I thought I'd canvas the intelligent people on this group for some ideas to help my husband. He has trouble breathing, and doctors don't seem to be able to help him. The breathing difficulty occurs with any exertion at all, and also when he bends over as in to tie a shoelace. He's had x-rays of his lungs, and the doctors have told him that he has Histoplasmosis --
I had histoplasmosis when I was 7 years old. Took over a year to get over it. It responds very very well to nebulized CS from what I understand. Addition of some DMSO would most likely make it even better. Wish we had had CS when I had it, would have probably gotten rid of it in less than a week, and not missed a year of school. Anyway, it definitely causes one to have trouble breathing. I could hardly do anything without getting out of breath, and clammy skinned. The only lasting effect is that any time I get an X-Ray they think I have TB from the calcium deposits.


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