When I first started using Borax I did the Hulda Clark thing, using it for 
all cleaning and washing, handwashing, though not bath, as I used Epsom 
salts for that.
Maybe because my skin care is minimal, I found that using it instead of soap 
gave me deep cracks around the sides of my fingernails.  Now that would 
probably amount to overuse, but I wonder whether perhaps it is a bit too 
much of a degreaser for some people?

So I would be more nervous of using it in the bath than swallowing it.  I 
put it in our water container so that after reverse osmosis filtering the 
water gets to absorb borax, a bit of epsom salts, and some MSM.  It's not a 
medicinal level of any, probably, and I don't put them in every time, but at 
least we get them sometimes.

I then made my own soap, and used that for handwashing and discontinued the 
borax, though I still use it for cleaning (with rubber gloves) and the 
dishwasher.  It is not so good for stainless steel in the dishwasher, but 
it's nice to know it is not caustic in the machine.  I hot rinse off the 
plates before putting them in, so the dishwasher is kind of a big rinse and 
dry machine and doesn't get much in the way of food particles and grease.


I wonder if bathing in the Borax would be a good alternative for those with 
arthritis, who maybe squeamish about eating it?  Just curious.  Thanks 

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