SERM: Revelation 7:9-17, Matthew 5:1-12; All Saints; LSB Lectionary

2014-10-28 Thread Richard K. Futrell
If you look at the Church with the eyes of your body, the Church can often be a despicable mess. Think of how one hymn describes her: “Though with a scornful wonder the world sees her oppressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed” (LSB 644, stanza 3). And that hymn doesn’t even m

SERM: Isaiah 45:1-7 (and much of that chapter), Proper 24, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-10-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro 150 years before his birth, the prophet Isaiah foretold of him, told us his name, and the tasks that God had chosen for him to do. His name was Cyrus. Cyrus was the only Gentile whom God spoke of as “His anointed.” Using a Hebraic expression, “the right hand,” God said that He had gras

SERM: Numbers 21:4-9, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, John 12:20-33; Holy Cross Day, LSB Lectionary

2014-09-08 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The great event took place in 326 AD. Helen, the mother of Constantine, the emperor of the eastern half of the Roman Empire, found the “true” cross of Christ. After her son had made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, Helen went searching the religious sites in the H

SERM: Romans 13:1-10, Proper 18A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-09-06 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Europeans have an expression: “All roads lead to Rome.” That expression came about because, for many centuries, Rome was the world’s main center of power. And back then, many of the major roads did lead to Rome. That’s what connected Rome to its Empire--its massive set of roadways,

SERM: Matthew 15:21-28, Proper 15A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-08-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro In the Old Covenant, God called Israel to be a separate and holy people. They were not to intermarry with others, so the false gods and religions of their neighbors would not incline them toward idolatry. All of this had a purpose: It was to keep Israel as a distinct people through whom

SERM: Romans 10:5-17, Proper 14A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-08-05 Thread Richard K. Futrell
When were you saved? Intro If you lose the basics, it’s hard to move beyond that. For if the basics aren’t there, when you move to something more advanced, your weakness in the basics will always undermine what you are trying to do. Take reading the Bible. One of the basics is to know who

SERM: Deuteronomy 7:6-9; Proper 12A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-07-22 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro God didn’t inspire the Old Testament so we could dare to be like Daniel, become a manly man like Moses, or lead like Joshua. Of course, when we see how those saints of old experienced God’s grace and how He strengthened them in faith that also encourages us (AC 21). But if we only see S

SERM: 1 Peter 3:13-22, Easter 5A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-05-20 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro In today’s Church, probably for about the last 200 years, we’ve often heard about Christian “witnessing,” telling others about Jesus, and how every Christian is supposed to be a witness. Yet, that’s not true. But hear me out before you brand me a heretic! For what I’m going to share wi

SERM: John 20:19-23; Easter 2A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-04-24 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Lenten season is finished. And yet, we don’t move on to something better, even though we have broken our Lenten fast with the Easter feast. For what can be better for us than Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes our sins away? Main Body In our Gospel reading, we find Jesus still

SERM: John 20.1-18, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Easter Sunrise, year A; LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-04-20 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro From St. John’s Gospel and the other gospel writers, Mary Magdalene, with some other women, went to the tomb early in the morning of the first day of the new week. In the dim, gray light, they wondered how they would move the stone away from the entrance. But when they arrived, the larg

SERM: John 9:1-7, 13-17, 34-49; Lent 4A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-03-26 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Note: For this sermon I changed the OT reading to Exodus 24:3-11. Intro The disciples asked Jesus an age-old question. “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). My mother lived her life from such a world view. When something bad would happen to me, s

SERM: Genesis 12:1-9, Lent 2A, LSB 3-yr Lectionary

2014-03-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Psalm 25 says, “Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old” (Psalm 25:6). When God remembers His promise, His blessings are on us. And at its heart, there is but one promise of God. It’s His promise to save, to deliver from death, to rescue from sin and every

SERM: Matthew 17.1-9, Transfiguration, LSB 3-yr Lectionary

2014-02-25 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Picture a rod of iron; it’s cold and black. Yet, when the iron rod rests within an intensely hot flame, it also becomes hot and glows with light. Yet, the heat and light that radiate from the iron rod are not a reflection of the fire. They are, instead, part of the properties of fire r

SERM: 1 Corinthians 3:10-23, Epiphany 7A, LSB 3-yr Lectionary

2014-02-18 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro An early-Church document, similar to the book of Revelation, is the Shepherd of Hermas. The title comes from a Christ figure who appears as a shepherd to the author, whose name is Hermas. And in that document, Hermas has several different visions. Main Body I mention this because one

SERM: Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Epiphany 6A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-02-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Old Testament book of Deuteronomy gets its name because it was the second time that God gave His Ten Commandments to His people. An entire generation was now alive who were not around when God earlier delivered His Law to His people. Why was that the case? It was because the Israel

SERM: Funeral Sermon, Revelation 7:9-17

2014-01-30 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Note: The Old Testament reading is from the Old Testament Apocrypha book of Wisdom, which is referenced in the sermon. The OT text is Wisdom 3:1-6, 9. Intro Mary, and family and friends of Wilbur : What is the best way that you can honor Wilbur? Is it by remembering him? Well, memory

SERM: Luke 2:22-35, Purification of Mary and Presentation of our Lord , LSB Lectionary

2014-01-30 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Note: For this sermon, the Old Testament is Leviticus 12:1-8, which deals with the purification of a woman after giving birth in the Old Covenant. Intro We have no idea how badly Adam’s Fall into sin has ruined our world. Oh, we know that death is the result of that Fall into sin. We underst

SERM: Matthew 4:12-15, Epiphany 3A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2014-01-20 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Today, we hear about Jesus doing something strange, of capturing people, of hauling them in by His words. That’s what happened to Jesus’ first disciples--they were “captured” by His Word and His call for them to be His disciples. Jesus’ first disciples lived by the Sea of Galilee. Th

SERM: Romans 6:1-11, Baptism of our Lord, Year A, LSB 3-yr lectionary

2014-01-15 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Water is the substance of life. We cannot live without it. Plants and animals cannot survive without it. We drink water to keep ourselves from dehydrating and dying of thirst. We use water for cooking and cleaning. We use water to wash ourselves, to make ourselves clean. Main Body

SERM: Galatians 4:4-7, Christmas 1A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2013-12-26 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro God gave His Law to Moses while His people, Israel, were making their way from Egypt to the land that He had promised them. Yet, during Israel’s entire history, not one of them could follow the Law as they had promised to God (Exodus 19:8). Main Body Now, the Law did have good within

SERM: Luke 2:19, Christmas Eve, Free Text

2013-12-20 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro This is the hour, the place, and the time for pondering. What a wonderful word: “ponder.” It means something like “meditate.” But meditate sounds a bit too active. “Ponder” comes from the Latin word pondus, meaning a “weight.” “To ponder” means “to consider, to weigh, to hold in bala

SERM: Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 4A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary (Revised Sermon)

2013-12-19 Thread Richard K. Futrell
My Advent 4 sermon, which I had previously sent, still needed revising. Here's the product of those revisions. Intro Today, especially within the media and intelligentsia, many mock the Christian Faith. Sometimes, it’s subtle; sometimes, it’s not. You may find that they treat a Christian t

SERM: Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 4A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2013-12-17 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Today, especially within the media and intelligentsia, many mock the Christian Faith. Sometimes, it’s subtle; sometimes, it’s not. They sometimes treat a Christian the way someone might treat a mentally challenged person who does something awkward. They smile, nod politely, and then qu

SERM: Romans 13:11-14, Advent 1A, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2013-11-26 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Before the people who became of age in the 1960s got the name “Baby Boomers,” some called them the “Now Generation.” Back then, that generation was young--but it was more than that. They also wanted to change the world! The Who sang “My Generation” and Bob Dylan crooned, “The times the

SERM: Luke 17:11-19, Thanksgiving, LSB lectionary

2013-11-22 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro How do you receive your gifts? Sometimes, we receive gifts with disappointment. It’s not what we wanted. It’s not what we needed. It’s not the right gift. It’s not big enough or good enough. So, what’s it like when it comes to receiving the gifts of God? Our Gospel reading for t

SERM: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Trinity 25, LSB 1-year lectionary

2013-11-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro We have a saying: “Ignorance is bliss.” When we say that, we don’t apply that expression to every piece of our life. But ignorance is bliss instead of knowing every thoughtless and unkind word spoken against you. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to a special surprise that others have p

SERM: Matthew 9:18-16, Trinity 24, LSB 1-year lectionary

2013-11-04 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “If I only touch his robe, then I’ll be healed.” So said the woman with a chronic, bleeding hemorrhage, which we heard about in today’s reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel. Now, if we were to read St. Mark’s Gospel, we would learn that this woman suffered under the care of many doctors wh

SERM: Romans 3:19-28, Reformation Day, LSB lectionary

2013-10-22 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro It’s lonely being a Lutheran. Of this, one of the true, 20th-century Lutheran theologians in Germany, Hermann Sasse, wrote: As Luther once went the lonely way between Rome and Spiritualism, so the Lutheran Church today stands alone between the world powers of Roman Catholicism on the on

SERM: Genesis 1:1-2:3, Trinity 21, LSB one-year lectionary

2013-10-14 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If we were to view human history in broad, sweeping strokes, we would find a long-simmering war between the religion of mother earth and the religion of Father God. And what is this religion of mother earth? It’s putting your trust (which is, faith) in some part of creation instead of G

SERM: Genesis 28:10-17, Trinity 19 (also "LWML Sunday"), LSB one-year lectionary

2013-10-02 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro While we were preoccupied with other events of life, the Lord of the universe came down the backstairs. That happened 2,000 years ago when Jesus was born. Like coming down the backstairs, Jesus’ birth was, at first, a little-known event in the little town of Bethlehem. Joseph’s exten

SERM: Matthew 18:1-11, Revelation 12:7-12; St. Michael and All Angels; LSB Lectionary

2013-09-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The high and mighty of this world see no need for angels. After all, they have the money they need to hire their own protective services. They can rely on their own, and what they can buy, to save and protect them. Why rely on what they aren’t sure of or what you can’t see or confirm?

SERM: Luke 14:1-11, Trinity 17, LSB One-Year Lectionary

2013-09-16 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” Jesus asked a simple question in a simple, straightforward way. Jesus wasn’t using tricky language or imagery. He wasn’t tap dancing around the truth with lawyer-like nuance, bending this way or that to shape the truth as someone would like

SERM: Romans 7:15-25, Funeral Sermon

2013-09-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Niles could be a demanding man. This is no surprise to those who knew him. Donna knew and lived it since she married Niles in 2007. Yet, Donna also saw a softer and gentler side of Niles that many of you may have not seen. I even had a chance to experience such from Niles, especially

SERM: 1 Kings 17:17-24, Trinity 16, LSB One-Year Lectionary

2013-09-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The local, evening news tells us of two shootings in a large city. We listen with half an ear to the first report. It involves a street corner, a drug deal gone badly, a gun, and a dead body. Later, another reporter tells us about a mother in her kitchen, her daughters at the table doi

SERM: Matthew 6.24-34, Trinity 15, LSB One-Year Lectionary

2013-09-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If the first man, Adam, brought sin, chaos, and death into the world and passed it on to all his descendants, then why isn’t the world in complete chaos all the time? Why are their respites of grace, where people show kindness, where deer calmly drink water from the brook, and where cats

SERM: Acts 2:1-21, Pentecost, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary (Revised Sermon)

2013-05-14 Thread Richard K. Futrell
This sermon is 98% the same as what I sent yesterday. I had to change a couple of errors and I added a touch more about Pentecost in the Old Covenant. Please accept my apologies for sending the sermon prematurely. -- Intro Pentecost was a feast that God told the Israelites to ce

SERM: Acts 2:1-21, Pentecost, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-05-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Pentecost was a feast that God told the Israelites to celebrate. The Jews celebrated Pentecost 50 days after Passover; that’s why it had the name “Pentecost.” That Old-Covenant feast was a joyous day, where the people thanked God and presented offerings from the new grain of the first wh

SERM: John 16:23-30, Easter 6, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-04-30 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro God put on the robe of human flesh, being born from the womb of Virgin Mary. As God, He knew all; as a human, He had to learn, grow, and develop. As a man, God, in the person of Jesus the Messiah, made Himself a sacrifice for our sin--for us and our salvation. He ascended to His Father’

SERM: John 16:5-15, Easter 5, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-04-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro In 418 AD, the Church held a council at Carthage, today in Tunisia, to deal with a false teaching in the Church. That teaching was called “Pelagianism.” Pelagianism taught that we humans are born neutral before God, neither good nor evil. And because we are neutral, someone’s own choice

SERM: John 20:19-23, Easter 2, LSB lectionary, One year and Year C

2013-04-02 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro What brings to someone God’s forgiveness? For example, why does baptism forgive sins but not watching a beautiful sunset? Why does the Lord’s Supper forgive sins but not playing a round of golf? And how can absolution give God’s forgiveness when it’s words spoken from a man? How can G

SERM: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, Easter Day, LSB lectionary, Year C

2013-03-27 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “I know that my Redeemer lives” is a confession of faith. Yet, the Apostle Paul asserted a couple of verses before our Epistle reading: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14). But then in verse 20 of our Epistle readin

SERM: Isaiah 52:13-52:12, Good Friday, LSB lectionary

2013-03-27 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro As Lutherans, we have a long and noble tradition of meditating on the crucifixion of Christ. For example, Luther invited people to use the crucifix as a way to help them meditate on Christ’s crucifixion. Part of that tradition is our services on Good Friday. In the 12th century, a mo

SERM: Matthew 21:1-9, Palm Sunday, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-03-19 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Although Palm Sunday has become Passion Sunday, this sermon is more in line with the tradition of Palm Sunday. - Intro Today, we’re saddled with an Old Testament that Jesus and His disciples didn’t use. They used the Septuagint, which was the Old Testament translated into Greek.

SERM: St. Patrick, March 17th, Missionary to Ireland

2013-03-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
For those on the rare occasion that one might commemorate St. Patrick. Readings: Isaiah 52:7-10; 1 Thes 2:2-12; Matt 28:16-20 Collect for St. Patrick: Almighty God, through Your Church, You chose Your servant, Patrick, to bring Your Word and Sacrament to the Irish people, so the light of the Go

SERM: John 6:1-15, Lent 4, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-03-05 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Faith believes what it cannot see, for if faith could see what it believes, it wouldn’t be faith. That would be walking by sight, which doesn’t need faith. And so faith grasps the invisible mysteries of God, for it “sees” (if we want to use that word), not through our eyes, but through

SERM: Hebrews 12:4-24, Proper 16C, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2013-02-28 Thread Richard K. Futrell
This sermon is part of my midweek Lenten series from the book of Hebrews. However, this sermon would also be a very Sunday sermon (with a few tweaks here and there) for Proper 16, Year C, in the LSB 3-year lectionary. --- Intro After Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, the J

SERM: Luke 11:14-28, Lent 3, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-02-26 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Lutheran Church has several prayer services, mostly meant for us to use during the week. We have a morning-prayer service, Matins, which begins with these words from Psalm 51. The pastor chants, “O Lord, open my lips.” In response, the congregation chants back, “And my mouth will d

SERM: Genesis 32:22-32, Lent 2, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-02-19 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro From the beginning, Jacob was a thief, a cheat, and a momma’s boy. He grew up to be a man who played favorites with his wives and children. He was always looking out for number one. When Esau, Jacob’s twin brother was born, Jacob was holding onto his older brother’s heel, looking as if

SERM: 2 Peter 1:16-21, Transfiguration, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-02-05 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro We love lights. The glow of lights often points us to where the people are, where the conversations are flowing, and where merriment is to be had. And so by association, many of us like the glow of lights and the feelings they stir within us. Just think of people’s attraction for Las V

SERM: Matthew 8:1-13, Epiphany 3, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-01-22 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Authority is controversial. We get upset when others have authority over us. For who wants to be under the authority of another? I don’t. You don’t. But no matter how hard we try, we can’t get away from the law. No matter where you go, the authority of the law confronts you: at work

SERM: Matthew 2:1-12, Epiphany, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2013-01-07 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Magi went to the most-reasonable place to discover the newborn, Jewish King. After all, where else would He be but in Jerusalem? That’s the capital city! That’s where you would find God’s Temple. That was God’s city. But when they arrive to join the party, all dressed up and on t

SERM: John 1:19-28, Advent 4, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2012-12-18 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro So, there was John the Baptizer living up to his name and baptizing! And the Jewish leadership of his day chafed in discomfort because of it. So, they confronted him: “Why are you baptizing?” We also ask, “Yes, John, why are you baptizing?” For 2,000 years later, we’re clueless about t

SERM: Matthew 21:1-9, Advent 1, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2012-11-27 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “Behold, your king is coming to you, righteous and having salvation.” Are you ready for your King? Are you ready for His visit? Are you prepared for His grand and glorious advent? For that’s what it is: It’s Advent. It’s not the “holiday season.” It’s not Black Friday morphing into

SERM: Revelation 7:9-12, 8:1-4; Hebrews 12:22-29, The Nativity of St. Augustine, Nov. 13

2012-11-12 Thread Richard K. Futrell
This is a sermon meant for pastors, to be preached at my pastors' circuit winkel. Intro Augustine was born on November 13th, 354 in North Africa, about 45 miles south of the Mediterranean Sea. Like all of us, he was born dead in his trespasses and sins. Like some of us, he was not brought

SERM: Revelation 7:9-17, All Saints, LSB Lectionary

2012-10-30 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “Who can stand?” That’s the question at the end of Revelation chapter 6. In that chapter, the entire cosmos rumbles and quakes to its foundation. The sun goes black, and the moon turns to blood. The stars fall from the sky like ripened figs. Even the strong and mighty, the movers and

SERM: Genesis 2:15-17, 1 Corinthians 15:51-57, John 5:24-30, Funeral Sermon

2012-10-28 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Over the last year, Bonnie has suffered many ailments and physical hardships. She was living in the brutal reality of a fallen world. She lived, staring down that foreign intruder, death, as he made his presence known in this world, leaving no one untouched. Main Body But if you don’t

SERM: Revelation 14:6-7, Reformation Day, LSB Lectionary

2012-10-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Pick a date, any date. When did reformation begin? If you’re like most, you would say it began when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses that called for a debate on indulgences. That was October 31st, 1517. If you’re a bit more adventurous, you might pick 1514. That’s when Luther had

SERM: Mark 10:17-22, Proper 23B, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2012-10-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Riches and religion are heavy on the mind of a rich man. So, he asks Jesus, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” That’s a reasonably religious question because we naturally assume that religion is about doing good deeds to earn God’s favor. And more than that, Jesu

SERM: Mark 10:2-16, Proper 22B (also LWML Sunday), LSB 3-Yr Lectionary

2012-10-02 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Pharisees were out to trap Jesus in His own words. And what better place than to set the trap in the tripwire of marriage and divorce! So, they asked Jesus, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Now, the Republicans of Jesus’ day, the conservative rabbis, said a man could

SERM: John 6:22-35, Proper 13B, LSB 3-Yr Lectionary,

2012-07-30 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Feeding the crowd of 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish was an enormous crowd-pleaser. Getting free food had so enthralled the crowd that they wanted to make Jesus their bread king--by force, if needed! So, Jesus withdrew to a mountain to slip away from their plots and scheme

SERM: Mark 4:26-34, Proper 6B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-06-11 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro A question I have sometimes pondered is this: “Does preaching do any good?” When I look at how many lives are NOT changed based on what I’ve preached, I can all-too-easily conclude that sermons are a waste of time. What do you think? But the real question isn’t what we may think, but w

SERM: Acts 2:1-21, Pentecost, LSB 1- and 3-Year Lectionary

2012-05-22 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro This past week in our liturgical, Church calendar, we’ve been in limbo. We’ve been existing between two realities. We celebrated our Lord’s ascension into heaven. But since the Ascension, we’ve been waiting. We’ve been waiting for this day. Like the Apostles of old, we’ve been listen

SERM: Acts 1:1-11, Ascension, LSB Lectionary

2012-05-15 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro No matter who we are, at one time or another, life’s frustrating events have left their abusive marks on us. It’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when, for we are talking about life in this fallen world, where this world’s sin and chaos ramrod our tidy and ordered lives. It was

SERM: John 20:19-31, Easter 2B, LSB Lectionary

2012-04-12 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro When Jesus speaks His divine peace to His disciples, He shows them His wounds He received on the cross. For Jesus, the crucified One, is now risen from the dead. He is the Messiah--and His wounds prove it. But Thomas denied what he hadn’t experienced. Instead, Thomas demanded a relig

SERM: Luke 1:26-38, The Annunciatioin, March 25th, LSB Lectionary

2012-03-21 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro At the dawn of time, a woman, named Eve, came forth from the man, Adam. Yet, it was through that woman, Eve, that death entered the world. Later, a Man, named Jesus, would come forth from a woman, named Mary. And through that woman, Life Himself would enter the world, all in the Person

SERM: Numbers 21:4-9, Lent 4B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-03-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The command to put a snake on a pole must have sounded ridiculous to some of the Israelites. Stare at a bronze snake and you’ll be healed? Who came up with that stupid idea? It must’ve just sounded silly enough that some Israelites started to look for more reasonable solutions to the s

SERM: John 2:13-22, Lent 3B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-03-06 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Today, we hear about a Jesus who doesn’t match what we usually think of Him. We see Jesus as our friend, even our buddy. We see him as a pleasant, smiling person who never confronts anyone but is always there to confirm whatever you may be doing. That’s the Jesus we want. That’s also

SERM: Romans 5:1-11, Lent 2B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-03-04 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Note: This sermon has a quotation from the Apocrypha and treats the quotation from Sirach as Scripture. This is simply how our Confessions treat the Apocrypha. Ref: Ap XXI, 9: “We grant that angels pray for us. For there is a passage in Zechariah 1:12, where an angel prays, ‘O Lord of hosts,

SERM: Mark 1:9-15, Lent 1B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-02-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The water from the Jordan River slowly trickled off our Lord’s wet hair. The hot, wilderness sand glued itself to His damp, walking feet. Behind Him, the well-known river snaked along. Before Him, the ancient serpent lay in wait. Still drenched with baptismal water, Jesus boldly goes

SERM: Mark 9:2-9, Transfiguration, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-02-14 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The time for Jesus’ earthly miracles was fading fast. And soon, His popularity would begin to wane, as well. For now, we find ourselves at the midpoint of Mark’s Gospel, where Jesus turns His face toward the task of dying and rising. Jesus begins to teach His disciples that He will have

SERM: Mark 1:40-45, Epiphany 6B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-02-09 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Medically, leprosy was, and still is, a ghastly disease. It’s a systemic, bacterial infection that infects someone’s nerves and upper-respiratory tract. It permanently damages the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes. Until 1941, there was no cure. Even today, in some areas, leprosy is still

SERM: Mark 1:29-39, Epiphany 5B, LSB 3-Year Lectionary

2012-02-02 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Imagine if we had a Jesus in Kimberling City. Imagine that! What if we had a Jesus who would open His door each day, so people could see Him for healing? People could bring others who were sick for Jesus to heal them of their illnesses. If that were so, we wouldn’t need Skaggs at Bran

SERM: 2 Peter 2: 8-14, Advent 2, LSB 3-yr lectionary, year B

2011-12-01 Thread Richard K. Futrell
This sermon is less than half the length my normal sermon. It is really more of a confessional address set in the context of a specific Confessions of Sins service, which is a preparation to receive the holy Sacrament. -- Intro About 200 years after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, a

SERM: Luke 17:11-19, Thanksgiving, LSB lectionary

2011-11-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro St. Luke wants you to be bowled over by the man who came back to thank Jesus. Ten lepers approached Jesus. Ten lepers cried out with a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” They all wanted healing. And Jesus was compassionate and merciful. He said, “Go and show yourselves to

SERM: Matthew 5:1-12, All Saint's Day, LSB One-Year Lectionary

2011-11-05 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The kingdom of this world is like a man who goes off to war. He fights for his homeland, but soon his enemies capture him. They strip him and beat him, leaving him half-dead, a prisoner in a large prisoner of war camp, filled with thousand of others. The prison camp is like a small, c

SERM: Acts 15:12-22a (James 1:1-12, Matthew 13:54-58), Oct 23rd, St. James of Jerusalem, LSB Lectionary

2011-10-17 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro It’s a sad fluke of history when we forget prominent men who shaped their times. It’s even sadder when the Church has succumbed to this failing. But that such a fate should fall on a first-rank figure of the Apostolic Church is even more worthy of lamentation. James, the stepbrother o

SERM: Luke 14:1-14 (Sirach 10:12-15, 18), Trinity 17, LSB 1-Yr Lectionary

2011-10-10 Thread Richard K. Futrell
I have a district pastors conference to attend this week, so I have written and e-mailed this sermon early. Intro It’s a dangerous decision to make when planning a wedding reception, to decide who sits where. Some folks will value where you place them to sit, near the bride and groom, near

SERM: Ephesians 3:13-21, Trinity 16, LSB 1-Yr lectionary

2011-10-06 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro We, as a nation, are adrift, confused and unsure. We fill our lives with noise and motion, through which we mask the haunting silence of not being able to answer this question: “What is the meaning of my life?” Main Body What about you? What is your purpose? Why you are here, at this

SERM: Matthew 6:24-34, Trinity 15, LSB 1-Year Lectionary (Significantly Revised and Improved)

2011-09-28 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If a father loves fishing, he teaches his son how to fish. If a mother loves quilting, she teaches her daughter how to quilt. What you love, you talk about and do. That’s just obvious. What you love, you pass on to your children, because you love them. You want them to love what you l

SERM: Matthew 6:24-34, Trinity 15, LSB 1-Year Lectionary

2011-09-27 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If a father loves fishing, he teaches his son how to fish. If a mother loves quilting, she teaches her daughter how to quilt. What you love, you talk about and do. That’s just obvious. What you love, you pass on to your children, because you love them. You want them to love what you l

SERM: Trinity 14, LSB 1-Yr, Galatians 5:16-24

2011-09-20 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Oh, how wretched we Christians can often seem! Through the waters of baptism, the Holy Spirit creates spiritual life in us, through which we are born from above (John 3:3-6). Yet, this spiritual birth is but the beginning of a constant conflict between our sinful nature and the Spirit o

SERM: Trinity 13, LSB 1-Yr, Luke 10:23-37

2011-09-12 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro In Jesus, God stepped into our fallen world wearing the robe of our humanity. When the set time had fully come, common men would see and hear the Messiah prophesied from of old. They became His disciples, and later, even His apostles. And in seeing and hearing Jesus, they didn’t just se

SERM: Trinity 12, LSB 1-Yr, 2 Corinthians 3:4-11

2011-09-06 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The Christian faith is a matter of God’s revealed, life-creating and life-changing truth. In matters eternal, research and scholarship can only offer added insight or information. For research and scholarship cannot give eternal life. It is God’s Spirit working through Word and Sacramen

SERM: Trinity 10, LSB 1-Yr, Luke 19:41-48

2011-08-23 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro “Familiarity breeds contempt,” so the saying goes. It means that we can become so familiar with something that we begin to consider it of little value. This can even happen in our faith-life, where God becomes routine for us, and we begin to consider Him of little value. Of course, the

SERM: Trinity 9, LSB 1-Yr, Luke 16:1-13

2011-08-16 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Jesus tells us a parable about a useless, money manager. We call this parable, “The Parable of the Unjust Steward.” We’re not exactly sure how this steward managed his master’s money. But this we know: Everything he did as a steward was a failure. So much that his master fired him and

SERM: St. Mary, Mother of God, Aug 15th

2011-08-09 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Whenever possible, artwork has always adorned the chancels of Christian churches. Since the beginning, the Church has never sought after stark and stern places of worship. Even in the Old Testament, beautiful artwork and engravings adorned God’s holy Temple, according to His own specifi

SERM: Trinity 7, LSB 1-Yr, Mark 8:1-9

2011-08-02 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro When we think about Jesus feeding the multitude, in this case, a crowd of 4,000, we normally pay little attention to the setting. We stand amazed by what Jesus did. He multiplied a minute amount of bread and fish to feed an enormous crowd. But that’s just the obvious part. If you look

SERM: Trinity 6, LSB 1-Yr, Exodus 20:1-17

2011-07-26 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If you remember your confirmation instruction, you may remember the three purposes of God’s Law. God’s Law serves as a curb, a mirror, and a guide. The curbing part of the Law helps restrain our sinful behavior. The mirror of the Law shows us that we can’t fully do what God expects of u

SERM: Trinity 5, LSB 1-Yr, Luke 5.1-11

2011-07-19 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro What a strange miracle: a miracle of catching many fish. That was a miracle tailor-made for fishermen. And that’s who Jesus’ first disciples were; they were fishermen. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were all partners in a fishing business. One day, Jesus was teaching a crowd that conve

SERM: Trinity 4, LSB 1-Yr, Genesis 50:15-21

2011-07-13 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro If anyone thought that he could be a god in the place of God, Joseph might have thought that. After all, he was second in command of Egypt, the powerful empire of his day. The only authority higher than Joseph was Pharaoh himself. And Pharaoh thought that he was divine. So it might be

SERM: Trinity 3, LSB 1-Yr, 1 Peter 5:6-11

2011-07-06 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro We have an expression, “If you are going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk!” It means that you better be real. It means that your words and actions should match--or people will sniff you out as a phony! And that’s what our Epistle reading is talking about this morning. The Apos

SERM: Trinity 2, LSB 1-Yr, Luke 14:15-24 (Hebrews 10:22-27, 31, 35-39)

2011-06-29 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The parable in today’s Gospel reading is one confrontation in a sea of confrontations by Jesus with the Pharisees. But Jesus told today’s particular parable when He was eating dinner at the house of a “prominent Pharisee” (Luke 14:1). So, the dinner story line in today’s parable was mean

SERM: Proper 8: LSB, Year A. Matthew 10:34-42

2011-06-21 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Jesus says some startling words to us in today’s Gospel. They are unsettling and disturbing. And His words unsettle us even more because they come from the One whom Scripture calls the “Prince of Peace.” Jesus says, “Don’t assume that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to b

SERM: Trinity Sunday: John 3:1-15

2011-06-14 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Our Lutheran father in the faith, Philip Melanchthon, wrote, “The mysteries of God are to be adored, rather than investigated” (Loci Communes, 1521 edition). He is correct. For after confessing the faith in the words of the Athanasian Creed, who can fully explore, let alone, understand what we

SERM: Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21 (Genesis 11:1-9)

2011-06-07 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro The crowd at Pentecost thinks the first Christians are drunk. They hear the cacophony of 120 Christians. They hear the old and wrinkled, the young and sparkly eyed, men and women, and pastors and parishioners all speaking in the rush of excitement. The crowd thinks they are hearing a bu

SERM: Easter 7: John 15:26-16:4

2011-05-31 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Jesus says that whoever confesses Him before others, He will confess before His Father in heaven (Matthew 10:32). The Apostle Peter says, “Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). So, every Christian in his everyday life is to poi

SERM: Easter 6, 1 Yr: John 16:23-30

2011-05-24 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Jesus says, “Whatever you ask.” So what have you asked of God? Jesus says, “Whatever you ask the Father … He will give you.” So what have you asked the Father? Was it a want or a need? And did you get it? But have your prayers become sparse and spindly, because you haven’t received w

SERM: Isaiah 12:1-6 (Luke 15:11-32)

2011-05-18 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Isn’t the idea of “holy anger” strange? I mean, how can anger be holy when we consider it sinful? But if we think about it, we know that anger itself can’t be a sin. Read the Bible! More than just once, it describes God getting angry with His people. And since God doesn’t sin, anger can’t-

SERM: Easter 4: John 16:16-22

2011-05-09 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her time has come. Yet, when she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the agony, because of the joy that a Man has been born into the world. (John 16:21) So says our Lord in St. John’s Gospel. Jesus said those words to His

SERM: 1 Peter 2:21-25, "Called to Suffer"

2011-05-03 Thread Richard K. Futrell
Intro Somehow, in some way, a malformed idea has infected the Church. The idea is this: It is that our faith is all about worldly well-being and pleasure. Because of this idea, we have lost our focus on eternity, expecting God to give us heaven on earth. Because of this idea, we’ve given up p

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