Here's an emphysema recommendation from a health consultant on another list-

"Serrapeptase is profoundly beneficial.  You can go to my site and read
up on it a little.   It clears the lungs
of scar tissue and inflammation rather quickly and I have yet to have
one person with emphysema who was not greatly helped with it."

We've also tried oral EDTA along with l-Carnitine and Lysine to help shortness of breath we were experiencing while doing physical exertion and it seemed to help, from Serrapeptase is available from lots of online health stores.


On Nov 3, 2007, at 10:53 AM, Dave wrote: wrote:
I thought I'd canvas the intelligent people on this group for some ideas to help my husband.  He has trouble breathing, and doctors don't seem to be able to help him.

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