[PEN-L:1012] Re: Generational Differences among Marxists

1995-10-17 Thread ECAS
Louis Proyect wrote: That's the way world works, folks. For all of Bill Mitchell's glib assurances that "mate, we're all in this collective together", I wouldn't want to be applying for a job at his school if I had a reputation for opposing market socialism on the PEN-L. I can get away with s

[PEN-L:391] Re: A closet stalinist without knowing it myself

1995-09-07 Thread ECAS
Barkley Rosser: > ...dialectical materialism, a phrase invented by > Plekhanov and later used by Stalin to justify total(itarian) control > of science, culture, etc. Marx wrote of historical materialism, not > dialectical. ... > ...Some of the most oppressive elements > of the Stalin model, co

[PEN-L:352] Re: feminist econ

1995-09-05 Thread ECAS
Kevin Q. Wrote: Well, there are serious arguments that, like liberal feminism, Marx saw the desideratum of social change in ways that never broke free of what Habermas calls the Philosophy of the Subject. A vision of generic individuals realizing themselves--no class, no gender--stands at the

[PEN-L:315] Re: university reform (fwd)

1995-09-04 Thread ECAS
Jerry Levy said: Here are a few suggestions: 1) Begin by asking: "Who the hell are you to tell us how to do our jobs, including teaching ad research? You don't have the faintest idea of what our problems are as faculty." 2) Then tell them about academic freedom and question their commitment t

[PEN-L:85] Re: (Fwd) Re: Re: (Fwd) Re: Abstract Labor

1995-08-01 Thread ECAS
>John says: > >I am simply saying that quantities of abstract labor are known only via the >prices. > >How? That is my simple question. > >Cheers, ajit sinha Fair enough. Take a price, assign an amount of abstract labor to it, calculate the labor/price ratio,

[PEN-L:83] Re: Abstract Labor

1995-08-01 Thread ECAS
Paul Cockshott wrote: I feel that John is over complicating the idea of abstract social labour. I understand it to be labour which society could potentially dispose of in any branch of production, but which at any given point in time must have a particular concreted allocation into different prod

[PEN-L:75] Re: (Fwd) Re: Abstract Labor

1995-08-01 Thread ECAS
John, you say: 3. To say that to build a theory on market prices is suicidal seems to indicate that we are not communicating. Market prices are the concrete starting point for any theory that attempts to grasp reality. We know them -- they are given. To travel from the cncrete to the abst

[PEN-L:66] Re: Abstract Labor

1995-07-31 Thread ECAS
Ajit, Ok. You are asking how various prices are determined in Marx's CAPITAL. What I have attempted to say is that the prices are determined by abstract labor time ex post and not ex ante. We can tell the abstract labor content of a commodity only after that commodity is "priced" -- not befo

[PEN-L:51] Re: Abstract Labor

1995-07-28 Thread ECAS
On Tue, 25 Jul 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: >So you are saying that you must know prices to determine value? Now, two >questions: (1) what is your theory of price determination (and what kind >of >price it is), and (2) if value is defined in labor-times, how is the >labor-time quant

[PEN-L:24] Re: Abstract Labor

1995-07-25 Thread ECAS
>So you are saying that you must know prices to determine value? Now, two >questions: (1) what is your theory of price determination (and what kind of >price it is), and (2) if value is defined in labor-times, how is the labor-time >quantified? > >Cheers, ajit sinha __

[PEN-L:8] Re: Abstract Labor

1995-07-25 Thread ECAS

[PEN-L:6] Re: More-- More Extended Reproduction

1995-07-24 Thread ECAS

[PEN-L:5921] re: Our contract w/ America?

1995-07-20 Thread ECAS
The problem, first of all, is not just jobs, but jobs at decent wages and security. Clinton's 1992 slogan was itself pretty good, "Putting People First." But alot of good that slogan did when Wall Street told Clinton to put deficit reduction and zero inflation first (see Bob Woodwa

[PEN-L:5890] Re: FROP revisited

1995-07-18 Thread ECAS
Two minor points to Jim Devine's post on FROP: Marx makes several good points in vol. I suggesting that qc/lp should rise over time (though it's not a complete argument). qc/lp might be called the "the organic composition of capital" (OCC) following Fine and Harris (REREADING CAPITAL, 1979, P

[PEN-L:5848] RE: extended reproduction question

1995-07-14 Thread ECAS
In message Wed, 12 Jul 1995 21:34:21 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John L Gulick) writes: > The extended reproduction of capital requires that the costs involved > in capital goods production fall faster than the costs of consumer > goods production. > > Does anyone know of a Marxist who makes th

[PEN-L:5847] Re: extended reproduction question

1995-07-14 Thread ECAS
Marx himself said something like this in Capital I, Chapter 25, pp. 773/4 in Random House edition: This law of the progressive growth of the constant part of capital in comparison with the variable part is confirmed at every step (as already said in the earlier development) by the comparati

[PEN-L:5846] Re: extended reproduction question

1995-07-14 Thread ECAS
The extended reproduction of capital requires that the costs involved in capital goods production fall faster than the costs of consumer goods production. ___ I have no idea why or how this would be true. Could you elaborate? Cheers, ajit sinha John Gulick Sociology Grad

[PEN-L:5788] Re: a little more frop

1995-07-04 Thread ECAS
So what is your argument John? Cheers, ajit sinha __ Since there seem to be a fair number of fropists out there and since Jerry mentions Marx on the rising s/v and the alleged limits to the effects thereof upon the falling tendency of the profit-rate, I take the opportunity to

[PEN-L:5748] Re: Lessons from the Luddites

1995-06-28 Thread ECAS
Sid forwarded Kirk Sale's Luddite piece, I presume with something like implied approval. I didn't re-read it this time, but when I read it in The Nation it seemed largely drivel. What is progressive about machine-bashing? This greenish localist nostalgifying crap is unbearably sentimental and clau

[PEN-L:5731] Re: New Journal

1995-06-28 Thread ECAS
Wow! What a journal! Before even it has started, it has announced to everybody that it is *closed* to all ideas except the *party line*. What's the point of announcing the journal? Keep it within the party. Cheers, ajit sinha _ Below is a forwarded message that is perhaps of in

[PEN-L:5709] Re: Iqbal Masih

1995-06-26 Thread ECAS
Fikret Ceyhun says: The argument to legalize child labor with all the rights that their adult counterparts have will not end the child exploitation, but will further it. ___ How? ___ In a world that adult laborers are unable to defend and protect their just rights against busi

[PEN-L:5708] Re: Iqbal Masih

1995-06-26 Thread ECAS
One major way to abolish the phenomenon of child labor is to have compulsory public education (with loopholes for home education and private schools that live up to standards). Then invest a lot in the public education. In an underdeveloped country, you might want to pay parents to put their

[PEN-L:5690] Re: Journals to Read?

1995-06-26 Thread ECAS
I could use a bit of help. I'm looking for the names of journals that publish ECONOMICS articles that might be classified as marxist, feminist, institutionalist, post-Keynesian, radical, or other heterodox approaches. You could add *Research in Political Economy*, published

[PEN-L:5689] Re: Iqbal Masih

1995-06-26 Thread ECAS
Cindy Cotter says: A recent story in The Economist says an Oxfam study of a crackdown in child labor in the carpet industry in Bangladesh showed that of 50 thousand kids displaced from their jobs in carpet factories, 30,000 ended up in prostitution or jobs in more dangerous industries. (Hope I g

[PEN-L:5602] Re: Math 2

1995-06-20 Thread ECAS
Curtis Moore's piece on mathematics was one the most informative and the best pieces I have read on pen-l. Could we have more of this please! Cheers, ajit sinha

[PEN-L:5529] Re: Clinton's "balanced budget"

1995-06-15 Thread ECAS
Gil says: As an aside on Mike's post, I'd like to comment on two code phrases in Bob Dole's "Republican response" to Clinton's proposal. They're interesting because one hears them a lot from right-wingers these days, and in taken in tandem they contradict each other in substance. 1) "Politic

[PEN-L:5526] Re: value & method

1995-06-14 Thread ECAS
Jim Devine writes: Both the surplus approach and the scarcity/choice approach play a role in Marx's CAPITAL. (The surplus approach is clearly the main problematic after ch. 3 of vol. I and for the whole of vol. II. On the other hand, the scarcity/choice approach plays a role in the first thre

[PEN-L:5525] Re: language

1995-06-14 Thread ECAS
Michael Perelman says we shouldn't be surprised that Stiglitz was surprised (at how Ricardo & Smith anticipated him & Weiss). I suppose, but Stiglitz has a reputation as one of the leading "theorists" of the trade. I can almost understand how some practical economist might not have the time to tro

[PEN-L:5501] Re:

1995-06-14 Thread ECAS
The discussion/debate between Jim Devine and myself has reached a stage were I don't think it is going anywhere. My main problem or rather frustration with Jim's approach is that he seems to *collect* various interpretations of Marx's *Capital* or theory in general on his living room self without

[PEN-L:5500] Re: the joy of sects.

1995-06-14 Thread ECAS
I erased Jerry's missive by mistake and was just recently able to retrieve it via gopher. Ajit wrote:>> Or perhaps you could leave it to Jim Devine to fight your battle. Since both of you seem to belong to the same sect.<< Jerry replied:>> Jim and I do not, though, belong to the "same sect"

[PEN-L:5470] Re: "Purpose" in Marx and Sraffa

1995-06-12 Thread ECAS
Jerry: Let me start by saying that I somewhat regret the tone of my previous post to Ajit ("what hypocrisy") on this topic. I communicated this apology to Ajit privately previously. __ No apology needed. We are all Mates (it sounds like Maites), and a bit of anger and na

[PEN-L:5468] Re: value & method (continued)

1995-06-12 Thread ECAS
Jim Devine writes: Ajit continues, on the so-called "transformation problem": "... What Marx is attempting to prove by transforming values to prices of production is that his basic theoretical categories given by constant capital (c), variable capital (v), and surplus value (s) are determined

[PEN-L:5453] Re: value & method (continued)

1995-06-11 Thread ECAS
Jim Devine wrote: Hi, Ajit! I hope every thing's going well in OZ. ___ Things are great in OZ, and we hope to see you here soon. 1. Ajit tears my missive apart, because I spend a lot of time talking about what (I think) Marx's Law of Value (LoV) is NOT rather

[PEN-L:5362] Re: prices and values (part 2 of 2)

1995-06-07 Thread ECAS
I must be crazy to venture into the never ending "Jim and Gil debate". But I don't think that I can go on suffering this kind of vacuous arguments in the name of the Marxist defence against Roemerianism. Jim says: 7. Turning to the LoV specifically, I think the main question is "what in hell is t

[PEN-L:5325] Re: Value Price

1995-06-06 Thread ECAS
Somebody, who did not sign his/her name, said: 2. For me, an analysis of the economy in real time would include Marx's notion of technical change as well as his concept of moral depreciation. No doubt, Gil is more familiar with the literature than I am. Thus, I will await references t

[PEN-L:5197] Re: Shorter Work Week

1995-05-23 Thread ECAS
Much thanks to Commentors on Shorter Work week. We had a DSA Mid-West regional conference in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and noted that raising mininmum wage and shorter labor hours may be among the most hopeful POSITIVE messages for progressives now - this from Harold Mayerson. We also d

[PEN-L:5148] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-19 Thread ECAS
Ajit continues his discussion with me on value thus: - In Marx a theory of prices is needed to insure the reproduction of the system, which intails realization of the surplus. Thus prices occupy different places and significance in diffe

[PEN-L:5088] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-14 Thread ECAS
My concern is not primarily to understand Marx, but to understand what he himself was trying to understand - the realities of capitalism. The assumption of an equal rate of profit was an attempt to approach a closer to these realities than the assumptions made in Vol 1. But in the end, I think

[PEN-L:5086] Re: profit rate equalization

1995-05-14 Thread ECAS
Ajit writes: "The *Law of Chaos* crowd seems to be obsessed with "actual prices"--appearances, appearances, appearances-- what Marx called the obsession of vulgar economics." As a member of that "crowd," I must reject that characterization. Rather, my view is that there are two fundmental tenden

[PEN-L:5042] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-11 Thread ECAS
Paul: - Marx's main clause is 'differences in the average rate of profit in various branches of industry do not exist in reality'. Well this just is not true. Empirically there are very substantial differences in profit rates between industries. One can only make it true by abstracting from t

[PEN-L:5015] Re: Revolt of the Haves--global race to the bottom

1995-05-08 Thread ECAS
THIS is the question that animates me most, lately: how can leftists respond to the global downward pressure on wages --Mike Parkhurst By fighting to lower the length of the work-week. How about that? Cheers, ajit sinha

[PEN-L:5013] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-08 Thread ECAS
>Could you provide some reference from *Capital* Paul? As I understand, Marx did >not write *Law of Chaos*. >Cheers, ajit sinha Paul: However a quote from marx: We have thus demonstrated that different lines of industry have different rates of profit, which correspond to differences in the or

[PEN-L:5012] Re: profit rate equalization

1995-05-08 Thread ECAS
Alan Freeman says: I tend to think his [Marx's]actual view on this was governed by empirical fact. On p860 (CIII L/W) he writes "The market-prices rise above and fall below these regulating prices of production, but these fluctuations mutually balance each other. If one examines price lists ov

[PEN-L:4994] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-07 Thread ECAS
In the first part of the quote above, Ajit seems to be saying that these prices of production correspond to values. ___ This is an admitted assumption. __ But outside of the high level of abstraction of vol. I of CAPITAL this doesn't happen, as the "transformation

[PEN-L:4951] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-03 Thread ECAS
> Or perhaps the whole theory of a tendancy of the rate of profit > to equalise is just a myth. Only free-market Neoclassicals believe in such a tendency (I think). Are you thinking of the Marxian claim of a tendency of the value rate of profit to _fall_? Paul: No I mean the alleged tendancy of

[PEN-L:4950] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-03 Thread ECAS
There's an even simpler answer: in his collection of unpublished manuscripts that we call vol. III of CAPITAL, he simply dealt with the case that Ricardo had considered, i.e., where profit rates were equalized. I also think that his assumption that certain "aspects of capitalism that really existe

[PEN-L:4673] Greetings!

1995-04-10 Thread ECAS
Greetings from the land of OZ!! Thanks to Bill Mitchell, I'm sitting on top of Newcastle, Australia, and I love it here. The weather is great, the land (and of course the Ocean) is beautiful, and the people are most friendly. Now you have two pen-lers (actually three, Martin Watts is the silent t