[lace] Spangled and Bobbins!

2022-11-28 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Friends, Still asking myself questions as to when spangling began! I decided that the OED might have the answers. Well no, there does not seem to have any special reference to spangling (and all the other words) a bobbin. It does refer to decorating an object. I also looked up Gingle,

[lace] Brian and Bobbins

2022-09-27 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear all, I am afraid that age and less than good health has pursued me and caught up!  Along with the decreased health and abilities of my wife who is 91, I have decided that (at least officially) I have dropped the bobbin baton and would love for another to take it up! I need to put on

[lace] Possibly a fake bobbin on ebay?

2022-07-06 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Guys, Diana and i have been in correspondence about this Hanging bobbin that is currently being offered on ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394149673364?mkcid=16=1=711-127632-2357-0=wi1rxdxmrg-=2349624=cfz4mPKOSJK=_ver=artemis=EMAIL

[lace] Odd things that are interesting me (quiet list contribution!)

2022-04-14 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All. As I have said there are a number of outstanding gaps in my bobbin knowledge and the one that stands out to me is the issue of glass bobbins. I have no idea how to categorize them, date them, recognize the manufacturer. I often seen them advertised as vintage or antique and I am

[lace] cataract surgery

2022-04-03 Thread Brian Lemin
Just a note to say that my wife,  a prolific hand sewer, is very happy with her implanted lenses after many years. -- Brian. (Who lives in Awabakal Country) Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For

[lace] English paintings of lace makers? Oh yes and a bobbin thing too!

2022-03-18 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, I am always amazed at the knowledge and various collections and interests of members of arachne.   This time I am asking if anyone has a collection of paintings (Presumably photos of!) antique lace makers. The continentals seems to have a number of excellent paintings but my

[lace] Tiny spangled bobbins... does anyone collect these?

2022-01-07 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, I have been doing this bobbin things for many years and until I saw a small collection of the wooden bobbins with just two or perhaps three beads on the spangles in Gertrude Whitings collection,  they went "over my head". They look lovely, they are well turned ( Probably Joseph

Re: [lace] History of Lacemaking Coming to America

2022-01-04 Thread Brian Lemin
In terms of Britain's "3Rd world" colonies it was taken there by the missionaries as the main exporters of the skills.  USA?  I have no idea. I am a fan of Marian Powys, her skills and knowledge are to be wondered at. Brian. (Who lives in Awabakal Country) Cooranbong. Australia On 5/01/2022

[lace] Help with a list of laces that came with the initial migration to England... Please

2021-12-30 Thread Brian Lemin
As you know I am ignorant about lace!!  However I am trying to identify the style of bobbins the  two waves of immigration of lace makers  may well have brought to England. We know that the main arrivals were Flemish Protestants and they arrived around 1572 (St Bartholomew Massacre and

[lace] In the footsteps of Alan Summerly Cole Webdocs

2021-12-28 Thread Brian Lemin
John Cropper the Webdocs guru has posted the article. Here is the URL for the PDF.  How wrong can I be telling you it takes about two weeks!!  Sorry John. [ https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs/lb_2021_02.pdf ] I have taken the opportunity of adding an inadequate bio of Alan

[lace] In search of information and the report of Mr White?

2021-12-27 Thread Brian Lemin
Firstly thank you to all who have been of such great help in getting Alan Browns documents to me. "This time I am looking for the original report to 1862 Royal Commissions the life of the Lace girls in the Honiton and East Midlands district by Mr John Edward White MA." Alan Brown has

[lace] A Rough lot

2021-12-26 Thread Brian Lemin
https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/books/ba_3_2001.pdf - Arizona also has this Brown book archived. Re the Nottingham lace industry (Machine lace) Quite startling in places but reflects the position of women and children at that time. Thank you for sharing with me quite a good

[lace] Take the Children

2021-12-26 Thread Brian Lemin
Whilst not the report I was looking for, I have found a PDF "Take the Children". By Brown It is well worth a read if you are interested in the social History of lace

[lace] Re Alan Brown reports. (Sheila)

2021-12-25 Thread Brian Lemin
I have a name "Sheila" and an out of date email address, but the notes I have referenced her tells me that she  offers copies of the Alan Coles reports on lace. I am particularly looking for the Nottingham Report, but he wrote another too which I do not have. Are any of you that Lady

[lace] Acknowledgement I left off my correction

2021-12-23 Thread Brian Lemin
I must also thank Margaret of All Hallows museum for helping me with my thinking about the Devon Laces. Brain addled Brian! -- Brian. (Who lives in Awabakal Country) Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace

[lace] Correction and update on Devon Laces (Brian Lemin)

2021-12-23 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear All, Whilst the topic of Devon lace is described by some as being complicated, I have, with the help of Carol MacFadzean of the Devon Lace Teachers Group, compiled a list that could be of help to the casual reader.The information has also cleared up the story of the Honiton stage coach

[lace] A preliminary biography of Alan S Cole. Many thanks to members. LONG

2021-12-07 Thread Brian Lemin
. with the help of members of Arachne (lace list)/ /Collated by Brian Lemin Dec2021/ *Nationality*: English *Date of Birth*: 1846.08.19 *Place of Birth*: Bayswater. London Middlesex *Date of Death*: 1934.03.24 *Place of Death*: May 30, 1934 (86-87) London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom *Identity

[lace] Thieving Rascals or Desperately Poor?

2021-12-04 Thread Brian Lemin
Just to let you know that I have published the above document on Arizona Web docs  [ https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs.html ] as usual you have to scroll down to my name to find it, but there is some sort of search engine too. It is a topic way out of my field but very

[lace] Lace as Toilet paper!

2021-12-04 Thread Brian Lemin
I have just read a pop circular on the "History of Toilet Paper". In it it said that, historical French royalty used lace to wipe their bums!! smile I was brought up on squares of newspaper hung on a string! I also won a cancer health education award by writing about this theme! Oh dear,

[lace] An East Devon (Honiton) Bobbin make. Initial communication

2021-11-06 Thread Brian Lemin
Your weird mate writing again, this time to record the name of a bobbin maker of East Devon bobbins (Implied)  This is the first record of a  Maker of Bobbins in and around Honiton. Gertrude Whiting mentions two names that I have never been unable to correlate with a recorded maker tag on

[lace] Helps, re pictures of spangled bobbins that are very (very) old?

2021-10-28 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear Arachnids, I have spent a glorious afternoon of semi shut down looking for pictures of lace bobbins on paintings or pictures. The time went quickly but less than fruitful because of my objective. I am looking to see if there is any "identifiable time" when English bobbins became

[lace] Cowper Newton Mueseum

2021-05-18 Thread Brian Lemin
I understand that the  above museum is redesigning their lace making rooms.  Dare i say it.. "about time too", but i do hope they will take the opportunity of showing their unique collection of a bobbins  in a better manner, perhaps along with some educational text. Their collection is

Re: [lace] Hanging Bobbins

2021-03-01 Thread Brian Lemin
put these in a rare category. There are quite number in existence but owners tend to want to keep them Sorry Brian Cooranbong. Australia On 2/03/2021 6:44 am, thelace...@btinternet.com wrote: I think that Brian Lemin would be the best person to say how often they come up. I can't think of

[lace] Continental lace bobbins

2021-02-15 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear Arachnids, With all this confession about being a lazy writer and researcher my conscience began to burn a little You all know that the many thousands (probably) of bobbins that I have on my DB none of them are real.  I my have say 30 real EM bobbins in my collection! the rest pretty

[lace] Lace articles.. Brian

2021-02-05 Thread Brian Lemin
Articles https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs.html Scroll down to my name (longish way down!)  or type Lemin in search, This gives a google response and

[lace] Update from Brian

2021-02-05 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, I think its confession time. I have been so slack with research and writing during Covid even though (comparably Australia has done well). The truth of the matter is that i pretty well have a Collectors Guide to "Honiton" bobbins ready. Covid has really held up the Downton Guide,

[lace] Crazy ideas about how old bobbins are?

2020-10-23 Thread Brian Lemin
Yep, I have got Covid Stir crazy syndrome. You may remember that after all my (our, I include Diana of course)) years of bobbin study I only recently was told that all early Downton bobbins were hand carved.  From this I want to ask you all two questions please. 1. If you have any Downton

[lace] Lace Fairy archived web site.

2020-08-13 Thread Brian Lemin
I know i have only been looking at the "bobbins" section but out of frustration I tried something stupid. I wanted one of my articles on hanging bobbins desperately but it kept coming up with a whole page of bookmarks for the archived software.  I discovered that I could "select all" then

[lace] Re Jerri Aimes... contact

2020-08-11 Thread Brian Lemin
I think this is the way i get a message to Jerri. I would like to email her re "glass Lace bobbins" and another topic also. brid...@bigpond.com Thanks -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace

[lace] Met copyright update

2020-08-11 Thread Brian Lemin
I am in discussion with the Met. So far i have established that they do not charge for use of the images, the usual acknowledgement required.  That is fine. We will see what else will emerge -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the

[lace] Metrpolitan musem bobbins link

2020-08-10 Thread Brian Lemin
https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search#!/search?material=Beads=20=All=Relevance=0=0=12 I hope this works for you. It certainly works if you copy and paste it into your browsers  search

[lace] Lace fairy archived web site

2020-07-23 Thread Brian Lemin
I do not know why i have not realized that the Lace Fairy web site was archived and is available. http://web.archive.org/web/20130630115244/http://lace.lacefairy.com/Lace/ It lacks a lot of pictures but is still a great "browse". Is there a "modern" equivalent site that is as generic as was

[lace] The article is up on webdocs

2020-07-20 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear Arachnids, *NB* I always have difficulty in making my links live in Thunderbird. I usually paste the webdocs URL  in the search box, and the scroll till i get the article.!! Here is the webdocs URL: https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs.html Here is the document up i

[lace] Why bobbins became interesting!

2020-07-19 Thread Brian Lemin
I have been dooming and dreaming about bobbins this last few days.  It started when (after all these years of study) I discovered that almost all Downton bobbins were hand whittled until more modern times.   I had noticed hand whittled necks, but because my collection is digital and thus i

[lace] Waddesdon bobbins.

2020-07-14 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi, as you will know I am expecting to slow down on my bobbin research, mainly because i have or will have, covered all the regional types of bobbins. Today i have been cogitating as to whether or not Waddesdon is a geographical lace area that used a special bobbin. The reason is that it

[lace] (progress report) and Malmsbury bobbins (Long)

2020-07-12 Thread Brian Lemin
Covid has a lot to answer for and this letter is one of them. I am often asked about where my bobbin interest came from etc. The simple answer is I started to make bobbins as result of seeing a church member's pillow at tea one week end. Now here the rest of it. I hope the arachne editor will

[lace] I would like to contact Pam Nottingham

2020-07-12 Thread Brian Lemin
Can anyone help please? The address below does NOT work -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

[lace] Rare 8 gingle South Bucks. Picture wanted... p l e a s e! A possible (but not recommended prize!)

2020-07-09 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, This is a begging letter. No, no money involved just a kind gift to my digital collection (and permission to use it in an article please.) I really need (desperately? not quite but close to it) a South Buck bobbin that had 8 (Eight) gingles (metal rings) on it. If you have

Re: [lace] Pam Nottinghams article on Thumpers.. Keeping the Record Straight. Lace #77 Jan 1995. P 31

2020-07-06 Thread Brian Lemin
Guild's Librarian, who should be able to help. The office is closed on Mondays, so it won't be today. Jane Partridge From: owner-l...@arachne.com on behalf of Brian Lemin Sent: 06 July 2020 06:28 To: lace@arachne.com Subject: [lace] Pam Nottinghams

[lace] Pam Nottinghams article on Thumpers.. Keeping the Record Straight. Lace #77 Jan 1995. P 31

2020-07-05 Thread Brian Lemin
I would love to see a copy of this article, Can anyone help please? Thanks -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

[lace] Acheological findings in Sydney.. Australia

2020-07-05 Thread Brian Lemin
Whilst idly combing the net (like you do in COVID!) I have discovered that they found bobbin fragments at a digging in Sydney rock (probably years ago. Here is the thing.. all i know about UK bobbins and I do not have clue about Oz bobbins! Findings: The Material Culture of Needlework And

[lace] A new article on Webdocs

2020-07-04 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello friends I have  put up an article on ships on East Devon (Honiton bobbins) on webdocs. https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs.html *Lemin*, Brian. /A Collection of Sea Going Vessels Depicted on East Devon Bobbins. (an album)/, 23 pages. Posted July, 2020. *FIRST PAGE*

[lace] Bobbin Collectors notes and presentation ( Longish)

2020-06-25 Thread Brian Lemin
I rarely comment on auctions as I am often "chastised" by keen buyers who argue that publicity about an auction puts the prices up. In some ways they are right especially if i happen to highlight as special bobbin, but i doubt they need worry if i am just mentioning an auction, after all the

[lace] Lorri Ferguson... can you email me please? Re Bookmark!

2020-06-08 Thread Brian Lemin
Just to say that I am sorry for not contacting you and whole page of excuses!! smile Brian:-[ -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo

[lace] Napolionic PoW bobbin?

2020-06-08 Thread Brian Lemin
Just to let you know my thoughts on this bobbin are on Webdocs *Lemin*, Brian. /Napoleonic Prisoners of War and Lace Bobbins/, 12 pages. Posted June 2020. *FIRST PAGE* . File size 344KB PDF

[lace] Heart or head? Napolionic PoW bobbins?

2020-05-31 Thread Brian Lemin
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254607849251 Recently my bobbin partner alerted me to the above bobbin sale on eBay. Her heart was asking the question if this could be a bobbin made by the Napoleonic PoWs? I looked at it and entertained similar thoughts, but then i retrieved  some articles from

[lace] Bobbin photo album... Google

2020-05-24 Thread Brian Lemin
Just to remind people that you can browse my bobbin post cards at https://photos.app.goo.gl/vstK8ADx3qo3KtRc6 Might pass away the time during lock-down. Even I resorted to them today!! -- Brian Cooranbong. Australia - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the

RE: [lace] Bucks ornament & questions about false picots & Wiltshire area bobbins

2019-03-26 Thread Brian Lemin
As the so called bobbin guy on this list I thought that at least I should reply and say here here to you plea for English bobbins. I do not make any more. I never made much any rate as I got hooked on the academic/history side of them instead. I have something of a private theory that the

RE: [lace] Bobbin question ( a ?maker? responds)

2019-02-16 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi, I suppose I need to chime in here on the bobbin question. Certainly fruit woods are great for bobbins as the early makers found and also those woods were plentiful at that time. Almost every home had an apple tree at least! Basically they are fine grained woods and polish very well. The

[lace] New Web site devoted to Lace Bobbins.

2018-12-25 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, I suspect that this effort has taken me some 20 years to come to fruition, and it would not have ever happened if it were not for some very generous collectors, knowledgeable people and of course all you arachnids who helped me along. Particularly in the early days when we did

RE: [lace] Turning Lace Bobbins

2018-10-09 Thread Brian Lemin
I have replied to H M Clarke telling him it is the only book for him. Best ever for bobbin making styles. Abes books has it for about $30 which is about the cost price if I remember. The other prices I saw were ridiculous. I could sell my copy and retire!! Smile I forgot to ask him if he

[lace] Franz Muller Hanging bobbin. Buyer beware

2018-07-18 Thread Brian Lemin
http://www.keysauctions.co.uk/ This auctioneer is offering a Franz Muller hanging bobbin for sale in a few days time.. I suggest that would be buyers first read C and D Springetts evaluation of another Franz Muller bobbin on page 85 of their book "Success to the Lace Pillow" Many of

[lace] Modern vs Tradtional

2018-05-16 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi all, You will know that I am not a lace maker, but in my patchwork hobby life, we are experiencing the same slow evolution away from traditional patchworking. When it first started happening I "blamed" artists taking over our hobby, but now I see that it is a generational trait. We are

RE: [lace] Arachne Anniversary

2018-04-13 Thread Brian Lemin
HI, I have no idea when I joined or how I joined, but I do know this that my early effort to study bobbins were a very collegiate approach with Arachne members. I have always remembered your willing help and contributions. There is no doubt as to the value I put on my membership of this

[lace] Ipswich Lace bobbin

2017-12-08 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello again after a long time! Smile. I just would like to let you good folks know that despite many efforts via the USA over the years I do not have a genuine "antique" Ipswich bobbin. A few pictures of such a bobbin would suffice for my purposes, especially showing the "hollow" nature of it,

[lace] "Continental Lace Bobbins" (Lace Bobbins of the world?)

2017-05-25 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello again spiders, At the time of the preparation for writing the Guide and Dictionary, I also mentioned my digital (and actual) collection of what I am calling my "Continental Bobbin Collection". As I am poorly educated in this area of bobbins I asked for a volunteer who may sort or

[lace] Honiton (East Devon) antique Bobbins ? Downton's and Malmesbury Bobbins. I am "after them" !!! smile

2017-05-25 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Spiders, I hope to get the East Midland Collectors Guide and Antique English Lace Bobbin Dictionary up on line soon. Meanwhile I have been looking at my digital East Devon (Honiton) bobbin collection and it is a bit "lacking"! Come to that, so too are my examples of Downton and

[lace] A Collectors Guide to Lace Bobbins. Now ready! and Question for you!!!

2017-05-04 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, Many will be aware that I have compiled (at the editing stage) A Dictionary of English Antique Lace Bobbins appropriate for web publication. I have also written "A Collectors Guide to Antique English Lace Bobbins" which is complete and ready for web publication. I need to say

[lace] Whoops.. something went wrong with my email.

2017-04-18 Thread Brian Lemin
Here it is again and in full. So sorry Hi All, I have just downloaded the latest win 10 update that is lauding their 3D programme. I was excited as many of you will know that, thanks to generous donors of images, I have a collection of “cylindrical bobbins” that can be seen on a flat

[lace] 3D lace bobbin pictures. I really need help

2017-04-18 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, I have just downloaded the latest win 10 update that is lauding their 3D programme. I was excited as many of you will know that, thanks to generous donors of images, I have a collection of “cylindrical bobbins” that can be seen on a flat picture. I.e I have pictures of it from all

[lace] Off topic. Help with Japanese language

2017-04-16 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello All, I collect "traditional" Kokeshi dolls. I have one with Japanese writing on it. I can photograph it and send a kind person a jpg of it if they would kindly translate it for me. Many thanks spiders for letting me hi-jack you today. Brian - To unsubscribe send email to

[lace] Jeriames, help with contact

2017-04-16 Thread Brian Lemin
I am trying to contact Jeriames, but I keep getting rejected by AOL. Can someone help me contact her please? I can pass a message via "your" good services. Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] David Collyer.. please

2016-12-04 Thread Brian Lemin
Sorry about barge in in on the list.. David, could you drop me a line please, particularly about your Tassie bobbins. The Richard Dillingham research has led me to the Female Convict Factories in van Diemen's Land, and lace makers have been mentioned by one researcher. It had dawned on me

[lace] Luton Museum Volunteers. Wardown Park. Can you help please?

2016-12-03 Thread Brian Lemin
Many years ago I was in contact with a few of you. are you still around? You may remember I studied bobbins there for a week. can't remember when! I understand that Wardown Park is closed for refurbishing and I presume that the collection is in store or other disarray. I have a written

[lace] Re Richard Dillingham... some good news

2016-11-18 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, I have had a stroke of luck. I have found a "local" genealogist who has actually done some work on him and he has shared it with me (or will do(!)) Just 100 kms from me. He has offered me all the help I need. I can't imagine my luck! Watch this space to be bored with

[lace] Genealogist?

2016-11-17 Thread Brian Lemin
Because one of the flaws in my aging process is forgetting people's names, I ashamedly put out a call to the member whom I know quite well through the list and our correspondence. The member is also a genealogist of some expertise and I am in great need of help as I try and unravel the English

[lace] The Lace Makers of Narsapur

2016-11-14 Thread Brian Lemin
http://www.spinifexpress.com.au/Bookstore/book/id=231/ The above link may be of interests to a few readers. It includes a podcast interview. Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] "Radicalism" amongst Lace makers in the 1800s! H E L P

2016-11-11 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, I tried to write an article on the above topic, based on some pertinent inscriptions on lace bobbins and the social status of lace makers during the 1800s. To be honest, I feel I am totally out of my depth even though I did take "The Social and Economic History of England" a

[lace] Help.....A practice bobbin I sold years ago... lost????????

2016-11-01 Thread Brian Lemin
Did an Arachne member buy one of the bobbins that made as practice? It was highly ornamental, lose rings and one missing, after Joseph Haskins. I want to check a picture that I am using in the dictionary to illustrate "fake bobbins". I thought the picture I was using was that bobbin

[lace] Re King George bobbin

2016-10-27 Thread Brian Lemin
Sorry guys it was George iii. George showed his gratitude by giving him the lucrative post of warden of the Cinque ports. During the spring he made visits of inspection to Chatham and Portsmouth; on 28 September he made a tour for the purpose of holding reviews at Winchester, Salisbury, and

[lace] Kings and Queens of England

2016-10-26 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, Following some correspondence with a member I am encouraged to write something about "ROYAL" bobbins. I have a reasonable collection or access to royal bobbins before say 1700. Do any of you have a collection of royal bobbins say from 1800 onwards? If you have nice

[lace] Re article Classification etc.

2016-10-19 Thread Brian Lemin
Sorry, but I failed to include the "Folder List" I mention as part of creating the folders for such a classification on you PC. I will send it to you individually as I doubt that many will want to create this on their PC. Sorry for that omission. Brian - To unsubscribe send email to

[lace] The articles are posted in two sections of Arizona uni

2016-10-19 Thread Brian Lemin
Once on web docs (the link I have given you), the other on the Lace section Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

[lace] Two new articles on "Webdocs" Arizona Uni

2016-10-19 Thread Brian Lemin
I like writing, and sharing my thoughts and ideas. They are far from perfect, but they are published at least as a starter (for 10!). Lemin, Brian. A Classification of Antique East Midland Lace Bobbins for Collectors., 25 pages. Posted October 19, 2016.

[lace] Re Rannsom Dilligham.. transported. Botany Bay .......Inscription wrong?

2016-10-16 Thread Brian Lemin
I am doing research on this bobbin as the Higgins has granted approval to use their image in the Dictionary. I seem to remember that when I first raised this a member wrote and gave me some information on the inscription being wrong. Can you drop me those corrections again please, as I can

[lace] New member ..welcome

2016-10-15 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Joseph, I just thought that you should get a welcome from one of the men on the list. There are few of us, and all of them know a lot more about lace than I do, but if you happen to have a great collection of antique lace bobbins I will promise to mither you regularly! (Now I am wondering

[lace] Contact please: Pompi Parry

2016-10-07 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi, could you drop me a personal email please? Many thanks Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacemaker/sets/

[lace] Modern bobbin makers

2016-10-07 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, Not that I have any particular reason for writing this note to you, but I just thought that you should know that though I am very fond of antique bobbins, I am not totally one eyed about them. Our modern bobbin makers are innovative and skilled turners and frankly (with some

[lace] Bobbin restoration

2016-10-03 Thread Brian Lemin
On the whole folks seem to be OK with basic restoration. Most seem to expect that the spangle wire has been replaced at some time in the past. It seems the bobbin needs to be useable, and therefore look nice. Just before I decided to drop this note I went on ebay and this item number

[lace] restoration of antique lace bobbins?

2016-10-02 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Folks, I am always peering at auctions and bobbins sales and sometimes I see a bobbin or a group of bobbin in a terrible state, dirty, wire missing, beads missing, but basically the bobbin is ok. Every occasionally (very occasionally) I see a bobbin that to me has been restored. It

[lace] Looking for a book?

2016-09-28 Thread Brian Lemin
Does anyone happen to have a copy of the book, "Fuseaux Normands" I have no more information that that. no author, no publisher. nothing. sorry. I do have an excellent photograph of bobbins from the book and I was wondering if the book has more pictures? Once I had about 7 year old

[lace] Hard disk failure... trying to remember my "Continental bobbin Member helper/Volunteer!"

2016-09-26 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, I should have used the heading "heart failure". Yes my HD went bung and I lost a lot of stuff, but, more by luck that judgement, pretty well all of the collectors guide that Diana and I are working on, I had luckily saved I think the day before, on my second disk. It has caused a

[lace] Combined thanks.

2016-09-07 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi, At heart I am a lazy guy, but "all" the kind remarks that so many of you have sent me really demands a heart-felt thank you and appreciation, but my lazy nature demands that I thank you all in one email :( I am guessing it started 10 years ago and I have built on it from time to time

[lace] Potted bio... got one!

2016-09-07 Thread Brian Lemin
Though I must be quick to add that the generous author has done more than just pot Gertrude! It is quite full and both interesting and absorbing. The "contract" with her is yet to be signed! :) What source this list is. Love you all. Brian - To unsubscribe send email to

[lace] Gertrude Whiting - Potted Biography?

2016-09-06 Thread Brian Lemin
Good morning from down under! I have been looking for a potted biography of Gertrude Whiting to go as a preamble to the collection of pictures I have of her bobbin collection. I can get details of birth etc. but not a little "essay" about her life. Is there a source out there that anyone can

[lace] Help with research please? Possibly genealogical????????

2016-08-14 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, 1. There is an intimation in Whiting that the bobbins of East Devon (Honiton bobbins) were all decorated in "Workshops" dedicated to that function. 2. Theses could possibly be associated with lace dealers or shops dealing in lace making needs; but not necessarily so.

[lace] Wearing lace

2016-08-02 Thread Brian Lemin
I just thought I would brighten up the list (as it appears that some members would appreciate it) I like ladies wearing lace!! :) Sometimes they pop up on my computer screen and I have to tell Jean I was Googling "lace bobbins"! Light heartedly.With no disrespect meant. Brian -

[lace] encouraging young lace makers/artists

2016-07-23 Thread Brian Lemin
Dear All, With "mock" fear and trepidation I dare to enter into a contribution regarding your beloved hobby. (I consider myself just a hanger on!) My contribution is to certainly encourage younger people into your lace making skill; but to limit it to what I would call "traditional" lace

[lace] Looking for an antique/vintage bobbin with initials and a date?

2016-07-22 Thread Brian Lemin
Something like: cb 1828. I have plenty with initials only and indeed dates, but not initials and dates on the same bobbin (See Freeman page 35) Drop me a note if you can help. Many thanks. Dictionary is making good progress. Decided to make the Honiton/East Devon as part two of

[lace] Do you have a "Transported" bobbin?

2016-07-10 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello all, I thought I had a bobbin that recorded the transportation of a man to Australia. I'm blowed if I can find it in my Db. Can any of you help please? Drop me a note if you have one.. Please. I am going through the 5th edit.. It is 140 pages at the moment! Still we are

[lace] Have you a "Suicide" bobbin?

2016-07-10 Thread Brian Lemin
I am looking for a picture of a suicide bobbin. The recorded name is Joseph West. Cranfield I am not sure if the word suicide is on the bobbin, but I suspect it is. I have never seen one (or do not remember seeing one!) but it is clearly reported in the literature. If you can help drop

[lace] Need help to get on to Flickr please

2016-06-30 Thread Brian Lemin
I am sorry to trouble you but I do not know how to get on to "Arachne's Flickr" to view photos. I would be glad of a helping hand. Many thanks Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] Re bead illustrations.

2016-06-29 Thread Brian Lemin
Thank you for your help spiders. I now have even an expanded table of beads with illustrations that have been donated to me. Many thanks Brian - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] Help again.....Stuck for special spangle beads? and perhaps a vintage pillow horse? For the Dictionary

2016-06-24 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi All, Firstly I need to say that I have been through all of the nearly 150 pages and sent them off to my editor (Nice lady, but I think Sargent major is a better name for her!! ) :) Yes she is an Arachne member. fancy being an Arachnid "and" a sergeant major!!! You are all so kind and nice.

[lace] I am up to "L"!

2016-06-18 Thread Brian Lemin
Yes of course it is the first serious draft/edit. Does anyone have an antique lace stick. Used for measuring the lace that buyer would pay for? I have picture of one.. but when I print it just looks like a pencil line. I clearly need a better picture. Sometimes call a "yard stick"

[lace] Pins... pretty well sorted! but...

2016-06-15 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Arachnids (of the kindest types!) Thank you for all your help, references and "especially" for being reminded that I wrote an article on Arizona Webdocs about Pins and Lace Making. ( https://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/webdocs.html.. You will need to scroll down quite way to get to

[lace] Wright on Pins (Romance of the Lace Pillow) and sort of good news

2016-06-15 Thread Brian Lemin
After sending my last email I took to my books in desperation... I share this with you all. The divider pin in the cited plate is one similar to which a member has sent me an illustration of. Very nice example. Thanks 42. Pins. The early brass pins made in England had a globular head

[lace] More pics of pins received.. amended wanted list, plus my usual chat! (sorry)

2016-06-15 Thread Brian Lemin
I have illustrations for: Seed headed Glass headed Detachable head Medium pins Small Pins Sealing wax head Bone Pins Striver Thorn pins Corking pins Long Tom pins Very long pins Divider pins Seed head So this is the list that is left: * Burr Heads or Sweethearts. (?seed

[lace] I have pics for the Divider pins

2016-06-14 Thread Brian Lemin
Thanks to members I have some good pics for this pin. We can take Divider off the list. Great stuff. Brian I should add that many who wrote to me had no idea there were so many functional pins in our history. Me too, it is surprising list. Diana has helped me (or my memory.) I

[lace] Antique (?) Pins..... I need help! :)

2016-06-13 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello, Here is your begging cousin from Oz! I have decided that creating a dictionary is so much more than having a good collection of bobbins and the issue of illustrating the various pins is causing me difficulty. I have an historical list of pins used in lace making, I have a

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