[web2py] Re: Losing session vars

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
Is eventlist constant for the application? If so put it in the model or if in a module use local_import. Then all you need in session is the current index into the array the user is at. If eventlist changes then there is no code showing how it is manipulated so it difficult to help. I would

[web2py] Re: Error in trunk opening PostgreSQL database

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
Additional information: I added a print to the front end of DAL.__init__ and was surprised to find driver_args was set to {'check_same_thread': False} but I did not set it in my db = DAL() class constructor call. So here is the issue. I start up the development environment on Linux with a

[web2py] Re: Losing session vars

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
The default session timeout is 1 hour and is set in seconds by adding a line like this to a model such as db.py after auth = Auth() auth.settings.expiration = 3600 # default 1 hour but the user would have to sit idle on the app for over one hour and then click next or prev to finish a signup.

[web2py] Re: Error in trunk opening PostgreSQL database

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
I just downloaded the nightly build, unpacked it, copied over my application and get the same problem. I don't have a problem with 1.92.1. I don't normally use trunk but test it once in a while to see what is coming. :-) Ron

[web2py] Re: Error in trunk opening PostgreSQL database

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
Wow that fixed it. You are a Python Ninja :-) I would sure like to know what the mechanism was that caused driver_args to bleed from SQLLite to the other adapters even though it is defaulted it to an empty dict on the class initializer. I also printed driver_args as the first line of code in

[web2py] Re: FYI jQuery 1.5.1 breaks jQueryUI buttonsets

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
I fixed the problem for my application, the label attribute for=1/8x was somehow being interpreted as an expression, changed it to for=1_8x and it works properly again. Wasn't a problem for jQuery 1.4.4. The odd looking string came from a relative speed designation for video playback.

[web2py] Re: Error in trunk opening PostgreSQL database

2011-03-03 Thread ron_m
Ah Ok, I was trying to reproduce with a simple program containing a couple of classes with a main all in one file but it did not exhibit the problem behaviour. So having the classes in a module is part of the recipe and lists and dicts are passed around as object references to the container

[web2py] Re: web2py on Quora

2011-03-01 Thread ron_m
An interesting recent trend. I follow comp.lang.python as well and the web2py-users group recently has more traffic than the python group. That might be an indicator of the level of interest in this nice to work with framework.

[web2py] web2py getting some recognition

2011-02-25 Thread ron_m

[web2py] Re: Edit routes.py from Admin

2011-02-23 Thread ron_m
From reading elsewhere, editing the file also requires a server restart to have the changes take effect. The restart is dependent on what web2py is hosted behind and I don't believe that is in the web interface.

[web2py] Python template engine announcement

2011-02-21 Thread ron_m
Ran across this in the Python group. It embeds Python code inside the HTML with a slightly different syntax to the web2py template system. Just posting out of possible interest to the membership here, haven't tried it, not affiliated with the author. The author's differentiation from Django

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-12 Thread ron_m
FWIW I am on Ubuntu 10.04 with all patches applied and could not reproduce the above problem when I tried. The version of python-psycopg2 from the standard repository is 2.0.13. Not an iron-clad guarantee because something else could be at play but at least a data point. I also drove the

[web2py] Re: Problem with DAL and Postgres

2011-02-07 Thread ron_m
Why is this line Field('password', 'password', '''length=512, ''', readable=False, label='Password'), should be Field('password', 'password', length=512, readable=False, label='Password'),

[web2py] Re: Multiple users on computer and authorization with Janrian (RPX)

2011-02-03 Thread ron_m
Sorry, I didn't explain well enough. The clean_session() function is something I wrote to reset all session variables in the case the user is a different person logging in from the same machine. So it contains lines like: session.var1 = None session.dict1 = {} etc. The nutshell is an

[web2py] Re: Multiple users on computer and authorization with Janrian (RPX)

2011-02-03 Thread ron_m
session.forget() will prevent you from adding to the session from that line forward because it inhibits storing of the session to the file at the end of the request. I only wanted to remove session variables if the new user was not the same as the previous use logged into the application from

[web2py] Re: Detecting test vs. production environments

2011-02-02 Thread ron_m
I put all my production vs developer settings in an if else block and use my own variable PRODUCTION. This is in the model directory and named 0_customization.py in my case. This allows you to set the migrate, local_import reload parameter and anything else you want. Then I just need to

Re: [web2py] jQuery 1.5 released

2011-02-02 Thread ron_m
I wouldn't rush into it either but the testing I did shows a very compatible release when comparing 1.4.4 vs 1.5 including jQueryUI and another plugin I use. I am impressed with their quality and their strong adherence to backwards compatibility.

[web2py] Re: Multiple users on computer and authorization with Janrian (RPX)

2011-02-02 Thread ron_m
I put this chunk of code in models/menu.py just after the index item and before the rest of the menu because I didn't want the other menu items exposed if not logged in. Your case may vary but the code should be the same, just placement. if auth.user: #print 'menu: ', auth.user_id,

[web2py] Re: background task error

2011-02-01 Thread ron_m
I have had trouble with browser caching by just left clicking on the button on the downloads page on the web2py.com website. I now make a point of using a right click Save As or whatever your browser provides as the item in the pop up menu to save the file. The first clue the left click didn't

[web2py] jQuery 1.5 released

2011-02-01 Thread ron_m
I was poking around and found jQuery 1.5 is released. They substantially improved the ajax portion of the library as well as big performance improvements when finding sibling DOM objects .prev(), .next(). Just thought I would mention it since web2py embeds jQuery.

Re: [web2py] jQuery 1.5 released

2011-02-01 Thread ron_m
I took the min version and renamed it the same name as the 1.4.4 file in 1.91.6 and tested both the welcome app and the video system controller I am writing. No noticeable differences that I could see. I also use jQueryUI but am back at 1.8.6, current is 1.8.9 and did not see anything broken.

[web2py] Re: Possible DB bug on update;

2011-01-27 Thread ron_m
From the DAL chapter of the manual update_record update_record web2py also allows updating a single record that is already in memory using update_record 1. 2. 3. rows = db(db.person.id 2).select() row = rows[0] row.update_record(name='Curt') This should not be confused with 1.

Re: [web2py] Re: Possible DB bug on update;

2011-01-27 Thread ron_m
It is quite a lot to learn, no problem. Glad I could help.

[web2py] Re: Can I share web2py authorization db across multiple apps

2011-01-26 Thread ron_m
Also check this setting originally in db.py of the scaffolding app auth.settings.hmac_key = 'sha512:.' If you want to share the table across apps or migrate copies of the auth_xxx tables, the code that generates the encrypted passwords use this as the method and key.

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
I think there is another bug as well. The _unlock function only unlocks the session file if it exists but leaves response.session_file defined. Later when the request cycle finishes the _try_store_on_disk function will still see response.session_file as active and write it but this is now

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
Oh crud, I didn't see the self._forget state variable test at the front of _try-store_on_disk, sorry for the noise and response.session_file is a file object so having it go out of scope will close it. Ron

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
If the response is left off the session.forget() parameter list it defaults to None. The end result then is the session._forget state variable is set True but the session file is not unlocked in the _unlock function. This would enhance performance by bypassing the writing of the session file at

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
I remember session.forget() documented as a performance enhancement - no plans to alter session on this call, do this to save the write. I think this would be the most common use. Adding the response parameter to unlock the session file is only required if there is a need for concurrency in the

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
I saw that too last night but it was late. It would be better to set response.session_file to None which will force a file close since the file object goes out of scope. Adding a del in _unlock will cause AttributeError in the _try_store_on_disk when the request-response cycle is finishing up.

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
It would be better to set response.session_file to None in _unlock because the second _unlock call will generate an AttributeError when testing for response.session_file at the top of _unlock.

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
There is another subtle problem. If the file close is not done after the unlock which is how it works now then the file is still open. It is not possible to get the exclusive lock in session.connect() until the file is closed so the second request remains blocked.

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
Maybe it is a Windows only issue, I was reviewing the flock(2) man page and it isn't a problem in UNIX systems. I haven't looked at the Windows docs but remember file access is more restrictive on that system. For now it is only a suspicion, I don't use Windows so would have to do a lot to test

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
I was talking about the _unlock call at the top of _try_store_on_disk def _try_store_on_disk(self, request, response): if not hasattr(os,'mkdir'): return if response._dbtable_and_field \ or not response.session_id \ or self._forget:

Re: [web2py] Re: Long-running controllers

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
Okay, I get it, Storage id a dict but adds a __getattr__ which returns None on missing key. Nothing like learning in public -- blush.

[web2py] Re: Cached Results Using a Module.

2011-01-19 Thread ron_m
If you are editing the file in the modules directory then that is the problem. A module gets pulled in and kept by the server until restart unless you add a parameter to the local_import() api = local_import('api', True) where the True says perform a module reload on each request.

[web2py] Re: [off-topic] - Jquery Panels/dashboard Plugin

2011-01-18 Thread ron_m
Have a look at this one http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/inettuts/

[web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-01-16 Thread ron_m
Is there any chance to try another server based database such as MySQL. Since SQLite did not exhibit a problem that is a valid data point but it is an embedded database so called directly by the web2py server code instead of using a driver. There is a possibility there is a problem with the

[web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-01-16 Thread ron_m
I can't seem to get it to generate an error running on PostgreSQL and the apache logs show nothing. I upped the ab time ( -t ) to 100 and then used the application. It wasn't very responsive but then the ab average was 8+sec on the home page which just displays a message. I am using the default

[web2py] Re: Integrating web2py and a CMS

2011-01-14 Thread ron_m
This kind of information is often stored in a corporate directory using something called LDAP. I am not sure of the size of your company but it sounds like it is large enough to consider this solution. There is OpenLDAP on Linux or Active Directory on Microsoft which perform this task as

[web2py] Re: Trunk hangs at startup

2011-01-13 Thread ron_m
It is only the welcome application that stalls loading the default index page, opening a different application works fine. applications/welcome/controller/default function index() has this new debug code between def and return m = 'You are successfully running web2py.' import

[web2py] Re: Trunk hangs at startup

2011-01-13 Thread ron_m
Additional info - to stop the python web2py process I had to use a kill -9 pid. Once the welcome default controller code was changed then the next time the server stopped properly using the Tcl control Server-Quit menu item.

[web2py] Re: How do we set multiple DAL client connections?

2011-01-13 Thread ron_m
I think I understand you want to run Python programs with the DAL embedded standalone as well as multiple instances of web2py. You should be able to do that, the database will treat each client as a different connection. The migrate option on the table definitions should be true only on one

[web2py] Re: How do we set multiple DAL client connections?

2011-01-13 Thread ron_m
As I understand the workings, the files under the model directory define the tables and relations and the connection string to the database server. Without that DAL is a bunch of code with nothing to play against to tell it what to do with the database for the data access. The databases

[web2py] Re: How do we set multiple DAL client connections?

2011-01-13 Thread ron_m
Hmm looking at the DAL code I am talking above about a web2py use of dal.py. It looks like the code you normally put in the models directory can just be put in your program inline. Maybe someone else that has used the dal stand-alone can comment better than me. I see a set_folder static method

[web2py] OT working with semaphores

2011-01-12 Thread ron_m
Talk and free book by Prof Allen Downey on semaphores. http://www.greenteapress.com/semaphores/ Coding plus observation tool in Python. Goes into some good usage patterns.

Re: [web2py] jquery.tools.min.js

2011-01-10 Thread ron_m
Which version of jquery.tools.min.js did you include, what I mean is what feature set? There is a possible inclusion of a date picker looking at all the options on their web page for downloads as you build your custom version of jquery.tools.min.js. They all produce the same file name as output

[web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-01-10 Thread ron_m
I don't know if it is worth mentioning but as a Ubuntu 10.04.1 user, I noticed the 8.4.6 update to PostgreSQL was pushed by Ubuntu near the end of December. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-6.html first item of the release notes mention the database can fail on some file

[web2py] Re: OFF TOPIC: Best way to get the mouse position.

2011-01-09 Thread ron_m
jQueryUI has the Position utility if you are already using that Javascript library http://jqueryui.com/demos/position/ The demo is a little different as in odd, they are positioning 2 boxes relative another based on the user moving one of them so I had to unwind from that a bit to get

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-09 Thread ron_m
In the sample code if one comments out the __del__ method in the class the leak does not occur. That is not to say it can't happen I suppose in a more complicated code example but I believe the __del__ is a required piece. This test was performed without the gc.collect() being present. I ran

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-08 Thread ron_m
Is there any value in this article for your case? http://code.activestate.com/recipes/519621-object-finalization-without-__del__-and-without-ha/ Ron

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-08 Thread ron_m
I don't get why there is a problem. I did a scan of the latest trunk and did not find a __del__ function anywhere. If the sample code is run with the __del__ it accumulates memory rapidly. Comment out the __del__ method which does nothing in this example and the memory accumulation is no

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-08 Thread ron_m
Thanks for the extra explanation.

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-08 Thread ron_m
You have to have a __del__ method in the class to get the leak

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-08 Thread ron_m
To get the leak the __del__method has to be in the class. The gc.collect() as suggested by Massimo cured the leak for the exec code case I believe because gc.collect() runs a test on the objects to see if there are any external references, finds none, and therefore allows them to be removed

[web2py] Re: web2py-related thread at reddit

2011-01-07 Thread ron_m
It is unfortunate that these things occur and hopefully people are going to be serious developers on a framework are smart enough to do their own evaluation. I came to Python about 1.5 years ago mainly because I was doing video processing with gstreamer and the best control language for that

[web2py] Re: web2py-related thread at reddit

2011-01-07 Thread ron_m
Forgot to mention the admin interface and the ability to compile and package an application in a couple of button presses into a single file and then deploy to the production servers. The ticketing system instead of come look at my screen, it broke. My users are in locations up to 3000 miles

[web2py] Re: on a possible web2py memory leak

2011-01-07 Thread ron_m
Doesn't adding the gc.collect() just force the garbage collector to run right now instead of waiting until some usage threshold is crossed and then it runs to do the cleanup at some time in the future. Any accumulation of heap use until gc gets around to running isn't really a leak, it is just

[web2py] Re: Foreign Key Constraints with SQLite

2011-01-06 Thread ron_m
SQLite was embedded in the Python standard library since Python 2.5 so it would depend on which version of SQLite was pulled in for the versions of Python. Taking a quick look I could not find which version is included with the different versions of Python. i noticed the SQLite docs are saying

Re: [web2py] Re: Memory leak - followup

2011-01-05 Thread ron_m
I don't have permission to post in web2py-developers but I added a comment to the bug report. I think the problem is the cached object is the class definition, not an instance of the class. The class definition likely has references to the environment or global namespace in order it to

Re: [web2py] Re: Web2Py Foundation?

2010-12-31 Thread ron_m
That leaves taxes which aren't a factor here :-)

[web2py] Re: Happy New Year in 2011

2010-12-31 Thread ron_m
+1 and in one more hour here

[web2py] Re: Auto reload of file

2010-12-29 Thread ron_m
If you put code in a file under the modules directory then it will require a restart unless you set the reload parameter to True In model or controller mod_name = local_import('module_file', True) will force a reload every time so restart not needed. Otherwise nothing gets retained between

[web2py] Re: unique constraint of multiple columns (at database level)

2010-12-28 Thread ron_m
I would like to respectfully ask how a first and last name combined could be unique in the real world? There are lots of people with identical first and last names. A better candidate in your table is Email. I know that doesn't answer your question but I think it is worth consieration. Ron

[web2py] Re: variable include

2010-12-28 Thread ron_m
Its ugly but you must have a finite and small number of nextStep targets {{if nextStep == 'step1':}} {{include 'step1.html'}} {{elif nextStep == 'step2':}} {{include 'step2.html'}} .. will get you going but introduces a maintenance issue if you add a step later that ou have to remember

Re: [web2py] Re: Web2Py Foundation?

2010-12-28 Thread ron_m
+1 we don't want too many cooks without a head chef.

[web2py] Re: memory leak - model remains in memory after requests

2010-12-26 Thread ron_m
I monitored my own app running under Rocket in development mode with Ubuntu System Monitor and the RSS memory size started at about 26 MB. After pushing every link in the interface it had grown to 38.5 MB and then stopped at that size. It has been running for over a day now with no further

[web2py] Re: Help with function call

2010-12-26 Thread ron_m
You could consider putting common code in files under modules and use a local_import to pull it in. During development set the optional reload=True parameter or you have to restart the server to make a modification in a module file visible.

[web2py] Re: memory leak - model remains in memory after requests

2010-12-25 Thread ron_m
I used this tool to track down memory leaks in a Python gstreamer program I wrote http://mg.pov.lt/objgraph/ provides object graphs of the heap. Also the web page contains good docs on tracking down memory problems. It produces PNG files if graphviz is available or from the command line use

[web2py] Re: Merry Christmas

2010-12-23 Thread ron_m

[web2py] Re: couchdb support again

2010-12-23 Thread ron_m
ii python-couchdb 0.6-1 from Ubuntu 10.04.1 dpkg -l I have to go visit a customer site today so will look again tonight. I think it is probably time for me to update direct from Apache. This may be a problem since the rest of the release

Re: [web2py] Re: translation dict name

2010-12-23 Thread ron_m
web2py uses portalocker.py look under gluon. There are many examples of use such as locking the session file in globals.py

[web2py] Re: The stability of web2py releases

2010-12-23 Thread ron_m
I for one am happy with the current release cycle. It is a good balance between new features and the ultimate stability of release 1.XX.N where N is the last version before XX+1 for example. The nightly build is a bit of a misnomer, many projects (C or C++ mostly) have some automated process

[web2py] Re: try web2py with cherrypy, diesel, eventlet, fapws,flup, gnuicorn, paste, rocket, tornado, twisted, wsgiref

2010-12-22 Thread ron_m
This is very interesting. I tried all the web servers I have installed cherrypy, twisted, eventlet, rocket. The logs say the request service speed is all about the same but twisted seemed slower from an unscientific response time feel of the app. I load map images using IMG tags in the part of

Re: [web2py] Re: Sharing sessions and authentication

2010-12-22 Thread ron_m
Would this key have to be the same in all applications in your case? auth.settings.hmac_key = 'sha512:63f0a5e7-e395-4a28-8488-cf072a0464b6' # before define_tables() not the same as this particular one but consistent across all of the applications you have since you are sharing your auth_user

Re: [web2py] Re: Sharing sessions and authentication

2010-12-22 Thread ron_m
Would this key have to be the same in all applications? from my last post doesn't read correctly. I mean the same hmac_key in your set of shared applications. Sorry the deleted posts showed up as duplicates, the web app was showing error #316 post failed and saying try again but then they were

[web2py] Re: couchdb support again

2010-12-22 Thread ron_m
I copied the welcome application and put the above code into models/couch_test.py and removed all other model files so there would be no conflicts. This is in a clone of trunk updated by hg pull and hg update a few minutes ago. I get this traceback camcent...@dev64:~/Dev/web2py_hg$ python

[web2py] Re: The stability of web2py releases

2010-12-21 Thread ron_m
If you are sensitive to new releases to production then take a slower approach. 1.90.1 to 1.90.6 happened in just over a day with very big changes coming into 1.90.1 to make the future development in certain directions possible. I think there were more problems found in trunk testing before

Re: [web2py] use of 'timedelta' as a field

2010-12-21 Thread ron_m
timediff is just 3 integers representing days, seconds, microseconds so you could decompose it and store it as 3 int fields in the DB and then use the 3 int values in a constructor to get it back. Alternative would be to convert it to a float or double if you can accept rounding errors.

Re: [web2py] party time

2010-12-20 Thread ron_m
What we need is a low cost transporter beam like Star Trek (no sarcasm intended). It would be great to meet the fantastic group of people that participate in this community surrounding web2py. Kind thought to all. Thanks for the invite Massimo. Ron

Re: [web2py] Powertable remarks

2010-12-17 Thread ron_m
This is a tiny nit pick so my apologies in advance but I thought it might be worth mentioning. I went to the demo page, picked Products and hit the green plus to open the details on the last item in the list. The control turned red but nothing else appeared to happen. Second time I noticed a

[web2py] Re: it case you missed it...

2010-12-17 Thread ron_m
I think that is a good solution.

Re: [web2py] Re: Simple debugger

2010-12-14 Thread ron_m
winpdb (free and nothing to do with Windows) is a Python debugger that is multi-thread capable,

[web2py] Re: Socket for bidirectional messaging

2010-12-14 Thread ron_m
The new gluon/dal.py that is currently in trunk can be embedded standalone so the socket server could understand the database through the same model files as the web2py application. Just another possibility to look at. Ron

[web2py] Re: it case you missed it...

2010-12-12 Thread ron_m
I have seen LGPL mostly for C libraries like gstreamer so it is possible for projects to link to them. JBOSS the RedHat JEE platform also states that although JBOSS is GPL there is no requirement for applications written to run on the app server be GPL unless they take a piece of the platform that

[web2py] Re: having trouble with python to json to javascript parameters

2010-12-11 Thread ron_m
I use something like this (the = is equivalent to response.write) {{ response.write(json(python_data_structure)+;, escape=False) }}

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-08 Thread ron_m
This is very interesting. I believe this would change the GPL license reach for MySQL. The regular Python driver is a wrapper around the C MySQL client library so as a user of that driver you have embedded a part of MySQL into your application. Using the pure Python driver means you are now using

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-08 Thread ron_m
I pulled latest version from trunk and tested my app using MySQL and got a ticket. Easy fix In sql.py change line 1403 pymysqldb should be pymysql to match the name from the import self.pool_connection(lambda db=db, user=credential_decoder(user),

[web2py] Contributions

2010-12-08 Thread ron_m
The web2py.com home page contributions widget is partially covered to the point nothing can be pushed to make a contribution. I am using Firefox on Ubuntu 10.04 Ron

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-07 Thread ron_m
New problem with latest hg pull, update. After filling login form and submit get a ticket during the insert into auth_event different cause than before. The def insert at line 3610 is building a new_fields list but the db._adapter.insert() called on the return statement at 3621 is expecting a

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-07 Thread ron_m
Perfect now except this ticket as far as my app is concerned testing against new dal Traceback (most recent call last): File /home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/restricted.py, line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
the m = re.compile line should have the 'passwd' element of the RE changed to 'password' to be consistent. I tested the app after changing and get a lot further into the app but now see a new fault - will work on that. Ron On Dec 6, 11:12 am, ron_m ron.mco...@gmail.com wrote: Ok that worked

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
Put dal.py over sql.py in trunk Start server python web2py.py Get welcome app in browser Hit login link get ticket. I also get this in my own application trying to login. Field does not have attribute _tablename Ron Traceback (most recent call last): File

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
Another patch Hit login form getting a ticket. sqlhtml.py line 62 and line 216 field._tablename should be field.tablename Ron

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
self.cursor.execute(*a,**b) ProgrammingError: relation none does not exist LINE 1: select currval('None') On Dec 6, 6:04 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote: fixed in trunk. Thanks. On Dec 6, 7:31 pm, ron_m ron.mco...@gmail.com wrote: Another patch Hit login form getting a ticket

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
to be put back to use table._tablename unless you are planning something else. :-) On Dec 6, 6:04 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote: fixed in trunk. Thanks. On Dec 6, 7:31 pm, ron_m ron.mco...@gmail.com wrote: Another patch Hit login form getting a ticket. sqlhtml.py line 62

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
fixed the problem with sequence name. Please check. On Dec 6, 8:45 pm, ron_m ron.mco...@gmail.com wrote:

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-06 Thread ron_m
I still have MySQL installed so copied the app, changed database URL, deleted all files under the applications databases directory, created empty db, let app create empty tables by running it once to login screen. I then did the all data from tables at once export from PostgreSQL

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-04 Thread ron_m
Describe what I did Copied the trunk hg area to a work area Renamed sql.py to sql-save.py Copied dal.py to sql.py in order to replace sql.py with dal.py Copied application I am working on to applications directory Backed up the database Ran the server as python web2py.py Got this stack trace

[web2py] Re: new dal

2010-12-04 Thread ron_m
RuntimeError, Failure to connect, tried 5 times RuntimeError: Failure to connect, tried 5 times Maybe I did something wrong getting dal.py activated? On Dec 4, 10:31 am, ron_m ron.mco...@gmail.com wrote: Describe what I did Copied the trunk hg area to a work area Renamed sql.py to sql-save.py

[web2py] Re: when to use ajax

2010-12-03 Thread ron_m
Took a quick look at dynarchlib, looks great and BSD licensed. I would be careful on the licensing of Ext JS, wasn't this the one that caused some concerns a couple of years ago when they switched as they became popular with the GWT users? On Dec 3, 8:58 am, Michele Comitini

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