Well, I tried to follow the example in [1] now, but the script craches 
when it comes to the line:

   $text_obj->setText('Hi, world.')

... in the debugger I see that $text_obj at that stage is an instance of 
WOMSentenceModel. I cannot anyhow see though, that this class, nor 
WikiObjectModelCollection nor WikiObjectModel, which it extends, contain 
any "setText" method ... am I missing something?


// Samuel

On 10/28/2011 09:42 PM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
> Hi Jesse (cc SMW-devel, if someone else has some input),
> I'm looking into using the WOM extension in RDFIO.
> I was wondering what the recommended way is to access the WOM API from
> other extensions ... Is it via the API functions (described in
> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Apis
> ), for example via fauxRequest, or by using the WOMProcessor and related
> functions directly (as seen in
> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Functions#WOM_Functions
> )?
> I guess both might work(?), but I was looking for the pros/cons of each,
> and any other hints?
> Cheers,
> // Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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