2003-03-20 Thread flawed jai
WITH SPECIAL FESTIVITES TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Gray), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (laura k morehouse), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Michael MacTao), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Santucci Jr), [EMAIL PROTECTED](Gregg Eshelman), [EMAIL PROTECTED](James S Jones), [EMAIL PROTECTED](Scott Strungis), [EMAIL

Re: 'some people'...

2003-03-15 Thread flawed jai
i went and looked, read the seller's negative feedback, and wrote the winner a cautionary note to go read the feedback and hold off on sending the sum until they look up their options for protection. i also urged them to go read Apple history and be sure they knew what they were looking at. the

Re: processor upgrade IIfx[ on eBAY]

2003-03-01 Thread flawed jai
I took a look at the pictures and the description and the only 040 cards i can think of that go in the IIfx would be a rdius rocket or a daystar. I just got two rocket cards and they don't look like that. I see the heatsink on the chip shown in the picture and the rockets i have don't look like

Re: [was:network] zip disks, PC or mac?

2003-02-26 Thread flawed jai
you prompted me to go look at the blank brand new zip disks I got, and sure enough,5 of the 7 are marked PC formatted. the other two say Mac. OK, so how do you change a PC formatted brand new zip disk from PC format to mac formatted before you start using them? janet

Re: mac IIci won't boot

2003-02-22 Thread flawed jai
well, if you've gone that far to part it down, maybe one of those two guys whose IIci's are acting strange might want to take your motherboard and change the caps themselves ,to fix theirs. and here is where i finally let escape the mischeivious joke I've been wanting to lob in, ever since their

Re: dumpster diving hotspots

2003-02-11 Thread flawed jai
there's the right brained, 'feminine way', and the masculine, 'logical' way: it definitely helps to develop your intuitive, fuzzy, sixth sense, and be able to keep a floating nonspecific instinct open, so that when you get an irrational urge to head out the door and follow your nose in a

Re: MOMMMM!, pickle's bullying the newbies again!

2003-02-07 Thread flawed jai
so that's how it works, huh? take out your frustrations with the distant, unreachable government, on the hapless, innocent new kid on the blockk? ahhh, you are learning well, grasshopper. you are learning to follow the example of your bullying government, you will make a fine presidential

Re: performa 550 not booting

2003-01-30 Thread flawed jai
you said: and I ask... I have a Performa 550 that I cannot get to boot. I believe the hard disk is probably dead. what brand? what size? The hard disk was partitioned with Drive 7 and some of the partitions stopped being mountable before the machine failed. how long did it work before it

Re: IDE to SCSI bridge [was CD ROM??]

2003-01-30 Thread flawed jai
wait a minute. i'm getting confused. SCSI is wider than IDE. this bridge you're talking about. it sounds like its more than an adapter, has a card as part of it too. Is this thing for either kind of device, ? meaning, you can plug the IDE side into an IDE device in order to adapt it to a SCSI

Re: redknight's abandonware

2003-01-22 Thread flawed jai
what about jagshouse? that special cd he has of 68k stuff? he donates the profits to 9-11 charity. what about the mac driver museum? the macintosh garden? I'm surpised no one's mentioning these to him. janet http://community.webtv.net/mensabrains/BADCODE -- Vintage Macs is sponsored by

Re: ghosting flop

2003-01-20 Thread flawed jai
mart-- I reread your description several times and still couldn't get it straight in my mind: are you referring to the floppie storage disc that was written to, or the floppie reader that took the discs? you realize-- both discs and readers can be removed, and therefore removed the wrong way! is

Re: paging ken santucci

2003-01-15 Thread flawed jai
attention 'harbormaster' if you're out there: mail to your 'wavecrazy' address is bouncing back to me undeliverable. have you got another address for part of the year? need to ask you something. janet use above address to reply off list. http://community.webtv.net/mensabrains/BADCODE --

Re: Centris audio input

2003-01-12 Thread flawed jai
a tease: tape-recorded interviews with my Centris 650. o, no kidding?. interviews with your Centris? is that like interview with the Vampire? sorry, oculdnt resist. it was too good to pass up. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ted Parks) I am trying to use a sound program called Audiocorder to


2002-12-21 Thread flawed jai
stick to the technical, chris. don't go claiming you speak for me or anyone else here! . IF i object to anyone being here, I will do that myself, thank you, and epi hasn't said a single thing yet that has offended me, while YOU, HAVE. and it's getting worse. point of fact: I also don't see any

Re: weird monitor port

2002-12-21 Thread flawed jai
I just read that somewhere on the monitors with the HDI connector and the ADB ports on either side of the monitor, it must either be connected to an x100 PowerMac's HDI port or you need the hydra cable to plug it into a normal Mac video port and ADB port. Without the ADB hookup, the Monitors


2002-12-17 Thread flawed jai
to gregg eshelman re biofoam: No, I had not heard about the substance before you described it. That shows you about how easy it would be to come by some. I think all in all, it's a lot easier to buy popping corn and a hot air popper, and make some organic excelsior to use in place of styro

Re: STATIC CITY [was: beige stock]

2002-12-16 Thread flawed jai
speaking of 'static city'-- gregg eshelman related how two different items he won on eBay came packed without any awareness of static packing conditions, one bare in foam peanuts, the other in an open antistatic bag smacking around inside a tyvek envelope. did either of them survive, gregg? in

Re: sour pickle

2002-12-08 Thread flawed jai
gaile vass wrote about the thread: P:Since when is a 6500 on-topic for this list anyway? GV:oops, sorry...I have an LC and a 6500I posted to wrong list. Thanks Ben and Robyn anyway. Well pickle since when has *vulgar* language been allowed? Gail well Gail, the Pickle can indeed be sour


2002-12-08 Thread flawed jai
pardon me while I step all over the list nanny's job unasked, but doesn't this item rightly belong on the swaplist and NOT HERE ON THE DISCUSSION LIST? Massive Pile Of Software Anyone need any of the following stuff? If so, you need to make it worth my while to pay for shipping from Utah and then

Re: (was IIsi PDS)

2002-11-23 Thread flawed jai
...And only one (if any) has the FPU on it, right? Actually neither. I don't think any of my IIsi PDS NICs have a FPU. But yes you would only want one maximum. Unless, of course, you need to perform double-precision arithmetic ... ;-) Sp00ky Oh, Hey Sp00ky--No, man!--I thought

Re: Question about CRT behavior

2002-11-22 Thread flawed jai
OK, here's a subject for your monitor mavens: what does it mean when you heve a cathode ray tube acreen that has been previously fine in displaying color and picture, and it begins to show the following symptoms, in this chronological order: first it begins to have trouble balancing red to

online download site of past mac SW

2002-11-11 Thread flawed jai
this is the response i received from the intrnet archive site, re r trying to amass an online DL collection of past mac software. lenny [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:    flawed jai [EMAIL PROTECTED] hello, we'd be happy to help lowendmac, or anyone trying to save info that people can use. our archive

Re radius GS/CM

2002-11-08 Thread flawed jai
dont throw those radius cards out yet. someone on the swap list had a radius monitor up for sale just a day or so ago go read the arhives of the swaplist and find them and connect! janet http://community.webtv.net/mensabrains/BADCODE -- Vintage Macs is sponsored by http://lowendmac.com/

Re: a mac site where everything is there...

2002-11-08 Thread flawed jai
in response to: 'Most of the sites in question are endangered species. They need to be preserved, or at least their contents. Over the last year I have mirroed 3.5GB of sites whose various mirrors have been gradually dying. One day you might be glad someone threw away their money. That is

a site where you can download, not just link to....

2002-11-08 Thread flawed jai
here is the url of the internet archive, which i posted, might have the download sites that have disappeared from the web. http://www.archive.org/index.php i wrote them a letter explaining what we hope to do. waiting on their reply. janet http://community.webtv.net/mensabrains/BADCODE --

Re: Q805 related --IIsx?

2002-11-06 Thread flawed jai
here's my totally unqualified opinion, fools rush in, etc: ...you could turn the 2 IIsi cases vertically. feet out, covers mirror imaged, like mark's FPM hack, and cut out some of the cover plane. ]TTT[ ^ ^ or you could use two covers and one base, horizontally, and use the middle

Re: Radius GS/CM

2002-11-06 Thread flawed jai
i have no background from which to authoritively say this, but could it be the 19 monitor? could it be that the picture would be sharper on a smaller size screen? like the 12 or 13 monitors? I have a similar problem looking at the web on webtv, which does 540 x 480 pixels, but I'm looking at it on

Re: [was hotrodded IIci]-192 resNotFound Resource not found

2002-11-06 Thread flawed jai
about that -192 resNotFound Resource not found (just reasoning out, here:) since HFS uses a data fork and a resource fork this would seem to mean that the program downloaded either strictly as a data fork with no resource to go with it or the data and resource both came in, but your machine

Re: hotrodded IIci?

2002-11-02 Thread flawed jai
Is there a recommended memory test for the 68k Mac systems? I see a lot of utilities here and there, but knowing what I do about UNIX x86/SPARC memory testers (most are junk) I was leery of trusting one without some feedback first. I don't now if RAMometer works on 68k's but according to reading

older macs with newer printers-different question

2002-11-02 Thread flawed jai
i got this offer today from a LEMmer friend in WA state who 's helped me a lot in the past. for backstory, i have 2 IIfx'x a IIsi, and LCIII- all ethernet'able. I have 2 HP deskwriters [black only] and an offer for an epson color stylus 850NE with built in ethernet. and the RIP software with

newer printers with older macs

2002-10-30 Thread flawed jai
i am extremely interested in what you are trying to do. on my list of printers, [3 canon, 4 HP, one epson, lexmark and compaq] i am convinced that with the right intermediary station, i could use one or more of them to print good color from my IIfx, IIsi and or LCIII. my machines can do ethernet,

apple's older software download

2002-10-28 Thread flawed jai
i just came from apple's site, where i was looking for something the epson site claimed i could get if i went there. i didnt find what i sought, but i did find this: http://www.info.apple.com/support/oldersoftwarelist.html a staggering array of older software downloads available at apple. i

that 7.1 list in html

2002-10-27 Thread flawed jai
Hey, by all means, put it up on a webpage, put the URL in your footer and add it to our general fund of resource references. All my machines could be united in 7.1, and i need a convenient reference like this. call it , oh 7th heaven?? %^ if you had space enough you could add downloads

Re: 1 monitor on switchbox for 2-4 macs

2002-10-27 Thread flawed jai
Ohh...it took me a while to get why you were discussing ADB KVM boxes. 'Doah!' ok, so as long as I have the switch set to the monitor at boot up, it 'sees' the monitor at preflight check time and knows to put out video. then if I want to boot another machine after i have the first one running,

1 monitor with 2-4 macs

2002-10-27 Thread flawed jai
yeah, my bad. I've been working wth printer cables all day, had DB 25's on the brain. no, the box has all DB 15's. whew. http://community.webtv.net/mensabrains/BADCODE http://www.anybrowser.org -- Vintage Macs is sponsored by http://lowendmac.com/ and... Small Dog Electronics

older macs with newer printers--different question

2002-10-27 Thread flawed jai
I got motivated today and got out all the printers we have collected the last 2 years and took inventory. I wanted to find out just what the hell we have and figure out whether I can use any of them with my IIsi, IIfx or LCIII. the results were an embarassment of riches. we have no less than: 3

can i do this with a IIFX? cd rom mod.

2002-10-12 Thread flawed jai
since we were talking about hacking up cases, discussing mark benson's'siamese twinned quad mod, I've been thinking again about a question i conjectured about here, early in the year: the IIfx was built to hold two floppie drives on the 'drive balcony'. both of mine have only one floppie drive in

mark benson--your quad mod concept on fpm

2002-10-11 Thread flawed jai
ya know, mark...you've hit on somethng here that just might be a [ahem] breakthru...for overcoming the classic blockages to all the shallow box designed macs. I've been pondering what you did with your back-to back mating of LC cases, and it puts me in mind of doing the same thing with the

Re: mark's quad mod

2002-10-11 Thread flawed jai
as Mark says, the idea isn't to seal the seam around the cases so it glues shut forever. The idea is to turn two of the same kind of cases up on their sides or ends , lid sides together, back to back,with the feet sticking out in opposite directions, and attach those two lids firmly together like

Re: quad mod, pack hacks

2002-10-11 Thread flawed jai
mark conjectured that one could place four cases around a monitor, and I pointed out that one could get ahold of one of those old pac-man videogame console tables that were everywhere in the 80's, in bars and pubs, and mount the monitor in it pointing up at the ceiling, thru a slab of glass or

can i hurt anything doing this?

2002-10-06 Thread flawed jai
tonight I'm feeling like pawing thru my box of old UFO 's [unidentified floppie objects] and seeing what's on them. I just got done doing it with all my old cassette tapes and I've got energy left to burn, so i thought I'd switch media and ream out my mystery floppies. Now, the confusion is

Re: r/ gray, 'thread is a troll'

2002-09-24 Thread flawed jai
not at all!! I am completely serious. all these measures are used to eliminate static in improvised environments, when it isn't possible to order and obtain the manufactured standard antistatic materials you assume to find in outfitted cleanrooms. if you have to open your mac right now, and don't

stopping computers

2002-09-22 Thread flawed jai
actually my gut feeling at least about the lightbulb stuff, and probably the computers as well, is that its got to do with the ability to build up a lot of static electricity... i usually get a little static shock when i blow a light bulb.. bw m this thread fascinates me. thoughts that have

Re: need some PC advice offlist

2002-04-28 Thread flawed jai
since I don't want to hijack the discussion here to something off topic, everybody please reply to me offlist on this : I need some advice about what would work, in turning my son's PC he got from his dad, into a machine capable of downloading and burning MP3's and possibly DVD's. There's no


2002-04-16 Thread flawed jai
break out the streamers, guys. I'm losing my virginity right in front of you and everybody. ok. today i received a glidepoint trackpad from mike milo from the swaplist. unwrapped it, went into the computer room, sat down, turned on the IIsi, and successfully navigated my way thru following the


2002-04-16 Thread flawed jai
Now to the trouble: slid over to the IIfx. OS 7.5.5 RAM doubler installed. started out with keyboard and mouse. waited for bootup. all was well. inserted trackpad floppie as before. icon appeared on the desktop, as before.   look around for the system folder. hm. don't know where it is. look thru

radius drivers

2002-04-15 Thread flawed jai
could somebody take a look for me and find out how big the file is that I am going to need, for the driver to run my radius precisioncolor 24 video card? until i get my macs online, I am stuck on webtv, and since i can't download, I can't even get into the site to see how big the file will be

video card vs monitor question

2002-04-14 Thread flawed jai
I have about four PC monitors sitting around waiting to be tried out on my IIfx, as well as an apple multiscan 15. I purchased a radius precisioncolor 24 bit video nubus card over the swaplist and it's here now. i also have myself three different kinds of adaptors to use between the HD-15

Re: mac II fan-sidebar

2002-04-10 Thread flawed jai
since this came up, I'll jump right in with my question, which is related: last night I took my IIsi apart to some extent, in order to replace the PRAM battery. while i was in there, i took a good hard look around. yug. I don't know how long ago the last owner had this thing running, but were

Re: Mouse Systems Corp.'s A+ Mouse ADB

2002-04-09 Thread flawed jai
Mouse Systems Corp.'s A+ Mouse ADB From: Phil Beesley [EMAIL PROTECTED] In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Luc Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All I got was ... light (red). Is that normal ? I dug a Mouse Systems 3 button model out... print the required pattern onto a transparency and stick

Re: auto painting macs-- is he that good?

2002-04-09 Thread flawed jai
the pickle asked if my friend up the street does work on a par with the mac hack mercury classic II on applefritter. (here's the demo page, so you can all go look at the work, for reference:) http://www.applefritter.com/hacks/mercury/index.html the answer is, yes, chris, he's *that* good. he

Re: IIci hotrodding

2002-04-08 Thread flawed jai
At 04:30 PM 04/07/2002 -0700, you wrote: Make a spacer to fit between the lid and the case. Step the top edge in to mimic the top edge of the case. Some sheet metal should work. Any heating and air conditioning shop should be able to make up the spacer and roll the top edge to make the step. Not

wizard:raino has some IIfx RAM

2002-04-01 Thread flawed jai
wizard: [EMAIL PROTECTED] offered me a set of IIfx RAM sticks just a few days back. try her and see if she still has them. i didn't have the cash or paypal to take her offer at the time. and keep us posted. curiouser and curiouser. go, wizard, go! janet

up and running

2002-03-31 Thread flawed jai
well..my little home for orphaned 68K's seems to be up and running. my first IIfx, Big Frankie(Francis Xavier) finally lent his mailorder bride Effie (the second IIfx, an ebay win) his video card, and she came out of her shook -up experience on her trip west and was finally able to see straight

that IIfx RAM by wizard

2002-03-31 Thread flawed jai
wizard--I'm following this discussion with interest. while i do not understand every last thing you are talking about, i had never heard of converting the RAM on a IIfx before. i gather that you are studying the structure of how the RAM cips and pins were designed for the IIfx and coming to the

Re: cd sleds

2002-03-19 Thread flawed jai
i would probably be wiser to look for a way to convert this internal drive to an external one, by getting a regular scsi 50 pin case for it, and an external cable to go into the scsi chain or nubus card. if i did try to mount it internally in one of my IIfx's , I would have to jack into the