Thanks Jesse and Ning for the replies!

(I just saw your mails, they got sorted incorrectly in my mailbox...)

Will try out the updated code!

// Samuel

On 10/30/2011 12:03 PM, Ning Hu wrote:
> Hi Samuel,
> WOM api is recommended in remote using, for local use, object functions
> are recommended.
>   * 
>   * 
> As to sentence object, sentence object is not a standard Wiki object.
> It is treated as an 'object collection', which may contain the following
> object types.  ( extensions\WikiObjectModel\includes\WOM_Setup.php
> $wgOMSentenceObjectTypes )
>   * text
>   * property (SMW)
>   * link
>   * category
>   * magicword
>   * template field holder ( {{{xxx}}} )
> The first code piece in the sample is to get the first sentence object.
> Code piece to get the 'first text' is not there. Text object is inside
> sentence object.
> Sorry for the misleading, I just update the document.
> Hope it will help.
> Thanks,
> Ning
> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Jesse Wang <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi, Samuel,
>     Just got a chance to write back, I've busy dealing with jet lag and
>     trick or treat :-)
>     For developers, the recommended way is to use the WOM Functions
>     directly because you have more control and it'll be faster too.
>     I'm not sure what caused the error you mentioned, can you send me
>     and Ning (cc-ed here too) more details about the repro of the issue
>     (such as your browser version, OS, etc.)?
>     Have a good weekend!
>     Jesse
>     On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Samuel Lampa
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Hi Jesse (cc SMW-devel, if someone else has some input),
>         I'm looking into using the WOM extension in RDFIO.
>         I was wondering what the recommended way is to access the WOM
>         API from other extensions ... Is it via the API functions
>         (described in
> <>
>         ), for example via fauxRequest, or by using the WOMProcessor and
>         related functions directly (as seen in
> <>
>         )?
>         I guess both might work(?), but I was looking for the pros/cons
>         of each, and any other hints?
>         Cheers,
>         // Samuel
>         --
>         Samuel Lampa
>         ------------------------------__---------
>           Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
>            Blog:
>         ------------------------------__---------

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University

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