Re: [Talk-cz] Mlýnský náhon není potok ...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Jan Dudík
A nejsou tam oba názvy? Budějicema protéká Dobrovodský potok, který se najednou od jednoho místa [1] mění na Dobrovodskou stoku, ale ve skutečnosti se od tohoto místa používají oba názvy (a v OSM máme jen stoku)... A Mlýnský stoka je jak na Malši v ČB [2] tak na Malši v Plavu [3] [1]

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Romain MEHUT
Bonjour, Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi, si on respecte bien la procédure définie dans le wiki, ce n'est finalement pas très sorcier. A titre d'exemple, voir qu'une grande

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione rldhont
Le 10/06/2011 08:47, Romain MEHUT a écrit : Bonjour, Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi, si on respecte bien la procédure définie dans le wiki, ce n'est finalement pas

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione hamster
Le 10/06/2011 08:47, Romain MEHUT a écrit : Bonjour, Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi, si on respecte bien la procédure définie dans le wiki, ce n'est finalement pas très

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Jean Couteau
Le 10/06/2011 09:03, hamster a écrit : Le 10/06/2011 08:47, Romain MEHUT a écrit : Bonjour, Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi, si on respecte bien la procédure définie

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Philippe Pary
Le 09/06/2011 23:34, Eric SIBERT a écrit : Quelqu'un sur la liste se réjouissait il y a quelque temps que les imports du bâti se calmaient. Malheureusement, il reste quelques cas. Un nouveau contributeur (15 jours d'activité) a apparemment tenté une importation du cadastre :

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione hamster
Le 10/06/2011 09:16, Jean Couteau a écrit : Le 10/06/2011 09:03, hamster a écrit : Le 10/06/2011 08:47, Romain MEHUT a écrit : Bonjour, Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi,

[OSM-talk-fr] Re : Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione THEVENON Julien
De : Jean Couteau Je suis d'accord, mais il faut aussi laisser le temps aux gens pour retoucher leurs erreurs. J'ai moi-même fait l'import du bâti de ma commune dans mes toutes premières contributions. Autant vous dire qu'il était pas forcément terrible (pourtant

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Re : Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Jean Couteau
Le 10/06/2011 09:42, THEVENON Julien a écrit : Daccord pour la presomption de bonne foi mais pourquoi envoyer l import avant qu il ne soit finalise ? Parce que quand tu débutes, tu fais certaines choses de la mauvaise manière, et c'est comme que ça que t'apprends, de tes erreurs. Jean

[OSM-talk-fr] Mise à jour du bâti avec l'import cadastrale

2011-06-10 Per discussione Nicolas Frery
Bonjour, Existe-t-il un outil de vérification des mises à jours des bâtiments du cadastre ? Un système de patch en quelque sorte ? Car la maintenance du bâti est titanesque.. ___ Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Mise à jour du bâti avec l'import cadastrale

2011-06-10 Per discussione Philippe Pary
Le 10/06/2011 09:48, Nicolas Frery a écrit : Bonjour, Existe-t-il un outil de vérification des mises à jours des bâtiments du cadastre ? Un système de patch en quelque sorte ? Pinaraf avait des pistes pour ça. C'est surement gérable, mais il va falloir se cotiser pour offrir des heures

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Mise à jour du bâti avec l'import cadastrale

2011-06-10 Per discussione David White
Le 10/06/2011 09:48, Nicolas Frery a écrit : Bonjour, Existe-t-il un outil de vérification des mises à jours des bâtiments du cadastre ? Un système de patch en quelque sorte ? Car la maintenance du bâti est titanesque.. +1: je viens de tracer une bonne partie des voies de Hyères dans le Var

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Eric Sibert
Je suis d'accord, mais il faut aussi laisser le temps aux gens pour retoucher leurs erreurs. c'est pour ca que la premiere reaction est de contacter le contributeur pour l'aider a apprendre C'est ce que j'ai fait en premier et dans les jours qui ont suivi sa contribution. On est a priori

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bonnes pratiques concernant Navit et OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione Guilhem Bonnefille
Le 9 juin 2011 19:54, piratebab a écrit : j'utilise navit et OSM sur mon néo depuis des années (quasiment depuis la sortie du neo). J'ai constaté moi aussi qu'avec le temps, la carte OSM c'est énormément enrichie, et le petit néo est un peu à la peine. Je vais faire

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bonnes pratiques concernant Navit et OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione sylvain letuffe
En fait, je n'ai pas encore étudié navit, mais je me demandais si on ne pouvais pas simplifier le rendu. Par exemple, puis-je dire à navit de ne pas rendre les batiments ? Forcément qu'on peut, il suffit de ne pas les mettre dans le fichier .bin (format de navit) et on devrait diviser la

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Open Data et Licences compatibles OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione Luc Xation
Bonjour et hop cordialement pierre Le 9 juin 2011 18:56, Claire Libertic a écrit : Bonjour à tous, Je

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Open Data et Licences compatibles OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione yvecai
Bonjour, Il y a eu une discussion il y a peu de temps sur l'APIE et ses CGU, je crois me souvenir que ce n'est pas un très bon choix pour OSM: Yves On 10. 06. 11 11:21, Luc Xation wrote: Bonjour et hop

[OSM-talk-fr] 1ère carto-partie à Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle), le samedi 2 juillet

2011-06-10 Per discussione Romain MEHUT
Bonjour à tous, Je vous fais part des dernières avancées concernant la ville de Toul en Meurthe-et-Moselle. Depuis la semaine dernière, des conseils de quartier (au nombre de 5) sont organisés au cours desquels l'équipe municipale présente aux habitants les travaux réalisés, les projets en

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] OpenData à la communauté urbaine de Bordeaux

2011-06-10 Per discussione Tenshu
Le portail est dispo : 2011/4/30 Frédéric Rodrigo Bonjour, Je vous annonce que hier, vendredi 29 avril, le conseil de la CUB à voté en faveur de l'OpenData. Les données vont être gratuitement disponible sous CGU de l'APIE (Agence du Patrimoine

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose

2011-06-10 Per discussione sechanbask
Bonjour, J e n'ai pas vu mes corrections. Est-il possible de relancer le script pour ce WE ? Je possède un , est-ce possible d'héberger Osmose facilement ou ce n'est pas envisageable ? Cédric Barribaud Secrétaire de l'APP3L

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose

2011-06-10 Per discussione sly (sylvain letuffe)
On vendredi 10 juin 2011, wrote: Bonjour, J e n'ai pas vu mes corrections. Est-il possible de relancer le script pour ce WE ? Je possède un , est-ce possible d'héberger Osmose facilement ou ce n'est pas

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose

2011-06-10 Per discussione sechanbask
L'un des points les plus important qui font avancer n'importe quel projet, c'est de pouvoir constater son avancement pour être fier de l'avoir fait avancé. La contribution au projet OSM est fort de cette rapidité. Suis-je le seul à chercher à voir de mes yeux vus ce que j'ai fait à peine 10

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Open Data et Licences compatibles OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione Claire Libertic
Merci de vos retours :) Claire ___ Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione Jean-Francois Nifenecker
Bonjour, Le 10/06/2011 08:47, Romain MEHUT a écrit : Sans vouloir nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je m'étonne quand même que certains d'entre vous soyez si réticents que ça sur cette pratique. En soi, si on respecte bien la procédure définie dans le wiki, ce n'est finalement pas

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quand le bâtiment va...

2011-06-10 Per discussione sechanbask
En voulant nécessairement défendre l'import du bâti, je suis contre l'import sans respect du wiki. Je ne compte plus le nombre de village où petite ville où l'importation du bâtiment en zone vierge, a permis l'essor de la cartographie des voies, des POI, etc... Alors ça surcharge sans doute

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bonnes pratiques concernant Navit et OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione piratebab
Tu confirmes ce que je disais. Il faudrait pouvoir extraire d'OSM uniquement les données utiles à la navigation en voiture (ou vélo, ou à pied) en cochant/décochant des options dans le planet extractor. Concernant le dreamplug, il à une alim détachable. On peut l'alimenter en 5V. Un petit

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Frontière maritime de Guyane

2011-06-10 Per discussione Damouns
Y a-t-il moyen de récupérer cette frontière maritime quelque part afin de l'importer dans OSM (si c'est autorisé !) ? Je ne connais pas de source pour cette limite de la mer territoriale mais je sais qu'on peut la calculer à partir de la ligne de base droite qui est définie ici (mais est-ce

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: [Announce] Maintenance du site OSM le 23 juin 2011

2011-06-10 Per discussione Pieren
Je n'ai pas vu ce message sur la liste alors je traduis brièvement: Jeudi 23 juin 7h30 GMT, l'API (et donc l'édition) sur www.openstreetmap.orgsera en maintenance pour une période de 12 heures environ. Les services touchés seront l'API, les éditeurs en ligne sur et

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Open Data et Licences compatibles OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione Denis
Le 09/06/2011 18:56, Claire Libertic a écrit : Bonjour à tous, Je représente une association nantaise qui travaille sur la promotion de l'open data. Suite à nos sollicitations, la ville a décidé d'ouvrir ses données et se pose actuellement la question de la licence. Le choix de Nantes est

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment différencier une Zone 30 d'une limitation à 30 ?

2011-06-10 Per discussione Vincent Privat
Moi c'est l'inverse, depuis cette conversation, j'en vois partout ! Je viens de découvrir le tag zone:maxspeed=DE:30 qui est utilisé en Allemagne avec exactement la signification que l'on cherche. Il est supporté en particulier par le plugin RoadSigns de JOSM, qui ne gère pour l'instant que

[OSM-ja] 2011年6月23日にサーバメンテナンスが行われ、いくつかのサービスが停止します。 Fwd: [OSM-talk] NOTICE: Scheduled Maintenance - 23rd June 2011

2011-06-10 Per discussione Yoichi Seino
清野です。 まだどなたもポストされていなかったので。 来る、6月23日(木)日本時間16時30分より、 OpenStreetMapの編集及び、APIに関するサービスが メンテナンスのために停止します。 planet.openstreetmap.orgも含まれます。 停止時間は12時間以内に終わる予定のようです。 Wiki及び、メーリングリスト、help.openstreetmap.orgのサーバは影響を受けません。 なお、このメンテナンスは、 いくつかのコアサーバを別のデータセンターへと移設することによるものだそうです。 追加情報は

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Bob Kerr
I agree with Andy about increasing the number of mappers is essential. With Cycle map he has increased the interest in the cycling communities. Getting interest and publicity is very difficult. I can see many other communities that we could encourage to start helping us, from NHS to golfers but

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
Frederik, I am subspecies from the universe P281/304-II. I am a bit like a wasp, often referred to as a Yellow (High-Viz) Jacket. I annoy streets, post boxes, garden fences and hedges and anything else I can find that is floating I the ether and root it into OSM. I know nothing of imports except

[Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Mann
Saw a new Onward Travel Poster at Oxford. Nice map. Presumably a similar one at most other railway stations. Lots of detail, including some footpaths that have a very familar shape... Nice attribution. To OS. I'll try emailing one Jason Durk, Head of Passenger Info at NRE... Richard

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
Richard Fairhurst said: The problem with these fast-moving mailing lists is that I get halfway through a reply to Graham's e-mail, go to the pub.. My emails often have that effect :) That raises the question of why on earth we're still using cliquey semi-private email lists when we could be

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Richard Mann wrote: Saw a new Onward Travel Poster at Oxford. Nice map. Presumably a similar one at most other railway stations. Lots of detail, including some footpaths that have a very familar shape... Nice attribution. To OS. Yes. This is supposedly a national initiative, but I've only

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 10/06/11 10:04, Richard Mann wrote: Saw a new Onward Travel Poster at Oxford. Nice map. Presumably a similar one at most other railway stations. Lots of detail, including some footpaths that have a very familar shape... Nice attribution. To OS. I'll try emailing one Jason Durk, Head of

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Graham Stewart wrote: So again you are basically arguing that we should avoid completing the map because having a patchy incomplete map is what brings in contributors? No, I'm not. I'm arguing that completing the map by survey creates a community who will go on to improve and maintain the

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Adam Hoyle
Sorry in advance - after writing this I've realised I'm possibly heading off on a tangent (I do that). Speaking of the awesomeness of Cycle Map and how that encourages people - I really want an openwalkingtothepubmap, which would basically be a clone of the gorgeous cycle map, but with the

[Talk-GB] OSM Analysis: highlighting missing roads over those without a name

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
Peter (et al), I think everyone agrees that the OSM Analysis Summary ( ) is extremely useful for gauging our efforts and highlighting areas that need work - even if there is clearly some disagreement about how we then use the OS data on the

[Talk-GB] Can't log in - is it just me?

2011-06-10 Per discussione Simon Blake
This morning my login credentials are being rejected, and I can't log in to And, when trying the forgot your password option, I'm told my email address isn't recognized. So, is there a problem, or is it just me? Regards Simon ___

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg
Though having re-read your post, the incorrect attribution is really bad. Don't think my local one had that otherwise I'd have probably noticed but will check next time I'm there. Nick -Nick Whitelegg/FT/Solent wrote: - To: From: Nick Whitelegg/FT/Solent

Re: [Talk-GB] Can't log in - is it just me?

2011-06-10 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 10/06/11 10:49, Simon Blake wrote: This morning my login credentials are being rejected, and I can't log in to And, when trying the forgot your password option, I'm told my email address isn't recognized. Well firstly that's not our domain ;-)

Re: [Talk-GB] Customised Maps (was OSM Analysis New Data and bot)

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Graham Jones wrote: setting up mapnik and all its dependencies is quite daunting This week I've seen something that gives near-Mapnik quality rendering with, hopefully, near-trivial installation, configuration and system demands. I think one comment on IRC was zomg which succinctly sums it up.

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Loach
Richard wrote: It is being followed up with their suppliers, and will be corrected... I can imagine the little M stickers being printed now... Ed ___ Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis: highlighting missing roads over those without a name

2011-06-10 Per discussione Derick Rethans
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Graham Stewart wrote: I think everyone agrees that the OSM Analysis Summary ( ) is extremely useful for gauging our efforts and highlighting areas that need work - even if there is clearly some disagreement about how

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
I'm arguing that completing the map by survey creates a community who will go on to improve and maintain the map. This is no doubt true. But surely having an area that has been *surveyed* to 100% road name completion is just as likely to put off any new contributors as one that was *traced*

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter Miller
Just to say that ITO have been working for some time now with a 3rd party to create such onward travel posters for GB railway stations. We provided them with the option to use either OSM or OS data for each location at their discretion purely on merit. Clearly we are disappointed that the wrong

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis updated with new OS Locator data and a review of progress to date

2011-06-10 Per discussione Chris Jones
On 08/06/11 07:58, Peter Miller wrote: Warwickshire is the biggest gainer/looser with 33 new names; over half of the districts have got at least one new road and there are now only 8 places still at 100%. We do have 51 at over 99% and only 32 at under 50%. There is serious work in Wales,

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Graham Stewart wrote: This is no doubt true. But surely having an area that has been *surveyed* to 100% road name completion is just as likely to put off any new contributors as one that was *traced* to 100%? (i.e. not very in my opinion) I don't think so. Again, the difference is that you're

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis updated with new OS Locator data and a review of progress to date

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter Miller
On 10 June 2011 11:20, Chris Jones wrote: On 08/06/11 07:58, Peter Miller wrote: Warwickshire is the biggest gainer/looser with 33 new names; over half of the districts have got at least one new road and there are now only 8 places still at 100%. We do  have 51 at over 99%

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis: highlighting missing roads over those without a name

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
I am pretty sure it already does that. See Back Crossflats Place at Yep, so I'd like to see that kind of mismatch (where OS Locator says there is a street called Back Crossflats Place and OSM doesn't have any way of any name at that location) presented in a separate list or perhaps in a

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Ed Loach wrote: I can imagine the little M stickers being printed now... For those curious as to what these maps look like, here's one I photographed last week: (4.6Mb file) Compare and contrast with .

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis: highlighting missing roads over those without a name

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter Miller
On 10 June 2011 11:30, Graham Stewart wrote: I am pretty sure it already does that. See Back Crossflats Place at Yep, so I'd like to see that kind of mismatch (where OS Locator says there is a street called Back Crossflats Place and OSM doesn't have any way of any name at

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis: highlighting missing roads over those without a name

2011-06-10 Per discussione Derick Rethans
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Graham Stewart wrote: End users of the map are much more likely to be put off by missing roads than missing road names. That is something I agree with. And it's also a lot easier to get somebody to add a name, or go through the trouble of adding a whole new complicated

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Craig Loftus
For those curious as to what these maps look like, here's one I photographed last week: (4.6Mb file) Thanks, I was curious. I was tempted to stroll to the station at lunch to find my local one, but it is raining now :( The rather

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter Miller
On 10 June 2011 11:31, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Ed Loach wrote: I can imagine the little M stickers being printed now... For those curious as to what these maps look like, here's one I photographed last week:

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
Great shame. So - recruit some more mappers. Write better tools to help the people who show up nearby on your user page, yet who haven't edited yet. You've got me there. Of the 30 nearby people on my user page, 20 have never made any edit. Only 3 have edited in the past 6 months and few of

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter J Stoner
In message Richard Fairhurst wrote: Ed Loach wrote: I can imagine the little M stickers being printed now... For those curious as to what these maps look like, here's one I photographed last week:

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione SteveC
Or as close to it as possible, yes. I don't care what the result is, it's just too fashionable to automatically believe the imports are bad thing. Steve On Jun 10, 2011, at 7:05, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, On 06/09/11 18:01, SteveC wrote: I know it's

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione SteveC
There are tons of things. People drive in the US so pubs are difficult to arrange things around. Mapping in the US is boring because of the big gridded cities. I map much less in the US than the UK. It's not just that there are roads there already, which by the way is a good thing because I

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Peter J Stoner wrote: Thank you for the photo. It is the first of the new posters I have seen so it has helped me to check the Traveline and NextBuses references! :) They're good posters, I like them (though the cartography is a bit... utilitarian, shall we say?). This use of OSM shows

Re: [Talk-GB] Housing Development Names

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Avis
Kev js1982 osm@... writes: The current tagging is is_in:Gamston, West Bridgford place:suburb name:Knightshayes landuse:residential I would suggest removing place=suburb but leaving the name tag. Then it gets a reasonably tasteful and low-key rendering in the both the OSM Mapnik tiles and the

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Mann
I'm sure that's still missing a few paths off Nevis, mind. (Gorgeous though) On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Peter J Stoner wrote: Thank you for the photo.  It is the first of the new posters I have seen so it has helped me to check the Traveline

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Matt Williams
On 10 June 2011 12:50, Peter Miller wrote: On 10 June 2011 11:31, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Ed Loach wrote: I can imagine the little M stickers being printed now... For those curious as to what these maps look like, here's one I photographed last

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Avis
Richard Fairhurst richard@... writes: Worcester is nominally complete; yet despite the assurances of people in this thread that completeness will bring more mappers, Worcester has just one mapper, Steve, who was active anyway before OSSV came along. I would not claim that completing one

Re: [Talk-GB] Onward travel posters

2011-06-10 Per discussione Peter J Stoner
In message Richard Fairhurst wrote: Peter J Stoner wrote: Thank you for the photo. It is the first of the new posters I have seen so it has helped me to check the Traveline and NextBuses references! :) They're good

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Avis
Richard Fairhurst richard@... writes: This is no doubt true. But surely having an area that has been *surveyed* to 100% road name completion is just as likely to put off any new contributors as one that was *traced* to 100%? I don't think so. Again, the difference is that you're reaching 100%

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione SomeoneElse
On 10/06/2011 13:17, Ed Avis wrote: Richard Fairhurstrichard@... writes: This is no doubt true. But surely having an area that has been *surveyed* to 100% road name completion is just as likely to put off any new contributors as one that was *traced* to 100%? ... I think we all agree that

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Loach
Someone else wrote: Grr. 100% road name completion has become in this thread 100% completeness. Which of course is completely different. Taking just one metric (.osm file size), I extracted the highways from the current Tendring district (road and name complete) .osm extract file I have

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Ed Avis wrote: But you are leaving out the third possibility which is an area stuck at 40% completion, which doesn't have a vibrant community either. Oh, indeed. But if we were to put as much effort into marketing OSM and improving our tools as we do into writing and indeed discussing bots,

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Hi, SteveC wrote: Or as close to it as possible, yes. I don't care what the result is, it's just too fashionable to automatically believe the imports are bad thing. Funny that you should use the word fashionable, as if to discount those who say it as merely following a fashion instead of

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Kev js1982
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:51, Graham Stewart wrote: Great shame. So - recruit some more mappers. Write better tools to help the people who show up nearby on your user page, yet who haven't edited yet. You've got me there. Of the 30 nearby people on my user page, 20

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Ed Avis
Graham Stewart graham@... writes: That raises the question of why on earth we're still using cliquey semi-private email lists when we could be using nice open public forums with categories, threaded discussions, formatting and voting - but that is a discussion for another day. ;) I use Gmane:

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 10/06/11 10:17, Graham Stewart wrote: That raises the question of why on earth we're still using cliquey semi-private email lists when we could be using nice open public forums with categories, threaded discussions, formatting and voting - but that is a discussion for another day. ;) How

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Matt Amos
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:36 PM, SteveC wrote: There are tons of things. People drive in the US so pubs are difficult to arrange things around. Mapping in the US is boring because of the big gridded cities. I map much less in the US than the UK. It's not just that there

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
-Original Message- From: Frederik Ramm [] Sent: 10 June 2011 3:39 PM To: SteveC Cc: Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot Hi, SteveC wrote: Or as close to it as possible, yes. I don't care what the result is, it's

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot

2011-06-10 Per discussione Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
Nice work Matt Cheers Andy -Original Message- From: Matt Amos [] Sent: 10 June 2011 4:20 PM To: SteveC Cc:; Richard Fairhurst Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:36 PM, SteveC

Re: [Talk-GB] Forum (was OSM Analysis New Data and bot)

2011-06-10 Per discussione Graham Stewart
Jerry Clough said: Do you mean like this one: [1] I was thinking more like the layout in nabble: which I discovered shortly after making that comment and goes quite a way towards a

Re: [Talk-GB] Forum (was OSM Analysis New Data and bot)

2011-06-10 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Hi, Graham Stewart wrote: I'm of the opinion that if you want to build a strong community then it helps to gather everyone in the same place. The segmentation is actually desirable; it is correct that the same thing is discussed in several different groups but that's just the same as with

Re: [Talk-us] NHD conversions to OSM

2011-06-10 Per discussione Phil! Gold
* Josh Doe [2011-06-09 15:43 -0400]: I suppose one of the waterway=stream's should be changed to waterway=river, and only one of the waterway=riverbank objects should be used. Ian covered the medium/high and area/flowline difference already. As for the waterway=river issue,

[Talk-us] New orthoimagery for NC

2011-06-10 Per discussione James Umbanhowar
The state of North Carolina has released 6 inch resolution orthoimagery for the entire state that was taken during leaf off time in 2010. These are great quality for all types of mapping. The information about the service is at:

Re: [Talk-us] New orthoimagery for NC

2011-06-10 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II
On 6/10/2011 5:31 PM, James Umbanhowar wrote: The state of North Carolina has released 6 inch resolution orthoimagery for the entire state that was taken during leaf off time in 2010. These are great quality for all types of mapping. The information about the service is at:

Re: [Talk-us] New orthoimagery for NC

2011-06-10 Per discussione James Umbanhowar
On Friday, June 10, 2011 10:16:22 PM Nathan Edgars II wrote: On 6/10/2011 5:31 PM, James Umbanhowar wrote: The state of North Carolina has released 6 inch resolution orthoimagery for the entire state that was taken during leaf off time in 2010. These are great quality for all types of

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