ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Armsofthe1960s

2003-07-23 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Omw Ssemakula, Thanx for forwarding your response to Dr Kigongo's response to the quoted part of Kanyeihamba's book. I believe the starting point of this engagement was whether or not Ibingira's view of the events of that time should be taken as gospel truth, notwithstanding his subsequent traetme

ugnet_: Re: [DPNet] Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Armsofthe1960s, Ibingira andtheConspiracies

2003-07-23 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ssemakula, Though these questions were addressed to Karoli Ssemogerere, I believe my reply to you covered most of those grounds. Kanyeihamba describes himself as one of the "Pillars of the NRM until appointed Justice of the Supreme Court". You may want to know that the book is most unflatte

ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s,Ibingira and theConspiracies

2003-07-23 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Omw Ssemakula, let me attempt to address the queries you raised after reading through the quote from Kanyeihamba's book. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/21/03 08:46PM writes I have not read/seen Kanyeihamba's book. What you state of the gentleman's credentials hardly impresses anyone as to his credibili

Re: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s,Ibingira andtheConspiracies

2003-07-23 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Mr Y, you might find the answer to your question to Ssemakula .. You seem to have a pathological hatred for Obote. Why? embedded in writings of decades ago. See for instance: "..Perhaps this is a good moment to disentangle Obote's enemies. The Baganda were hostile almost solidly

Re: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Armsofthe1960s,IbingiraandtheConspiracies

2003-07-24 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Blinders, of course, are what city-bound horses have to wear to avoid being distracted by traffic, people, etc. They induce a sort of "tunnel-vision", but here the term is used figuratively.}>>>>> Are blinders the same as blinkers? Best regards, Yoswa. Original Me

Re: ugnet_: Re: [DPNet] Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Armsofthe1960s,Ibingira andtheConspiracies

2003-07-24 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
I thought I had said my last bit on Ndugu Ssemakula's responses to my response, but find I need to add something here as well. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/03 12:33AM >>> >Addenda: 1. For what it is worth, I understand that it was probably Toronto's Dr. Muniini who first described Mr. Kanyeiha

Re: ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Kanyeihamba on the PhantomArmsofthe1960s

2003-07-24 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
You know, my brother Ssemakula, as I have said a short while ago, this was a side issue; you challenged me to prepare to defend Obote. That brought back memories of the times we had real debates on Ugandanet, and I accepted your challenge. While waiting for you to lay out the case, I sent you a par

Re: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Armsofthe1960s,Ibingira andtheConspiracies

2003-07-24 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/03 02:07AM >>> I thought Mr. Kanyeihamba's expertise was in law as it applies to urban planning rather than constitutional law. At least that is what his 1974 dissertation title at the University of Warwick (not Warwich, as he puts it elsewhere) would lead one to believ

Re: ugnet_: Re: [DPNet] Re: Kanyeihamba on the PhantomArmsofthe1960s,IbingiraandtheConspiracies

2003-07-25 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
My brother Ssemakula, I have not gone off anything! Kenneth Ingham was a strawman of your construction, you brought him in, and all I did was point out that the revealations about him were in the very book you mentioned. Now if a reviewer, worth his salt, sidesteps that information and evaluates th

Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote: EFFORTS TO IMPOSE A ONE-PARTYSYSTEM

2003-07-28 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ssemakula, Thank you for the most recent portion of Ibingira's book. At this point, I shall concede the battle to you: if the additional stuff you promised to post were all from the same book, by the same author, notwithstanding my reservations on the objectivity/credibility of Ibingira as

ugnet_: Re:

2003-07-29 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/29/03 06:28PM >>> Mr. Dambisya, Can you open this slide? MSN 8 helps ELIMINATE E-MAIL VIRUSES. Get 2 months FREE*. > No, I was sent to a registration platform. Best re

Fwd: Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote: EFFORTS TO IMPOSE AONE-PARTY SYSTEM

2003-08-04 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ssemakula, my records show that the attached message was sent out some time last week. I am sorry it did not get to you, for which reason I am sending a copy to your personal address. I've not seen anything, yet, to change my view on this, and still welcome more of Ibingira's writings. What

Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse ofOffice

2003-08-16 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Omw.Ssemakula, ask: >>>Where the heck is Mr. Dambisya's promised (threatened?) defense of Obote?<< A question I thought I answered unequivocally.Let me repeat: If all the "accusations" you threatened to post were based on one Ibingira's take on Obote and Obote's purpoted motives/plans etc,an

Re: ugnet_: Brief biographical sketches of Daudi Ocheng &Grace Ibingira

2003-08-17 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ssemakula, You are obviously a man on a mission! You are determined to use every opportunity to glorify Ibingira's role in Ugandan Affairs and demonise Obote's contributions, even if it involves bending the truth. Of course that is entirely your choice. However, it is high time you took stoc

ugnet_: A Page from the Past: Gen Amin Talks to Drum... "The Britishare my best friends...."

2003-08-18 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
DRUM: March 1973 President Idi Amin of Uganda Has in a dramatically short time, given marching orders to the Israelis, the British and the Asians. He has also taken uncompromising steps to rid Uganda's streets of armed robbers and prostitutes, and has campaigned against what he calls "phoney mi

ugnet_: JMW Kiryabwire, Neurosurgeon, Is Dead!

2004-01-19 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
My compatriots, I have just been informed of the death of Mr Jovan Mabudo W Kiryabwire, Senior Neurosurgeon and lately Member of the Health Services Commission. To those of us who went through Kiryabiwre's hands at one time or another this comes as a severe blow, for he was truly one of the pilla

Re: ugnet_: "Federation the answer for Uganda" by Prof.Bukenya ( 1st May, 2002)

2003-02-14 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
My fellow compatriots, if "Federation is the answer for Uganda", what is the question? I find it odd that almost everybody is talking about the "answer" to a question that is not patently clear to everyone. Can we have the right question(s) asked before we evaluate the answer? Or do we want to hav

Re: ugnet_: "Federation the answer for Uganda" by Prof.Bukenya ( 1st May, 2002)

2003-02-16 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
My question about what the question is drew two responses, not surprisingly from two arch-federalists. I thank both of you, gentlemen, for your responses. Mw Ssemakula, I am not satisfied with the status quo. What I remain unsure of is whether the ultimate cure is federalism, hence my query. Dr K

ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Part 111 BUGANDA CRISIS 1964 -- PhantomArms of the 1960s

2003-07-16 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ssemakula, While I am enjoying these exchanges of yours regarding our not so distant political history, I am bemused by the fact that you would characterise as "authoritative" anything said by Grace Ibingira of Milton Obote and his times. Evidently, the two differed in very fundamental ways;

Re: ugnet_: Part 111 BUGANDA CRISIS 1964 -- Phantom Arms ofthe 1960s

2003-07-17 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
etc in Lango after Obote's biological father died of leprosy was Nalwemanyidde of the Nseenene clan, not Nalwerimidde as I had posted earlier. It has been said, that he sort of semi-adopted them, but that is another story. Original Message Follows From: "YOSWA DAMBISYA" Re

Re: ugnet_: Part 111 BUGANDA CRISIS 1964 -- Phantom Arms ofthe1960s

2003-07-17 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
My brother Ssemakula, to the question: >>Where and how have I considered, even remotely, that Ibingira is a just a short step away from sainthood? The answer lies in: >>2. With regard to his credibility as a source of information about Obote's megalominiacal and insatiable hunger for power and t

ugnet_: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s, Ibingira and theConspiracies

2003-07-20 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Omw Ssemakula, As I await the evidence which you expect me to dispute in defense of Milton Obote and his part in the 1960s developments, I have been reading "Justice Prof Dr GW Kanyeihamba; LLB, LLM, PhD, JSC, SC" 's recently released book: Constitutional and Political History of Uganda: From 1

Re: [Ugnet] Selling and giving what doesn't belong to hi m: President *donates* Dairy Corp

2005-01-31 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Is this not the ultimate show of arrogance of power? I am waiting for someone to tell us that the papers got it all wrong, it seems they may have it right. I think as a nation we have to decide when enough is too much! Reading through the account, the price for the corporation is really the plan

[Ugnet] Re: Africa's longest ruling leader falls

2005-02-07 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
The irony is that after 4 decades in power Eyadema failed to put in place one health facility to which he could be taken "in case he got a heart attack",as indeed happened. For how long are our leadrs going to die, "While being taken for treatment", "While on treatment..." "while preparations ar

[Ugnet] The Peace talks: Ten Years Too Late?

2006-07-17 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Those of you who were on Ugandanet in 1996 wil lremember the concerted effort and collective determination by a cross-section of Ugandans from around the world that culminated in an e-petition to the governement to initiate peace talks with the LRA and end the war in the north. For those who joi

[Ugnet] Lucky Dube Murdered

2007-10-18 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
We woke up to the shocking news of the gunning down of Lucky Dube, arguably the musicians Ugandans love most, last night in a Johannesburg suburb. The incident happened in an attempted hijacking, and was witnessed by his two children who were with him at the time (around 7 PM). No arrests so far

Re: ugnet_: Fate & career destinations of Makerere Medical School graduates

2004-08-15 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Ndugu Ochan, Thanks for bringing this article to Ugandanet's attention. The BMJ allows free access to the full paper. Comments welcome! Best regards, Yoswa >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/15/04 08:48PM >>> "Death has been a bigger brain drain than emigration among the 1984 Ugandan [medical] graduates

ugnet_: RE: Re: ugnet : Fate & career destinations of Makerere Medical

2004-08-16 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Compatriot Bwanika, I do not have the answers to the questions you pause below regarding the state of affairs of our doctors, yet. A number of us are trying to work on those questions, if we do not abandon the exercise mid-way, we should have the answers in the near future. One of the challen

Re: ugnet_: Fwd: Study Suggests Language Shapes Thoughts

2004-08-24 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/25/04 12:33AM >>> an aside: In Luganda anaimals are generally uncountable. Thus enkoko can mean 1 or many chickens, and so it is with cattle and many animals (empologoma, embizzi, embuzi , etc) However, as a friend told me, in Lugwere -- with which Luganda has about 6