OK: going back to basics here, as I may have jumped to some conclusions
and/or missed some details:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Markus Krötzsch <
mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:

> == Feature Overview: Current Prototype Implementation ==
> SMW now has a new "subobject" feature. For example, you can use the
> parserfunction #subobject on some page "Example page" as follows:
> {{#subobject:street address
> | street name=Parks Road
> | postcode=OX1 3QD
> | city=Oxford
> | country=UK
> }}
> This does the following:
> (A) create a new subobject called "Example page#_anInternalId",
> (B) assign the property values for "street name", ..., "country" to this
> subobject,
> (C) assign the subobject "Example page#_anInternalId" as a property
> value for "street address" to "Example page".
> You could have achieved a similar effect as follows:
> (A') create a new page called "my auxiliary page",
> (B') edit this new page to contain the text:
>  [[street name::Parks Road]]
>  [[postcode::OX1 3QD]]
>  [[city::Oxford]]
>  [[country::UK]]
> (C') edit the page "Example page" to contain the text:
>  [[street address::my auxiliary page]]

In the latter case, you may have Property Pages for street name, postcode,
city, and country, and these Property Pages potentially have [[has type]]
properties of their own, letting you (for example) specify that "city" is a
page reference whereas "street name" is text.  I'm assuming that the same
holds true for the subobject?  That is, for each label=value pair in the
subobject, the label is the name of a property page that provides
information about how to interpret the value.

As well, there's potentially a property page for "street address".  In the
latter case, it [[has type::Page]]; what does it have in the former case?
I'm guessing something like [[has type::subobject]].

Question: can you define a "property subobject" instead of a property page
for a subobject's property/value pairs?  That is, on Property:street
address, can you say something like:

[[has value::subobject]]
{{#subobject: street name | has type=Text}}
{{#subobject: postcode | has type=Text}}
{{#subobject: city | has type=Page}}
{{#subobject: country | has type=Page}}

...and thus define the types of the property values that appear in a
"street address" subobject all in one place?

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang
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