Hi Samuel,

WOM api is recommended in remote using, for local use, object functions are


As to sentence object, sentence object is not a standard Wiki object.
It is treated as an 'object collection', which may contain the following
object types.  ( extensions\WikiObjectModel\includes\WOM_Setup.php
$wgOMSentenceObjectTypes )

   - text
   - property (SMW)
   - link
   - category
   - magicword
   - template field holder ( {{{xxx}}} )

The first code piece in the sample is to get the first sentence object.
Code piece to get the 'first text' is not there. Text object is inside
sentence object.
Sorry for the misleading, I just update the document.


Hope it will help.


On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Jesse Wang <wjxh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Samuel,
> Just got a chance to write back, I've busy dealing with jet lag and trick
> or treat :-)
> For developers, the recommended way is to use the WOM Functions directly
> because you have more control and it'll be faster too.
> I'm not sure what caused the error you mentioned, can you send me and Ning
> (cc-ed here too) more details about the repro of the issue (such as your
> browser version, OS, etc.)?
> Have a good weekend!
> Jesse
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Samuel Lampa 
> <samuel.lamp...@rilnet.com>wrote:
>> Hi Jesse (cc SMW-devel, if someone else has some input),
>> I'm looking into using the WOM extension in RDFIO.
>> I was wondering what the recommended way is to access the WOM API from
>> other extensions ... Is it via the API functions (described in
>> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/**index.php/Extension:Wiki_**
>> Object_Model/Apis<http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Apis>),
>>  for example via fauxRequest, or by using the WOMProcessor and related
>> functions directly (as seen in http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/**
>> index.php/Extension:Wiki_**Object_Model/Functions#WOM_**Functions<http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Functions#WOM_Functions>)?
>> I guess both might work(?), but I was looking for the pros/cons of each,
>> and any other hints?
>> Cheers,
>> // Samuel
>> --
>> Samuel Lampa
>> ------------------------------**---------
>>  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
>>   Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org
>> ------------------------------**---------
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