sElection Season. This is rather pertinent. In a country in

[LAAMN] The Bill Clinton Legacy

2011-06-23 Thread Scott Peden
Good reminder from Robert Scheer about the connection of Clinton to our current miseries. Progressive Democrats especially need to remember the importance of pushing more progressive candidates and policies. From Common Dreams. Robert Scheer: Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 22 June, 2011

2011-06-22 Thread Scott Peden
I thought so, the 30,000 troop withdrawal for Election season, is only half of what he escalated it to (not including the contractor escalation numbers too). Considering that he ran on getting us out of the Middle East, ain't it comforting to know that those who INVESTED the most MONEY in the

[LAAMN] The economy explained. In 135 seconds.

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Peden
Interestingly enough, it really is this simple. Of about 80% of the income that use to run our government a few decades back, half that is in the hands of the super rich, who now pay less then half the taxes they did before creating the shortfalls we are experiencing now. Which Government


2011-06-17 Thread Scott Peden
So much for Cats being elected by Mice! *Although we give lip service to the notion of freedom, we know that government is no longer the servant of the people but, at last, has become the people's master. We have stood by like timid sheep while the wolf killed -- **first the weak, then the

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 15 June, 2011

2011-06-15 Thread Scott Peden
*ILLEGAL WAR NEWS * ** *French news is reporting

[LAAMN] The Axis were incompetents!

2011-06-15 Thread Scott Peden
(referencing Germany, Italy and Japan, WW II era) Did we win because we were better, or waited till everyone else was out of supplies and the wars would have run down anyway, due to lack of warriors and supplies, and good timing was what the USA supplied the best in a 6 year period? (a

[LAAMN] Need a causus belli ? Invent one !

2011-06-15 Thread Scott Peden
America's Recent Wars have all been Accompanied b http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RUFF/message/68965;_ylc=X3oDMTJzazlyZXEyBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzEwNDk0NjQxBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA4Mzc2NARtc2dJZAM2ODk2NQRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMzA4MTY0Njc5y False Stories By Prof Peter Dale

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: Flag Day, 2011

2011-06-14 Thread Scott Peden
*SELLING OUT THE PEOPLE WORKS * ** *Glenn Greenwald's piece this morning http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/13/headline/index.html takes off on two fronts to show how President Obama has pleased the National Security State http://members.cox.net/libertyuv/NatSec.htm


2011-06-13 Thread Scott Peden
Dear Subscriber, SCHWARZENEGGER, EDWARDS THANK WEINER more at ... http://www.ironictimes.com/ Thanks for subscribing to Ironic Times. -- The Editors --- LAAMN: Los

[LAAMN] depressing thot 4 2day

2011-06-13 Thread Scott Peden
This just goes to prove that gold is worthless, and that the only thing which has real value, is electrons, represented by pieces of paper with numbers on them, and he who controls/owns the printing press and the computers with the proper electrons, owns the world. The Banking Speculators won

[LAAMN] Re: Now as never before we need this reminder: PROTEST WORKS

2011-06-07 Thread Scott Peden
/simonwiese405090.html#ixzz1OZAqCMBE On 6/6/2011 10:55 PM, Scott Peden wrote: http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/10/protest-works-just-look-at-the-proof.html Sunday, October 31, 2010 “Protest works. Just look at the proof” http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/10/protest-works-just

[LAAMN] Environmental Obama..... NOT

2011-06-02 Thread Scott Peden
I wonder what few things still keep some of the Democrats citing Obama's wonderful Environmental record. It sure isn't making sure that the Blue Fin Tuna can be fished to extinction. It sure isn't due to his administration telling anyone that if they touch an oil coated animal in the Gulf

[LAAMN] Comedians for Sarah Palin

2011-06-02 Thread Scott Peden
: Comedians for Sarah Palin http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RUFF/message/67905;_ylc=X3oDMTJzOHVwazBrBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzEwNDk0NjQxBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA4Mzc2NARtc2dJZAM2NzkwNQRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMzA2OTg2NDA2 Support Palin! Put a comedian to work! By Dean

Re: [LAAMN] California Senate Approves Walmart-inspired limits on Superstores

2011-06-01 Thread Scott Peden
Yeah, it does discriminate against one type of retailer over the others. It discriminates against ones like Wal-Mart/Target and the other MEGA box stores who increase the burden on the rest of the tax payers due to the store paying wages so low the employees often need government assistance

[LAAMN] Protection from War

2011-05-31 Thread Scott Peden
If anyone has ANY doubt at all why Education is under attack in this Country, and Monopoly media, as the only source of widespread available information,whom can only maintain their monopolies with permissions of the Government, this should explain it easily. Scott The greatest protection

[LAAMN] Protection from War

2011-05-31 Thread Scott Peden
If anyone has ANY doubt at all why Education is under attack in this Country, and Monopoly media, as the only source of widespread available information,whom can only maintain their monopolies with permissions of the Government, this should explain it easily. Scott The greatest protection

[LAAMN] What will YOU do to Win the Peace TODAY?

2011-05-27 Thread Scott Peden
Send a few bucks if you have it, start your own movement if you have the energy, but at least visit the web sites. Scott What will YOU do to Win the Peace TODAY? We have asked ourselves this question many times, and bet you may have also. Now we have embarked upon a coarse of action. We

[LAAMN] The Worst Bill Ever in Congress (HR 1750) 5-23-11

2011-05-24 Thread Scott Peden
image http://warisacrime.org WarIsACrime.org http://warisacrime.org The Worst Bill Ever in Congress The Defense Authorization bill now before Congress, HR 1750, is arguably the worst bill ever considered likely to pass into law. It includes $118 billion for wars in Iraq and

[LAAMN] Cartoon Du Jour - By Khalil

2011-05-23 Thread Scott Peden
Wicked cartoons by America's Most Wanted Political Cartoonist. Enjoy! If the cartoons doesn't load automatically, please visit the following URL to manually load the cartoon: http://www.bendib.com/newones/2011/May/small/5-20-DSK.jpg

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 20 May, 2011

2011-05-20 Thread Scott Peden
CONTINUED SHREDDING OF CIVIL RIGHTS * * ** *Kevin Gosztola has an investigative piece http://my.firedoglake.com/kgosztola/2011/05/19/fbi-documents-show-us-citizens-targeted-for-interest-in-us-foreign-policy/ going into FBI raids of peace activists, including links to FBI documents

[LAAMN] Democrats are mean (LOL)

2011-05-13 Thread Scott Peden
The remarks below show comment #26 by Marie Burns of Ft. Myers, Florida which gave me a laugh and I thought I would share it. It was in response to the Krugman blogpost Whiners I think this comment is at the top of page 2 of the comments. The blogpost after Whiners includes a link to the Ryan

[LAAMN] YouTube - Immigrants For Sale

2011-05-13 Thread Scott Peden
This is the same prison system that is against the legalization and taxation of Marijuana, as that alone could lessen their profits by 30% or more. Or if you read it as I do, reduce the tax burden by 30% to house in prisons those who have minor offenses, increase the tax base for education

[LAAMN] Obama Signs Legislation to Make Supplements and Alternative Health Remedies Illegal

2011-05-11 Thread Scott Peden
*Good God, we can stop more bad legislation when the evilist of the evil two headed party is in power. How the hell did anyone ever think these people were on the side of the citizens? Scott * *_* ** *Obama signs legislation to make

[LAAMN] The Osama Tale: Stranger and Stranger by Eric Margolis

2011-05-10 Thread Scott Peden
Some interesting background information/history, and a few more thoughts come up, in this US/Pakistan shot gun marriage, or is it an invasion, held in place by bribes from the USA, from money borrowed from China? And it all goes back to the Bush's administrations insistence of Invasion, and

[LAAMN] 1870 Mother's Day Proclamation, 1908 Founding, Funny Thoughts

2011-05-08 Thread Scott Peden
1870 Mother's Day Proclamation, 1908 Founding, Funny Thoughts Mother's Day began with Julia Ward Howe (Battle Hymn of the Republic), who nursed the wounded during the American Civil War. In 1870 she started a crusade to institute a Mother's Day as a Day for Peace. Here is her Mothers Day

[LAAMN] Unfolding Evidence Suggests Direct Role in Harboring bin Laden

2011-05-05 Thread Scott Peden
More and more interesting. Democracy now has an interesting interview with a Canadian Journalist here: http://www.democracynow.org/2011/5/5/pakistani_military_faces_scrutiny_as_unfolding I've observed, there have been no verified tapes of bin Laden since September 2001, everything else has been

[LAAMN] Fwd: [bush_lied_people_died] Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake

2011-05-03 Thread Scott Peden
A tad of debunking on the 'Run in circles, scream and shout' crowd, about Bin Ladens photo being fake, just now being brought up when THAT PHOTO IS A 2 YEAR OLD FAKE. That is, yesterdays news is once again being pedaled as today's news, to keep the facts as dammed confused as possible, so

[LAAMN] Trump trumped

2011-05-03 Thread Scott Peden
Now that is funny, I liked the Faux News bit best. Comedy is making a statement about the truth, and it being funny, when it really isn't, though you gain an insight as to why it isn't funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8TwRmX6zs4feature=share

[LAAMN] [Darenet] Alternative theories of Osama bin Laden's death

2011-05-03 Thread Scott Peden
A few things here prove thoughts I've not yet seen in the groups about bin Laden's death (besides some of the more revolting ones). The second one under b) is a real thought provoker for even those that find bin Laden's second (or is this the third?) death to be a tad suspicious, much less

[LAAMN] England?/UK?/Great Britain?

2011-05-01 Thread Scott Peden
I want to see a part II, the ex Colonies as they became Empire, done much in the same manner. Then we can add in France, Spain, Duetschlend (only Engrish speakers call it Germany) and might as well make the Roman Empire look benovelant in its' destruction of it's known world, in much the same

[LAAMN] White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering Protest

2011-05-01 Thread Scott Peden
This is bush-like, sort of USSRish http://readersupportednews.org/off-site-news-section/368-wikileaks/5789-white-house-threatens-to-blacklist-paper-for-covering-protest It is out in the open now, we have State Controlled media. It happens during the Bush era, right before we illegally


2011-04-21 Thread Scott Peden
What I really want to know is WHO PROFITS FROM MAKING SURE THIS KIND OF INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE WHEN YOU TAKE PHOTOS FROM A SMART PHONE. This is programed in, this is PLANNED, before the product hits the market. WHY? Selling YOUR INFORMATION is exceptionally BIG BUSINESS. So who is it that

[LAAMN] Exporting Democracy

2011-04-15 Thread Scott Peden
Exporting Democracy Has Led to Shortages of it in U.S., Experts Say Wisconsin, Florida Hardest Hit WASHINGTON (*The Borowitz Report http://borowitzreport.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=49de3335c30245ecd0fa291aaid=3cf2f58e96e=e9874627c9

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