Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2014-11-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
only a few of the religious buildings can be concidered landmarks. In my home city it is 1 of 5 Here in the New World, the proportion of significant churches is similarly low in many places. Using Cincinnati, Ohio, and its surrounding county as an example, only 25% of OSM-tagged religious

[OSM-talk] Skybox for good imagery test

2014-11-29 Thread Stephan Knauss
I had a closer look at the imagery provided under the Skybox for good grant. Opening the GeoTiff directly in JOSM using the ImportImage plugin works but JOSM gets quite slow due to the large file size.

Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2014-11-29 Thread Andreas Goss
Does it always have to be red/brown-ish? I would much more prefer some simple different shades of grey. This would also look better with most overlays in my opinion. __‎

Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2014-11-29 Thread moltonel 3x Combo
On 28/11/2014, Mihkel Rämmel wrote: In densely built up areas this change does not improve the visibility of roads. The result is quite the opposite with residential and living streets. Choosing areas that have 99,9% of buildings tagged as building=yes as sample areas does

Re: [OSM-talk] Skybox for good imagery test

2014-11-29 Thread Rob Nickerson
Just to pick up on your point about HOT. Google has confirmed that Imagery released under Skybox for Good can be digitized into OSM under OSM's license. This applies to all imagery whether the imagery was captured following a request from HOT or any other organisation. Currently we have the

Re: [OSM-talk] Skybox for good imagery test

2014-11-29 Thread Simon Poole
Am 29.11.2014 22:51, schrieb Rob Nickerson: Just to pick up on your point about HOT. Google has confirmed that Imagery released under Skybox for Good can be digitized into OSM under OSM's license. This applies to all imagery whether the imagery was captured following a request from HOT or

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM # 227

2014-11-29 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 227, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the #openstreetmap #osm world: Enjoy! -- ## Manfred ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
Definitely a handy feature for getting in touch with mystery editors in a context-sensitive way. On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Simon Poole wrote: I would like to personally thank ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH for developing and deploying this. A much wanted and needed

[OSM-talk] Landuse vs Vegetation vs Landcover proposed cleanup at wiki

2014-11-29 Thread Никита
We have highly inconsistent content at wiki (feature pages Inconsistency is not limited to landuse=wood/natural=forest. Another example is landuse=meadow (Landuse, Vegetation

[OSM-talk-nl] Mailinglijsten vs Forums: Fwd: [mkgmap-dev] Mailing list maintenance

2014-11-29 Thread Colin Smale
Security zou wel eens een reden kunnen zijn om forums te prefereren boven mailinglijsten... Lees de gelinkte pagina maar voor details... Original Message SUBJECT: [mkgmap-dev] Mailing list maintenance DATE:

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Forum en mailinglijst: 2 kapiteins op hetzelfde schip?

2014-11-29 Thread St Niklaas
Hi, Als een van die weekend mappers, haak ik nu het is weekend toch graag even in. Persoonlijk lees ik niet alle mail direct, maar meer wanneer het mij uitkomt. IMHO gaat het taal gebrruik hier, er gaande de bijdragen niet op vooruit. De vraag Forum of mail valt bij mij toe aan Forum. Zoals ik

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Forum en mailinglijst: 2 kapiteins op hetzelfde schip?

2014-11-29 Thread Lambertus
On 11/28/2014 10:35 PM, Stefan de Konink wrote: Ik snap overigens wel waarom de eerste groep op veel vlakken toe wil naar een gecontroleerde forum discussie. Op het forum zijn sommigen net wat gelijker dan anderen, het sluiten van topics en uitsluiten van deelnemers wordt ook zeer eenvoudig

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Forum en mailinglijst: 2 kapiteins op hetzelfde schip?

2014-11-29 Thread Stefan de Konink
On Saturday, November 29, 2014 2:32:32 PM CEST, Lambertus wrote: Eventuele insinuaties van machtsmisbruik op het forum zonder bewijs neem ik zeer serieus en kwalijk. Ik heb meer ervaring met /andere/ Nederlandse fora, waar ik een aantal jaren geleden al afgescheid van heb genomen door

[Talk-br] Mapa COCAR no BaseCamp para Mac

2014-11-29 Thread Lists
Gente Baixei ultimos mapas OSM da site e pensei talvez baixar a mapa do COCAR no mesmo tempo. Tava dificil ashar a link (não apareceu no google) e descobri que TrackSource ainda oferecendo mapas atualizadas Depois baixar a mapa do COCAR

[Talk-br] Função Endereço

2014-11-29 Thread belnuovo
A função ENDEREÇO não está funcionando no ID . Ele pisca e fecha as opções Rua , Nº , Cidade , Bairro , CEP ___ Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Função Endereço

2014-11-29 Thread John Packer
Para evitar este erro, como medida temporária, dá pra adicionar as informações de endereço diretamente como etiquetas. É só ir na seção Todas as etiquetas, quando um objeto estiver selecionar no iD, e adicionar as seguintes etiquetas: - *addr:housenumber* para o número da casa -

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa COCAR no BaseCamp para Mac

2014-11-29 Thread Wille
Algum que tem contato com o comunidade TC? Tentamos alguma coisa para eles contribuir os dados deles aqui no OSM? A comunidade TrackSource não possui praticamente nenhuma preocupação com licenças dos dados que eles colocam na base de dados deles. Muitas vias deles foram traçadas sobre

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa COCAR no BaseCamp para Mac

2014-11-29 Thread Aun Johnsen
Wille, Conheco este problemo com licensa, mas se convidando os contribuentes mais conciente eles poder convertir os contribucoes deles para OSM, provavelmente o maioria desdes dados ja temos Aun Johnsen Sent from my iPhone On 29. nov. 2014, at 13.54, Wille wrote:

Re: [Talk-br] Função Endereço

2014-11-29 Thread Engenharia 51
Atenciosamente, Yhuhguyvyhyuyp U uycucui ih hj Bruno Marques da Cruz (19) 98163-1964 (TIM) (19) 99167-5452 (CLARO) (19) 3201-1447 -- De: John Packer Enviada em: ‎29/‎11/‎2014 13:43 Para: OpenStreetMap no Brasil Assunto:

[Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Markus
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, mit nur einem Account mehrere deser Plattgformen zu bedienen: 1. OSM-Wiki 2. OSM-DB (JOSM) 3. Wikipedia 4. Commons in 3 kann man Artiel schreiben die man im Wiki verlinkt in 4 kann man Bilder hochladen die man im Wiki verlinkt Wie funktioniert das? Gruss, Markus

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Michael Kugelmann
Am 29.11.2014 15:19, schrieb Markus: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, mit nur einem Account mehrere deser Plattgformen zu bedienen: Ich sortiere mal anders. 3. Wikipedia 4. Commons Beide wurden gleichzeitig angelegt (bzw. Commons hat vielleicht die Accounts von Wikipedia übernommen), deswegen sind

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Tobias Knerr
Am 29.11.2014 16:47, schrieb Michael Kugelmann: Somit existierten zwei unabhängige Systeme (API und Wiki) mit unterschiedlichen (sich vielleicht auch widersprechenden Accounts) = zusammenführung nicht möglich (bzw. zu schwierig). Die Diskussion hatten wir bereits vor 5 Jahren oder so. :-(

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Markus
Hallo Michael, 3. Wikipedia 4. Commons Beide wurden gleichzeitig angelegt (bzw. Commons hat vielleicht die Accounts von Wikipedia übernommen), deswegen sind die ganzen Accounts bei Wikimedia alle gleich und überall verfügbar. :-) Das ist die eine Weltm die nichts mit OSM zu tun hat.

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread
Für OSM API kann man ja bereits auch andere Logins nutzen (z.B.: OpenID). Für Wikimedia und das OSM Wiki gibt es die Möglichkeit jedoch nicht. Vllt wäre hier ein guter Ansatz für einen zusammengefassten Account. Dafür müssten natürlich Wikimedia und OSM Wiki OpenID unerstützen ps.: ich habe OpenID

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Markus
Hallo Tobias, Meine Vorstellung wäre, die geschätzten 99% unproblematischen Accounts automatisch zu koppeln, genau so alle zukünftigen. Das wäre genial! Wir arbeiten grad an einem JOSM-Tutorial. Da wäre es super, auf einen generalisierten Login verweisen zu können... Mit herzlichem Gruss,

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Michael Kugelmann
Am 29.11.2014 18:05, schrieb Markus: Sorry, aber ... Wir arbeiten grad an einem JOSM-Tutorial. Da wäre es super, auf einen generalisierten Login verweisen zu können... ... was hat das Eine mit dem Anderen zu tun? Just my 2 cents, Michael. ___

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Michael Kugelmann
Am 29.11.2014 17:23, schrieb Markus: Das ist die eine Weltm die nichts mit OSM zu tun hat. Inhaltlich wachsen beide Welten zunehmend zusammen. WP nutzt viele OSM-Daten und zeigt OSM-Karten, OSM hat viele WP-Links und zeigt diese auf Karten. Und? * Wikipedia ist die Weltweite

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-29 Thread Markus
Hallo Michael, Wir arbeiten grad an einem JOSM-Tutorial. Da wäre es super, auf einen generalisierten Login verweisen zu können... ... was hat das Eine mit dem Anderen zu tun? Das Tutorial iat Reil einer Serie. Wenn viele Accounts erforderlich sind, müssen wir für jeden Account erklären wie

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-29 Thread Aury88
aborruso wrote Ciao Aury, ma tutto tace? Grazie è mia politica di solito aspettare un mesetto, soprattutto con le PA. comunque sia confermo che il comune non ha risposto a nessuna delle due lettere (normale e PEC) la letterà forse è stata ignorata visto che il server di invio e quello di

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi
Il giorno ven, 28/11/2014 alle 22.07 +0100, emmexx ha scritto: Domanda su tag in funzione di routing. A Milano provo a calcolare questo percorso: Provenendo da piazzale Istria e' vietato svoltare a sinistra in via Taramelli. Il router (osrm), giustamente, suggerisce

[Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a università per lutilizzo delle loro mappe

2014-11-29 Thread Aury88
Ciao a tutti. Essendo bloccato con la richiesta di apertura dei dati da parte del comune di Gela porto avanti l'altro mio progetto e cioè l'indoor mapping della mia università. anche qui ho intenzione di sfruttare i dati già presenti online e anche qui la modalità di richiesta avverrà tramite mail

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a università per lutilizzo delle loro mappe

2014-11-29 Thread sabas88
Ciao Aurelio, faccio un appunto e poi una proposta. Potresti citare i casi d'uso strettamente correlati all'idea: Heidelberg per quanto riguarda la ricerca e sviluppo sull'indoor mapping e Cambridge per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo di OSM come riferimento per l'orientamento tra gli edifici

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a università per lutilizzo delle loro mappe

2014-11-29 Thread Aury88
non abbiamo un dipartimento di informatica...essendo però i corsi di studio sulle ingegnerie e design/architettura ogni facoltà ha propri laboratori/aule/programmi informatici ma un unica struttura/facoltà che faccia da intermediario tra tutte no...mi è stato spiegato che le singole facoltà

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a università per lutilizzo delle loro mappe

2014-11-29 Thread sabas88
Il giorno 29 novembre 2014 16:39, Aury88 ha scritto: non abbiamo un dipartimento di informatica...essendo però i corsi di studio sulle ingegnerie e design/architettura ogni facoltà ha propri laboratori/aule/programmi informatici ma un unica struttura/facoltà che faccia

Re: [Talk-it] problemi di accedere OSM API con Firefox

2014-11-29 Thread girarsi_liste
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Il 29/11/2014 08:18, Volker Schmidt ha scritto: Certo, l'ho disattivato in modo permanente. Ho solo messo l'informazione qua per chiudere l'argomento. Avevo capito male, scusa. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Roberto Moretti
Ciao Il giorno 28 novembre 2014 22:07, emmexx ha scritto: Domanda su tag in funzione di routing. A Milano provo a calcolare questo percorso: Provenendo da piazzale Istria e' vietato svoltare a sinistra in via Taramelli. Il router (osrm),

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Roberto Moretti
Ciao Il giorno 29 novembre 2014 11:51, Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi ha scritto: Ho notato che Viale Zara è spezzettato in vari segmenti, forse unendoli potrebbe guadagnare in priorità. Ho solo questa idea :) Poi ho notato un altro problema a cui bisognerebbe rimediare:

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi
Il giorno sab, 29/11/2014 alle 20.38 +0100, Roberto Moretti ha scritto: Ciao Il giorno 29 novembre 2014 11:51, Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi ha scritto: Ho notato che Viale Zara è spezzettato in vari segmenti, forse unendoli potrebbe guadagnare in priorità. Ho

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Any File
2014-11-29 20:54 GMT+01:00 Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi Ah quindi questa manovra è davvero fattibile. C'è il divieto di svolta a sinistra nelle corsie centrali ma non in quelle laterali? Mi aspetterei il contrario :) Anche in altre parti di Viale Zara / Fulvio Testi è

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Any File
A proposito di scorciatoie strane. Sempre a Milano non lontano dalla zona di cui si parlava prima, in piazzale Maciachini, ecco cosa propone OSRM per chi viene da viale Jenner e vuole andare verso via Carlo Imbonati Se non mi sbaglio fino a non molti anni fa la svolta a

Re: [Talk-it] Dissuadere da utilizzo via

2014-11-29 Thread Roberto Moretti
Il giorno 29 novembre 2014 21:27, Any File ha scritto: Più semplice invece è prendere da piazzale Lagosta il controviale a destra e poi svoltare a sinsitra (una sola svolta al posto di tre). Credo che questo dipenda più dal motore del routing. Dovrebbe capire lui che

[Talk-it] Negozio toilettatura per cani

2014-11-29 Thread John Doe
Come taggo un negozio che si occupa di toilettatura per cani? Non trovo nulla a parte una vecchia proposta che sembra morta: ___ Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-co] POT

2014-11-29 Thread Harrier Co
Hola Una pregunta que a veces me ronda, los mapas de POT, son libres? tal como estos harrierco ___ Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] POT

2014-11-29 Thread Fredy Rivera
2014-11-29 8:54 GMT-05:00 Harrier Co Hola Una pregunta que a veces me ronda, los mapas de POT, son libres? Hola, No se puede generalizar, pero la mayoría de la cartografía que se usa en esos procesos es de origen IGAC con permiso exclusivo para tal fin. Habría que

Re: [Talk-co] POT

2014-11-29 Thread Leonardo Gutierrez
En pricipio no. En Ramiriqui mucha de la información no la usamos porque es cartografia igac. Desafortunadamente. Algunas cosas que la alcaldia hizo independientemente si las usamos. Pero la mayoría no. El nov 29, 2014 4:04 PM, Fredy Rivera escribió: 2014-11-29 8:54

[Talk-ar] Responder: alturas en barracas y demás yerbas

2014-11-29 Thread Franco Leanza
Quedate tranquilo Fernando que ya lo revisó y corrige si es necesario Franco Enviado desde mi teléfono inteligente Sony Xperia™ Fernando Toledo escribió Hola gente, yo actualmente vivo en Isabel la Católica 1530 (entre Daniel Cerri y California), Barracas (gcba)

[Talk-cat] Revisions de camins per part de treballadors forestals

2014-11-29 Thread yo paseopor
Per tocar la moral durant una estona he estat pensant sobre un tema recurrent que ja n'he sentit a parlar a les trobades que hem fet, és el cas de les revisions dels camins fetes per professionals forestals.Crec que a fi d'indicar quins camins sí s'han revisat i amb quina data es podria fer servir

[Talk-cz] Znaceni cyklotras

2014-11-29 Thread Radek Kuznik
Cau, nikde jsem nenasel jak spravne znacit cyklo trasy. Chtel bych vedet, jestli uz nekdo resil nejak? Jak znacit oficialni cyklotrasu? Jak znacit oficialni cyklotrasu, ale pokud je to nejaka polnacka, ktera se da obtizne jezdit? Jak znacit neoficialni trasy, kde ale jezdi bezne kola? Jak znacit

Re: [Talk-cz] Znaceni cyklotras

2014-11-29 Thread Marek Chlup
Zdravím. Někdo z fundovaných zde určitě dobře odpoví. Z mých znalostí, které jsem pochytil mohu jen poznamenat, že na označení cyklotras se používají relace. V relaci konkrétní cyklotrasy mohou být zahrnuty různorodé cesty - silnice, polňačky... Každá taková cesta může mít zaznačenou svoji

Re: [Talk-cz] Znaceni cyklotras

2014-11-29 Thread Radek Kuznik
Myslel jsem vseobecne i cyklostezky apod. Neco malo zakresleno je, ale hodne toto neni, tak bych potrebvoal jak se to ma znacit vsechno. Dne 29. listopadu 2014 13:02 Marek Chlup napsal(a): Zdravím. Někdo z fundovaných zde určitě dobře odpoví. Z mých znalostí, které jsem

Re: [Talk-cz] Znaceni cyklotras

2014-11-29 Thread Michal Pustějovský
Jak už psal Marek, je nutné rozlišovat fyzické objekty (cesty, silnice) a nefyzické objekty (trasy). Fyzické objekty se mapují pomocí OSM cest (way) a nefyzické (v tomto případě trasy cyklotras) pomocí relací. Fyzické objekty Cyklostezky, zejména ty značené značkou C08a, se značí pomocí highway=

Re: [Talk-cz] Tracer - nová verze

2014-11-29 Thread Martin Švec - OSM
Ahoj, re-trasování existujících polí funguje pouze u cest, které mají source=lpis. Jinými slovy, dají se opravovat dříve natrasované jednoduché LPIS polygony. Vše ostatní se bere jako materiál k oříznutí. Proto radši *neklikejte do ručně kreslených polí*, může to dopadnout všelijak. Nebo jak

[Talk-cz] Posunutá mapa?

2014-11-29 Thread Martin Švec - OSM
Ahoj, narazil jsem na podezřelou oblast: Zdá se mi to, nebo jsou adresní místa, budovy, cesty, silnice, Svratka atd. posunuté vůči katastrální mapě (a LPIS polygonům) o 5-10 metrů na západ? Jako by si někdo rovnal katastrální mapu vůči

Re: [Talk-cz] Posunutá mapa?

2014-11-29 Thread Tomáš Tichý
Dokonce jsem na to zakládal OSM note: Po importu z RÚIAN už jdou podobné případy celkem snadno odhalit. TT On Sun Nov 30 2014 at 4:23:19 jzvc wrote: Dne 30.11.2014 v 1:33 Petr Vejsada napsal(a): Ahoj,

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Pieren
2014-11-29 0:14 GMT+01:00 Sébastien Dinot Cette perspective me semble très intéressante ; je suis impatient d'obtenir les premières séries temporelles Sentinel 2 et voir ce que nous allons pouvoir en faire au profit d'OSM. C'est effectivement une annonce fort

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-29 Thread Shérab
Bonjour à tous, Christian Quest (2014/11/26 23:54 +0100): A ma connaissance, la RATP n'a pas publié de données sur les bouches de métro... C'est une info qui est tellement importante pour les personnes déficientes visuelles que je veux bien m'impliquer sur ce point. Qu'est-ilpossible de faire?

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Christian Quest
En effet, les infos que j'ai parlent de 2Po de données par an... Le 29 novembre 2014 09:52, Pieren a écrit : 2014-11-29 0:14 GMT+01:00 Sébastien Dinot Cette perspective me semble très intéressante ; je suis impatient d'obtenir les premières séries

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Amélioration de la cartographie des stations de métro

2014-11-29 Thread Christian Quest
A la RATP ça bouge en ce moment côté cartographie des stations en lien avec OSM (peut être après le boulot fait par la SNCF sur les gares Transilien). On peut espérer avoir un peu de nouveau dans les mois à venir. Le 29 novembre 2014 11:50, Shérab a écrit : Bonjour à tous,

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] De l'usage des tags postal_code addr:postcode

2014-11-29 Thread Philippe Verdy
Oui désolé j'ai tapé juste un peu vite sur mon mobile où il est juste plus compliqué de se relire ou d'avoir un écran à côté. L'idée y était. Cependant je persiste sur le fait que postal_code n'a été fait à l'origine que pour les zones de distribution postale et que nos relations communales n'en

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo
Pour résumé cela fournira une vu satélite tous les 5 jours (10j en 2015) pouvant bien sûr contenir des nuages et aumoins une vue claire estimé tout les mois. La résolution sera de 10 à 60m et sur un large spectre, c'est surtout fait pour la végétation. Coté licence ça sera gratuit, mais libre

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Art Penteur
Je vois déjà venir une difficulté : il n'y a pas de correspondance exacte entre la notion de land cover selon sentinel et celles d'OSM (landuse, lancover, natural). Remarquez, si ça permet de faire avancer la proposition de landcover

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Yves Pratter
Le 29 nov. 2014 à 13:05, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit : La résolution sera de 10 à 60m et sur un large spectre La résolution à 60m sert à éliminer les nuages… Pour nous, ce sera 10 ou 20m (je ne sais pas en lisant cette phrase si les bandes visibles sont les 4 premières

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Pierre Béland
Bing c'est 50 cm. Avec une tele résolution, il est possible de tracer le contour des immeubles. A 10 - 20 m, tout comme avec Landsat, on peut tracer les routes.  On peut aussi essayer de tracer le contour des villages. L'analyse catégorielle des images serait intéressante tant pour repérer les

[OSM-talk-fr] OpenPathView, OpenStreetView et Mapillary ?

2014-11-29 Thread Yves Pratter
Bonjour, J’ai découvert l’initiative Bretonne via Mapillary et en lisant la liste de discussion dédiée, j’ai remarqué l’échange entre Benjamin et Jan Erik Solem (le fondateur de Mapillary). Les deux (trois) projets vont-ils converger ?

[OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Jordi Inglada
Bonjour, En lisant les réactions au message de Sébastien, je me rends compte qu'il y a quelques éléments qui ne sont pas clairs du tout dans ce que j'ai écrit dans mon billet. Je vais essayer d'y répondre. Mais tout d'abord, je voudrais laisser bien clair que je ne parle pas du tout au nom du

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Pierre Béland
réponse à  Jordi Inglada 1 Concernant le contenu des images Sentinel-2 ═ Pour les bénévoles OSM,la gestion de crise sans budget, nous oblige parfois à certains acrobaties. Un rôle important est de répondre rapidement et  s'adapter aux besoins des

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Perspective d'établissement de la couverture du sol à partir des images Sentinel 2

2014-11-29 Thread Yves Pratter
Le 29 nov. 2014 à 18:35, Jordi Inglada a écrit : Les outils que j'évoque tournent sur des PC standards et quelques heures de calcul suffisent pour traiter une année de données sur une tuile de 100km. Est-il prévu un projet similaire à SETI@home

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) de la Nasa en pas de 30m, bientôt pour tous le monde

2014-11-29 Thread yvecai
Je déterre ce sujet, des données SRTM 1 seconde d'arc commencent à sortir: les Amériques, l'Europe et une majeure partie de l'Afrique. Pour donner une idée, j'ai fait quelques copies d'écran pour comparer dans ma zone (sud du lac de Neuchâtel): * SRTM 1arc:

[Talk-GB] OS OpenData Layer down?

2014-11-29 Thread tony wroblewski
Hi I've been unable to access the OS OpenData layer in both JOSM and ID. Has the address or URL changed, or is the server just down at the moment? Tony ___ Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OS OpenData Layer down?

2014-11-29 Thread SomeoneElse
On 29/11/2014 12:16, tony wroblewski wrote: Hi I've been unable to access the OS OpenData layer in both JOSM and ID. Has the address or URL changed, or is the server just down at the moment? Server room maintenance perhaps? There's some work mentioned here:

Re: [Talk-GB] OS OpenData Layer down?

2014-11-29 Thread tony wroblewski
Thanks Andy Yep, I guess it's hosted on faffy, and it's currently down. Cheers for the link Tony On 29 November 2014 at 13:29, SomeoneElse wrote: On 29/11/2014 12:16, tony wroblewski wrote: Hi I've been unable to access the OS OpenData layer in both JOSM and ID.

Re: [Talk-GB] OS OpenData Layer down?

2014-11-29 Thread SomeoneElse
On 29/11/2014 12:44, tony wroblewski wrote: Thanks Andy Yep, I guess it's hosted on faffy, and it's currently down. It's actually a little more complicated than that I think. It _was_ hosted there, but that broke (hardware failure of some sort) during the last maintenance period). The

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM # 227

2014-11-29 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 227, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the #openstreetmap #osm world: Enjoy! -- ## Manfred ___ Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Updating tagging of public transport

2014-11-29 Thread stevea
it is not clear if the new way is actually better, at least the current data stats show that mappers still prefer the old method, at least for bus stops, as it is simpler (you need just one tag highway=bus_stop instead of two: public_transport=platform and bus=yes, for the same information

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging a seasonally closed roads with uncertain spring opening

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Kevin Broderick wrote: Having recently moved to Red Lodge, Montana, I'm trying to update some of the map data around here, as a lot of it is untouched TIGER data that seems to be fairly imaginative. Just south of town, US-212 is

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging a seasonally closed roads with uncertain spring opening

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: Am 03.11.2014 um 16:03 schrieb Richard Weait seems access=seasonal isn't in wide use but would be correct I think that this is not so nice tagging as it doesn't say anything about which

Re: [Talk-us] zip-city mappings

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
Also note that Census ZIPs are somewhat fluid, as are postal ZIPs, and postal ZIPs don't cover the entire country, and postal ZIPs are based on carrier routes and not an area. On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Richard Welty wrote: On 11/9/14 3:10 PM, Nathan Mills wrote:

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 3:10 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: So, a couple of questions: 1. What, exactly, is fair game to change to a state abbreviation reference? Fair game nationwide, two letter state abbreviations should be used for the primary state highway network. 2.

Re: [Talk-us] User randomly adding speed limits across the US

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
We have a similar convention in the US for doing that, though usually requires tagging traffic_sign=maxspeed, maxspeed=?? mph in a few places, since there's often multiple steps from rural speeds to town speeds when entering a town or city (Oklahoma sense; Oregon would call anything incorporated

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Dave Mansfield
From the Wiki “The two letter abbreviation for the state per the United States Postal Service's state abbreviation list, another abbreviation used by the state (such as SR for

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
I'm going to say that the wiki is presently wrong compared to consensus previously arrived at on the tagging list regarding this issue the last 971151183 times that this has come up, largely as a result of previous efforts by NE2 to game the renderer... On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Dave

[Talk-us] Directional suffixes on roads: yes or no?

2014-11-29 Thread Jack Burke
Howdy, I have a question about how much effort should be put into adding directional suffixes to road names. Many counties around Atlanta have adopted directional suffixes for roads, both in incorporated areas as well as outside city limits. Usually all areas in the county use the same

Re: [Talk-us] Directional suffixes on roads: yes or no?

2014-11-29 Thread John F. Eldredge
On 11/29/2014 10:39 PM, Jack Burke wrote: Howdy, I have a question about how much effort should be put into adding directional suffixes to road names. Many counties around Atlanta have adopted directional suffixes for roads, both in incorporated areas as well as outside city limits. Usually

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Dave Mansfield
Please forgive me I’m not trying to stir things up. I’m new to OSM and trying to learn and I don’t have any idea what the NE2 you refer to is. I understand that a lot of things are tagged different then what I would think do to standards. I understand that and I’m doing everything I can to

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Dave Mansfield wrote: Please forgive me I’m not trying to stir things up. I’m new to OSM and trying to learn and I don’t have any idea what the NE2 you refer to is. Glossing past this since it's extensively in the archives at this

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Dave Mansfield
Thanks! It makes sense the way you explain it. I was looking at it as a name of the route and thinking it should me the same as signs etc. But not the fact that routing engines and renderers will know it’s a state highway based on the state abbreviation. Dave From: Paul Johnson

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Minh Nguyen
On 2014-11-29 19:31, Dave Mansfield wrote: From the Wiki “The two letter abbreviation for the state per the United States Postal Service's state abbreviation list, another

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Minh Nguyen
On 2014-11-29 21:27, Dave Mansfield wrote: It makes sense the way you explain it. I was looking at it as a name of the route and thinking it should me the same as signs etc. But not the fact that routing engines and renderers will know it’s a state highway based on the state abbreviation. Do

Re: [Talk-us] State highway refs (was Re: New I.D Feature)

2014-11-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2014-11-29 at 22:21 -0800, Minh Nguyen wrote: Do any routing engines currently care about prefixes on way refs? From what I've seen so far, most of the map styles that use the ref tag to distinguish route networks will recognize either the state abbreviation, SR, or SH. Some

Re: [Talk-us] Directional suffixes on roads: yes or no?

2014-11-29 Thread Clifford Snow
On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jack Burke wrote: I have a question about how much effort should be put into adding directional suffixes to road names. Many counties around Atlanta have adopted directional suffixes for roads, both in incorporated areas as well as outside

Re: [Talk-us] Directional suffixes on roads: yes or no?

2014-11-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2014-11-29 at 22:43 -0600, John F. Eldredge wrote: An additional complication is ring-roads, which are likely to have XXX North transition into XXX East, etc. In Houston, it gets even weirder, going clockwise around the I-610 feeder roads: North Loop West, North Loop East, East Loop