Looking closer at the $text_object in the variables view in the 
debugger, reveals that it has an WOMTextModel object in the m_objects 
array, which indeed has the setText method ...

... so it seems the example does not correctly retrieve this 
WOMTextModel object (as I guess it was assumed to do?) but instead the 
parent WOMSentenceModel object.

Will try to figure out how to get the text object (trying to understand 
the docs ... ). Hints welcome!

// Samuel

On 10/29/2011 12:39 AM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
> Well, I tried to follow the example in [1] now, but the script craches
> when it comes to the line:
>     $text_obj->setText('Hi, world.')
> ... in the debugger I see that $text_obj at that stage is an instance of
> WOMSentenceModel. I cannot anyhow see though, that this class, nor
> WikiObjectModelCollection nor WikiObjectModel, which it extends, contain
> any "setText" method ... am I missing something?
> [1]
> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Functions#Set_Wiki_object
> // Samuel
> On 10/28/2011 09:42 PM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
>> Hi Jesse (cc SMW-devel, if someone else has some input),
>> I'm looking into using the WOM extension in RDFIO.
>> I was wondering what the recommended way is to access the WOM API from
>> other extensions ... Is it via the API functions (described in
>> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Apis
>> ), for example via fauxRequest, or by using the WOMProcessor and related
>> functions directly (as seen in
>> http://wiking.vulcan.com/dev/index.php/Extension:Wiki_Object_Model/Functions#WOM_Functions
>> )?
>> I guess both might work(?), but I was looking for the pros/cons of each,
>> and any other hints?
>> Cheers,
>> // Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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