We solved a similar problem by setting some checks in maintenance mode.
One of our servers was having trouble (not the Servers Alive server) and it was
only after a reboot of that server that we could enable the checks again.
(tip for Dirk: add the field Unique ID to each line in the log file, th
Hi ,
>> "After an boot S-alive works fine 10 - 20 hours, but not more than that."
If you use "External (errorlevel)" checks, be sure to enable the "Kill the
external application when not stopped in time" option. Otherwise some badly
written external commands (scripts) could consume all the memo
--- Original Message
Subject: [SA-List] SSL handshake failure
From: "Demeulemeester, Pieter"
To: "Servers Alive Discussion List (salive@woodstone.nu)"
I’m trying to check a HTTPS webpage, but get an error “SSL handshake failed:
The website is on IIS on
I'm trying to check a HTTPS webpage, but get an error "SSL handshake failed:
The website is on IIS on Win2016. The same check to a similar webpage on IIS on
Win2008R2 is OK.
Still using Servers Alive version 7, I know I should upgrade.
But is upgrade to version 9 the only solution, a
Hi Dirk,
We 're not using AWS.
Kind regards,
From: Salive [mailto:salive-boun...@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: vrijdag 2 november 2018 11:16
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: [SA-List] Amazon AWS
We would like to add some extra feature to Servers Alive doing checks
Hi Jonathan,
You could create a CMD or PS1 script that reads the status and return an
errorlevel accordingly.
In Servers Alive you can create a "External (errorlevel)"check that executes
the script.
Kind regards,
From: Salive [mailto:salive-boun...@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of Jonathan La
Hi Dirk,
We do not use AWS.
Kind regards,
-Original Message-
From: Salive [mailto:salive-boun...@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of dirk
Sent: maandag 5 februari 2018 12:59
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: [SA-List] Amazon AWS monitoring
Wanted to know if any of you are using Amazo
Hi Dirk,
I can think of two things (at this moment :) )
1. Windows Automatic Update
I used to check the health state of Windows Automatic Update by checking 3
registry keys (with a PS1-script and an External Errorlevel Check):
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: 06 December 2016 14:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks.
Servers Alive Check type : external (errorlevel); alarm when errorlevel <> 0.
An example of a PS-script I use :
$Value=Invoke-Command -computername $RemoteServer -ScriptBlock
{(get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection
Hi Dirk,
The problem with this kind of questions is that nobody dares to say that they
will never use it.
So I guess Anthony’s suggestion is the way to go.
Kind regards
PS: we do not have a Azure subscription ;-)
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woods
Hi Jonathan,
Two things to consider:
1. NTFS rights on the drive/folder (i.e. C:\)
2. Rights on the network share (i.e. \\SERVER\C$)
Local admins have sufficient rights on both levels, as you already knew.
I suppose âBackup Operatorsâ or âNetwork Configuration Operat
Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:30 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Custom Field as a condition in ?
In an IF-construction ? Can you give an example please ?
I need :
(status=DOWN) and (CustomField is Empty)
(show CustomField)
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 12:15 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Custom Field as a condition in ?
Can I use in a construction ?
I’d like to show the Custom Field information only if both of following
two conditions are true:
-status is down
-the custom filed has a value.
Something like this :
Can this be done ?
Try to (temporarily) disable your anti-virus.
Kind regards,
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of
Roderick Garcia
Sent: zaterdag 20 augustus 2016 19:01
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] COM check timeout - FileProper
-- [ 10/02/2016 ] --
Ik ben afwezig tot bovenstaande datum. Voor dringende zaken kan u contact
opnemen met één van mijn collega's.
Vriendelijke groeten,
Je suis absent jusqu'à la date susmentionnée. Pour des choses
urgentes vous pouvez
I use the “External (errorlevel)” check with success. If fact,
it’s one of my favorite checks because it allows to check
“everything I want, as far as I can do a command line check”.
I use it with CMD-files and PS1-files. Not with BAT-files, but in most cases
you can just rename the
Hi Dirk and SA users,
Is there a manual for the WMI External COM check ?
Or does anyone have some examples ?
I want to read the system board temperature of a server.
In Powershell it looks like this :
PS C:\> get-wmiobject cim_temperaturesensor -namespace root\cimv2\dell | select
Hi all,
I prefer not to install SQL DMO (or SQL SMO since version SQL 2008r2) on the
SQL servers because
- have to get an agreement of the SQL administrators
- have to do that on multiple SQL servers
- have to upgrade that on multiple SQL servers
That's why I installed the Native SQL Client and
-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of
Sent: donderdag 30 april 2015 11:10
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Usage of "SLACK"?
Just wanted to check if there is anyone already using SLACK and if some
We are using Hyper-V too.
In addition to what Jason Passow already mentioned:
- all things that can be changed while the VM is running
o Yes or no connected to a virtual switch
o Yes or no connected SCSI disk
o Version of the Integration services in the VM, compared
Hi Paul.
You can find some examples at
I suggest you download them and see if there is one that fits your need. Or it
may be a good starting point.
Mine is also available on that page, and I'm not a CSS guru at all. I made my
template with
Nested IF's are often used as a replacement for a "Do Case" or "Select"
Don't know if that's the case for you, but I've use the tag
with nested tags, see example :
class="normal" style="background:red;color:black;
ssion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] The nexy version(s)your vision
We can make these, but is that something that is genericly usefull?
Van: Demeulemeester, Pieter (mailto:pieter.demeulemees...@fracarit
Hi Dirk,
Any change in building this ?
1. A check to verify a value and/or existence of a registry key.
I do this with an External Errorlevel Check now (and a script), but it
would be nice to have that as a native check. It could be an external
COM check.
2. A check to verify if a mail has arr
If you get "There are no entries in the list", it means there are no shares on
that system.
If you get "System error 5 has occurred, Access is denied" it means you don't
have the rights to see (read) the shares.
See also :
: [SA-list] Servers Alive: the next version(s)your vision
IF you use the GUI-ONLY version then the check now isn't possible
If you use the GUI (of the checking app) then the check now is still
possible (should at least :-))
On 2014-10-06 13:00, Demeulemeester, Pieter wrote:
ient" and the
"server" isn't forseenwill be a major change .
On 2014-10-06 11:15, Demeulemeester, Pieter wrote:
> _>> In the new version however you can run the service for the checks
> and see the updates via the none-checking GUI_
>> In the new version however you can run the service for the checks and see
>> the updates via the none-checking GUI
Since that functionality, the item "Check Entry Now" (right click on an entry)
disappeared from the GUI.
Any change on bringing that option back ?
-Original Messag
>> One feature I would really use is the ability to search within the tree to
>> quickly locate an item. Find, Find next match.
Hit F3 or just start typing.
>> In terms of reporting, it would be wonderful to offer sliced views of the
>> data on separate URLs …
This can be done by creating
Hi all,
I'm prepared to make my template available to the community. Where can I post
it ?
It looks like this (based on a test entries file):
Also, in that context, I would prefer some kind of a 'real' forum (instead of
the mailing list) where we can post questions and answers.
Oracle 12 & Servers Alive
No, not using Oracle12.
Kind regards.
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of
Sent: vrijdag 26 september 2014 18:16
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Oracle 12 & Servers Alive
Hi list,
Wanted to
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 11:16 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] F and T in grousp.grp file
Was does the 'F' and 'T' (false/true ?) mean at the end of the
Was does the 'F' and 'T' (false/true ?) mean at the end of the line in the file
"C:\ProgramData\Woodstone\Servers Alive\groups.grp" ?
Mine looks like this :
G0003,Internet & WAN,none,T
>> Peter Anderson: but all checks are set up for specific authentication
I find it easier to use an account for the *service* Servers Alive. In that
case you only have to specify credentials once. Recently I run Servers Alive on
a Win2012 server with a Managed Service Account (Win2008R2 Active
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 11:31 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] calculate timestamp for Mailflow check
I have a question about the Ma
I have a question about the Mailflow COM check.
The message that is send contains a timestamp in the subject field, ex.
SMTP2POP3 97421820140603.
It is obvious that the last part "20140603" refers to the date 2014, july, 3th.
Is it possible to calculate the time from the first par
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" Set $STATUS=nok
Echo Extra
7za.exe a "C:\ServersAlive\Backup\%$ZIP%" "C:\ServersAlive\Extra"
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" Set $STATUS
Yes, I have a batch that makes an export of the registry and copy the entries
file, and some other files, into a ZIP file.
I'll send it tomorrow.
Van: Servers Alive Discussion List namens Ann Lynnworth
Verzonden: ma 21/04/2014 18:15
Aan: Servers Ali
to do it or you can use the template
(see pdf for more info)
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: maandag 31 maart 2014 12:16
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-l
Can somebody give me an example of how to use the sa_checkresult variable in a
tag ?
See manual "Chapter 4 _More Powerful Report Generation Using Conditions_.pdf",
page 4.
4.2.2 Servers Alive variables that can be checked
Following are the variables whose values may be checked by , and
Seems like the screenshot is discard. L
But you can easily test it for yourself.
C:\> Nslookup.exe %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN% | find /I "Name:"
C:\> echo %ERRORLEVEL%
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of
Demeulemeester, Pieter
Jason Passow
Network Administrator
Mississippi Welders Supply
http://www.mwsco.com (http://www.mwsco.com)
jas...@mwsco.com (mailto:jas...@mwsco.com)
ph: (507) 494-5178
fax: (507) 454-8104
From: Demeulemeester, P
Hi Dirk,
Can I use a piping character in an External (errorlevel) check ?
Ex. : Nslookup.exe %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN% | find /I "Name:"
Kind regards,
Dit bericht wordt verzonden vanuit ee
Hi Dirk,
We don't use IM.
We use mail, 'execute command' and HTML-output.
-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On
Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: woensdag 4 december 2013 10:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-li
Alive Discussion List
> Subject: RE: [SA-list] The feature you always wanted in Servers Alive
> but always were afraid to ask
> What would be the use of that?
> And what else then %h would be usefull?
> dirk
> On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:30:42 +0100, Demeulemeester,
se of that?
And what else then %h would be usefull?
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:30:42 +0100, Demeulemeester, Pieter wrote:
> The feature you always wanted in Servers Alive but always were afraid
> to ask
> Hi Dirk,
> Another feature I think would be nice : possibility to
The feature you always wanted in Servers Alive but always were afraid to ask
Hi Dirk,
Another feature I think would be nice : possibility to use parameters in the
checks definitions.
Like the parameters that are available for the SMTP Alerts (ex. %h, %u, %w %d)
Diskspace Che
List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu
(mailto:salive@woodstone.nu)] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 1:46 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] No parameters in for an external
errorlevel check
Hi Dirk,
I use an external errorlevel check that triggers
Hi Dirk,
I use an external errorlevel check that triggers a CMD with 2 parameters :
Ex. C:\TEST\test.cmd param1 param2.
The HTML output only shows the name of the CMD file, not the parameters :
Ex. C:\TEST\test.cmd
For the HTML output I use the tag .
Is there a way to have the complete
The feature you always wanted in Servers Alive but always were afraid to ask
I finally found some (that's a good sign isn't it)
·Separate entries files for each group.
As a consequence :
-SA should be able to read multiple entries files and append them.
-In Setup,
I had some troubles too when I started with SA (version 7) on Win2008R2
recently, until I changed my way of working.
This is how I do it now :
-Run SA as a service
o with credentials of a local administrator (a service account) on the
machines I want to monitor.
o that process do
You could use an "External (errorlevel)" check that calls a CMD file.
In the CMD you can use dsquery.exe or dsget.exe (or a VBS or …) to query
the status of an account.
Kind regards,
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of
(mailto:[mailto:salive@woodstone.nu]) On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 10:46 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] SA on 64 bit
Can I do this :
1. install the new version on an a temp server
2. copy the file 'server
Can I do this :
1. install the new version on an a temp server
2. copy the file 'serversalive.exe' from the temp server to the production
servers where Servers Alive version 7.0.2509 is already installed ?
Kind regards,
-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List
Hi Dirk,
Maybe something for checking a SQL Database. I know you provided already the
"Database (Microsoft SQL)" check, but that requires installation of DMO on the
SQL servers (or SMO on SQL 2008 r2). Not always possible or desirable or ...
We made a work around by installing the "native
57 matches
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