So how much are geiger counters, and how good do they have to be to see something like this? Ah, the goold old military-industrial complex is at it again.

On Oct 30, 2007, at 5:00 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

Speaking of Geiger counters: folks in Hawaii are testing their air downrange from military bases and finding high radiation counts. These results were so conclusive that the DOD finally broke down and admitted to firing DU weapons on the firing range. The legal action continues.

I mention this because the DU issue seems to have legs -- protesters in Tennessee, my home state, marched on a DU maker in Jonesborough, and the Volunteer State is definitely not the Activist State, so people must be pretty wound up. Ordinary folks just don't like these weapons, and hate the prospect that they may be contaminating large areas of the planet.

We're going to be hearing more about Geiger counters for years to come, especially from folks who live near military installations. EIS won't be of any use against aerosolized DU nano-particles. People who care about health had better care about this issue.

On Tuesday, Oct 30, 2007, at 22:02 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

  Got a Geiger counter?
Might want to check how radioactive that water is. Granite buildings often don't meet Rad dose spec for 24 hour inhabitation.
 You wouldn't want to "live" in a bank.
 Also, it's filtered through minerals and likely has a high content.


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