Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Charles Perry Locke
From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> After reading vss 15ff..., I just don't see why you think these apply. When vs 18 says /all/, it is referring to/ ungodliness/ and /unrighteousness/. That is distinctly different from *those *who are ungodly or unrighteous. As vs 16 infers, salvation i

Re: [TruthTalk] Yo, LANCE -- 1 in more than 100,000

2004-06-04 Thread Chris Barr
\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/  Greetings yet again Lance in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!   FOUL BAWL!  Strike one ...   At least you made contact ...   I am a 'one of a kind' guy (whether you have faith to believe or not).  Almost surprised you don't see at least a glimmer of that.   Truth does m

Re: [TruthTalk] Yo, LANCE -- 1 in more than 100,000

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
You've got a good 'knuckle ball' Chris. However, it didn't quite slip by me. No! You have indeed traded one tradition (of men) for another tradition (of men). Unless you are a 'one of a kind' guy (I sort of doubt that) then you just moved from one 'team' to another. Truth in advertising matte

Re: [TruthTalk] Yo, LANCE -- 1 in more than 100,000

2004-06-04 Thread Chris Barr
\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/  Greetings again Lance in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!   Amen Lance!  I've traded in TRADITIONs of men for Scriptural TRADITION!   "By YOUR traditions YOU have made The Word of The Almighty One of none effect."   More great words!   Mind you, He didn't say, "less e

Re: [TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
You are a teacher in the body of Christ. I've been reading your 'teachings' for months.   On the other point ('traditions') well, fair enough. Now that it's been properly defined any further thoughts?   - Original Message - From: Judy Taylor To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] S

Re: [TruthTalk] Yo, LANCE -- 1 in more than 100,000

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
Amen Chris! Obedience does indeed lead one into an ever-deepening understanding of Yah Shua. What one does is what one believes.  Amen again re: Plato's influence on 'tradition-bound' Christian thought.  But, Chris, comes a caveat. You've just traded one TRADITION for another. Surely just a

[TruthTalk] Yo, LANCE -- 1 in more than 100,000

2004-06-04 Thread Chris Barr
\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/  Greetings Lance in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him] !!   Almost 20 years ago, prolific songwriter Michael Card wrote and sang on his 'Present Reality' recording, "We'v

[TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
I'd like to point out that to interpret "myriad of traditions" as "Christian traditions only" would take some presumption on my part. How can I know you are not painting with a broad brush unless you tell me.  I also find it interesting that you, the one who is so adamant about words and the

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Justice

2004-06-04 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Yes, I did respond before reading later posts, and acknowledge that you addressed the Romans passage in a later post. I plan to respond to that when I have more time. As for my replied to your post to Judy, why do you find it so interesting?This is a discussion group, not a dialog group. If you

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Justice

2004-06-04 Thread Dave
Charles Perry Locke wrote: DavidH, somehow I am not surprised that you have ignored Romans 1:17ff and how it addresses those who have not heard the gospel. Your comments below indicate you have taken the same path as JS, and either do not beleive it, or have not understood it. I am interested i

Re: [TruthTalk] Those who have never heard

2004-06-04 Thread Wm. Taylor
judyt: Only the truth will make one free and this is in the context of present-progressive. "For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the hea

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Justice

2004-06-04 Thread Charles Perry Locke
DavidH, somehow I am not surprised that you have ignored Romans 1:17ff and how it addresses those who have not heard the gospel. Your comments below indicate you have taken the same path as JS, and either do not beleive it, or have not understood it. I am interested in hearing why you do not bel

Re: [TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
No, I'm not. And, no to your 'take' on the balance. Did you not understanding my 'meaning'? Catholic, Orthodox, Independent, Brethren, Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Charismatic (some of these in all of the foregoing) and on These are those to whom I made reference.   I

[TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
If Jesus had to grow in wisdom and stature then only a crazy person would claim to have all knowledge about all things and I am very much aware of the areas in my life that need to change. However, I am not 'knowingly' deceived and when the Holy Spirit shines the light of conviction on an ar

[TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
Are you a Freemason Lance?  The reason I ask is because what you describe below is the broad road, the road taught by the Masonic Lodge who promote the brotherhood of mankind and the fatherhood of God. This is not the strait gate and narrow road that leads to life.  Jesus' claim to be the ONL

RE: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Slade, I do not believe that it is necessarily referring to the gospel. I believe it addresses all people for all time, whether or not they have heard the gospel. All are without excuse. Those who have not heard the gospel are still responsible for faith and belief in God because God has made

Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
Not an answer, Judy! Do you wish not to answer this directly?For myself allow me to state unequivocally that, I have been, am, and will be wrong both in my understanding and therefore, my communication of some matters concerning God and His Gospel.  - Original Message - From:

Re: [TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
Answers: DEFINITELY NO & NO!! God by His Spirit through His Son is working in all of the myriad traditions, some with little light some with much. Whether a contribution has been/is being made via this 'understanding' of God and His Gospel will be finally understood at the 'end of all things

[TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
From your perspective Lance it would most likely be the part that does not agree with your peculiar spin on the Mediation of Christ :-)  This doctrine is either the answer or it adds to the problem.   From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So then, when YOU are a contributor to any of these

Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
So then, when YOU are a contributor to any of these three what issues from your mouth/pen/keyboard actually originates with Satan? - Original Message - From: Judy Taylor To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: June 04, 2004 01:11 Subject: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Chri

[TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
Good morning Lance - This a.m. you have written the following to the response to questions:   PS When you read the posts of those on TT you will hear behind their words preachers, books, pamphlets (similar to the one given to you), 'traditions' (that dreaded word again). Not 1 in 1,

[TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
When it relates to truth and why we don't all say the same thing  - Yes I do. Unbelief, chaos and disunity serve his purpose, rather than the Lord's.   From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so, when misunderstood by anyone, you attribute this to Satan??? From: Judy Taylor Your qu

[TruthTalk] Those who have never heard

2004-06-04 Thread Judy Taylor
From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     Do you believe the lake of fire is symbolic, Judy?  Will the pain felt from the fires of hell be a mental anguish rather than a physical torture?  If so, I think you are the first TTer I've heard believe that way.   jt: I understand the Bible to teach that i

Re: [TruthTalk] Mysteries

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
There is much more not 'known' than 'known'. This is particularly true when it comes to the 'meaning' of Scripture.  I continue to read with amazement the level of certainty with which some people 'explain' to other people this or that text, book, doctrine. - Original Message -

Re: [TruthTalk] FIRST CHANCE

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
Whenever people, after quoting a text, tell you what a text 'means' they ought to include something akin to 'according to me mine and ours'. People 'dance' around this reality altogether too much. The words used to speak of reality are not the reality being spoken of. - Original Messag

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
If it wasn't my response should have been: 1. yes 2. no 3. no - Original Message - From: Dave To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: June 04, 2004 03:25 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject) Charles Perry Locke wrote: From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Charles Pe

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
3. no PS When you read the posts of those on TT you will hear behind their words preachers, books, pamphlets (similar to the one given to you), 'traditions' (that dreaded word again). Not 1 in 1,000 nay, 100,000 will offer 'readings' of Scripture that originate, with the aid of the Holy Spir

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Lance Muir
1. yes  2. no - Original Message - From: Dave To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: June 04, 2004 02:57 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject) Lance Muir wrote: 1. yes 2. no 3. noDAVEH:  Thanx for your direct answer, Lance.  May I question you a bit further. 1)

[TruthTalk] Mysteries

2004-06-04 Thread Dave
Lance Muir wrote: No, he doesn't. 'through a glass darkly' DAVEH:  Though many of us do see "", that doesn't mean we should be seeing with clouded vision.  Jesus said.. .Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,...  Mt 13:11 & Mk


2004-06-04 Thread Dave
Charles Perry Locke wrote: DAVEH wrote:  ???   How can you perceive it as a second chance IF they never had a first chance prior???   Let me ask it this way, you think God gives everybody a FIRST chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus? you think there are any

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-04 Thread Dave
Charles Perry Locke wrote: From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Charles Perry Locke wrote: 1)  Do you believe all men will have the opportunity to accept Jesus? No. 2)  Do you believe there are any mortals who do not get that chance while in mortality?