Since when is histoplasmosis not a problem?

Working around poultry can give you plenty of lung diseases, too. Their poop has mold that can cause lung diseases, just ask about Parrot fever- when it is found in poultry, they have to kill the whole flock, it is so bad for people.

It seems reasonable to assume it is infectious in origin, at least as a working hypothesis. then there are a couple of ways to approach it- support the body with supplements, like mentioned by others, and kill of the infection, by whatever means, nebulizing CS, or whatever.

just my 2 cents,  Kathryn

On Nov 3, 2007, at 10:13 AM, wrote:

I thought I'd canvas the intelligent people on this group for some ideas to help my husband.  He has trouble breathing, and doctors don't seem to be able to help him.  The breathing difficulty occurs with any exertion at all, and also when he bends over as in to tie a shoelace.  He's had x-rays of his lungs, and the doctors have told him that he has Histoplasmosis -- but that that is not causing his breathing difficulty.  The doctors (pulmonologists) said that basically what's wrong with his lungs is that they're 75 years old.  I know a lot of 75-year old people who have no trouble breathing, so that doesn't cut it with me.  They prescribed inhalation products for him, but they did not help.  Some background:  he was a firefighter for thirty years, he was a very heavy smoker for at least as long (but hasn't smoked in twenty-five years), and most recently he ran two poultry growing houses for thirteen years.  So his lungs! have h ad plenty of abuse. He is otherwise a healthy and strong individual, about ten lbs. overweight with a bit of a paunch but not a lot.  If his lungs aren't diseased, except for the Histoplasmosis, then what is causing the breathing difficulties?  If anyone has any ideas to share, we'd be grateful.  Oh -- one other thing -- his father died from emphysema.  I don't know if that disease is genetic or not, or if it predisposes him to lung trouble.  But he's not been diagnosed with emphysema -- or least no one has told us so.  TIA.  MA 

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