Re: [U2] [OT] SQL Query

2012-11-07 Thread Stuart Boydell
On 07/11/12 16:31, Bill Brutzman wrote: The joins that I have tried seem to max out at like... three tables. in UV have a look at SET.SQL to tweak the workspace memory used for the current session. ___ U2-Users mailing list

[U2] [OT] exploiting animals in their advertising

2012-02-04 Thread Stuart Boydell Thank you for reading and apologies for posting off topic. Regards, Stuart Boydell ___ U2-Users mailing list http

RE: [U2] File Delete Logging UV

2008-12-29 Thread Stuart Boydell
probably cover your requirements. Regards, Stuart Boydell -Original Message- We have a VOC file that keeps disappearing from an account, at both a unix and uv level, and I not sure what

RE: [U2] UniObjects for .NET - Reference / Experience / Advice

2006-11-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
especially in light that seemingly similar functionality is already available. Can anyone tell me or are there any whitepapers or manuals available on IBM U2 pooling that might describe any benefits it might have that would justify the extra cost? Thanks, Stuart Boydell

RE: [U2] UniObjects for .NET - Reference / Experience / Advice

2006-11-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
not in ES it could be worth investigating. Stuart Boydell From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hona, David S [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 29 November 2006 09:36 To: Subject: RE: [U2] UniObjects for .NET

RE: [U2] SELECT sub-command

2006-11-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Ron, I donbt know what the command does but shouldnbt it be spelt OPTIMIZE? Even for the adherents of Webster I wouldnbt think therebd be many people who spelt it OPTOb Which leads me to suspect that itbs a CUSTAMYSED command. Check whatbs in it b is it a copy of an existing bKb type

RE: [U2] SELECT sub-command

2006-11-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Ron, By the way b a quick search of UV docs shows there is a NO.OPTIMIZE command documented in the SQLUSER.PDF of the UniVerse (pp 3-9) documentation. Apparently it disables the WHERE optimisation function. Maybe the developer just got the spelling wrong. Regards, Stuart

RE: [U2] callHTTP

2006-11-21 Thread Stuart . Boydell
is potentially binary then you need to handle it more delicately with UV as writes, for example, can munge the file. Also, the potential size of a file could be an issue. HTH Stuart Boydell From: Stuart.Boydell This shows how to post a simple (xml) purchase order to a web service - response contained

RE: [U2] [UV] Strange characters in XML output

2006-11-16 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Hmmm, I haven't seen anything like this but the L10 being appended looks suspiciously like a bad conversion justification that might be appending to the file name. I would check all the dictionaries involved in this listing, including @id, @, @select, any 'PH's and any other dict control items to

RE: [U2] Programatically changing the number of lines for a Wyse 60 emulation

2006-11-02 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Don't know if you can do 30 lines in native Wyse60 - only 24/25 or 42/43. If it's Wyse60 in an emulator (eg. NetTerm/Accuterm/Wintegrate/DynamicConnect et al) then there may be other specific calls for the emulator software. The command to change W60 to 42 lines is: ESC e *

[U2] [UV] How to create unix .netrc file?

2006-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Just wondering how to create a new unix file prefixed with a dot. I have tried: openpath b/home/acctb to ff then write x on ff,b.netrcb However, this creates b?.netrcb with a question mark. Anyone know what might be a better way to do this? Thanks, Stuart

RE: [U2] [UV] How to create unix .netrc file?

2006-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Thanks - that's what I ended up doing. Stuart __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Womack, Adrian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 4 October 2006 16:55 To:

RE: [U2] [UV] How to create unix .netrc file?

2006-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Can you explain why it might be a breach of security to write a standard Unix file to your home directory? S __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jpb [EMAIL

RE: [U2] SBClient Question - Apply Logout Script to SBCLIENT

2006-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Angelo, From within SBServer, you can CALL TU.SESSION.CLOSE() from an exit verb which will close the session without a dialog. Or a script: Script Name: logout_script Trigger String: script_started Trigger Response: [exit_session(265)][script_end()] Assign this

RE: [U2] Slooooooow BASIC Verb

2006-10-02 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Stuart, you can replicate the slow BASIC verb? If so, what causes have you identified? Kevin, I think it occurs under windows too but can't check at the moment. Basically (excuse the pun) occurs when there is NO carriage return at the end of the last line. On UV/AIX . in a pc editor

RE: [U2] Slooooooow BASIC Verb

2006-10-01 Thread Stuart . Boydell
From: Mark Eastwood I had similar problem once because ... put an extra CR (carriage-return) after last line of code; caused BASIC to hang. Original Message- I have a client running Unidata 5.2 on Windows NT and the BASIC verb is either taking several

RE: [U2] Debugging a program using distributed files causes core dump

2006-09-14 Thread Stuart . Boydell
or raid suppression on or source code removed?? Just some random thoughts. Stuart Boydell __ This is our first experience with distributed files. While debugging programs that have selected the whole file I

RE: [U2] [UV] UV/Net [not UV.NET] performance

2006-09-10 Thread Stuart . Boydell
...It gets even more confusing because I think the guy was actually talking about UV/Net - He's talking about SELECT performance which indicates he's talking about the remote file RCP protocol... See the second or third last para where he refers to UV / Net. Uodotnet

RE: [U2] Need help - UV intermittent roving file open error

2006-08-25 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Really? It's redimensioning in common here on UV10, aix, PICK flavour, no question about it. Exactly for the purpose of a file open subroutine used in hundreds of programs with hundreds of users... No complaints. I have even just written a test program which redims a

RE: [U2] Need help - UV intermittent roving file open error

2006-08-24 Thread Stuart . Boydell
: NEXT.POS = DCOUNT(FNAMELIST,@AM) + 1 DIM FVARLIST(NEXT.POS) ;* redimension array on the fly OPEN b b RETURN Stuart Boydell From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Ballinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 25 August 2006

RE: [U2] Calling SB process from VB6

2006-08-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
and reliably. Examples are in the SBClient manual. Stuart Boydell I am trying to call an SB+ process from VB6 through Uniobjects. The problem lies in establishing a login to SB. Has anyone any experience of doing this? ** This email

RE: [U2] LISTB (tab delimited output)

2006-07-27 Thread Stuart . Boydell
bLIST b TOXMLb generates XML that works pretty well with current versions of Excel (XP/2003). Stuart I have used ListB verb on Unidata (manage 2000) I have created a ListB verb on D3 (by adding a switch to the list verb) Is this feature on UniVerse? What it forms is output that is tab


2006-07-11 Thread Stuart . Boydell
UniObjects.NET. I'm not sure why IBM don't do this as part of their SDK install... Cheers, Stuart Boydell __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [U2] [UV] What is wrong with this OCONV?

2006-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Could I suggest you have a look at this program - it might do what you want: Regards, Stuart __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

RE: [U2] [UV] Help with SQL select

2006-06-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Is this a limitation on I-types in SQL selects? It would seem so based on your report. What does support have to say? Seems like... VAR support is next port o' call. Has anyone come across this problem before and is there a work around? I haven't, but I haven't tried

RE: [U2] [uv] Help with SQL select

2006-06-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Many thanks. Cheers, Stuart __ UniVerse SQL SELECT DISTINCT and RetrieVe SELECT ... SAVING UNIQUE ... (which are semantically identical queries) need the UniVerse parameter ALLOWMARKS=1 to work with

RE: [U2] Question about a dictionary item

2006-06-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Under very specific scenarios, something like this should work. But if the string 'COMBO YS' exists more then once, it will only retrieve the first value. And the syntax must be very consistent. 1 I 2 INDEX(@RECORD 999,COMBO YS,1);IF @1 0 THEN @RECORD 999[EMAIL

[U2] [uv] Help with SQL select

2006-06-27 Thread Stuart . Boydell
come across this problem before and is there a work around? Alternatively, can someone suggest another way to do this using a single ReVise statement? This is on UV10.0.7/AIX, in an SB+ 5.0.4 account at real TCL. Thanks, Stuart Boydell

Re: [U2] .net and Biztalk - part deux

2006-06-25 Thread Stuart . Boydell
. However, there may be better handling for this type of synchronous architecture with BT2006. -- Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - To: U2-Users \(E-mail\) From: Bob Witney [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 22

RE: [U2] Re: [UV] Formating a XML string

2006-06-14 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Absolutely! By using a stylesheet you can pretty-print your XML in U2 (see the UniBasic XDOMTransform() function - Google `pretty-print xml' and you will get a plethora of hints on how to do this). __ Does

RE: [U2] ICONV 'DW' [was:UniVerse Internal Date Blackout]

2006-06-13 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Brian, your apology is graciously accepted ;-) To clear up the misunderstanding, the conversion and the rules should be consistent with ICONVing a month name. Use `DMA' instead of `DWA' in the sample program from my original post and you'll get the gist of it.

RE: [U2] ICONV 'DW' [was:UniVerse Internal Date Blackout]

2006-06-13 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Gidday Ray, UniVerse has always behaved this way; ICONV(n, D) where n is a digit in the range 1-31 yields a date in January of the current year. It is even documented (at least in the source code) as doing so. Therefore, and on this basis, Iconv(n, DW) will ignore the W. In fact I think

RE: [U2] ICONV 'DW' [was:UniVerse Internal Date Blackout]

2006-06-12 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Speaking of ICONV, anyone noticed that `DWx' conversions are fubar. For example, the `W' token gets ignored on ICONV and you can't reciprocally ICONV the day name of week as below using DWA. Also converting oconv/iconv using `DW' (leaving the `A'/'B' off) converts

Re: [U2] Locking Error (Maybe SB+, maybe UV)

2006-05-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
it by calling the i-trigger sub from within the transaction to compensate. (Hopefully IBM are working on that one). That's all I can think of off hand. -- Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - To: From: Charles Barouch Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [U2] OK...Is there a way....UV

2006-05-25 Thread Stuart . Boydell
ED DICT FILE REC.COUNT 001 I 002 @RECCOUNT 003 004 Cnt 005 5R 006 S SORT FILE WITH REC.COUNT 2 N'es pas? __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George

RE: [U2] Client interested in using Dynamic Connect with application software written with SBPlus

2006-05-21 Thread Stuart . Boydell
From: Kevin King I haven't explored DC, but I would like some clarification: There is NO WAY that DC can accept a download from the host, or simply that it's not supported with the TU... routines? Just won't TU - it has a reasonable ftp up/download client interface, kermit

RE: [U2] UV - Globalization studies, relative to U2

2006-05-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Do you mean something like National Language Support (NLS) With NLS mode enabled, you can use UniVerse in various languages and countries. You can do the following: - Input data in many character sets (dependent on your local keyboard) -

RE: [U2] Client interested in using Dynamic Connect with application software written with SBPlus

2006-05-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I use Dynamic Connect in preference to SBClient. I have NO issues with it using it against SB+/UV in VT220 mode. It is less powerful than say, bNettermb (another well-loved emulator I have used) but it is free and quite serviceable for the price! As others have mentioned, it wonbt do SB+

RE: [U2] LIST DICT FILE Depth and Assoc

2006-05-17 Thread Stuart . Boydell
John, Yep, I think you're probably right about A-types being inherently MV. According to the documentation I mentioned before (which you read of-course ;) the S/M in an `A' type dictionary is only relevant to SQL statements and not Retrieve. So unless your front-end can

RE: [U2] LIST DICT FILE Depth and Assoc

2006-05-17 Thread Stuart . Boydell
John, If Design Bais is riding on the back of SB+ field definitions then you may be able to use D/I types. SB+ can be set to create and maintain D I types by setting DMCONT SB.CONTROL34,1 = 1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]34,1). At last look there was a bug in the UV version of SB.FD.S

RE: [U2] LIST DICT FILE Depth and Assoc

2006-05-16 Thread Stuart . Boydell
You can use attribute 4 and 5 of the dictionary (UV System Description pdf pp5-20 for complete details) or use the Retrieve keywords MULTIVALUE and SINGLEVALUE at TCL to override default behaviours. Cheers, Stuart

RE: [U2] Unit testing and UniObjects for Java

2006-05-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Mainly using Nunit for .NET but this is derived from Junit. Highly recommended *. From: Wendy Smoak I'd love to hear how you're unit testing your UOJ dependent code.

RE: [U2] XML processing

2006-04-03 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I had a similar thing happen, we were getting some accented characters ( 7F/127) and the parser would jerk to a halt (sometimes). Our issue was that the XML was actually written in iso-8859-1 encoding but the encoding element in the XML said UTF-8 ?xml version=1.0

RE: [U2] [UV] GOSUB variable-name?

2006-02-13 Thread Stuart . Boydell
The purpose of this type of indirection is (or should be) both business and application related. It's a methodology which helps cohesion (understanding the problem). I don't see why you should have separate methods for the business logic from the programming mumbo jumbo. For example if you pass

[U2] RE: [sbs] UniObjects and ASP

2006-02-12 Thread Stuart . Boydell
SB+ related how? Try posting this to the U2 Users group ... though you might be better off with an IIS forum. Goodluck, Stuart __ From: Barry Whitfield Sent: Friday, 10 February 2006 21:05 To: [EMAIL

RE: [U2] SB directory files

2006-02-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Anybody ever run into a problem with SB+ being unable to read directory files, Type 1 19? No problems here, SB+ 5.0.4/UniVerse 10.0.7/AIX 5.1. Type 1 and Type 19 files, a mixed bag of delimiters (think of a character between 0 and 255 - it's probably been used).

RE: [U2] Re: XML Issue - 'ISO-8859-1'

2006-01-31 Thread Stuart . Boydell
The standalone attribute is unrelated to the encoding attribute and tells the parser that a DTD is required or not. The attribute is optional and if you aren't using a DTD, leave it out. If you don't know what a DTD is then you probably aren't using one - they're a way

RE: [U2] Re: XML Issue - 'ISO-8859-1'

2006-01-31 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Hmmm, encoding problems... that should have been cafe with a char(233) (e-acute in courier font). S __ From: Stuart.Boydell Also, be aware that UniVerse without NLS uses an ISO-8859-1 based

[U2] Vlist Header Information

2006-01-31 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Does anyone know another way to get the header information from the first 10 or so lines of a vlist? (other than by using a vlist). Cheers, Stuart ** This email message and any files transmitted with it

RE: [U2] Vlist Header Information

2006-01-31 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Thanks Gyle, very good stuff. Stuart __ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gyle Iverson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 15:48 To:

RE: [U2] [UD] Separate catalog space 2 instances of Unidata installed

2006-01-19 Thread Stuart . Boydell
From your sig I presume you are going to be running under Linux; UV at least, works under virtualisation, eg VMWare or Xen, to allow many separate virtual machines running UV on one physical box. We are in the midst of setting up one single user (or low user count) virtual


2006-01-08 Thread Stuart . Boydell
? Thanks, -- Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of addressed recipient(s). If you have received this email in error please

[U2] re: [u2] DCOUNT

2006-01-06 Thread Stuart Boydell
Haven't seen anyone mention vector functions here. Do many people use them? In situations where you are performing identical operations on every value in a dynamic array, I rekon vector functions are a more efficient way of handling multivalues then dcount/loop constructs. A simple example

RE: [U2] MS XML Import to UD

2005-12-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Hi Don, I'm not sure that there's anything non-standard about MS generated XML. On the whole MS seem to adhere pretty closely to the w3 standards they helped to write. Are you referring to the xxx:yyy format of the elements? The issue I think you are finding here is that the

RE: [U2] MS XML Import to UD

2005-12-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Gidday Kevin, I don't have any other suggestions; namespace parsing is working fine here with UV (10.0.7). Good luck, Stuart -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, 8

RE: [U2] Unix to SQL Server

2005-11-15 Thread Stuart . Boydell
We're using the SQLXML IIS interface to update our data warehouse. This is SQL middleware if you like, but comes with MSSQL-2k. Nothing to install on UV, we run stock standard UV basic programs using the Http and XML basic functions to update and retrieve data. Stuart

RE: [U2] submitRequest

2005-10-26 Thread Stuart . Boydell
What's the value of RESULT? Is the request POST or GET? Are you using SSL? Have you tried increasing the timeout? Stuart -Original Message- RESULT=submitRequest(RHANDLE,6000,,RHEAD,RDATA,RSTAT) RHEAD, RDATA AND RSTAT are always null (empty). Any

[U2] How to read a post [was: how to find records with a in the data]

2005-10-26 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Seems this post is causing some reading difficulties. An advantage I find of trimming posts when replying is that I often manage to read the original post to the very end; ADD notwithstanding... 8-} Stuart -Original Message- SEARCH FILENAME prompts STRING: and

Re: [U2] Double Indexes

2005-10-21 Thread Stuart . Boydell
UV _should_ optimise 2-up secondary index selections (Glenn put a really good whitepaper on the list about indexes once - I can't find my copy now), use LIST/EXPLAIN to see if your indices are in use... My 2mil record test file uses 2 indices without a struggle returning a

Re: [U2] [UV][OT]Embed command in CSV file?

2005-10-20 Thread Stuart . Boydell
From universe, I am creating a sequential file which is formatted as a CSV [snip] ...does anyone know if it is possible to embed some kind of command Barry, no, it's not possible in csv, closest is to embed a formula. However, if your users are on Office 2003, you might

RE: [U2] [UV] Strange $INCLUDE problem

2005-10-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
UV is 31 characters - they'd have to be long common names for that to be the cause of Bob's issue. I was thinking it's more likely that some interaction between the first and second include and the IF THEN / END to be the cause or, as someone suggested, there's not enough carriage


2005-10-17 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Charles, Is there a reason you don't want to use uvbackup? The answer to your question about copying is easy but, from your description it's not an optimal way to achieve what your management are apparently asking for. Using COPY will not give your backups ANY

RE: [U2] Date Conversion Codes - iconv

2005-10-13 Thread Stuart . Boydell
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mats Carlid [EMAIL PROTECTED] And the last can swing both ways: iconv( 20051013, DYMD[4'',2'',2] ) = 13801 The last conversion is also kinda default (at least in uv) :

[U2] Stuart Boydell is out of the office.

2005-10-13 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I will be out of the office starting 14-10-2005 and will not return until 17-10-2005. I will respond to your message when I return. ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for

RE: [U2] Date Conversion Codes

2005-10-12 Thread Stuart . Boydell
... 0007: dwambyl[, ,,2, ] ... Also, see Ray Wurlords article: OCONV -Original Message- From: Rick Ward I'm trying to output a nicely formatted date (eg, Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005), and I've

RE: [U2] UniVerse/Windows and VMWare {Unclassified}

2005-10-11 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Michael , Yes is the answer, we've be trialling UV (10.1.12)/VMware and also with SUSE/Xen. Both of which work/play with UV just fine (so far). We are setting up 'single' user development environments for each developer and a floating number of test environments. We

RE: [U2] OPEN vs TRANS + Vector

2005-10-10 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Wow, thanks! and caveat heeded. Vectorally (and RTFM) challenged, Stuart -Original Message- From: Stevenson, Charles Vectoring (is 'vector' a verb?) is built into TRANS already. No need to abandon in favour of OCONVS T-correlative. You can specify a dynamic

RE: [U2] the 4 letter word

2005-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I'd say it's more like collecting cigarette butts out of rubbish bins, wrapping the tobacco in old fish and chip paper and inhaling deeply... If you're an indigent nicotine addict, it's still satisfying, you get your hit no matter what and you don't care if anyone tells you

RE: [U2] Parsing XML

2005-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Tony, I'm interested, why not just use xslt to convert the XML directly into a U2 string and then pass in the data using uodotnet subroutines. Is there some advantage in using an extra step of converting to ADO? Stuart -Original Message- It's very easy to

RE: [U2] Fw: More U2 programming hints

2005-10-04 Thread Stuart . Boydell
... the next question I'd ask is, can I use an index?. Yes? External select. No? Internal. or use the basic SELECTINDEX statement. Stuart ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and

RE: [U2][UV] Universe and .NET

2005-09-27 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Nick, We do something similar, have a look at COM+ object pooling (google/msdn). You can start up a configurable number of sessions (setting common) and call them from managed classes as required. When processing is quiescent for a set period of time, the sessions will close. We're using this

RE: [U2] Integrating .NET and UniVerse 10

2005-09-19 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Not any of the below but we're using Uodotnet with Com+ object pooling for web services (via ASP.NET). Quite satisfactory. Stuart k/html/954cf9ee-e76c-4faf-99aa-3648a7bb8a59.asp -Original Message-

RE: [U2] Capture Error (UV 10.1.7, AIX 5.2)

2005-09-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
After looking again, I'm not sure that the UVTMP items suffixes (capture9xx) relate to the file creation time??? I had a look at some of ours and had a rethink about how they are generated. They look like time stamps but don't appear to relate to the creation time of

[U2] [UV] Manipulating numbered select lists

2005-09-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
this? Cheers, Stuart -- Stuart Boydell Spotless Limited +61 03 9269 7398 +61 0411 150 246 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of addressed

RE: [U2] UVTMP items [was:Capture Error (UV 10.1.7, AIX 5.2)]

2005-09-15 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Interesting, I think we might be getting flack from a similar thing occuring with transaction processing. We have processes running from phantoms that update within a basic transaction (potentially lots of thesetransactions happening simultaneously). They generate

RE: [U2] Listserver is Bowdlerising my posts... help

2005-09-08 Thread Stuart . Boydell
my posts... help Set your email program to send plain text only. Most mail group admin programs don't like MIME/HTML emails. HTH, Karl Hey, Can somebody do something about this please? -- Stuart Boydell Spotless Limited +61 03 9269 7398 +61 0411 150 246

RE: [U2] [UV] Triggers, transaction state and interaction with the 'outside world' {Unclassified}

2005-09-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
--- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe please visit

[U2] Listserver is Bowdlerising my posts... help

2005-09-07 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Hey, Can somebody do something about this please? -- Stuart Boydell Spotless Limited +61 03 9269 7398 +61 0411 150 246 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential

[U2] Trigger on a dictionary

2005-08-29 Thread Stuart Boydell
Anyone know how to (neatly) add a trigger to a dictionary? create trigger blah after insert or update or delete on DICT FILE for each row calling *blah; UniVerse/SQL: DICT Unexpected Apart from maybe creating a temporary voc entry to the D_FILE not sure how to do this. Regards, Stuart ---

RE: [U2] Undefined Vars

2005-08-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
450 Lynx formatting failed: open3: exec of lynx --stdin --dump --force_html --hiddenlinks=ignore --localhost --image_links --nolist --noredir --noreferer --realm failed at /etc/smrsh/demime line 1519 --- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] Undefined Vars

2005-08-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
450 Lynx formatting failed: open3: exec of lynx --stdin --dump --force_html --hiddenlinks=ignore --localhost --image_links --nolist --noredir --noreferer --realm failed at /etc/smrsh/demime line 1519 --- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] Real Trigger vs. Kludgy Trigger via an Index

2005-08-02 Thread Stuart Boydell
Well, for raw speed the kludgy i-type index method is faster, however, for reliability and the ability to know when the trigger was fired (before/after, update/insert/delete) you will probably need to use the file trigger mechanism. As someone raised in an issue recently, triggers run in a

RE: [U2] Connecting SQL server from Universe

2005-07-25 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Read or update? Doesn't matter, my experience is using SQL XML on SQL 2K. We use http from UniVerse to update MSSQL with updategrams (an MS term). It works well, no need to install anything that wasn't already installed. Works across port 80 /or 443 through our firewalls. Not as fast as but

[U2] [UV] Uvnetd error

2005-07-22 Thread Stuart . Boydell
and the CONFIG setup looks the same as the dev machine... Anyone have any ideas? UV 10.0.4/Win2k UV 10.0.7/aix Cheers, Stuart Boydell

[U2] mu2sings

2005-07-18 Thread Stuart . Boydell
an exception WITH a return message for UOJ/UON would also be nice... Cheers, Stuart Boydell

Re: [U2] [UV] How does UV authenticate to Windows

2005-07-11 Thread Stuart . Boydell
450 Lynx formatting failed: open3: exec of lynx --stdin --dump --force_html --hiddenlinks=ignore --localhost --image_links --nolist --noredir --noreferer --realm failed at /etc/smrsh/demime line 1519 --- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe please visit

Re: [U2] [UV] How does UV authenticate to Windows

2005-07-11 Thread Stuart Boydell
Alternatively, anyone can loginto the UV account using the UV Shell without any authentication whatsoever. Please explain, exactly, how do you get to the server desktop to open a shell command without authenticating? Cheers, Stuart --- u2-users mailing list To

Re: [U2] [UV] How does UV authenticate to Windows

2005-07-11 Thread Stuart Boydell
This question came up on our SOX audit. Specifically how does UV authenticate a user to Windows at login time? U2 hopefully use the standard Windows authentication api. I doubt they would have use a home-made or otherwise non-standard module as it would probably break between MS security

[U2] Virtual OS environment for UV

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I'm interested to know if anyone is using virtual environments to run UV - eg Virtual PC under Win or LPAR under Aix etc. We are thinking that this may be a good way to effectively replicate the live environment for development, testing and training. If so, what has your experience been? Are

RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
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Re: [U2] Virtual OS environment for UV

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
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Re: [U2] Virtual OS environment for UV

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Thanks, this is sounding more and more promising. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - There are lots of DataStage sites running in LPARs on AIX. DataStage is still close enough to UniVerse to count as a no problems response. **

RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Ross, I'm not derogating the use of sequential IDs but IIRC, the bloke had a reason not to use a sequential id counter and wanted an alternative. The uuid spec states that uuid should cater for time adjustments on the local clock, hence, shouldn't be vulnerable (Of course, in the real world,

Re: [U2] Virtual OS environment for UV

2005-06-29 Thread Stuart . Boydell
This sounds good. Do you run multiple instances of UV simultaneously? Any issues there? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Stuart, I run everything under Virtual PC, including UniVerse. This allows me to take simple spot saves, and to move my entire working environment between PCs without

RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence

2005-06-28 Thread Stuart . Boydell
, the string will date/time sort either automatically in the aix case or by sorting on the (4th?,) 3rd, 2nd then 1st parts in the MS case. Doing a google search on 'uuid primary key' results in alternating for and against arguments. Regards, Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28-06-2005

RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence

2005-06-27 Thread Stuart . Boydell
Scripting Host) Regards, Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28-06-2005 10.14.15: So I want a system wide sequential ID not per file. Using time and looping if the key exists will allow me to do this, as I have down to milliseconds for the key. However the regular time can be effected

RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence

2005-06-27 Thread Stuart . Boydell
One thing I forgot to mention about using system(99) is that, if for any reason, the machines clock is adjusted backwards (eg. ntd), there is an increased probability of duplicate numbers arising. With uuid, this should be handled by the uuid implimentation. Regards, Stuart Boydell [EMAIL

[U2] Stuart Boydell is on annual leave.

2005-06-12 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I will be out of the office starting 11-06-2005 and will not return until 21-06-2005. I will respond to your message when I return. ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely

[U2] Stuart Boydell is on annual leave.

2005-06-11 Thread Stuart . Boydell
I will be out of the office starting 11-06-2005 and will not return until 21-06-2005. I will respond to your message when I return. ** This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely

Re: [U2] [UV] Triggers, RAID and SQL 2005

2005-06-10 Thread Stuart . Boydell
We use them. they're good, though slower than i-type pseudo triggers, they give more flexibility. Triggers begin a transaction, which you aren't supposed to be able to step through using a debugger. Regards, -- Stuart Boydell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10-06-2005 13.57.58: I have found what I

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