At 03:09 PM 10/26/2007 -0500, you wrote:
Yes, I had heard that too. I knew one who took tryptophan for a long time
prior to that batch with good results. I read that that was a bad batch,
and then the FDA decided to ban it, which seemed pretty extreme to me at
the time.
The genetic engineering in food *really* compromises the value of it- it
becomes harmful instead of healthful. I have felt SO MUCH better since
getting very strict about the organic food, doing cs, and stopping all
## You have taken responsibility and put your beliefs into considered
action. Good for you.
If everyone did that, it would be a whole different situation. But, it is
risky, so almost no one does... even *if* it's actually less risky.
It is no coincidence that there is such a huge rise in anaphylactic
allergy- that is just what you should expect when giving everyone GMO
foods. All allergies are on the rise, and it is my belief that the gmo
products are causing it. The companies that produce it are extremely
careful to ensure that none of their foods can be traced back to them, as
they could lose their shirts legally. I wonder how much it has cost them
to pay off the right people to keep us from having labeled GMO products
that can be traced back to the source......
## Which could just as well be that children are no longer allowed to eat
mud pies...or [GASP] that going to extremes to save every child no matter
how defective, is bleeding the strength of the Gene pool.
What happened to natural birth...and the infant mortality rate that goes
with it?
How does protecting anyone make them smarter or stronger?
Going organic may be a viable alternative, so, go organic. "Do it"
Even if it isn't, there are other good reasons to and doing so, takes
sales power away from GMO by "application" of a better power, making GMO a
non enemy, gone around.
"Your" label makes their lack of labeling irrelevant. Buy "your" story
and theirs is history unsold.
If it really IS better and worth the effort, that's where it will all wind up.
If you know a good horse, feed it and ride it....and all the donkeys will
bray into the breeze, unused and unfed.
But, if you fall's your horse.
Can't bray at donkeys, any more.
"Not doing" falls short of any ride that has reins, no way around that.
And no one that won't pick up his own reins, can legitimately complain
about where donkeys take them.
The "people" have ALL the power.
Using it is always, most just give it away. [to others who may
not care how scared you are..and/or..sell you your own fear. ]
That's right. Even the "Pharm" cannot survive without your fear and faith.
It has no power of its own.
None, at all.
It relies entirely on dependence for its existence.
So, how can it be an "enemy" if those willing to walk, can walk right
around it ?
On Oct 26, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Simon Jester wrote:
On 10/26/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:
Yes, "flooded" is the correct term. [maybe not "inundated" ]
That Japanese outfit was HUGE and made tryptofan a lot cheaper than
anyone else using their new [faulty] process.
It was due to using GENETICALLY ENGINEERED BACTERIA... they had been
producing tryptophan for many years prior to that.
Had the FDA kept that crap out of our food supply (read: BEEN DOING THEIR
SUPPOSED JOB), it never would have happened.
But no, your (apparently beloved) FDA approves of this junk wholeheartedly.
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