On 10/25/2007, Ode Coyote (odecoy...@alltel.net) wrote:
L Tryptophan was temporarily banned because a huge Japanese company
tried a new cheaper process of making it and it turned up being
toxic, resulting in a few deaths.
They had flooded the market
'Flooded the market'? They were selling a product... lets not make it
into something it wasn't...
Now, if you want to talk about how pharmaceutical companies - with the
help and blessings of the FDA - are 'flooding the market' with dangerous
and COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY 'cholesterol lowering drugs' (among hundreds
of other things) - then yes, you would have a valid point.
so it was ALL recalled and banned from sale till it was all made safe
Yep - a few deaths = total ban at gunpoint.
Let's see - how many deaths a year are there from prescription drugs
(overdoses, wrongly prescribed, or interactions)? Over a HUNDRED THOUSAND...
The "Alt Health" industry is almost as big a business as the "Pharm",
Poppycock... it is certainly way more commercialized than I would like -
but saying they are "almost as big as the 'Pharm'" is like saying I'm
"almost as famous as 'Elvis'"
but with fewer regulations and less accountability.
Because fewer are needed. Most natural health products are not toxic
chemical poisons, like pharmaceutical drugs are. Lots of crap that
doesn't do you any GOOD being sold, sure - but at least it doesn't KILL
you 99.999999% of the time.
When the "Pharm" screws up, they get sued big time. Too big to hide,
big enough to make a hard fight.
Pharmaceutical companies enjoy varying degrees of liability protection,
and have virtually unlimited resources to fight these lawsuits - but
yes, they still get sued, and in most cases, RIGHTLY SO.
Not to mention the fact most of their INDIVIDUAL 'products' have killed
FAR more people than ALL of the natural health products COMBINED.
When "alt health" screws up, most just fade out of sight.
?? More like, people go to JAIL... or are driven out of business by
armed thugs (FDA goon squads) like Dr Schulze's clinic.
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