At 02:50 PM 7/1/2008, you wrote:
My son's area is infested with deer. It is not unusual for him to see as many a 7 deer in his backyard at once, and it is unusual when we visit for us to not see at least one deer while there. The only way we have been able to deal with them is to only plant nightshades, they leave them alone. That pretty well limits our garden to things like tomatoes and potatoes.
   I could tell you a simple trick that will keep them away, most of the time.

   Moth Balls.   You can buy this in a 50 pound bag I think.

   You should know more about those tricks than I do.  <grin>

   Now., .......... Who owns the deer ?

   Some states say they are  "Property of the State".

They live on my land, bed on my land, eat all my wild plants, and then will eat my costly crops.

Supposedly, I should get a permit from the state to shoot one for doing crop damage.

    Actually the state should PAY ME for the damage.

The state has beat me out of all the money I intend to allow, the rest of my life.

    Often 10 to 20 grand at a time.   Bad news.

They also say you cannot have a pet deer. And if you kill one for crop damage, you should leave it laying there. And have to smell it while working in the field ?

    Laws are made for the benefit of those that make the laws.

I talked to the Game and Fish department last year and they beat around the bush telling me all sorts of things. They can keep their genius information.

I think the right dog on a chain would keep them out.

I have a barking dog siren driver for alarms.

One year they ate virtually all my watermelons.

This year, they cost 8 to 10.00 each.

Two or three rounds of ammunition don't cost much.  I make it.

While it may be illegal for my pick up the deer, many of my friends have said they will come and remove the deer.

I can set all kinds of mean and nasty traps for the deer.

Even kill them automatically.

Yes, I have many options but time is running out.



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